February 2, 2019

"Comedian Bill Maher was accused of racism after making a fried chicken joke to a Black Republican during an interview on Friday’s HBO show of 'Real Time with Bill Maher.'"

Fox News reports, showing this tweet:

Did Bill Maher lob "a clearly racist joke"?
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Guildofcannonballs said...

I am concerned some might feel to themselves "Dems R Real Racists!" and that would be the greatest crimethink one could feel.

NEVER allow yourself to think "Dems R Real Racists!" because cuck.

rehajm said...

It does seem like he's trying to diminish a black conservative by making a racist joke to put him in his place. Is that smug white white guy, racist white guy or both?

MadisonMan said...

Love that Chicken from Popeye's.

Choosy Chicken lovers choose Church's Fried Chicken, Five layers of flavor is why!

Ad jingles that remain entrenched in my head.

I still love Popeyes.

Maher made this joke at the behest of Gov. Northam to take the heat of him.

FIDO said...

I go with 'and' on the votes. All the votes.

He's a NY Jew. Of course he is a racist. And he thinks he gets to play with racism because he is a comedian.

And he should get what he calls for when he attacks Republicans in the same way.

And he will do or say anything to slap around an uppity Negro off the Democrat Plantation.

And, at the end of the day, it was a joke on a comedy sketch.

Mike Sylwester said...

I go to Popeye's for the Cajun Fries and Black Ranch Dressing. That is a delicious combination.

Ralph L said...

Hurd hasn't figured out that trust in our institutions has already eroded beyond repair.
Except now Republicans don't trust the FBI & CIA and Democrats do, until they don't.

Fredrick said...

The left would rather talk about anything but Governor Northam's open support for infanticide. Maher is just providing another distraction

Oso Negro said...

A white person verbally associating a black person with fried chicken or watermelon has been considered off-limits for decades as a racial-stereotype by polite people. So the question to me is does using the stereotype equal racism? I think for older folks, the answer would have been "no". We would have viewed racism as the belief in the inherent inferiority of another race and back in the day, there were plenty of folks taking action based on such beliefs. Today's young people are MUCH more sensitive. I was playing an online game with a group of young Canadians from northern BC and Alberta and they recoiled in horror at my username - which is the same as my posting handle here. They would view it as racism, straight up. The sensible viewpoint to my mind is to accept that there are inherent biological differences between different groups of humans, but to make no presumption about any individual based on groups of which they are involuntarily a member.

Big Mike said...

It was close between #2 and #4. Obviously Maher believes that his lefty extremist creds are sufficient to let him play with racism, but it's also true that black and Jewish Republicans are viscerally hated by hard core Democrats. Don't blacks and Jews know that the Democrats own them?

Oso Negro said...

And in Galveston, we have two Popeye's franchises - one staffed by white folks, one by black folks. The one run by the black folks is much friendlier.

Temujin said...

Maher's a collectivist. His understanding of people runs an inch deep.

FIDO said...

Expect that Video to be pulled very quickly by HBO on 'erasing history' grounds.

Lance said...
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tcrosse said...

Mammy's little baby love short'nin' bread.

Sebastian said...

Maher is a real prog racist, clearly using his racist allusion to demean a black GOPer, therefore it's really nothing.

Bob Boyd said...

Another thing about this, here's Bill Maher pushing the idea that questioning the motives or integrity of our intelligence agencies is not acceptable. Seriously? That's the liberal position now?

FIDO said...

And in Galveston, we have two Popeye's franchises - one staffed by white folks, one by black folks. The one run by the black folks is much friendlier.

Which one is cleaner?

Every Popeye's I go to has good food but is filthy. Asking for a friend.

Jersey Fled said...

I had a black employee who joked all of the time about how much she loved fried chicken.

When can we just get over this stuff.

cubanbob said...

Apparently so far a Man Of The Left can still exercise his White Privilege. Now if Maher had asked Hurd if was snooping around a Chick-fil- A would that be racist? Or just White Elitist Snobbery?

Quaestor said...

It be Massa Bill's sacred dootee to whump dem Darkies when dey gets uppity.

