February 3, 2019

What Gov. Northam did was "unforgivable" Trump says... but look at what he's calling "unforgivable."

What is Trump calling unforgivable?

Theory #1: What's unforgivable is the tight cluster of poor expression. In quick succession, Northam said something about late-term abortion that sounded as though he meant that a woman could have her born child euthanized if its existence interfered with her mental health, then he apologized for appearing in the blackface-and-Klansman photograph, and then he withdrew his confession that he is one of the men in the photograph. It's a mind-boggling botching of communications, and there's no amount of better communication that can undo the evidence he has created of his own radical incompetence to serve in a role of important trust for the people of Virginia. No kindheartedness or belief in redemption should motivate us to forgive him. We're not saying he can't go to heaven or that his friends and family ought to shun him. It's just that he can't rehabilitate himself as governor.

Theory #2: Based on what we know about Northam's soul — having something to do with that photograph and something to do with beliefs about abortion — we should judge him and declare him unforgivable. Trump identifies as Christian, and Christianity is widely understood to reveal that even the worst person can receive forgiveness, but Trump meant to say that it is impossible for Northam to be forgiven.

Theory #3: With respect to the photograph, Northam provided a written apology and a long press conference, but (as Trump sees it) he hasn't really walked back his endorsement of super-late-term abortions. (He's only said, I believe, that he meant to refer to allowing a badly disabled baby to die.) What's unforgivable is thinking that a decades-old expression of racism is a more serious matter than a present-day statement that you want to legalize the killing of infants after they are born.

Theory #4: Trump doesn't actually think Northam is unforgivable. He just needed to end his tweet with an exclamation, and he could just as well have written "Ridiculous!" or "Terrible!" Trump swings a bit wildly, but the people he's reaching get it, and the big idea is there: Democrat bad.

Theory #5: I'm adding this after reading the post to Meade. This is a verbatim quote from Meade: "Above all else Trump is a media genius, and what Northam is asking for is for us to let him off the front page, and that's what his groveling is all about, and that's what Trump is focusing on. Not so fastYou need to stay on the front page."


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Big Mike said...

Anybody who cares so much about Abortion they'll switch from R to D is an idiot.

For that matter I'm pro-choice, within limits. I see no reason why there should be no commonsense limits of abortion, given the state of medical practice today (which is vastly more advanced than it was when Althouse had her children).

Rance Fasoldt said...

With respect to followers of Molech, as insupportable as child sacrifice is, at least those adherents were attempting to appease a vengeful god, no doubt with great sadness, rather than sacrificing a child to a modern woman's convenience.

FullMoon said...

Compromise: Limit abortions to six per woman.

langford peel said...

"My understanding of what Northam said is that he was talking about the delivery of a severed disabled baby followed by a decision whether to attempt treatments or to give only palliative care. He wasn’t talking about abortion or euthanasia, just birth and treatment."

You "understanding" is wrong because you are trying to excuse his embrace of infanticide. You are both abortion extremists and in the mainstream of progressive thought.

A baby should not be aborted if it is viable outside of the womb. For any reason. Certainly not for some spurious mental health exception provide by one doctor. This would make a butcher like Gosnell legal. That is the goal of the Democrats. They are torpedoing this fool because he made the mistake of telling the truth.

langford peel said...

You do realize that the logical endgame for you abortion extremists is to mandate abortions to choose sex or abort Downs syndrome children or those with the homosexual gene.

Just the way they did in China with girl babies.

Perhaps they would had you abort one of your children.

With the current climate it might have been the heterosexual one.

Joanne Jacobs said...

Surely, Virginia already allowed a mother and her doctor to choose palliative care over aggressive care for a dying newborn (or older child).

jeremyabrams said...

My younger boy was 4 pounds 6 ounces at birth, and couldn't feed (he threw up) or maintain his temperature after he was delivered. If my wife and I had separated or divorced during the pregnancy, and if my wife was someone with emotional issues or depression, or just hormonal imbalances, which happens post-partum, then such a mother might have said, make him comfortable.

