Life is good. Only 23 miles on the bike in the Arizona sun today. Saw some longhorn cattle lounging under a tree. Had a nice breakfast at a restaurant next to the trail, and an afternoon nap. It's getting to be the time of year when the rides have to happen earlier in the day. No problem: get up early, ride, enjoy, get home. Life is good.
"There is a 'Bernie-or-bust' coalition, and they have no allegiance to the party," said the Democratic strategist. "They don’t care about campaign infrastructure or winning up and down the ballot. They’re just concerned about bullshit litmus tests and defending their guy no matter what and pretending that everyone else is a member of the big bad establishment."" I'm
The left has Bernie to the left of Biden and Schultz to the right. Sure it could be leftie civil war but to me it doesn’t feel any different than any other cycle when the nomination is up for grabs. Sure it will get ugly and may linger longer than necessary but they didn’t change the delegate rules enough not to still have a coronation. Afterwards they will mostly fall in line as they always do.
Put your magic fingers on us, Joe, they will hope.
For those who haven't attended these, between the doors open and event, there is an occasional announcement directing folk how to respond to protesters. It's assumed..
I think the Dems should do the mirror image of Buckley's candidate selection advice and nominate the farthest left character that can win. That would be Mister Sanders. For a running mate they should insist on Hillary Clinton, since she's younger than Bernie, and since he probably will die of old age before his first term is through, Hillary will finally take her place as president. You can even reverse the president-vice president roles of Bernie and Hillary if you like. My God, can you imagine the rush to the polls when people have a chance to vote for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for president? Do it, Democrats. It is a plan that cannot fail!
But the GOP won't take advantage of it. There is no right-wing billionaire sponsoring troll farms and poser activists attempting to widen the rift between the Dems.
Great Scot!, Yes, Trump worked to acknowledge her as well as the WI congress-critters there. I got a pic of Walker in a Packer getup. He had a long line of folk getting pictures and signatures. Although..when Trump mentioned Walker, a boisterous Trump supporter near me loudly booed him. What no camera likely captured was the guy house right way up in nose-bleed seating who stood up in a cow head mask when Trump invoked Nude Green Eeel cow fart curtailment.
Regardless the politics in the venue/state, giving her recognition and the..lectern* take in some positive feedback will nourish her in her task. (*=see Altparse on podium vs lectern)
walter: "Regardless the politics in the venue/state, giving her recognition and the..lectern* take in some positive feedback will nourish her in her task."
Although Sarah clearly relishes taking on the April Ryans, LLR Chuck's, Adam Schiff's, Brian Stelters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, LLR Chuck's, Chuck Schumers, Nancy Pelosi's, Bowe Bergdahl's, LLR Chuck's, et al, it had to feel good basking in the good feelings with all those American's LLR Chuck hates that have benefited from Trump's outstanding Conservative policies that LLR Chuck hates.
Those hot takes are dripping with syrup, come again, I mean I've referenced herodotus in the big battle set piece, Greek mythology and well even the ring cycle might fit.
I rarely watch Trump on TV, but I watched the Trump rally in Greenbay on CSpan. All red meat for his voters, not the primary voters. He threw out a few insults to McCain, which I thought was brilliant. No one other than the Trump-hating media and #NeverTrumpers will defend McCain these days. I can see why libs hate him. He says things they object to, and he doesn't care if they object to what he says. It is disrespectful to them in a way that GW Bush was not. trump does not apologize.
If the #NeverTrumpers are so strong, where is their candidate? Not whats-his-name, the guy who hopes he gets more Dem voters than GOP voters. David French, your nation is calling!
What I would suggest to my liberal friends is that they should watch something like the Greenbay rally with the sound turned off. Trump is always moving, when his body is still he moves his head and changes his facial expressions. When I watched Obama I thought that I was watching a lecturer at a University. Just enough body and face movements to keep people from falling asleep. His audience was the True Believers and the media. Imagine Mussolini restrained by separation of powers and an American constitution, and you've got Trump.
Lewis Wetzel: "If the #NeverTrumpers are so strong, where is their candidate?"
The NeverTrumpers were never strong, by design.
Their job is to offer up republican fodder for the dems to beat upon and then to act "fake concerned" over the continued solidification of far left policies that will guarantee permanent dem majorities.
LLR Chuck is a perfect example of this.
Those lefty billionaires arent throwing tens of millions at the fake conservatives for nothing.
