June 2, 2019

Who do you think will be the Democratic Party nominee?

I say Elizabeth Warren.

She's the one who's really fighting for it, and she's the best choice to go up against Trump. She's got the verbal clarity and aggression, and she can take hits without crumpling. She's the most like Trump in style and skill.

I'm not talking about where she is on the political spectrum or all the policies, and I'm not saying who I want to be President. I'm just predicting and expressing a preference about the debate I'd most like to watch. And I assume Trump will win. I just would like to see him have to go through a hard fight, and not a boring fight.

Watch Kamala Harris hand over the microphone with zero resistance to a goofball lunatic:

Harris passively waits for it to be her turn to intone a series of words.

Liz seizes the opportunity.

Hey, I already have a tag that says "Warren is like Trump."



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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Warren can hold back the cray cray and the Hillary-esque Maddow hatred of most America and Trump-cult-hate in particular, I agree.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No - the smart left understand that policy talk is a killer. Talk policy later, go full personality and vague promises of making the rich pay for your free stuff, now.

That's how Polis won in CO. He didn't let on that he is a total leftwing fascist during the campaign. He did not talk about policy, he went full personality. (with his own 30 million to smother)

Jaq said...

So what’s worse, getting ahead through affirmative action fraud, taking a position on the Harvard faculty from a minority, most likely a black man or woman, be real here,

Or getting ahead by buying into the whole sex with the boss route that is mostly only available to pretty women?

Warren didn’t have an answer just last week when asked about her affirmative action fraud.

Carol said...

Biden's VP for sure.

Jaq said...

She’s in the Bernie “lane” and Bernie will not run out of money, he doesn’t need that much, running mostly a campaign of personality.

Bilwick said...

"I will fight for you"--translation, "I will fight for the right to steal more of your money and more of your neighbor's money, and buy your votes with the loot."

Ann Althouse said...

Remember when Bernie gave up the microphone?

Hagar said...

Her voice and manner will kill her with the men.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Biden is the serious candidate making the fewest really stupid policy proposals. I think the Demo leadership is smart enough to know that that is needed to have a chance against Trump.

rhhardin said...

Trump gets his power by outwitting the media and the deep state and political correctness, not by seizing the microphone. They hand him the microphone hoping he'll self-destruct, not realizing that his zingers resonate with everybody.

Warren is just another PC bore, differing in unpleasantness style from the others.

Clyde said...

It wasn’t just that she let the activist grab her microphone, it’s that she immediately did a Brave Sir Robin and skedaddled off the stage. I could see maybe getting up and going behind her chair; that would put something between herself and the disrupter. But fleeing the stage entirely? Weak.

As for Warren, she has that Sally Struthers-type whine to her voice that would be irritating to listen to for four years. Just as Hillary Clinton reminded many men of their first ex-wife, so too will Warren be a harridan that nobody will want gnawing at their ears.

rhhardin said...

An indian swearing to fight for the country is amusing. I don't know how Warren will avoid that.

Jaq said...

Here’s the thing: When a candidate tells you about all the things that aren’t possible, about how political calculations come first, they’re telling you something very important.

That’s what those girls who designed that bridge in Miami believed.

rehajm said...

No chance. Faulty reasoning. Lack of knowledge of the rules

rhhardin said...

Warren has inherited the risibility of indian culture in America, even if not an indian. There's no indian joke that does not occur to people.

Amadeus 48 said...

This is great. When she loses, she will claim she really won for the rest of her life, just like Stacey Abrams.

Here's the problem:

GOP: We got Trump. Who you got?
Dems: Lots. We got lots.
GOP: Who you got that's good?
Dems: Obama.

That's the problem.

mccullough said...

Warren is probably the strongest of The Senators.

Like being the tallest building in Topeka.

She’ll hang around during the summer and then will implode again. She is tied up with Harvard. And people hate Harvard.

rhhardin said...

Withdraw the squaw.

mccullough said...

Blacks won’t vote for Warren. Same problem Bernie had last time and this time.

Paco Wové said...

"I’m here to fight for our country."

For certain values of "our".

Amadeus 48 said...

On the other hand, the Indian jokes are going to be great. Bring back Stan Freberg!

Jaq said...

Biden is the serious candidate making the fewest really stupid policy proposals. I think the Demo leadership is smart enough to know that that is needed to have a chance against Trump.

Like HIllary, Biden is guilty in spades of all of the crap that the Dems accuse Trump of. It’s not going to work. Are we going to talk about unhinged fantasies re Russia and not the realities regarding Biden and China? The real reason the press hates Trump’s Twitter machine is that it allows him a voice in controlling the national attention. Without it the press could pick and choose from his words.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There was an AD that the RNC made before the 2016 election. It layered Liz's voice and words on top, with clips of D-elites glad-handing the world's filthy mega-money rulers. Lots of Bill and Hillary. It was great.
Liz's voice sounded EXACTLY like Sarah Palin.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

"I'm paying for this microphone."

rhhardin said...

Silly bunny

Elect the rabbit. Warren for President.

rhhardin said...

It's rabbit day. Harris and Warren.

Earnest Prole said...

Nonsense. After opposition research kicks in the Left will hate the fake Indian as much as the Right. Preview: “You sound like the original Rachel Dolezal a little bit.”

Paco Wové said...

"Remember when Bernie gave up the microphone?"

How might history have changed if he had said, "Gimme back my microphone, bitches!"? I at least would have gained much respect for the man.

Fernandinande said...

She actually handed the mic to him - she seemed to think he was part of the TV act, which, come to think of it, maybe he was.

JackWayne said...

Trying to look at it objectively, my question is: Does the Democrat Party still think it is a woman’s turn after Hillary’s failure? The base may decide to double down or they may decide against. The same for Harris. She has the black and woman boxes checked but it comes down to the base. Are they ready for another black, are they ready for another woman? Finally, can either of them do to Biden what Trump did to Jeb? So far I don’t see it.

Jaq said...

