I wrote... on a public Facebook post (put up by my son John) that linked to "Nearly 60 percent of Trump’s schedule is ‘Executive Time,’ report says" (CNBC). CBC relies on this AXIOS report, which has a response from White House press secretary Sarah Sanders:
"President Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves. While he spends much of his average day in scheduled meetings, events, and calls, there is time to allow for a more creative environment that has helped make him the most productive President in modern history."A more creative environment.... That — not idling — is what should really set off the anti-Trumpsters.
Ah! I remember I have a tag for idleness. Now, I want to say, even if that executive time is idling, it should be respected. From a September 2017 post of mine:
2 of my favorite books are about idlers.Trump sure is!!
First — which I wrote about back in 2006, here and here — is "Essays in Idleness" by the 13th century Buddhist monk Kenko. He wrote:
What a strange, demented feeling it gives me when I realize I have spent whole days before this inkstone, with nothing better to do, jotting down at random whatever nonsensical thoughts have entered my head.And I said...
How much do you value your free time? Do you use it to rest and recover or do you use it to do work that, because it's done in your own time -- in time you own -- is transformed into pleasure?The second book is "An Apology for Idlers" by Robert Louis Stevenson. As I blogged a year ago, it begins:
BOSWELL: We grow weary when idle.Are you doing a great deal that is not recognized in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class?
JOHNSON: That is, sir, because others being busy, we want company; but if we were idle, there would be no growing weary; we should all entertain one another. Just now, when everyone is bound, under pain of a decree in absence convicting them of lèse-respectability, to enter on some lucrative profession, and labour therein with something not far short of enthusiasm, a cry from the opposite party who are content when they have enough, and like to look on and enjoy in the meanwhile, savours a little of bravado and gasconade. And yet this should not be. Idleness so called, which does not consist in doing nothing, but in doing a great deal not recognized in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class, has as good a right to state its position as industry itself....
AND: Now I'm thinking at the schoolmarms who point and children and say, "You! Sit in your seat!" And I'm thinking about the jobs that require you to punch a time clock. Have you ever had to punch a times clock? Did you ever want to literally punch a time clock? Like Buster Keaton...
... punch it like you might punch a schoolboy for smiling.
ALSO: Everybody's talking about Marie Kondo and "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up." They want help with decluttering and clearing their space of everything that's not doing them any good. If you don't want cluttered space — think about it — you don't want cluttered time.
PLUS: Commenter Hari links to the Wikipedia article, "Management by Walking Around" The term refers to "a style of business management which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner." The "unplanned movement within a workplace" contrasts to "a plan where employees expect a visit from managers at more systematic, pre-approved or scheduled times."
And — brace yourself Trump-haters — "Historian Stephen B. Oates asserts that Abraham Lincoln invented the management style by informally inspecting the Union Army troops in the early part of the American Civil War."
Hillary is corrupt.
Democrats: "We don't care. She's not Trump."
Rinse and repeat.
Lefties believe inherently that they and they alone are creative. Artistic. Avant Garde. Non-conformist. Etc.
Putting that word anywhere near Trump is sure to make them seeth.
Wait until some headline equates Trump's "executive time" to "mindfulness"...the small distant pops you'll hear around you will be their heads exploding.
RE: Meetings.
After my previous employer was bought out by new owners, I found myself in the following situation:
Half-hour meeting with my immediate supervisor every Friday.
One hour department-wide meeting every Monday.
Half-hour team meeting every single day.
That's four hours (10% of the workweek) gone to meetings right off the bat. Not an average of four hours, not occasionally four hours, that was the minimum. Every week.
And I wasn't a manager - I had absolutely noone working under me - I was one of the people who was supposed to be actually producing work.
In probably 90% of the professional meetings I've ever been a part of I feel like time was wasted and that there were far more efficient ways to cover the same content. The worst are conference calls, when it's just about to end and there's this one person who hasn't spoken the whole meeting suddenly pipes up and blathers for 5 minutes straight rehashing the points that were already discussed. What's up with that? I assume it's insecurity.
Wonderful quotes. Your blog is such a treat. Thanks.
