One thing I like about Pete Buttigieg is he seems the most similar to me, personally, not like some of these “identity politics” candidates out there.— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) April 7, 2019
Meade says, "A lot of people look at Trump and say: same tribe." I always ask Meade before I use quotes from him here, and I myself was confused about why he said, "tribe." I thought, if I were fictionalizing this dialogue, I'd have Meade say something like: "Actually, strangely enough, a lot of people look at Trump and think he's like me." But Meade explains his use of "tribe." He's saying people look at Trump and recognize that he is one of us, one of our tribe, the American tribe, our people, our team.
He's saying people look at Trump and recognize that he is one of us, one of our tribe, the American tribe, our people, our team.
And most importantly, he's proud of it.
Since I am not a Marxist, I am not like Pete.
Since I am not a Liberal leftist Democrat, I am not like Pete.
Since I am not for destroying the Electoral College, I am not like Pete.
Since I am not for a border without a wall, I am not like Pete.
Shall I go on?
Yes, precisely it. I felt the same way about Ronald Reagan, no other politician before or since until Trump. And it is that sense that he cares about me, about America, and about Americans that makes for the similarity. Have his critics seen how he is with regular, working Americans? He cares about them and the same things they care about: family & jobs & an idealized America.
Does Pete dress like a clown? Cuz that's what Yglesias is.
The American Dream is to be Donald Trump
--Barack Obama, 1991
Trump is a lot like my Grand Father, not so much like me.
And to be in the American tribe, you don't need to be white.
To be in the American tribe, you have to believe in America.
Not Mexico. Not the world. But America.
Pretty simple, really.
Yeah, that's the ticket- I can't imagine that half the voters don't want someone just like little Matty Yglesias as their president. Sheesh.
You have to admire Yglesias for letting his narcissist flag fly. I'll bet he complains about Trump's narcissism, however.
Yesterday Mike Gravel channeled George Orwell and tweeted this zinger about Cory Booker: "if you want a vision of the future under Cory Booker, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. and every once in a while it stops for an inspirational lecture on how we should never stop dreaming."
You married well, Ann. You too, Meade.
If you exclude the economics and the lifestyle many people, many voters can look at Trump and say 'He's like me.' If you can't maybe you can say 'He gets me'. That's good enough.
He gets me.
How old do you have to be to remember when a public figure would be too embarrassed to say/write something that juvenile and egotistical for public consumption?
Star Trek explained this Years Ago,
The Yangs and the Kohms
Yglesias is going to learn next year that the country looked at Yglesias and said "nope. not like me".
So today we're building up Boot Edge Edge. How are we going to tear him down tomorrow?
Meade and Gahrie are right.
Trump has old American values. Not the ones we got from the Europeans - the value unique to Americans.
Self-reliance. Hard work. Defiance of authority. American exceptionalism. Enterprising and industrious. Get the girl. Win the game. Respect the warriors. Be hard to rule. Speak plainly. Pull your weight. Dare to be great. Win Baby Win!
Perhaps Booker will come of out the closet and take the gay advantage away from Buttwxyz.
coming after eu article 11, I'm not reassured,
Wow, Althouse not immediately, instinctively, and intuitively getting what Meade meant sure speaks volumes.
Now, it doesn't say she is a bad person, it says: she's a woman. And there's a reason, Greek myths about Amazons aside, why women weren't traditionally involved in warfare, and barely in governance.
The tribe that calls itself simply Americans is the Scots-Irish Presbyterians who became Southern Baptists, that settled the Midwest from western Pennsylvania down to northern Georgia and South Carolina and then took their own country away from Mexico at San Jacinto and fought the Comanche Empire 30 years to keep it. They were never racists. THat was the Episcopalian coastal tidewater guys who fought to stay British. The Scots-Irish leaders were Jackson, Polk, Houston ,DavyCrockett, George Patton and Harry Truman. And they hate the British who are our Globalist enemies to this day.
The American tribe = refusing the media division-for-clicks trick.
The Dems/Left/Media spent the last 2+ years whipping their base into a revengeful frenzied mob, they don't want Mr.-Nice-Reasonable-Gay-Guy-Who-Gets-Things-Done, they want the Republic dismantled and heads on pikes.
