"Mr. Smollett is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who fiercely and solemnly maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that apparently wants to skip due process and proceed directly to sentencing."The quote in the post title is the OED's definition of that very strong word "impeccable." I wonder how much the lawyers thought about the selection of that adjective and what alternatives were considered. It's so intense and absolute that it's self-defeating. Who is exempt from the possibility of doing wrong?! It seems to shout: We're lying.
If they'd asked me, I'd have suggested "good character." Maybe "fine character."
Except for his history.
He's still denying his guilt?
He seems to be a character, though.
Virtually all of the "hate" crimes come from the Left. Smollett's mother is life long friends with Angela Davis.
This entire affair really underscores the fact that racism is profitable.
They should have gone Full Trump and said he was a man with "incredible character and integrity" -- that covers both ends.
mockturtle said...
He's still denying his guilt?
Yeah, he's “fiercely” maintaining his innocence. But the Chicago PD and the general preponderance of evidence seem to indicate otherwise.
I always assumed "impeccable" just meant that you couldn't be pecked.
Insert pecker joke here.
I know: isn't 'insert pecker' the joke already?
Yeah yeah.
I am Laslo.
Sailer says when he got arrested for drunk driving in 2007 he gave his younger brother’s name to the cops and got convicted of giving false information.
But then there was that DUI stop in California during which he gave a false ID.
NY Daily News
Oh, right. Nothing to see here. Move along.
As a friend usually puts it, "He comes from a fine family."
Impeccable is commonly ascribed, as in Mueller. It means no known problems, resulting in a reputation. The dictionary is a little behind. Not as bad as most people.
Maybe his contract for that Empire television series prevents his being fired until he actually is convicted of a crime. If so, then his continuing paychecks motivate him to drag this out the legal proceedings as long as possible.
"It seems to shout: We're lying."
Isn't that a good thing? Make absurdly exaggerated, and therefore obviously false, statements = winning.
He already had a record of lying to police before this hoax.
From the Wikipedia entry on General Napier of the British troops in India. Apocryphal, of course.
His orders had been only to put down the rebels, and by conquering the whole Sindh Province he greatly exceeded his mandate. Napier was supposed to have despatched to his superiors the short, notable message, "Peccavi", the Latin for "I have sinned" (which was a pun on I have Sindh). This pun appeared under the title 'Foreign Affairs' in Punch magazine on 18 May 1844. The true author of the pun was, however, Englishwoman Catherine Winkworth, who submitted it to Punch, which then printed it as a factual report. Later, Napier made several comments on the Sindh adventure to the effect of: "If this was a piece of rascality, it was a noble piece of rascality!"
Dear Lawyer,
Stop digging.
Jussie Smollett.
Which system is it that is attempting to skip due process and go straight to sentencing?
"Good character" and "fine character"
...Yeah but those aren't strong enough. "Good character" and "fine character" are like buttholes...everybody has one
'Insert peccer'
No no no you're spot on in this case...
As usual, you are Laslo
Who's his lawyer, Joe Isuzu?
Well, that does it then. It's the Nigerians that are not impeccable. It's all their fault.
Sir, the gentleman does not understand English. He would not in any case, take the stand. He
came, at his own expense, to aid his brother in his trouble. He is not under any jurisdiction of our government and his reputation in his own country is impeccable.
-Tom Hagan
"Rush to judgement without trial"
"Condemned in the court of public opinion"
"Deplatformed without getting to tell HIS side of the story"
Welp that's it folks. My minds made up. How could I have been so obtuse!
These are clearly new on the American cultural stage. And here I thought that my worldview was impeccable!!!
I understand being impeccable. I can make myself impeccable for for about 20 minutes at a time. And then comes a better perfection standard, and I suddenly don't look impeccable anymore.
Jussie's sweet and sincere interview needs to be replayed everyday until people learn to recoqnize a good con man. The flicker of a smile gives them away. The are delighted that you have been easily fooled.
If he wants probation he'll have to plead guilty and not take it to trial, but I suppose they'll take the "drug addict" trope out for a spin.