Memo to self: time to re-read Boswell. And read Zen Buddhist monks.
I was watching CNN with the sound off when the graphic came up about 60% executive time. I wondered what that meant, but assumed, based on the name, that it was spent making decisions.
It's hard to see what's newsworthy about this. But since some people think there's an anti-Trump angle, well, there's your newsworthiness.
If I were President I'd want to have time to read stuff and think about it, as well as time to think about what was said in recent meetings and what I want out of upcoming meetings. And I'd want time to think about what else needs doing, and to review the performance of my subordinates, and to think about what they could and should be doing, etc.
The idea that all of my time should be taken up with meetings is nuts. This is just more TDS.
Every meeting must have an agenda beforehand, so we'll know why we're there and so we'll know when we're done. Otherwise it's a waste of time, even if the time belongs to the employer.
I assume Trump uses that time to ponder on what he might do next to increase the display of TDS by our so-called elites. I hope he can push it up to the level where there are massive suicides and maybe another Jonestown by these annoying libtards.
A man was watching Michelangelo just sitting looking at a block of marble. This went on for hours. The man finally asked Michelangelo what he was doing. “Working!” he said in surprise.
The staff wants to have meetings to read their briefing papers aloud to the President and take up so much time that only their ideas, hierarchically moving up the staff food chain, get considered. In short the staff wants to run the show. Under Trump - they don't. I would fire 60 % of them. And put the press, lying SOS somewhere else like the EOC.
The presidency is not a full-time job.
Ike and O had plenty of team to golf. Jimmy C had plenty of time to work on tennis court schedules. Trump has plenty of time to tweet.
I am reminded of this conversation about time with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF3sKyOSeYs (jump to 14:50). A busy schedule != successful leader.
In Trump's "idle time" he plots ways to screw up the anti-Trumpers!!!
Sounds good to me!
LMFAO. First comment is “Hillary...”
There’s only one way to interpret the Sarah Sanders rebuttal. That the Axios story is true and the leaked presidential schedules are legit. That the only possible claim to any inaccuracy is that Trump may have have done some unscheduled ad hoc meetings but otherwise these are true schedules.
With that, where is the Trump Derangement Syndrome? Axios has a documentary basis for this story that is, as far as I can see, undeniable.
If I he White House has a different story for how the president spends his time, let’s see it.
Heh; I'm reading this during idling time. I also make good money and my leadership thinks I exceed expectations. But then, I don't waste time with CNBC's opinions.
Lots of Presidential meetings are just someone giving the POTUS their opinion. Nixon was livid over the amount of time he had to waste listening to useless people and having cabinet meetings.
Trump is uninterested in the details. Like most of our great Presidents. BTW, Trump works more than Obama, Reagan, or Bush. When's the last time Trump took a week off?
The problem is deeper than just this political chaff.
The utilitarian (Modernist) worldview sees idleness as very bad because one's only value is producing something for someone. Remember, the ultimate praise for Thomas the Tank engine from Sir Topham Hat is that it ("he") is "a really useful engine".
What good are you if you are not producing pleasure, either directly or indirectly, for someone else. Any "idle time" contributes to you "being" inefficient in doing so, a modernist sin.
Can't take a hint can you Chuck?
@Chuck, if you want to know where the TDS is, use a mirror.
Who cares what Trump's schedule is? He could be playing TiddlyWinks, for all that matters. What does matter is what he accomplishes, not how he spends his time. Jimmy Carter was famously busy as President, and very much a policy nerd. He was also a terrible President.
“Executive time.” Hmm.
I always wanted to know what I should call my “Althouse time” to make it sound more productive and professional.
Chuck said...
Stop lying. Your ass is not off.
But you need to be.
I am reminded of this conversation about time with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates
Buffett correctly points out how people will devour your time if you don't control it.
I've learned to embrace 'No.'
The ever clueless Chuck asks:
"where is the Trump Derangement Syndrome? Axios has a documentary basis for this story that is, as far as I can see, undeniable."
That Axios thinks this is a story is the derangement, Chuck. The really hilarious thing to me, though, is that you are the same person who was complaining the other day that the Northam story was really unworthy of notice. In what way is Trump's daily schedule worthy of such notice?
