April 29, 2019

"Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s looks are the best thing about her. She has shiny hair, pretty eyes, and a lovely complexion. On the inside: hideous as a pinworm on the anus. On the inside: That woman is 90 percent taint, and I mean that medically."

Said Samantha Bee from the stage at The Not the White House Correspondents Dinner, The Daily Beast reports.
Bee also took a few light-hearted shots at the media, criticizing the TV news media for its inability to call things outright racist. “Let’s talk about euphemisms. If you mean ‘racist’ say ‘racist,’ not this,” offered Bee, before airing a montage of news anchors using “racially charged” and “racially insensitive” to describe overtly racist acts—like the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. “Things can be electrically charged or solar-charged or sexually charged, but racially charged isn’t a thing!” she exclaimed.


Amadeus 48 said...

Remind me--who is Samantha Bee? Is she one of those fake Indians like Elizabeth Warren? Is she a Disney character?

Tank said...

We need to have a conversation about race because we never talk about race.

Amadeus 48 said...

It sounds like Samantha Bee has a complicated medical history. Is she one of those homeless street people in San Francisco? Watch out for the needles!

Jeff Brokaw said...

Lightweight “talents” like her don’t bother me nearly as much as the infrastructure around her that tolerates, enables and encourages her.

Editors, producers, writers, advertisers, network bosses, media critics, etc etc. Those people are screwed up. Passive aggressive bullshit artisits with genuine contempt for 50% of America, including me.

What impact do they think this is having on Trump’s support? Think about it, dipshits.

Amadeus 48 said...

Ohh...I get it. She is Phyllis Diller without the sophistication.

Bay Area Guy said...

Samantha Bee is the host of a show, "Full Frontal Lobotomy"

David Begley said...

Hideous because she’s a conservative? Racist because she is a conservative?

The Left is insane. There is zero proof of racism. The Left just calls its opponents racists because it has no argument on the merits. Fuck’em.

Kevin said...

It’s amazing how deplorable the non-deplorables have become night after night.

She was bring quite the cunt. And I don’t mean she was bring cuntilly-charged.

mccullough said...

Bee is getting old.

Shouting Thomas said...

Judaism is not a race. It's a religion.

The only way out of identity politics stupidity is out.

David Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

Bee doesn’t seem to know racially-charged is used because racism can’t be.

The language of the left is based on, “I’m not calling you an actual racist, but I’m going to smear you with innuendo anyway.”

She’s not smart, she just fell for the trick.

Paco Wové said...

"who is Samantha Bee?"

She is one of those non-Americans who shows up on our shores, is handed a megaphone, and makes a great of money insulting the country and its inhabitants. It seems to be a trend in the culture these days.

David Begley said...

MSNBC this AM: Trump encouraged the San Diego synagogue shooter because of his tone.

Facts. The shooter hated Trump. Trump’s daughter is Jewish. Trump has done more for Israel than ANY President.

But to the Left, Trump is an anti-Semite and a racist.

The Left is insane.

Mazo Jeff said...

That sure doesn't sound like "making fun of" someone. Sure sounds more vicious than a Dean Martin "Roast". Stay classy, Dims!!

PJ said...

It’s hard to keep up with the racism rules. Isn’t “racially charged” a permitted term for acts that would be racist except that they are performed by non-whites?

traditionalguy said...

She expresses the jealousy and hatred for blessed Christian goodness that she feels judges her. Substitute Jew for Christian in the preceding sentence and you have described antisemitism. God’s blessings are just so unfair. Faith is all they ask from you. So unfair that it is a gift.

gilbar said...

Which are the Comedians, and which are the News Correspondents?

I can't tell any more. Neither group is funny, and neither group presents facts; all they seem to do is hate Trump, and they seem to do that the same way. Can any of you help me out? Chuck? I need your assistance please!

Anonymous said...

Fag hag?

Fernandinande said...

Ho ho those sure are funny lines I hope I can remember them so as to use them in my battles against the neighborhood children.

}What if CERN discovered the racially charged ion?"

"The valence of the charge largely depends on the race of the nearest physicist."

chuck said...