36 isn’t “young.”
Don’t know what he’s paying his lawyers, but I could lose for him for less.
I find that the movie Blazing Saddles provides a fountain of wisdom to analyze almost all modern day racial problems, including the upsurge in hoax crimes. So, here is Jussie Smollett turning himself into the Chicago Police.
36 isn’t “young.”
It certainly is for the crowd around here.
Two sayings very common in the military but used all over:
"He (she) hit rock bottom and started digging"
"He (she) hit rock bottom and started swimming"
One implies a desire to hit alluvial 'tuff', the other implies a desire to 'reach the water table'
I get a distinct feeling Mr. Jussie "even my castmates believe I tried to deceive" Smollett wants a bath. He'll look impeccable in orange. It's the new black. Very slimming.
impeccable "=" politically correct
When the lawyers start arguing the presumption of innocence, you know they've got no defense.
But then there was that DUI stop in California during which he gave a false ID.
He gave the cops his brother's name, which is impeccable character.
"He also signed a false name on the promise to appear in court."
White lefties think gay black men are divine creatures who would never lie to them.
If they'd asked me, I'd have suggested "ludicrous racist asswipe".
Think about it - until a few days ago Jussie was the victim.
How many "victims" lawyer up and go silent?
What a slime ball.
He no longer has air cover and doesn't realize it. Polanski, Ted Kennedy, and Clinton had sufficient air cover to hit the beach and move inland. He doesn't. Even his friends aren't covering for him. He got dropped from the Empire show. They say it takes a headless chicken a minute or two to comprehend that it's dead. Perhaps that's what's going on......... Someone less self involved would be able to read the writing on the wall but someone less self involved wouldn't have hatched such a hare brained scheme.
There is one word to describe this guy.
At least they didn't call him a man of immaculate conception.
That status is reserved by the New York Times for Hoda Muthana.
A man at 36 who is considered a young man is a man with a case of arrested development. Speaking of impeccable, I was once dressed impeccably, for my wedding.
On the left, being friends with Angela Davis gives you general absolution.
not a smidgen of corruption
It's the Nigerians that are not impeccable.
Absolutely correct. As the shirtless pics attest, they're very pecced.
Jussie has passed his last peccable day.
Sir, the gentleman does not understand English. He would not in any case, take the stand. He
came, at his own expense, to aid his brother in his trouble. He is not under any jurisdiction of our government and his reputation in his own country is impeccable.
-Tom Hagan
"of impeccable character and integrity"
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Take issue with the use of the adjective "young". Not sure why this is happening.
Chelsea Clinton describes herself as a young person two years ago when she was thirty six
Kristen Gilliibrand describers herself as a young mom at fifty two
Jessie Smollett described as a young person at thirty six.
Bruce Springsteen noted in Thunder Road, "So you're scared and you're thinking that maybe we ain't that young anymore" at the age of twenty six.
You keep using that word and I do not think that you know what it means.
The lawyer is playing with fire. Prosecutors and police officers are human beings and they tend to react negatively if you essentially accuse them of playing dirty. The actual elected State's attorney for cook county already recused herself from this case, so Jussie probably lost any chance at political sway he had especially considering this is now highly publicly embarrassing for many democrats. If the cops start pushing for the assistant state's attorney to go hard on Jussie, my guess is, especially if the lawyer is a career lawyer there, that he will side with the cops and not anyone else asking for leniency.
For some reason, Smollett got politically woke, and now will become financially broke.
There's a lesson in there somewhere, sports fans.
Take issue with the use of the adjective "young". Not sure why this is happening.
Chelsea Clinton describes herself as a young person two years ago when she was thirty six
Kristen Gilliibrand describers herself as a young mom at fifty two
Jessie Smollett described as a young person at thirty six.
The majority of the shift of the use of the word young was from people who were in their sixties who still wanted to consider themselves middle-aged.
I'm sure that's real thing, however in the examples that I gave, it self referential.
Can’t agree. Not good or fine character and most definitely not impeccable.