I would like to see a breakdown of Trump versus Obama campaign speeches broken down to the number of one, two, and three syllable words. Also words with anglo-saxon origins versus words with Latin origins.
Insty linked a Politico piece Sunday morning about "How Trump Took the Shine Off" the WH Coorespondents Dinner. It had a couple of observations so stupid I just can't understand how they got into print. I mean, they hate Trump, so shouldn't they at least know something about him?
“It was fun to go when Obama was in the White House,” said the Emmy-winning actress Julianna Margulies, who went to the dinner twice during his term. Now, she says, even if the president did attend, she’d skip it. “Trump just takes the wind out of everyone’s sails. He sucks up oxygen in a room. He doesn’t know how to make fun of himself, and there’s no way I would go and sit through a night of that.”
Trump doesn't know how to make fun of himself? What President have they been watching?
“It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the history of the dinner,” he says. “But it’s what you get when you have a president of the United States who has zero sense of humor and a president of the United States who spends his time attacking who we are and what we do for a living. Of course, you have to defend that, and of course you have to respond to the times.”
Trump has zero sense of humor? Has there ever been a funnier President?
Can anyone confirm how you refer to a member of a synagogue, is it congregant? Superficial internet search seems to indicate that’s correct but I want to make sure it isn’t a result of the phrasing of my question? Also, don’t want to dig deep because the internet can be ugly.
Sorry but Captain Marvel is hardly the most powerful Avenger. Scarlet Witch can do a Thanos but without the infinity gauntlet. If she pretends you never existed, you go "poof!". Sidesteps all that messy dusting cleanup with broom and dustpan.
Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president
By Reuters - April 28th 2019, 8:22:28 pm
"Former top Justice Department official Sally Yates says that if Donald Trump were not president, he would have been indicted on obstruction charges in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
Yates, a career federal prosecutor who rose to acting attorney general before Trump fired her in 2017 less than two weeks into his presidency, told NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sunday the Republican president was shielded by department guidelines that a sitting president should not be indicted.
'I've personally prosecuted obstruction cases on far, far less evidence than this,' Yates said.
'And yes, I believe, if he were not the president of the United States, he would likely be indicted on obstruction...'"
Today's Boston Globe: For many, the Vermont senator’s gruff manner is evidence of his authenticity. But some in the party feel he hasn’t been subjected to the same personality-based critiques as female candidates.
Not a civil war, more like skirmishes intended to probe and test for weakness. There's still a long way to go.
Spring is finally here in my neck of the woods. Last week was nearly all rain. April showers and all that. Daffodils are up, forsythia is ablaze with yellow, lawn will need to be mowed in another week or so.
Red Sox pretty much suck this year, Chris Sale is 0-5, pitching has been awful, most of the hitters except JD have been struggling. Oh well.
Just can't bring myself to watch these super hero movies, don't see anything in them that interests me. Watched Lego Movie 2 with the grandkids over the weekend. Entertaining. Reading 'Tears of Autumn' by Charles McCarry, very good. Odd that it hasn't been made into a movie.
Have a couple of interviews for a new position this week - hope springs eternal.
Don't worry, Democrats, there will be no Civil War as long as Bernie Sanders is nominated. If you don't give him his due, the best that you can hope for is that he takes his bat and ball and supporters and goes home. Because he's not getting schlonged by the D machine twice.
“Trump just takes the wind out of everyone’s sails. He sucks up oxygen in a room. He doesn’t know how to make fun of himself, and there’s no way I would go and sit through a night of that.”
Motivates me to deny her happiness. The GOP should run ads with this....
Why was an "Emmy-winning actress" a repeat guest at an event alleged to be for "journalists"? Auditioning for foreign policy analyst spots at MSNBC or The View?
Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president
This is exactly what I mean when I point out that President Trump does his own wet work.
This isn't Sally Yates. It's Obama. Obama sent Yates out to get his opinion out to the public. President Trump does his own wet work. Speaks his own mind.
President Trump doesn't have minions floating trial balloons. He brainstorms in public. Just like he has his whole life. That's how he gets things done. He tells someone to take and action. They do it, or explain why it's a bad idea. The negatives, and pitfalls. President Trump takes in all the info and starts to formulate a plan of action. President Trump does his own wet work. No Politician since before WWII has done his own wet work.
