"... to treat gender as nothing more than an ironic parody. Gender categories need to be taken down a notch, she thinks, but not only because they harm people in all the ways feminism spends so much time criticizing. Butler charges that in their focus on spelling out the harms of gendered socialization, feminists unwittingly entrenched the very things they claimed to be criticizing. By demarcating feminism’s subject matter — by articulating a concrete category of harms that deserved feminist attention — feminists inadvertently defined womanhood in a manner that implies that there are right and wrong ways to be a woman.... The women who are accused of being impostors these days are often trans women.... Feminists who deny 'real woman' status to trans women seem to rely on a false assumption — that all trans women have lived in the world unproblematically as men at some point — and claim the importance of affirming the identity and experiences of those who’ve spent entire lives in women’s shoes.... TERFs [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] also sometimes complain that the performances of femininity enacted by trans women are chiefly retrograde stereotypes, caricatures of a femininity designed primarily for the pleasure of men. When Caitlyn Jenner says that she has always felt like a woman, for example, what she seems to mean by this is that she wants to be an airheaded piece of arm candy all dolled up for delights of the male gaze.... If cis women were honest... we’d admit that if some trans women occasionally camp up their femininity a little more than TERFs might like, they’re not doing anything we’re not just as guilty of. If we don’t like what we see when trans women turn the mirror of femininity toward us, we have only ourselves to blame."
"Who Counts as a Woman?/The attempt to exclude trans women from the ranks of women reinforces the dangerous idea that there is a right way to be female" by philosophy professor Carol Hay (in the NYT).
ADDED: Despite Hay's stern lecture on the right way to be a feminist, this is the top-rated comment at the NYT:
Every time I read articles on this topic, it makes me feel like I’ve gone through the looking glass. I was born female in a male-dominated world and subject to discrimination, harassment, and the threat of sexual violence just because I was a girl and now a woman. I had no more choice being born female than My partner did being born African-American.
I have fought my whole life to be heard in the workplace and to be seen as more than a pretty face or female body. But now I have to once again sit down and shut up because some men now want to be women and need to explain to me via academic proxy that if I talk about topics such as my female anatomy or menstruation I am being non-inclusive. Sorry, this is nonsense and I am not going to pretend otherwise.
I do not wish transgender people any ill will, live and let live. Just don’t tell me what it is really like to [b]e a woman, ok?
“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― George Orwell
You mean there are sane readers of the NYT ?
Whoda thunk?
This headline exemplifies the incoherence of most trans discussions. Female is a sex designation, and woman we are told is a gender designation. But the headline jumbles them, implying that restricting who is a woman actually restricts who is female. That is the reverse of what the so-called (because it’s a pejorative term they reject) TERFS argue.
Why by the way does this prof get to call people who reject the label TERFS? Isn’t she trying to deny them the right to label some persons who reject the label as Men?
What are you people afraid of? The world will never run out of mental cases. Nothing Burger
It's too bad such easy questions about biology vex so many people....
I had no more choice being born female than My partner did being born African-American.
A clunky insertion of her victim hierarchy points hoping it will minimize the criticism.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Wait until the next Olympics. Watch the entire world recoil from the grotesque attempts to blur the line between men and women by allowing male-to-female trannies to scoop up the Women's medals.
When the female-to-male trannies decide they can't win, and thus don't participate, the charade will be exposed for what it is: an insane leftist attempt to deny Nature itself.
If the Olympic Committee responds by getting rid of the men/female categories, the fur will really be flying, as the "real" men will clean the clocks of the women and all the trannies.
Biology is Destiny.
Nature--and Reality---will not be mocked.
Complaining is being a woman.
Female is a sex designation, and woman we are told is a gender designation.
So.... Women's World Chess Championship...
Men (that is to say (i think), male Women) SHOULD be allowed entry into the Women's World Chess Championship?
Yeah, even if he left, Howard would be replaced.
Shorter version: Shut up and make Caitlyn Jenner a sammich.
Is there a dangerous idea that there is one way to BE female?? No.
Being a female is one thing. Genetics and biology determine that. You don't get a decision on your DNA or your basic biology. There isn't a right or wrong way to be female. You just are. Even IF you change your body parts by amputation or enhancement. You still ARE what you ARE.
ACTING female is a completely different thing. There are multiple ways to act "female". The range of actions and portrayals of what the person thinks is feminine is huge. Females/women can act out their idea of being feminine or not. Men can do the same thing.
You can act like a female cowgirl who spits tobbacy into a jug. You can act like a female swathed in feather boas and glittering jewelry. You can act like June Cleaver. There is no right or wrong way to act because IT IS ACTING.
Acting is not Being.
"Mansplaining" is a derogatory term, while "transplaining" has been used both favorably and unfavorably. Articles like this--and the responses to them--will tip "transplaining" to the negative.
Maybe we'll see a resurgence of those old t-shirts that said, "It's a girl thing. You wouldn't understand."
There are two biological sexes, male and female, determined at conception at the genetic level (XY and XX). Everything else is either a tiny number of genetic freaks, or social justice warrior sophistry.
