April 29, 2019

"Last week a Sri Lankan MP had proposed a ban on women wearing the burka, saying it should be outlawed on security grounds."

"Muslim groups have been highly critical of the president's decision. 'It is the stupidest thing to do. Three days ago we [the Muslim community] took a voluntary decision regarding this. The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema told all Muslim women not to wear face veils for security reasons. If they wanted to wear a veil, then they were told not to come out,' Hilmy Ahmed, vice-president of the Sri Lanka Muslim Council...."

From "Sri Lanka attacks: Face coverings banned after Easter bloodshed" (BBC).


John Cunningham said...

If Muslims want to live a pure Muslim life, clear out and move to a Muslim'ruled paradise. There are 57 Muslim countries on this planet--that is enough.

alanc709 said...

I'm sure if Sri Lanka had agreed to skip the ban, there would never be another atrocity committed by muslims, right? It isn't what we do that they react to, it's that someone isn't of their religion. The West needs to learn that lesson. The accommodationist attitudes haven't reduced the death toll.

Fernandinande said...

Buddhists are racially charged - who knew? Don't get shocked!

Levi Starks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gspencer said...

"Muslim groups have been highly critical of the [Sri Lankan] president's decision [to ban the burka]. 'It is the stupidest thing to do[, stated a Muslim group]'."

No, the stupidest thing being done is non-Islamic societies, in a display of openness and tolerance, opening their doors to the most demanding and intolerant ideology of Islam, the adherents of which have not hidden their intent to take over those societies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Christian bloodshed.

mccullough said...

Not compatible.

William said...

it was an atrocicity that was planned and executed by dozens of Muslims. You would think that after such an event the Muslim leadership would be eager to assuage the concerns of their neighbors....I suppose some women freely wear unflattering and uncomfortable clothes to demonstrate their religious faith, but many more wear such garments because they're forced to.

mockturtle said...

The fact that Muslims have chosen to emigrate to every country on the planet should not go unnoticed by even the thickest mediaswine. Muslims in Iceland. The absurdity is only made logical in seeing the overall plan.

Dave Begley said...

Weren't laws passed in the American South to stop the KKK by outlawing masks and hoods? Same deal.

robother said...

My guess is, in Sri Lanka as in the rest of South Asia, 50 years ago you wouldn't have seen a single Muslim woman wearing a veil, much less a burka.

The veil and the burkas are a product of the Saudi oil money spreading their toxic brand of fundamentalist Islam throughout the Islamic world.

narciso said...

The sister of one of the bombers blew herself up when the police came calling, the one who was educated in the UK and Australia I think

Birkel said...

China did one better by imprisoning, torturing, and banning muslims.
Thomas Friedman thinks that's ok, I am led to believe.

Why is the NYT so awful?

narciso said...

What I discovered is Tamils are about as keen as their moslem brethren as the rakhine buddhists.

rcocean said...

Hasn't Turkey banned the Burka? And Russia and China?

narciso said...

No The sultan is promoting it, along with their qatari masters

n.n said...

Brown, black, red, orange people people acting "white" or something.

Vance said...

My local paper has a leftist commentator screaming bloody murder about this ban. Claims that it's the harbinger of oppressing Christians in the US. Of course, he also blamed Christians for Christchurch, so it's clear he hates Christians.

But to be trying to defend Islam in Sri Lanka right now? Just another demonstration of leftist loving Islam.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Easter worshippers pounce!

Gospace said...

rcocean said...
Hasn't Turkey banned the Burka? And Russia and China?

Under Ataturk, it was banned. And stayed banned until Erdogan came along. And the military listened to their European betters and didn't come out of the barracks to quash the establishment of islamic rule. As a result, Turkey is rapidly advancing back to the middle ages.

In 1936, as part of a Westernizing crusade, Reza Shah banned the veil i Iran. Now, women are forced to wear full body coverings because Jimmy Carter helped islamists overthrow the evil shah. Only one of the many evil things Jimmy Carter is responsible for.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

to see their victims wrapped head-to-toe in a burial shroud--

muslim misery loves company

narciso said...

Someone tried something:


narciso said...

elaborating on the matter,


narciso said...

part of a bigger picture:


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