FIDO said...

I had a black employee who joked all of the time about how much she loved fried chicken.

When can we just get over this stuff.

Ask the Left.

Quaestor said...

Bill Hurd: It erodes trust in our institutions

Even a black Republican can be an asshole.

Jaq said...

Black people like Popeye's. I know that because I like it too. What's racist is the idea that a black person could not ever see beyond Popeye's. So yeah, even though he is in denial, as are his fans, he's racist. That joke would have never occurred to me.

FIDO said...

You know...I also like fried chicken. Alas, my daughter had a DNA test done and I am not even 1/1024 'authentic' like Liz Warren, who still culturally appropriates White Wimmen clothes.

So I shut up and enjoy my chicken. Does liking dark meat make me woke?

rhhardin said...

Loose shoes, tight pussy and a warm place to shit. Nothing about chicken.

Fernandinande said...

A liberal telling a fried-chicken joke to a Black Man (PBUH) is like a Christian telling a fried chicken joke to Jesus.

chillblaine said...

Bill Maher is a degenerate prick who frequents a hellish nightclub called, "Sanctum." I think they even have a Yelp page. Zero stars from me. The gal they set me up with was very cute, but would not put the lotion in the basket. No. She wouldn't put on the gray tank-top like Sandra Bullock fine actress wore in the FABULOUS movie, "Space Blue Balls." Thank you. I'll be here all week. Darlings.

chillblaine said...


Fernandinande said...

Except for the forgiveness stuff.

Jaq said...

Would it be racist to suggest that Maher was playing the role of slave catcher? What he really is is a white supremacist, he thinks that only whites are not bound by racial identity. Any black person who denies this is an abomination.

chillblaine said...

Nothing about chicken. That leathery old bird, she be pecking her way out me arse. OW ME ARSE. Arrr. There she be. Warm and buttery, smells like fresh dung. Aye, mate. Let's talk about the loose shoes. What did he mean by this. Can someone check to make sure Mr. Hardon didn't tie his shoelaces together, again. Yes. Awesome.

Dave Begley said...

Why does anyone pay attention to this Maher guy? I've never had HBO. To me, he might as well be speaking Chinese and be broadcasting in Tibet.

chillblaine said...

This comment section is living proof that G-d adores us. Also. All that stuff at the end. Make it to the end, and if you're me? You run past the tape, like trying to leg out an infield hit. You run all out, aiming far past the finish line. So, when it's all over, you get to pounce like a Republican, a gay, stupid, happy to be this truly alive, man in a free nation. Ours.

Dave Begley said...

There is a chicken restaurant in Omaha named "Jack and Mary's." The average age of the customers is 70 and white.

The chicken is good, but expensive.

Wince said...

In addition, it seems to me “racism” is infinitely less susceptible to binary classification than, say, sex.

I think it’s much more precise to view an individual’s actions and words in the context of his underlying beliefs along a spectrum if one really feels compelled to judge another person’s attitudes.

The label “racist” when applied to anything but the most virulent extremes of actual hatred is simply becoming an illegitimate weapon being used to destroy ones enemies, usually for other perceived transgressions.

I’d much rather see conservatives use these examples of left-wing hypocrisy to elucidate that distinction rather than try to play the same game of gotcha.

FIDO said...

Anyone remember Drumstick chicken in Littleton Colorado? Some of the best fried chicken I ever had.

FIDO said...

I’d much rather see conservatives use these examples of left-wing hypocrisy to elucidate that distinction rather than try to play the same game of gotcha.

I've been tarred as an irredeemable racist for my views on tax policy, immigration reform, and over regulation.

There is no win or visceral satisfaction for me to defer such attacks.

Also, since 95% of the media is biased against me, what makes you think that any thoughtful, intelligent and persuasive message would be allowed to be broadcast?

madAsHell said...

Comedian Bill Maher

Imagine my surprise!! Bill Maher is a comedian??

Who knew??

MadisonMan said...

Are there actually people who do not like Fried Chicken?

I want to meet them and talk sense to them.

Hot Chicken Takeover : Now that is a franchise that should come to Madison!

tcrosse said...
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Fernandinande said...

