April 7, 2019

"It's a little jarring to hear an American president say, 'Our country is full,' given the history of the United States of America."

Said Chuck Todd, prodding Senator Mitt Romney to set himself apart from President Trump. But that's not what happened. Romney staunchly backed up Trump:

MITT ROMNEY: Well, we've seen a dramatic shift in the nature of immigration and illegal immigration just over the last few weeks. I mean, a number of years ago and up until just a few weeks ago, the great majority of people coming into our country were coming, looking for work. Single men and oftentimes just were turned at the border. Sent back home typically to Mexico. In the last few weeks, there's been a dramatic change and that is we're seeing unaccompanied young people, as well as families with lots of kids, pouring into the border. And they say the magic word, "I'm seeking asylum." And by virtue of our laws and processes here, we bring them into the country. We don't begin to have enough space in our facilities to maintain the kind of care that these people deserve. And so they're being just turned out into our country, 125,000 of them so far this year. It's overwhelming our system. We have got to be able to deal with this in a way. It's going to take some legislation to get it fixed.

CHUCK TODD: Well, and that's what I'm curious about. How would you be handling this?...

SEN. MITT ROMNEY: Well, I think what has to happen is an effort for Republicans and Democrats to come together, generally with presidential leadership. That's what's going to be essential to get us all together and say, “Okay, we need to fix --

CHUCK TODD: But you just said-- Senator I just heard your hesitation there. Does he have the credibility to do this?

SEN. MITT ROMNEY: Well, he does. He has the capacity to bring together the top Democrats, top Republicans and to sit down and say, "Okay, what can we do legislatively to make sure that we're not creating this extraordinary asylum magnet that's bringing people into the country?" And let me tell you, in my opinion, the Democrats are making a huge error by making border security an issue and saying it's a partisan issue. Look, this is an American issue. We can't have millions upon millions of people flooding into our country without a border that's secure, without ICE making sure the people that are here illegally are sent back. This is a winning issue I think for Republicans. But more importantly, it's a winning issue for Americans to say, "We have to have the sovereignty of our nation." I think the president has tapped into something which the people feel very deeply.


M Jordan said...

Mitt speaking out of the right side of his plastic mouth today, I see.

Yancey Ward said...

Basically both parties in the Congress are for open borders as evidenced by their actions, but they can't all just admit that. The Democrats, though, are playing with political disaster here- opposition to illegal immigration is one of the few truly bipartisan issues for the voters, and Trump understands this. If Trump closes the border, he will have political support of the populace. Mexico needs to understand that they have responsibility to stop the migrants at their southern border. At the moment, Mexico is just shepherding them north, and that has long been understood to be an act of war.

Gk1 said...

Hah. Oh Mittens aren't you the precious one. No one really believes you so please go away.

rehajm said...

Fuck you, Chuck Todd.

cubanbob said...

Trump can easily garner bipartisan support for curbing unlimited illegal immigration if he were to propose unlimited immigration for creditalled occupations such as lawyers, accountants, university professors, doctors, nurses and other Democrat leaning professions and occupations.

gilbar said...

wow! Mitt acting like a Republican!
i didn't see that coming!

Josephbleau said...

The US is like a battleship that needs four torpedo strikes to sink it. We will never fix the Borrowing to cover overspending, social security over promising, partisan disfunction, and letting the world come in unfettered to level our economy with the rest of the world. The problem is that we have so much talent and resources that we are very resistant to damage. It takes too long for the results of our idiotic policies to become so apparent that they can no longer be denied. Our great great grand children are the ones who will suffer, and they won’t give a damn about 3 degrees of climate change at that point.

Rob said...

What a weasel Chuck Todd is! "Well, and that's what I'm curious about. How would you be handling this?" No, Chuck, that isn't what you were curious about at all. You were curious about whether Romney would take the opportunity to adopt your characterization of what Trump is saying. Don't pretend otherwise.

MBunge said...

Is Chuck Todd so incredibly stupid that he forgot Mitt "self-deportation" Romney ran as an immigration hardliner in 2012?

Not that Romney meant any of it, of course.


Wince said...

