March 5, 2019

Axelrod isn't quite saying it's a witch hunt, but it too easily plays into the "witch-hunt" meme.

It's hard to think what anything really is or isn't anymore. It feels much better/smarter/safer to speak about whether things fit into memes. Or really not even that. It's more a matter of whether something can be used by somebody else to further their memes.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 340 of 340
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Obama already did this very thing in re-allocating funding previously approved by Congress for a different but "related" purpose: re obamacare/additional payments to insurance companies.

Obama also illegally legislated all by his little lonesome and out of thin air the entire DACA scheme.

(And he was sued by the Republican House, you forgot?)

Number of democrat/lefty/LLR complaints about that? ZERO

It would be helpful for you in the future to stop pretending that history started 15 minutes ago all the time.”

Hahaha, take your own advice.

And after Trump is gone and there is a Democratic President and not a D majority in either House or Senate, because of what Trump is doing NOW, a Democratic President has liscense to do it on steroids. History, ya now, 2 can play that game.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Democrats know Magic Batteries exist that makes the Green New Deal viable.”

Don’t mischaracterize Althouse on her own blog. And how do you know she’s a a Democrat?

Yancey Ward said...

Here is the thing- people of wealth like Trump tend to use lawyers for everything that aren't venial or violent crimes. You might think you can catch Trump in white collar crime, but that is almost surely going to be insulated through layers and layers of lawyers and accountants dealing with other layers of lawyers. And Trump seems to have used lawyers for the venial stuff, too. So, I think you are likely looking to find only violent crimes he might have committed, and good luck with that- I don't think the man is violent to any degree at all.

At the end of the day, you are only going to find that Trump and his lawyers successfully navigated the legal system in legal ways to his benefit and nothing more. There is literally no reason at all to have a higher expectation that Trump broke the laws than it is to suspect that Pelosi, her husband, Michael Bloomberg, or Howard Schultz has done so.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump wants to circumvent the House, which may be Unconstitutional, to build his wall by his Emergency Declaration. Rand Paul and some other Republicans seem to understand this."

It may be unconstitutional, indeed. Even if it is not, anyone concerned with preventing the president from becoming a dictator should object to it. I said this here a couple of weeks ago. The president doesn't get to have his way just because he wants it. If he (or she) can circumvent the will of Congress ad hoc by declaring an emergency (and btw, there is obviously no true emergency at the border) as a pretext to appropriate funds for his own purposes, and if Congress and the public passively allow it, this sets the precedent for any president to do the same at any time for any purpose. It creates a "dictator option"...which will be used.

iowan2 said...

That criticism aside, the special counsel investigation has resulted in criminal counts against more than 30 people and three Russian entities. And while the final outcome of the Mueller probe remains far from certain, it has already generated new insights into how Russia targeted the election, the presidential transition and Trump's business empire.”

I went and read the link that was posted up thread. I thought FINALLY! We are getting to defining exactly what actions by President Trump were enough to start and investigation.

Nope, I get this drivel. Indictments against 30 Russians, etc,etc... Indictments that will never have the opportunity to be proven. Indictments against Americans, in America, are a long way from evidence of anything. Against foreigners? Less than nothing. The one company that answered the indictment left Mueller demanding a delay. Mueller even knew that he would never have to prove his indictments. The Americans that pleaded guilty? No connection to Russian collusion. No connection to obstruction of justice. All would never have been ensnared if not for the appointment of a Special Counsel. The investigation is creating the crime.

No. I want those that know there is something to investigate, name the event, the action, the reason for the suspicion. Please start at the beginning and identify why this investigation got started.
Same can be said of Schiff and Nadler. Under the suspician of what specific crime are they demanding evidence for. Person, date, crime, location, motivation. Name the specifics.

narciso said...

And the leading law firms who took up the cause of detainees refused to take the case

Drago said...

Inga: "And he was sued by the Republican House, you forgot?)"


Number of democrat complaints: ZERO

History remains constant.

Arashi said...

The man has successfuly navigated the construction business in New York and New Jersey for a long time. He isn't stupid.

Maybe a bore, a bit of a buffoon in public, a terrible dresser - those ties are just too damn long - and a whole litany of other things, like TWEETING.

But none of that is criminal. I get that a lot of people hate him and the earth he walks on and hte air he breathes, but unless he has personally done something to you - like drive off the road to kill your dog - you need to seriously engage your brain and and stop the mindless hate.

Do something constructive. Go build houses for poor people. Save dogs and cats from the PETA kill facilities, take up knitting. Maybe take up gardening. Do something except hate for hates sake.

Rick said...

Democrats were expecting and were calling for their Representatives to represent them, which is to investigate all wrongdoing by government officials, even if if is the President himself.

Obviously this is a lie since you referred to Benghazi hearings as "fake". The Democratic position which includes all known facts is "investigate Trump even for stupid shit like peeing on a bed".

narciso said...

Most of these persons have submitted their records to Mueller or to Schiff on previous occasions

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Rick: "The Democratic position which includes all known facts is "investigate Trump even for stupid shit like peeing on a bed"."

Inga literally believes the hoax dossier is true.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, there is a true emergency at the border.

Mexico has become one of the world's leaders in murders and assassinations. Over 100,000 Mexicans have been murdered by their own government or the cartels in just the past five years. Take your pick. It's hard to tell who's doing the killing. Cartels? Government? Both?

Entire towns have been razed to the ground in Northern Mexico. It's not uncommon for dozens of students to disappear and to be murdered for reasons ranging from whimsy to annoying the cartels. Once again, it's difficult to know whether the government or the cartels are responsible for these atrocities.

Mexico is in the midst of a war of death squads and narco terrorists.

This is indeed an emergency, even if it is one that's been ongoing for some time. Sealing off the U.S. border to attempt to prevent this death squad/narco terrorist war from spilling into the U.S. is an emergency.

Birkel said...