And then there’s Elizabeth Warren
With other people’s money she’s whorin’
She says she’s "not shrill"
I say “take a pill,”
And the squaw stuff we’ll not be ignorin’

rhhardin said...

The question is who in their right mind would identify as an indian. Tone deafness.

Indians that don't identify as indians do fine. It's America after all.

TreeJoe said...

Wow Ann I usually think you have solid reasoning but the idea Warren can hold up in a confrontation is laughable.

She can do talking points, and she can talk populist, but there is no evidence she can handle a serious debate with someone taunting her or taking her positions on with strong rebuttal. If anything quite the opposite.

There’s only a few things that matter in presidential politics:

1. Fundraising - she’s ok.
2. General likeability - nope
3. The ability to stay in as others whittle away - nope. We see how she handled the Indian DNA test. Laughingstock. Poor instincts.
4. The ability to look great in a debate. Nope.

There’s just not enough there there to bet on her.

Otto said...

Ann is starting to panic.

J. Farmer said...

Who do I think will win? Don't have the slightest clue. Who would I prefer to win? Bernie Sanders. As a good rule of thumb, anyone the Establishment seems eager to tar and feather is a good bet. Joe Biden would be an absolute disaster. He is a totally Establishment-approved centrist corporatist in the mold of at least the last three presidents we had before Trump.

Tank said...

She is tone deaf and looks unbalanced. Remember her drinking beer on video on New Year’s eve? That woman is not getting the nomination.

“I think I’ll have a beer.”

rhhardin said...

I heard a woman in Texas (Susan) talking to Australia in morse code this morning, so women aren't completely hopeless.

Leland said...

I still think Kamala Harris would be the toughest opponent, but she's getting no traction. Then again, I don't see Warren doing well with the identity politics side of her party. Warren lost her argument about her heritage, but that's not as bad as the implications of her argument to her success. Like any general election candidate, she's starting down about 45pts, and Warren can't afford to lose more.

Biden is sure looking good now, but I don't see what is inspiring to voters from Biden other than Obama's VP. He's boring, which is good for those who like boring, but he's still creepy with young girls.

I think Bernie is the only one that can energize a base, which he needs to re-energize this time. If Bernie can get the nomination, then the election will be the first honest referendum on socialism in the United States. I say first, because I expect it to lose, but supporters of Democratic Socialism only like it, so they can keep putting forth a question until they get the results that they want.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

-.-. --.- -.. . .-- --... ... ..- -...

Bob Smith said...

When did Liz discover she was White?

Curious George said...

“I think I’ll have a beer.”

It was worse than that. "I'm gonna get me a beer."

Glen Filthie said...

Not a chance Althouse. Victim politics and affirmative action voting were done like dinner after 8 years of it with Obutthole... and Warren is just more of the same. (Except instead of a creepy negro, Warren is a menopausal harridan. (Perhaps that’s why she appeals to you?)).

In a party fractured by race, gender, and homosexuality, there’s only one candidate that has a chance of appealing to the normies and people that actually work for a living... and that is another old white guy - Creepy Joe.

jim said...

enjoyable seeing Ms. Harris roll her eyes, various twits mill around, then some guy just walk right through and get him off stage.

Bob Boyd said...

Warren understands that the American people are the problem and she's ready to roll up her sleeves.

Martha said...

Warren unwisely alienated the many who watch Fox News:

Elizabeth Warren announced Tuesday morning that she is rejecting an invitation from Fox News to participate in a town hall with the network, slamming the outlet as a "hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists."

In a series of tweets, the Massachusetts Democrat said that what she sees as Fox News' "hate-for-profit" model means that the network "balances a mix of bigotry, racism, and outright lies with enough legit journalism to make the claim to advertisers that it's a reputable news outlet. It's all about dragging in ad money -- big ad money

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Keep in mind none of these people had the courage to run against Hillary Clinton in an open election when they could have won- except Bernie.

J. Farmer said...


If Bernie can get the nomination, then the election will be the first honest referendum on socialism in the United States.

You could make a pretty strong case for the 1932 election between Roosevelt and Hoover. There is really no need because socialism has been entrenched in this, and pretty much every other country, for nearly a century. Trump ran during the primaries on protecting Social Security and Medicare from Paul Ryan's voucherization scheme.

Mark said...

I think that Democrat primary voters will say different.

jpg said...

Michelle Obama.

Johnathan Birks said...

Too old. Too white. Bald faced liar. Well the last one isn't disqualifying, but the woke mob will demand someone who might actually beat Trump. That ain't Lizzy.

traditionalguy said...

Beware of the Warrior Princess. She is not Cherokee. She is an under cover Scots-Irish . ergo: she will never surrender.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SS and medicare are socialistic, but they are merely programs. Total socialism has not been attempted here ... yet. We are still allowed to own private property and run private businesses.

Wince said...

I'd vote for the guy with the man-bun. He showed passion.

Phil 314 said...

Elizabeth Warren is Hillary Clinton without the charm.

bagoh20 said...

I agree that Warren is the best becuase she is a fighter and does not come off as crazy as the rest, but like Hillary she is unlikeable in a way that only applies to women. Biden is most likely, and he will be terrible in the fight and especially in debates. Biden is Hillary without the automatic woman votes. The Dems have never looked less capable of winning and it's against a man with incredible negatives to millions of people. Not negatives they can actually explain, but internalized, undefined negatives that completely overwhelm their reasoning.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

She has to deal with the Pocahontas thing. Still hasn't done a good job. She needs a Trump-style response.

Fernandinande said...

-.-. --.- -.. . .-- --... ... ..- -...

Some kind of dogist race whistle?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Trump isn't likeable! Who cares about like? No one is going to like a major party nominee other than partisans. That's where we are at now.

bagoh20 said...

If Trump gets his trade war won, and immigration is still a disaster, Trump will destroy the Dems. Nobody on either side believes any of the Dems could or want to solve those problems.

Bob Boyd said...

Warren has a likability problem. Heck, Joe won't even sniff her hair.