Mitt put it right out there: he sees the clear, overwhelming political advantage in Trump’s position, and that’s why he’s there.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Leftists, the Democrats, look at all issues in terms of how each position promotes larger government and the lefts' political power. So, the left prefers illegal immigration by poor, illiterate in their own language uneducated dependable Democrat voters. Democrats actually are biased against legal immigrants since the legal are much more likely to be self sufficient, politically independent and more conservative.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

I was watching this morning when Romney came on. I thought the reason Todd had Romney on was to bash Trump on immigration. I think Todd thought so too. Shocker!!

narciso said...

f chuck often gets his cue cards mixed up:


Fen said...

I don't trust a damn thing Mittens says. He's just looking for someone to Surrender Gracefully to. He's of the old Republican Regime, the Establishment Party. If these guys really wanted to stop illegal immigration they would have done so 20 years ago.

Please don't fall for their bullshit again.

rhhardin said...

Conflict equals audience clicks. It's a business.

Fen said...

Chuck Todd: It's a little jarring to hear an American president say, 'Our country is full,' given the history of the United States of America."

What a stupid remark. If I keep pouring more and more water into a glass, will it get full?

Chuck Todd: Gee, I don't just don't understand it. I've been pouring water into this hole for year and years and it never got full before...

What an idiot. Please DONT learn to code. I want my flight to land safely.

Michael K said...

I was a little surprised to see Mitt take the high road. Hey really hates Trump. I suspect what we are seeing is that this is a slam dunk issue.

We are back to 1972 when McGovern wanted to just cut and run. Americans wanted some acknowledgement that American soldiers had died there. I am now sure it was a mistake but people wanted some symbol that we were not running away.

I'm reading about World War I this weekend and Kaiser Bill just pushed too hard, People just could not back down.

Mexico may be making a similar mistake. I like Mexico. I used to go there all the time. The need help with the cartels.

This is not the way to get it.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left wants open borders. They don't want to enforce our immigration laws. They don't care if 100,000 Guatamalans/Hondurans/Mexican caravan to the border and try to enter our country.


Because they view Texas as an obstacle to their power. They'd love to have Mexicans replace and/or dilute the vote of right wing Texans, to turn Texas Blue.

That's precisely what they did to Southern California. They turned Orange County blue, which tipped the scales to the Dems.

Sadly, there's a big chunk of Republicans who are either naive about this, scared to do anything about this or, worse, silently support this.

Romney and the Chamber of Commerce Republicans love cheap labor, which boosts corporate profits.

So, Romney swings both ways on the issue.

Trump, to his eternal credit, despite some hyperbole, gets this issue, and is fighting to do the right thing. Enforce the immigration laws, deport the criminals, stop the caravans. He may or not succeed, but I give him credit.

ALP said...

It is jarring to anyone that has driven across the US and found themselves utterly alone and isolated for hours in the middle of country.

mockturtle said...

Chuck Todd is a Turdus Giganticus.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

Trump hasn’t officially agreed to raise the federal minimum wage above its current level of $7.25 an hour, but then again, he doesn’t have to. His policies are doing it all for him — including restricting illegal immigration.

A piece by The New York Times highlighted what’s happening in construction, where a labor shortage is pushing worker salaries to something like $25 an hour. But because the Times can’t stand to give Trump any credit, the story was framed that this shortage was a bad thing, a terrible burden for wealthy construction companies and contractors. What hypocrisy....

Milwaukie guy said...

Many Mexican Americans, whoever they are, support the wall and other measures. They are often the first to get the effects of greater labor competition and new criminals.

Only two of the Mexican Americans I'm friends with get into Big Discussions with me. They are both kind of Mexican chauvinists and really look down on Central Americans. It's sort of like picking on hillbillies or trailer trash, but it's way worse.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Bergall said...

Both are full of bull......anything for Cable time that no one watches or cares.

I quit voting...........

Original Mike said...

Blogger ALP said..."It is jarring to anyone that has driven across the US and found themselves utterly alone and isolated for hours in the middle of country."

Right, cuz the pertinent consideration here is space.

mockturtle said...

Many Mexican Americans, whoever they are, support the wall and other measures. They are often the first to get the effects of greater labor competition and new criminals.

This is true. I live in a majority Hispanic county which is also RED! Although I wasn't yet a resident in 2016, I was happy to see my county voted for TRUMP! Yes, the small & large businesses here owned by Hispanics will see more price competition and the workers will be competing with lower-wage immigrants. It's a lose-lose situation. My Hispanic neighbors favor a wall.

rcocean said...