Imagine if Congress took its Constitutional authority seriously and allocated spending in a way that didn't allow Executive discretion.
Imagine if Congress wrote laws in plain English.
Imagine if Congress did not allocate its authority to Executive branch agencies.

I am conservative so I have advocated those things for years.
It's cute that Democrats now find it expedient to agree with me.
I wish their agreement was anything except a political gambit.

Original Mike said...

iowan2: "Somebody hacked Robert Cook's account."

Robert Cooke is an honest lefty, which was apparent long before this. He's taught me that such people exist.

Drago said...

“The timing is all wrong,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat. “If
this were the first two years of his administration I would advocate impeachment. A lot of people at home say impeachment, and I’m sure he committed a lot of impeachable offenses, but think about it practically.”

2007: Jerrold Nadler talking about impeaching GWBush.

The democrats have been pulling this act for 50 years.

narciso said...

I pointed out some of the instances where nadler yelled squirrel re administration scandals

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Obviously this is a lie since you referred to Benghazi hearings as "fake".”

The Benghazi Invesitgations were started in may of 2014 and lasted to June of 2016. An 800 page report was issued in which Clinton was not found guilty of any wrongdoing. The Clinton email nonsense sprung out of the Benghazi investigations, that’s about it. Democrats have MUCH more reason to be investigating Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Maybe a bore, a bit of a buffoon in public, a terrible dresser - those ties are just too damn long - and a whole litany of other things, like TWEETING.

But none of that is criminal.”

And that’s not what he’s being investigated for.


Browndog said...

It's my opinion that the democrats are winning this war.


-They are dividing the country. Not in the old way. The new way. The way people actually hate their family, friends, neighbors. Not to mention the social institutions that are critical to a healthy society. Churches, Boy Scouts, 4-H, K of C, etc.

-While we're at each other's throats, the liberal agenda marches forward. You can only argue about Trump, Mueller, Deep State, Hillary, DOJ, etc. for so long until you totally tune out. You tune out because you finally realize there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, and the people that can do something about it won't.

Obama plowed the fields and sowed the seeds. The bounty of Hate is nearly ready for harvest.

Daniel Jackson said...

"It feels much better/smarter/safer to speak about whether things fit into memes. Or really not even that. It's more a matter of whether something can be used by somebody else to further their memes."

Look, this is another one of my orthogonal observations; but, I am interested in this observation about PROCESS. Having survived eons of gradual school in sociology during the transition years, I find this observation a classic statement of Social Science Process. One starts with a THEORY continues to find and test data until some weak ass correlation emerges (if only in the Right Direction).

This entire charade is straight out of Senior Honors Thesis with half wits trying to save a dead theory by another dead Marxist Savant. So the Sophomores will continue testing data instead of rejecting their model as false.

Shouting Thomas said...

Democrats have MUCH more reason to be investigating Trump.

You just can't exactly say what that is.

Inga, accept the results of the 2016 election and quite being a sore loser asshole.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You just can't exactly say what that is.”

Seriously, you people are either complete idiots or haven’t kept up with the news.

1.Criminal Conspiracy
2. Obstruction of Justice

“The longer special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has gone on, the more President Trump has railed against it. Since the investigation began in May 2017, the president has taken to Twitter and dismissed it as a "witch hunt" more than 125 times.

That criticism aside, the special counsel investigation has resulted in criminal counts against more than 30 people and three Russian entities. And while the final outcome of the Mueller probe remains far from certain, it has already generated new insights into how Russia targeted the election, the presidential transition and Trump's business empire.”

Take a look and you might just see what crimes have been committed. Ever heard of un-indicted co-conspirator? Some do get indicted...eventually.

Shouting Thomas said...

Look, Inga, you get loaded up on dopamine every day imagining crazy crimes Trump is committing.

Stop coming here.

Do yourself a favor, get out of the dopamine haze, and find something worthwhile to do with your life.

What you're are doing here is insane, vicious and stupid.

The next time you think of coming to Althouse, don't. Do anything else. You're a cancer on the body politic.

Arashi said...


No, just NO. The Demcrats and the rest of the unitard party are investigating Trump in the HOPES of finding a crime that they can impeach him for.

Ever since Nixon, the left has treated every Republican president the same. They know he is guilty of something, and if they just expand the search they will find it, and then they can impeach him and bring peace to the empire.

But now with the internet and all of us deplorables refusing to just shut up and take it like a good subject, you all are getting more and more desperate.

You dont' really think through all of this and the unintended consequences for the country. You are all too blind with hate. Period. End stop.

Shouting Thomas said...

1.Criminal Conspiracy
2. Obstruction of Justice

Criminal conspiracy to do what?

The Russia collusion hoax. Inga, this is just too fucking stupid to keep going on. Go somewhere else. Do something else. You're demented with the dopamine you get from arguing here.

Obstruction of Justice?

Over a fabricated hoax?

As I said, Inga, you're a cancer on the body politic. You lost it a long time ago. Go do something else.

You're in the midst of a dopamine addiction and you're ranting stupid, vicious shit. Stop it, you damned old fool.

Shouting Thomas said...

The really sick shit about what you're doing here, Inga, is that you're enjoying people telling you what an asshole you are.

That's about as low a way to get a fix of human companionship as you can get.

Rick said...

Democrats have MUCH more reason to be investigating Trump.

In Benghazi Americans died while Democrats first sat on their hands and then lied to the American public about what was going on. Meanwhile there is no evidence against Trump other than oppo research including the idiotic claim he peed on a bed Obama once used. This reminds me of the Kavanaugh serial gang-rape accusations. Is there anything so stupid leftists won't believe it? Apparently not.

An 800 page report was issued in which Clinton was not found guilty of any wrongdoing.

We know for a fact she lied to the public and to the families about what happened. Democrats just don't care. This surprises no none who knows them because we already know they only care about partisanship.

The Clinton email nonsense

Again we see Democrats unconcerned over national security in favor of bed peeing.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You dont' really think through all of this and the unintended consequences for the country. You are all too blind with hate. Period. End stop.”

