May 6, 2019

Listen to Alan Dershowitz explain the New York accent and think about what people love/hate about Trump.

This great little documentary came out before the ascendency of Trump, but it made me think a lot about why some people get Trump and others don't:

I've been meaning to show you that clip and invite you to think about the love and hate for Trump in terms of the New York speech pattern, and what put me over the top this morning was Bay Area Guy on the previous post (about Trump's new tweet, "they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency"):
Once you get to "decode" Trump's manner and style of speaking/writing (a brash New Yorker), you realize that he's basically right on most things.
ADDED: One thing Dershowitz talks about in that clip is hand gestures, and we know Trump is big with the hand gestures:

People who don't understand that believe he imitated (and mocked) a disabled man. Here, this shows it's a normal gesture for him, used to show confusion and not about disability:


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Michael K said...

I don't see why the economy needed them to keep growing.

Obama said he would need a magic wand. Remember ? Of course you don't. "After a time, you have made enough money."

"Do as I say, not as I do."

readering said...

"It's entirely dishonest . . . ."

!! I pine for the good old days: "I disagree because . . . ."

Rusty said...

readering said...
"On tax cuts I look from perspective of California resident, but nationwide I don't see why the economy needed them to keep growing. I do favor high employment and high economic activity."
You do know that tax cuts increased federal revenue, right?

n.n said...

Diversity (i.e. "color" judgment). Here's to progress.

Michael McNeil said...

On the war thing, a friend in China weeks ago asked me what's up with the US having two carriers in the Persian Gulf instead of the usual one. I responded that there's no news of such a thing in US press.

Sure there is.

n.n said...

tax cuts increased federal revenue

Assuming people are productive (e.g. GDP), yes. Also, it's a testimony to post-Civil War America that ended diversity and redistributive change, and restored character judgments and people's retained earnings ("capital").

readering said...

"Sure there is"

That article is today. The deployment was weeks ago. Reported in Chinese but not US press.

Michael McNeil said...

That article is today.

Oh my god! I never noticed. Clearly then it has nothing to do with the issue!

Michael McNeil said...

It was already there when you made your posting which assured us that there was nothing in the U.S. media. Which obviously is not true, and your omitting that fact is deceptive at worse, incurious at best.

readering said...

My original post was about a conversation I had weeks ago when it was already being reported in Chinese press. Keep up.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

Remember Newt Gingrich's Contract with America in the early nineties, he and the Republicans did everything they said they would do, they didn't say they would get every bit of it passed but they would bring all of it up for a vote and they did. The stock market boom started in early Jan 1995 after the Republicans took control of the House for the first time in years and that boom lasted into the dot. com. bubble of the early 2000s. A long term stock chart will confirm that I'm correct about the time frame.The liberal media gave all the credit to Clinton for the bull market but the market took off when the Republicans were elected, I know because I was investing in the stock market at that time having started investing in 1981. I was not only investing in stocks during the nineties but I've followed the news and politics my entire adult life. When the Republicans took control of the Congress in Jan 1995, Clinton got religion and realized he needed to move to the center. The liberal mainstream media and the mostly ignorant and or just plain stupid among us were happy to attribute the bull market and good times to Clinton, but it wouldn't have happened without Newt Gringrich and the Republicans. Believe it or not.

Drago said...

readering has gone Full Inga on the scheduled USS Lincoln deployment to the Med!

The deployment, which can never be "secret" because when an entire Carrier Strike Group leaves port and takes on an entire Air Wing, its, you know, like, noticeable.

Heres the announcement of the Super Secret Cruise in Stars and Stripes from....(wait for it....wait for it....)...April 9th!!


"The USS Abraham Lincoln approaches the fast combat support ship USNS Arctic for a replenishment-at-sea, April 4, 2019. Abraham Lincoln is underway as part of the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group deployment in the U.S. 5th, 6th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility.


Published: April 9, 2019"

Spoiler Alert: The US 5th fleet IS the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and, on a good day, parts of the IO (Indian Ocean).

But hey, it was a big secret.

Drago said...

readering: "My original post was about a conversation I had weeks ago when it was already being reported in Chinese press. Keep up."

Was April 9th "weeks ago"?


Keep up!...otherwise the next thing you know the Soviets wiil be moving into Poland to "help" the Poles fend off a Nazi advance!!! (Wink wink)

Drago said...

Perhaps readering missed the earlier announcements of the Super Secret Carrier Strike Group deployment because it was announced with a new york sort of tone....

readering said...

My point was that the Chinese press worked off info provided by US Navy but it was of more interest in the China than US. I might add that Bolton took advantage of general US ignorance by making big announcement of something already underway for weeks.

readering said...

Something in your eye, Drago? Or are you making a pass?

JamesB.BKK said...

Re lying about maybe eating a horse: Also, the neighbor kids would probably lose respect for him if he ate a horse unless he's in China or Kazakhstan, so he'd be a dirty stinking liar to suggest that possibility.

Drago said...

readering: "My point was that the Chinese press worked off info provided by US Navy but it was of more interest in the China than US."

No, that was not your point.

But this is your fallback.

Drago said...

It wouldnt be hard to create a lefty lunacy perfect storm for readering and LLR Chuck: imagine if you will an entire Carrier Strike Group deploying with a new and secret Pecan Pie arsenal baked solely by Sarah Sanders!

Oh the Humanity!!

readering said...

Read the thread. Pro tip. Use find.

Drago said...

readering: "Read the thread. Pro tip. Use find"

As in "Find the real reason the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East while Hitler invaded from the West"

There really are so many interesting things one can "find"...according to those offering "pro tips" everyones amusement.

Drago said...

Little known fact: in the readering documentary story of Naval Aviation in combat one can clearly see a fully operational Pecan Death Pie launched off Cat 3 just prior to Maverick and Goose being shot off Cat 2.

readering said...

Drago one hit wonder.

Drago said...

readering: "Drago one hit wonder."

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on...

JamesB.BKK said...

Federal Receipts at or near all-time (and preposterously huge) highs. Net worth remains near lows. Going on about "deficit" is just a D and progressive R ploy to not undo any prior federal govt. spending action or cost center, no matter how disastrous, overly costly, or affirmatively harmful to supposed beneficiaries.

[Chuck]: "I'll add this here and now; I posted once on that comments page, directing my comment to Althouse and the subject of her post." Not how this here internet works.

readering said...


Drago said...

I wonder what the exposed lefty US media might have been focused on for the last 3 years that might have caused them to underreport Secret Carrier Strike Group deployments?

Oh, thats right.

They were helping the dems to collude with Putin to weaponize US agencies against domestic political opponents.


readering said...


Michael McNeil said...

Certainly worries about what Iran might elect to do to our servicemen and -women is the last thing the American MSM are interested in reporting these days — that might help Trump.

GRW3 said...

You know we (out here in flyover country) have seen coming on seven decades of TV shows that celebrate the brash New Yorker. A lot of those shows also showed the brashness was just a façade for a pretty good guy. It was all brought together in The Apprentice, no longer fiction but fact. Such an attitude wouldn't play in Des Moines or San Antonio but hey, he's from New York City so we're OK with it (a lot more OK than with the preening condescension of our "betters").

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