In theory Trump may structure his executive time any way he pleases so long as he accomplishes the critical things he promised those who elected him. In practice Trump’s catostrophic failure to make progress on building a wall in the two years following his election (when Republicans held the House) implies a lack of effort, gross incompetence, or both.
I've gotten rid of lots of stuff over the past few years. I love unclutter. My goal is to have many empty drawers and cabinets.
rehajm, absolutely: the most important words I've learned over the last few years are "now's not a great time." saying it kindly, without showing agitation, but firmly takes a lot of practice, but it's worth it. crucial at the office, and with an additional "honey" at the end, an integral part of marriage maintenance.
I used to it just so I get work done (in peace and quiet) and not be bothered with endless CC's. I'd slide the time slot around ever week and named it a different misnomer. Plus learn to learn to leave that damn instant messaging app off.
Don't judge one's productivity by some silly calendar bookings............
What was the reason to leak these schedules?
Back in the day I used to do a lot of management by walking around. I also made sure that my team leads and subordinate managers understood that — unlike ordinary managers who never wanted to hear bad news — I hated to be blindsided by issues that had been festering for a while and finally exploded into a full-scale problem. We used a tool called Risk Radar to help keep track of the festering stuff.
Trump clearly states in "The Art Of The Deal" that he is not fond of over scheduling, that he is open to "free time" as a way of generating new ideas, or as was the case back then, deals.
"management by walking around" One of my bosses does that, and I always felt it was a very effective way to make sure that projects are moving and to hear about concerns.
I tried to explain to my youngest (a teenager) what the deal is with Foxnews, and the media in general.
She's being taught in some class that Foxnews is biased to the right, and that it should be disregarded.
I said, well, Yes, Foxnews is biased to the right, but CNN is also biased to the Left.
She replies that CNN should be disregarded too.
I add - well, it's not just CNN. You gotta look at the history and context of the media. Foxnews is new --only 20 years old. The entire media establishment (NYT, WAPost, ABC, CNN, CBS. NBC, Hollywood and University presses) are totally left wing. They squandered their journalistic good will by actively adopting and pursuing a biased leftwing agenda. In response to this dynamic, Foxnews emerged to serve an unserved population.
Think about it, the country voted 66 Mill for Hillary v. 63 Mill for Trunp (basically 50-50). So How come - I ask her -- in a 50-50 country, the media, Hollywood and the Universities are skewed 90-10 against Trump?
I'll let you know if its working on her.
Trump is particularly creative when he meets with folks from the intelligent agencies when he reformulates their reports into his wiser view of the world.
Now is a great time to hit the consignment shops. (and thrift stores)
roesch/voltaire believes strongly in the infallibility of our intelligence agaencies.
The very same agencies that have missed every single major event in the last 60 years.
The timing of those failures coinciding nicely with the phase out of the hard-charging WW2 trial by fire veterans and the phase in of the permanent ivy/soft guy "analyst" "professionals".
If they described Trump's policies and the effects of them on the economy, we'd have a more accurate idea of what's going on.
But then the media would have to put away their "Orange Man Bad"(tm) dolls.
Measured IQ drops after people are in meetings.
The effect is larger in women than in men.
Look it up.
I worked a job once where I had to punch a time clock for several months. Another person had the same first name as my last name, and another had the same first name as me, with a different spelling. They were both on the other shift. One week I got a paycheck showing 78 hours of overtime.
ABP -- Alway Be Presidenting
If there is one thing that has been proven beyond any challenge, it's that LLR Chuck does NOT appreciate conservatives being creative and disruptive to the plans of LLR Chuck's beloved lefties.
LLR Chuck is deeply deeply emotionally connected to Dick Durbin et al.
I have a pretty simple metric of Presidential effectiveness: If CNN hates it, it's got to be good, which is why I always vote for Republicans. If Hugo Chavez was our President, he'd be a hero over there, and like all socialist failures, he was at one point.
Daily Telegraph Feb 2013:
The performance of people in IQ tests after meetings is significantly lower than if they are left on their own, with women more likely to perform worse than men.
