Said Harry Reid, who is dying but still talking, still striving for the flourish of an analogy.
Quoted at CNN.
ADDED: Donald Trump always hits back, even at a dying man who's only trying to get in his last licks.
Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2019
Harry Reid would have been on the bench for the Washington Senators. No hit, no glove.
Reid's dying? Is it something really painful? Asking for a friend.
Trump didn't even mention corruption, so he was being kind.
Hey Harry, thanks for all those judges.
Who at CNN thought "Hmmm....I have a great idea! Let's talk to Harry Reid and see what he's thinking about today!!"?
so... the chemo is melting his brain?
Trump knows stuff you and I don't know. Stuff that isn't intellectual and bookish.
Lefties continue to tell me that Trump's a gangster who dealt with the Mafia in NYC and Atlantic City.
How the hell else do you get anything built in NYC or Atlantic City?
This always hitting back, always pushing in or pulling out his chips, is his strategy and it works.
DOW back to almost 26,000.
Which George Bush? Because George W Bush was and still is called a war criminal by the left.
Harry Reid lied on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney. MITT ROMNEY
Trump is wrong. He should have said Harry Reid’s “failed public service.”
Reaid’s “career” was corruption at which he succeeded spectacularly.
Harry Reid would have been on the bench for the Washington Senators
The Washington Generals.
Babe Ruth didn’t invade Iraq or bail out Wall Street. And he didn’t get to MLB because of his Dad.
It’s a disgrace to compare W to Babe Ruth.
Trump is never not classless.
I agree with EDH. I wouldn't call Reid's career "failed. He succeeded in damaging the Senate as a collegial institution and the United States as a whole.
So Harry Reid was ashamed and embarrassed when Bruce Ackerman suggested that the Senate refuse to confirm Bush judicial appointees because his election was illegitimate? And when Judge Calabresi compared him to Mussolini? Not to mention the Bushitler signs. How much more admirable and credible Reid would be now, if he had expressed his shame and embarrassment publicly at the time.
Frack Harry Reid- make that SOB give back the millions of $$ that he & his family made by the corruption of HR.
"George W Bush was and still is called a war criminal by the left."
Because he was and still is.
Maybe W can eulogize Harry Reid. He’s good at that ceremonial stuff. Like children’s dress up games.
That's a real poke in the eye.
Trump has too much respect for Reid not to trash him as he’s dying.
It's impolite to speak ill of the dead but Reid isn't dead (yet) and continues to attack his political opponents. Trump responds to the attack. Turnabout is fair play.
CNN made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Have you noticed that leadership level Mormons hate the Christians. They must fear them.
Oh yeah, I forgot, we like the Bushes now
Harry Reid lied on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney.
falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus
And by the way, I absolutely question the patriotism not only of Harry Reid, but of the lickspittle Democrat senators who do readily fell in line behind him. It soils the word to have it come from his mouth.
Cognitive dissonance. Trump did make the team, and he plays every position.
Harry Reid did an awful lot of damage to the U.S. Senate.
Harry Reid, who is dying
Reid claimed that he is already dead: "As soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you’re dead."
Reid earned a public toilet as his monument. Preferably with him at the bottom.
Maybe no one ever questioned George H. W. Bush's patriotism, but I do remember Alec Baldwin, fresh off the success of The Hunt for Red October, calling him a "CIA mass murderer."
Also I gather Prescott Bush was a huge Nazi sympathizer, which is unacceptable and in no way comparable to Joe Kennedy Sr.
Reid? Who is that? Oh the guy who gave the Republicans the 'nuke' option?
Hahahahaha.... man he was herpes to the Democrats. Tough nuts.
more fun....
Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a "scientific consensus" that life will be hard for kids.
You Heard It Here FIRST!
there is a "scientific consensus" that life will be hard !!!
to quote an old movie:
And that's the way life is. But the thing is... no one ever said it would be fun. At least... no one ever said it to me.
I didnt agree when Tony spilotro tried to blow up harry Reid, but I begin to understand it.
"Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a "scientific consensus" that life will be hard for kids."
Here's hoping AOC takes her own advice.
Progressives have no standing whatsoever to call anyone a "war criminal". For 100 years they have excused and apologized for, if not supported, every left-wing genocidal maniac.
First of a series:
And furthermore:
@Robert Cook - lack of concern for class is Trump’s super-power
Harry Reid would've been the one kicked out of the league for fixing games.
I wonder why Adam Schiff and Gerry Nadler never investigated how Reid, on a poor government salary, managed to amass a $30M fortune during his tenure. Surely there's more prima facie evidence of corruption there than in anything Trump's stubby fingers have been in. I'm so confused on what motivates these rat-faced bastards...I mean Democrats.
In Reid’s defense, he really only went seriously to the left when he rose to the top of the heap in the Democrats in the Senate. I seriously doubt that he was all that liberal otherwise, but to stay their leader in the Senate, he had to say what his caucus Demanded of him. I think that he would say or do most anything to keep that post at the top of the Democrats in the Senate. What he was was a bare knuckles fighter. He always was a fighter. As I have recounted here before, my partner grew up in Las Vegas, and their family would on occasion get together with the Reids, and another family or two, and their flocks of kids would play together. She remembers that flock of tow headed Reids, though she and her siblings were several years earlier. One thing that their fathers had in common, besides each having 5 kids, was that both were former Golden Gloves boxers. Never fought each other. Her father boxed when he still lived across the border in CA, and was much bigger, at 6’3” and north a bit of 200 lbs when he was still fighting, and Reid presumably fought in NV growing up. But they would talk boxing. A lotThis was while he was still practicing law in Las Vegas, and before he got into politics. I should add that I also practiced law with one of Reid’s boys. Really a nice guy. You wanted to hate him for his father’s political successes, but couldn’t. Went well beyond Mormon Nice (similar, I think to the WI Nice we have been talking about). Used to joke with him about coming from families with lawyer fathers, and sons following them into the business. Only time when he ever seemed to get riled up was when his father was attacked.
I wonder why Adam Schiff and Gerry Nadler never investigated how Reid, on a poor government salary, managed to amass a $30M fortune during his tenure.
Say what you will about Trump, but he was rich before he went into office.
I checked and Reid really is referring to George W. Bush and not the WWII veteran George H.W. Bush.
Reid personally witnessed W getting hundreds of thousands of people killed in a war for no good reason, authorizing the spying on Americans without warrants, and being ultimately responsible for the torture of prisoners. And NONE of that matters.
This is why we got Trump. It's not just the moral, ethical, and spiritual corruption. It's the arrogant stupidity.
Life WILL be hard for kids because Socialists will be in charge.
"...people should consider not having children due to climate change...."
See, then people will be free to turn their life's savings over to the AOC Foundation.
Speaking of corrupt Reid - looks like the Corrupt Clinton machine is gearing up for a 2020 money grubbing refuses to go away run.
I don't normally speak ill of the dead, or in this case the near dead...
But I'll make an exception for Harry Reid. One of the most venal, corrupt, dishonest, reprehensible pieces of s**t to ever darken the halls of Congress.
But when he dies, I will not go and p*** on his grave.
Mostly because I hate standing in long lines.
Agosto claimed that Mr. Cleanface was Harry Reid, then chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and sporting a cleanshaven, boyish look. Agosto’s claims were echoed by former Tropicana Hotel part-owner Deil Gustafson, who testified about Reid’s relationship to Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown.
Harry might have been a boxer but, like a lot of boxers, he was mobbed up big time.
They captured some of this in casino with the older smothers brothers playing sen Harrison
"He led through lies and deception,"
And you led through despicable lies, fraud, and deception.
"And by the way, I absolutely question the patriotism not only of Harry Reid, but of the lickspittle Democrat senators who do readily fell in line behind him. It soils the word to have it come from his mouth"
And that's what made me laugh reading Althouse's post. Reid's implication that he was ever in a position to question anyone's patriotism. What a piece of shit.
