May 6, 2019

Listen to Alan Dershowitz explain the New York accent and think about what people love/hate about Trump.

This great little documentary came out before the ascendency of Trump, but it made me think a lot about why some people get Trump and others don't:

I've been meaning to show you that clip and invite you to think about the love and hate for Trump in terms of the New York speech pattern, and what put me over the top this morning was Bay Area Guy on the previous post (about Trump's new tweet, "they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency"):
Once you get to "decode" Trump's manner and style of speaking/writing (a brash New Yorker), you realize that he's basically right on most things.
ADDED: One thing Dershowitz talks about in that clip is hand gestures, and we know Trump is big with the hand gestures:

People who don't understand that believe he imitated (and mocked) a disabled man. Here, this shows it's a normal gesture for him, used to show confusion and not about disability:


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tcrosse said...

To my midwestern ear Bernie has much more of a New York accent than Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

I have 3 New York Uncles, now in their 70s & 80s.

One was a Madison Ave advertising exec - looked like Don Draper, but acted like Trump; loud, funny, hyperbole, with hand gesticulations.

The other two were NYPD cops -- one in Times Square, one in the Bronx, out by Yankee Stadium. They both looked and talked like Andy Sipowicz in NYPD BLue..


wild chicken said...

I love New Yorkers. People seem so slow here in Montana and yes don't you dare interrupt when you get it because they might totally forget what they were saying!

daskol said...

Bernie is Brooklyn Jewish, Trump is Queens with a decade of Manhattan to mellow it.

Original Mike said...

"People who don't understand that believe he imitated (and mocked) a disabled man:"

Oh oh. Danger. Danger Will Robinson.

readering said...

Maybe. But he's not too popular with New Yorkers.

daskol said...

He was well-liked before his foray into politics, enough to be a mascot for the city who crossed most social sets. He only became a white supremacist devil when he starting criticizing Obama.

Chuck said...

Althouse if you don't think that Trump mocked the disabled writer, I can't help you. Your denial of that is gross. Ugly. Hateful.

Fernandinande said...

Listen to Alan Dershowitz explain the New York accent

He describes a style of speech, not an accent.

daskol said...

Chuck, there are some pretty good debunkings out there, including a video which shows Trump using exactly the same hand gestures to indicate a desperately befuddled, non-hanidcapped person. Take a stiff drink and google it.

JAORE said...

I have a DIL that did, and likely will, vote for Trump. Her greatest concern is how he mocked the disabled man. I am unable to change her mind on that.

daskol said...

He did mock the disabled writer, but he did not mock the man's disability. So in Chuck-speak, your comment is accurate. But people out there believe incorrectly that he was mocking the journo's disability. That he was not.

Ann Althouse said...

"He describes a style of speech, not an accent."

Picky picky.

rcocean said...

It should be noted that a lot of Trump's hand gestures occur when he's mocking and trying to be funny. And he's also trying to keep people's interest.

Ann Althouse said...

"Chuck, there are some pretty good debunkings out there, including a video which shows Trump using exactly the same hand gestures to indicate a desperately befuddled, non-hanidcapped person. Take a stiff drink and google it."

Yes, and one of the places were you can find such a video is right here in this post, right after I say "People who don't understand that believe he imitated (and mocked) a disabled man."


Sebastian said...

I get Trump. But I could do without the spazzy L thing.

rcocean said...

The "disabled" reporter was an asshole who deserved to be 'Mocked' - even though Trump didn't do it. The Democrats love to lie by repetition. So, they keep repeating that lie. No doubt Biden will keep lying about Charlottsville too.

hstad said...

AA, I just don't understand intelligent people like you, when you point to, "....One thing Dershowitz talks about in that clip is hand gestures, and we know Trump is big with the hand gestures....?" Cultures all over the World use hand, arms, etc., to communicate. Hell, in our country, anyone from Latin cultures, can only speak with hand, arm, head (body) gestures. That also includes, Italians, Spanish (Spain), Portuguese, Asians, etc. Truly amazing how we purport to know minute aspects of Trump's mannerisms. Of course that brings out our 'lovely' TDS player - Chuck.

rcocean said...

"People seem so slow here in Montana and yes don't you dare interrupt when you get it because they might totally forget what they were saying!"

The worst people to talk to are the "slow talkers" who pause a lot. You keep thinking that "pause" is the end, and you can jump in, but no, its just a pause, and they going to keep on *slowly* making their point.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Bernie is Brooklyn Jewish, Trump is Queens with a decade of Manhattan to mellow it."

There is no New York accent; there are many. Bernie doesn't sound like Trump, and Trump doesn't sound like Marisa Tomei, who doesn't sound like Sean Hannity, who doesn't sound like Rosie Perez. It all breaks on ethnic lines.

rcocean said...

I don't get the whole thing about "Don't point". Trump is pointing at the crowd, not a person.

rcocean said...

I don't even notice Trump's New York Accent. Except he says Oranges for Origins. Bernie, OTOH, does have a NYC accent, which is weird since he's been out of NYC for about 45 years.

gilbar said...

Some Life Long Liberal admitted to Professor Althouse... I can't help you.

Since you've admitted your uselessness; maybe you should take your ball and go home?

Limited blogger said...

Trump barely has a New York accent.

I have a New York accent.

readering said...

That Ted Cruz thing is nothing like the disabled reporter thing.

readering said...

Trump has a New York accent. Best thing about him.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Bernie is Brooklyn Jewish, Trump is Queens with a decade of Manhattan to mellow it."

That sounds about right. I moved from NY to Cali as a kid, so I have no NY accent, and it's hard for me to keep track of the different NY sub-dialects. (Where is JOhn McWhorter when you really need him?)

I hear Trump's NY accent. I see the hand gestures. Both have mellowed over the years, just as my parents' NY accents have mellowed from 50+ years in Cali, but it's still there.

Ann Althouse said...

"AA, I just don't understand intelligent people like you..."

Mm. Well, I don't understand you either. What are you trying to say, that I asserted ONLY New Yorkers use hand gestures? In other words, you made up something and then couldn't understand your own imagined thing and that caused you to wonder about MY intelligence. Okaaaaay.

Just a little advice: Be respectful when you're confused. Reread what you're having trouble with. Your first move shouldn't be to put the other person in a bad light.

bagoh20 said...

The mocking the disability thing is totally debunked, and I believe another part of that is that Trump never met the reporter, and didn't even know he was disabled. That alleged mocking really bothered me a lot too, and I believed it until this year when I discovered the debunking. Those who cannot change their mind after seeing the facts are dishonest or dumb. Take your pick or accept both.

daskol said...

Bernie and Trump both say "Flahrida" and "Ahrange" and mary/marry/merry are distinct vowels, which are all shibboleths of the NY accent. And pretty localized: if you go an hour upstate, "Florida" and "Orange" sound completely different. There are many flavors of the accent, but the style of speech may indeed be the better focus re Dershowitz. Rosie Perez, Marisa Tomei and Bernie would all recognize one another as fellow NYers even in a loud bar just by the gesturing.

readering said...

Debunked by YouTube videos that don't show same thing?

Nonapod said...

Yeah, Trump doesn't have a particularly thick NYC accent. With thicker accent he'd pronounce words like "caught" as "kahwt" or "coffee" as "cahwffee", and I don't think I've ever heard him pronounce words like those that way. Bernie does though.

At any rate, it's not so much the accent itself that sticks out about Trump's speaking style.

Anonymous said...

More excuse making for Trump behavior.

Anonymous said...

“That Ted Cruz thing is nothing like the disabled reporter thing.”

Right. Takes a lot of mental contortions to see it that way.

readering said...