Retail Lawyer said...

The image of a third-rate phony "fighting" for me just doesn't work. I've had too man years of Barbara Boxer "fighting" for me. You are really pathetic if you need these women fighting for you.

Jaq said...

Democrats can't use Jimmy Carter's "Why not the best?" Because it would just make people vote for Trump.

Andrew said...

"Did you honestly expect the seated woman to stand, and fight the bearded man?"

I did not expect it, but if Harris had tackled the man, and then shoved her thumbs into his eyes like the Mountain did to Oberyn in Game of Thrones, I would have considered voting for her.

Trump would not have directly confronted the man, but he wouldn't have sheepishly left the stage either. He would have spontaneously said something clever, while expressing contempt for the protester. He would have asserted his dominance and still maintained his composure. He probably would have had the whole room laughing.

Add me to the list of those who were disappointed in Bernie for handing over the microphone to the BLM protesters. That was a great opportunity lost. "Get the f--- off my stage!" He could have charged at them like a bull. The crowd would have cheered. He would have won the nomination if not the election. Same with "I'm sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails." If he had said, "You should be in jail, you treasonous, oligarchic bitch!" Hillary's campaign would have been over.

Gk1 said...

What Treejoe said, Warren's political instincts suck. Her own goal DNA test lets us know how stupid she really is and how Trump will cut her down like the fake wooden indian she is.

bagoh20 said...

A smart Dem candidate would go the reasonable route. No impeachment talk, promise to be Trump in all the good ways and still not be Trump. Dems just want Trump to go down. They will pick anybody who can do that. It will become obvious later that being wild-eyed and just hating Trump is not a winning path.

Jaq said...

Like I said yesterday, Warren is not fighting for the working man, she's vowing to fight against him.

alanc709 said...

Warren will fight for your right to destroy the country, anything else is unacceptable.

Narayanan said...

...creepy with young girls...

Any polls ask that specific question?

For Childless Democrats may not be bothering.
How many are there?
Is there a break down of numbers?

Narayanan said...

Campaign preparedness kits should include own mic and a spare. Fully charged up.

bagoh20 said...

The hard core partisans on both sides are not the important voters. They cannot be swayed. The moderates in the middle are what counts and wins. They may not like Trump, but they do not want to lose the Trump economy, and they know it is doomed under any of the current Dems. It's mostly still the economy, stupid. If that turns, Trump will have a very hard time, and if it doesn't he's in. Therefore, we know a huge portion of the country wants the economy to take a shit, and right now. Isn't that nice to know?

madAsHell said...

She reminds me of the playground supervisor at the elementary school.

rehajm said...

Remember when the DNC changed the superdelegate rules? Ya think they changed the superdelegate rules?

traditionalguy said...

If Joe sniffs the warrior Princess she will deck him.

Automatic_Wing said...

Well, someone has to win the nomination and the candidates all have their flaws. So sure, I guess Warren could win with her Fighting Fighter Who Fights For You schtick. But what others have said about her political instincts is on point - anyone with the slightest feel for politics would taken the results of that DNA test and burned them. Or better yet, not taken the test in the first place.

David Begley said...

It will be Biden. Trump will crush him.

FIDO said...

She is an v old frail white woman. Althouse looks to have three times the energy and spunk! She hasn't shown any particular brilliance or the ability to speak eloquently. She has no 'zingers' in her repertoire.

She seems even lower energy than Hillary and frankly, even Hillary seems more intelligent.

But that isn't the question: Will a frail old woman, elevated on fake minority status to a overly snotty educational establishment who had ridiculously wrong academic papers; who was an ardent and vocal enemy of men everywhere during the Kavanaugh hearing, become the nominee for president of the United States?

If you phrase the question properly, the answer just pops out unbidden. Or is that unBiden?

She is the 70 year old Marius doing jumping jacks in the square, thinking he is getting the generalship to attack Pontus, a risible figure of hope over reality.

Temujin said...

I respect your opinion, but I think you're way, way off on the E. Warren pick. She's incredibly hard to like, hard to listen to. I still think Kamala has a much better shot. But I keep waiting for that special person not yet in it- a woman- to come in and sound sensible, not so far left. Someone who, like Obama, is a blank canvas onto which people can paint their view of that person.

If that does not happen, I don't think it matters who the Dems put up OR what Trump says between now and then. The country as a whole is not going to vote in an extreme Left person knowingly to the White House. At least not yet. Maybe in another 6 years.

David Begley said...

Hagar is correct. Warren reminds an entire generation of men of a grade school teacher they hated.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I would simply say - they are all full of shit. Trump is full of shit too, but less so.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The destruction of freedom, free will, and personal liberty is the main goal on the left.
But it's for your own good.

Michael K said...

enjoyable seeing Ms. Harris roll her eyes, various twits mill around, then some guy just walk right through and get him off stage.

Patriarchal privilege or something. It was funny. Too bad Bernie didn't have an alpha male in Seattle in 2016, although those women outweighed most in the audience.

The Democrat Convention audience in CA, that loved Warren, is 98% crazies. Biden is leading in the polls because only about 25% of Democrats are crazy nationally. Even in Congress, only about 1/3 are crazies. It's 1972 again but with more crazies on the left.

Who will end up the candidate? I still think it could be Michelle as the party realizes those running are all losers.

Limited blogger said...

The left better beef up the security. That asshole could have done some damage before anybody that could overpower him appeared.

FIDO said...

Warren sniffs disdainfully.

Biden sniffs young girls.

Trump sniffs supermodels...and they let him!

Who wins? (Warren gets the 'haughty' vote)

Jaq said...

She can not quite possibly win.

Browndog said...

I gave this some thought a couple weeks ago.

Establishment: Biden or Hillary (yes, Hillary)

Woke slate: Warren or Harris

As far as mayor Pete, he was elected mayor of a town with less than 7,000 votes. Not ready for a national campaign.

Limited blogger said...