I feel the same way about Trumpism and Trump Cultists.

What a coincidence.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, you dumb old bitch.

Go do something else.

Shouting Thomas said...

Look, Inga, I'm sane and you're not.


Take a nap. Smoke a doobie.

Quit making an ass out of yourself.

Rick said...

1.Criminal Conspiracy

Revealingly she can't identify what is supposed to be criminal.

Rick said...

I feel the same way about Trumpism and Trump Cultists.

Except we've shown Inga's derangement long predates Trump. That's the problem with crazy - it never really goes away.

Birkel said...

After 80 years of Congress giving power to the Executive, it's nice to get lip service about the proper balance of powers in our Republic.

Now do it sincerely.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Cultism - buying into total BS to satisfy your Hillary lost butthurt.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

What’s going investigated is Inga’s refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The Russian collusion bit is a hoax, and you know it you lying old cunt.

That’s why you’re moving on to advocating a fishing expedition.

You’re evil. Absolutely no good. Kind of proud of it, too.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


“President Trump has tweeted, "Collusion is not a crime. ..." Rudy Giuliani told Fox News, "I have been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. ... Collusion is not a crime." Jay Sekulow told The New Yorker, "For something to be a crime, there has to be a statute that you claim is being violated. ... There is not a statute that refers to criminal collusion. There is no crime of collusion."

Having worked as a federal prosecutor for 13 years in the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations, I can report that the President and his lawyers are wrong. Collusion is a crime. The federal criminal code says so. The federal bribery statute -- 18 U.S.C. § 201(b)(2)(B) -- makes it a federal crime for a public official to "collude" in a fraud on the United States. More specifically, the federal bribery statute expressly states that a crime is committed when a public official "directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value ... in return for ... being influenced to ... collude in ... any fraud ... on the United States."”

Seth B Waxman

“Seth B. Waxman, a partner at the Dickinson Wright law firm in Washington, served as a federal prosecutor in the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and has worked as a criminal defense lawyer in Washington and New York.”

Birkel said...

No, you cannot repeal the Pentagon Papers decision.
That is Supreme Court precedent.

And the idea that Trump built a time machine to conspire with Russians when the server had been offline for years is solid comedy.

narciso said...

Seth Waxman was the one who pushed it's a tax re Obamacare when it wasnt in the legislation

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Revealingly she can't identify what is supposed to be criminal.”

Wow you people really are very poorly informed.

If Trump conspired with Russia to hack the DNC to influence the election it is a criminal conspiracy. If Trump conspired with Stone to get the hacked emails published to influence the election it’s a criminal conspiracy. What do you THINK is being investigated, among other things? Think, for pity sake

Birkel said...

Collude in a fraud.
Fraud is the criminal predicate.

Now name the alleged crime by Trump.
Tell the jokes.

Birkel said...

The server was offline by 2013.
Gracious me.
We should celebrate Trump.
He invented a time machine.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

HIllary's campaign colluded and purchased a phony dossier.

But that's OK - because Hillary.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, I’ve had enough of trying to talk sense with a dementia patient.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If Trump colluded with Russia to hack the DNC e-mails - where is the evidence?
Where is Mueller-god's report?

I thought we were all waiting for it? and it was going to be a doozy against Trump.

What DNC e-mails ruined it for Hillary?

narciso said...

Anyways this dumpsterfire is so obvious even axelrod has to pretend to care

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Educate yourselves for pity sake.

“The president and his proxies have frequently advanced the claim that such coordination, even if it occurred, would not be unlawful. Their refrain that “collusion is not a crime” is in one sense correct. Collusion is not a single crime. It is instead a rubric that encompasses many possible offenses. We detail some of the principal ones in this report.

All turn on the possibility that Trump or his associates took action in connection with Russia’s attempts to impact the outcome of our country’s presidential election. The criminal nature of the Russian effort is already well-known. The special counsel’s 191 charges brought against 35 individuals and companies spell out some of the crimes allegedly committed in furtherance of the Russian attack on our democracy. Those include indictments of Russian individuals and entities for their participation in conspiracies to hack into the computer and email systems of Trump’s political opponents and release damaging information and to engage in a social media disinformation campaign using fake identities.

It logically follows that if the president or his campaign aides worked with the Russians in connection with those efforts, they too may be liable. That is not just common sense—it is also the law. The specific “collusion” crimes that may be implicated by any coordinated efforts between the president or his campaign aides and Russian operatives principally fall under the rubric of conspiracy: an agreement to further illegal action. The core federal conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, would be implicated if there was any agreement between members of the Trump campaign (or Trump himself) and Russian agents to do something that the law prohibits.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Kamala Harris is the perfect stooge to head the Dem Party running on full tilt witch hunt. She is beyond criticism, and a perfect foil for Clinton minions.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Well, I’ve had enough of trying to talk sense with a dementia patient.”

Well, stop talking to yourself then.

narciso said...

Birkel said...

"...something that the law prohibits."

Something is not anything.

Rick said...

If Trump conspired with Russia to hack the DNC to influence the election it is a criminal conspiracy.

Yes, "If" only...

The only evidence Mueller pretended to have was Trump's joke that we should ask Putin what was on Clinton's hard drive since the FBI let her destroy it. Protip: when you have to pretend a joke is real it's a good sign you don't have any better evidence. If you had any you'd use it instead of the joke.

Wow you people really are very poorly informed.

It's amazing people who are so far behind can still think they're ahead. Dunning-Kruger.

Drago said...

Jerrold Nadler on CNN today:

“Ok, so now you’re not sure he’s obstructed justice?” CNN’s Erin Burnett asked Nadler Monday night.

“Personally I think he has but we have to look and see,” Nadler said."

Hoax democrat dossiers, democrat feelings.

All thats needed these days to investgate a President of the US.

narciso said...

Wet streets cause rain, but fusion and crowdstrike make it seem plausible.