White House journalists stomp on what's left of their reputation. Suicidal, they are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing comedy = not very funny. 100% asshole.

Megthered said...

But in the cartoon the NY Times apologized for, Trump was Jewish, just a puppet of Netanyahu. I thought there were telling us he was a nazi. Now he is encouraging the shooter at a synagogue? I can't keep up with their madness.

JAORE said...

Part of humor is the element of surprise.

Samantha Bee(atch): Orange Man Bad.

No surprise. None at all.

MayBee said...

I want to know who watches a show like that by choice.

MayBee said...

Our evening "comedy" shows have become hate-spew fests. It's weird, but humor seems to not be a part of the humor shows.

Fernandinande said...

Isn’t “racially charged” a permitted term for acts that would be racist except that they are performed by non-whites?

That's because only white people can actually be racists. Haven't you gone to college?

It's kinda funny, in a Samantha Pin Worm sort of way - if you google "racially charged" the first few non-meta results, of which there are plenty, are blacks saying racist stuff, followed by whites saying non-racist stuff, e.g. not liking Beyonce.

M Jordan said...

Samantha Bee was Jon Stewart’s token female on the Daily Show. Her one outstanding contribution was unfunniness. I always felt sorry for Stewart when he had to take it away from Bee after one of her field reports.

narciso said...

Yes the last person to trigger them this way was the huntress, see sandra bernhardt or eve eve ensler or that wife of a drugged up ozzie Osbourne

Rob said...

I know I’m not supposed to say it, but Samantha Bee is just plain shrill.

dbp said...

"“Things can be electrically charged or solar-charged or sexually charged, but racially charged isn’t a thing!” she exclaimed."

She is half-right: If a thing is actually racially charged, the news media will call it racist. If it is not racially charged, but can be somehow plausibly tied to race, it will be called "racially charged".

A lot of "comedy" (and commentary) these days, consists of taking reality, turning it 180 degrees and then snarking that everyone is a moron for not seeing it that way--with an air of superiority, naturally.

William said...

I've never watched her show, but I know who she is. I think Kathy Griffin has staked out the territory of Supreme Trump Hater, but Samantha definitely qualifies as one of the high priests in the cult. I don't watch their shows so it's hard for me to tell, but her humor seems even more pointed and cruel than that of Kimmel and Colbert. It's a competition, and she's second to only Kathy Griffin. By competition, I don't mean for ratings or laughs,. The name of the game is to deliver the crudest insult to Trump and thereby win the love and admiration of everyone in show business. She'll be hosting the Oscars someday soon........I'm glad no one will ever make fun of her for that Schneiderman thing. She made Schneiderman, the NY AG, out to be some kind of Superman. He was her Galahad going forth to slay the Trump. Turns out Schneiderman was some kind of low life who assaulted his girlfriends. Oops. Well, five minutes of jokes about his bad behavior, and then you move on. Has she even made any jokes about Fairfax?

alanc709 said...

Searching for intelligence among the left-wing elites is fruitless. "Trump is Hitler, but he's a jew-lover." God, that's Ph. D. stuff right there. Imagine what level you have to reach to be considered stupid in that group. Taxes create wealth, after all, in their minds.

stevew said...

I'm detecting some disturbing speech, but it's not new.

I'm so old I can remember when it was okay to poke fun at people but only so long as doing so was not mean spirited and intended to harm.

Wince said...

"Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s looks are the best thing about her... On the inside: hideous as a pinworm on the anus. On the inside: That woman is 90 percent taint, and I mean that medically."

So if SHS is the pinworm, who is the anus? The press? Us? The anus politic?

At the same time, SHS is 90% of the perineum -- the diamond-shaped area that includes the anus and, in females, the vagina.

WTF is Bee talking about?

stevew said...

Another thought: often we are told that the crassness of our political speech is due to DJT and his personal style of speaking and tweeting, but I can't recall a time when he has expressed such vitriol and hatred at a political opponent.

cubanbob said...