Ok, I have some grudging respect for Liz. Don't want her anywhere near the levers of power though.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If the Democrats are sane, they would nominate someone who is mediocre, unobjectionable to the independent voters and working class voters. Not a screaming Socialist. Not an untested newbie. Not a homosexual with a husband (sorry, the public is just not ready for this).

They would stay away from divisive picks. Or picking a candidate on checking off all the "woke" boxes. The country might be ready for a woman, but none of those offered by the Dems are that woman. Warren is just a screaming Hillary redux.

Bland and able to parrot the talking points that say nothing which will appeal to the average Democrat voter. Bland and easily able to be a pleasing front for the real powers that manipulate in the background.

Sounds like Biden to me.

Jaq said...

I would prefer the honest debate that Sanders would enable, I said so last time.

madAsHell said...

Elizabeth Warren is Charlie Brown's teacher!! waaaAAAHHHH!! waaaAAAHHHH!! waaaAAAHHHH!!

Jaq said...

How is Biden going to appeal to the energy extaction and heavy industry workers that Trump took while not alienating the green wing. Democrats are split as a party and Republicans are unified with new energy from labor union rank and file.

bagoh20 said...

I think this "fighting for you" does not involve very much fighting, nor are you really what it's about. It's really just making deals and how it works out for you is the last thing in mind. Hell, they don't even know you, live like you, or understand you, and they don't care to. You are less relevant than just about everything else. Keep that truth in mind and your vote becomes a respectable decision.

dbp said...

I think Warren has a chance if both Biden and Bernie have heart attacks and die.

Paul said...

Pocahontas? Seriously? No...She has to much baggage. She has more baggage than the King Of England had on his Indian safaris.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How is Biden going to appeal to the energy extaction and heavy industry workers that Trump took while not alienating the green wing.

He isn't. I don't think Biden can win against Trump. I don't think that any of them can. I just think that of the field of candidates presented, Biden is the least alienating, horrifying of the bunch to the majority of the electorate and to the voters that they hope to keep or persuade to their side.

Hickenlooper doesn't have a chance of being nominated. He is TOO sane, logical and offers "some" actual real world ideas.

bagoh20 said...

If Warren gets far enough to debate Trump, she will come off as scripted, unimaginative, and dull, becuase she is just that. She has no spontaneity or humor about her. She will be Al Gore, Kerry, and Hillary all over again. Bernie versus Trump would be highly entertaining - hilarious actually. Trump will destroy him by simply bring up what both of them have been doing their whole lives. Few Americans want to hire for President the equivalent of their unemployed son who has been living in the basement for years and telling them how unfair the system is.

Michael K said...

As far as mayor Pete, he was elected mayor of a town with less than 7,000 votes. Not ready for a national campaign.

He is an indicator of the yearning by Democrats for a candidate not on Medicare. Obama killed off all the farm teams.

Bob Boyd said...

"Okay, I lied about being an Indian and stuff, but..."

Limited blogger said...

Said it months ago.

Nobody wants to be the loser against Trump.

So they are jockeying for 2nd place.

Unsullied for 2024

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hickenlooper is sane. As a small business owner, he is someone with experience in private industry. He is full-left, but he isn't a socialist. So - yeah - he has ZERO chance.

Name a democrat who hasn't lived a privileged sheltered life inside of the Harvard-University-Government bubble. Name ONE D who hasn't lived on the government paycheck their entire adult lives.

Browndog said...

. Obama killed off all the farm teams.

That's a great point.

Mike Sylwester said...

If Elizabeth Warren wins the Democratic Party's nomination, then many Democrats and Independents will support and vote for Howard Schultz in the general election.

Temujin said...

Watching the video you see the guy wearing a man-bun, working as an activist, disrupting the talk on BIG IDEAS. So much stereotyping there that it could be a skit from an improve group. That is, if they weren't all busy working on Trump routines.

Then the moderator thanked the man-bun wearing activist for his own BIG IDEA and said that 'hey, we all have BIG IDEAS'. Not a reprimand. Not a setting the tone moment about how we behave at these events. Just another whimpering...it's OK that you ran onstage and cold cocked the candidate. We respect your right to protest moment.

Here's a BIG IDEA for the Dems. Look outside of that auditorium. Take a look around San Francisco and see if you can figure out how to stop your citizens from crapping in the streets. Or look also to Seattle. Portland. LA. Detroit. Baltimore. Newark. Chicago. New York. St. Louis. Tell me what those cities all have in common. There is such a wide gulf between the things that move Democrats and the things that move a society forward.

Kevin said...

Warren’s campaign would be about how she checked the affirmative action boxes but received no benefit.

Is that the debate you’re hoping to have? Because that’s the one Trump is going to make her have.

And she’s not going to win it.

SGT Ted said...

I disagree. I think Biden is going to fixed to be the nominee, just like Hillary was. The Dem party apparat will not pick Warren.

Narayanan said...

You are really pathetic if you need these women fighting for you.

I'm momma boy.
I'm umbrage and outrage.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect and affection, no.

The fake Indian thing will sink her.

David Begley said...

Hugh Hewitt just said it will be Mayor Pete. He’s the one most different from Trump. I could see that.

Narayanan said...

...the honest debate that Sanders would enable...

Hillary must have had choke chain on him last cycle.

To Whom will she sell/gift it?

hawkeyedjb said...

"I’m here to fight for our country."

= "I'm here to grab your money. Wanna fight?"

hombre said...

Warren is not the Grifter Hillary was, but she is sufficiently unprincipled to be the Democrat nominee.

Drago said...

Althouse: " She's got the verbal clarity and aggression, and she can take hits without crumpling."


TreeJoe: "Wow Ann I usually think you have solid reasoning but the idea Warren can hold up in a confrontation is laughable.

She can do talking points, and she can talk populist, but there is no evidence she can handle a serious debate with someone taunting her or taking her positions on with strong rebuttal. If anything quite the opposite."


If "Charlamagne Tha God" (radio personality) can destroy her with a just a couple of quiet, low-key, on point questions the field of dems are going to have no problem jumping all over that with both feet.