The link above was about the Carter page FISA, nearly three years later he has not been charged

Arashi said...

I think it goes such..

We hate him, so he must be guilty of something, so we need to investigate to find out what that might be, and then impeach him for it. If only we had some evidence..

And the MSM will gladly play along, as will the nevertrumpers and the rest of the deep state. Screw the US, screw the economy, screw actually doing what we are supposed to as elected representatives - you know, that pesky constitution thingy...

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Come on Mueller-god -- indict Trump already. He must have colluded with the Russians to reveal embarrassing e-mails.

Arashi said...

Yeah - send the NKVD goons to arrest him and take him to the Lubyanka and give him what he deserves...

narciso said...

Well you cant indict a sitting president, that is the law, and custom, that's why you have to pull this rigamarole to impeach then remove

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, I'll bet you're still here at 1 a.m.

You're pathetic.

This is your entire life.

StephenFearby said...

More grist for the mill:

Days After Comey Firing, McCabe's Team Re-Engaged Fired Dossier Author (Paul Sperry)

No Collusion: Omidyar-Backed NeverTrumpers Hardest Hit

'...Several NeverTrumpers are aligned with the Niskanen Center, a nominally libertarian D.C.-based think tank that has received at least $200,000 from Omidyar. Board members include vocal Trump-haters on the Right, including David Frum, Tom Nichols, Mindy Finn, and Eliot Cohen, all of whom have vouched for the credibility of the Mueller probe and predict it will doom Trump’s presidency.

In an op-ed for USA Today in January, Nichols hilariously claimed the Russians must have compromising material on the president, called the deep state “nonsense” and blasted Republicans for “attacking the men and women of the FBI.” Writing for The Atlantic in August 2018, Frum concluded that “collusion itself is above all a threat to national security: the installation of a president beholden to some greater or lesser degree to a hostile foreign power.”'

(And I used to have a lot of respect for Tom Nichols.)

The Steele Dossier’s ‘Corroborated’ Claims Were Old News (Andy McCarthy)

The word 'Latinx' is Anglo-imperialist

narciso said...

Oy you reminded, there was an interview with that other siviet stooge John Kerry where he spoke about seeing Soviet files in the basement of the treblinka building. Of course the interviewer went on as if he was not craz

narciso said...

No its stupid eres hombre o mujer, (you are man or woman)

narciso said...

I suspected as much, it's the model of the trust, the fake bolshevik resistance that djerjinski created to capture the likes of savinkov and sidney Reilly, the poles had something called win who operated in the 50s

iowan2 said...

Those include indictments of Russian individuals and entities for their participation in conspiracies to hack into the computer and email systems of Trump’s political opponents

It logically follows that if the president or his campaign aides worked with the Russians...

GREAT we finally have a specific event. The hacking of the DNC emails. FINALLY

No one knows who hacked the DNC mails. NO PROOF. No proof that can be used as evidence in a criminal trial. There is no proof the emails were hacked. Evidence suggests an insider physicaly downloaded them onto a thumb drive. No proof of a crime, no trial. No Trial, no crime.

What can you point to that leads any rational person to believe President Trump had any connection, let alone active participation, in this event that has no proof that could be used as evidence?

This is the stuff I have been begging for. I finally have a player.

Tie this together for me, Please? Connect President Trump to the DNC e mail release, in the most tangential means possible would be a dream come true at this point.

narciso said...

Yes it comes from crowdstrike a dubious enterprise:

narciso said...

Except the emails were released everywhere, that had access to a modem or a newstand.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No one knows who hacked the DNC mails. NO PROOF. No proof that can be used as evidence in a criminal trial. There is no proof the emails were hacked. Evidence suggests an insider physicaly downloaded them onto a thumb drive. No proof of a crime, no trial. No Trial, no crime.”

Are you that uninformed?? Seriously? WTF?

NSA, FBI, CIA, all say the RUSSIANS hacked the DNC. Get your heads out of...conspiracy theories. I just gotta shake my head at the nuttiness of Trumpists.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What can you point to that leads any rational person to believe President Trump had any connection, let alone active participation, in this event that has no proof that could be used as evidence?”

I’m pretty sure the Mueller report will be shedding some light on that when it’s completed. Anything we say we KNOW at this point is conjecture. Mueller didn’t get a mandate to investigate on a whim.

narciso said...

Now it's more true that the 60 members of the rizzotto try colluded with the Clinton campaign

Mike Sylwester said...

Inga, thanks for your informative comments about collusion.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, thanks for your informative comments about collusion.”

You’re welcome Mike!

narciso said...

Everything we know about the report is what Mueller has leaked to entous to Mayer to fandos

Inga...Allie Oop said...


Your middle name.

StephenFearby said...

An excellent reader comment by "Jorge" (who lives in the USA) to the Ross Douthat Sunday Times OpEd (The State of Russiagate -- How the Steele dossier’s scenarios look after Michael Cohen’s testimony) recently cited by Andy McCarthy in NRO:

'Dear Ross:

A fair if tepid summary of the evidence. The more difficult question for The Times is at what point does the paper pivot from its three-year fixation on the Trump collusion narrative? And when will it examine its own unwitting role in what looks like a Russian disinformation campaign?

When will The Times admit that the Steele dossier has been thoroughly discredited in almost every particular claim?

Why didn't The Times reveal that the primary source for the Trump collusion narrative, Fusion GPS, was employed by the Clinton campaign, using taxpayer deductible funds?

When will The Times investigate the role of senior Obama intel and Justice officials in misusing the dossier to feed the collusion narrative, defeat Trump, and when that failed, to delegitimize his presidency?

When will The Times tell us the identities of the sources feeding Steele this Russian disinformation?

When will The Times report on the apparent CIA and Clinton connections of Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and others who approached Papdopoulis?

When will The Times report that the "dirt" shopped to Donald Trump Jr by a British DJ to induce the Trump Tower meeting -- which Adam Schiff trumpets as the best direct evidence of collusion -- was actually the product of Fusion GPS.