Whatever happened to Stormy Daniels? I was told she would be the one who would bring down Trump and make the world safe for liberals again. Told by the best of sources, even. Did I miss something?
She apparently leaked the Flynn communications with Kislyak hence mounting this grishenko tale.
The reason why tears of autumn isnt made is it doesn't reflect well on the young president, the bay of pigs can be referenced in the company obliquely.
Whence the out of control rage and hate of the Left for The Other?
I submit that, at least in part, it has a similar origin to the rage and hate of Islam for the West: The frustration and disappointment of a people who invested everything in a god that failed.
For the Left, socialism, "benign" statism, and a belief that they know the best for all of us, rejected by the yahoos of flyover country led by a most impolite party-crasher of a President, who is enjoying a degree of tangible success unknown for decades.
For Islam, belief in a bogus prophet who promised that the faithful would dominate the earth, only to look around them and see nothing but idleness, houses with dirt floors, and people missing half their teeth-- left behind by an overwhelmingly dominant, pluralistic, libertarian secularist civilization.
Their styles of acting out differ but the motivations and mindset seem all to similar. The purity tests. The fear of reprisal from within. The conformity and suppression of free discussion. The personification and persecution of enemies.
That is not the whole story, of course. Life is never as simple as that. But I think there's something to it.
“Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president”
If Trump hadn’t been running, then elected President, Ms Yates wouldn’t have illegally authorized the FBI to spy on him, and everyone around him.
The interesting thing these days is how much we are hearing from the high level Obama Administration officials most likely to be indicted for their parts in Spygate. We have been hearing from Clapper, Brennan, and Comey. But the two big ones were probably the #2s at DoJ and FBI, Yates and McCabe, respectively. The two of them preapproved the first FISA warrant application, causing checks to be bypassed in their rush to beat NSA Dir Rogers to the FISA court. And both had actual knowledge of the falsity of the FISA applications that they signed under oath, given their interactions with AAG Bruce Ohr, who reported directly to Yates, and acted as an intermediary between Steele and Simpson from Fusion GPS, and the FBI Counterintelligence Division. Yates, far more than her bosses, AGs Lynch and Holder, was directly responsible for loosening FISA restrictions in order to militarize and politicize FISA against Obama’s political enemies. I expect those two, along with Peter Strzok, to be at the top of the list when indictments start to flow. She should have kept her mouth shut, because now she will become an object of Presidential ridicule, and the American people are likely to learn, and for her reputation, remember, her role in these scandals.
“Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president”
“If Trump hadn’t been running, then elected President, Ms Yates wouldn’t have illegally authorized the FBI to spy on him, and everyone around him.”
What has mostly flown under the radar with the concentration on the four fraudulently acquired Title I FISA warrants on (at least) Carter Page, is that it is likely that the DoJ/FBI cabal behind those warrants had six months earlier been caught having given FBI contractors access to raw, unminimized, NSA database information through FISA 702 “from”, “to”, and most critically “about”, searching. Thousands of illegal searches had been done during the six months ending in March, 2016, 85% by contractors (who shouldn’t even have had access to the “minimized” search results, but were instead seeing the raw search results before minimization), and there is evidence that this had gone on for upwards of four years - essentially since the Obama Administration had been caught requesting IRS information from Tea Party groups. And, interesting, many of those illegal contractor searches of the NSA databases were using different dates on the same search targets - which means that they were tracking US citizens using one of our key counterintelligence and counterterrorism facilities. This suggests very strongly that political enemies were being actively electronically surveilled by political operatives closely affiliated with Obama, and that not only Trump, but probably most of the other Republicans running for their nomination were high on the list of those being surveilled. This too can be blamed on Yates and McCabe.
I think the President has to keep the name Make America Great Again for his slogan. You was sort of teasing the idea of changing the slogan but to me saying that he's done what he promised already and needs a new slogan is overthinking. Lots of people are still just beginning to understand what is already done. That is, they have jobs because of lower taxes, less regulation, cheap energy and demolition of unfair trade deals and they would not have those jobs if Hillary had won. But it takes awhile for the effects of policies and it seems to take longer to understand changes. The number of MAGA supporters, has to include the doubting Thomas's - until I see a steel industry in America with a job for me, I will not believe any politicians - as well as people who could see the argument when it was first made before Trump was President - that socialistic America haters and globalists working together on policy were ruining the economy and did not care at all how many Americans were hurt in the process. Because the socialist and the globalist individuals were getting rich or else richer.