If that's true why didn't Romney talk about it in 2008 or 2016? Why did he vote against The Trump emergency along with Susan Collins and the Democrats? It's absolutely true that any patriotic American should be in favor of a secure border. So where has Mitt been for the last 12 years?

Here's my take. Mitt is getting blow-back for his vote against the "Trump Emergency Wall" Executive Order, so this is just Mitt Flip-flop #456. OR he's going to use this to put together another Amnesty package. "Sure, we need to secure the border but lets do it as part of comprehensive immigration reform".

mockturtle said...

And an end to 'catch and release'. Can't everyone at least agree on that???!!!

rcocean said...

I think given the history of America, Chuck Todd's house is a little too empty. Lets put some illegal aliens in there.

Darrell said...


Go away. You already shit the bed. Mormons need to feed you to a talking lizard.

Winston said...

Chuck is jarred by Trump's no vacancy sign. Yet, he doesn't appeared jarred at all at the descent of the US press into a jibbering parody. Jars me. Why not Chuck?

rcocean said...

The Democrats are now blatantly supporting illegal immigration, breaking the law, and voter fraud. They're attacking ICE and opposing ANY and EVERY attempt to secure the border and enforce the law. Instead of sympathizing with those hurt by criminals and others illegally pouring across the border the Democrats are sneering at them and calling them "racists". And trying to figure out - in every state - how to give non-citizens the vote.

Its astounding they're getting away with it.

Drago said...

So, Romney is capable of reading polls and seeing the obvious when it hits him across the face like a wet trout, whether he likes that reality or not.

That certainly sets him apart from Chuck Todd....and our other Chuck.

rcocean said...

"And an end to 'catch and release'. Can't everyone at least agree on that???!!!"

Exactly. The cynicism is incredible. The Democrats want voters and the Republicans want cheap labor and the Law? Who cares about that? And the American people? haha.

rcocean said...

People like Chuck Todd are always talking about American's "image in the world". Well, by letting foreign criminals, deadbeats, and sick people walk across our border makes the USA look like fools. What a weak country the rest of the world thinks. They can't even control their own borders. What weaklings!

rcocean said...

Mitt has flopped in favor of Trump today, but will flip tomorrow.

Hagar said...

The worst thing about this alien invasion is not the people coming in, but that the assault is planned, organized, and financed from inside this country.

Their lawlessness is eventually going to come around and bite the Democrats in the ass.

Phil 314 said...

Amazing the anomosity Trumpkins have for Romney.

Would you be equally pissed if some Dems started supporting greater border security and tighter restrictions? When you win people over try being grateful and thankful.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Mitt put it right out there: he sees the clear, overwhelming political advantage in Trump’s position, and that’s why he’s there.”

Bingo. He’s not a stupid weasel.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I would ask asshole cuck Romney just what "kind of care that these people deserve".

To my mind, they are foreigners and criminals invading our sovereign nation. The care they deserve is imprisonment and deportation. Catch 'em a second time and execute. You take care of the problem by enforcing the law. Cucks and Democrats have trouble with common sense.

Drago said...

Phil: "When you win people over try being grateful and thankful."


Romney is as open borders as any dem.

But he is smart enough to read a poll and understand what it means.

He wasnt "won over". He was slapped in the face by political reality.

Gee, uh, congrats for waiting until now when the dam is bursting to chime on in.

Another stellar performance by the guy who couldnt stand up to Candy Crowley and whose VP selection is essentially the Republican version of Brexit-Theresa May.

Sorry, no Top Marks for seeing the sun rise and saying huh, I guess its a new day after all.

Now, having said that, if Mitt has finally figured out that maybe, just naybe we ought to fight back against the marxist left/LLR's, then we will start giving him more credit...but Ill need to see a few more data points first.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Does Disqus not integrate with this blogging service? How do you up vote? How do you respond to comments? How do you follow a thread? Can you block or follow people? The quality of your comments would increase if you dropped this silly commenting service.

stevew said...

Never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Flood the blue states with illegal aliens, grant them sanctuary, get them signed up for a driver's license, "accidentally" register them to vote via Motor Voter, and get them counted in the census so that blue states get more representation in the House, and in the Electoral College.

