February 6, 2019

Some people are taking the Democratic women's wearing of white and connecting it with the white robes of the Ku Klux Klan.

For example, at Instapundit:

I don't like this, taking clothing that people put on in an upbeat positive mood and turning it into something ugly.

But that's the move made by Democrats against the Americans who thought they were expressing something optimistic with their MAGA hats. Democrats have worked hard at rebranding the clothing so it would mean racism. They wanted to deprive the hat wearers of the powerful visual form of expression they'd found. They want the message to be: If you wear that hat now — now that we've shown you want we say it means — you must want to be identified as a racist.

I don't like that KKK flip on the Congresswomen's homage to women's suffrage. But if turnabout is fairplay, it's not unfair.

I'd rather call us to a higher level, but you know that I think that in politics, all calls for civility are bullshit. I'd like to be outside of politics, merely observing, from that position I've called "cruel neutrality." So maybe I'm not a hypocrite if I say, don't tie the suffrage expression to the KKK. But I completely realize that if you go along with me about that, it's not going to stop the Trump-haters who are dead-set on stamping the MAGA hat with the meaning RACISM.


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Qwinn said...

"The charge was that he called people "Communists," when they were mere liberals, not affiliated whatsoever with the Soviets, and that this wrongly wrecked their careers. "

The charge was false, and the criticism was basically hysterical deflection from the accuracy of his claims. The people who screamed "but I'm just a liberal!" the loudest were in fact full capital-C Communists. As you would expect them to do.

Qwinn said...

Read any book about the Venona Project. Ann Coulter's 'Treason' is a good one. McCarthy severely *under*estimated the amount of Communist infiltration in the country. He botched nothing. The Senate hearings were literally a Stalinist show trial. No one could've survived it.

Bay Area Guy said...

To properly acknowledge the ladies in white, I present the wisdom of Sheriff Bart, in Blazing Saddles - "Hey, Where are the white women at?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Told when to clap, told what to wear, joyless and angry." Dreaming of ways to confiscate your wealth so they can waste it on Tom Steyer and Jared Polis. That's todya's modern leftwing female.

Jim at said...

Yeah, give them there (sic) own medicine. Screw'em.

Exactly. This crap will stop once they get tired of being bludgeoned by their own club. And not a second before.

Bay Area Guy said...


Read any book about the Venona Project. Ann Coulter's 'Treason' is a good one. McCarthy severely *under*estimated the amount of Communist infiltration in the country. He botched nothing.

Have Read them all, have studied Venona. You and I are probably on the same side on this issue, but McCarthy was sloppy and discarded by the folks at the top levels who were actively fighting the Soviets (Eisenhower, Hoover, Dulles).

McCarthy was effective and useful for a while, but then he lost it. He tried to go after the Army and CIA, which was a mistake, and they took him out. He died a drunk at age 49, in 1957. Eisenhower called it "McCarthywasm."

Howard said...

Trumpit already has gone into detail on how she bankrupted herself suing doctors after her dying Mother instructed them to go heavy on the Miss Emma so she could die in peace. Doc K will deny it, but it was SOP for the heavy smokers/drinkers in the greatest generation shuffling off to Buffalo in Los Angeles.

Based on careful investigation of all her posts about a year ago, I pegged Trumpit as a Cat Lady living in Mar Vista, where the debris meets the sea.

I always thought Quaestar was Miss Manners in Avatar Drag for his excessive use of $20-words he plucks out of the discount bin. Once he bragged about being a gleeful coyote murderer, then it all maid cents.

Jim at said...

MAGA hats are the uniform of people who want an ethnically pure America.

Once again, I don't own a MAGA hat but I'm still thinking about buying one simply to shove it in the face of assholes like you.

Mark said...

the problem of applying 2019 rules to actions taking place when the rules were different

By the standard of 1980 and 1984, a white guy wearing blackface or a Klansman outfit was grossly offensive and inappropriate and racist.

Your argument might be valid if we were talking about 1880 or 1884.

So let's not try to excuse Coonman or Herring.

Howard said...

Blogger Qwinn said...

Read any book about the Venona Project. Ann Coulter's 'Treason' is a good one. McCarthy severely *under*estimated the amount of Communist infiltration in the country. He botched nothing. The Senate hearings were literally a Stalinist show trial. No one could've survived it.