Celebrate National Fried Chicken Month at Zippy’s with delicious pieces of chicken deep fried to a golden crispy outside, tender on the inside.

tcrosse said...

There's a Portuguese chicken joint called Coco Rico on Boulevard Saint-Laurent in Montréal that's pretty damn good. They also cook up some very good pig-meat.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

This poll should allow more than one selection.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Right. If anyone's got the creds to call out racism it's some white guy named "Curtis" who works for an anti-media/anti-journalism operation and whose party's done more to suppress the black vote since poll taxes!

What's next? Pushing the diversity bandwagon by claiming that Democrats are "the real Islamophobes?" Lol!

Yeah, thought so. Shut up, Republican. Go back to working on how to suppress the black vote. Write articles about how great the conservative SCOTUS' abrogation of precertification was for democracy in the black community.

Nothing says, "I'm all for 'the blacks'" (as Trump says it) better than removing them from the voter rolls en masse and revoking their access to the democratic process.

FIDO said...

s done more to suppress the black vote since poll taxes!

I'll stop trying to suppress the black vote when they learn to stop voting more than once.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"I had a black employee who joked all of the time about how much she loved fried chicken.

When can we just get over this stuff."

Ask the Left.

Seeing as how it's not "the Left" that has stricken down precertification, purged millions of mostly black voters from the rolls or declared that it's ok for police to kill blacks at disproportionately overwhelming rates then I'd have to say I agree. The left is the side with the credibility on this. As do the ~80%+ who vote for them. Stunning.

Wilbur said...

Wilbur love him some Popeyes.

Once you've eaten their sides, you'll never eat the side dish crap at KFC again.

Plus, I really dislike the KFC ad campaigns making fun of Harlan Sanders. They disgust me.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

I love the smell of liberal hypocrisy in the morning. It smells like hot fresh Tex-Mex in Austin

alanc709 said...

Dems shout voter supression because they accuse others of doing what they do. Project much? Dems are such a hypocritical joke of a party. "We care, as long as you aren't a white male."

Larry J said...

Foods like fried chicken and watermelon are southern food, not just “black food”. That said, Maher is and always will be an asshole.

alanc709 said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said... "declared that it's ok for BLACKS to kill blacks at disproportionately overwhelming rates" Corrected it for you, in the interest of accuracy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'll stop trying to suppress the black vote when they learn to stop voting more than once.

That's a lie.

Just another right-wing myth among the many in which they believe.

But nice little bit of racism yourself, there. "learn how to stop voting more...." You sure proved "Curtis'" point! LOL! Teh blacks ain't not stoopit enough to lern how's to stop votin' incorrectly! Nice.

FIDO said...

"You can't cure a cunt." Bron discussing Bill Maher.

Fernandinande said...

NPR says that, according to a silent "three-hor", the correct stereotype is that blacks who eat fried chicken are shiftless drunks with their feet up.

Howard said...

When he had corazon Aquino on the show, Bill Maher mocked her about her love of long pork

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dems shout voter supression because they accuse others of doing what they do. Project much?

When you're done playing armchair psychologist why don't you look to the empiric evidence. Numbers don't lie. The redneck SOS who won GA's governor's race after striking 340,000 voters (mostly black) from the rolls won on a 50,000 vote margin - against the first black woman to have a shot at winning GA's gubernatorial.

Keep looking out for them blacks! You's about as nice an owner as the nicest plantation-running slaveowner an antebellum POC could ask for!

We's so thankful to you, Massa!

Known Unknown said...

"Hot Chicken Takeover : Now that is a franchise that should come to Madison!"

It's not bad, but sometimes the heat occludes the taste of the chicken.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said... "declared that it's ok for BLACKS to kill blacks at disproportionately overwhelming rates" Corrected it for you, in the interest of accuracy.

Actually I had specifically spoken of the high-rates of police killings of blacks. But I can see why you wanted to change that around and put words in my mouth - and all to prove your racist point. Because you think that black lives don't matter.

They're just garbage to you.

Rob said...