That 2/3 of illegal aliens are signed up for some form of public assistance is just icing on the Cloward–Piven cake.

And that is today's Democratic party, tirelessly working to fuck American citizens right in the ass, just so it can gain more power.

walter said...

Not jarring, but entirely predictable for Chuck to mmischaracterize Trump's position that way.
In fact, his somewhat unsettling eagerness to increase legal immigration stands in "full" contradiction to that.
Mitt does something helpful for a change.

sykes.1 said...

Both Romney and Todd are enemies of the American people. They need to be in cages in Gitmo. The only possible immigration policy is zero immigration, with concentration camps for illegals.

walter said...

Although suggesting you can negotiate with the party who ignore the "manufactured crisis" or call for ICE's abolishment is pretty fanciful thinking.

narciso said...

Maybe they should have him on instead:


Mr Wibble said...

"It's a little jarring to hear an American president say, 'Our country is full,' given the history of the United States of America."

Moose out front should have told them.

Achilles said...

Michael The Magnificent said...

And that is today's Democratic party, tirelessly working to fuck American citizens right in the ass, just so it can gain more power.

Not inclusive enough. Most republicans are doing this too.

Trump is the only Republican out of the 16 in the primary to make immigration an issue.

That is why he is president.

Mitt Romney voted against the border emergency declaration not long ago. He has already betrayed his voters.

He is just trying to get them to believe him again so he can betray them again.

Achilles said...

sykes.1 said...
Both Romney and Todd are enemies of the American people. They need to be in cages in Gitmo. The only possible immigration policy is zero immigration, with concentration camps for illegals.

Stupid moby. Nobody thinks this.

Democrats cannot discuss anything in good faith.

gilbar said...

I've been thinking about the Electoral College;
specifically the new, improved, 'our votes go whereever California and New York go laws.

People questioned the legality/constitutional-ness of these laws; but all the Constitution says is:

The Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress
I don't see ANYTHING in there about elections, at all. I'm ASSUMING that the reason we have popular vote elections (of Electoral College Electors), is because of State Laws? That is; the 'Legislate thereof' DID diect there to be popular votes.

IF, you're going to have Popular Votes, you
can't deny or abridge the right of citizens on account of Color (15th)
can't deny or abridge the right of citizens on account of sex (19th)
can't deny or abridge the right of citizens 18 year or older on account of age (26th)

But, i don't see ANYTHING in US law that SAYS Only citizens (or Only citzens 18 or over) can vote?
Just says that Citizens vote can't be denied or abridged.
{unlike the Senate, where the 17th REQUIRES Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof}

If California decides that ALL People, ANY age, ANY Where get to vote; what's to stop them?
For that matter; what's stopping California's Legislature deciding to 'direct' their Electors to Just Vote For The Democrat?
{excepting, of course; that it would have 'bad optics'?}

Is there something i'm Missing? I supposed someone will say the 14th, but is there actually Anything that says that states have to Vote on the President? Or can the Legislature just pick?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm not against controlled legal immigration but people who think that having less than an open door policy is "unAmerican" don't know much about American history. Mass immigration was stopped in 1924 and the door didn't open again until 1965. America needed large scale immigration while the country was industrializing and growing westward. The spigot was turned off when new arrivals were no longer necessary.

As Tucker Carlson pointed out last week, the pro-open borders people never state - or get asked - just how many people they think America should have. 400 million? 800 million? A billion? What's the cutoff number? Is there one?

walter said...

"given the history of the United States of America."
Which includes years of almost completely shut down immigration to allow time for assimilation.

effinayright said...

LP said...
It is jarring to anyone that has driven across the US and found themselves utterly alone and isolated for hours in the middle of country.


Generally, deserts do not support many people. We've got lots of deserts.


narciso said...

This began with Paul singers contribution to fusion gps

Jeff Brokaw said...

Lately I never know what is going to come out of Romney’s mouth.

Doesn’t matter becuase I don’t trust him any more and regret voting for him.

Nichevo said...

Achilles said...
sykes.1 said...
Both Romney and Todd are enemies of the American people. They need to be in cages in Gitmo. The only possible immigration policy is zero immigration, with concentration camps for illegals.

Stupid moby. Nobody thinks this.

Democrats cannot discuss anything in good faith.