Just watch that video and it all becomes clear.

Browndog said...

I just don't see how you can beat a successful incumbent. Orange Man Bad is not enough to get democrats excited about one particular candidate. Nor is it enough to drive the masses to the polls to vote Trump out.

However, I do think the dem candidate will beat Trump by 10 million "votes" in California this time, proving the need to abolish the Electoral College.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"A party that believes that no one is above the law".... Fucking lying hypocrite. Go have you a beer.

Narayanan said...

Obama killed off all the farm teams.

Academia have salted the soil (souls).

I'm not Buwaya.

mockturtle said...

The admission by the Dems is clear: They have no agenda but defeating Trump. And they can't even state why they don't like him or what makes him the 'worst President in history'. Losers all and they will remain so.

rcocean said...

Too bad Warren's Country isn't the USA. It seems to be Blue state Bi-coastal California, NY, and New England.

rcocean said...

Warren would have given the guy the Tomahawk Chop.

Ken B said...

Interesting take. Maybe she is fighting, but to me it looks like flailing. That is unlike Trump. Trump never flails.

She cannot win. The fraud about her imaginary ancestors and the DNA test have rendered her unelectable. I suspect they have also made her unnominatible.

She isn’t likable but that isn’t such a big deal, because dislike pales compared to the loathing the Dems feel for Trump. But it might matter in the general election. I do not see her winning over blue collar voters the way Biden might.

mockturtle said...

In fact, if a Dem candidate offered to close the border, bring jobs back to the US and told the media to fuck off, he/she might have a good chance of winning just by being 'not Trump'.

Jersey Fled said...

Each of the candidates will have to take a stand on the Russia Collusion hoax as more and more comes out. Will they stay with Trump obstructed justice and let's have a sham impeachment trial, which they can't win, or will they be forced to admit that the whole thing was a setup funded by Hillary and implemented by the Obama administration.

The base likes door number one but the country will pick door number two.

At least one of them will be smart enough or low enough in the polls to pull a Dershowitz, and them the race really begins.

Until then, it's just all table setting.

rcocean said...

Imagine these wimps going up against Putin! "Please Mr. Putin return the Ukraine. Its not yours. But thanks for your big ideas"

Gahrie said...

I still say it's Hillary unless someone pouts a stake through her heart.

rcocean said...

In fact, if a Dem candidate offered to close the border, bring jobs back to the US and told the media to fuck off, he/she might have a good chance of winning just by being 'not Trump'.

No Democrat supports that. In fact the opposite. Every D candidate loves our illegal aliens and wants more of them. As for Jobs - the Democrats talk about fixing NAFTA or outsourcing EVERY Presidential election year - and then do nothing. Unless you're into identity politics, and consider the D's your party because they are the Black man party, or the Gay party, or the Jewish Part, they have ZERO offer anyone who's not poor and on welfare.

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

The Democrats seem to be split into two camps. The First, just wants to beat trump and wants someone "electable". This camp would nominate Mitt Romney if he would change parties and they could be sure he would beat Trump.

The second group wants real, Left-wing change. They want a "true Believer". They don't have the votes to win, but they can push the candidates into supporting some real wacko positions.

Ken B said...

I don’t see Buttigieg getting the nomination, and I would not support him if he did, but he has one asset that might matter a lot: I wouldn’t feel dirty voting for him. I would feel besmirched voting for Biden or Warren or Booker or ... pretty much any of them.

rcocean said...

Warren has a glass jaw. And unlike Hillary, the Democrats don't see her as the Queen on the way to the coronation. Most don't seem to like, too white, too much of a "Becky". She's from Oklahoma - dontcha know. Others think she's not electable.

Narayanan said...

Trump has pincerred GOP e and Democrat by twining together both re Mexico : it is now trade deals and immigration.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you disagree with any democratic, you're a Russian operative who obstructed justice.

rcocean said...

Even the Democrats wouldn't nominate a mayor from a minor league city.

FIDO said...

No one wants to 'take a punch'. One 'rolls with the punches', taking what should be a solid hit and deflect it to be a non-issue.

So what exactly has Warren been able to deflect? Her stupid papers in Harvard which were proven wrong? Her fake heritage? Her ardent feminism which turns off exactly 50% of the nation?

I have not seen her be anything BUT a punching bag on these issues. No foot work, no ready retorts, no deflection. "My opponent mentioned that I worked in a store which sold alcohol. And I am ashamed to admit this is true. But he neglected to tell you he only knows this because he was my best customer!"

Where is that kind of pithiness in Warren? Maybe it's in her beer.

chickelit said...

Biden was smart to avoid this cacophony in California. He'll win that state no matter what if he gets the nomination. The other 4 Non Biden's were there to defeat each other, not Trump. Harris is imploding fast.

rcocean said...

Talk about Gender politics. The stage is full of female candidates, the Moderator is a woman, and some random MAN just walks up and takes the microphone and the women can...DO NOTHING. After a long time, some MEN show up and usher him out.

deepelemblues said...

Oh please let the nominee be Warren

chickelit said...

Gahrie said...I still say it's Hillary unless someone pouts a stake through her heart.

She's waiting for someone to start a "Miss Me Yet?" whisper campaign.

rcocean said...

I was hoping for another "Don't Taz me Bro" moment at the end. But was disappointed.

Browndog said...

The second group wants real, Left-wing change. They want a "true Believer". They don't have the votes to win, but they can push the candidates into supporting some real wacko positions.

I don't think they need much of a push.

For instance, Kamala Harris said last week that she would "not allow" States to enact new abortion laws without getting approval from, and I quote, "my DOJ'.

Seeing Red said...

That's how Polis won in CO. He didn't let on that he is a total leftwing fascist during the campaign. He did not talk about policy, he went full personality. (with his own 30 million to smother)

That’s how they have to win. Think 2006. They have to hide.

Bruce Hayden said...