If Trump is going to do the time (for being Hitler) he might as well start committing the crimes. A start would be denaturalizing and deporting Bee. Then kick out John Oliver and Noah Trevor.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Religion is not a race.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Adolescent Progressive Mind


When Robert Mueller was appointed in May 2017 as special counsel to investigate alleged Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia following the firing of FBI Director James Comey, he was practically canonized as a secular saint. The media was giddy over his “all stars” and “dream team” of almost all liberal lawyers who shortly would prove the supposedly obvious: sure winner Hillary Clinton lost only because the vile Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to sabotage her campaign by leaking John Podesta’s emails.

As the Mueller investigation lumbered along over the last 22 months, the media periodically announced that their newfound hero had inside information, privileged but unnamed sources, and high-ranking anonymous officials who confirmed “the noose was tightening,” the “walls were closing in,” and “a bombshell” was about to go off. It was as if pre-teenagers had group-talked themselves into seeing witches and goblins.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

for Inga

How even to digest such a cornucopia of conspiracy fruit! We saw Mueller’s SWAT teams and perp walks, and worshiped new heroes like Michael Avenatti and Andrew Weissmann who would all frog march Trump out of the White House. Fossils from our Watergate past, like Carl Bernstein and John Dean, creaked back into the limelight to furrow their brows and grimace what Mueller would do to Trump soon in comparison would make Nixon’s scandals look like minor misdemeanors.

And then no collusion. Nada. After 400 pages, 22 months and $34 million, Trump, Mueller found, did not collude with the Russians.

Oh, Mueller in his “Volume II” threw every bit of gossip, hearsay, anti-Trump testimony, and innuendo to sort of, kind of, and maybe suggest that in theory or in the abstract Trump could have been indicted for obstruction (of a non-crime), but then he could have not been as well.

The result? Now the media ambushes Mueller at Easter church services, sticking a mike in his once-consecrated Lincolnesque face as he leaves church. Progressives mutter that he let them down, that he did not let pit bull Andrew Weissmann off his leash, that the dream team was too dreamy—in other words, that Mueller was a Republican after all, a sell-out, a Trump puppet. In other words, in the world of the 13-year-old, the once cool Mueller is now in the out-crowd.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael Avenatti, Street Fighter to Felon?
If suing in three states to overturn the election, if trying to warp electors in December 2016, if invoking the Logan Act, the Emoluments Clause, and the 25th Amendment, and if unleashing Mueller did not abort the Trump presidency, perhaps the problem was that progressives were not crass and crude enough.

So up stepped sleazy ambulance chaser Michael Avenatti, attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels. To keep Stormy from blabbing about a 2006 “encounter,” candidate Trump had paid her to sign a “non-disclosure” payment. Translated, that means when an embarrassment out of a politician’s distant past emerges, the first remedy is to pay off the blackmailer.

But the check of $130,000 to Stormy transpired when candidate Trump supposedly had no chance of ever being elected president. So after the election, she reemerged wanting far more publicity and money, now guided by the disreputable Avenatti to make wild charges and all sorts of conspiratorial threats.

Soon, her would-be Svengali—or was it rather a Rasputin?—was on cable news nonstop, promising to “take down” Trump with “explosive” charges from Stormy that were the keys to unlocking Trump’s supposedly corrupt empire—all a precursor for Avenatti’s presidential bid."

bagoh20 said...

If you want to make a joke about your medical issues, make it about yourself and try to be funny.

I've seen her a few times, always by accident, and she is never funny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"This nonsense was devoured by progressive media. Of course, this hubris only brought nemesis to the fly-by-night Avenatti. The same modus operandi he used to use Stormy had elsewhere been used to shake down corporations and defraud clients. Now the one-time cable news heartthrob faces several felony charges and is not just persona non grata in the progressive world but also has simply been deplatformed in the full Leon Trotsky airbrushing mode.

In short, for adolescent left-wingers, Avenatti is now so boring. "


TrespassersW said...


I don't think that they know what that means.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Brennan-Clapper, the No-Longer-Dynamic Duo
Former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper became a beloved progressive duo to the extent that their names almost became a compound noun. And no wonder given their recent careers were joined at the hip.