Now Trumpophiles underestimate the amount of Putin directed Russian Kleptocracy Oligarchical Mafia infiltration of the Trump campaign.

Jim at said...

I don't care if you say I fuck my mother. We all know it. - WintersTale


Cato Renasci said...

Ann, I hate to tell you, but a fair number of the suffragettes were active in other causes. Most of them were also WCTU pro-Prohibition campaigners and quite a number, especially in the South, midWest and far West, were also members of the KKK Ladies Auxiliary. After succeeding with women's suffrage and Prohibition, they had to find something else to do!

Drago said...

Howard: "Now Trumpophiles underestimate the amount of Putin directed Russian Kleptocracy Oligarchical Mafia infiltration of the Trump campaign."



Why would Hypothetical Person/Group A have to be "infiltrated" by Hypothetical Person/Group B when the accusation all along has been Hypothetical Person/Group A had been actively colluding with Hypothetical Person/Group B?

Behold, the utter collapse of the democrat/obama admin agencies targeted Frame-up operation.

Howard said...

Cato Renasci raises an excellent point. Rampant alcoholism, poverty and physical abuse of women was a driver of both women's suffrage and Prohibition. Not surprising cucks want to return to these good olde days

Howard said...

Now you're just mouthing Alger Hiss talking points, Drago.

Rick said...

Henry said...
It's really just a random color association.

It's as if Democrats decided to mock MAGA hats by photoshopping all the Republicans as ... what? The Red Guard?

Democrats have established the principle that things mean whatever your opponents claim they mean. Therefore their uniforms are Klan.

Force them to live up to their own rules.

Howard said...

... don't make me say it

Drago said...

Seeing Red: ""How can a group called La Raza take the word Race out of it?"

Careful there Seeing Red.

LLR Chuck went positively ballistic in defense of this horrific radical marxist anti-American group not that long ago and he will not appreciate you disparaging them in any way.

In the same way that LLR Chuck vigorously defends ALL anti-American groups. And the more violent they become in their anti-Americanism the more Chuck defends them.

I think there might be something slightly psycho-sexual about Chuck's defense of violent leftist radical groups.

Gospace said...

Mark said...
the problem of applying 2019 rules to actions taking place when the rules were different

By the standard of 1980 and 1984, a white guy wearing blackface or a Klansman outfit was grossly offensive and inappropriate and racist.

Your argument might be valid if we were talking about 1880 or 1884.

So let's not try to excuse Coonman or Herring.

I'm 63, middle class my whole life, and have never been to any gathering where anyone was in blackface nor have anyone I've ever been friends with think that wearing blackface was appropriate (Camouflage is not blackface for purposes of this discussion...)

Just asked my 24 year old daughter if she knew anyone who would appear in blackface and her reply was "one guy, but he's an asshole." That pretty much sums up the people who would do so. Including those caught up so far.

I'm certain that right now Democrat operatives and the mainstream media, though I repeat myself there, are poring through old yearbooks and whatnot looking for Republicans in blackface. I wonder how many more liberal Democrats they'll find? And not reveal? That it's been more than 48 hour and my one remaining liberal friend on Facebook hasn't posted any Republicans in blackface, it's pretty good evidence there aren't any to be found.

Howard said...

I shoulda said Trump Organization. He was laundering their money long before he became a candidate.

Rick said...

Read any book about the Venona Project. Ann Coulter's 'Treason'

Read Haynes and Klehr instead.



Drago said...

Howard: "Now you're just mouthing Alger Hiss talking points, Drago."

Then theoretically, you as a leftwinger should be happy, since Alger Hiss the commie spy against the US was clearly on the left.

I'm clearly more of a Whitaker Chambers sort of fellow.

But don't worry, LLR Chuck will be along shortly to explain why it is that the communist threat really wasn't any big deal and the dems were actually right all along...."darn it" Chuck will pretend to mutter angrily, acting disappointed (wink wink) that those gosh darn dems were right all along!!...

.....even though they obviously weren't.

Drago said...

Howard: "I shoulda said Trump Organization. He was laundering their money long before he became a candidate."


Back to that one eh?

What will it be tomorrow?......(the crowd grows hushed as Howard steps up to the Trump Made-Up Crimes Wheel and gives it a hearty spin...............................Money Laundering!!!)

Scott M said...