“That's how Polis won in CO. He didn't let on that he is a total leftwing fascist during the campaign. He did not talk about policy, he went full personality. (with his own 30 million to smother)”

Those of us who were (at some point) in his Congressional district knew that he was a liberal whack job. I was supposed to be impressed that he was married to another guy. Of course, with three decent sized universities in his district, that might have helped him get elected to Congress. I was always just happy that I didn’t have Denver’s Diane DeGette representing me. From the time he was first elected to Congress, he was always the second most crazy leftist in the CO delegation.

Ray - SoCal said...

The Rachel Donazel question just destroyed Warrens chances in the Black community...

And Trump has not even used it yet...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I hope you’re right.

Yancey Ward said...

Warren definitely gave the best speech yesterday of the group (I actually watched all of them). She is starting to target Biden, which is the right approach at this time. All of the other candidates are trying to outdo one another in targeting only Trump.

To get the nomination, you have to differentiate yourself from the Democratic candidates, not differentiate yourself from the Republican president.

Limited blogger said...

The dems can't seem to stand any scrutiny.

Yancey Ward said...

Captain Manbun should have been tackled and dragged off by security immediately. With security this passive, these candidates can be murdered with just a butter knife.

Peteforester said...

You think Warren has the best chance against Trump? Honest ijun? YOU need to adjust your meds! She's about as honest as a three dollar bill, as electrifying as a dead rabbit, and... worst of all... she has my wallet hiding in fear...

Yancey Ward said...

If I were Harris, I would start keeping pepper spray in my pocket. If she could have pepper sprayed that moron, she would have gotten traction in her campaign. A taser would have been even better.

Marcus Bressler said...

"Hate on Kamala all you like. It's cheap to deduct points here because she wisely refused to wrestle the stage-intruder for the microphone. President Trump wouldn't either. That's a Sunday morning Althousian fantasy of what her strong president would do..."

I seem to remember a much younger Donald Trump telling his driver to stop when he noticed a mugging going on and he went to the aid of the victim.



Michael K said...

From the time he was first elected to Congress, he was always the second most crazy leftist in the CO delegation.

I have always wondered how CO got to be a leftist colony. I read an article about how some California billionaires moved to CO and spent a lot of money to turn the state blue.

Pat Schroeder was a CO Congresscritter, as I recall. She was the most hated person in Congress by military types for getting a law passed to give ex-spouses half the pension, regardless of the circumstances of the divorce. Lots of military guys are divorced by wives while they are deployed.

tcrosse said...

If she could have pepper sprayed that moron, she would have gotten traction in her campaign.

A knee to the nuts would have been even more effective, and possibly more characteristic.

Skeptical Voter said...

Lord how I hate that "I will fight for you" trope employed by so many political hacks.

And here we have Princess Spreading Bull announcing that she will go on the warpath--maybe collect an orange scalp come November 2020. On the other hand all she wants is the scalp--a sort of haircut as it were. A few "comediennes" like Kathy whatever her name was--so easy to forget now--- wanted Trump's entire head, so there is that.

Marc in Eugene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marc in Eugene said...

I'll take that Morse code comment down: was just idly amusing myself with the newly-found translator. Nothing to do with Senator Warren, really.

Gospace said...

IMHO, the Democratic nominee will be someone who hasn't yet thown their hat in the ring. The way the Democrat primaries are set up this time around it's entirely possible they'll go into the convention with no clear leader. If they don't coalesce behind a single candidate who ran in the primaries by the third ballot, someone who didn't run in them has a chance to step in for the good of the party.

Rosalyn C. said...

I don't see any similarity between Trump and Warren besides the blonde hair. Style and skill? Trump connects with people in a relaxed way, he enjoys the crowd, they enjoy him. He is humorous, he's down to earth and he talks about common sense basic concepts: fairness in trade and immigration, work and reward, and above all love of country. Warren is earnest and sincere, but she is always straining, she's telling us how hard she is willing to work but there is no charm, there's no connection, no humor, no wit. She never talks about how great this country is or how she wants to make sure we all do well. Warren's message is all about class warfare and pie in the sky promises.

I think the Democrats will end up with Joe -- in the end Obama will endorse him to unite the party. MAYBE Warren will be the VP pick.

Yancey Ward said...

No way she is a Salieri fan- her great great great grandfather was Mozart.

chickelit said...

Most common complaint heard amongst the Dem candidates: "Those damn flyover voters -- all they can ever give us is votes; these foreign donors -- they can make us rich!!"

Big Mike said...

She's the one who's really fighting for it, and she's the best choice to go up against Trump.

Suuuuurrrre she is.

walter said...

Great Scot!
Free Pow wow chow on every table.
Imagine 4 years of her voice.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Lord how I hate that "I will fight for you" trope employed by so many political hacks.

Me too! I'd rather see them mud wrestle in the nude. At least it would be entertaining.

Marc in Eugene said...

Should've left the comment in machine-generated Morse up so that Yancey Ward's comment about Salieri and Mozart had its context-- mea culpa.

gadfly said...

Lizzie Warren has a one solution fits all mentality. Perceive a problem? Throw money at it and make all people believe you support their view. Solve a problem? It all depends on what the word "solve" means and if solving really results in changing perceptions.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Pat Schroeder was a CO Congresscritter, as I recall. She was the most hated person in Congress by military types for getting a law passed to give ex-spouses half the pension, regardless of the circumstances of the divorce. Lots of military guys are divorced by wives while they are deployed.”

That was awhile back. I was working for Denver in the mid 1970s, and she came by campaigning, and resented to shake my hand. Ugh. First time I had ever experienced the wet fish handshake. I thought that maybe COnwould get some sanity, when she retired - but she was replaced by the even more wacky

I will admit though that part of my negative reaction to DeGette is that every issue of the alumni magazine for the first year after she was elected would have an article by her describing all the neat things about being in Congress. I am pretty sure that Liz Cheney, another alumna, is not going to brag that way - despite being interviewed far more on TV.

walter said...

