May 5, 2019

"On social media, everybody loves that you're a dog."


Gahrie said...

Sorry attempt to brush away the anti-Semitic cartoon from last week.

George Leroy Tirebiter said...

Wrong NY publication Gahrie, this is from the New Yorker. As was the original "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." from 1993, which has been on our fridge since I cut it out of that July 93 issue.

Tho my fave is Bad news, hon. I got replaced by an app.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

OMD !!!!

rehajm said...

On the internet everyone loves you're a cat.

John henry said...


Perhaps of the same cartoon but I first got onto the Internet proper in 1990. Mainly in use groups and alt use groups.

I remember hearing the phrase frequently even then. I had the impression it had been around for a while.

John Henry

readering said...

I think pandas come in first place.

fivewheels said...

Dog of the day: Remy playing Jenga.