Green Book wants to touch your hair
— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) February 25, 2019
More from the thread under that tweet:
Green Book would have voted for Obama a third time if it could.
GREEN BOOK’s best friends are Black movies.
I don't see color, I only see it as "Book".
we are all books and we all have pages on the inside
Green Book's fav movie is Crash.
Green Book wore corn rows for a month in college
Green Book agrees with you, you know that, but thinks there’s a better way to make your point than protesting.
Green Book tells me its kids' school is very diverse and that that's just so great.
Green book thinks All Books Matter.
Really annoying. I was following these tweets all around, hoping to find out what in the world "Green Book" is. I should have paid attention to the title - seems it's a movie?
Those tweets prove yet again that the biggest stumbling block for black America - in addition to themselves - are sanctimonious white leftists.
Remember black people...not Republicans. White leftists and most specifically white women.
So, so tiresome.
The Civil War ended in 1865. The 1960’s are over. Move on.
Negroes must get everything they want or its bigotry.
White women must get everything they want or its sexism.
Sometimes they both want the same thing and there's only one of it.
They'll have to settle for Obama's AA Nobel award.
I think these jokes are great.
Green Book tells me its kids' school is very diverse and that that's just so great.
That's just so great, too.
And the kids are articulate, bright, and clean.
Period movies usually do well at the Oscars.
Green Book is just the reverse of Driving Miss Daisy.
The two main actors were good.
Adam Driver carried the Black Klansman. It would have been condescending to award that Best Picture. He overcame Soike’s hit you over the head approach.
We're they all rooting for black panther?
I had a different reaction. I thought these tweets were both funny and self-aware. At least they could be read this way. They are satirizing the things white people feel obligated to say to prove they're not racist, which of course will never be enough. At least a few of the tweet-writers may realize this. And America will be a lot better off if everyone realizes that it's all a con game.
Or they could just be a bunch of angry, sanctimonious virtue-signallers spouting off typical bulls--t.
Green Book doubted Jussie Smollett's story before there was any reason to doubt Jussie Smollett's story.
The touch your hair and corn rows for a month in college are good jokes.
The rest are lame. Black ladies should stick to hair and nail jokes.
People put their heart and soul into that movie. If others don't like it, fine. But there's no one way to be a movie for about a black person, a white person, a gay person, etc.
I'm sure Mahershala Ali is interested to know his movie just wasn't black enough for you.
"The Civil War ended in 1865.
Not really.
Green Book's favorite president was Barack Obama.
Green Book got early tickets to see Michelle Obama on tour.
Green Book bought the hard copy of Michelle Obama's book.
Are Black people trying to turn White people into racists?
What if Spike Lee's movie had won and a bunch of White people had started posting angry "jokes" about it?
Green Book wants to touch your hair
Green Book is just like Chinese women sitting behind a blond woman on a Chinese bus!
The racism is deeply disturbing!
Just a local report, But Atlanta'sRace Relations are at the MLK Dream level among the local folks you meet. The Pols still preach division and hate so they can divide us and win loot.
I had a different reaction. I thought these tweets were both funny and self-aware. At least they could be read this way. They are satirizing the things white people feel obligated to say to prove they're not racist, which of course will never be enough. At least a few of the tweet-writers may realize this. And America will be a lot better off if everyone realizes that it's all a con game.
Or they could just be a bunch of angry, sanctimonious virtue-signallers spouting off typical bulls--t.
This. I don't know the tone or the speakers (and I am certainly not going down a Twitter rabbit hole to find out.) If they are satirizing annoying preachy white "allies," right on.
That said, anyone who wants less art or wants someone else's art to disappear because they don't like it can fuck right off. No one gets to police another person's creation.
Greenbook believes in free speech, even when it offends.
The racism is strong in those twitter posts.
There’s no such thing as bad green book publicity.
Lol, hilarious!
Green Book loves Hamilton.
Green Book thinks Spike Lee should have won because it would be fair.
Green Book thinks reparations are owed to all black Americans, including half-Kenyans who became POTUS, because everyone likes a handout.
Green Book thinks "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" is the best film of the 20th Century.
Green Book thinks Jemele Hill is a thought leader.
