March 12, 2019

Maybe now we can!


Phil 314 said...

Can we combine it with the ice bucket challenge?

M Jordan said...

I’m gonna try this with my wife and Harvey.

Eleanor said...

Square dancing when you're missing a fourth?

David Begley said...

Black people:

Can we talk about all the wasted talent and money not made since rap and hip hop took over your culture? Pimp the Butterfly is no
My Girl.

Wilbur said...

Another dance for people who can't dance, but it's better than The Electric Slide. A low bar, admittedly.

jaydub said...

Why no, no we can't.

richlb said...

Dumb fun is no touch off point for racial animosity.

rehajm said...

Can we talk about the perpetuation of black stereotypes by black people?

If we can't talk, can we at least let white people go back to regular usage of the black guys help the white guys quote from Stripes?

Ann Althouse said...

Is there a racial dimension to silliness? The stereotypes about white people tend to have us strait-laced and not having much fun. Is Angry Black Lady's comment drawing on that stereotype? Maybe it is. Maybe it means: It's so hard for white people to let loose and have fun that they have to resort to this.

stlcdr said...

“Is Angry Black Lady's comment drawing on that stereotype? Maybe it is. ”

Maybe, in ordinary times. Can we show the movie Soul Man and say the same thing? If yes, then we are drawing on our ability to have fun at racial stereotypes. I think it unlikely, and we are still on that one way street.

Henry said...

The one funny response in that thread was the pro wrestling gif.

Henry said...

White guys having fun.

rehajm said...

The stereotype being perpetuated: Black people have rhythm and can dance, white people do not have rhythm and cannot dance.

Wince said...

There’s an implicit “the object of this dance is to avoid bumping each other’s erect penis”, isn’t there?

In that sense isn’t the angry black woman saying, “hey, white people, that’s kind of gay”?

Consequently the dance is highly intersectional.

Wilbur said...

Henry said...
The one funny response in that thread was the pro wrestling gif.


Wilbur said...

"Maybe it means: It's so hard for white people to let loose and have fun that they have to resort to this."

Maybe Earl Butz was right.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

To the 783 people "now talking about this" referenced in the pic, add the now 16 here.

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's not stereotyping if it's about white people.

Tank said...

Is fun uncool?

Ralph L said...

I prefer the Antler Dance.

jaydub said...

"Is there a racial dimension to silliness?

There is now. "Blazing Saddles" would probably cause riots if it were released today even though every race, religion and ethnic group is equally characartured.

Lurker21 said...

@AngryBlackLady is definitely political. Check her tweets. This tweet, not so much. If the video came out of Russia or Germany, the comments would be about crazy Russians or Germans, again, humorous, but not very political.

It's a stereotype to be sure: White people -- straight White men to be more specific -- can't dance. If somebody made a similar comment about Black people not being able to do something or being able to do something too well would it cause outrage? Probably, if somebody found it and circulated it. The comments are out there if somebody wants to find and collect them.

But stuff is always out there. Among millions of twitterers, facebookers, commenters, etc. there is always someone saying something that outrages you, whoever you are. There's also nothing scandalous about the mass media not picking up on this story or other other random tweets. There's just too much else going on in the world.

Ralph L said...

Was Laugh In's "Funky Chicken" stolen from black people? It sure made white people look silly.

MayBee said...

Maybe instead of talking, we can just be.

Limited blogger said...

Like the white dude said to Richard Pryor... "you're gonna be trippin'"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You don't want to do that dance with me. Smack. My timing and counting are a mess.

Professional lady said...

If you ask me it takes some real timing and coordination to do that.

rhhardin said...

That's a German hat dance.

hawkeyedjb said...

jaydub said...: "Blazing Saddles" would probably cause riots if it were released today...

Agree. My wife had never seen it. Her response was "holy S**T! That's not gonna be on the Tuesday Night Classics at the local theater." But lo and behold, on March 26, we will be treated to a showing at 7PM at the artsy Harkins in Scottsdale. I wonder if it will be bowdlerized. Maybe they'll show a trigger warning before the show.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Is Angry Black Lady's comment drawing on that stereotype?

judged by the content of their caricature

Known Unknown said...

"every race, religion and ethnic group is equally characartured. "

Mmmm.. delicious.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Is Angry Black Lady's comment drawing on that stereotype? Maybe it is. Maybe it means: It's so hard for white people to let loose and have fun that they have to resort to this."

Well, that would be a profoundly original thought except that it's been said every day of the last 60 years

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Maybe not in Wisconsin.

Michael said...

Lord, have mercy. All I can say.

Lovernios said...

Angry Black Woman is ripping off one of Joan Rivers comic lines.

It implies, "You're doing something stupid. Let me straigten you out."

Joan Rivers was funny. ABW is smug and condescending.

Big Mike said...

I’m not interested in talking to any angry black woman until she can get a grip on her emotions.

Howard said...

Lack of rhythum is directly correlate with Neanderthal DNA

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Racist Margaret Sanger wanted birth control because she didnt like rhythym

AZ Bob said...

It comes down to whose trope is being gored.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

This week on Aryan Soul Train--

"Now is ze time on Sprockets vhen ve dance!"

Sam L. said...

My lips are sealed!

Phil 314 said...

I prefer the fish slapping dance for white people silliness.

Ralph L said...

Lord, have mercy.

More accurately, Lawsah mercee.

dreams said...

We're doomed. I hope you dance, not. I'm sitting this one out.

Known Unknown said...

Can I tweet a video of an African-American kid in Milwaukee skipping school (62.5% attendance rate-- 0.0% ACT readiness rate on math) and type "black people, can we talk?"

I doubt it.

Known Unknown said...

Somehow related?

Ann Althouse said...

Don't use racial epithets.

I will delete.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Angry Black Bitch earned the epithets.