Trump always sees the next steps, the next place to go and he starts building support at these rallies which makes them interesting. The media of course sees nothing but what relates to them which makes them whiny crybabies. Watching them behave like babies while pretending that whiny tantrums are grown-up behavior is a spectacle I love in itself but, to me, the nation needs a better standard of reporters and editors. Individuals publishing, editing and reporting news exist but they are all non-standard.
And here's what I thought was news at the rally. Trump did not mention Hillary by name. And when he mentioned her, he talked about the track into poverty the country might have been following had the election gone differently. He didn't mention crimes at all as I remember it which would have tainted the jury pool.
Yes, this is what makes America's culture so "great": we think it wonderful and brilliant to insult others, alive or dead or crippled, and we have no tolerance for people who apologize for their ill-behavior.
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Now on to King's landing?
Life is good. Only 23 miles on the bike in the Arizona sun today. Saw some longhorn cattle lounging under a tree. Had a nice breakfast at a restaurant next to the trail, and an afternoon nap. It's getting to be the time of year when the rides have to happen earlier in the day. No problem: get up early, ride, enjoy, get home. Life is good.
Good article in The Hill re Civil War in Dem Party: Money quote:
"There is a 'Bernie-or-bust' coalition, and they have no allegiance to the party," said the Democratic strategist. "They don’t care about campaign infrastructure or winning up and down the ballot. They’re just concerned about bullshit litmus tests and defending their guy no matter what and pretending that everyone else is a member of the big bad establishment.""
MMT not modern not about money not-m really much theory.
The left has Bernie to the left of Biden and Schultz to the right. Sure it could be leftie civil war but to me it doesn’t feel any different than any other cycle when the nomination is up for grabs. Sure it will get ugly and may linger longer than necessary but they didn’t change the delegate rules enough not to still have a coronation. Afterwards they will mostly fall in line as they always do.
Put your magic fingers on us, Joe, they will hope. blogging on Trump in Green Bay?
I was there..expecting Inga..but saw no protesters.
I snapped a pic of a pretty young group from
One of them said they drove to Green Bay from Chicago.
Trump's bit calling up Sarah Sanders in Green Bay was a true work of political art. He won Wisconsin at that moment.
For those who haven't attended these, between the doors open and event, there is an occasional announcement directing folk how to respond to protesters.
It's assumed..
I think the Dems should do the mirror image of Buckley's candidate selection advice and nominate the farthest left character that can win. That would be Mister Sanders. For a running mate they should insist on Hillary Clinton, since she's younger than Bernie, and since he probably will die of old age before his first term is through, Hillary will finally take her place as president. You can even reverse the president-vice president roles of Bernie and Hillary if you like.
My God, can you imagine the rush to the polls when people have a chance to vote for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for president?
Do it, Democrats. It is a plan that cannot fail!
Sure it could be leftie civil war
But the GOP won't take advantage of it. There is no right-wing billionaire sponsoring troll farms and poser activists attempting to widen the rift between the Dems.
Because that would be unseemly.
Great Scot!,
Yes, Trump worked to acknowledge her as well as the WI congress-critters there. I got a pic of Walker in a Packer getup. He had a long line of folk getting pictures and signatures. Although..when Trump mentioned Walker, a boisterous Trump supporter near me loudly booed him.
What no camera likely captured was the guy house right way up in nose-bleed seating who stood up in a cow head mask when Trump invoked Nude Green Eeel cow fart curtailment.
Striper bite was lousy tonight. I only caught 8. Then the wind came up.
Regardless the politics in the venue/state, giving her recognition and the..lectern* take in some positive feedback will nourish her in her task.
(*=see Altparse on podium vs lectern)
Speaking of superhero movies, I peeked in at the New Yorker review of Avengers: Endgame. I can pinpoint exactly where I stopped reading:
"Endgame is a movie of men, of cishet men ..."
walter: "Regardless the politics in the venue/state, giving her recognition and the..lectern* take in some positive feedback will nourish her in her task."
Although Sarah clearly relishes taking on the April Ryans, LLR Chuck's, Adam Schiff's, Brian Stelters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, LLR Chuck's, Chuck Schumers, Nancy Pelosi's, Bowe Bergdahl's, LLR Chuck's, et al, it had to feel good basking in the good feelings with all those American's LLR Chuck hates that have benefited from Trump's outstanding Conservative policies that LLR Chuck hates.