Robespierre unavailable for comment.
"One thing I like about Pete Buttigieg is he seems the most similar to me, personally, not like some of these “identity politics” candidates out there."
So the “identity politics” candidates out there" are not like him; they are like other people. Other people who like the “identity politics” candidates that are most like them. Of which he is not one of. Just like Pete, who isn't one of those either. Except for the people he is similar to, like the writer.
I am he as you are he as you are me but we are not together.
I am Laslo.
I think this is what Meade is talking about:
My Tribe consists of people who know that sometimes bad things happen, and that these are an opportunity to show ourselves what we are made of. My people go into burning buildings. My Tribe consists of organizers and self-starters, proud and self-reliant people who do not need to be told what to do in a crisis. My Tribe is not fearless; they are something better. They are courageous. My Tribe is honorable, and decent, and kind, and inventive. My Tribe knows how to give orders, and how to follow them. My Tribe knows enough about how the world works to figure out ways to boil water, ration food, repair structures, build and maintain makeshift latrines, and care for the wounded and the dead with respect and compassion.
There are some things my Tribe is not good at at all. My Tribe doesn’t make excuses. My Tribe will analyze failure and assign blame, but that is to make sure that we do better next time, and we never, ever waste valuable energy and time doing so while people are still in danger. My Tribe says, and in their heart completely believes that it’s the other guy that’s the hero. My Tribe does not believe that a single Man can cause, prevent or steer Hurricanes, and my Tribe does not and has never made someone else responsible for their own safety, and that of their loved ones.
My Tribe doesn’t fire on people risking their lives, coming to help us. My Tribe doesn’t curse such people because they arrived on Day Four, when we felt they should have been here before breakfast on Day One. We are grateful, not to say indebted, that they have come at all. My Tribe can’t eat Nike’s and we don’t know how to feed seven by boiling a wide-screen TV. My Tribe doesn’t give a sweet God Damn about what color the looters are, or what color the rescuers are, because we can plainly see before our very eyes that both those Tribes have colors enough to cover everyone in glory or in shame. My Tribe doesn’t see black and white skins. My Tribe only sees black and white hats, and the hat we choose to wear is the most personal decision we can make.
That’s the other thing, too – the most important thing. My Tribe thinks that while you are born into a Tribe, you do not have to stay there. Good people can join bad Tribes, and bad people can choose good ones. My Tribe thinks you choose your Tribe. That, more than anything, is what makes my Tribe unique.
I am so utterly and unabashedly proud of my Tribe, that my words haunt and mock me for their pale weakness and shameful inadequacy.
or maybe its that democrats are flat out crazy, every one of them.
And my favorite lines:
The Pink Tribe is all about feeling good: feeling good about yourself! Sexually, emotionally, artistically – nothing is off limits, nothing is forbidden, convention is fossilized insanity and everybody gets to do their own thing without regard to consequences, reality, or natural law. We all have our own reality – one small personal reality is called “science,” say – and we Make Our Own Luck and we Visualize Good Things and There Are No Coincidences and Everything Happens for a Reason and You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be and we all have Special Psychic Powers and if something Bad should happen it’s because Someone Bad Made It Happen. A Spell, perhaps.
The Pink Tribe motto, in fact, is the ultimate Zen Koan, the sound of one hand clapping: EVERYBODY IS SPECIAL.
Then, in the other corner, there is the Grey Tribe – the grey of reinforced concrete. This is a Tribe where emotion is repressed because Emotion Clouds Judgment. This is the world of Quadratic Equations and Stress Risers and Loads Torsional, Compressive and Tensile, a place where Reality Can Ruin Your Best Day, the place where Murphy mercilessly picks off the Weak and the Incompetent, where the Speed Limit is 186,282.36 miles per second, where every bridge has a Failure Load and levees come in 50 year, 100 year and 1000 Year Flood Flavors.
The Grey Tribe motto is, near as I can tell, THINGS BREAK SOMETIMES AND PLEASE DON’T LET IT BE MY BRIDGE.