The reporter covered trump in New York for years. They knew each other.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Debunked by YouTube videos that don't show same thing?”

Delusional Deplorables, what else is new?

Bay Area Guy said...

Mmmmmm. Hot New York knishes

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Seriously, you Trump sycophants are sinking deeper into the Trump rabbit hole with every passing day.

daskol said...

readering, here's a bigger compilation of Trump using that gesture to show the same state he was describing in the journalist, whose work Trump cited in defense of his contention about cheering Arabs on 9/11, and who wavered when called upon to defend his own reporting.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Chuck, there are some pretty good debunkings out there, including a video which shows Trump using exactly the same hand gestures to indicate a desperately befuddled, non-hanidcapped person. Take a stiff drink and google it."

Yes, and one of the places were you can find such a video is right here in this post, right after I say "People who don't understand that believe he imitated (and mocked) a disabled man."


I've seen it. It isn't any "debunking." Trump's mockery of Serge Kovaleski was deliberate, because Trump knew him.

And where it gets a whole fuck of a lot worse for idiotic apologists like you, Althouse, was the part where Trump lied about not knowing who Kovaleski was, or how he appeared. But we know that was a lie because Kovaleski had known Trump, had interviewed him, and was someone that Trump certainly would have known despite his lying denial that he had never seen Kovaleski.

As usual, yet another Trump lie made it all the worse, and even less deniable.

Just like the "Charlottesville Hoax" Hoax.

So I don't care what Trump looked like when he was mocking someone else. Trump lied about not knowing Kovaleski, and I'm confident by that lie that Trump was falsely trying to get out of what he really did.

eric said...

readering said...
The reporter covered trump in New York for years. They knew each other.

5/6/19, 10:35 AM

He knew Trump.

Trump didn't know him. Or the hundreds of other reporters who have covered Trump all these years.

They all know him and they're all pissed he doesn't know who they are.

daskol said...

How is it sycophantic to try to understand a person's intent when he's communicating?

What a bewildering experience it must have been for people who won't try to understand NYC style communication back when Giuliani was a Trump surrogate all over cable news. Loudmouth NYers have taken a very prominent place in our affairs, and they can seem quite scary when you aren't familiar with their style. Bark is worse than the bite, but that only manifests if you are willing to learn a bit about the style.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Seriously, you Trump sycophants are sinking deeper into the Trump rabbit hole with every passing day."

Yeah. We love him. Every single one of us. All the time. No matter what he does.

Because he is still better than any of the alternatives. But that could change. Let's see what happens.

Boy, that Mueller Report sure didn't pan out.

bagoh20 said...

Ask yourself some things:

Have you ever heard something negative and plausible about Trump that you didn't accept as true?
Did you ever seriously and fairly challenged your first impression with some research from another side?
Have you ever changed your mind about anything negative you believed about Trump?
Are you answering honestly or lying to yourself?
Can you list any of these things that you were lied to about and eventually changed your mind?
Will you challenge yourself and your sources in the future?
When did you stop believing the collusion narrative?
When will you stop believing the sources who lied to you daily for two years?

bagoh20 said...

Hatred and ego is a debilitating combo.

rehajm said...

I like the women with some New York accent. Maria Bartiromo's Brooklyn is on low simmer but leaks big once in a while.

Limited blogger said...

Want to hear a NY accent? Listen to our governor.

daskol said...

"I'm not insulting you, I'm being honest with you. Maybe no-one in your life has ever been honest with you."

Giuliani vs. ferret man. There are so many gems from his weekly radio show, but this is one of the best. Trump is mild mannered in his public speaking compared to Giuliani when on a local radio show.

readering said...

Trump cultivated the press for decades. He had every clipping mentioning him brought to his desk in Trump Tower every day. He knew all the reporters who covered him.

Ann Althouse said...

Jeez, Chuck is so abusive. Look how abusive he is to me. And then he also emails me to berate me for not spending my time moderating out comments that attack him. Try not being such a dick.

Chuck said...

This was Kovaleski:

Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years. I’ve interviewed him in his office. I’ve talked to him at press conferences. All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News.

And here's Trump:

Somebody at the financially failing and totally biased New York Times said that, over the years, I have met Mr. Kovaleski. Serge Kovaleski must think a lot of himself if he thinks I remember him from decades ago — if I ever met him at all, which I doubt I did. He should stop using his disability to grandstand get back to reporting for a paper that is rapidly going down the tubes.

So it is a matter of record, that Trump has met Kovaleski, including in his Trump Tower office. Trump prides himself on a world-class memory. And in this case (despite the several hilarious YouTube videos of Trump forgetting people's names) I really do think that Trump's memory was probably excellent on this. He remembered Kovaleski, and knew what to say and do to mock him.

But of course we have Trump declaring that he "doubts" meeting Kovaleski. What the hell? The guy covered you regularly. Everybody knows that. Who in the world is going to believe the Trumpist lie that he "doubts" ever having met Kovaleski?

This is classic Trump lying.

Bay Area Guy said...

And where it gets a whole fuck of a lot worse for idiotic apologists like you, Althouse,..

Someone has a case of the Monday morning grumpies.....


rehajm said...

Chuck wasted two years of his life trying to remove Trump from office by subverting Ann's blog. He only has Ann calling him a dick to show for it.

daskol said...

I wish I could find a youtube clip for this one--it was pretty shocking. A woman called into his radio show and gave a false pretense, and then told him who she really was once on air. My roommates and I, none Giuliani-lovers, used to listen to his show all the time. He's another guy who was just himself as mayor, and gave people direct insight into his thinking. Most transparent mayor ever.

readering said...

Trump prided himself on understanding the press as well as anyone because of his close dealings. The reason he thought he could get away with installing a fashion model as campaign press secretary. He got a huge shock and he has never recovered.

Curious George said...

"Boy, that Mueller Report sure didn't pan out."

According to Inga it completely supported all her predictions. She is truly a blithering idiot. There is no evidence that is ever enough.

As far as Chuck, he so pathetically sad. A life time backbencher. No friends. Even his dog hates him. No wonder he despises a winner like Trump.

Darkisland said...

There's an old joke that we tell down here:

How do you get a Puerto Rican to shut up?

Make them keep their hands in their pockets.

Back in the 80s, when I had a job, my secretary (remember them?) once told me that she could tell when I was speaking English or Spanish on the phone.

When I was speaking English, I might be doodling but otherwise my hands were pretty still.

When I was speaking Spanish, I would be waving my hands around like PDJT in the video.

I've noticed that in a lot of other people since then. It doesn't seem to make much difference whether Spanish is a first or second language.

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

Memo to folks who dislike Trump:

Nobody on earth cares about some vague hand gestures Trump made during his first campaign 3 years ago.

Most sane folks care about how many Americans are currently working (millions), and what President Trump has done DURING HIS PRESIDENCY.

Please review, digest, and initial.

rcocean said...

"And then he also emails me to berate me for not spending my time moderating out comments that attack him."

Why waste time reading them? I'd send them back unopened. "Return to sender, address unknown".

Francisco D said...

Didn't Mueller and his cronies investigate Trump's hand gestures?

rcocean said...

Anyone who quotes the Left-wing hacks at "Snopes" as truth-seekers isn't playing with a full deck.

Curious George said...

"Try not being such a dick."

Careful, those are titty-twisting words!

Darkisland said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...

Have you ever heard something negative and plausible about Trump that you didn't accept as true?

Yup. One of the things I have been taught by the media. Not just about PDJT but the media has been lying to us for centuries. It is just that it has gotten more obvious in recent years and worse in the Trump era.

The media constantly tells us "Sources say....." and then 2-3 days later we find it is not true at all. My default position is that, if they are speaking about PDJT, they are probably lying or at least not giving us the context which amounts to the same thing.