Falsely claiming a political opponent has not paid his taxes is just as vile as questioning his patriotism.
I saw a first Tulsi Gabbard bumper sticker yesterday.
One of the most venal, corrupt, dishonest, reprehensible pieces of s**t to ever darken the halls of The Presidency.
Have you noticed that leadership level Mormons hate the Christians. They must fear them.
Yes, there’s nothing quite like the fierce Christian-hatin’ of Hatch, Huntsman, and Romney.
Trump is successful.
Don’t drag us down in the misery and failure you love.
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism.
Shut up, Harry, you'll be stone dead in a minute.
DOW at 26,000
Inga prays that we become Venezuela.
How many people starving to death would satisfy your idealism, Inga?
Ah, the old Liberal Standby;
If only [insert current Republican] was a honest patriotic and honorable opponent like [insert dead/retired Republican]. Those were the days!
Harry Reid lied on the Senate floor about Mitt Romney. MITT ROMNEY
Reid never paid a price for the lie about Romney's taxes. When asked after the election, he smiled and said "Romney lost, didn't he?"
CNN loves nasty Dems.
There's one thing you can never take away from Harry Reid: Class.
Commies like Inga love bread lines.
Gives jobs to commissars of distribution and allocation.
Harry Reid has called republicans racists, nazis, fascists, and bigots.
I'm going to be so sad when he dies.
zipity@9:19: Bravo!
Fortunately, what with all the graft, and illegal campaign contributions Reid's family will be well taken care of.
Inga, a lot of the people who "question Trump's patriotism" don't even like this country. Who gives a hoot what they think.
"But when he dies, I will not go and p*** on his grave.Mostly because I hate standing in long lines."
Ha. Well, give the public what it wants...
What we really need, Inga, is more witch hunts for bigots, right?
More jobs for the apparatchiks.
People love Trump because he counter-attacks.
"George W Bush was and still is called a war criminal by the left."
But the Left says Trump is worse. How is that possible?
Reid was a reprobate among reprobates, just the worst of the worst. He was and is a nasty, destructive person even by the low standards of the Senate and the House. But ultimately he's just a symptom, like an erupting pustule indicates the presence of an infection.
People like him prove the point that any organization of human beings with real power will become corrupted over time. Sorts like Reid are attracted to corrupted power like flies to manure.
Ppower must always be kept diffuse and ephemeral. Ideally any Senator or Congress Critter should be limted to one term. "Politician" should not be a career.
ADDED: Donald Trump always hits back, even at a dying man who's only trying to get in his last licks.
If you're trying to "get in your last licks", then you are a fair and legitimate target.
Trump's the moral one here, he's hitting Reid when he can still respond. Of course, Reid can't respond, because he is an evil, low-life weasel, so Trump's attacks against him are essentially true
Who at CNN thought "Hmmm....I have a great idea! Let's talk to Harry Reid and see what he's thinking about today!!"?
The alternative was reporting on the upcoming summit between Trump and Kim.
Better to make up some news to crowd out the actual news that conflicts with the news you made up yesterday.
Interesting for the second link, Wynn reports went narrowly for the Democrats, since the indictment of its chair
I see mockturtle and I must share the "music of the spheres" and zipity must be my long-lost blood brother... :)
One of the most venal, corrupt, dishonest, reprehensible pieces of s**t to ever darken the halls of The Presidency.
The Ingas bark, but the Trump caravan moves on.
AOC is his real daughter
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism."
DOW +26,000.
Record low unemployment
Pulling out of pointless foreign wars.
I'll take Trump's version of patriotism.
Is there even one Dem or Dem MSMer who has expressed any revulsion at the character of this man?
I wouldn't put it past him to be lying about dying. I wanna see proof, and soon.
"he knew the flagpole was frozen,
but he was dying to get in a few last licks"
dronex pro
dronex pro review
Can you name how Trump is corrupt - Inga? Actual proof.
We can name how YOUR candidate Hilary is corrupt,. All day long.
