June 2, 2019

Who do you think will be the Democratic Party nominee?

I say Elizabeth Warren.

She's the one who's really fighting for it, and she's the best choice to go up against Trump. She's got the verbal clarity and aggression, and she can take hits without crumpling. She's the most like Trump in style and skill.

I'm not talking about where she is on the political spectrum or all the policies, and I'm not saying who I want to be President. I'm just predicting and expressing a preference about the debate I'd most like to watch. And I assume Trump will win. I just would like to see him have to go through a hard fight, and not a boring fight.

Watch Kamala Harris hand over the microphone with zero resistance to a goofball lunatic:

Harris passively waits for it to be her turn to intone a series of words.

Liz seizes the opportunity.

Hey, I already have a tag that says "Warren is like Trump."



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Robert Cook said...

"She never talks about how great this country is or how she wants to make sure we all do well."

Are you six years old? Why do you need to hear a politician say these things? These are just empty niceties that anyone can say. What's important is what the politician's policy proposals are. You vote for the candidate whose policies are closest to what you want. The rest is glad-handing, simple pandering to the masses.

That aside, she's the only one of the candidates I've paid any attention to who gives me the feeling she really does want us to do well. (I don't think Trump really gives a shit, but he's a good carny barker, and his marks eat up his words like they're oxycontin tablets.)

Stepper said...

When Trump wins in 2020, I wonder what "He Stole the Election" tactic the Dems will use this time? Hanging chads, Russian collusion -- can't reuse those themes.

jeremyabrams said...

We know about Hillary because she married Bill and countenanced his sexual predation. We know about Kamala because she spread her legs for Willie Brown. We know about Warren because she lied about her genealogy to get a job at Harvard.

Every working woman I know rose on her own power. My Japanese wife, a nurse, labored to pass the nursing boards in English ten years after passing them in Japanese. The wives in my social set include doctors, researchers, administrative assistants, teachers. No enabling predation, sexual trading, or fraud involved in any of their careers.

How can any woman not be ashamed and appalled to be represented by Hillary, Kamala, or Liz Warren?

rhhardin said...

Politics is about what will women think. So women campaign to the women's vote, earning the contempt of men.

mockturtle said...

I think Trump will win a second term, however.

Hope you're right, Cookie. Like you, I don't care for either major party but I do like Trump. I supported Ron Paul in two consecutive elections.

Michael K said...

Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Captain Bone Spurs vs Pocahontas. would be interesting-- one is good at making no deals, and other in finding the best deal for the middle class.

Typical of you, R/V, to reverse the sequence and get it all wrong. Fauxcahontas has no interest in the middle class.

You also have no experience in business being a denizen of the faculty lounge like the other defaulters.

Michael K said...

I don't care for either major party but I do like Trump.

This is what so many are missing. Trump is like Farage, who has had to invent his own party as both traditional parties hate the voters,

Michael K said...

You vote for the candidate whose policies are closest to what you want.<

That rules out Democrats and most Republicans.

Remember, "If you like your doctor...."

Paul Ryan, like all Democrats, has never held a real job,

narciso said...

she is a fraud, who is lucky her no. 1 academic detractor passed away, yes unlike jack kemp, who he was a protégé of, eddie Haskell has been fulltime in politics,

Gk1 said...

It would hilarious if they ran Buttache only to see black voters desert the party in droves. You think they were unenthused voting for Hillary in 2016, imagine a white gay man with a husband. I was in California when Prop 8 went down in flame by overwhelming margins in the hispanic communities. That is what pushed it down to defeat and this is a blue state.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

@Robert Cook:

Warren is the only Democrat running that I would even think about voting for.

Why not Bernie, if I may ask?

Fen said...

Note that Warren's Twitter intern begins with:

Here’s the thing: When a candidate tells you about -

Instead of just:

When a candidate tells you about -

Twitter has a 280 character limit, so why waste space with "here's the thing" ? Someone is trying too hard to be folksy. I'll bet her handlers have identified her elitism as a weakness that hurts her appeal to us normals and are trying to adjust. Instead, they are just telegraphing where Trump should hit her in the debates.

What's the price of milk, Senator?

Fen said...

Cook: Why do you need to hear a politician say these things? These are just empty niceties that anyone can say

They once were, but in an age where Democrats supported an attempted coup against the legitimately elected President of the United States, the absence of such remarks is now noteworthy.

Funny that the guy who likened our boys to "parasites" for serving their country during "peacetime" is unclear on the concept.

Robert Cook said...

"'Warren is the only Democrat running that I would even think about voting for.'

"Why not Bernie, if I may ask?"

He's all talk, essentially just a "liberal"Democrat, and no real alternative to the Dems' same-as-it-ever-was policies. After criticizing Hillary for her failings while running against her, he campaigned for her without reservation after he lost the nomination. And, well, there's this.

I don't know for certain that I would vote for Warren, but I would consider it. I wouldn't even consider voting for any of the other Dems who are running.

Nichevo said...

How can any woman not be ashamed and appalled to be represented by Hillary, Kamala, or Liz Warren?

Good question. Ann, why do you think Warren is better than you?

wwww said...

"I say Elizabeth Warren."

Anything is possible. It's early. And yet I don't see how she wins any D primary in the South. That's a lotta delegates. She's winning some college educated white people.

Most of the Democratic primary vote are not college grads. She is not their cup of tea.

Big Mike said...

These are just empty niceties that anyone can say.