Isn't this all closer to "collusion" than anything Trump is accused of?'

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger narciso said...
“Most of these persons have submitted their records to Mueller or to Schiff on previous occasions”

Schiff and Nadler would love to get their hands on what Mueller has. The problem is that it would mostly be illegal. Mueller collected a lot of his information using search warrants approved by a grand jury. Or, sometimes just signed by a judge after a showing of probable cause. I think that a lot of Dems just assumed that Mueller would just dutifully turn everything over to the House oversight committees, and thus their setting new levels of cheating and buying votes to win their House majority. Sessions and Rosenstein might have been bullied into turning it over, no matter how illegal that would have been. But Whittaker and now Barr seem to be made of sterner stuff, and no doubt that the word is out, that Mueller will be turning over bupkis from the Mueller investigation to these committees. And hence the overreach here - the billionaires who funded the Dems’ takeover of the House and the militants who were the foot soldiers, knew that Pelosi and the rest of the top Dems were lying when they told the voting public that there would be no witch hunts and no impeachment investigations without more evidence. Nadler sure seems to me to be trying desperately to recover all of the evidence that they were expecting to get from Mueller, and almost assuredly won’t (because it would be illegal to give it to them).

The situation with Schiff is interesting. He appears to know much more than he should. I think there is little question that he has been the recipient of a number of illegal leaks, First from the FBI, and later from the Mueller team. His problem is that he can’t use the information because it was provided to him illegally. Some of it might even be illegal for him to possess, since he did not have a legal and legitimate kneed to know. Because of his documented possession of Russian collusion information not brained through normal, legitimate, channels, the Republicans are requesting that he be recused from the Russian collusion investigation (as Nunes was). He will, of course, reject that request, despite much more egregious conflicts of interest.

narciso said...

It was info that was never used, unlike the dossier which was based on Russian sources.

narciso said...

You think he abides by ethical firewalls, most likely they are setting up 'perjury traps' like with libby and the missing 302 transcripts.

JaimeRoberto said...

Inga, the FBI and other agencies never had access to the hacked server. They are taking the word of a company hired by the DNC and founded by a Ukrainian.

SeanF said...

Robert Cook: It may be unconstitutional, indeed. Even if it is not, anyone concerned with preventing the president from becoming a dictator should object to it. I said this here a couple of weeks ago. The president doesn't get to have his way just because he wants it. If he (or she) can circumvent the will of Congress ad hoc by declaring an emergency (and btw, there is obviously no true emergency at the border) as a pretext to appropriate funds for his own purposes, and if Congress and the public passively allow it, this sets the precedent for any president to do the same at any time for any purpose. It creates a "dictator option"...which will be used.

Trump's doing this under the authority of a specific law, which allows for the President, in the event of a national emergency, to redirect appropriated military construction funds to alternative military construction projects. It's a little hard to see how that sets a precedent for future use "for any purpose".

Also, Congress chose to pass a law empowering the President to declare national emergencies without bothering to define or restrict what constitutes an "emergency" - the law leaves it up to the President's discretion. They can change that, if it's a problem.

I really don't think there's any Constitutional question anywhere in this.

traditionalguy said...

I Love you for your authentic liberal thought, Inga. Never change.

But if Winston could learn to love Big Brother, than you could learn to love Big Donald. He works hard for us all every day, for free.

iowan2 said...

NSA, FBI, CIA, all say the RUSSIANS hacked the DNC. Get your heads out of...conspiracy theories. I just gotta shake my head at the nuttiness of Trumpists.

I'm going to have to be a stickler here and ask you to be precise. What the alphabet agencies say, is leagues away from evidence. My assertion is factual. Not a single shred of evidence that could be cited in a legal filing, claims there is proof of any hacking period. Let alone Russian. No agency of the United States has seen any evidence. How they get to their conclusions, I'll leave you to explain. Note that Mueller indicted the Russian connection with their half of the collusion, but failed to fill out the other side of the 'collusion' equation. Not a single American, for sure not President Trump.

But...How is any of this particular act, (the DNC e mails) connected to President Trump? That's the connection you need to make. (please? I've been asking for a long time)

Mike Sylwester said...

StephenFearby at 3:04 AM
An excellent reader comment by "Jorge" (who lives in the USA) to the Ross Douthat Sunday Times OpEd (The State of Russiagate -- How the Steele dossier’s scenarios look after Michael Cohen’s testimony) ...

I admire Douthat, and I read that OpEd, and I thought it was incoherent.

Bruce Hayden said...

“NSA, FBI, CIA, all say the RUSSIANS hacked the DNC. Get your heads out of...conspiracy theories. I just gotta shake my head at the nuttiness of Trumpists.”

That was documented liars Obama Administration political appointees Clapper and Brennan using their hand picked team of technicians, based almost exclusively on reports made by Crowdstrike, a Clinton campaign contractor. So, we are already in the realm of double and triple hearsay. Moreover, even if they could get beyond the hearsay objections in court, they would still have to answer why these two hand picked the technicians, instead of doing the investigation by the book. And, how the Russians could have downloaded all those emails halfway around the world in anywhere near the elapsed time indicated by the time stamps. So, we have Clapper and Brennan saying one thing, based on what theiy heard from the Clinton contractor, and Assange (who actually knows who did it) and dozens of experts, based on the time stamps, saying the opposite. So, no, I don’t find your proof the least bit compelling.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, the FBI and other agencies never had access to the hacked server. They are taking the word of a company hired by the DNC and founded by a Ukrainian.”
“You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why didn’t they take the server? Where is the server, I want to know, and what is the server saying?”

The server is saying shut up.

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.

But despite Trump’s repeated feverish claims to the contrary, no machines are actually missing.”

Mike Sylwester said...

NSA, FBI, CIA, all say the RUSSIANS hacked the DNC

In the government reports issued to the public, all the information about that has been redacted. The public does not know exactly what those agencies say or what the evidence is.

narciso said...