It would be illustrative to have an onscreen tabulation of what Warren and Berno want "free". But yes, Berno is more "sincere" about that.

Swede said...

She's a scoldy little schoolmarm and America ain't having it.

Also, she's a fake, race hustling huckster.

If she was any whiter, she'd be see-through.

Indian my ass.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I have always wondered how CO got to be a leftist colony. I read an article about how some California billionaires moved to CO and spent a lot of money to turn the state blue.”

I think that it is mostly because so many people from deep blue parts of the country have moved there. Not just CA, but also NY, NJ, MA, etc. Better weather than the upper east coast, and more to do outside. The difference in cost of living used to be stark - Maybe 25 years ago sister of one of my good friends and her family moved to CO into the neighborhood where I grew up. Still a very nice upper middle class neighborhood. They moved from maybe 1200 sq ft in Boston, to 6000 sq feet in CO, in a very nice area, and were able to put over 1/2 as a down payment. They paid, at the time, maybe $250k, and easily doubled that in a bit over a decade. Now probably worth triple that.

And what they are pulling from these blue havens tends to be well educated and outdoor living. The TDS is almost palpable there. He offends their upper middle class, college educated, sentiments. Even lifelong Republicans there ask me how I can support Trump. It will be interesting to see though what happens to the state politically after the left wing billionaires quit buying elections there, after Trump is no longer center stage.

Francisco D said...

Even lifelong Republicans there ask me how I can support Trump.

Who knew Chuckles had relatives in Colorado?

On a more serious note, many Republicans support Trump's agenda, but are afraid to say they support Trump because he appears "tacky". The Democrat Media complex has invested greatly in making Trump appear awful, but that only causes people to hide their support.

Bruce Hayden said...

What is going to be interesting to me is to see how the candidates evolve on gun grabbing. Stacey Abrahms has come out to ban all “assault weapons”. Harris has jumped in too, promising to essentially ban them by executive action, if Congress doesn’t put a revised AWB on her desk in the first 100 days. Again, I think that Biden is one of the few who can bypass this issue by essentially ignoring it and pretending to sleep through the question.

Bruce Hayden said...

Talking candidates, I loved the photo over at Ace of Spades HQ today of all the garbage stacked up in NYC waiting, hopefully, for pickup, right next to the full lane now dedicated to bicyclists. My impression is that NYC residents are ambivalent about DeBlazzio running for President, because it means that he will be out of town more, so he can’t screw it up any more, but not being there also means that their urgent issues aren’t going to get addressed either.

Achilles said...

Bruce Hayden said...

It will be interesting to see though what happens to the state politically after the left wing billionaires quit buying elections there, after Trump is no longer center stage.

They have never stopped. They have always bought elections.

It was just less obvious before because they bought both sides.

Trump is the first president in decades that isn't a bought and paid for globalist. Reagan didn't even understand what he was up against and didn't fight for us like Trump is.

rightguy said...

I am instinctively suspicious of people who don't have a sense of humor. Lizzie is angry,shrill, and humorless: Hillary without the cackle, with both having an over-weaning sense of self entitlement. I see Warren as being only able to attract supporters like herself. We can pray that is not a majority

Sebastian said...

Haven't read all the comments -- sorry -- but:

"she can take hits without crumpling"

Huh, what? Fauxahontas crumpled at the first little jab.

"She's the most like Trump in style and skill."

Huh, what? Like, filling arenas with improv comedy riffs? Like, authentic Liz chugging beer in her kitchen?

See, here we are: if a smart liberal woman who does not despise Trump misperceives the situation as Althouse does, it is just one more sign that we are effed.

h said...

I'm going with [someone who is not currently in the race, but who the convention will turn to after inconclusive first ballot]. So ex-Minnesota Senator and recent governor Mark Dayton. Virginia Senators and Ex governors Mark Warner or Tim Kaine; ex Virginia governor and CLinton crony Terry McCauliffe, ex-governor of Arizona and DHS secretary Janet Napolitano.

Michael K said...

Still a very nice upper middle class neighborhood.

I was talking to my son just now. His son is graduating from 8th grade. I mentioned that I wish I could afford to send his kids to the private school he went to. He disagrees. He was talking to his wife's OB a couple of years ago. The one doc he talked to had sent her kids to that school but 25 years later. She said they were considered "welfare cases" and they pulled the kids out. Orange County has gone San Francisco. The private high school I sent my two younger daughters to, now has a horrendous drug problem. Super rich parents and no discipline at home.

Michael K said...

Dayton is crazy and the others are crooks. Good choices,.

Jim at said...

Please nominate Warren, leftists.

rcocean said...

It will be interesting to see though what happens to the state politically after the left wing billionaires quit buying elections there, after Trump is no longer center stage.

Why would left-wing Billionaires EVER stop buying elections? Its not like they're spending more than .001 percent of their net worth on politics.

mockturtle said...

My theory about Colorado politics is that, unlike my great grandparents, grandparents and parents who were raised at high elevation and therefore developed the necessary oxygen-carrying Hgb to handle it, Californians were new to altitude and their brains never adapted. ;-) So they became even wackier than they were in their home state.

walter said...

She should do a "hold my beer" moment at the debates.
She's got the common touch.

roesch/voltaire said...

Captain Bone Spurs vs Pocahontas. would be interesting-- one is good at making no deals, and other in finding the best deal for the middle class.

walter said...

Oh yeah...another Dem idiot destined to kill the economy..for the middle class!

Bruce Hayden said...

“What is going to be interesting to me is to see how the candidates evolve on gun grabbing. Stacey Abrahms has come out to ban all “assault weapons”. Harris has jumped in too, promising to essentially ban them by executive action, if Congress doesn’t put a revised AWB on her desk in the first 100 days. Again, I think that Biden is one of the few who can bypass this issue by essentially ignoring it and pretending to sleep through the question.”

Whoops. SLO Joe Biden has come out for banning AR-15 type MSRs (modern sporting rifles). There goes my vote for him.

cyrus83 said...