John Henry

John Henry

Chuck said...

Curious George said...
"Try not being such a dick."

Careful, those are titty-twisting words!

You realize that that phrase is one that I didn't start? Commenter "Full Moon" imagined it, and persisted for months in insisting that I wrote it. Before finally admitting that I didn't.

Typical of the Althouse commentariat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump has warts, Chuck. WE know. WE don't worship him blindly. We understand, for now, he's all we have between us and total corruption on the left.

Ruth H said...

My twin and I use our hands when talking, we were born in OK and raised in TX. Our daddy used to say, "if the twins had to sit on their hands they wouldn't be able to talk." I guess it is a genetic trait, our kids do it too. But our parents did not, five other siblings did not, where did it come from? Who knows, we are Heinz 57 Americans, mostly Eastern Europe, Scotland, Ireland etc.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Curious George said...

As far as Chuck, he so pathetically sad. A life time backbencher. No friends. Even his dog hates him.

You forgot to mention that he is now, officially, a dick.

John Henry

roesch/voltaire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

I don't get the whole thing about "Don't point". Trump is pointing at the crowd, not a person.

Hillary used a lot of clap-clap, point-point, wink-wink while making eye contact with individuals in 2008. After a while, it started to look like Tourettes, and was a little creepy.

I don't think she used it in 2016.

Darkisland said...

A bit off topic but did everyone here realize that according to the Mueller report, the No Agenda Show, with John C Dvorak and Adam Curry is "The best podcast in the universe."?

John Henry

(Sir John of the Zika to you)

JAORE said...

My default position is that, if they are speaking about PDJT, they are probably lying or at least not giving us the context which amounts to the same thing.

True dat.

roesch/voltaire said...

The difference between a style of speech and an accent is not picky, as any linguist will tell you, and yes the gestures used when mentioning the handicapped reporter is the same gesture used for Cruz--so what? He still reveals himself as reveling in mocking through gestures or ad hominem. As he said, he is a good talker but take him at his word at your peril.

Curious George said...

Dear Diary:

Today Ann noticed me and addressed my comment. She also admitted that she does read my emails. I'm sure she called me a dick because she doesn't want other people on her blog to get jealous, so that's okay. I think this the happiest day of my life! I'm walking on air!!!


Achilles said...

Chuck said...
Althouse if you don't think that Trump mocked the disabled writer, I can't help you. Your denial of that is gross. Ugly. Hateful.

This person routinely threatens physical violence against other posters.

This person is an obvious racist.

This person attacks children of people he doesn't like.

This person is completely and totally disingenuous about what he believes and who he votes for.

Nobody likes you Chuck.

You are a piece of shit.

bagoh20 said...

"Seriously, you Trump sycophants are sinking deeper into the Trump rabbit hole with every passing day."

Think about who is in a hole. Us "sycophants" are celebrating and enjoying a booming economy, higher wages ,and record low unemployment for people in our nation, especially minorities and those previously left behind. We are celebrating keeping more of our hard earned money, and seeing our nation fight back for fair treatment in trade and security agreements with our allies and competitors in the world for the first time in our lifetime.

While the self-imagined clear thinkers are obsessed with hurting their President in any way possible and punishing their fellow American if necessary to do so. You are miserable every day and so busy calling people names and stoking your hatred that you can't enjoy the rare moment of peace and prosperity your nation and fellow Americans are enjoying and will inevitably lose sooner or later, and you are secretly hoping all those good things end. That is a dank dark hole.

traditionalguy said...

Mueller's team must have gone crazy trying to decipher DJT's big Q signs made to the crowd at rallies into a Secret High Crime. And all along the Q was the symbol for the force in charmed Quarks that holds protons together. Djt's Uncle is the MIT Professor who is a Tesla expert on the use for electromagnetic forces.

Dave said...


I’m From New York

You know how Trump is always saying inappropriate and violent-sounding things? Most people see that type of language as offensive and even dangerous. The exception is people who grew up in New York. We see it as “talking.”

After college, when I moved from upstate New York to California, I had to relearn how to talk. My New York style offended nearly everyone. Let me give you an example of how a Californian talks compared to a New Yorker.

Californian: It looks like it might rain today.

New Yorker: Oh, shit. Fucking rain. I need that like I need a goddamned bullet in my head.


Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Debunked by YouTube videos that don't show same thing?”

Delusional Deplorables, what else is new?

Inga, readering, wwww, Chuck and all the others are just not good people. They have to believe the worst about people they disagree with.

They know deep down they supported spying on a political opponent. They know they support a coup attempt and are attempting to destroy our republic.

They know nobody wants open borders, They know nobody wants their endless wars or their crony trade. Nobody wants higher taxes or more regulation.

So they lie.

They are disgusting people and enemies of freedom.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Achilles said...
roesch/voltaire said...
The difference between a style of speech and an accent is not picky, as any linguist will tell you, and yes the gestures used when mentioning the handicapped reporter is the same gesture used for Cruz--so what? He still reveals himself as reveling in mocking through gestures or ad hominem. As he said, he is a good talker but take him at his word at your peril.

"--so what?"

It shows that your fellow leftists up above are disingenuous pieces of shit.

Thats what.

bagoh20 said...

"So it is a matter of record, that Trump has met Kovaleski, including in his Trump Tower office. "

I offered his not knowing him as something I read, but didn't know if it was true. I can accept that he did meet him, and maybe even knew he was handicapped, but he also could have forgotten, or most plausible didn't use those jesters as mocking his handicap, BECAUSE THOSE ARE JESTERS HE HAS A LONG HISTORY OF USING ON EVERYONE HE SEES AS BEING CAUGHT IN A LIE. It's his go to way of showing someone struggling to cover their ass, and he's been doing it for years. He treated the guy like just like any other able-bodied reporter, as he should have.

bagoh20 said...

Most importantly, the whole episode is unimportant if you care more about the country than you do Trump.

Otto said...

We are not concerned hand gestures. We are not concerned accents. We are concerned about policy. And he has nailed to date. That loud mouth, bullshitting , bully has been surprisingly true to his word about policies. Not perfect but he gets a A- .

LA_Bob said...

"Try not being such a dick."

Geez, when you've lost Althouse....

I find the word "dick" to be very phallocentric...

Francisco D said...

You forgot to mention that he is now, officially, a dick.

Chuckles became an insufferable asshole after the boys in fifth grade called him Pencil Dick.

I propose that as his Althouse blog screen name.

readering said...

I for one like the accent, mannerisms, hand gestures. I don't like the substance. Of course in one respect he is like Chuck in a much greater forum.

Chuck keeps commenting although a crowd of folks on this site insult Chuck every time he appears.

Kevin said...

Q: Can you mock a disabled person?

A: Oh, no you mustn't.

Q: Why not?

A: We don't want them to feel they're different than the rest of us...

Achilles said...

The only thing Trump has done wrong so far was underestimating how far the GOPe traitors like Paul Ryan and John McCain and Jeff Flake and Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski would go to undermine him and betray their voters.

LA_Bob said...

"New Yorker: Oh, shit. Fucking rain. I need that like I need a goddamned bullet in my head."

I grew up and live in SoCal. Many years ago I arrived in New Jersey for an IT project. The first night I asked a grocery clerk where some product was. "Aisle fohr!" he practically shouted. I thought I'd ticked him off.

Then I discovered most women sounded like they wanted to fight. It was just the Joisey accent.

Gospace said...

Chuck said...

But of course we have Trump declaring that he "doubts" meeting Kovaleski. What the hell? The guy covered you regularly. Everybody knows that. Who in the world is going to believe the Trumpist lie that he "doubts" ever having met Kovaleski?

