May 17, 2019

"It's just all feeling, like, really intense...."

I'm reading "James Charles, Tati Westbrook, and the feud that’s ripping apart YouTube’s beauty community/The feud between two giant stars, explained (for people who don’t follow the YouTube beauty community)" (Vox), and I cannot understand it because I was born before 1995. So I just took that 25-seconds out of that 43-minute video — a 43-minute video with over 47 million views — because it conveys the drama and my mystification. Something very big or very small appears to have happened.

"I wish you guys could just be inside my head and understand, like, really, truly, like, what YouTube means to me."


gilbar said...

"What you tube really, Truly means to me"

Cash on the barrel head; THAT'S what it Really Truly means to her

gilbar said...

If they say 'it's not about the money'....

mjg235 said...

"I wish you guys could just be inside my head and understand, like, really, truly, like, what YouTube means to me."

I feel like we'd understand better if we were inside her bank account.

Bay Area Guy said...

There's something cute about hot ditzy women.........

Rob said...

Her head is the last part of her I'd want to be in.

gilbar said...

"a vlogging sensation whose subscriber base runs more than 13 million deep. He lives in a strange pocket of fame where he’s relatively unknown to people over the age of 30 but an inescapable peacock of a person to anyone born after 1995."

hmmm, if you're born after 1995; you're 24 or younger?
according to
about 30% of americans younger than 24, 70% older;
so, about a third of americans were born after 1995 (we'll IGNORE non-americans for now).
By my math, that means there's about A HUNDRED MILLION people born after 1995 that aren't subscribers (330,000,000/3 - 13,000,000 == 97,000,000)

So (again ignoring non americans that have NEVER HEARD of this guy), we're looking at about 10% coverage. I'll stipulate that non subscribers MAY have heard of him, BUT
since when does 90% unknown equal inescapable peacock of a person to anyone born after 1995?

Michel said...

“One must have a heart of stone to read the death of little Nell without laughing.”

Bay Area Guy said...

It could be worse.

It could be a Youtube spat between Andrea Dworkin on Betty Friedan on the evils of male patriarchy in the context of systemic transgender misogyny.

CJinPA said...

We have entered the 12 Year Old Girl era of Western Civilization.

bagoh20 said...

At my advanced age I've started to notice these young beautiful women who look like formidable intelligent adults but talk like 12 year old girls. Despite the general belief of the opposite, men do not assume that beautiful women are stupid or trivial. Most of us actually tend to assume they are especially smart and capable when they are stunning to look at, and that's why this type of flap coming from them catches me by surprise.

Related: I don't know if it's just me , but I also find the dumb and beautiful much more sexy than the intelligent. It's not that I'm intimidated by intelligence, I just find that intellect and self-regard can get in the way of the kind of mindless passion I like in my women. I don't have to wonder what they might be thinking, and they aren't distracted by it. Better concentration - less land mines.

alanc709 said...

I've never heard of either of these people.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Another example of my point that 98% of the human population does not intellectually and emotionally mature past high school. College is effectively high school 2.0. Career is their high school 3.0, etc.

The speed at which poo can be flung has increased yes, but not the 'quality' of the poo.

Robert Cook said...

"Related: I don't know if it's just me , but I also find the dumb and beautiful much more sexy than the intelligent."


Dumb is never sexy.

BUMBLE BEE said...


rehajm said...

Dumb is never sexy is...dumb. Sexy is sexy. Fun zone!

Amexpat said...

Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag YouTube is to me

Anthony said...

I read most of the article. She seems fairly . . . . together. He just comes off as a spoiled little weirdo looking for attention.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Who gives a shit about this vapid nonsense.

whitney said...

The Other McCain wrote about this also and I went to the New York Times and read that article and I literally had to read the article twice because I was so confused. Basically I think it is an entire industry populated by Psychopathic narcissist and it's really hard to understand if you're not one

J. Farmer said...

I posted this on Facebook on Saturday:

“For some reason, YouTube's algorithm thinks I'm very interested in Tati Westbrook and James Charles, two people I've never heard of. After it being relentlessly recommended for me, I decided to do a little Googling. Now I just want the last 20 minutes of my life back. Apparently the life of internet cosmetics "influencers" is quite drama filled.

bagoh20 said...

"Dumb is never sexy."

I know what you're up to, and that's what I tell them too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"That's the tone of the internet today..." - Joe Rogan Link

walter said...

Grumpy Cat RIP!

bagoh20 said...

In Lem's link above, Joe Rogan starts talking about newspapers like the NYT hiding their retractions, and that they should be forced to put them on an empty front page. I started thinking how that would work with the whole Russian collusion bullshit for 2 years. How do you adequately retract all that? CNN should be forced to give Trump 2 years of free campaign ads.

(Hi Lem)

buwaya said...

"Dumb is never sexy."

In the presence... usually one does not care.
One does not know, or care to know.
This is powerful stuff.
Been there, done that.

Fernandinande said...

Some sort of advertising.

Humperdink said...

These people operate on a different plane than I do. Never heard of them, don't care about there issues.

MayBee said...

I couldn't follow what I'd watched of it, either. But these people make a lot of money, and not just from subscribers. They are the faces of beauty brands and develop makeup, skincare, and haircare lines. My son had heard about some of it and apparently there were sexual shenanigans, some of it involving underage men.
Not to be confused with what happened with ProJared, which involved underage girls.

I don't know most of these people either, but when I used to watch Style with Elsa Klensch I knew all the models and makeup artists of those days. So this isn't that much different.

eric said...

I never heard of these people until about a week ago. Or maybe it was earlier this week.

The problem I saw, and I've seen a lot of this lately, is this gay dude was catfishing straight guys by claiming to be a chick online.

I guess he thought he would turn straight guys queer?

Renee said...

I have been watching Tati for several months.I was born well before 1995. Youtube is my go-to for screen time. Sometimes we cast a video onto the TV and watch together.

James Charles life was out of control, he has losing his reputation as an influencer. High risk behavior, so high risk that Tinder 'blocked' him since he was catfishing straight guys.

He was no longer an artist or someone to trust for recommendations, he was just a walking billboard with a social media platform, selling out to any company to do an advert to 12-14 year old girls.

Howard said...

Dumb is sexy to the weak

Unknown said...

"What you tube really, Truly means to me"

Obviously not much with the crappy acoustics and cheap mic.

MacMacConnell said...


Phil 314 said...

I feel like my 3 year old granddaughter playing Chutes and Ladders. My eye is caught by the pretty images but otherwise I’m completely lost.

Kelly said...

I couldn’t finish it all, but it sounds she heavily promoted him and he backstabbed her.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hi bags.

themightypuck said...

Youtube is great. I was feeling a bit dark so I played through multiple versions of the Seigfried funeral thing from Gotterdammerung. The I listened to the 1955 version of Glen Gould playing Bach's Goldberg Variations. We live in a magical world.

Freeman Hunt said...

Not many comments. The men of Althouse must be so upset that their favorite YouTube stars are fighting that they can't even bring themselves to type.

Fen said...

Heh. Yes Freeman. I endured 30 secs of the video last night before closing it with "what fresh hell?" Reminded me of the petty snipe politics of every social organization I was dumb enough to become a member of.

What's the line? Academic politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small

Joe said...

I wish, truly wish, you people could understand just how narcissistic I am.