Green Book is just like Chinese women sitting behind a blond woman on a Chinese bus!
Or a child of color when the children of pallor are the minority in the neighborhood or classroom.
Green Book makes me Woken
Greenbook believes in judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
Green Book loves hearing how racist it is.
Greenbook believes that the best way to get ahead is to be honest and work hard.
I'm with Andrew and Pants.
Greenbook was disappointed to learn that Jussie Smollet is just a cheap grifter.
Green Book hates Liam Neeson more than Jussie Smollett.
Green Book doesn't really want to touch your hair, but will do it so you can have your story of righteous indignation.
"If they are satirizing annoying preachy white "allies," right on"
That's how I read it.
Not only did I not watch the awards, I have not seen any of those movies.
The Facebook ads for "Vice," a nasty slam at Cheney, said it was nominated for 8 awards. I guess it did not win any.
Another lefty loser.
Green Book watches MSNBC to get the truth.
Green Book reads the WaPo because democracy dies in darkness.
Green Book doesn't want children because of global warming/ climate change/ whatever.
Green Book hearts AOC but hearts Stacy Abrams even more.
Green Book would live in Brooklyn if it could afford it.
Green Book hates orange man!
"That's how I read it."
Or, to be more precise, they're satirizing white people who think they're being good about race but are getting it wrong and have been getting it wrong for a stupidly long time without realizing it.
And I'm saying that without purporting to know how to get it right... other than to stop feeling that you are getting it right. Stay uncomfortable!
They are satirizing the white people who made the movie and voted for it, thinking they are making a good movie about black people. That's the thing Spike Lee was angry about too.
Green Book beating BlackkKlansman is like what it would have been if John McCain had defeated Obama in 2008.
In the movie trailer for the John McCain biopic, the voiceover intones: Sometimes... to lose... is to win.
"This isn't a real black movie" is what they are saying.
Green Book beating BlackkKlansman is like what it would have been if Tim Scott had defeated Obama in 2008.
Green Book beating BlackkKlansman is like Ben Carson getting anything.
"And I'm saying that without purporting to know how to get it right... other than to stop feeling that you are getting it right. Stay uncomfortable!"
Or don't. Because you don't feel culpable in any way.
Regardless, it's fun to see that Blacks aren't completely blind to how viciously cynical their exploitation by the White Left is. Profoundly nearsighted, though.
Green Book thinks Spike Lee is a genius because he plays an angry black man really well.
Green Book thinks Jordan Peele is a genius because he had white characters say really condescending things to black characters. Who would ever think of that?
Hahahahaha! Yes! I love that!
Green Book thinks Spike Lee was robbed.
Green Book thinks that Althouse secretly likes Green Book better than BlackkKlansman but doesn't think she should.
Green Book is elated that BlacKkKlansman had the opportunity to compete on an even playing field, but feels a bit guilty this morning when it looks at the trophy.
In the year that Black Panther was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, the voters were in a pickle. They hate popular movies, preferring to award "cinema" to trite confections. Usually not a problem but Black Panther was a movie about black people, how could they snub it? They had to find another movie featuring a black star. Spike Lee's movie was just too, too controversial to get the nod. The Green Room was a perfect choice, featuring two minorities, or the period represented, black and Italian, in the South.
In Greenbook, Miss Daisy drives you.
A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.
An old Jewish woman and her African-American chauffeur in the American South have a relationship that grows and improves over the years.
Green Book thinks your hair looks greasy.
I don't see color, I only see it as "Book".
That, the corn rows for a month and the touching your hair one were pretty good.
I think they should take all of the old B&W movies and play the film's negatives, so that way all the Black people will be heroes and the white people will all be stupid caricatures played for laughs. This will bring those old movies a new commercial life. An old Abbot & Costello movie may win the 2020 Oscar for best picture.
Spike Lee is right to be angry about BlacKkKlansman losing to Green Book, it should have lost to Roma.
But what should have really rankled him is when the presenter described BlacKkKlansman as his "masterpiece." It was a fun movie but not really at the same level of Malcolm X, She's Gotta Have It, or his best film, Do the Right Thing.
Green Book once rented a VHS tape of Driving Miss Daisy Crazy.