4/7/19, 8:14 PM

Achilles, this guy is Bob Sykes on Disqus. He is a known Russian plantbot. Come on, test him. Get him to say anything against the Rodina. You can't do it.

Sebastian said...

"I think the president has tapped into something which the people feel very deeply."

Yes. But Mittens, this comes a little late. For starters, it would help if you didn't tear down the president you'd like to make the deal happen. Then, Mittens, you should realize what you are up against: Dems who argue in bad faith, Dems who want to see the "emergency" metastasize, Dems who see illegal immigration as the vehicle to achieve irreversible power. Unless you see the political stakes clearly, Mittens, you are useless.

It is a close-run thing. The nice Midwestern women who would like to see a debate between Mayor Pete and Trump do not yet see the flood of illegals as an existential problem. Unless they and a few of their fellow swing voters swing decisively toward sanity, the swing states may swing the Republic toward disaster.

Skeptical Voter said...

Chuck Todd could not find or understand the sentiments of Middle America and the middle class generally if he used both hands and a seeing eye dog. He's simply a coastal twit. And I'm being generous in that assessment. I could have added political hack--and probably should have.

Josephbleau said...

In 1970’s Colorado the flat landers from the coasts would move in and immediately bleat “no more housing development, no more new people, i’m here and the door is closed behind me.” These were the Uber easy rider red hippies, and even they saw immigration as the destruction and burying of their new birthright.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Generally, deserts do not support many people. We've got lots of deserts.


4/7/19, 8:31 PM

You also do not find many people living in national parks or in the middle of wheat fields. Dead baseball players do live in cornfields in Iowa.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skeptical Voter said...

I just read ALP's comment re "jarring to someone who has driven across the country and felt isolated and alone".

Well Pilgrim, I have a little surprise for you. I read that we had more "frontier counties" in the USA in 1990 than we did in 1890. As I understand it, the government defines a "frontier county" as one in which there are less than 100 people per square mile. I think Frederick Jackson Turner (or a similar guru) had said that the country was fully settled in 1890 and that the frontier was closed.

There's a reason we have those 'frontier counties". You can't make a living in them, and they won't support much human life. If we could take the people pouring across the border--the unaccompanied minors, the families with children, the MS-13 gang bangers and spread them around through those frontier counties--the left would set up a tremendous howl. "You are putting them out there to die!!!! How will they be housed? How will they be fed? What about medical care? What about schools?" And so on and so on.

Yes there's a lot of empty space in the American West and the Midwest west of the 100th meridian. But you wouldn't want to live in much of that empty space--and neither would the illegal immigrants.

h said...

Is the Democratic party really trying to lay out a winning strategy based on the argument that there is no immigration crisis, or that any crisis that exists is easily solved by opening borders to unrestricted immigration? Trump has a winning argument here: "I've been saying all along that immigration, especially unregulated illegal immigration, is a problem. I've sought over and over again to restrict illegal immigration through physical limits ("the wall") and through regulatory limits on immigrants from certain countries. My efforts have been thwarted by Congress and by the Courts. And the results are what you see. Do you really want to put your government into the hands of people who argued over and over again that there is no crisis and that the best policy is open borders?" No matter what you think of Trump, or even of his immigration policies, do you really think that the argument above is not going to be a very effective weapon to re-elect Trump and pro-Trump republicans?

MayBee said...

It's like the 2016 election never happened. The press is 100% pro illegal immigration. The American people are not.
I wanted Mitt Romney to be president. I still do. That isn't going to happen.
Why is it so hard for anyone in the press to understand borders are not a terrible thing?

William said...

The immigrants are seeking a better economic future and are using their children for leverage. There is a number of immigrants that we can absorb and a number that we cannot. There is nobody in the media or in the Democratic Party who can say such things aloud.

mockturtle said...

From narciso's link @ 8:06PM:
"Trump Derangement Syndrome is no joke — it is driving the opposition to make irrational and even insane statements and decisions. While some of the reaction has to do with Trump’s unorthodox conduct and habits, much of it is due to the simple fact that he has produced significant achievements for the country, something Dems never expected and can’t digest."

Well, he's an 'old school' Dem. They don't make 'em like that any more.

mockturtle said...

Achilles says: He is just trying to get them to believe him again so he can betray them again.