Those hot takes are dripping with syrup, come again, I mean I've referenced herodotus in the big battle set piece, Greek mythology and well even the ring cycle might fit.
I rarely watch Trump on TV, but I watched the Trump rally in Greenbay on CSpan.
All red meat for his voters, not the primary voters. He threw out a few insults to McCain, which I thought was brilliant. No one other than the Trump-hating media and #NeverTrumpers will defend McCain these days.
I can see why libs hate him. He says things they object to, and he doesn't care if they object to what he says. It is disrespectful to them in a way that GW Bush was not. trump does not apologize.
If the #NeverTrumpers are so strong, where is their candidate? Not whats-his-name, the guy who hopes he gets more Dem voters than GOP voters. David French, your nation is calling!
Nor should he.
"Now on to King's landing?"
A coat of gold, a coat of red
A lion still has claws
The National does a good cover of The Lord of Castamere
What I would suggest to my liberal friends is that they should watch something like the Greenbay rally with the sound turned off. Trump is always moving, when his body is still he moves his head and changes his facial expressions. When I watched Obama I thought that I was watching a lecturer at a University. Just enough body and face movements to keep people from falling asleep. His audience was the True Believers and the media.
Imagine Mussolini restrained by separation of powers and an American constitution, and you've got Trump.
Lewis Wetzel: "If the #NeverTrumpers are so strong, where is their candidate?"
The NeverTrumpers were never strong, by design.
Their job is to offer up republican fodder for the dems to beat upon and then to act "fake concerned" over the continued solidification of far left policies that will guarantee permanent dem majorities.
LLR Chuck is a perfect example of this.
Those lefty billionaires arent throwing tens of millions at the fake conservatives for nothing.
I would like to see a breakdown of Trump versus Obama campaign speeches broken down to the number of one, two, and three syllable words. Also words with anglo-saxon origins versus words with Latin origins.
Btw, none of the current dems matter.
Michelle is waiting in the wings to be sprung upon us.
One can only imagine the giddiness and joy LLR will experience upin learning if her entrance into the race.
One of LLR Chuck's primary goals is the saving of obamacare.
The mere thought that Trump would enable the destruction of that legislative dagger pointed at the heart of freedom angers LLR Chuck like little else.
Why talk when you can show?
The Twitter Primary Revisited for April 2019. See where the Democratic contenders stack up, inscluding the "serious" candidates that fall below the Andrew Yang Line...
Serious candidates:
How the swamp operates abroad:
Insty linked a Politico piece Sunday morning about "How Trump Took the Shine Off" the WH Coorespondents Dinner. It had a couple of observations so stupid I just can't understand how they got into print. I mean, they hate Trump, so shouldn't they at least know something about him?
“It was fun to go when Obama was in the White House,” said the Emmy-winning actress Julianna Margulies, who went to the dinner twice during his term. Now, she says, even if the president did attend, she’d skip it. “Trump just takes the wind out of everyone’s sails. He sucks up oxygen in a room. He doesn’t know how to make fun of himself, and there’s no way I would go and sit through a night of that.”
Trump doesn't know how to make fun of himself? What President have they been watching?
“It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the history of the dinner,” he says. “But it’s what you get when you have a president of the United States who has zero sense of humor and a president of the United States who spends his time attacking who we are and what we do for a living. Of course, you have to defend that, and of course you have to respond to the times.”
Trump has zero sense of humor? Has there ever been a funnier President?
Two movies.
Can anyone confirm how you refer to a member of a synagogue, is it congregant? Superficial internet search seems to indicate that’s correct but I want to make sure it isn’t a result of the phrasing of my question? Also, don’t want to dig deep because the internet can be ugly.
Dear Brie,
Sorry but Captain Marvel is hardly the most powerful Avenger. Scarlet Witch can do a Thanos but without the infinity gauntlet. If she pretends you never existed, you go "poof!". Sidesteps all that messy dusting cleanup with broom and dustpan.
Get over yourself.
Daily Mail
Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president
By Reuters - April 28th 2019, 8:22:28 pm
"Former top Justice Department official Sally Yates says that if Donald Trump were not president, he would have been indicted on obstruction charges in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
Yates, a career federal prosecutor who rose to acting attorney general before Trump fired her in 2017 less than two weeks into his presidency, told NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sunday the Republican president was shielded by department guidelines that a sitting president should not be indicted.