The tribe that calls itself simply Americans is the Scots-Irish Presbyterians who became Southern Baptists,
No, the Irish who came here with no expectation but of hard work and family are part of it.
I'm descended from them, both sides. 23&me tells me 100% Irish. My great great grandfather came about 1820 to upstate New York. My mother's family came about the same time and landed in Canada, across the St Lawrence. The Kennedys came out to Illinois before the Civil War. My great grandfather and great grandmother had 12 children, 9 sons. All worked hard.
My mother's family did the same and moved west with the Canadian Pacific Railroad, just like Gordon Lightfoot said.
Those people had no expectation that anyone else would care for them. They all lived into old age because farms were healthy.
Meade is correct. But Trump is a wealthy, powerful man who has screwed a lot of beautiful women. So, more than "he's part of our tribe" is "he's leads our tribe.
Most importantly, as Fen notes above, is that the tribe is expansive. Not limited to white guys, but all folks who love America, hard work, nuclear families, property rights, gun rights, the distinction between male and female bathrooms, sports and beer.
Things must be going well to be talking about stuff like this.
Yglesias likes Buttigieg.
Trump likes me.
Laslo: So the “identity politics” candidates out there" are not like him; they are like other people
Matthew Yglesias:
One thing I like about Pete Buttigieg is he seems the most similar to me, personally, not like some of these “identity politics” candidates out there.
I look at Matthew Yglesias and I see a graduate of the very elite Dalton School in NYC and also a Harvard greduate- who is also the son of a Hollywood screenwriter. Not very similar to me.
I look at Pete Buttigieg and I see a red diaper baby. Not very similar to me.
FTR I am much like Trump in that we think alike , communicate alike , love women alike and both enjoy a good fight.
It’s okay for presidents to be extraordinary. Obama was a lot more like me than Trump is, but I was much more disappointed in his presidency.
For some reason, the hackiest of lefty hacks and dumb beyond believe Yglesias (and that's sayin' something!) is suddenly a big go to dude for those on the left and LLR-left.
Hey lefties/LLR's, stop trying to make lefty Yglesias/Chelsea/Lawfareblog/Bulwark "happen".
Race baiters have never acknowledged the difference between “race” and “tribe.” The American tribe is comprised of many races, so are the Anti-American tribes.
Trump is only like me by being white and very close to my age, but I like his ideas.
Well done, Althouse. Profoundly insightful. His supporters have intuited just what you say, just as they intuited the opposite about Obama, having nothing to do with race, or wealth or the superficial characteristics of either man, but having everything to do with faith and commitment to the founder's ideals. Thank you for the clarity of thought.
Who looks at Trump and says "he's like me." Who?
Kanye West, that's who.
Trump is Sui generis. There is no one like him, and there will never be another. However, his beliefs and attitudes on politics are shared by millions. Matt Yglesis is a hate-filled dishonest leftist. If he thinks "Mayor Pete" is just like him. Well, we'll have to keep an eye on "Pete".
A hostile reporter asked Reagan what was his plan for Cold War. “Plan?” He asked, “We win, they lose. What do you think about that?” A great, great answer and one reason it’s great is just what Meade identifies here.
Matt Yglesis looks like this mild mannered guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. But if you read his hate filled comments against people who disagree with him - its quite chilling. Put him in Stalin's USSR and he's be signing off on death warrants and then having a vodka with all the other mass killers.
Yep. Meade nailed it.
Let's play “Presidents like Matt Yglesias”
In last place (tied): Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Roosevelt (F), Roosevelt (T)
"Trump has old American values. Not the ones we got from the Europeans - the value unique to Americans.
Self-reliance. Hard work. Defiance of authority. American exceptionalism. Enterprising and industrious. Get the girl. Win the game. Respect the warriors. Be hard to rule. Speak plainly. Pull your weight. Dare to be great. Win Baby Win!"
How about, Trump is a man.
As an outer borough NYer myself, Trump very much reminds of my father and uncles. They've the same mannerisms... Their speech is salty, they sometimes partake in locker-room talk or a quick-witted barb. They are brutally honest and can be critical but can always be counted on to love their neighbors and country.
