May 9, 2019

"You're the best-looking people, that's for sure. You ever see?... They call themselves 'the elite.' You ever see 'the elite'?... I always laugh when I hear 'the elite,' and then you see this guy. He's not elite."

I think Trump just said — in so many words — that his antagonists are bad looking. Listen to this clip from last night's rally in Panama Beach, Florida:

Trump to the crowd: You were "the invisible people." And then:
You're the smartest... the hardest working... great talent. You're the best-looking people, that's for sure. You ever see? I joke about this, but it's really not joking. They call themselves 'the elite.' You ever see 'the elite'? This is 'the elite.' They're not elite. You're elite.... Let's let them be elite, but we're the super-elite. There's not even a contest. Not even a contest. I always laugh when I hear 'the elite,' and then you see this guy. He's not elite. Not in my book, he's not.
ADDED: Makes me think of the old saying: "Washington is Hollywood for ugly people."


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iowan2 said...

400 comments yelling so's yo mama.

The notion that President Trump is a failure, because he was foolish enough to believe Republicans of the House and Senate that have campaigned for 10 years, on building a wall and shutting down ilegan aliens, would in fact vote to build a wall and shut down illegal aliens.

Question? Would a MLB player that batted .110 be a failure? (Nolan Ryan) Would a NBA player shooting .545 from the freethrow line be a failure?
{Dwight Howard, #1 pick of the NBA draft)

What a stupid absolutist position to try to defend.

You don't like President Trump just say so. Lying to yourself, it is of some high minded intellectual examination, is delusional.

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