Their past respective lying under oath to Congress, their previous incarnation as Bush-era “conservatives,” tough-guy, anti-terrorism fighters, and their dubious employment in the suspect intelligence services were all forgotten. Then, after leaving the Obama Administration, in which Brennan-Clapper had in deep-state fashion reinvented themselves from erstwhile pro-Bush, enhanced interrogation, anti-terrorism fighters into anti-Bush, pro-Obama multiculturalists and deep thinkers, they reappeared in a third manifestation as CNN and MSNBC bona fide Trump haters.

Daily we heard from the duo (who had once respectively assured us that jihad was essentially a personal growth odyssey and that Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular) that Trump was a Russian asset and a veritable traitor. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

y monetizing their security clearances and prior employment at the highest levels of the U.S. Intelligence Community, they fortified gossip and fantasies with an imprimatur of televised seriousness. Neither was shy about talking about “sources” and “inside” knowledge as they prognosticated Trump’s imminent downfall.

Then the Mueller report came out that there was no proof of the collusion that both Clapper and Brennan had insisted would soon be proved. Worse, information leaked that both had likely once again not been truthful in sworn testimony before Congress. Both seemed to have a lot of legal exposure concerning foreign informants, seeding the bogus Steele dossier, leaking classified information, and monitoring the Trump campaign.

Suddenly, no progressive laps up the latest speculation from John Brennan; no leftist cares what a desperate James Clapper spins next. They were not long ago both useful idiots predicting, with side glances and studied grimaces, the “bombshells” to come—as long as the charge of collusion was viable. When it dissipated, so did Clapper and Brennan.

Now each awaits possible criminal referrals, or at least months of further testimonies to congress and federal investigators about what did they know and when did they know it. For the Left, both are once again old Bush white guys, soon to be without a job or a platform. In sum, in teen-aged progressive-ese they are now very much not “woke” In fact, they’re even lame.

Larry J said...

gilbar said...

Which are the Comedians, and which are the News Correspondents?

Well, they're all a bunch of clowns. Clowns are creepy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

James Comey, Hero, Villain, Hero—Tiresome [* Like totally, man. *]

James Comey as FBI director was once sanctified by progressives. While he dwelt a bit too much on Hillary Clinton’s unethical antics, he nonetheless exonerated candidate Clinton before he even interviewed her, and bowed to a “recused” attorney general’s directives of exemption.

Case closed: Comey was a hero who resisted right-wing hit teams.

Or did he? The unstable, triple-guessing careerist suddenly in the days before the election, replayed his Hamlet role by “reopening” the case against Hillary’s sloppy use of confidential State Department emails.

Comey was in, then out! The Left roared that Comey was a monster, a fake, and a fraud who, hand-in-glove with Trump and the Russians, was sandbagging Hillary’s campaign. Case once again closed?

But not quite. In 2017, the finger-in-the-air Comey had reinvented himself still again into “higher loyalty” Comey. The Left held its breath as Comey finagled to get into a position of destroying Trump.

Bob Boyd said...

Taint funny McBee.

rehajm said...

It's the language of a roast, except at a roast the people doing the roasting love and admire the person about which they are speaking. This is the juvenile game of proclaiming your political hatred using the most creative language. Every liberal 10th grader does it.

narciso said...

Yes Yates was the tripwire to removing Comey who was replaced with boente hydra agent wuth replaced with agent sitwell I mean Rosenstein

narciso said...

I know I'm using marvel references but they are more genuine than the narrative they have been spinning

Gk1 said...

I see the left is still desperately in search of another Jon Stewart they could use to skewer an incumbent president but their anger and vitriol makes them blind to how unhappy and unhinged they look. The worst insult of all is not being noticed or mentioned by the president because Samantha is a nobody and half the country no longer cares what they say about the president or wants to watch. TBS is their platform of choice now? Not even Comedy Central?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bee is just one of many hateful and America-hating immigrants we should have never let into our country.

Automatic_Wing said...

Samantha Bee is a professional racism-denouncer, but she and her husband fight like hell to keep minorities out of their kid's school.

Diversity for thee, but not for me.

Big Mike said...