Douthat was the fellow they replaced Kristol with years before he became the Leader of this motley crue that includes firtash lawyer Chertoff and general Hayden who failed to flag the 9 11 hijackers even though they were living in San Diego under their own names

Bruce Hayden said...

Sorry. Crowdstrike wasn’t a Clinton campaign contractor, but rather a DNC contractor. Except, of course, at that time there is a lot of evidence that the DNC was operating as a legal alter ego to the Clinton campaign, based on the latter controlling the DNC’s finances, and confirmed by Donna Brazille.

CWJ said...

"Mueller didn’t get a mandate to investigate on a whim."

If not literally a "whim," it was darn close to one.

narciso said...

So they couldn't or didnt do a forensic examination, of course crowdstrike as with fireeye in the Equifax case did not force out the intrusion for weeks

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Read it for yourself, “Trump's Stupid ‘Where Is the DNC Server?’ Conspiracy Theory, Explained.
Trump refuses to believe all the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, because he understands nothing about how digital forensics works.“

The short answer is that “the server” that Trump is referring to is sitting in a DNC office in Washington, DC—the New York Times has a photo of it here.

The long answer is that there is no "server"—there are many different servers and pieces of internet infrastructure in question, and the United States intelligence community and independent security researchers have examined much of it and have all reached the same conclusion: Russia hacked the DNC.

It is widely believed that CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to respond to the hack, gave an identical image of some of the servers to the FBI, which experts I’ve spoken to say would be more useful than giving the FBI a physical server itself. I say “widely believed,” because we don’t know exactly what CrowdStrike gave to the FBI. However, in March 2017, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the FBI got an “appropriate substitute” from CrowdStrike, and Mueller’s indictment makes clear that the FBI has lots of information about the hack from both within the DNC and from other sources. CrowdStrike declined a request for comment from Motherboard.

I called up Thomas Rid, professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies to help explain the technical details behind this type of forensic investigation. Rid, who wrote a detailed explanation about why Russia was likely behind the DNC hack for Motherboard in July 2016, told me that “from a forensic point of view, the question of a server at this stage doesn’t make any sense.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Even so, what CrowdStrike gave the FBI is likely better than if it had seized and analyzed a physical box.

“To keep it simple, let’s say there’s only one server. CrowdStrike goes in, makes a complete image including a memory dump of everything that was in the memory of the server at the time, including traffic and connections at the time,” Rid said. “You have that image from the machine live in the network including its memory content, versus a server that someone physically carries into the FBI headquarters. It’s unplugged, so there’s no memory content because it’s powered down. That physical piece of hardware is less valuable for an investigation than the onsite image and data extraction from a machine that is up and running. The idea a physical server would add any value doesn’t make any sense.”

What Rid means is that after a hack, some of the evidence of who did it and how they did it may be fleeting. It could be in the server’s memory, the RAM, and not stored on its hard drive. (Hackers use “fileless” malware precisely for this reason.) To preserve evidence in cases like these, incident responders need to make an image—essentially a copy of the server in that exact same state at that exact same time—so they can look at it afterwards. Think about this like when investigators take pictures of the crime scene or victim.”

narciso said...

It is widely believed what's the chain of evidence, when Assange hacked us defense department in the 80s they didnt rely on mirtors

Jim at said...

I feel the same way about Trumpism and Trump Cultists.

Then light the fuse.
Let's dance.

narciso said...

Oh no wonder:

narciso said...

Some who actually analyzed the code found it was not uniquely Russian, (actually ukrainian) and not unique to fsb,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Then light the fuse.”

And then stick up your ass.

narciso said...

Oh that's curious re recent events:

Michael K said...

Man, it's tough trying to find anything worthwhile in a thread like this.

All you need is Ritmo.

narciso said...

Most everything she thinks is true is wrong, so Schiff had a two mensch as investigator, and Lindsey has strong motive for team qatar.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.”

I predict that if there really is a lawsuit, and it gets to court, they are going to look like fools. It is almost trivial to image servers, saving the contents until a later date. And there were inevitably backups made, some probably by imaging. All these will be requested in discovery, and that request denied because they were deleted. Which will make any Crowdstrike testimony essentially worthless.

The other thing though that you don’t seem to understand is that the 140 server figure means how many physical boxes the email was stored on. Logically there was a small number, probably only one, email hive or database (probably one, because a single hack or intrusion seems to have opened up the entire DNC email system) appears to have been utilized. Sure, pieces may have been temporarily stored in various places. But logically there was a single email system, logically appearing as if it were located on a single server. It has to be that way, because otherwise email wouldn’t work (and would violate international email protocol requirements that require email to logically appear this way). Everything else is just layered underneath in order to speed up transactions. Harping on the presence of 140 servers only confuses things - it is mere implementation details that are irrelevant to the ability to copy the entire email hive or database in a single operator action.

narciso said...

It's just squirrel, the Concord indictment didnt include his they discovered those 13 'officials'

iowan2 said...

It is widely believed I do believe,hallelujah! that CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to respond to the hack, gave an identical image identical image? well why didn't you just say so? of some of the servers That absolutely sounds thorough to the FBI, which experts I’ve spoken to EXPERTS! No fair, you didn't say anything about experts. say would be more useful than giving the FBI a physical server itself. Your right. I think I saw a piece a while back that the FBI has stopped doing autopsies, and have sped things up by down loading digital pictures of corpses from crime scenes. Ditto with Bank robberies, They just get a copy of the video surveillance. Speeds the process along, and frees up agents to do counter intel work on political campaigns.

Still waiting for you to tie President Trump to this 4th trimester abortion you claim is legitimate.

Mike Sylwester said...

It's not enough to prove that Russian Intelligence hacked the DNC servers.

Also to be proved is that Russian Intelligence gave stolen files to Wikileaks.

It's possible that:

* Russian Intelligence indeed did hack the DNC servers.

... but ...