'I've personally prosecuted obstruction cases on far, far less evidence than this,' Yates said.
'And yes, I believe, if he were not the president of the United States, he would likely be indicted on obstruction...'"
Most of the comments (827 at this writing) seem to be in the same vein as this one:
Theodore Rex, Trumptopia formerly Obamastan, United States, 23 minutes ago
Same Obama lacky who was fired by Trump for not following lawful directive of the President. If anyone is an expert on obstruction its this broad.
I went to the net to find out what kind of name "Brie" is anyway, all I got was
"Are you supposed to eat the white part of Brie?"
Yes. And Yes.
Thank you.
Lewis Wetzel: his audience was the True Believers and the media.
Do you mean Obama or Trump or both?
I can see why libs hate him. He says things they object to, and he doesn't care if they object to what he says.
@Lewis Wetzel: Bingo!!!
Today's Boston Globe: For many, the Vermont senator’s gruff manner is evidence of his authenticity. But some in the party feel he hasn’t been subjected to the same personality-based critiques as female candidates.
Not a civil war, more like skirmishes intended to probe and test for weakness. There's still a long way to go.
Spring is finally here in my neck of the woods. Last week was nearly all rain. April showers and all that. Daffodils are up, forsythia is ablaze with yellow, lawn will need to be mowed in another week or so.
Red Sox pretty much suck this year, Chris Sale is 0-5, pitching has been awful, most of the hitters except JD have been struggling. Oh well.
Just can't bring myself to watch these super hero movies, don't see anything in them that interests me. Watched Lego Movie 2 with the grandkids over the weekend. Entertaining. Reading 'Tears of Autumn' by Charles McCarry, very good. Odd that it hasn't been made into a movie.
Have a couple of interviews for a new position this week - hope springs eternal.
Don't worry, Democrats, there will be no Civil War as long as Bernie Sanders is nominated. If you don't give him his due, the best that you can hope for is that he takes his bat and ball and supporters and goes home. Because he's not getting schlonged by the D machine twice.
"Are you supposed to eat the white part of Brie?"
The Budding of Brie is one of the Classic Movies, of All Time
“Trump just takes the wind out of everyone’s sails. He sucks up oxygen in a room. He doesn’t know how to make fun of himself, and there’s no way I would go and sit through a night of that.”
Motivates me to deny her happiness. The GOP should run ads with this....
"the Emmy-winning actress Julianna Margulies"
Poor baby.
Why was an "Emmy-winning actress" a repeat guest at an event alleged to be for "journalists"? Auditioning for foreign policy analyst spots at MSNBC or The View?
Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president
This is exactly what I mean when I point out that President Trump does his own wet work.
This isn't Sally Yates. It's Obama. Obama sent Yates out to get his opinion out to the public.
President Trump does his own wet work. Speaks his own mind.
President Trump doesn't have minions floating trial balloons. He brainstorms in public. Just like he has his whole life. That's how he gets things done. He tells someone to take and action. They do it, or explain why it's a bad idea. The negatives, and pitfalls. President Trump takes in all the info and starts to formulate a plan of action.
President Trump does his own wet work. No Politician since before WWII has done his own wet work.
If Trump wasn't President, he wouldn't have been investigated.
Whatever happened to Stormy Daniels? I was told she would be the one who would bring down Trump and make the world safe for liberals again. Told by the best of sources, even. Did I miss something?
She apparently leaked the Flynn communications with Kislyak hence mounting this grishenko tale.
The reason why tears of autumn isnt made is it doesn't reflect well on the young president, the bay of pigs can be referenced in the company obliquely.
Whence the out of control rage and hate of the Left for The Other?
I submit that, at least in part, it has a similar origin to the rage and hate of Islam for the West: The frustration and disappointment of a people who invested everything in a god that failed.
For the Left, socialism, "benign" statism, and a belief that they know the best for all of us, rejected by the yahoos of flyover country led by a most impolite party-crasher of a President, who is enjoying a degree of tangible success unknown for decades.
For Islam, belief in a bogus prophet who promised that the faithful would dominate the earth, only to look around them and see nothing but idleness, houses with dirt floors, and people missing half their teeth-- left behind by an overwhelmingly dominant, pluralistic, libertarian secularist civilization.