"Young Person"
I am in my mid-30s (for those that haven't been able to detect the whiff of impertinence). I hear and get this all the time which I account to my not having been married yet. I don't say anything when they do, but I certainly do not consider myself a young person due in part to 1) my having significant responsibilities and 2) owning outright substantial property and 3) having been shot at on numerous occasions.
This trend has several factors, the biggest of which is a universal and detectable lack of maturity of a significant cohort of mine and forthcoming generations. Jussie Smollett and millions of others like him are - to quote Fight Club - '30 year old boys (and girls)'. They don't have or can't have families for either financial or emotional security reasons. They pull 'shit like this'. They lack critical thinking skills. They are overeducated and underpaid and undermotivated (that's on them though...).
There is also the factor that a lot of these "young people" refer to themselves or take no issue with having other refer to them as young because it implies that they haven't done that thing that they're supposed to be doing yet but it's ok because I'm still young. The egoism is such or they've been led to believe as such so much that they're the type of people that reach Everest's peek while staring at the ground saying 'boo hoo'.
The Gillibrands and AOC's and Smolletts and Chelseas et al. are so focused on some far off 'brass ring' they don't even realize how fortunate they are they get paid $1.17 million, are a senator, a congresswoman, or basically set for life. It's not 'big enough' and therefore they're not 'old enough'
Vanity sharp enough you could split atoms.
How can his lawyers characterize their client as having "impeccable character and integrity" when they know that he ALREADY has a record of LYING to the police?
"Smollett was charged with false impersonation, driving under the influence and driving without a license but the actor made a plea deal and pleaded no contest to providing false information. The actor was given two years probation and his choice of a fine in the case, a spokesperson for the department told NBC News."
He wasn't merely accused; NOLO means accepting the State's characterization of the crime. He accepted the deal and took the probation. That's his character. He is an established felonious liar to the police who accepted the charges against him.
The lawyers do not have the evidence or the law on their side.
Pounding the table is their strategy.
He denies his guilt and can skate at trial with the right south and west side jury. See in re OJ Simpson.
They need to keep white, middle aged women off the jury if they can. They seem to be excessively sympathetic to gay men. While I've had more than my share of close gay friends, I know too much of their private lives to hold them sacrosanct. And certainly not 'impeccable'.
Smollett has chosen to brazen it out with ever more ridiculous lies. What else is new?
He may have meant to say "impeckerable", which might even be true depending on how much you value your health.
The "felony" Jussie Smollett is being prosecuted for is embarrassing the City of Chicago. It doesn't matter if the charges are true, because Chicago's not-so-impeccable reputation has supposedly been tarred. He humiliated several cable news talents and presidential hopefuls too, and for that he'll get the death penalty. No one from the other side will come to his defense because he insulted their hat.
BTW, I think impeccable is code for doesn't have a criminal record even as a juvenile. Page Six says he's been buying Molly from one of the Osundairo brothers. Afraid to snitch on drug deal gone bad could be the true story. Isn't that the simplest explanation?
Well he has the presumption of innocence, but if he’s a gay bottom as has been described, then he’s certainly not “sinless” unless perhaps if it’s all temporal.
Say, if his lawyers wrote the letter, and then held it until he finished his confession and penance, and then immediately the lawyers hit “send”.
Of course I’ve had days where I confessed, received absolution, did my penance and then didn’t get out of the parking lot before I’d sinned again. So maybe even the above plan doesn’t work...
Justin was fired. His lawyers are worried about where will the money source will be. So they will stop their pressers -- and even his defense, just ask Al Capone's lawyers. Never mind, they are dead too.
The defense riding on "impeccable" will not work when the "impeccable" crap unravels, particularly when defending an "impeccable" and stupid convicted criminal. His lawyers are wondering just this minute "Why did Justin wear that 'Fuck Donald' tee shirt to the studio?" On the other hand the CPD are saying "Do you see what we mean?"
Case closed on this "young" guy.
I think the lawyers really meant: imperceptible character.