Trump is definitely like me because we believe the same things. We prioritize similar things.
Nothing else really matters with politicians.
The tribe thing is just another way of saying it - an emotional bond based on identity.
Extremely persuasive, as I learned from Scott Adams who continues to be more correct than any other “expert”.
If you haven't noticed the tribal thing, you haven't been reading Buwaya's comments or paying attention.
And following on the Pagan-Christian tribal categorization attempted by Petey Buttplug, I'd much rather have (maybe not-so Christian) Trump and his unwavering support of Christian ideals and values than Pete saying he is a devout Christian and supporting all the leftist ideas that stymie the practice of Christianity.
But Meade explains his use of "tribe." He's saying people look at Trump and recognize that he is one of us, one of our tribe, the American tribe, our people, our team.
Democrats and most DC Republicans want to define us by superficial characteristics.
They want to use this definition to divide us by what we are.
Trump wants to unite the US around who we are and what we do.
I'm with Meade, err Trump.
Y wrote: "not like some of these “identity politics” candidates"
He's not talking about Trump. Who is he talking about?
A tribe is not a nation.
If everyone is out to be part of a tribe, there is no nation.
"our team."
This is Meade's, and Trump's, problem. Everyone knows our team is racist. "Tribe" is racist. And so on, and so forth.
Yup, he's a guy you could have a brewski with--same tribe. Obozo--not so much. He'd have a waiter bring it out in a crystal glass on a white cloth covered tray. Call it same tribe, same team, he's a guy who loves America. Again--Obozo, not so much.
And since he's on the same team, he understands if you sometimes have to point out that he's full of bull.
I'm so indulgant of Trump that I think we must be distant cousins. My father's line was from the same part of Germany.
Makes you a little defensive.
I know and have worked with and for people like Trump. Men who are movers and shakers, profoundly irritating and competent, but who can't sit still. There are few politicians I have ever seen who remind me of someone I know, but Trump does.
He's a guy you could have tongue bath with.
I know and have worked with and for people like Trump. Men who are movers and shakers, profoundly irritating and competent, but who can't sit still. There are few politicians I have ever seen who remind me of someone I know, but Trump does.
Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?
Great comments above.
Matthew still doesn’t get it. America has rejected the Fake News and its favored candidates.
The discussion of "tribes" as raised by Meade is interesting, and I agree with a lot of what's been said here about it. But the USA is too big to be a tribe. We're a Nation, that includes many tribes. Over the course of our history, not all tribes got along with each other -- recall the Civil War for example. But much of the time there was a gravitational pull that kept various tribes together in the Nation of the USA.
Most of the Presidents that I recall were able to sell themselves as Americans to other Americans: Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Trump. (JFK, as a Roman Catholic, was a bit exotic, but he overcame that.) Obama was the first President who didn't seem to fit comfortably into the American nation. Not because he was Black, but partly because he was of African heritage, but mostly because he sought to rule from "above". That worked for him -- as it worked even more so for FDR -- but today is different, probably because of the Obama experience.
In earlier years I could, as a Republican, look at Democratic candidates and not feel that their election would be destructive of what America means to me: Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, etc. Now I look at the mob of potential Democrat Presidential candidates, and I feel ("feel", not necessarily "think") that the election of some of them would be destructive of what America means to me. (I didn't feel that way about the H. Clinton candidacy, because I remember that we survived Harding -- corruption isn't the worst thing we can face).
Meade is correct, Trump is a recognizable American type. So is Bill Clinton.
Hillary is not a recognizable American type. Neither is Obama, and consider the work the media did to fling him over the finish line with 52.9% of the popular vote (2008) and 51.1% of the popular vote (2012).
“Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?”
The comments sections have become non stop Trump sycophancy.
“Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?”
You mean one that takes into account the very people who built the country, keep it running, and invent the things that keep it going? I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing, but whiny line like Inga and Readering may have different views. Pity they’re not logical enough to see reality.
It bothers me that Yglesias has so little earned merit.