This has probably already been mentioned a number of times, but, just in case...there's no way in this universe or any other that those pictures wouldn't have been used by Democrats had Republican women decided to wear all white.

Sauce. Goose.

Big Mike said...

-Of all groups who don special outfits, the real Nazis had the sharpest ones

Which is no doubt why Lady Gaga based her stage outfit for Hillary’s fundraiser on an SS officer’s uniform, right down to the red arm band. Also why Hillary apparently approved.

Big Mike said...

He was laundering their money long before he became a candidate.

So now everyone knows why I call Howard the educated fool.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I think Gospace is right that the lefty operatives are probably pouring through all kinds of republican pol yearbooks trying to find some pics they can claim are the R's in blackface.

Let me be the first to offer the hashtag for when this starts:


it'll be a bunch of "but, but, but these R's did it too"

Doug said...

Althouse - tough sh*t about what you don't like. You encourage this kind of partisan horsesh*t all the time. Will you point out the post where you said that you don't like partisans turning a Make America Great Again hat into a symbol of racism? I mean, before today, when you found it just a bridge too far to have your precious fellow vulvanians mocked for wearing all white?

Jesus, you're an opinionated beeyotch! No wonder you are an ex.

Seeing Red said...

And look how well Prohibition turned out.

Seeing Red said...

Now Trumpophiles underestimate the amount of Putin directed Russian Kleptocracy Oligarchical Mafia infiltration of the Trump campaign.

Russians bad. We demand only mob infiltration good like in the unions for decades.

Doug said...

The winner has got to be tousled beret look of Che and the Marxists, though.

No way that beats the leather shin-length trench coats that the Gestapo rocked. Throw in a monacle ... that's some badass fascism there.

gahrie said...

Will you point out the post where you said that you don't like partisans turning a Make America Great Again hat into a symbol of racism? I mean, before today, when you found it just a bridge too far to have your precious fellow vulvanians mocked for wearing all white?

If you read carefully, she still hasn't said that turning a Make America Great Again hat into a symbol of racism is a bad thing, except for the fact that it provides an excuse for those on the Right mocking Leftwing women.

Infinite Monkeys said...

They're just a year behind the fashion.

Henry said...


Let me repeat my first point. Regarding the KKK photoshop meme, I wrote:

It's a failure as a meme. No one outside of true haters will even get it.

Seriously, most people are not invested in far-right or far-left meme interpretation. The memes are targeted to the people that already believe.

Tim wrote, sarcastically, "The Democrats are the ones who care about working class blacks and Hispanics. Sure."

Yet the face of the Democratic party, the person that the left and right most like to brag about or disparage, is a Puerto Rican woman with a large, extended Puerto Rican working class family. The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent.

So the KKK meme and the Alinsky blurbs and the rest makes zero sense to anyone outside of the inculcated right. The party of old white man (I'm an old white man) is basically saying "don't believe what your lying eyes are telling you."

Bad persuasion makes the people pushing it less persuasive.

Bay Area Guy said...


Yes, Haynes and Klehr are outstanding and authoritative. Anyone who thinks they know something about Russia, but hasn't read these guys is lost without a compass.

Gospace said...

Bay Area Guy said...
One tactic the Left often uses is to falsely claim someone is "racist."

In 2019, the "racist" label is toxic and career-ending for many professionals.

Yes, it's bad to be a racist. But it's EQUALLY bad to falsely accuse someone of being racist, when they are not.

May be EQUALLY bad, but trust me, there are currently no consequences for doing so. NONE. I've seen people rewarded for making false accusations of racism, sexism, and other current buzzwords. Never punished.

Sexism apparently works only one way. Had an old guy working the paint desk who flat out refused to sell tinted paint to any male customer who didn't have a wife or girlfriend with them picking out the color. And told them so. Everyone in management knew. On a side note to that- we had fewer paint returns than any nearby store.....

Rory said...

BAG said: "Haynes and Klehr are outstanding and authoritative."

Is there a fairly comprehensive book about Soviet disinformation efforts? Not just methods, but specifically about messages that were conveyed, what the channels were, and how they were laundered out to media and academia.

PM said...

I'm partial to the superimmense hats of the North Korean military.

Bay Area Guy said...


Not a book, but this KGB defector, Besmenov, is a good start.

"The main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. Only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage and such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures... or psychological warfare."

He wrote a few books under the pen-name, Tomas Schuman.

narciso said...