According to the left- Patriotism = Private Server for Private Cash Flow from international sources - while heading a major department of the US Government.
People say, not me, that Reid received $100 million from El Chapo. Someone form his office called me. I don't know why Reid is worth $30 million, its probably a lot more. He should release his tax returns.
According to the left - Patriotism is to slime a kid in a MAGA hat and an incorrect smile.
"One of the most venal, corrupt, dishonest, reprehensible pieces of s**t to ever darken the halls of The Presidency."
Yes, but thank God that that was just as First Lady, and that Hillary will never be President!
I agree that Trump paid Reid a compliment by attacking him--to ignore him would have been an unkind cut indeed.
Reid, on the other hand, is an SOB. Trump made the team all by himself, against huge opposition.
While I wish no man ill (and wouldn't wish pancreatic cancer on anybody0 the truth is that some men leave the world better off once they shuffle off this mortal coil. In many ways Harry Reid was (and still is) a vile little man. Political parties need such people to put the knife in when necessary or valuable---but they are best kept locked up in a closet and out of sight. It was Harry's misfortune (and ours as well) that circumstances put him out front as a "leader". Pass peacefully Harry--but for God's sake pass soon.
I don't question Trump's patriotism as it is the last refuge of a putinous traitor.
Althouse said..."Donald Trump always hits back, even at a dying man who's only trying to get in his last licks."
Normally I would say leave the dying man in peace, but Harry Reid is a detestable human being. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Trump is never not classless.
And I thought Cook's ideal was a classless society... live and learn.
What is it with these people that live lives most would consider very successful (at least outwardly) that can’t stop bitching and moaning even in the last ‘shitting yourself days’ of hospice care?
First MCCain with his “I’m a maverick Trump sucks (even tho he got elected POTUS and I failed to do so), and now Harry Reid? Good Lord, you’re dying man, literally dying! Start focusing on family and the upcoming visit (however long or short) with your maker. You either made enough money or you didn’t, made a good difference or you didn’t, your only unfinished business (if you believe) is to get right with God. And you better hurry because for some of us that’ll take a lot more time than for others. Start now.
I will NOT be doing this kind of petty garbage in my final days (May they be decades and decades away).
Honestly, it’s just so.... unbecoming.
Reid became a wealthy man while serving as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. Did the MSM ever ask him to account for those riches?
Thought not.
There’s a reason in I think Goodfellas the Nevada casino guy working for the gaming commission looked like Harry Reid.
Nonapod said...
Ppower must always be kept diffuse and ephemeral. Ideally any Senator or Congress Critter should be limted to one term. "Politician" should not be a career.
One of the reasons Washington insiders dislike Trump- he's not a career politician.
One of the reasons MSM reporters can't figure out what or why Trump is doing something- Trump's viewpoint is from a businessman's perspective, not a politician's.
In the business world, winning and losing has real consequences. Each and every business deal stands on it's own. And when you make deals over money, and this is important to understand, it's your money. I remember a few years back in NY reading the news about the "compromise" reached in the budget deal between the governor, assembly, and senate. The newspaper was praising the compromise budget. The "compromise" budget was more than the original proposed budget from either of the three. That's not a compromise in the way real people understand it. And they could declare themselves winners in the negotiations because, now pay attention, this is important-it wasn't their money. It was my money, and my neighbor's money, and money from other taxpayers of NY. None of the politicians stood to lose anything- they had no skin in the game. No consequences for them. Negotiations like that in the business world would result in bankruptcy for everyone.
Let's look at the latest budget deal. Trump wanted $5 billion for a wall. A rounding error in the federal budget today. Nope- he can't have it. He signed the bill anyway- and has $8.1 billion to spend on the wall. How? He had people look at all the laws and budget items already on the books, and used laws and resolutions already passed that gave him what he wanted. And none of them saw it coming, or realized he had it all lined up to begin with. Now he's got the entire Democrat party (well, the entire uniparty) on record as supporting illegal immigration and being against stopping it. Pre-internet- everyone would know Trump was a big loser. Now, everyone can see what he's actually doing.