Green Book thinks attacking blacks, even for satirizing liberal whites, is how conservative whites improve things for blacks:
Providing no escape - that's what the reparations are for, Guys.
Have a song, you bloodsuckers.
Do they still make movies for white people??
I'm not trying to improve things for Blacks. Should I be?
Blogger madAsHell said...
Do they still make movies for white people??
They made "Green Book" and "Blackkklansman" didn't they?
Green Book says watching the Academy Awards is like watching Black Jeopardy on SNL.
They should just give all the awards to Black Panther in perpetuity. Wakanda forever!
The left needs hatred between the races to survive. Sick.
Green Book reads Ta-Nahesi Coates.
I wish more people didn't care about the Academy Awards at all. What are they really? The most vain industry giving itself awards for the best professional pretenders? It should be unimportant.
Of course, movies are another element in the culture war. I can't deny that they have real influence.
I hope the left continues to eat its own. I hope that the pushback from this continues to dispirit and erode the power brokers in the entertainment industry, the people who put on the Oscars, and the various limousine liberals of Hollywood who endlessly lecture everyone on how racist, sexist, homophobic, and full of hate America is. I hope that more people realize how silly it is to give awards for such nonsense and they finally stop doing it. But I doubt that will happen.
Green Book felt bad about winning until it realized Black Klansman was also a remake.
Do they still make movies for white people??
ALL the movies are made for white people. They're the only people who need a preaching to.
I had a different reaction. I thought these tweets were both funny and self-aware.
Brilliant. And the rest of us took it some other way - ?
Ooh! Can I play?
Green Book is so proud of her child for playing with a black child at the park that she took a picture and posted it on Facebook.
Green Book likes to call her black co-workers "girlfriend."
Green Book has been posting Black Lives Matter stories on Facebook for three years now, but goes out of her way to avoid driving through African-American neighborhoods.
Green Book once dated a black man. Actually, she once went on a date with a black man.
Green Book wishes one of her black "girlfriends" would invite her to church.
Andrew: Or they could just be a bunch of angry, sanctimonious virtue-signallers spouting off typical bulls--t.
So in that case it's just some annoying-idiot on annoying-idiot action. It's all good. Let 'em eat each other.
AA: And I'm saying that without purporting to know how to get it right... other than to stop feeling that you are getting it right. Stay uncomfortable!
I want to think you're having us on here, but your ridiculous Boomer White Lady pieties are usually in deadly earnest when it comes to patronizing black people.
You wanna twirl in the bullshit vortex, feel free. Don't need the cheap grace, so I'll go right on living comfortably in my (white) skin, thanks.
I haven't seen the movie but it was highly recommended to me by a Black woman who works in our office. I was talking to her about it winning an Oscar this morning and she was really happy about it. I'll have to get the DVD from the library.
Green Book thinks satirizing smug, virtue-signaling people of all races, creeds, and national origins is useful and timely.
"Brilliant. And the rest of us took it some other way - ?"
Don't know about "the rest of us," but clearly many people took it some other way, both here and elsewhere. Do I really need to explain it to you? Just read the comments on this thread.
Nothing "brilliant," or pretending to be. Just observing that there are different ways of viewing the initial Twitter responses.
Is it a good movie, or a bad movie? That's all I want to know.
Green Book thinks (secretly) that blacks are becoming a wee bit tiresome.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Is it a good movie, or a bad movie?
I'm not sure what relevance that has in relation to winning best picture.
Classic social media (especially Twitter) waste of time. Bunch of people that think alike (all lefties) pat themselves on the back for their “cleverness” making public statements/trolling the bad people - even though no one gives a shit about them or their tweets.
Social media just allows everyone to keep one foot in high school, and stay catty about who gets to sit at the popular lunch table, or gossip about who got felt up last weekend at the drive in, or under the bleachers, or wherever.
In the movie trailer for the John McCain biopic, the voiceover intones: Sometimes... to lose... is to win.
I saw a pile of last year's "People" mags. Dead John McCain: whole cover pic. Dead POTUS GHWB: headline at top of cover.
It's a very good movie.
I like Andrew's comment. The tweets are both wonderful satire about white wokeness and unintentional satire of the tweeters themselves. Can someone who is painfully white and desperately woke really read all of these tweets and not realize how it makes fun of them?