He is very upper bourgeois. Parents are academics/novelists. Went to the best private schools. What has he actually done? He was for the Iraq war -- when it was bien-pensant -- and against the Iraq War -- when it was bien pensant.
Yglesias's greatest area of expertise is negotiating his pay rate with publishers. Yet he insists on writing about politics and ethics.
"Non stop Trump sycophancy"?
Not even in this thread, Inga.
I Callahan, I believe this is where the lawyer says, your Honor, I rest my case.
Blogger Achilles said...
But Meade explains his use of "tribe." He's saying people look at Trump and recognize that he is one of us, one of our tribe, the American tribe, our people, our team.
Democrats and most DC Republicans want to define us by superficial characteristics.
They want to use this definition to divide us by what we are.
Trump wants to unite the US around who we are and what we do.
You showing off your fruity tutti koolaid mustache.
Is Buttigieg as gullible, dishonest, and stupid as Yglesias?
Good to know.
After all, fighting dishonesty with dishonesty is sometimes the right thing for advocates to do, according to Yglesias. So I guess we have been warned about Buttigieg.
readering: "Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?"
Maybe she wanted her blog to look like the leaders for the 2020 democrat Presidential nomination.
After all, fighting dishonesty with dishonesty is sometimes the right thing for advocates to do, according to Yglesias.
Oh I had forgotten about that gem. What an untrustworthy POS Yglesias must be.
Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?
It's the same disposition Petterson describes so aptly regarding the pay "gap". The more free a society, the more men gravitate to Thought and the more women to People. That's why in Scandi countries, the ratio of engineers favors men 80/20 while the ratio of nurses favors women 80/20.
Or to thread the needle here:
Men come to this blog to yell about ideas.
Inga comes to this blog to yell at people.
Don't forget to tip your waitress!
Jimmy Rabbitte : I got Mickah Wallace to do Security.
Outspan Foster : Mickah Wallace? But he's a savage!
Jimmy Rabbitte : Yeah... but he's OUR savage!
readering said...
Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?
4/7/19, 10:04 PM
Is that what you are?
I would rather say I'm like Trump, then to say I'm like corrupt, Hillary.
Did Althouse set out to create a blog for old white guys?
I've wondered the same.
On the Internet nobody knows you're an old white guy. Theoretically.
Who takes Matt Yglesias seriously on any issue? The guy is an unaccomplished spoiled brat with a middling intellect at best. He's the poster child for how overrated a Harvard degree is. Has that overprivileged doughboy accomplished anything on his own or had an original thought in his life? But here he is being touted as someone whose point of view is worth discussing.
A cohort of failed, emasculated pajama boys looks at Petey and cries "My hero! My ideal! My validation!"
I don't think that anybody looks at a billionaire and says "he's like me", even other billionaires. And when it comes to a President, I don't want someone like me. I want him, tougher, wiser, braver and with experience handling big things, and to have been successful at it. The only thing I want the same is ideology, and I don't expect to get that. Instead all I can do is vote against the person who is least like me. If you think I need you, or even worse, that the whole world needs you, then you are not like me.
Meade is correct. Trump sees himself as an America, not some global haughty 'above it all' harridan like...a Pelosi or a Clinton et al.
He can be richer. He can nail super models. I will never get a chance to do that. But he wants what I want: American Exceptionalism, secure borders, good trade deals pushing AMERICAN interests. I want him to push back against haughty globalists. He does.
So...tribe. We used to have a lot more members in our tribe but 30% went insane and started dining on academic feces.
I am he as you are he as you are me but we are not together.
I am Laslo.
No you're not. You are the walrus. Or maybe the egg man. I can't tell the difference.
RE: "He's saying people look at Trump and recognize that he is one of us, one of our tribe, the American tribe, our people, our team."
So Mr. Yglesias is a homosexual statist, too? Just asking.
How could you not understand Yglesias' bitter, sarcastic contempt for Buttigieg boosters here?
"Men come to this blog to yell about ideas.
Inga comes to this blog to yell at people."
Well, go easy on Inga. Ideas are hard, especially when you're unfamiliar with them. For the State's Handmaid, these ideas would be "liberty" and "reason."
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