If Putin’s grand strategy for the U.S. is Trump style peace and prosperity, then thank you Uncle Vlad!
The Clinton's patriotism is all abortion on demand and sex with an intern in the oval office.
I did not have sex with that women.
She did not use that private server for anything but yoga.
DOW +26,000!
Record low unemployment!
Pulling out of foreign entanglements!
Everyone is going to die eventually. If Reid wants to make attacks against Donald Trump during his limited time here on Earth, that's his prerogative, but it's BS to get appalled because Trump responds.
I felt the same way about John McCain.
Trump didn't even mention corruption, so he was being kind.
Exactly; he's pretty corrupt. Nor the consequential lie Harry kept up through the 2012 election, saying Mitt didn't file taxes. Mitt did, of course, but they kept repeating the lie. When called on it after the election, Harry said "We won, didn't we?" That's all that mattered to him.
It is good to read people placing Reid and McCain on a similar plane.
They were both terribly nasty people as senators who deserve ill will.
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism.
That’s the half whose IQs only have two digits.
Of course dingy Harry Reid misses Dubya. Dubya was a squish in his second term and had begun seeking that "strange new respect" that the Dems accord to Republicans who abandon honor and good sense to side with them.
If you took a poll of Democrats across the country, barely 20% would even know who Harry Reid is or was.
A totally useless poll.
I'm surprised this post doesn't have a "civility bullshit" tag. Reid said all kinds of vile things about 43 at the time, and has the gall to say now well shucks sure we had our differences but our battles were only political battles. What a load. Fire at will President Trump.
(One reason we have Trump is the end of the Doormat Era of GOP politics).
Every time I see or think about Harry Reid, I just see the real-life version of Senator Pat Geary.
And I thought Cook's ideal was a classless society.
Untrue. In communism and socialism class is determined by your closeness to government authority rather than money. But it still exists.
"Every time I see or think about Harry Reid, I just see the real-life version of Senator Pat Geary."
#MeToo. Except instead getting caught in bed with a dead hooker, he was pummeled by his own exercise machine (aka a disgruntled paying customer who wrote some rather large checks).
Every time I see or think about Harry Reid, I just see the real-life version of Senator Pat Geary.
My offer is this: nothing. Not even the $20,000 for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.
more fun news!
Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who was seen as a progressive icon on the bench, heard the dispute and participated in a preliminary vote. The appeals court then issued an opinion in his name nine days after he passed away in March 2018.
But the high court, vacating the decision of a federal appeals court, said Monday that “federal judges are appointed for life, not for eternity.”
it's too bad they nixed this, it would have been a good precedent for RBG. You always vote Leftist, so why let the fact that you've Died stop you
Bay Area Guy said...
If you took a poll of Democrats across the country, barely 20% would even know who Harry Reid is.
If you took a poll of Democrats across the country, barely 20% would even know what the day of the week was. {fixed it for you :}
Reid has proven himself to be the kind of guy who you always have to assume is lying. He lies even when it's entirely unnecessary or even unproductive. He just can't help it.
“Harry might have been a boxer but, like a lot of boxers, he was mobbed up big time.”
Not a professional boxer, just amateur. What he very likely was, was a mob attorney at a time when casinos were moving from pure mob control to the boardroom. Which means mob connections, but not mob membership. It was always an interesting association between the mobs running the casinos and the Mormons running Las Vegas, which they arguably still do to this day, but were in firm control when Reid was starting his law practice. When I was in that firm and practicing law in NV, there was an adage that if you wanted to win in court, you had better have a Mormon sitting at counsel table in court. Their influence was ubiquitous. For example, while Reid’s four boys and son-in-law mostly seemed to have started at the biggest law firm in the state, by the time I was there, 4 of 5 were with different firms, including the #2 and #3 largest firms in the state, and the youngest was still in-house. And they tended to focus on lobbying and regulatory affairs, which primarily means gaming and liquor licenses in NV. Which is likely the focus of their father’s law practice before he went into politics.