Researchers at the Virginia Tech Crilion Research institute in the US said people's performance dropped when they were judged against their peers.
Read Montague, who led the study, said: "You may joke about how committee meetings make you feel brain-dead, but our findings suggest that they may make you act brain-dead as well.
"We started with individuals who were matched for their IQ. Yet when we placed them in small groups, ranked their performance on cognitive tasks against their peers, and broadcast those rankings to them, we saw dramatic drops in the ability of some study subjects to solve problems. The social feedback had a significant effect"
I expect that Trump critics will look at these schedules and declare that Trump disassociated from normal Presidential scheduling and work habits in an unprecedented way.
And I expect that Trump fans will accept and follow Sarah Sanders explanations.
Two dramatically different interpretations.
What I do not expect is that the leaked schedules are fake. I think that they are presumptively genuine. The White House can make its own case if the schedules are not the real thing. Hence, my wonderment about “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in this context.
So it's proven, Trump is Lincolnesque.
Why would a loyal staff member leak these schedules? Maybe he/she/they want Americans to see what Trump really does with the majority of his time, which is not much but watching TV and talking on his phone, or tweeting. I always am amazed at the lengths to which Trump Cultists/ apologists go to make excuses for Trump. Now it’s to say he’s “creative”. Good lord, what next?
And yes, for pity sake, not every criticism of Trump is TDS. That is just too easy and lazy, yes lazy.
Real schedules, fake news, Chuck.
Even now we see LLR Chuck reeling under the pressure of delivering his daily anti-conservative anti-republican Smear Of The Day while no doubt pondering the tremendous work that lies ahead to obfuscate and deflect for his lefty allies.
Its enough to drive a #StrongCNNDefender to drink!
"The term refers to "a style of business management which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner.""
My boss is exactly like this and he is very successful.
One can only imagine the spittle-flecked rage consuming LLR Chuck last week when those astonishing job numbers came out at the very time blue collar wages were shown rising all just a week after China had caved and agreed to massive and sustained increased agricultural purchases.
All declared un-possible by LLR Chuck!!
It just keeps getting better and better.
Why is the term “executive time” immediately implied to be “unproductive” or “wasted” time? We aren’t told what he is actually doing in that executive time? Is it classified? Since he is the nations top executive, shouldn’t the majority of his time necessarily be “executive time.”
We aren’t actually shown the schedules, only told of them, and the only two options we are given are “meetings” or “executive time.” Is the argument that he should be in more meetings than actually getting work done?
Florence: "Why is the term “executive time” immediately implied to be “unproductive” or “wasted” time?"
Because the lefties/LLR trained house pets need a new talking point to smear Trump with to deflect from the incredible economic success and because the collusion lie has collapsed completely, as we all knew it must.
LLR Chuck's flailing has become ever more comical.
"Hence, my wonderment about “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in this context."
Dear Chuck,
That you refuse to let this go is a clear demonstration of TDS.
Tom Petty: You Don't Know How It Feels
My old man was born to rock
He's still tryin' to be the clock
Think of me what you will
I've got a little space to fill
Dr. Johnson wrote a long series of essays called The Idler
Chuck going by personal experience in running a business, most meetings are largely a waste of time. I don't care if Trump sleeps all day. I do care what decisions he makes. And so far on balance he has made rather good decisions with respects to outcomes. Employment up. Markets up. Taxes down. Regulations reduced. Conservative judges nominated. Substance over form. No other Republican would have done better and probably all of them even Ted Cruz would have caved in part to the Democrats. So besides your TDS, just exactly would any other of the Republican candidates would have done better? And please don't mention Kasich. He just came out of the closet as a Democrat in all but name. As for the Democrats, every day one can thank God Hillary wasn't elected president and just by judging the Communist clown show they are putting on let's pray they never get elected to the presidency again.
Stupid people look at the surface of things and draw conclusions.
Smart people think deeply about things and don't let the surface appearance fool them.
It was stupid to look at Barack Obama's perfectly creased pant leg and conclude he was going to be a good President.
It'd be stupid for someone, especially a Life Long Republican, to conclude that Trump is dumb or a bad President due to how he allegedly schedules/spends his time.