Then why won’t she say them?

gilbar said...

just got back from fishing in the Cataloochee Valley, and on the 10 miles of gravel back to maggie valleye, i was listening to Kristen Gillboo brand on the XMfox news town hall; and i just want to say: has there Ever been a ditzier broad? i mean WOW!

tim in vermont said...

"You also have no experience in business being a denizen of the faculty lounge like the other defaulters"

I'm just guessing here, but I bet the only time he's seen the inside of a faculty lounge, he had a mop in his hand.

Robert Cook said...

"Then why won’t she say them?"

Maybe...because they're meaningless?

(Besides...what does it even mean to say the USA is "great?" Is it completely "great" or only partially "great?" Why is it important to hear our politicians say it? If it's true, why must it be proclaimed? if it's not true, why demand lies be told?)

Known Unknown said...

"Are you six years old? Why do you need to hear a politician say these things? These are just empty niceties that anyone can say. "

Because it's important to hear even if they are empty niceties -- people like to hear that they're good and doing good things. They long to aspire to better things -- and having a leader encourage their aspirations is important.

Have you have had to lead a group or coach a team? It's not all policy or analysis or process.

Danno said...

Blogger David Begley said...Hagar is correct. Warren reminds an entire generation of men of a grade school teacher they hated.

She makes the old school nuns look downright friendly to those who have seen that in their life.

roesch/voltaire said...

Typical of You Michael K to make assumptions about folks you know little about or call them names. For your information, I ran two small businesses and worked in several others before I became a teacher. And Warren has sponsored 80 bills in the Senate, many of which do benefit the middle class.

Joanne Jacobs said...

I think a Biden-Harris ticket would be the Democrats' best shot. But they'll need a recession to win.

Rocko said...

Althouse: I think I'll stir me up a debate

Unknown said...

She is NOT likable enough

Unknown said...

She shares Hillary's punch drunk, "never say die" delusional self-regard

and like H want to sell that as


Robert Cook said...

"She is NOT likable enough"

Sure, she is. She certainly doesn't give off the vibe that she would find it amusing to pull wings off flies or to mock the handicapped that wafts off Trump like a heavy stench.

RB Glennie said...

Yes! Someone agrees with me about Warren: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpermalink.php%3Fstory_fbid%3D2253700741613385%26id%3D100009204420627&width=500" width="500" height="550" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media

Kirk Parker said...

rhhardin @ 8:32 am,

How do you know what sex "Susan" really is? "Nobody knows you're a dog on 40M!"

--Kirk (AF7HQ)

Kirk Parker said...

"Are you six years old? Why do you need to hear a politician say these things? These are just empty niceties that anyone can say. "

Wow--here goes Cookie trying to out-Hardin Hardin.

Seriously,the reason we need to hear a politician saying these things is because of answers a question that is even more basic and important than policy. That question is:

Are you one of us, or do you just want to rule over us?

Kirk Parker said...


"Hickenlooper is sane"

The hell he is! A small business owner throwing in with the Democrats is the height of insanity; in fact it's the very definition of Stockholm syndrome.

FIDO @ 10:31,

Well, Warren does come across as pithed off, so there is that.


That's almost correct. what they should have done was to have tackled Captain Manbun so firmly that they could have dragged him off at leisure.

And forget the pepper spray; she needs a handgun. And not just any old handgun, it needs to be in 1911--after all, the 9mmm haters are a pretty large voting bloc!

Robert Cook said...

Okay, I found a reason to not vote for Warren, from an article today on COUNTERPUNCH pertaining to Julian Assange:

"Then there’s Elizabeth Warren. She was quoted as saying, 'Assange is a bad actor who has harmed U.S. national security—and he should be held accountable. But Trump should not be using the case as a pretext to wage war on the First Amendment and go after the free press who hold the powerful accountable everyday.' It’s hard to decide which is more objectionable: her characterization of Assange as 'a bad actor,' without explaining why and what she means by the term; her insistence that he 'be held accountable,' without explaining for what or in what way (lethal injection, perhaps?); or her transparent attempts to ingratiate herself with the press, who are supposedly holding 'the powerful accountable everyday.'

"Warren’s statement, like that of Sanders, oozes insincerity. The two presidential aspirants know perfectly well that the Democratic Party national leadership blames Assange for the 2016 electoral debacle, and would like to see him executed or, at the very least, chained to a wall in a Supermax prison for the rest of his life. Any statement from them that smacks even vaguely of a defense of WikiLeaks would mean instant excommunication. However, some of Sanders and Warren’s supporters do undoubtedly feel that Assange and WikiLeaks have been unjustly persecuted; hence the convoluted, and largely worthless, nonsense."

Robert Cook said...

"Seriously,the reason we need to hear a politician saying these things is because of answers a question that is even more basic and important than policy. That question is:

"Are you one of us, or do you just want to rule over us?"

And you think those who want to rule over us would not be savvy enough to say those magic, comforting words you want to hear, like a baby wanting to suckle at mommy's teat? Heck, every autocrat and dictator in the world says similar shit.

Bilwick said...

I'm going to go way out on a limb here and predict that the Democrats will nominate some State-shtupper or other. A bold prediction, I know, but I'll stand by it.

Kirk Parker said...


All the more telling that so many on the left can't manage that basic subterfuge.

Robert Cook said...

"All the more telling that so many on the left can't manage that basic subterfuge."

Perhaps they don't want to pander to the gullible. Why do you want politicians to repeat the same bullshit that we all know is bullshit?

DEEBEE said...

Bet, being hounded into taking a DNA test was character building, is pot legal in Wisconsin?

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