This is classic Trump lying.

I've been involved with my local Scout troop since 1994. We have picture albums covering all the years the troop has been around (47 now). There are pictures of me at events that I have absolutely no recollection of being at. If the FBI asked me "Were you at the 2001 Mohawk Camporee?" and I answered "No" I'd find myself in court defending myself because a picture exists showing I was there. But no memory exists of my being there- just the picture.

And I have a pretty good memory. Just some things the brain doesn't put into long term storage, and we (at least most of us) have no control over what gets stored.

I can remember playing on the monkey bars at South Ferry in Manhattan before I was 5 years old. My grandmother used to take me there. My brain put that in long term storage.

Kevin said...

Seriously, you Trump sycophants are sinking deeper into the Trump rabbit hole with every passing day.

Please Inga, tell us the latest about how Trump is a Russian agent.

Don't leave out the part where it's all about to be revealed very soon.

Kirk Parker said...


"Jeez, Chuck is so abusive. Look how abusive he is to me. And then he also emails me to berate me for not spending my time moderating out comments that attack him. Try not being such a dick."

This is why "Comment by Chuck blocked" is such a mood elevator!

Achilles said...

readering said...
I for one like the accent, mannerisms, hand gestures. I don't like the substance. Of course in one respect he is like Chuck in a much greater forum.

Chuck keeps commenting although a crowd of folks on this site insult Chuck every time he appears.

You of course don't address the why of anything you said.

But you still cling to the clear lie Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

And you still support the coup and the spying on political opponents using obvious Russian collusion hoaxes so dishonesty is a matter of course for you at this point.

You are so eager to believe lies about other people you disagree with.

Got any new pee-pee tapes you want to believe?

walter said...

"Dick" said..."I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

daskol said...

Achilles, Trump did mock a disabled reporter. What he did not do is mock his disability.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump's hand gestures are natural. Not scripted or rehearsed like Beto, Hillary and many others. You can tell when it is natural or fake. Body language is something that is very very hard to fake or to consistently fake.

Trump also has a lot of facial movements and expressions that are also natural. He has a very expressive face and you can tell when he is joking, sarcastic, serious and so on.

As to accent, it doesn't seem to me that he has a very broad or strong Queens accent.

As in the clip presented by Althouse, Trump flutters his hands in a somewhat spastic/jerky manner to indicate a person is incoherent or totally confused. It has nothing to do with the person's disability or not disability.

People like Chuck who only want to see what they want to see will use those gestures and expressions to confirm their own already set biases. None so blind.

Hand Gestures in talking: I'm of Irish/Welsh descent. I also spent many years growing up around Latin American and Italian cultures. Living in Mexico and in California surrounded by many different ethnicities. If you tie my hands down, I have a very hard time speaking :-)

Trump should just keep on being Trump and people like Chuck can keep on doing what they do best...pound sand.

Kevin said...

And I have a pretty good memory.

You have to understand Chuck wakes every morning with the certainty that everything Trump says is a lie.

And he can't go to sleep at night until he's proven to himself and anyone who will listen that his thesis is still true.

Having Trump tweet the correct day of the week is an existential crisis for Chuck.

It's gotta be Sunday or Tuesday somewhere.

bleh said...

"The other two were NYPD cops -- one in Times Square, one in the Bronx, out by Yankee Stadium. They both looked and talked like Andy Sipowicz in NYPD BLue."

They both talked like they were born and raised in Chicago?

rehajm said...

Presidents have a history of making fun of the handicapped

rehajm said...

Whoops, that's an error.

tim maguire said...

Chuck, do I have this straight?

Trump mocked Kovaleski the same way he mocks everyone he thinks is a doofus, but it's different with Kovaleski because Kovaleski is handicapped. So Trump discriminated against him by treating him just like he treats everyone else.

Is that about the size of it?

Oh yeah, and Trump lied when he said he didn't remember meeting this one reporter when actually this one reporter is one of the hundreds of reporters Trump has met. Because Trump has a good memory. Eidetic, apparently.

madAsHell said...

I wonder which gesture pairs well with "grab'em by the pussy"?

Fran Waxman said...

"they have stolen two years of my Presidency"

Is that supposed be a bad thing? Trump needs to be impeded as much as possible to prevent him from doing Make-America-GREAT harm. Even the conservative economist Mankiw decried his wicked tax bill for the benefit of the rich at the expense of everyone else. "Congress is as polarized as ever, not having done much over the past two years other than pass the mess of the 2017 tax bill."

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I wonder which gesture pairs well with "grab'em by the pussy"?

I would guess, an outward thrust of the right hand (assuming that is the dominant hand) in a palm up, fingers spread hand position. Sort of like you were holding a basketball in the hand. Perhaps also a little bit of finger flexing to for the graphic feeling. Hand likely held slightly below waist level.

Come can do this! Try!!

Chuck said...

tim maguire said...
Chuck, do I have this straight?

Trump mocked Kovaleski the same way he mocks everyone he thinks is a doofus, but it's different with Kovaleski because Kovaleski is handicapped. So Trump discriminated against him by treating him just like he treats everyone else.

Is that about the size of it?

Oh yeah, and Trump lied when he said he didn't remember meeting this one reporter when actually this one reporter is one of the hundreds of reporters Trump has met. Because Trump has a good memory. Eidetic, apparently.

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Not Trump. He was saying that someone had told him that some people were saying that. Remember?

tcrosse said...

I got your hand gestures right here.

Achilles said...

daskol said...
Achilles, Trump did mock a disabled reporter. What he did not do is mock his disability.


Chuck and Readering and wwww and Inga are still dishonest pieces of shit clinging to that.

MBunge said...

Chuck - "Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?"

This pretty much sums up the #resistance and explains why they've had so little success at persuading anyone to stop supporting Trump. It's always the same pattern:

1. Criticism of Trump.

2. Largely reasonable and rational response to criticism of Trump.

3. "SHUT UP!"


Kevin said...

Trump needs to be impeded as much as possible to prevent him from doing Make-America-GREAT harm.

You know what Trump WON'T have to do?

He won't have to tell everyone that this, THIS is finally going to be the Recovery Summer he's been promising since he took office...

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Here is the full quote you dishonest piece of shit.

"You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible," Trump said.

It is a figure of speech.

Nobody likes you. Democrats don't like you and think you are useless. Republicans voters hate you because you betray us while you pretend to be on our side.

There are maybe 100 of you Bulwark readers out there who are completely useless to the world.

You aren't even useful to the people who fund you anymore.

Take your racist violent garbage and go hang out with the only person who wants you around.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said..."Jeez, Chuck is so abusive. Look how abusive he is to me. And then he also emails me to berate me for not spending my time moderating out comments that attack him. Try not being such a dick."

It's not Chuck's fault. Trump makes him do it.

Michael K said...

Blogger Fran Waxman said...
"they have stolen two years of my Presidency"

Is that supposed be a bad thing? Trump needs to be impeded as much as possible to prevent him from doing Make-America-GREAT harm

So, I guess this is not Inga as she has turned up. We have TWO clueless lefties, in addition to the regulars.

Chuck said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Not Trump. He was saying that someone had told him that some people were saying that. Remember?

That's not correct. Who else said it? Who said it, either as fact (of course not) or even as hyperbole (it was; a uniquely insulting hyperbole to his supporters) before Trump said it?

The full quote is, "You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible..."

But polls don't say such things. And no one else I have ever known of said it. I'm not letting Trump off, for one of his characteristic elusions about "They say..." or "People say."

Trump said it and no one else did. Trump was not saying that the polls were wrong. He was implying that the polls were right. And his impression was that the polling numbers showed such loyalty that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose one voter is pure Trump.