Ion pacepa fmr Romanian external intelligence , collected some of them including the hochhuth one against Pope pius.

narciso said...

A summary here:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did you know that removing the Electoral College in favor of a so-called popular vote (only giving large states the right to vote) is the very same thing as moving to a Russian system? It's true.
The State by state electoral college was written into the constitution so ALL states had an equal voice and all voters in ALL states an equal voice/vote. The Electoral College was
praised by JFK).

narciso said...

He earlier reveal in red horizons, Arafat's role as a total tool of gru minder sakharovsky it later turned out re mitrokhins files that wadi haddad of the pflp and Abu mazen were agents of the rival service.

narciso said...

An update here:


This was true of the ira brigette rossi et al to catyong degrees

narciso said...

Now the international press covers with pillows almost as readily;


Krumhorn said...

"[MAGA hats are] not necessarily an overt expression of racism, but if you wear one, it’s a pretty good indication that you share, admire or appreciate President Trump’s racist views about Mexicans, Muslims and border walls." Robin Abcarian

Being a librul is not necessarily an overt expression of racism, but if you support leftie politicians and leftie activists, it's a pretty good indication that you share, admire or appreciate the racism and hatred that is embedded in leftie politics and policies. - Krumhorn

tim in vermont said...

There's just a lot of reasons to support illegal immigration and a lot of different reasons to oppose it, but we tend to boil down our "opponents" positions to the worst possible assumption.

I wonder what best possible assumptions could we make in support of illegal immigration? It’s an honest question, but you can’t answer it. You just wanted to sound reasonable.

narciso said...

Mitrokhin outlined a whole of dezinformatya a work that came through Czech stb defector Jan sejna, re a whole host of countries. On the local front there is the pink legend against Hoover laundered through various cut outs.

narciso said...

Like John weitz (fmr?? Oss, and father of operation finaLe director) a gangster moll and a bit player in the garrison case, which in turn relied on an active measures in European papers

tim in vermont said...

Don’t confuse me for somebody that hasn’t accepted that the left owns the press and the media. The meme is just a little fun for those of us that know that the KKK always was a Democrat organization to have a laugh. I would never ever suggest that a meme like that be used in a TV ad. It doesn’t really hit the way you would want it to. It’s just a little hook for us to make some points about who really cares about poor working Americans, and it ain’t the party of the billionaires and tech robber barons. That would be the Democrats.

narciso said...

The times (and the post) were diligent in downplaying almost all of Sejnas revelations

narciso said...

Ah alger his is an interesting one, he started originally on the staff of gerald nye who was investigating financial and other irregularities re the first world war, he leaked many confidential communications that helped trigger the real isolationist movement the ge moved over to agriculture and began riding in the ranks of the state department.

John henry said...

Blogger Henry said...

Yet the face of the Democratic party, the person that the left and right most like to brag about or disparage, is a Puerto Rican woman with a large, extended Puerto Rican working class family.

NOT Puerto Rican. Nyorican. Pretends to be Puerto Rican. Daughter of a Puerto Rican and another Nyorican. Has some Irish on her father's side Ocasio is hispanicized O'Casey. Just as an aside, many people from South and Central America have more Irish than Spanish (from Spain) in their ancestry.

As a Nyrorican (or even as a Puerto Rican), I wonder how much she cares about Mexican and Cuban-Americans? Other than language, the three groups have about as much in common as Indians, Chinese and Cambodians. Hey, they're all Asian, right?

The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent.

Thomas Sowell and many others have written extensively on how blacks that came to the US by way of the Caribbean do much better than blacks brought directly to the US. This continues for 2-3 generations after arriving in the US. Kamala's father is a native Jamaican.

Her mother is a Tamil Indian, born in India.

Kamala spent her teenage years in Montreal after Mom and Pop divorced.

Gee, who else had a life story similar to this?

She doesn't sound very African-American to me. I wonder how much she cares about the plight of the typical American black?

John Henry

Rick said...

Henry said...

Yet the face of the Democratic party, the person that the left and right most like to brag about or disparage, is a Puerto Rican woman with a large, extended Puerto Rican working class family. The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent.

So the KKK meme and the Alinsky blurbs and the rest makes zero sense to anyone outside of the inculcated right. The party of old white man (I'm an old white man) is basically saying "don't believe what your lying eyes are telling you."