When Smollett was complaining that he'd been attacked by Trump-supporting thugs, I said to myself, Let's wait and see what the investigation shows. Now, when the ChiCops say he set the whole thing up for his own benefit, I say to myself, Let's wait and see what a trial shows.
You might call that cruel neutrality. I suppose Presumption of Innocence is out of fashion these days.
Smollett excuses:
01) it was the holocaust. I was depressed over my great-grandmother.
02) it was slavery. I was depressed over my great-great-grandmother.
03) it was drugs.
04) it was alcohol
05) it was the gay-bashing. I was depressed over my boyfriend
06) It was Trump.
07) i just needed a raise - to feed hungry kids in Africa
The Police Chief states Smollett besmirched Chicago. Is that even possible? The City of fraud, crime, and graft?
If that's the crime, just give him $20 ticket.
Yes. SJWs always double down. He denies it all. Even with the text messages and the cheque.
Maybe he's using the Angela Davis defense. There was a considerable amount of evidence arrayed against her. She just denied everything and counter charged that the American justice system was unfair and racist. She got acquitted......These are different times, but I can see Jussie winning his case with the right jury. Just deny everything and claim that the Chicago PD is so irredeemably racist that they have no right to investigate his "crimes".
Left bank said -
"No one from the other side will come to his defense because he insulted their hat."
Really! Just their hat? Not the pile on that we on the "other side" are all violent racist homophobes. Jeez left bank I normally give you more credit than that.
"BTW, I think impeccable is code for doesn't have a criminal record even as a juvenile."
You might want to rethink that no criminal record claim.
Does anyone else doubt the paycheck motive? Or doubt that it’s the main motive? Being the center of attention, the heroic victim. Plus he is a hater. His tweets are full of hatred.
he's not Henson, or howard, or spike lee, how can he demand an increase
this was ego and ideological impulse,
Lucid-Ideas @ 2:58PM hits the mark.
Please don't tell me that the famous telegraph "Hic fortunatus sum" is also apocryphal!
[Captcha has me mowing down bicycle riders until there are none left, again.]
I'm 61 and so 36 is young to me. My kids are 34 & 32, but I don't think of them as young, I remember when they were 6 and 4. When I was 36 I didn't think I was young, not old either, but definitely not young.
How about this: 36 year old Jussie Smollet is old enough to know better than to do such childish shite.
I doubt that the lawyer was as punctilious and erudite and even, dare I say, pedantic about the meaning of words as our fine hostess.
Plus unlike Law Professors who parse words to the nth degree, Defense attorneys tend to be a bit windy and hyperbolic.
He has fabulous character, I'll give him that.
Methinks his Mike Sylvester @1:18 PM has it right: Smollett’s contract is void if h pleads guilty or is convicted. Drag it out, baby.
Follow the money. The attorneys want to get paid, too.
I was born old.
"[Captcha has me mowing down bicycle riders until there are none left, again.]"
I had to exterminate a couple dozen buses to get here. That Captcha thing is in a mood today...
Ken B says: Yes. SJWs always double down. He denies it all. Even with the text messages and the cheque.
And the magazine from which he cut the letters for his 'hate mail'?
He should beg the judge for tbe maximum sentence under the law.
Karma is waiting for him on the street, and She has a real noose.
Ken B says: Yes. SJWs always double down. He denies it all. Even with the text messages and the cheque.
Oh please. He denies it all because his lawyers deny it all. Lawyers always double down.
You can't cop a plea if you confess to the world.
I wonder where "faked racial hatecrime" falls in the prison hierarchy.
Warning: Prison Rape Joke Ahead
Smollett bragged to Robin Roberts that he “comes hard at 45”
I wonder who will “come hard at CC3277828?”
When did the meaning of "impeccable" change to "dubious"?
The not so impeccable Winston Wolf said it best, "Because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character."
Smollett will walk, and the two Nigerians will do time. Really black people get really screwed.
Empire Fag Nigger, AKA Fear Mongrel, has an impeccable complexion.
"I wonder where "faked racial hatecrime" falls in the prison hierarchy."
Fear Mongrel can hold his head high if anyone asks "What's your pride?".
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