Howard: "What are you people afraid of?"
Men left alone with young girls in bathrooms.
Not to worry though. I've already forwarded a note from "Howard" to those girls families telling them to toughen up and stop being snowflakes.
So, you know, its all good.
Crazy looney tune liberals.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
Just don’t tell me what it is really like to [b]e a woman, ok?
Fair enough. Now quit telling me what it is really like to be a man.
I can believe that there are people who feel dysmorphic or whatever the word is about their biology and sexuality. I think that such people should be treated with dignity and respect. It does seem to me, however, that if you're stuck with such a condition you're going to have a difficult life no matter how people treat you. The worst thing about being in a wheelchair is not the lack of wheelchair accessible bathrooms.
I've got a boffo idea for non-traditional casting of MacBeth. MacBeth can be played by a woman, but here's the thing: It's a modern dress version, and Mac is in a gay marriage with a woman who wants to be the dominant partner. Such casting could serve to dramatize the tensions and role reversals within gay marriages. I'm thinking Charlize Theron as Mac and Ellen Page as the nagging wife. Tasteful nudity would help to dramatize some of the key exchanges between them.....It's definitely more boffo than Glenda Jackson as Lear.
One of the primary indictments against Rachel Dolezal was that it's grotesque to put on Blackness like a mask. Dolezal was born white, identified and was treated as white, and lived as a white person most of her life. The argument is that she couldn't truly know what it means to be black because she never went through her formative years as a black person.
Why does the same argument not apply to trans people? What does a trans woman know about growing up as a girl?
"I had no more choice being born female than My partner did being born African-American.
A clunky insertion of her victim hierarchy points hoping it will minimize the criticism."
Absolutely. I'm sane but I'm a douche. Hear me roar.
The first two sentences are so tedious. I just couldn't go any further. But, I persisted.
I think the most amazing thing was this "Big Brother" UK episode when a trans-woman arguing with another woman for "oppressing" her (the trans woman) and that she (the non-trans woman) needed to understand what it was like to be a female. I can't find the video. But what I saw was a man mansplaining to a woman that she didn't know what being a female was like and needed to shut up. I thought it was extremely sexist of the trans woman to tell the other woman how to behave as a female.
So back to the article and its headline; the only person I see telling women "the right way" to be a female is the author, Professor Carol Hay, of the article. I sense this is related to the hypocrisy theme.
Much of what people refer to in these discussions about performing gender is how one presents oneself in public: clothes, makeup, hairstyles, mode of walking down the street, etc.
When I think about "performing femininity", I wonder more about emotions and behaviors around life events. If my daughter texts me that she is on the way to the hospital because her water broke, I'm going to have a set of feelings and actions around that. Would Caitlyn Jenner have feelings like mine? Would Caitlyn Jenner even want to have feelings like the feelings I have during life events like that? Are my muddles of feelings and reactions in many life events something that springs from femininity at all, or is it just me?
Gender is meaningless bullshit.
There are two sexes: male and female.
Do you have a penis? Do more than 1/2 your cells have Y Chromosomes? If you answered yes to both, you're male
Do you have a vagina? Do fewer than 1/10 of your cells have Y chromosomes? Then you're female
Do you have a penis that was given to you by a sex change operation? Then, by courtesy, you're male.
Do you have a vagina that was given to you by a sex change operation? Then, by courtesy, you're female.
Your feelings don't matter. Get over it. You're not Napoleon, you're not Joan of Arc, and you're not the opposite sex. None of those things are changed by your belief, no matter how sincerely held.
Why are we even arguing about this?
Or rather, why are they making us argue about this?
Binary sexes: male and female. Binary genders: masculine and feminine, respectively. Transgender spectrum from transsexual orientations to neo-genders by way of nature, nurture, choice, and/or medical corruption. This isn't Pro-Choice and shouldn't be determined by political congruence ("="). So, normalization, tolerance, or rejection?
African-Americans? White, brown, yellow, black, or orange?
Color is a low information attribute. Sex and gender have physiological and mental significance, and evolutionary consequences (e.g. duck vs dodo dynasties, social viability).
"What are you people afraid of? "
The death of free speech and of intellectual culture.
This iron-bound absurdity is being pushed by vast powers.
It is the annihilation of both.
Rick, 5:02:
“A clunky insertion of her victim hierarchy points hoping....”
I see it differently. She knows her audience and accepts their basic premise. She as a woman doesn’t get to say that, and neither does her African-American partner. But she, as a non-African-American feminist woman with an African-American partner, has accrued enough intersectionality points to be able to express an opinion. You have to qualify, you see.
Fake news, fake laws (Sections 641, 793,794,798, 952 and 1924, Title 18, United States Code), fake FBI, fake CIA, fake Senators, fake Congresscritters, so why not fake women?
From Instapundit...
Everybody everywhere,’ Tom Wolfe wrote in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, ‘has his own movie going, his own scenario, and everybody is acting his movie out like mad, only most people don’t know that is what they’re trapped by, their little script.’
Do we see plagiary or way to mess with script from another?
What say Emerita?