Like Lucy and the football?

CWJ said...

"It's a little jarring to hear an American president say, 'Our country is full,' given the history of the United States of America."

"History" Key word Chuck! Gosh, how many more sodbusters do we need? Even nineteenth century writers declared the frontier closed. How many more new industrial workers do we need when it's a struggle to keep our current supply employed? But as long as people chant "a nation of immigrants," and anachronistic romantic twaddle remains written on the base of the Statue of Liberty, Chuck Todd will believe that it is forever 1910.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Does he have the credibility to do this?"

F U chuck Todd(D) - you democratic ape.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck Todd(D) - do you have the credibility to be taken seriously? Because we all know you're a hack.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

in a sense, immigration is how a nation 'eats'.
You eat when you should, and you eat what is beneficial, in proper amounts--
then you abstain, as the last meal is assimilated into your system to edify the body.
Constant/unrestricted shoveling in extra and/or unexamined/unhealthy/parasite-laden food will make you sick, as will food that wont be assimilated, which should be shunned/purged from the system.

Crazy World said...

I may not rip my Romney sticker off tonight but maybe I will.

William said...

Being anti-immigrant is a hallowed part of American culture. Benjamin Franklin looked askance at the Germans, the Pennsylvania Deutsch. He thought that they could not be relied upon in the French Indian War and that they drank too much, Cotton Mather had hard things to say about the Ulster Irish (Scotch Irish). He thought that they were noisy and drank too much. The Know Nothing Party were actually pretty liberal. They were against slavery and, in the western states, they were in favor of woman's suffrage. What they couldn't abide were Catholics, especially those from Ireland. They thought the Irish were noisy and drank too much. The KKK movement of the twenties, outside of the south, was more focused on Catholic and Jewish immigrants. Italians and Jews don't drink too much, but they're noisy...... America has never been especially welcoming to immigrants. Even immigrants from England had a hard time. You could argue that this "ain't immigrants grand" phenomenon is a recent chapter in our history. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe not. A certain amount of hazing bonds you with the fraternity.

Darrell said...

Maybe he said the Left is full of shit. He's been misquoted a lot recently.

We all can agree on that, can't we?

Anonymous said...

The blessed St. Cesar Chavez, patron saint of Aztlan, was a serious opponent of Illegal immigration.


Because he was a union organizer, who unlike AOC, had no fancy degree in economics but understood the laws of labor supply and demand. He knew that the ability of growers to use illegals depressed the wages and bargaining ability of his legal Hispanic members.

readering said...

Presidential leadership. Romney trolling here.

Anonymous said...

We are full:

The US Census Bureau recently released new data from its 2016 American Community Survey (ACS)—the largest survey administered by the US government, with data collected directly from over 2 million households. It provides a relatively accurate snapshot of the country.

Perhaps the most important, if unsurprising piece of data is the fact that America’s immigrant population is at an all time high: America is home to at least 43.7 million immigrants.

David Begley said...


They have no LEGAL right to be here. What is it about the Rule of Law that you don’t get?

David Begley said...

When one of Chuck’s kids gets killed by a drunk illegal alien in a car accident, he’ll change his tune.

What a fucking political hack.

nbks said...

His response tells us that open borders is polling very poorly.

walter said...

It was fair of Todd to ask about Trump's "credibility"..since Mittens has gone out of his way to undermine it.

Crazy World said...

Oh Mary 9:45
I kid i kid! Covered it up long time ago.
Was nice to see Mitt tonight, looks like he recalls his time spent in Southern California border town deluxe.(my ol stomping grounds)

Fen said...

Amazing the anomosity Trumpkins have for Romney.

Gods you're out of touch. 2 years in and you STILL don't get why we chose Trump.

Mittens is a Establishment Wing traitor, a part of the Surrender Gracefully crowd that have given us decades of Failure Theater while pretending to represent us. I bet you don't even know what the term means?

Mitt promises to pass x once we have a majority in congress.
We work our asses off to elect that majority.
Mitt quietly changes the rules so that x now requires a super-majority
Mitt fails to pass x by the new rules he secretly changed
Mitt goes on TV to whine "we just couldn't get it done, send more money to my campaign!"
And the Chamber of Commerce pays Mittens off for betraying us
Failure Theater

Fen said...