Or it says "this is what Democratic principles support. Aren't they absurd"?

narciso said...

Without the venona intercepts which were quickly compromised by William weusband it took Whitaker chambers the valachi of the cell to reveal network first to adolph berle in 1937, this was after agent runner general krivitsky had defected.

narciso said...

Four years before he was executed which forced him to come out of the cold, in the international labor movement there was Jacob Krebs aka Jan valtin whose 'night was left behind' revealed stalin's agenda in the 30s.

John henry said...

There's an excellent book about Elizabeth Bently "Good Girl" or something like that. It is fairly recent 2015-16 or so.

She was deeply involved and the book goes into a lot of detail.

Also read about Sen Pat McCarran. There is a good, fairly recent, bio of him. He was probably far worse than McCarthy, with whom he worked closely but more behind the scenes.

You can still be prosecuted under the McCarran Act today. It made it illegal to hold certain political views. Who did more harm? McCarthy with his investigations or McCarthy with his laws still with us 70 years later.

Yes, a lot of the McCarran Act has been superseded by the Patriot Act and other bad smells. But a lot of it is still in force.

And don't get me started on the House UnAmerican Affairs Committee that ran for 30 or more years. Unlike McCarthy, who investigated people with security clearances for security risks (A legitimate function of the Senate, IMHO) HUAC investigated and jailed private citizens for political views. That stink should be in every nostril forver.

A good book, if you can find it, is Thirty Years of Treason. Published in the 70's it is excerpts, with some contextualizing explication, of actual testimony, by private citizens, before HUAC.

John Henry

Skeptical Voter said...

Krumhorn has cited Robin Abcarian---one of the useless idiots whose dribble spills all over the pages of the Los Angeles Times where she writes her column.

I wear a Greek fisherman's hat when it's cold--keeps my head warm. Good Old Robin--pursuing her logic--would say I must come from a fishing village south of Athens. She can read my mind, and she can read my genealogy. Sorry Robin--no Greek in my background.

Skeptical Voter said...

Bruce Hayden has some interesting things to say about the Klan and its history. It is true that the KKK was first organized to resist the heavyhanded Yankee reconstruction and to keep the former slaves down and terrorized in the South.

But the Klan went north--and in the 20th Century reached its apogee in Indiana. In the 1920s virtually every state office in Indiana and every seat in the state legislature
was held by a Klansman. Their push was not so much anti-black, as "anti-other". And by "other" they meant Eastern Europeans and Joooos!

tim in vermont said...

So Kamala spent her teenage years in that hotbed of hatred for America that is French Canada?

Rory said...

Thanks, all (esp. Bay Area Guy and Narciso) for suggestions. I have read one of Pacepa's books - found it very interesting how they try to divert language to meanings they want, e.g., how any anti-communist is transformed into a fascist.

John henry said...

Skeptical voter,

Don't forget the American Legion. Founded originally as an organization OF veterans rather than an orgaization FOR veterans. It's purpose was to support the government and BY DAMN SURE make everyone else support it to. Violence was not out of the question for people they deemed unAmerican. Socialists, union organizers, immigrants from the wrong countries, socialists and so on.

They were pretty upfront about their founding principles. See their book

Josephbleau said...

La Raza’s motto has been “ a golden state for a bronze race”. And presumably no one but the bronze race.

John henry said...

Apologies, continued

The book is The Story of the American Legion 1919

Available for kindle or at Archive.com or gutenberg.org

There's a reason it was called American Legion" and not the American veterans association or some such.

Different from the kkk in degree. By a lot. Not so different in basic ideology.

To be fair, after ww2 they changed completely and have been an organization for veterans.

I am not a member.

John Henry

n.n said...

Neither our Constitution nor MAGA indulge in diversity or color judgments. That's a Democrat principle that progressed with the establishment of minority color classes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Yet the face of the Democratic party, the person that the left and right most like to brag about or disparage, is a Puerto Rican woman with a large, extended Puerto Rican working class family. The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent"

Oh, the Democrats love a token. No one is disputing that.

Paddy O said...

"I wonder what best possible assumptions could we make in support of illegal immigration?"

Why would I have to come up with reasons? They're blasted all over the news. Do you watch the news or listen to the debates? People have reasons, you disagree with them, I disagree with them, they disagree with you.