Maher’s usual technique is to tell a racist or sexist joke by putting it in the mouths of Republicans. “I’m sure the Republicans are thinking . . . .” It’s a two-fer!

Known Unknown said...

So what's the difference between this post and the Gervais one?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maher’s usual technique is to tell a racist or sexist joke by putting it in the mouths of Republicans.

The same Republicans who have stricken more blacks from the voter rolls since poll taxes and who think the more of them that a cop can kill the better?

How dare he. Judging them on their record and everything.

Wince said...

The problem with vindicating yourself from a charge of “racism” is that it’s a third party perception, an opinion, not easily susceptible a defamation claim.

I’d go as far to say that “racist” applied to a person (rather than a joke,as here) coupled with publication should be considered per se defamation, and it be the defendant’s burden to prove the truth of the published assertion (rather than the plaintiff’s burden to prove falsity).

rhhardin said...

What's being done about boob jobs. Women donning a stereotypically female look. It's sexism.

ken in tx said...

I grew up in Alabama. Everyone I knew, both black and white, loved fried chicken and watermelon. I did not learn that they were supposed to be associated with black people until I was in college. I think of that prejudice as a Northern thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Republicans have really good intentions, guys. That's what they should be judged on.

And not on how many blacks they struck from the voter rolls or how many more of them they think deserve to die in "Cops Gone Wild" scenarios.

Why do all the non-Republicans insist on looking at the actual records and results of Republican maladministration instead of just taking them at whatever word we're supposed to presume to take them at?

So unfair! How many blacks can you strip of rights in voting and police protection and better survival rates when apprehended before the rest of the country will just presume you to have awesome intentions and records in your treatment of them!


Lance said...

Our friend from Phoenix who was so offended by coal miners' dirty faces has typed a condemnation of Maher, right? Because people could hear the joke once and then subsequently hear something different. Listeners cannot after all determine the intention of a comedian's joke.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I grew up in Alabama. Everyone I knew, both black and white, loved fried chicken and watermelon. I did not learn that they were supposed to be associated with black people until I was in college. I think of that prejudice as a Northern thing.

We associate blacks with southern things because before you twats could figure out how to stop lynching and segregating and vote suppressing them they migrated here en masse to get away from your bullshit. It's called The Great Migration. Six million of them came up this way. Learn American history much, Good Ole Boy?

narciso said...

Will hurd plays the 'reasonable' Republican and Maher dunks on him, serves him right.

rhhardin said...

I'm an actual literal racist. It think the average IQ of blacks is lower than the average IQ of whites.
And that it ought to prove it's necessary to get rid of outcome-based discrimination tests, lest it continue to be a thorn in race relations. ("You're discriminating/No we're not" vs "You're not doing well because you're being discriminated against.")

But it's a racism without ill will. How can things be run so that everybody is content. Say by identifying not as black but as American.

Nevertheless it's racism. It's taken as the same as old redneck racism. Trying to do well is the same as trying to do evil. Not a good moral litmus test, apparently.

Krumhorn said...

I realize that it’s a futile exercise, but I always try to put the shoe on the other and see how it fits. Let’s say that Dennis Miller made the same ‘joke’ in a conversation with Cory Booker. I wonder if that would have gotten a laugh playing with a racist reference?

No. Cause conservatives ARE racists whereas lefties are almost certainly superior beings with a presumed monopoly on virtue.

That shoe has dog shit on its soul.

- Krumhorn

Mark said...

Oh look. Ritmo has a new name.

chillblaine said...

I'm an actual literal racist based on the SAT and the pernicious IQ test. Let's not allow this pernicious testing to continue, lest we forget to rewind that copy of, "Space Blue Balls," starring George Clooney's helmet. He said, helmet. Ok, done. pwnd. This thread is also pwnd.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I probably shouldn't have called Ken a twat. He seems like a nice guy.

Still, it's aggravating that Southerners keep expecting Northerners to resolve the problems that they keep electing Republicans to stop from getting better.

rhhardin said...

Do not criticize until you have walked a mile in the other's shoes. Then you have his shoes and you're a mile away.

Mark said...

New name, same obnoxious tedious shit.

narciso said...