We can't miss you if you won't go away. But I won't promise we'll miss you either.
Does Libya make Obama a war criminal? Asking for a friend....
Howard said...
I don't question Trump's patriotism as it is the last refuge of a putinous traitor.
Bet Howard loves Stalin almost as much as he hates Trump.
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism.
Amazingly stupid, even for her.
Trump is hated because he puts America first. Gullible people are tricked into believing he is sexist, racist, etc by shear repetition, so they must hate him.
Trump has proven himself to be the kind of guy who you always have to assume is lying. He lies even when it's entirely unnecessary or even unproductive. He just can't help it.
Trump is hated because he puts himself first. Gullible people are tricked into believing he cares about America because of sheer stupid Cultism, so they must love him.
Thanks for proving my point.
Keep hope alive !
OF course it was fake.
"When the home of Nikki Joly burned down in 2017, killing five pets, the FBI investigated it as a hate crime.
After all, the transgender man and gay rights activist had received threats after having a banner year in this conservative town.
In the prior six months, he helped open the city’s first gay community center, organized the first gay festival and, after 18 years of failed attempts, helped lead a bruising battle for an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays.
For his efforts, a local paper named him the Citizen of the Year.
Authorities later determined the fire was intentionally set, but the person they arrested came as a shock to both supporters and opponents of the gay rights movement. It was the citizen of the year — Nikki Joly."
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism. - Inga
No. More than half the US doesn't question his patriotism. More than half the country can barely be bothered to vote.
However, fifth-column shits like you should question his patriotism. Because it reveals the real enemy within.
Americans’ favorability perception of the United States’ image around the world is the highest it’s been since the start of the Iraq War in 2003, according to a new Gallup poll.
Fifty-eight percent of Americans surveyed said that they believe the United States is viewed “very” or “somewhat favorably” in the eyes of the world, up slightly from 55 percent last year.
Notably, that is the highest net favorability rating since 2003, when Gallup recorded 61 percent of respondents believe the United States was viewed favorably in the world’s eyes.
More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism. - Inga
Ah, I remember the good old days when questioning someone's patriotism was considered out of line. Oh wait, that was just questioning left wingers' patriotism. All leftist principles are nullified when the party targeted switches.
Harry Reid’s record in the Senate was loathsome. I have sincere doubts about the veracity of Reid’s story concerning his “exercise injury.” Two of them in fact. Incredibly.
But with all of the insults that could rightfully be flung at Harry Reid, why did Trump allege that Reid was “thrown out”? Thrown out of the United States Senate, one presumes. And not a bowling league or a nightclub.
But by all accounts, Reid retired. After 30 years in the Senate — Nevada’s longest-serving U.S. Senator — Reid announced in early 2015 games hat he would not seek re-election in 2016. It was as unrushed as a Senate retirement could be. Beyond question, no official or unofficial process was ever invoked to get Reid out of the Senate.
How is saying that Harry Reid “was thrown out” of the Senate count as a taunt that is even remotely sensible?
Althouse didn’t question that issue or even mention Trump’s apparent Derangement in that regard. I am asking if anybody can make sense of it. If there is a very big unreported story about why Reid’s retirement was forced and not voluntary, I’d like to know about it. The White House press corps should absolutely grill the President, and his press secretary and everyone in Senate leadership about it until it’s clear. I wouldn’t have any sympathy for Reid in any event. But my real interest would be getting to the bottom of Trump’s weird, cloddish taunt.
Reid went full Kinsley with this comment about Trump, and more notably himself:
"I just have trouble accepting him as a person, so frankly I don't see anything he's doing right."
Of course, the severe eye damage administered to him by his trusty Bowflex doesn't help, but the blinders are self-applied.
the severe eye damage administered to him by his trusty Bowflex
Is that the guy's name ?
Trump approval ratings, 538 blog
Inga: "More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism."