Who counts as an astronaut?
trans women
"Trans" is Newspeak for "not".
We are now ready for a reading of "The Vagina Monologues" where are all of the women participating on stage have cocks.
Or vaginas made from cocks.
Inversion of the penile skin is the method most often selected to create a neovagina by surgeons performing sex reassignment surgery. The inverted penile skin uses inferior pedicle skin or abdominal skin for the lining of the neovagina. The skin is cut to form an appropriate-sized flap. The skin flap is sometimes combined with a scrotal or urethral flap... If increased depth is necessary, segments from the large intestine or small intestine may be used...Hair must be fully removed to make certain there is no hair growing on the inside of the vagina. The vagina requires a lifetime of dilation for maintenance. It is also not self lubricating..."
"Intestinal vaginoplasty uses a section of the sigmoid colon to create the neovagina... For this surgery, a small piece of colon is detached and then rotated down to become the lining of the vagina. Then the surrounding colon is stitched together to restore its function... There have been some criticisms that intestinal vaginoplasty can lead to excess mucus in the vagina and mucus with an unpleasant smell."
And -- still -- some women have the fucking nerve to complain about menstruation.
I am Laslo.
My contempt for this stupidity is boundless.
How did mental illness become a civil right?
Rhetorical question, of course. It helps the Left accrue power by disrupting normal society.
I tried to read this article, but I couldn't get my mind to process it. My brain kept saying "quit feeding me this insane drivel, jaydub, or I'll be forced to develop alzheimer's in self defense."
It's one's sex, not one's gender. Science.
gilbar said...
So.... Women's World Chess Championship...
Men (that is to say (i think), male Women) SHOULD be allowed entry into the Women's World Chess Championship?
Why is there a distinction at all in chess?
I think the most amazing thing was this "Big Brother" UK episode when a trans-woman arguing with another woman for "oppressing" her
You sure it wasn’t Monty Python?
The silver lining is so many people who subscribe to this won’t reproduce, so in two generations, look for it to clear from the gene pool. Evolution doesn’t think, it just tries stuff and sometimes that stuff works, and sometimes it doesn’t. This is evolution’s version of “let a thousand flowers bloom."
Carol Hay also announced on her twitter feed that she was going TERF-bashing in the New York Times. Nice mouth on that academic. She was permitted to use the slur in the editorial itself.
So much for people being allowed to define themselves. The Times endorses the slurs "terf" and "cis." Nobody blinks. Frogs boil.
This isn't hate speech because she and her peers are the ones who decide what is and isn't hate speech. Yet women have been physically assaulted and threated with assault by trans activists for purportedly being "terfs."
Don't let anybody call you terf or cis-sexual. They are slurs.
It's time to stand up to the sexual orientation thugs.
“Who Counts as a Woman?”
I don’t know ... any human with an X-X genotype?
Blogger Fernandistein said...
trans women
"Trans" is Newspeak for "not".
I prefer “pretend.”
ow many transgender people are there actually in the country. So much ink is spilled on an issue that (I Think) effects very few people. It is a conceit of rich countries I think that this is what people are worried about. It actually shows you how few REAL issues there are in this country when people are worried about this type of stuff and micro aggressions. People worry about micro aggression since there seems to be so few macro aggressions.
How come I had to do about 10 captchas?
"How come I had to do about 10 captchas?"
Yes, what's up with that? Especially when the images aren't all that clear sometimes.
I mean, are robots commenting on a moderated thread really a concern?
wholelottasplainin' said...
Wait until the next Olympics. Watch the entire world recoil from the grotesque attempts to blur the line between men and women by allowing male-to-female trannies to scoop up the Women's medals.
I say we get the 1980s East German and Soviet womens' Olympic teams back and put them up against the "male-to-female trannies". My money's on the Soviets and East Germans.
gilbar said...
So.... Women's World Chess Championship...
Men (that is to say (i think), male Women) SHOULD be allowed entry into the Women's World Chess Championship?
tim maguire said...
Why is there a distinction at all in chess?
The distinction is there because otherwise there wouldn't be any women at the master level.
The top woman player is 87th overall, rating 2662. The #2 woman's rating of 2587 doesn't even make the top 100, the lowest rating of 2653.
The unexpected conclusion to the lurch left...
Feminism was co-opted by the far-left Marxists years ago and women ignored it as it paid them dividends. Alas for women, times have changed and you're now way down on the victim hierarchy.
You stood by while men were and continue to be discriminated against, mocked male assault statistics as fantasy, gloated while every 'men only' space was destroyed, said 'too bad' when shown how out of whack family court was.
You told those who for centuries worked themselves to death and spilled blood for your safety and comfort that they were no longer needed or wanted.
One only has to spend a few minutes immersed in any sort of media to see these attacks and this abuse continue ad nauseum with nary a peep of defense from the 'modern' women.
Guess what? Now they're done with you and you're being tossed aside as worthless.
Ironically, you're being replaced by men.
Ask me if I give a sh*t.
The first Captcha is to determine if you're a robot. The rest are to train their AI.
We will never see a Captcha asking which pictures only have women.
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