* Someone else stole the files and gave them to Wikileaks.

What do the CIA, FBI and NSA say about the second possibility? The public does not know.

Also, the same people who laughed at the US Intelligence Community's assessments of Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" slavishly believe its assessments about Russian meddling in the USA's 2016 election.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump's doing this under the authority of a specific law, which allows for the President, in the event of a national emergency, to redirect appropriated military construction funds to alternative military construction projects. It's a little hard to see how that sets a precedent for future use "for any purpose".

"Also, Congress chose to pass a law empowering the President to declare national emergencies without bothering to define or restrict what constitutes an "emergency" - the law leaves it up to the President's discretion. They can change that, if it's a problem.

"I really don't think there's any Constitutional question anywhere in this."

There may not be a constitutional question, as I said...I don't really know. However, it's still dangerous and should not be permitted. First, there is no national emergency regarding illegal immigrants, and to say so is a lie. The nature of an emergency is such that immediate action is needed to prevent catastrophe, action so immediate that, presumably, there isn't time for Congress to gather together to addess the matter, requiring, therefore, immediate action by the president. There is no way the problem of illegal immigration can be considered to come within a parsec of such a definition.

Second, Congress has been fairly abject in surrendering to the President powers that are properly theirs and should not be his, (such as the AUMF). Congress is cowardly and doesn't want to have to take responsibility for their decisions, so they let the president have the power and bear the heat if something goes wrong. Once the power has been given to the president and has resided with the executive for years or decades, how willing (or able) will Congress be to take it back?

Matt Sablan said...

Did Obama collude with Germany to get special access to a landmark to campaign with? What about his promise of quid pro quo to Russia? Those are clearer collusion than one they can't even prove the principals talked. Nail Trump for his actual flaws.

Matt Sablan said...

Saying the 140 boxes are different servers is like saying the different offices in a building are separate businesses. It is deliberate disinformation.

iowan2 said...

Also, the same people who laughed at the US Intelligence Community's assessments of Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" slavishly believe its assessments about Russian meddling in the USA's 2016 election

The same intelligence community that was taken by surprise at the fall of the Berlin wall, the demise of West Germany. The same intelligence community that failed to predict the fall of the Soviet Union. The same intelligence community that failed to see every single geo-political shift that has happened in the last four decades. But they are sure about the Russians diddling with an e-mail server.

Regardless of this McGuffin, President Trump is absent any connection, period.

Matt Sablan said...

To make my point. If they used 280 to do the same job they'd have the same information etc. Etc. They'd still have one server. Not 280.

Matt Sablan said...

Also imagine telling the FBI when they were investigating your server for some criminal activity you would give them a copy. Then surprise no evidence you did anything wrong is found on your copy. But you won't let them see the original. No one would accept that. The original is what we need to see. We can't tell if errors intentional or otherwise are introduced in the copy. Literally we saw Clinton alter documents given to the FBI contemporaneously!

Matt Sablan said...

Man. All the people raised by Mueller should have offered copies instead of the originals.

Matt Sablan said...

I've read a lot of things. But people thinking a copy of a server made an unknown amount of time after an unknown amount of foreign interference paid for by people pushing an agenda by a company that had already needed to revise their own report is somehow as valuable as the original is among the least reasonable thing I've heard on this topic. I'm really shocked anyone claimed the copy was valuable. I'm floored they're selling us that it is better than the original. Try that on a judge or cop some day.

narciso said...

That's like the pdfs smollett offered the cpd in lieu of the actual phone, lol.

Birkel said...

Now Michael K, I made several terrific comments.
They were not addressed by anybody.

CWJ said...

"Try that on a judge or cop some day."

Matthew, Sadly, I don't think it would be hard to find a judge these days that would buy that.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Roger Kimball sez:

" No one knows when Robert Mueller will deliver his report to Attorney General William Barr, and no one knows what portions, if any, General Barr will make public. But the hissing sound you have heard over the last several weeks is the air going out of Mueller’s Get Trump probe as story after story has been crafted to manage expectations down regarding ‘Individual 1,’ aka Donald J. Trump. Mueller bagged Paul Manafort for tax related issues a decade or more ago, and folks like Roger Stone and Michael Flynn for making the mistake of testifying before Congress (Stone) or talking to the FBI (Flynn).

But no one not named Bill Kristol now thinks that Mueller’s expensive, long-running entertainment will issue in any actionable charges against the President.

Hence the ‘insurance policy’ being framed by Congressman Nadler. The headline of a column in Politico yesterday cut to the chase: ‘House Democrats open sweeping corruption probe into Trump’s world.’ They’ve sent letters to 81 people associated with Donald Trump demanding ‘documents.’ Which documents? All the ones that show the President in a bad light or that might be used to frame him for misconduct or ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’

Like what? Well, they aren’t quite sure, but it is not stopping them from ‘demanding documents from the White House and Trump’s namesake company, charity, transition team, inauguration and 2016 campaign, as well as several longtime associates and the president’s two adult sons.’ Hoover it all up, boys! There has to be something, somewhere in Trump’s past we can nail him for. "

Francisco D said...

As to Trump's emergency declaration to build a wall, I find myself in agreement with Cookie.

It sets a dangerous precedent if a POTUS is allowed to undertake a massive public works project by executive order. It also seriously diminishes the separation of powers.

Even though it is OT, I had to mention it.

Birkel said...

Also, since Althouse has asked us not to make personal attacks (which means I cannot call Royal ass Inga stupid) let me say this:

No fair, you guys, actually knowing things and stuff.
That's totes uncool.

Arashi said...

So if they want documents, give them documents. Truck loads of documents. Lots and lots of truckloads of documents. Sort of what AT&T did back in the day when being sued by the feds. Moving vans full of boxes of documents. Un-sorted, un-collated - but delivered on time.

(I might have a slight interest in a paper company or a trucking firm)

Birkel said...