E W Jackson was considered an in person by northam because he is a bible believing Christian.

rhhardin said...

Derybshire seems to be softening his race IQ and crime rate genetics, into it probably is genetic instead of definitely. He must have read something new somewhere.

If it's cultural, he says now, it's awfully sticky.

But some hedge has come up.

chillblaine said...

True story. I am on EBT, boring but true, haven't had a paycheck since, oh, last 9-23-18. Long time no fuckie. Anyway, my EBT does not include, "hot food," benefits. I went to ghetto Albertson's, asked for a hot eight-piece. Ok. Just wanted to have hot fried chicken. OH, no. I'm not in the right program. What in heckfire. But, happy ending, aren't they all? The clerk is so gracious, tells me, just get the package of cold chicken and you can heat it up. Sweet.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MB said...

Democrats think that members of groups that ought to vote for them, who nevertheless don't, are fair game.
They're showing them what they deserve, what their lot in life should be, due to this betrayal.
Like those Marines who were beaten and called ethnic slurs in Philadelphia.
The people who beat them don't use xenophobic swearwords in their daily lives. It was just to teach them a lesson.

Paco Wové said...

"That joke would have never occurred to me."

Ditto. It's revealing that in Maher's mind (apparently), black republican = Uncle Tom = fried chicken.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No. Cause conservatives ARE racists whereas lefties are almost certainly superior beings with a presumed monopoly on virtue.

When conservatives stop voting for pols who suppress the black vote, minimize racially-lopsided police shootings/brutality/death sentences and otherwise behave indecently, then maybe they'll be thought to have at least average morals, let alone any virtue - superior or otherwise.

But you don't so the rest of the country logically concludes that you're a bunch of morally lazy twats who can't be bothered with doing the bare minimum to stop making yourselves look like a bunch of racist jackasses.

Work for it, for a change. Your reputations suck for a reason. I'm tired of you and your pleas for partisan sympathy welfare. Clean up your own house.

chillblaine said...

pwnd. hardon, pwnd. NEXT. pwnd. this thread is pwnd, PWND, and I walk like I'm going to play eighteen holes. He said, "holes." Ok. It's go time, hardon. IMA drop you like a bag of dirt. Let's see if I brought my screw ball to the game. Dang. ok, you win. this round. mr. bond. gray tank top, bare feet. pwnd

chillblaine said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

New name, same obnoxious..

AKA - "Waaah. I can't handle the truth."

The truth wallops you upside the head with the force of a Mack Truck. Quit crying about it, crybaby.

glenn said...

“When can we just get over this stuff?”

When a Republican isn’t President.

chillblaine said...

OMAHA OMAHA OMAHA. Darn, another interception. Oh well, let's act stupid. Ima go have a budweiser. What. Louder. IMA GO GUZZLE A PURE UNADULTERATED NOT HORRIBLE CAN OR BOTTLE OF THIS BEAR WHIZ KNOWN AS BUDWEISER. Budweiser. Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regularly.

Also, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, or SeaRay? lol pwnd. all you losers. PWND. lol

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The number of Republicans on this thread who are unwilling to do the minimal amount of partisan introspection and reflection around their horrifying records of voter suppression and black deaths by cop are really conclusive testaments as to why everyone else, all the normal people, feel that they're basically just racist SOBs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Weathergager said...

Irony that many African Americans eat at KFC whose mascot is creator Sanders, an old white southern man who dressed like a plantation owner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The actual stats on police shooting do not line up with the fake stats used by leftists.

narciso said...

So will Hurd is against the wall, well it doesn't matter, but this lazy degenerate has been like this for a while.

Michael said...

Ritmo dumbfuck a lap behind on black migration. Southbound you nitwit, away from turds like you.

Quaestor said...

The number of Republicans on this thread...

Normal people like you, Ritmo, the ill-educated paranoid loner?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes April Apple, playing hide the ball around the margins. Not with any numbers or references, mind you. But she's a Republican. They don't believe in facts.

I guess maybe next she'll go on to say that their much greater rates of state-sanctioned execution are also construed by "fake stats."