Do you have access to a poll from January of 2016 that showed a 100% response to a poll question about Trump shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue? I didn't think so.

Trump said it. No one else said it. No one else ever said it.

tim maguire said...

Chuck said...Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Trump didn't get my vote last time, but he probably will this time. In either case, can I take your attempt to change the subject as an admission that you were wrong about the actual point under discussion?

Or is this just more of the troll dance you do?

tim maguire said...

Chuck said...
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

Not Trump. He was saying that someone had told him that some people were saying that. Remember?

That's not correct. Who else said it?

People like you, Chuck. People like you. Every day.

Michael K said...

Blogger Achilles said...
The only thing Trump has done wrong so far was underestimating how far the GOPe traitors like Paul Ryan and John McCain and Jeff Flake and Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski would go to undermine him and betray their voters.

He had probably been reading what they said in the NY Times. One big disadvantage a non-politician has going into the swamp is not knowing that they all lie all the time. Every word, including "the"and "a."

Bay Area Guy said...

I know it's hard for some, but it'd be nice if the Trump critics could move away from the 2016 campaign, move away from Trump's tone/style, and focus on, ya know, the policy he has implemented during his presidency.

Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea?

Was McCain's no vote on repealing Obamacare a good thing or bad thing?

Are Trump's judicial appointments generally good or generally bad?

Was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords good or not so hot (pun intended)?

Are Trump's negotiations to de-nuclearize North Korea good for the country or bad for the country?

Is Trump's trade policy with China a good thing or a bad thing?

How has Trump done against Isis?

How has Trump done with foreign wars?

Should Trump support the Juan Guaido and people of Venezuela or the Commie/socialist regime?

It's a big world out there. Lotta potential substantive discussions. Under Article 2 of the US Constitution, the dude does have a shitload of power/authority.

My 2 cents.

Automatic_Wing said...

Chuck's comments are like that Hillary ad where the little kids are traumatized by Trump being a big meanie. Is "Trump is a big meanie" going to be the Dem campaign theme again in 2020? Seems kinda risky to me, but what do I know, I'm not a big bucks political consultant.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The full quote is, "You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible..."

Yes. That is the wording. Trump was using an example/hyperbole confirming the poll's findings that he has loyal followers.

He used the words "where I could" instead of "as if I could". Neither of those phrases are saying he would do such a thing. It was hyperbole. A joke. Everyone but you gets it.

God. In addition to being a dick, you are a very dense and rather stupid person.

Yancey Ward said...

My best friend is Haitian- he was 16 when he moved with his family to New York City. Thoroughly New York speech, though, with the interruptions and hand gestures. I always liked it- direct and to the point.

Yancey Ward said...

In my Broadway musical "Althouse", the role of Chuck will be played by a puppet.

walter said...

Losing in 2020 is how we conserve conservatism.

readering said...

Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea? BAD

Was McCain's no vote on repealing Obamacare a good thing or bad thing? GOOD

Are Trump's judicial appointments generally good or generally bad? MIXED BAG

Was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords good or not so hot (pun intended)? NOT SO HOT

Are Trump's negotiations to de-nuclearize North Korea good for the country or bad for the country? GOOD IDEA, EXECUTION SO FAR A JOKE (HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL); AT LEAST NO WAR

Is Trump's trade policy with China a good thing or a bad thing? BAD (ALTHOUGH SENATE MINORITY LEADER DISAGREES!)


How has Trump done with foreign wars? YEMEN SEEMS BAD

Should Trump support the Juan Guaido and people of Venezuela or the Commie/socialist regime? I DON'T THINK REGIME COMMIES AND I THINK GUAIDO IS A LEFTIST, BUT GOOD TO SUPPORT HIM AGAINST THE BAD, CORRUPT, EVIL SOCIALIST REGIME

Oh, and Obstruction of Justice? BAD BAD BAD

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you banned Mary G but not Chuck? She must have really been a nasty piece of work.

Chuck said...

Dust Bunny Queen;

I know that Trump was no serious about shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. Everyone knows that. It was a joke. A joke, in which the butt of the joke was Trump's unthinking, hyper-loyal base. Trump was making fun of his base whether he understood it or not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obamacare sucks, and the left won't sign up for it.
But they will sing O-cares praises. Kinda insane.

Gospace said...

This actually belongs on a yesterday's thread, but that's now long gone...

This is another mainstream liberal's Twitter thread from threadreaderapp.

Let's quote from it to show the reality disconnect: In many of Donald Trump’s actions, such as alienating allies, withdrawing from arrangements such as the Paris Agreement,. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. That's something many liberals believe- that we were a part of the Paris Agreement and that Trump withdrew from it. The reality disconnect is really rather legally simple. In order for the United States to be part and parcel of any international agreement, said agreement needs to be submitted to the Senate as a treaty and approved by the Senate. Obama's signature was on the Paris Agreement, no argument there. The Paris Agreement was never submitted to the Senate. Obama signing the Paris Agreement was a meaningless gesture since it never went before the Senate. Trump "withdrawing" from it was meaningful in pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Democrats who criticized him. The United States was never a legal party to the Paris Agreement. I'm surprised no liberal judge found cause to say he couldn't undo what Obama did. Especially since that's what judges did with an admitted unconstitutional executive order that Obama issued. Note - an ADMITTED UNCONSTITUTIONAL executive order, declared by another court to be unconstitutional, but Orange Man Bad was the justification for allowing an unconstitutional executive order to stay in place.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hyper-loyalty you talk about Chuck is the Trump-hate crowd. That is some serious loyalty.

Gospace said...

readering said...
Was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords good or not so hot (pun intended)? NOT SO HOT

Didn't read this before I made my last post.

When did the Paris Climate Accords become legally binding on the United States? Hint: The answer is never. If you believe otherwise- explain why. Must use the Constitution of the United States in your answer.

Drago said...

Its clear from the lefties comments, like "LLR"-lefty Chuck, that the upcoming IG reports and Barr's investigation is going to devastate LLR Chuck's beloved far left dems.

Well, thats just too bad, isn't it?

steve uhr said...

sorry Ann but you have not “proved” that trump was not intentionally mocking a disabled person. Was the Cruz video before or after? Any videos besides those two? You don’t really believe that trump would never stoop to such a level do you? Not sure why you almost always give him the benefit of the doubt.

walter said...

Keep Hoax Alive!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What justice did he obstruct? Still waiting for the left to tell us.
If Trump didn't collude with Russia and he didn't shut down Hillary-Mueller, what justice did he obstruct?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

wasnt Salena Zito's 'decode' adequate early on ?

bagoh20 said...

"Trump said it. No one else said it. No one else ever said it."

That right there is the full-blown effect of TDS. There is no way anyone could know such a thing, and it's a completely unimportant throw away line between Trump and his supporters who get it in ways that apparently are beyond the ability of the TDS infected mind. To get your panties in wad over that just shows a loss of control.

readering said...

On the war thing, a friend in China weeks ago asked me what's up with the US having two carriers in the Persian Gulf instead of the usual one. I responded that there's no news of such a thing in US press, although I do recall that a navy website publishes the movement of carrier groups. Apparently the Chinese press generally follows the US military more closely than the US press. Hope no war coming in Gulf.

readering said...

On the obstruction thing, I'm not a former federal prosecutor, but . . . .

steve uhr said...

What justice did he obstruct?

Perhaps one of the ten or so spinoff investigations referred to various us attorneys?

FullMoon said...

Be kind, people.....

Chuck said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.

Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.

Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different.

bagoh20 said...

"If Trump didn't collude with Russia and he didn't shut down Hillary-Mueller, what justice did he obstruct?"