You don't have to give clearance for someone to have a reason for supporting something you disagree with. That's why you disagree with them. But they still have reasons and those reasons cause them to think that opposing illegal immigration is somehow racist. It's actually what this whole debate is about. That's not being reasonable on my part, that's called being observant.

What a silly response.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You suffer from one of the worst cases of political Stockholm Syndrome imaginable.

How tortured does your usual equivocation have to be to see any parallel whatsoever between suffrage and Trump?

There was never any connection whatsoever between suffrage and the Klan.

Trump's connection (and that of his "movement") to racism are clear and unique among modern presidents. He said a Mexican judge couldn't decide his case on account of an "ethnic" conflict of interest. This was called out as "textbook" racism by speaker of the House and former VP candidate, Paul Ryan, of Trump's own party.

The knots you must work your brain into, to avoid clarity and straightforward thinking, must be excruciating.

Tommy Duncan said...

Does intent matter in this goat rodeo? Or is this simply about plausible offend-ability?

I'm thankful no one photographed me at work in the foundry during my college days. After a day in the grinding room I made a sooty Mary Poppins look pasty white.

I have pictures of my son in a "Tough Mudder" competition that would get him thrown out of any elected office.

Sprezzatura said...

"He said...." that some very fine people hung out w/ folks w/ torches who chant about being replaced by Jews because a local community government voted to get rid of statues that were originally installed to protest black folks getting equal rights.

Not to mention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9rzi5vRpvE

And his jabber re his superior German blood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AddjbfcMVA
"I am proud to have that German blood. It's great Stuff."

Sprezzatura said...

If you support a racist POS, you are a racist POS.


narciso said...

and yet o'sullivan's law optains, any organization not explicitly conservative will devolve to liberalism, looking at the last forty years since the committee on internal security was disbanded, did we see an advance, we see Gramsci has done a sprint through all the institutions, 'killing them and wearing their skins,' as some wags have put it,

chickelit said...

The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent"

You mean the one with no political experience outside of California? You mean the one who will lose badly when she is foisted on the rest of the country (without their consent) by California Democrats? You mean the one with no legislative accomplishment to her name save a few high profile skirmishes with judicial nominees? That one??

chickelit said...

What are you jabbering about now, PB&J?

chickelit said...

The Democrats top candidate for the 2020 Presidential run is of Jamaican descent

Why don't African American want to elect someone with a real African American experience? Someone like Oprah or Michelle Obama? Does Jamaican even count? Her father was a student here but didn't grow up here. Kinda like Barack, Sr.

narciso said...

'He really cares about what I have no idea' another bit of dezinforma came through the romero institute, which is the flag ship of the Christic outfit, they were private maytag sponsors in the lakota access project

narciso said...

This crew of malcontents brought a Rico suit on it turns out was a false premise that the company had been responsible for the attempted assassination of a Nicaraguan resistance commander, and then extended into category error.

Qwinn said...

So, Ritmo, your position is that believing that a Mexican judge wouldn't be impartial on a decision regarding illegal immigration coming mostly from Mexico... is racist?

Because Trump was effectively concerned that the *judge* would be racist. That doesn't make Trump a racist.

Unless you want to stipulate that all charges of racism are themselves racist.

And considering the way you throw such accusations around. I think that would make you Literally Hitler.

chickelit said...

He said a Mexican judge couldn't decide his case on account of an "ethnic" conflict of interest. This was called out as "textbook" racism by speaker of the House and former VP candidate, Paul Ryan, of Trump's own party.

I was in the room when Trump said that at a San Diego rally. I cringed because I knew it would be taken wrongly. But upon reflection, I see what Trump meant. The judge was a proud member of La Raza, a racist organization. It's reasonable that the judge has prejudice for that reason alone.

As for Paul Ryan, I used to sympathize and support the guy, being from Wisconsin and all where I grew up. But Ryan is part of the GOP establishment which needed shaking up by Trump. It will be interesting to see where Paul Ryan ends up -- my guess is a highly paid consulting gig, shilling for open borders in order to help his family's construction business.

Howard said...

The immigration con keeps the deplorables from looking at the banksters behind the curtain. It's easy to hate poor brown people with accents, but they think they can one day be a member of the rich power elite.

Tucker Carlson gets it.

chickelit said...

La Raza membership should be a political liability for any member, just as surely as membership in the KKK or the Black Panthers is.

narciso said...