The democrats said GW Bush actively conspired with osama bin laden to destroy the twin towers.
The democrats said GW Bush had the levees in New Orleans blown up to kill off a "chocolate city".
The democrats said voting republican in the GW Bush era was voting to have another black church burn.
The democrats said GW Bush was responsible for the murder of James Byrd in Texas.
The democrats said GW Bush was a racist.
The democrats said GW Bush was "literally" Hitler.
The Democrats said the Bush family were directly responsible for funding the rise of Hitler in Germany in the 1930's.
The Democrats said Ronald Reagan conspired with the Ayatollahs to keep American citizens hostage longer just to get elected.
The problem with Inga and the other voice actuated dummies on the left, is that history really doesn't start anew each morning, so we remember this game the lefties/LLR's play on each republican that comes down the pike.
The uppity 1% brownie Republican, that would ordinarily gag at the Trumpian style,— You go orange man!
In a completely unexpected turn of events, Our "lifelong Eddie Haskell republican" Chuck comes out swinging for Harry Reid!!
Is there any human on earth who didn't see that one coming?
One harkens back to previous LLR Chuck #StrongDemDefense moments. Notably, defending strongly Stolen Valor hack dem liar Blumenthal. LLR Chuck seemed to particular relish the defense of that one.
Of course, it goes without saying that LLR Chuck's passionate defense of Dick Durbin is no doubt driven at least in part of LLR Chuck's approval of Durbin calling US Troops "gestapo".
I can't wait to see what other defenses of hack lefty dem Harry Reid LLR Chuck will come up with!!
Inga: "More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism."
Once again in 2020, the vast majority of the voting members on active military service will vote for Trump.
Once again in 2020 the majority of the voting members who are retired from military service will vote for Trump.
Because they know the commie/lefty/LLR's are lying through their teeth about the hoax Russian collusion BS, just as the commie/lefty/LLR's have lied about every Republican President since the 1940's.
This is a perfect post.
Thank you Althouse.
First some dopey jabber gets the TDS tag.
Then, Trump ends up pushing a more deranged comment, so that must be added to the post.
So funny.
And Meadehouse has no clue why. Even funnier!
Robert Cook said...
"George W Bush was and still is called a war criminal by the left."
Because he was and still is.
Killing US citizens by drone attack, without due process is bad...wait my bad, that was Obama
Harry Reid's like 3 day old fish. He's gone and useless but still wants to stink up the joint by proclaiming his continuing relevance with halitosis-laden breath.
Good on Trump for being the kind of guy unafraid to tell him to go eff himself. And some ostensibly intelligent folks (like journalists and academics) wonder why people like Trump. lol idiots.
Get in the box, Harry!
And you can take that as a baseball analogy, or not. Trump might not be Babe Ruth, but he’d probably make a darned good Sal “The Barber“ Maglie.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
"More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism."
Well. His approval rating is at 52% so it would be less than half of the US question his patriotism. Which makes you a liar.
See what I did there.
Actually, in 2008 candidate Barack Obama called George W. Bush irresponsible and unpatriotic for adding so much to the deficit (even though Obama would add even more to the deficit when he was president).
And there are plenty of web pages calling Bush II a traitor. Many of them are on the right. With just a quick web search, it's hard to sort out what reasons the authors have for their judgment or even what ideology they represent, but many of the accusers appear to be Democrats.
Anyway, in the 2020s Republicans will be complaining that the current Democrats are worse than Obama, and Democrats will be pining for the days of Trump. When one realizes what the pattern is, one might decide to stay ahead of the curve and think like we will be thinking a decade from now.
Rusty said...
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
"More than half of the US questions Trump’s patriotism."
Well. His approval rating is at 52% so it would be less than half of the US question his patriotism. Which makes you a liar.
See what I did there.
I see what you did there, Rusty, and I don't get it.
Five Thirty-Eight aggregates and weights the various polls. As of February 24, their polling average had Trump at 53.2% Disapprove and 42.5% Approve.
Where do you get a current approval for Trump of 52%?
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