Do none of you remember the various Media narratives about Reagan?? Any LifeLongRepublican would surely remember.
I am sure the Democrats would love to see the President's time being controlled by his staff and his sources of information be limited to what they find fit to provide in scheduled meetings.
But that is how businesses - and empires - go under.
SNL: Ronald Reagan - Mastermind
It all depends on what Trump does in executive time--there are many possible productive uses, constructive thinking, planning, study, meditation, exercise, relaxation, to name only a few. Watching Fox news, or other cable outlets, or ruminating about grievances, to name some other alternatives, maybe not so much. Similarly, isolation can be good, if not pursued to excess. Or maybe the answer is that Trump's bandwidth only permits a few hours of more traditional interactive time every day. The ultimate proof is in the pudding--Roosevelt worked only a few hours a day in the last 18 months of his life, but managed to be reasonably effective--but he had better helpers than Trump--Stimnson and George Marshall, among others. One thing that seems clear from the available evidence is that Trump is not using executive time to be a hands on or walking around manager. His level of knowledge of the details, and of the people who work for him, don't seem to support that view.
cubanbob: "And please don't mention Kasich. He just came out of the closet as a Democrat in all but name."
That's what LLR Chuck reveres most about open dem-policy-suporter Kasich.
Btw, Kasich's father was a postal worker which is why its okay for Kasich to bump a woman to coach on a flight...because he is a real man of the people.
Where did the AXIOS story say that Trump’s “executive” time was laziness or was wasted time? My impression was that Trump gets up early; he watches Fox & Friends and some other shows. Numerous campaign insiders have remarked how Trump likes to watch several televisions at once.
He’s doing that, and reading newspapers, and talking on the phone with friends and advisors.
Now; if that is not the case, the White House can try to show us otherwise. Give us something to demonstrate how hard Trump is working on hard policy matters. Show us what he is reading. How he is managing the Executive Branch.
In the AXIOS story, the White House operations manager Tweeted her fury at the leak of the schedules. Why is she so angry? That is, if the schedules are benign indicators of nothing more than a particular managerial style that Trump actually prides himself on, what is the problem?
"The people who schedule a lot of meetings maybe have a bureaucratic mindset and care about the superficiality of looking busy."
Ya... in my 20+ years working at a certain hugely successful semiconductor corporation, I often ran into these officious busybody types. They'd insist they needed/wanted to be included in all sorts of meetings - even issues that only peripherally concerned them. Then you go look at their schedules and see that most every hour of every day is booked out weeks in advance.
It seemed like there were more and more of them as I neared retiring - and now nearly 10 years on that company isn't the industry's shining star anymore.
Who is surprised by this:
Who can forget how many times LLR Chuck bent over backwards praising hack leftists and dems for their "professionalism" (CNBC hack Harwood), "brilliance" (Maddow), "competence" (Durbin), "masterful" (Lawrence Friggin' O'Donnell!!!), "magnificent" (obama), etc.
The list of dems/lefties praised by Chuck is ENDLESS!
Heritage calls Trump the most conservative repubican in our lifetime AND more successful in office than Reagan!
This is what freaks LLR Chuck out! A successful conservative republican president...its a LLR Chuck nightmare..
Wonder what box of chocolates whitmer has in store.
Blogger cubanbob said...
Chuck going by personal experience in running a business, most meetings are largely a waste of time. I don't care if Trump sleeps all day. I do care what decisions he makes. And so far on balance he has made rather good decisions with respects to outcomes. Employment up. Markets up. Taxes down. Regulations reduced. Conservative judges nominated. Substance over form. No other Republican would have done better and probably all of them even Ted Cruz would have caved in part to the Democrats. So besides your TDS, just exactly would any other of the Republican candidates would have done better? And please don't mention Kasich. He just came out of the closet as a Democrat in all but name. As for the Democrats, every day one can thank God Hillary wasn't elected president and just by judging the Communist clown show they are putting on let's pray they never get elected to the presidency again.
Markets and employment are great; continuing their upward climb that began at least as early as Obama’s second term.