Like effendi Khan is a very prominent proponent of Sharia law, the subtext of his attack.

Paul From Minneapolis said...

CJinPA said -

"If we want to end false accusations of racism we have to stop whining and adopt a new rule: False accusations of racism will be treated as racism itself."

And I've been saying very similar for years (to myself primarily) - that false or flimsily-supported accusations of racism are the moral equivalent of racism itself.

A corollary, you can't make a credible accusation of racism, something that has merit to have a role in political discussion, based on a theory of social relations that is not accepted by basically everyone.

Gahrie said...

Why don't African American want to elect someone with a real African American experience? Someone like Oprah

If Oprah ran she'd get 99% of the Black vote and a huge majority of the White female vote. She'd win pretty comfortably. Up to now she's been pretty firm about not running.

John henry said...

Not only was the judge ethnically (though not racially) Mexican, he was and is aMexican citizen.

As far as I can tell, anyway. He was born a Mexican citizen for certain. When it was in the news I looked and could not find any evidence that he had ever renounced it. Or tried. It is nearly impossible under Mexican law.

Yes, he was born in the US and is indisputably also us citizen.

Mexican law says he is a citizen at birth just like ted cruz and john mccain are us citizens at birth. All 3 get citizenship through their parents.

Does anyone know that he has successfully renounced his Mexican citizenship.

I don't see why citizen Trump should have even brought it up. The judge should have recused himself for conflict of interest, real or apparent. He didn't and Trump was forced to.

John Henry

narciso said...

When have progs recused themselves its verratinly hasn't been true since judge Walker in 2009.

Gospace said...

Blogger Paddy O said...
"I wonder what best possible assumptions could we make in support of illegal immigration?"

Why would I have to come up with reasons? They're blasted all over the news. Do you watch the news or listen to the debates?

Yes, I seemed to have missed Ok those arguments in support of illegal immigration. Perhaps you could recap them for all of us.

BTW, calling opponents of illegal immigration racists is not an argument.

Drago said...

adSs: "If you support a racist POS, you are a racist POS.


Ouch! Democrats, the party of Louis Farrakhan fanboys and girls takes 2 hits amidships and is taking on water fast!

Torpedo Boat adSs delivers the blows after removing the politically correct/Dem Double Standard safety features from his torpedoes.....

brio said...
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FIDO said...

I think that the words that Althouse is struggling with is 'frigging hilarious'. It is not her funny bone or sense of fairness which is offended. It is her feminist sensibilities which are offended

Mr. Forward said...

It could be worse. It could be Bernie Bros in plaid shorts.

RJPJ said...

The visual of all the women in white makes me think 'cult'. I also find some irony in the fact that the suffragettes chose white as a symbol of purity, which is not a popular word in left/liberal cultural.

MB said...

"Whereas everyone knows the KKK hood photoshop is a joke."
I for one don't know it. Maybe in private Democrats like to wear blackface, tell racist jokes, spread malicious gossip against black coworkers, and so on. The PC stuff might all just be an inside joke that Republicans are too straight-laced to catch on to. Whenever they accuse a Republican of bigotry or manage to get a MAGA hat wearer fired they are dying with laughter, on the inside.
There's almost certainly some of this in the Russia accusations. They got to pretend to be alarmed by the Red Scare and managed to convince naive Republicans that they were, like, totally serious about it.
Given all this, who knows if the KKK doesn't live on among their ranks, too.

Nichevo said...

rhhardin said...
What's wrong with racism.

That has to remain unanswered in order for the term to work.

2/6/19, 8:36 AM

Racism, bigotry, discrimination, are all forms of prejudice, or pre-judgment. Not all French waiters have red hair just because Francois does. Not all blacks like fried chicken just because Uncle Ben does. Not all social maladapts are autistic, just rhhardin. You dress it up in talk of Bayes theorem but it's really a logical fallacy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Republicans Are Brainwashed,' Democrats Dutifully Chant While Clad In Identical White Uniforms


ManleyPointer said...
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ManleyPointer said...

Saw this little doozy by way of Ted Frank:

"So while Trump appeared flawless on the Cleveland stage Monday night, whether she intended it or not, her all-white ensemble displayed the kind of foreignness that is accepted by her husband's political party. To many, that outfit could be another reminder that in the G.O.P. white is always right."


Mike Sylwester said...
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