Our boy was put in the NICU for eight days, and emerged ready to thrive and grow. Without a feeding tube and incubator our boy certainly would have died. Does that make those treatments heroic? Ask Northam. Ask yourself.

langford peel said...

These are evil people. The professor among them. Baby killers the lot of them.

The mask was just ripped off. Just as it was with the Planned Parenthood videos that detailed how they killed babies for parts. Ignored or covered up by the media.

Shameful. Sinful. Disgusting.

Big Mike said...

@Jeremy Abrams, I wish all the best for your son. I hope his birth was the worst he has to deal with in life.

stephen cooper said...

Joanne - "palliative" care for human beings with no chance of survival is a separate issue; the mainstream media . and uninformed people like Scott Adams , tried to gaslight the country by pretending the governor was simply trying to explain old principles of palliative care. If you believe that, you have fallen for fake news.

It is now, and aways and been, punishable as first degree murder in Virginia to unreasonably prevent "aggressive care" for a child who has a reasonable chance at living, even if they are "deformed", or from the point of view of Governor "Coonman", "Severely deformed".

There is no "I was the child's mother" or "I was the child's doctor" defense to first degree murder under this scenario.

The legislation which Mr Northam, whose medical license should be immediately pulled, was trying in his moronic way to discuss, would carve out an exception to first degree murder in many cases, where children who have been injured during or prior to the abortion process, or who just have more abnormalities than normal - who knows, pointy little heads, Siamese twins, babies with very very short legs or arms ----- are seen as "deformed.".

John henry said...

2/3/19, 10:06 AM
Blogger Squeamish Fascist said...

A guy stealing as his avatar title the Spanish/Mexican word for "man" (hombre)


Actually, it is not a "Mexican" word. Mexican words tend to have way too many x's and other weird consonant groupings for easy pronunciation.

I guess you could say it is a "Spanish/Mexican/Honduran/Nicarguan/Puerto Rican/Cuban/Dominican/Colombian/etc and so on for 50-60 more countries" Saying that would be pretty silly.

Not as silly as what you just said. But silly is your main stock in trade, isn't it, Squeamish?

Why do I suspect that your entire knowledge of the Spanish language comes from the Taco Bell menu?

John Henry

langford peel said...

If there is nothing to stop a feminist and a abortionist from killing a full term viable baby then they will do it. You know they will. This law allows it. It encourages it. It removes the three doctor rule where there is a chance that such a horror can be stopped.

It is the real face of the abortion movement. Accept it. Revel in it. Be proud of it. This is what you signed on for when your support abortion.

langford peel said...

Under this law all of those flipper babies born in the 1960's would have been aborted.

Every premature birth could be allowed to die to protect the mothers "mental health."

stephen cooper said...

a revised sentence from my earlier comment ....

It has now, and always has been, punishable as first degree murder in Virginia to intentionally and unreasonably prevent "aggressive care" for a child who has a reasonable chance at living, even if the child is deformed, or from the point of view of Governor "Coonman" (or from the point of view of some such similarly un-empathetic person), seriously deformed.

(Reckless interference - that is, without the specific intent to directly or indirectly cause death - would only be second degree murder or, in limited cases, manslaughter.)

John henry said...

I graduated from Marshall HS in Falls Church VA in '66. My senior year was the first year that Fairfax County schools were integrated. Even then it was a process.

We had a couple thousand students 9-12 and I think a dozen or so, total, black students.

Virginia was a solidly Democrat state. Harry Byrd was one of our senators for a gazillion years. He was also the one of the principal leaders of the 63 day tag team filibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

A filibuster that required someone speaking at all times. Former KKK Kleagle Robert Bird, at one point, was reading his grandma's cooking recipes.

Seems to me that this kerfuffle, combined with how much better blacks have had it in the past couple years, gives President Trump a good excuse to unload a history less about racial discrimination and who was behind it.