What Samantha Bee succeeds in doing is demonstrating that Trump is right when he labels the White House correspondents the “Enemy of the People.” Does anyone besides me remember when “h8ers” was the Left’s favorite synonym for conservatives? But who hates with more blind, unreasoning hatred than the Left?

robother said...

Bee's civility is literally only skin-deep..

Big Mike said...

OTOH, Samantha, I do enjoy reading your your cousin Babylon.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

hideous as a pinworm on the anus

I am glad to say that I have never seen a pinworm on the anus. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different.

Apologies to Oscar Wilde

rcocean said...

I'm not sure why I"m supposed to care that an Affirmative Action baby, and unfunny comedian opens her sewer mouth and spews out a few "Jokes". Had someone said the same about her, she'd be screeching about "death threats" and "Hate".

Its too bad that social media has allowed us to see what true scum many in the "Entertainment" Industry are. Before we just thought they were bad at their jobs.

Swede said...

Feckless Canadian cunt.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I prefer The Babylon Bee to Samantha Bee.

Michael K said...

These unfunny show business people might be interested in this, if they were intelligent,.

It’s far too early to predict which party will win next year’s election, but not too early to announce the national media as a clear loser in terms of national influence and prestige.

Pew reports that millennials have become as negative about major media as older generations, with their rate of approval dropping from 40% in 2010 to 27% today. Gallup tracks a similar pattern, finding 70% losing trust in the media, including nearly half of Democrats.

That also applies to the attempts at "comedy," I suspect.

The Media is getting tuned out. Movies are now mostly comic strips put on screen and video games occupy a lot of boys and young men.

iowan2 said...

We used to have social commentators that were funny. Andrew Dice Clay, Morton Downey Jr.. How about Gallagher, and Dennis Miller, Tim Allen is funny, delves into politics a bit.
Jon Stewart is one sided, but at least he has some intelligence. Millenials like AOC got their news from Stewart. Stewart knows that, but not enough to tell them he is nothing but a man that reads jokes, lots written by others.

I have tried to watch Bee. It's all wrong. Shock and smearing. Nothing intelligent. The attack on Sanders? Just that, an attack. Sanders is getting the better of Bee, without responding.

Earnest Prole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Women are particularly vicious about Huckabee-Sanders, probably one of the nicest folks in the administration.

Yancey Ward said...

If it, TBS, didn't have broad rights to The Big Bang Theory which it runs in the evenings 4-5 days a week, I don't think Bee would even have a platform on TBS. TBS has tried original programming, but has really only produced one that is actually funny and a joy to watch- Angie Tribeca.

I have watched several episodes of Bee's own hosted show, but it is just too monotone, and it isn't helped by her constant whining about today's politics. You have to be able to laugh at yourself to be successful at selling humor, and Bee just doesn't get that, but even worse for her, she is just fucking nasty....like a pin worm. Seriously, even if I agreed with her politics, I wouldn't want to have to listen to her.

Sam L. said...

Samantha Bee's a woman-hater!

n.n said...

Diversity, journolism, and partisanship.

wendybar said...

War on Conservative Women. Imagine if a liberal woman was attacked verbally like that by a Conservative?? Just like NOW is a joke. It is National Organization for LIBERAL women. When was the last time they stuck up for a conservative woman?

Bilwick said...

What's on the inside of Samantha Bee? State-fellating, right? So how is she in a position to accuse other people of being tainted?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”

Samantha Bee Yatch

walter said...

"When Bee announced the decision to host the event again she stated: “I vowed never to host a NWHCD ever again. But the White House Correspondents’ Association has left me no choice — it is now up to comedy journalists to take care of real journalists…. It’s bigger than just the Free Press this time around. This is about the non-sexy parts of the First Amendment too — and if the White House Correspondents’ Association won’t defend them, we will.”

Bee’s event offered the feisty, edgy, gloves-off comedy our nation needs in the Trump era. As Bee opened the event, she made her mission clear: “I really believe that once a year the current president should face someone who calls them out on their shit.” She then went on to say, “Tonight I want to focus on what a f**king coward he is. Imagine being the most powerful man in the world and you can’t listen to a comedian razz you for five minutes?"