A certain amount of hazing bonds you with the fraternity.

And that's what people are missing. We've had periods where we took in large numbers of immigrants. And we've had periods where we stopped to give the new citizens time to assimilate into America. That's what has made us strong - a melting pot, not a Balkanization.

We need time to assimilate the people we've already taken in. Maybe a decade. Maybe two when you consider we are in the midst of a Cold Civil War that needs to turn Hot, like yanking an arrow through to get it out.

Maybe we could convince the Latino illegals to kill all the Marxists for us? Bounty path to citizenship. Start at the NYTs and work your was through the Universities.

David Begley said...

We are on track for 1.8 million illegal aliens in this country this year. There are only 1.8 million people in Nebraska.

sdharms said...

Did Mitt offer a concrete solution or plan? if so I didn't hear it. All I heard was, "we need to come together".

Birkel said...

readering drops by with nothing to say, and says it proudly.

The rest of the morons got the weekend off.

tds said...

One day on TV:

- let's stop having children and reduce the population to help the planet!
- AI is going to take away millions of blue collar jobs!

Next day on TV:

- people who say 'US is full' are racist bigots

tim maguire said...

My great grandparents came over from Ireland.

Therefore everyone who wants to come has to be allowed to come.


Anonymous said...

"It's a little jarring to hear an American president say, 'Our country is full,' given the history of the United States of America."

The open borders position in all its woolly glory. Non sequitur. Makes no sense at all. Meant only to fill the air with gluey feelz to trap and smother facts and sense.

I guess we could be grateful he didn't start weeping and intoning "The New Colossus", eyes staring into the distance, hand on heart.

John henry said...


You are right, there is no constitutional right to vote for president. States may select their electors however they choose. If they elect them they can't ban women blacks, over 18 and o on but there is no requirement for elections.

The legislature could direct all votes to the republican candidate, state law permitting.

That's how it used to be done. The first election where all states selected by popular vote was in 1852 (1848?)

No constitutional requirement for popular vote for house or senate either. Only if the state Legislature is popularly elected.

Federal law, but not the constitution prohibits non-citizens voting in national elections. Enforced mostly by states.

John Henry

Anonymous said...

"It is jarring to anyone that has driven across the US and found themselves utterly alone and isolated for hours in the middle of country."

Did those wide open spaces frighten you, ALP?

I would think that "...given the history of the United States of America", one would understand the fondness of Americans for wide open spaces, regardless of one's own personal fears and preference for high-density living.

Even if one were too thick to get that there are lots of other reasons why paving over every square mile of the country for human habitation is neither feasible nor desirable.

Qwinn said...

"Trump is the only Republican out of the 16 in the primary to make immigration an issue."

Not true. Ted Cruz did as well, and his immigration stance was if anything even tougher than Trump's.

narciso said...

And Ben Carson if memory serves;


chickelit said...

What the hell is wrong with Chuck Todd's hairline? He looks like he's starting to get chemo. I hope he's alright and not hiding something.

John henry said...

Fake news. I heard the full clip on the no agenda show riding into auotmate/promat this morning.

Right before saying the country is full,he says "the system is full. The asylum system is full. No more room"

He said this in 2 different speeches before saying "the country is full"

Fake News is the enemy of the people.

John Henry

TJM said...

Romney = Real SoreLoserMan, whimped out to Fatty Candy Crowley. If Romney would have been like Reagan he would have said "Hey, Candy, I thought I was here to debate the president, not you." He probably would have won if he had done that. But like a squish that he is, he just took it. What I LOVE about Trump is that he fights and he is fighting for ordinary Americans, not highly credentialed useful idiots which make up our ruling class.

Kevin said...

Fake News is the enemy of the people.

What was that you said?

Journalism is the enemy of the people?

PackerBronco said...

Does he have the credibility to do this?

Trump's credibility is fine. Nancy "walls are immoral" Pelosi has ZERO credibility as does the rest of her caucus.

John henry said...

No, Kevin, I never said journalism or the media is the enemy of the people.

Neither, as far as I know has president trump.

He and I have said that "fake news" is the enemy of the people

John Henry

Baelzar said...

Romney didn't enjoy the ass-kicking he got for his editorial a few months back. Now he is shifting and trying to get a toe on the Trump Train platform. Good luck, buddy.

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