He would talk about Birmingham and the Sunday church bombing. The KKK. Jim Crow laws, segregation laws, slums and segregation in northern Democrat cities like Detroit, NY, Chicago, LA, SF, Boston, George Wallace physically blocking US troops escorting a black student, Bull Connor siccing police dogs on civil rights marchers and on and on.

He could remind us what Bill Clinton (Mr Hilary Clinton) said in his eulogy at former Senate Majority Leader Robert Bird's funeral trying to redeem Bird

I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollers of West Virginia, he was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something [joined, was active and took a leadership position-jrh] he shouldn't have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up. And that's what a good person does. There are no perfect people. There are certainly no perfect politicians."


Bird joined and became a leader in the Klan. But it was OK, according to Bill Clinton, because he was doing it to get elected as a Democrat. He had no choice.

Not sure which is sadder that it was a requirement in DP politics, that Bird was a believer or that Bird was not a believer but pretended to be. All three are pretty horrible.

What Northam did was not unusual. It was Democrat party and sympathizer thinking. At the time and now.

President Trump needs to call them out on it.

John Henry

John henry said...

Speaking of Robert Bird, who can forget this interview when he was at the height of his powers as Senate Majority Leader.


In case you don't want to follow the link, here's the money shot:

"We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time; I'm going to use that word. "

On National TV. Shameful to say "n|gger" at all but saying "White n|gger" seems even worse. It seems to say, especially in context, that all blacks are inferior by nature and some whites are too.

We shoudl bear in mind that Madame Clinton was willing to say publicly, on TV, captured for all the world to see, that Robert Byrd was "my friend and mentor"


Shameful, shameful, people, these democrats. There are some good ones but the party and its leadership is so tainted on race that I question their good faith if they remain supporters.

John Henry

Ann Althouse said...

“Ann your hypothetical doesn't make sense. The woman is at term. She can't deliver naturally but must have a c-section. What difference to her prognosis can it possibly make if the child is dead or alive? Since this child is doomed anyway the reason for the c-section must be because the mother is at risk from a vaginal delivery. ”

To give birth vaginally, the intact head must get through the pelvis. In the hypothetical, you’re supposed to assume an aborted fetus could be extracted vaginally.. Does it make sense now?

Gahrie said...

My understanding of what Northam said is that he was talking about the delivery of a severed disabled baby followed by a decision whether to attempt treatments or to give only palliative care. He wasn’t talking about abortion or euthanasia, just birth and treatment.

Why? His statement was addressing the controversy caused by Tran's admission that her bill would "allow abortion up until moments before birth". The issue wasn't birth, it wasn't infant health care it was specifically and exactly the issue of late term abortion and reaction to Tran's statement. His statement (bolding mine):

"When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way," Northam said. "And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion."

langford peel said...

This law changed the rules so one doctor can kill the baby. Just Gosnell.

Governor Blackface lied.

jg said...

I like Scott Adams still, but he doesn't have enough fight in him. He constantly panders in order to stay California-kosher. I don't know that he believes in truth. Probably makes the deception easier.

Known Unknown said...

Theory #6?? Unforgivable! is open to interpretation, as Trump wants. You see what you want to see in the tweet. It's purposefully clumsy.

DeepRunner said...

Althouse is one of the contemporaries of the early Roe generation. Therefore, her hypothetical is to be expected. I disagree with its premise, but I am not surprised by it. (NOTE: I making an observation, not a judgment.)

Northam needs to go away. Just. Go. His views on "abortion" are outside the realm of mainstream thought, and, if represented correctly, completely hideous. He has been cast as racist, which is incredibly difficult to overcome. He is toxic and persona non grata to his brand of politics and politicians. His constant clinging to the columns on the Governor's Mansion front porch is great popcorn-munching entertainment, as the left tries to pull him by his legs from the place.

Martin said...

I don't know what Trump meant, exactly, but it is clear that Northam is a pretty vile excuse for a leader.

Known Unknown said...

"Assume the full term fetus inside her is known to have a medical abnormality that makes it unable to live outside the womb and it will certainly die within an hour after being born."

She would most likely know this well before coming to full term, given today's technology at her disposal, would she not?

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