Their styles of acting out differ but the motivations and mindset seem all to similar. The purity tests. The fear of reprisal from within. The conformity and suppression of free discussion. The personification and persecution of enemies.
That is not the whole story, of course. Life is never as simple as that. But I think there's something to it.
“Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president”
If Trump hadn’t been running, then elected President, Ms Yates wouldn’t have illegally authorized the FBI to spy on him, and everyone around him.
The interesting thing these days is how much we are hearing from the high level Obama Administration officials most likely to be indicted for their parts in Spygate. We have been hearing from Clapper, Brennan, and Comey. But the two big ones were probably the #2s at DoJ and FBI, Yates and McCabe, respectively. The two of them preapproved the first FISA warrant application, causing checks to be bypassed in their rush to beat NSA Dir Rogers to the FISA court. And both had actual knowledge of the falsity of the FISA applications that they signed under oath, given their interactions with AAG Bruce Ohr, who reported directly to Yates, and acted as an intermediary between Steele and Simpson from Fusion GPS, and the FBI Counterintelligence Division. Yates, far more than her bosses, AGs Lynch and Holder, was directly responsible for loosening FISA restrictions in order to militarize and politicize FISA against Obama’s political enemies. I expect those two, along with Peter Strzok, to be at the top of the list when indictments start to flow. She should have kept her mouth shut, because now she will become an object of Presidential ridicule, and the American people are likely to learn, and for her reputation, remember, her role in these scandals.
“Former U.S. deputy attorney general Sally Yates says Trump would have been indicted in Mueller's Russia investigation if he wasn't president”
“If Trump hadn’t been running, then elected President, Ms Yates wouldn’t have illegally authorized the FBI to spy on him, and everyone around him.”
What has mostly flown under the radar with the concentration on the four fraudulently acquired Title I FISA warrants on (at least) Carter Page, is that it is likely that the DoJ/FBI cabal behind those warrants had six months earlier been caught having given FBI contractors access to raw, unminimized, NSA database information through FISA 702 “from”, “to”, and most critically “about”, searching. Thousands of illegal searches had been done during the six months ending in March, 2016, 85% by contractors (who shouldn’t even have had access to the “minimized” search results, but were instead seeing the raw search results before minimization), and there is evidence that this had gone on for upwards of four years - essentially since the Obama Administration had been caught requesting IRS information from Tea Party groups. And, interesting, many of those illegal contractor searches of the NSA databases were using different dates on the same search targets - which means that they were tracking US citizens using one of our key counterintelligence and counterterrorism facilities. This suggests very strongly that political enemies were being actively electronically surveilled by political operatives closely affiliated with Obama, and that not only Trump, but probably most of the other Republicans running for their nomination were high on the list of those being surveilled. This too can be blamed on Yates and McCabe.
I saw the Green Bay rally on Youtube.
I think the President has to keep the name Make America Great Again for his slogan. You was sort of teasing the idea of changing the slogan but to me saying that he's done what he promised already and needs a new slogan is overthinking. Lots of people are still just beginning to understand what is already done. That is, they have jobs because of lower taxes, less regulation, cheap energy and demolition of unfair trade deals and they would not have those jobs if Hillary had won. But it takes awhile for the effects of policies and it seems to take longer to understand changes. The number of MAGA supporters, has to include the doubting Thomas's - until I see a steel industry in America with a job for me, I will not believe any politicians - as well as people who could see the argument when it was first made before Trump was President - that socialistic America haters and globalists working together on policy were ruining the economy and did not care at all how many Americans were hurt in the process. Because the socialist and the globalist individuals were getting rich or else richer.
Trump always sees the next steps, the next place to go and he starts building support at these rallies which makes them interesting. The media of course sees nothing but what relates to them which makes them whiny crybabies. Watching them behave like babies while pretending that whiny tantrums are grown-up behavior is a spectacle I love in itself but, to me, the nation needs a better standard of reporters and editors. Individuals publishing, editing and reporting news exist but they are all non-standard.
And here's what I thought was news at the rally. Trump did not mention Hillary by name. And when he mentioned her, he talked about the track into poverty the country might have been following had the election gone differently. He didn't mention crimes at all as I remember it which would have tainted the jury pool.
"trump does not apologize."
Yes, this is what makes America's culture so "great": we think it wonderful and brilliant to insult others, alive or dead or crippled, and we have no tolerance for people who apologize for their ill-behavior.
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