I doubt it's going to be Warren. She may be fighting but her bungled handling of the whole Indian heritage thing is going to be worse baggage than Hillary's e-mails - although the e-mails are objectively a more serious issue, voters will probably be more able to relate to the misuse of identity for personal gain and resent it.

The fact that Warren put out that DNA test rather than admit the obvious suggests she is tone deaf. Regardless of what you think of what Trump says, Trump generally seems to be in tune with what the American heartland is thinking. Democrats need somebody this cycle who gets the people who live between the Appalachians and the Rockies, and Warren isn't it.

Jaq said...

one is good at making no deals, and other in finding the best deal for the middle class.

The best deal for the middle class is competition from cheap labor and unfettered competition from the Chinese and Europe! Oh yeah, and high gas prices and dampers on energy jobs. We can replace jobs in the extraction industry with minimum wage jobs bolting on Chinese solar panels!

Yeah middle class!

That’s what you meant, I think, but if you think that caving to the Chinese, Europeans, and Mexico and Canada is what is in the best interest of the middle class, you’re nuts.

Jaq said...

Trump generally seems to be in tune with what the American heartland is thinking.

That’s his worst crime!

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
“My theory about Colorado politics is that, unlike my great grandparents, grandparents and parents who were raised at high elevation and therefore developed the necessary oxygen-carrying Hgb to handle it, Californians were new to altitude and their brains never adapted. ;-) So they became even wackier than they were in their home state.”

Maybe. Though I don’t have quite as deep CO roots. My father’s parents were Okies, but my grandfather grew up in the panhandle, close enough that he could homestead in SE CO before WW I, and ride horseback up there on weekends to work the land. My father spent over 90 years in CO, but was born in NY state, and only immigrated at the ripe age of almost two. We harassed him to his dying days about being a New Yorker. My kid is fourth generation to live there, but only second to be born there. One can hope that there will soon be a fifth generation.

Molly said...


Aside from lying to get jobs and $$ for being an Indian--and NOT being an Indian, and KNOWING she's not (analysis of sociology of Oklahoma available on request)--Warren is incredibly annoying, schoolmarmish, slow-thinking, and somewhat pitiful.

Other than that, she's just like Trump.

Crazy World said...

I think no matter who they hold their nose and nominate will not be the same person come Election Day. It matters not one bit as President Trump will crush whoever it is.

mockturtle said...

Bruce, as you probably know I was being a bit facetious. But only a bit.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Fauxahontis -- the Queen of Regulatory Capture.

Birkel said...

I might vote for a Democrat if they supported freedom.

Free people.
Free markets.

Everything else is a step toward Collectivism.

Zach said...

I dunno. Warren and Harris would both make a lot more sense as frontrunners than as challengers. If they were polling at 40%, you could see them converting the holdouts. At 10%, I think you have to ask if that's really what the electorate wants this year.

Warren at 40%: reform liberal, gets things done, good Senate career -- let's give her the top job!

Warren at 10%: Ugh, another Hillary clone. And let's face it, pretending you're a minority to get a job is pretty racist.

Harris at 40%: Good looking former prosecutor from a big state, plus minority and woman. Obama 2.0, baby!

Harris at 10%: Does the Democratic party really like prosecutors these days? It just seems like she's never found her constituency.

And to be fair, I'll do the same thing for Biden:

Biden at 40%: Obama restoration! The only moderate in the race. Let's get those working class voters back into the party of the working man!

Biden at 10%: Obama's VP never even secured his endorsement. Way too old. Does anybody want him to be President, or do they just want to clap their hands and have Trump gone?

For all three candidates, I think the 40% labels are just as accurate as the 10% labels. We'll just have to see what the voters want.

mockturtle said...

One great-great grandfather moved to CO from CT and another from WI. [He was actually one of the first University of Wisconsin faculty members]. He died of typhoid shortly after his second trip west but my great-great grandmother with her two small children fought for the mining interests and land that he had acquired, remarried and founded quite a little empire which her son, my great grandfather developed. It is sad that most of the younger generation in my family, including my father, left Colorado for the west coast. He and mother moved back to the Boulder area after he retired, however.

Rory said...

I think Sanders will steamroll Biden in debates, and probably clinch the nomination before the convention. If he's not able to emerge from the big field with enough delegates to do that, the nomination is Clinton's.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Bruce, as you probably know I was being a bit facetious. But only a bit”

😉 We called them “flatlanders”. When I was growing up, even Denver had a lot of the West still. I do remember well dressed gentlemen walking along 16th street in Denver with a .45 on their hip in the 1950s. I spend half my years now here in rural NW MT, where guns, boots, and hats are still common attire. Real farms and ranches. Everyone seems to own at least one pickup. We grew up riding, and lived in a neighborhood that had horses. Even more common here in MT. Now, at least the Denver metro area is filled with people driving their crossover SUVs, with rocket boxes on top, cross training between bicycling and running for their winter skiing and summer hiking. Looks a lot more like CA than CO these days. It is the independent western brand of conservatism that I miss there now. Not the Bible thumping type, but rather the type that doesn’t care what religion you belong to, or whether or not you are gay,nasclong as you mind your own business.

walter said...

Biden is hittin' the pool and getting new teeth and hair.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

JFC, who looks and listens to this idiot's bullshit and thinks this person should lead a nation? The fact that she's a senator should be frightening enough, and embarrassing for Massholes. This fucking idiot was among the kindered in academia, a make believe land of prog, lib, Democrat party shitheads. Outside the ivory towers, she's just another dipshit Democrat party feminazi.

I think I'll have me a beer... phony fucking cunt....

walter said...

Which Dem "hack" will be leaking debate questions?

dreams said...

It doesn't matter, the Democratic nominee doesn't have a chance, Trump will win in a landslide.

Robert Cook said...

Warren is the only Democrat running that I would even think about voting for. If she wins the nomination--which is not likely--and if I decide to vote for her, it would be the first time I voted for a major party candidate in years.

I think Trump will win a second term, however.

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