He obstructed justice by not being a Russian asset which seems to be what a lot of people wanted along with economic malaise and lost jobs.

"You can't always get what you want,
but if you try,
sometimes you get what you need."

Ann Althouse said...

curious george at 11:33 AM


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Oh Althouse, please post the body of that email here. Please!!

Drago said...

steve uhr: "sorry Ann but you have not “proved” that trump was not intentionally mocking a disabled person."


After losing all their other anti-Trump lies idiot lefties Uhr and LLR Chuck are not going to let you take that one away as well!!

Where's your humanity Althouse? Cant you see Uhr and LLR Chuck and readering NEED their lies?

Chuck said...

bagoh20 said...
"Trump said it. No one else said it. No one else ever said it."

That right there is the full-blown effect of TDS. There is no way anyone could know such a thing, and it's a completely unimportant throw away line between Trump and his supporters who get it in ways that apparently are beyond the ability of the TDS infected mind. To get your panties in wad over that just shows a loss of control.

Trump is the guy who said it. He can tell you who he was reporting on.

All that I did here was to accurately say that Trump said it. And he did. It's Trump's phoniness and casually reckless way of speaking that requires us to speculate that Trump was merely reporting "what people say." And who those people might be.

JAORE said...

When did the Paris Climate Accords become legally binding on the United States?

Just as binding as the Kyoto protocols before them. You know the protocols that Clinton dared not send to the Senate after the 96-0 vote of non-support.

And here's a follow up question: How are the signatories of the Paris accords doing on CO reduction goals versus that nasty old USA?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - kinda missing the point. No one cares about that minutiae. Except desperate clinger weirdos who are desperate to cling to strands of Trump-hate now that Russian collusion has collapsed into a seething pile of corrupt leftwing horse shit.

Drago said...

Admitted Smear Merchant Friar Chuck: "All that I did here was to accurately say that Trump said it."

You lied.


Smear Merchants do that sort of thing.

Admitted smear merchants, like yourself, proudly do that sort of thing.

You loudly and proudly proclaimed your purpose here was to lie and smear Trump to help the dems.

Congratulations! We're convinced!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He obstructed justice by not being a Russian asset...

That's a neat trick.

Chuck said...

Annie C. said...
Oh Althouse, please post the body of that email here. Please!!

I can help you with that. Here is the complete body of my email to Althouse on Saturday, May 4 at 4:18pm:

"Your new comment-moderation initiative seems to have lasted about six weeks.

What a disgraceful joke. I am looking at all sorts of personal attacks on me in your latest post about Biden’s polling including an invitation to find a shotgun to be put in my mouth."

I'll add this here and now; I posted once on that comments page, directing my comment to Althouse and the subject of her post. Then I had one other very brief reply to another person's comment, again directly on point.

Later came the personal attacks on me including no fewer than seven (7) (!) obsessive attacks on me, by name, by "Drago."

I replied to none of them.

Althouse you really ought to know by now where your comments page "clutter" comes from.

Drago said...

LLR Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "Later came the personal attacks on me including no fewer than seven (7) (!) obsessive attacks on me, by name, by "Drago."
I replied to none of them."

Mobys and those clearly lying and posting in bad faith, rarely respond to those who expose them online.

The reasons are obvious.

I hope that helps.

And best wishes in your new role as "core Christianity" theologian with newly found "expertise" that, oddly enough, apparently completely aligns with the most insane rantings of far left Anti-Christian activists.

Its a marvel how you pulled that off.

Drago said...

So, to summarize the thread:
1)Dershowitz has a very interesting take on things which I believe do help to explain how people view Trump

2) Admitted Smear Merchant Chuck thought this would be another great opportunity to shove more far left lies against Trump out there and then, when confronted with the reality of his lie immediately flexed to his 2 standby ploys: attacking others and screaming for Althouse to protect him from others who are exposing him.

daskol said...

steve uhr, Trump did mock the disabled reporter. He mocked him the same way he's mocked other people engaging in doublespeak, using the same gestures he uses to indicate someone who's completely flummoxed. He did not mock the reporter's disability, but maybe the issue for some people is that you just don't mock a disabled person, period.

Back to the Dershowitz video: the interrupting! People who stand on politeness and manners can't stand to be interrupted, and they take a negative view of people who interrupt in general. Working with folks from all over the states and for last few years the world, that's something I need to remind myself of constantly. I can see how terribly it hurts my case to do it, but after a lifetime in a family and a city where that's normal part of discourse, it's hard habit to break. I never took notes in meetings, but now I just write things down instead of interrupting long-winded and/or repetitious people. If one thing is going to drive me to look elsewhere for work, it's going to be this.

Anonymous said...

Chuck to tim maguire:

"Oh yeah, and Trump lied when he said he didn't remember meeting this one reporter when actually this one reporter is one of the hundreds of reporters Trump has met. Because Trump has a good memory. Eidetic, apparently."

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote. Remember who said that?

OK, you've reached your regularly-scheduled state of confusion, where, understanding nothing of what people have said to you, but yet dimly comprehending that nobody's buying your repeatedly-debunked bullshit re topic A, you change course and try scoring with equally repeatedly-debunked bullshit re topic B. (You're incredulous that somebody holding the office of POTUS wouldn't remember having any interaction with a random reporter, while at the same time apparently unable to maintain in your own memory the last dozen times nobody bought the repeatedly-debunked bullshit you're peddling again right now.)

Chuck, there is nothing wrong in your despising a man for his personality or his policies. We all do that. What is fucked up is your monomaniacally nursing a pathological hatred of a public figure based, not just on his own real vices and shortcomings, but on *your own* inability to process natural language normally.

I hope you stay away from translation software, Chuck. You'd probably call a fluent speaker of a language a liar if they told you that Google Translate's clunking literal translation of a sample of text or speech was wrong.

nob490 said...

Chuck, have you ever said "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse?" Or have you ever heard anyone say that?

Did you take them literally and call them a liar, because, you know, eating a whole horse is probably impossible. At least at one sitting, which is kind of implied in the remark. Or, did you see what they really intended?

Seriously, what is your problem?

Chuck said...

Althouse herself raised (not me) the issue of Trump's mocking the physical appearance of journalist Serge Kovaleski. She just did it in a remarkably clumsy, ordinary way.

I had forgotten what Brit Hume said about it at the time; that the Trumpkins' acceptance of that phony explanation for Trump just proves that Lincoln was right about fooling some of the people all of the time.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey, they didn't get Joe Cocker's hand movements either. Fuck them all. As for Chuck not to be a dick. It's clearly all he's good at.

Nonapod said...

the interrupting! People who stand on politeness and manners can't stand to be interrupted, and they take a negative view of people who interrupt in general. Working with folks from all over the states and for last few years the world, that's something I need to remind myself of constantly. I can see how terribly it hurts my case to do it, but after a lifetime in a family and a city where that's normal part of discourse, it's hard habit to break. I never took notes in meetings, but now I just write things down instead of interrupting long-winded and/or repetitious people. If one thing is going to drive me to look elsewhere for work, it's going to be this.

I'm one of those people who really dislikes perpetual interupters. For me it's not entirely about politeness, it's more about disrupting a flow of thought. I like to have people complete their arguments and make their points. I especially hate when people interupt a story.

For the longest time I didn't understand what motivated interupters. I would (usually unfairly) attribute it to some narcissistic need for them to be the constant center of attention. Finally I just asked an interupter why they do what they do. I was informed that it had more to do with them being afraid that they wouldn't be able to remember a question or pertinent point until after the original speaker completed their thought. As a person who has been blessed with a very good short term memory and the ability to usuallyhold multiple thoughts in sort of mental queue, I generally couldn't really relate to those fears directly. But I could at least understand them. And I'm also aware that as I age I'll probably end up becoming an interupter myself as my memory goes.