The tax bill was, by all accounts the product of concerted work by Congressional Republicans; what sort of hard policy input did Trump have? Where did Presidential work make a difference?
On judges, we are in an unprecedented new world since the Dems did away with the filibuster for lower court Artcle III judges and since Leader McConnell did away with Supreme Court filibusters.
No matter what you think of these things as good, bad or indifferent; they are not the product of diligent personal work by Trump.
Good News Chuck!!
It appears Northam might just have a Stolen Valor problem on his hands!!
Just think, now it wont just be Stolen Valor dem hack liar Da Nang Dick Blumenthal you can vigorously defend!!
LLR Chuck certainly has every DNC/Media Matters talking point down pat!!
Well MSNBC is like a year long python sketch where they didnt tell the punchline
Ever since Harwood stopped sleeping with Cantwell his scoops have been fewer.
narciso: "Ever since Harwood stopped sleeping with Cantwell his scoops have been fewer."
Careful now. Ever since Harwood laughed and bragged about how he worked to wreck one of the republicans debate LLR Chuck has become one of Harwoods biggest booster and will not allow any criticism of this complete lefty hack dem fake "journalist" to go unanswered.
And yes, for pity sake, not every criticism of Trump is TDS.
No. But yours is. Because you constantly complain about the stupidest, most trivial things.
Wow, I never knew I had Abraham Lincoln's management style! I've been doing that my whole life!
Seems like a mole hunt to me. Two categories of time spent. Meetings,and, Not Meetings. My schedule looks just like that. Yet, retired and still clocking 20 to 40 hours a week. The, Not Meeting, takes place alot from 5AM to 8AM. and after 6PM.
An overly simplistic schedule got leaked, like maybe it was left lying about to see who might pick it up and "share" the nugget of gold.
In 2 years, President Trump has accomplished more that any President of modern times. Leftist are way more swayed by style than substance.
Remember how the lefties/LLRs swooned over the number of air miles traveled by Hillary?
Good times, good times...
When you add up Trump's. golf time, his "creative" time and his walking around the WH time one can see why he has a huge amount of time to devote to thinking about his fence and the tower in Moscow.
Democratic cockholster Chuck said: "Markets and employment are great; continuing their upward climb that began at least as early as Obama’s second term."
What a load of horseshit. It was Dear Leader Obama who told us the abysmal employment records and lackluster economic growth during his Presidency was "the new normal" and that Trump would need "a magic wand" to improve things.
Trump gets into office, works at getting the federal government out of the goddamn way--and the economy booms.
If you hate Trump don't you want him to not do anything besides watch Fox News? These people are lame.
Trial Lawyers learn early that the part of the job spent reading transcripts, interviewing witnesses and doing the paperwork is a part of their job that can become a continuous activity that misses the key reason people hire you.
The good trial Lawyers know they are hired to spend hours and hours thinking about the case.
Eureka, Trump wins another one.
Exactly Birches, they're mad at Trump for not doing things they don't want him to do.
Mark Jones I’d very much like to meet you, so that you could call me “Democratic cockholder” to my face.
In the meantime, as regards the rise of the stock market over the last 10 years, here is the 10 year daily chart DJIA:
And here is the national monthly unemployment chart for the last ten years;
So yes, the grand rise in the U.S. stock market began well before 2012, and cooled off in 2018. The unemployment rate under Obama went from about 8% in 2012, down to about 5% when Trump took office and that same general job creation rate has continued under Trump.
Markets and employment are great; continuing their upward climb that began at least as early as Obama’s second term.
The first five words are accurate. The rest of that assertion is technically true in that Obama was still in his second term of office after Trump's election and until Inauguration. But a reasonable person would ascribe the economic improvement to the correct belief that Trump would improve the business climate once inaugurated, and not the sad fact that Obama would still be President until Trump was sworn in.
@Chuck, tell us your real name and address and I'll be glad to tell you anything you don't want to hear.
Bring a gun. Ain't saying you'll need it, but the ignominy of being beaten to a pulp by a septuagenarian might be difficult to live with.
Thanks HoodlumDoodlum for the great Reagan SNL sketch. There was an equally great sketch a few years earlier of Jimmy Carter, Micromanager.