Like I wrote in last night's thread- if you had told me that Peter Farrelly would co-write and direct an Oscar winning film, I would have laughed in your face, and I am fan of his movies (though, in full disclosure, I have not yet seen "Green Book").
Twitter's sour grapes are the sourest.
"I like Andrew's comment. The tweets are both wonderful satire about white wokeness and unintentional satire of the tweeters themselves. Can someone who is painfully white and desperately woke really read all of these tweets and not realize how it makes fun of them?"
Thanks, Yancey. That's it exactly. If only more white SJW's would read the tweets and understand both the irony and the hypocrisy (whether intended or not). At the very least they could lighten up a little.
It's really quite interesting. The tweets are a combination of "wokeness" and being "red-pilled," with overlapping layers of sarcasm. It's like a white man's paradox in a black man's world. Or vice-versa. I think it's very cool.
I remember back in the summer of 1969 at a student summer program hearing a black militant teenager complain about a very WASPy liberal girl that she hated the way she always smiled at her. I told her I wouldn't be making that sort of mistake myself.
We Jews are much more tolerant of people who just want to be nice to us.
American or African-American (i.e. 1/2)? Unfortunately, there seems to be a consensus for the latter, to the exclusion of politically inconvenient colors with a common geographical heritage.
Green Book thinks people like Althouse should learn from Green Book.
Green Book thinks it's a shame ESPN canned Jemele.
Green Book says green is the new black, cuz all life matters--or, wait --
Green Book is pleased to announce a new Director of Diversity and Inclusion.
Green Book says the first black president wasn't black enough.
Green Book says it's gotta be the shoes.
Green Book thinks it's wrong that Black History Month is celebrated in the shortest month of the year.
That said, anyone who wants less art or wants someone else's art to disappear because they don't like it can fuck right off. No one gets to police another person's creation.
... wants you to go to a racial reconciliation workshop with her.
... has photos on social media of herself with every black person she's ever met.
... cries a lot.
(I'm not writing "Green Book" because I haven't seen it and don't want to presume.)
You know I was hoping for a Black Panther win over Black Klansman for best picture hoping for a response like this, but this is even better.
"twirl in the bullshit vortex" is perfect.
I remember back in the summer of 1969 at a student summer program hearing a black militant teenager complain about a very WASPy liberal girl that she hated the way she always smiled at her.
A few years ago the big complaint from the campus crowd was white women "flipping" their hair. SJW nonsense seems to mostly stem from their lack of maturation beyond 7th grade.
I wanted A Room with a View to win, and I am still holding my breath until they do. (I was young - I thought Ms Bonham Carter beautiful)
Don't they always give awards to movies with Green in the title? Did Green Mile win? How Green was my Valley won but how many people know that film - I think my mother watched it once when I was visiting. The Colour of Money is sorta Green, didn't they give Newman an award for that instead of his better work?
It's like an unconscious favouritism. Green is good. I know Reds didn't win.
Green Book got a DNA test and it shows that it's only 1023 out of 1024 parts Green. One drop is Black. So it's really dark green.
It's all about the greenbacks (Benjamins).
Black Panther should’ve won most overrated movie.
Green Book acknowledges that it isn't "angry enough" but it also feels like all movies matter, even sweet ones like Green Book.
So much hatred, so much contempt for well-meaning progressive sentiments.
sorry.... let me correct that.
So much hatred, so much contempt for well-meaning white progressive sentiments.
I enjoyed the movie. I grew up in Alabama during the time period and it seemed to be historically accurate, except for one thing and it is not racial. I knew of no working class family, like the driver guy, that had two phones in their home. The only person that I knew with two phones was our family doctor.
What’s the difference between Green Book and Green New Deal — one one not worth the electrons it is written on.
I'm guessing Greenbook is an adaptation of Stuff White People Like by Christian Lander.
Green Book likes the crease of your trousers.
Greenbook ain't noways tard.
Green Book ALWAYS carries a jar of hot sauce in her purse!
Green Book invited his black exterminator to meet his work colleagues.
Green Book don't believe in reparations. But Green Book will cash the check.
h may have won the thread with that post.
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