I'd like to think that I've become more tolarent of interrupters since then.

Chuck said...

nob490 said...
Chuck, have you ever said "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse?" Or have you ever heard anyone say that?

Did you take them literally and call them a liar, because, you know, eating a whole horse is probably impossible. At least at one sitting, which is kind of implied in the remark. Or, did you see what they really intended?

Seriously, what is your problem?

I'm not taking Trump literally. I think he was joking. I already said that. I don't understand what you are criticizing me for. Trump was joking; speaking in hyperbole.

But again; the butt of the joke was Trump's base. That they would ignore any/all objective evidence in their support of Trump. Trump cam up with the "Shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue" metaphor. Nobody else did that.

And if you are taking Trump literally at his word about "the polls" said that, then it is you, not me, who is freakishly literal.

nob490 said...

Okay Chuck, I'll take you at your word that you say he was using hyperbole. As for the remainder of your comment, I just don't pay that much attention to every word Trump says. At least not in these types of situations. He's gauche, he blusters, and speaking off-the-cuff he makes many mistakes. I get that, and I think most of his supporters do.

He's hard to watch at times, and I completely understand how people can find him off-putting. But I think your's and some other's parsing of every word is a waste of time, and misses the mark on who and what Trump means. He's not perfect, but he's genuine. Recall some of those pictures of Al Gore in his lumberjack outfits, all posed and perfect. Such phoniness is evident from miles down Fifth Avenue.

Have a good afternoon.

walter said...

A good one from that Texanisms list: "I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you."

bagoh20 said...

So what is Trump doing in those other videos where he mocks non-disabled critics the same way? Is he having a seizure, or just practicing for the upcoming chance to mock a cripple? Maybe he has a wedgie and wants to dislodge it non-manually.

Richard Dillman said...

Having grown up near NYC, i learned the nature of NYC popular rhetoric. Its based on extreme hyperbole, irony, and a kind of can you top
this repartee. To midwesterners, it is a foreign language that must be explained to them. Do not take the NYC dialect literally.
It has it own rules and conventions. In Minnesota, litotes or extreme understatement is more normative.

Chuck said...

bagoh20 said...
So what is Trump doing in those other videos where he mocks non-disabled critics the same way? Is he having a seizure, or just practicing for the upcoming chance to mock a cripple? Maybe he has a wedgie and wants to dislodge it non-manually.

He's being a jackass as usual.

I have to sometimes pinch myself with the realization that we are talking about this sort of thing in reference to any President of the United States.

daskol said...

Nonapod, what kills me is when people are clearly on the wrong track, having misunderstood what someone else has said or something else fundamental, and then go in the wrong direction, and just keep going, building on top of misconception and causing a combination of confusion and consternation. In the milieu I currently inhabit, this must run its course, as nobody ever interrupts.

daskol said...

The NY style interruption Dershowitz references is actually a sign of conversational respect: you interrupt when you've grasped the point being made, saving the person the need to elaborately explain it, and are ready for what's next. Instant feedback.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is STILL trying to make up for his embarrassing behavior over Pecan Pie-Gate when he lied about a Sarah Sanders pie as well as when he posted a terribly racist comment about Ben Carson and then literally tried to say Trump said it.

Very similar to LLR Chucks tactics today. In fact, creating false quotes and false circumstances around Trump quotes is sort of Chucks primary schtick.

Expect this to accelerate as panic sets in amongst the dems like Chuck moving forward.

Kevin said...

In my Broadway musical "Althouse", the role of Chuck will be played by a puppet.

His musical number about fitting Lawrence v. Texas into any comment thread will steal the show.

MBunge said...

Chuck - "I have to sometimes pinch myself with the realization that we are talking about this sort of thing in reference to any President of the United States."

Again, this is what Trump Derangement Syndrome is. You don't even have to go back to fairly rough and tumble customers like Truman or LBJ. How about the frat boy antics of George W. Bush or the Oval Office shenanigans of Bill Clinton? How about Mitt Romney demeaning 47% of the American public to curry favor with rich donors behind closed doors? Or Hillary Clinton branding millions of Americans as "irredeemable?"

Are you at all aware of what the Bush the Younger campaign did to John McCain in the South Carolina GOP primary in 2000? Or how about McCain campaigning and voting on repealing Obamacare FOR YEARS but then voting against a repeal much less harsh than many he had supported in the past, at least partially out of plain spite?


Nonapod said...

daskol said...Nonapod, what kills me is when people are clearly on the wrong track, having misunderstood what someone else has said or something else fundamental, and then go in the wrong direction, and just keep going, building on top of misconception and causing a combination of confusion and consternation. In the milieu I currently inhabit, this must run its course, as nobody ever interrupts.

Well, then I don't mind an interuption. If someone (esp. me) is blathering on off topic or is just on the wrong track, then by all means, interupt away with a "No, that's not what we're talking about." or whatever. Especially if we're in a business meeting. Let's not waste any more time on nonsense.

I was referring to the more general interupters in casual conversation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump may not be the jackass we want - but he is the jackass we need.

btw- listening to NPR just now. They are convinced Trump will be charged with the crime of "obstruction of justice!"

Inga told us so. LOLOLOL>>>> The delusion won't die. Notice how quickly 2+ years of Russian's/Trump colluded -- vanished.

rcocean said...

Trolls often have "alter egos" who come one immediately and "attack" the troll. It spices up the game. For example, "Cederford" would come on, make a trollish comment, and then "Gary Rosen" would always pop up to attack him. You rarely saw "Gary Rosen" without Cederford.

Jim at said...

Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose your vote.

Depends upon who he shoots.
Are you volunteering?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just saw the bumper sticker --->

"Literally anyone else" 2020.


Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
sorry Ann but you have not “proved” that trump was not intentionally mocking a disabled person. Was the Cruz video before or after? Any videos besides those two? You don’t really believe that trump would never stoop to such a level do you? Not sure why you almost always give him the benefit of the doubt.

Add steve uhr to the list of completely dishonest douchebags that cling to any lie to make their opponents seem evil.

Michael K said...

I was referring to the more general interupters in casual conversation.

Where did you get to know my wife?

Bruce Hayden said...

“On the obstruction thing, I'm not a former federal prosecutor, but . . . .”

Idiotic article in WaPo. Trump said fire someone. They ignored him. And that is somehow Obstruction of Justice? The TDS was overwhelming in that article. They are right that if someone else orders the firing of someone, AND THAT PERSON IS FIRED, then there might be Obstruction. But the rules are different with the President, because these were employees of his who were trying to avoid being fired or retasked by claiming that their boss was Obstructing Justice. Morally and legally, they don’t get to make that call. He is President, and they are not. They have no independent power or legitimacy under our Constitution. All of their power and legitimacy is derivative of and delegated to them from him. But there was no Actus Rea, since there was no firing. At worst, they might be able to argue the inchoate offense of Attempt.

But then you get into the Mens Rea requirement, which also has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Was telling someone to fire someone intent to fire them? Or just blowing off steam? For Obstruction, they would need to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. Was the person ordered to do the firing fired himself, or even disciplined himself for not firing the target of Trump’s ire? Never, which, thus negates the claimed Mens Rea. Weissman and his band of highly partisan prosecutors pointed out that they were never given a chance to prove intent because they were never able to make interview Trump. Which, of course, violated DoJ regulations, which prevents just this sort of mud slinging, absent a prima face case, which they weren’t close to having. They got burden of proof backwards - they had the burden of proving Trump guilty, not the other way around.