LLR Chuck goes the violence route, again.
You'd think by now his (likely) therapy sessions would have yielded a better result.
Remember, LLR Chuck thinks obama was "magnificent"!!
China's economy has slowed dramatically, Japan, Germany, England, really most of Europe heading toward a recession, India's economy is slowing. Almost the entire globe is in a financial slowdown. Except the United States.
US labor participation rate is higher than its been for more than 10 years (unemployment numbers are cooked by Dems and Republicans alike)
Democrats have been telling the voters that the new normal was sustained mediocrity.
Of course the reality is Obama was coming out of a recession. So growth was as surprising as beer drinking at a Super Bowl. The Growth was, the slowest recovery since the great depression. Strung out due to Obama's bad economic policies and kept afloat by the FED's use of artificial Quantitative Easing. Basically the fed buys up US bonds(debt) because no one else would. The massive amount of money the govt pumped into the economy had barely any effect at all on the speed of the recovery from doing nothing at all.
When asked on election night 2016,when the stock market would recover from the election of President Tump, Paul Krugman,Nobel Prize winning economist, stated that, "the short answer is probably never".
Blogger Drago said...
Remember, LLR Chuck thinks obama was "magnificent"!!
You keep doing that misquotes from me; mischaracterizations of me; fabrications of quotes or contexts.
Challenged repeatedly, you have never linked to any “magnificent” quote from me.
I enthusiastically supported McCain in 2008. Romney in 2012. And I held my nose to vote for Trump in 2016.
Your continual trash talk on this is pure garbage.
Thanks for setting Drago straight, Chuck. Excellent reparte from a skilled racoontour. I'm sure he'll let you alone from now on.
Howard: "Thanks for setting Drago straight, Chuck. Excellent reparte from a skilled racoontour. I'm sure he'll let you alone from now on."
Howard, we have got to get together for a beer sometime.
I'm buying. Its the least I can do for you democrats having to deal with a strong dem ally like Chuck.
Dick Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "Your continual trash talk on this is pure garbage."
Not "garbage" Chuck. Remember? You called it "greasy". I guess any old word starting with "g" will do in a pinch..
Drago: I still owe you a beer for the AF crack.
Have wasted hundreds of hours in meetings, basically telling other people what I was doing (not that they needed to know) and hearing what they were doing (which I generally already knew).
Almost everything useful you learn as a manager you learn by blabbing with people in the hallways or in offices in the interstices of your day.
I ran a department for many years without holding any meetings--we'd get together for a few minutes at a time as necessary and it was the best-working department in the office--not because of me, but because of the camaraderie.
Meetings are twaddle, and anyone who thinks the President needs to sit in a bunch of meetings has never run anything.
Howard: "Drago: I still owe you a beer for the AF crack."
Thats right! I forgot. Must be the concussion protocols.
Btw Howard, did you hear? The bus carrying the Rams offensive unit was late and is now just showing upbat the stadium.
I can believe that Trump eats trashy food and occasionally overeats. I can believe that Trump fools around with pornstars. I can believe that Trump is s braggart who frequently stretches the truth.......l don't believe that Trump is lazy, mentally unbalanced, or has some kind of piss fetish.,,,,,Trump takes far less liberties with the truth than the media that covers him. His sexual morals might even be superior to many of those media stars. I think most of the media figures have a better diet and are on a more rigorous physical training program than him. They've really got him there.
Chuck said...
Mark Jones I’d very much like to meet you, so that you could call me “Democratic cockholder” to my face.
Chuck, if Mark is busy, I'm your huckleberry. But why are you here? Meadehouse has banned you from the site.
Oh and it's "cockholster," I'm sure. Or is that the error to which you object?
Big Mike said...
@Chuck, tell us your real name and address and I'll be glad to tell you anything you don't want to hear.
Apologies, BM, I didn't know there was a line.
And Lincoln famously said about the often-drunken Grant:
I can't spare this man. He fights.
Trump fights against Fake News.
Like a CNN which claims Trump's SOTU speech includes partisan attacks.
There were no partisan attacks.
Trump fights. Reps need a fighter.
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