Francisco D,
I said exactly the same thing, upthread, and for more than 20 years.
Our Republic should have divided powers and Congress has been delinquent in their approach to giving power to Administrative Agencies.

daskol said...

@Michael McNeil, I didn't mean to suggest that "it's not possible he's not guilty of terrible crimes." I was suggesting that is the attitude of his detractors, many of them deranged with hatred of him. Your point about the exculpatory aspect of Cohen's testimony is a good one: if that's the worst his personal attorney of 10 years can do, Trump seems to have been a very careful man with respect to the law.

eddie willers said...

Now Michael K, I made several terrific comments.
They were not addressed by anybody.

As Bart said to Marge: "Sorry mom, the mob has spoken".

Birkel said...

Damn it, Eddie Willers!

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“No one knows who hacked the DNC mails. NO PROOF. No proof that can be used as evidence in a criminal trial. There is no proof the emails were hacked. Evidence suggests an insider physicaly downloaded them onto a thumb drive. No proof of a crime, no trial. No Trial, no crime.”

Are you that uninformed?? Seriously? WTF?

NSA, FBI, CIA, all say the RUSSIANS hacked the DNC. Get your heads out of...conspiracy theories. I just gotta shake my head at the nuttiness of Trumpists.

The DNC hack was an inside job.

Period. The transfer rates were too high for internet transfer.

Seth Rich was pissed that the DNC screwed Bernie.

Everyone knows this including Mueller, Nadler, Schiff and all the other scum and traitors trying to pull this coup.

But pieces of shit like you still cling to your stupid conspiracy theories. You are a pathetic joke.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What Rid means is that after a hack, some of the evidence of who did it and how they did it may be fleeting. It could be in the server’s memory, the RAM, and not stored on its hard drive. (Hackers use “fileless” malware precisely for this reason.) To preserve evidence in cases like these, incident responders need to make an image—essentially a copy of the server in that exact same state at that exact same time—so they can look at it afterwards. Think about this like when investigators take pictures of the crime scene or victim.”

No shit.

So how about that FBI report? Oh the DNC never gave their servers to the FBI?


Only a moron would believe a damn thing that they claimed happened to their servers.

Howard said...

Amazing how some of you Cuckservative Thomas Achilles and doctor Mike can't handle any disagreement. It must chaff your Pampers that your intimidated by a little grandma

Achilles said...

Francisco D said...
As to Trump's emergency declaration to build a wall, I find myself in agreement with Cookie.

It sets a dangerous precedent if a POTUS is allowed to undertake a massive public works project by executive order. It also seriously diminishes the separation of powers.

Even though it is OT, I had to mention it

Precedent? You think this is the first time?

So instead of telling everyone about it he should just have hid it from congress and the public like Obama did when he shipped over ten times as much money to Iran without telling anyone right?

There are 3 or 4 jobs our federal government actually has.

The border is one of them.

To be honest the fact Trump has to go this far speaks more to the leadership in congress and the globalist cabal that runs DC than anything else. That nobody gave two shits when Obama sold us out to Iran is the problem. That ship sailed.

narciso said...

well no, this emergency is pursuant to the build the wall act of 2006, and the authorization under the immigration act, to override this executive order, is to ignore statute,

SeanF said...

Robert Cook: There may not be a constitutional question, as I said...I don't really know. However, it's still dangerous and should not be permitted.

"It should not be permitted" is fine. But my point is that, under current federal law and the Constitution as written and amended, it is permitted. Change the law.

Skeptical Voter said...

The Dems gain control of the House. Then they blast out omnibus subpenas and document demands to 81 people. They are like a Mafia thug, "Gee it's a nice life you have there. Too bad we are going to have to ruin it because you once had anything to do with Trump."

Many if not most of these people are going to be severely harmed financially; legal fees will eat the smaller fry up, and some of them will lose their homes. See General Flynn's case.

This is not the way honorable men and women conduct themselves. It is the way that Mafia and drug cartel thugs conduct themselves. As Lindsay Graham said at the Kavanaugh hearings, "I hope to God you never get power." Well the Dems got power--in the House at least. And Lindsay Graham's worst fears are becoming reality.

CWJ said...

"This is not the way honorable men and women conduct themselves."

Damn straight!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Where's the sweeping corruption probe into Hillary and the corrupt democrat party?

Michael said...

Inga typed "And after Trump is gone and there is a Democratic President and not a D majority in either House or Senate, because of what Trump is doing NOW, a Democratic President has liscense to do it on steroids. History, ya now, 2 can play that game.#

Not sure she will have any time for that since she will be defending against impeachment and trying to keep her unindicted staff from turning on her or failing to comply with requests for all tax returns and business and banking records and answering subpoenas and collecting high school yearbooks and all tweets extant and deleted.

Michael K said...

doctor Mike can't handle any disagreement

I have no problem with intelligent disagreement, Howard.

Heard any lately ? I've been doing my taxes and look in every few hours. All I see are trolls like you-know-who.

And you, of course. When was the last time you contributed to a debate?

That thread on energy the other day was great. Did you see it?

Birkel said...

Well shit, Michael K...

Tim said...

Meuller? That piece of shit? That shit who let 4 innocent men rot in prison when he KNEW they were innocent and let he guilty ones roam free? That piece of shit? He needs to be in prison.

Michael K said...

Birkel, no offense but I am doing my taxes and reading the new Churchill biography which is terrific. I have read any number of biographies and books about Churchill, including "The World Crisis," but I am learning things,

Have a nice evening.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It must chaff your Pampers that your intimidated by a little grandma”

Indeed. I must really scare the Pampers off of Achilles.

iowan2 said...

I see a few are still around that have convicted President Trump. Haven't bothered with a crime yet. Convicted none the less.

I really thought today was the day President Trump was tied to a specific event that would give cause to launch an investigation. All I got was. "Well if the President actually did coordinated the hacking" evidence of coordination is offered. No explanation of why the President is brought into the conversation. No specific accusation based on facts.

Today was not that day.

Conclusion= There is no crime.

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