Let me add that this is essentially a good part of the Weissman/Wittes versus Barr interpretational dispute concerning an Obstruction statute. As most everyone here knows, Barr won, and Weissman and Lawfare’s Wittes lost. This was a pretty brazen attempt by them to put the Mueller investigation beyond the reach of any oversight, by treating any attempt by the President or his principal officers to rein in or terminate their investigation as Obstruction of Justice.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
bagoh20 said...
So what is Trump doing in those other videos where he mocks non-disabled critics the same way? Is he having a seizure, or just practicing for the upcoming chance to mock a cripple? Maybe he has a wedgie and wants to dislodge it non-manually.

He's being a jackass as usual.

I have to sometimes pinch myself with the realization that we are talking about this sort of thing in reference to any President of the United States.

I do as well. It is hard to imagine we got so lucky.

He has completely unmasked the cuck wing of the democrat party that has been lying to republican voters for decades.

He has turned our economy around and the working/middle class is prospering for the first time in decades.

We aren't getting into stupid pointless wars by the dozen that we never finish off like BushClintonBushObama.

He has uncovered and exposed a wide ranging conspiracy by traitors in our own government working with foreign agents to subvert our privacy laws and commit a coup.

You still have people like BleachBit-and-Hammers making stupid comments about anyone else in 2020 but you always get people who bow before social pressure.

In 20 years the press is going to be amazed at how popular Trump is just like they were amazed how popular Reagan was.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea? BAD

Obviously a government employee worried about rice bowls. The private economy took off but those of you burrowing in the bowels of some government agency didn't notice.

Chuck said...

Michael K said...
Blogger readering said...
Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea? BAD

Obviously a government employee worried about rice bowls. The private economy took off but those of you burrowing in the bowels of some government agency didn't notice.

I'm not sure if the tax cuts were good or bad. They seem to have sparked economic growth. But also massive deficits.

How does Trump propose to cut spending to get deficits under control? You can't say, "That's Congress' problem." It is, but if we are giving Trump "credit" for the tax cut, he has to take responsibility for the sequelae.

Phil 314 said...

"How does Trump propose to cut spending to get deficits under control? "

The same way Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush 2,and Obama figured out how to cut spending.

readering said...

I don't think obviously means what you seem to think it means.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

I'm not sure if the tax cuts were good or bad. They seem to have sparked economic growth. But also massive deficits.

Paul Ryan wrote that budget and forced Trump into a situation where there were no good choices.

Paul Ryan wrote that Budget with his operational allies Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. He was a traitor and a scum bag and we are better off without him.

Now the democrats have to take ownership of their agenda and they can't get cover from douchebags like Ryan.

The best part about Trump is he is forcing the democrats to defend their crap without cover from their allies like you.

Get out. Nobody wants you anymore. Nobody likes you.

readering said...

Give some love to Clinton on spending.

Federal spending fell from 20.7% GDP in 1993 to 17.6% GDP in 2000, below the historical average (1966 to 2015) of 20.2% GDP. Tax revenues rose steadily from 17.0% GDP in 1993 to 20.0% GDP in 2000, well above the historical average of 17.4% GDP.

readering said...

I like you Chuck. I have no trouble tolerating you Achilles.

Achilles said...

readering said...
I don't think obviously means what you seem to think it means.

Actually he was giving you a charitable interpretation. He was saying you have some personal financial interest in the democrat party.

I don't think you like working class Americans because they voted for Trump. You are constantly calling them names and you believe obvious lies so you can think the worst of them. I think you prefer policies that depress wages and increase unemployment and raise crime in the lower castes.

That is what crony trade, open borders and the war on police do. I think you would rather we had a bad economy and that the middle and working classes suffer economically because that is what democrat policies do.

Despite all the evidence these are the effects you still support the policies that cause the effects.

You have been calling us racists and sexists and haters for decades. It is what democrats do.

We know where the hate comes from.

Achilles said...

readering said...
Give some love to Clinton on spending.

Federal spending fell from 20.7% GDP in 1993 to 17.6% GDP in 2000, below the historical average (1966 to 2015) of 20.2% GDP. Tax revenues rose steadily from 17.0% GDP in 1993 to 20.0% GDP in 2000, well above the historical average of 17.4% GDP.

I am sure Chuck, your operational ally, will agree with you.

Those numbers 100% belong to Newt Gingrich. He drug Clinton Kicking and screaming to those budgets.

We all remember what Mitt Romney and the CoC money men did to Gingrich in 2012.

It is entirely dishonest to give any credit for those numbers to Clinton without saying who did infinitely more than Clinton to make that happen.

readering said...

Like I said . . . .

Achilles said...

It would also be dishonest to not mention that the GOPe cuck traitors turned on Gingrich because he actually did what republican voters wanted done.

Those balanced budgets were Gingrich's accomplishment and he was destroyed by the DC machine for it.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger readering said...
Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea? BAD

And, I expect that he believes that the Trump economic boom, with 50 year low unemployment, is due to policies indicated under Obama. Ignoring, of course, that the Obama recession was the longest recession we have had since the end of FDR’s Great Depression.

readering said...

Gingrich was speaker for four of Clinton's 8 years. Admittedly they both were distracted many times from green eyeshades stuff.

Achilles said...

readering said...
I like you Chuck. I have no trouble tolerating you Achilles.

You call us racists.

you call us sexists.

You call us Russian puppets and traitors.

Trump mocks disabled people! Trump colluded with Russia! Emoluments! Clinton balanced the budgets!

You want to believe whatever lie you can so you can feel morally superior.

But you want to be magnanimous and tolerate us inferior racist sexist bigoted deplorables.

I have a better idea.

How about you stop being a condescending disingenuous liar.

readering said...

Chuck, see how easy this is.

For all I know Achilles is just a dog on the internet.

tomaig said...

"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"Now you say 'interrupter who?"

readering said...

Richard Dillman: thank you so much for making me laugh by reminding me of one of my two favorite Monty Python sketches (along with the Dead Parrot), The Piranha Brothers, because it's about the only time I have seen that word (litotes) in use:

Interviewer: Doug?
Vercotti: Doug (takes a drink). I was terrified of him. Everyone was terrified of Doug. I've seen grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Doug. Even Dinsdale was frightened of Doug.
Interviewer: What did he do?
Vercotti: He used sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and satire.

John henry said...

Blogger readering said...

Were the tax cuts a good idea or bad idea? BAD

Could you explain why, please?

Tax revenues jumped, by a lot. I tend to think that giving more money to govt is like giving a teenage boy a bottle of whiskey and the car keys.

But many people think more money to govt is a good thing.

It really got the economy screaming, 2018 was probably my best year ever. 2019 is almost as good if I do nothing but sit and watch videos for the rest of the year.

Of course some people think that historically low unemployment rates and historically high economic activity are bad things. Dick is a good example

You aren't one of them, I don't think.

Are you?

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Chuck said...

I'm not sure if the tax cuts were good or bad. They seem to have sparked economic growth. But also massive deficits.

So are federal tax revenues higher or lower than they would have been without the tax cuts?

If so, is the problem tax rate cuts or spending?

John Henry

dreams said...

After two years of an attempted coup by the crooked democrats and the equally crooked liberal media, they're now pretending to be worried about Trump not relinquishing power when his term is up. Projection.

readering said...

On tax cuts I look from perspective of California resident, but nationwide I don't see why the economy needed them to keep growing. I do favor high employment and high economic activity.

Michael K said...

It is entirely dishonest to give any credit for those numbers to Clinton without saying who did infinitely more than Clinton to make that happen.

Of course it is ! Take a look at the stock chart after 1994. remember what happened in 1994 ?

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