Or that crack cocaine should only naturally carry a much higher prison sentence or imprisonment rate than powder.

Sure, April. Whatever you say. You'd make a nice Southern dame, sipping tea on the porch as your inferiors work your fields and pour your drinks.

narciso said...

Take a show like empire, that the smollett punk is on, it is toxic to africam American image, but it was created by a woke dumpy white guy a third string player on buffy the vampire slayer.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael's going all vulgar and angry to protest the fact that The Great Migration happened.

Does he lie and twist the facts to his shareholders this way?

You should run a board meeting, Michael. Bang your shoe on the table like Nikita Khrushchev.

narciso said...

It's like the cartel bloc on Latin TV, this is how people want others to see them?

narciso said...

And ibo and yoruba and tutsi and hutu and tuareg and berber civility characterizes their behavior right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep suppressin' that vote, Quaestor!

Are you saying you don't like the results?

The Georgia gubernatorial election was long-awaited justice! Was it not?

So many fake, made up black people who would have only voted if those quarter to a half a million of them weren't PURGED!

PURGE THE VOTING ROLLS, Quaestor! The Republic is in your hands!

What a piece of garbage you are.

Michael said...

You learned about the "great migration" did you? How nice. Fill us in on the variants if you can.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nothing really all that complicated about it, Mickie. I just mentioned it to fill Ken in on the blanks of how Southern things got associated in the North with all the things those blacks you oppressed so well brought with them. Somehow their white "brethren" didn't flee as massively. I wonder why.

That's a real head-scratcher now, isn't it Mikey?

Leland said...

As Oso Negro points out, associating people with friend chicken has been considered racist for sometime, as has blackface. Do I particularly think it is racist? I don't know, but I do know I love me some Popeye's Chicken. I don't think the franchise is partial to any race. But I do think Maher understands and was using the racial context. Maher also knows he will be defended by those on the left; even if those same defenders would rail against a GOP politician eating at Popeye's Chicken as some racist attempt to attract black voters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael's yet another Southerner who refuses to come to terms with his own history/past.

Similar to how he refuses to come to terms with his own predatory vulture capitalism.

That's Michael. So much money to make. So much reality to deny.

ken in tx said...

It seems that 'Trump International Crime Syndicate' believes in corruption of blood and group guilt.

Jaq said...

Popeyes' spokeswoman is pretty hot in a "hot for Flo" kind of way.

Gahrie said...

You learned about the "great migration" did you? How nice.

Apparently he never learned that it has been reversing itself for the last twenty years...one might call it Black flight.

rcocean said...

Maher has been skating by while making sexist/racist jokes for years. Reason? The network execs like him, because a lot of them look like Maher, think like him, and come for the same background.

Etienne said...


People need to get some backbone. Being offended isn't like losing a leg.

Gahrie said...

Or that crack cocaine should only naturally carry a much higher prison sentence or imprisonment rate than powder.

This was exactly the position of Black leadership when crack first hit the scene.

Jaq said...

He changed his handle after it took him six months to see how stupid it was. He believes that the narrative creates the facts, so there's no point engaging with him. He will never acknowledge a fact that doesn't fit his prejudices. He lives in a bubble of confirmation biases.

Michael said...

Ritmo' s cliche south is amusing. Beyond the words "great migration" and what wiki might have to say on the topic he knows nothing. The sort of history buff who would put gravy on fried chicken. A loner from nowheresville without a past with no history except an abandoned downtown. Gravy on fried chicken. A man who would fuck up a picnic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It seems that 'Trump International Crime Syndicate' believes in corruption of blood and group guilt.

No ken in tx. I actually believe in the "Great Man" theory of history. Only once some all-powerful Southern savior comes to power will anything be done about the Republican party's lock on power there and all that it's doing to suppress the black vote and execute as many of them as possible.

Maybe you're that Great Man, ken. Go on and lead the country and your region to the salvation your televangelists down there tell us is always around the corner.

Actually, maybe you're not. False Messiah. Sorry ken. I really thought you were the one to finally do something about this Southern stranglehold deadlock on our country's lingering racial problems. You seemed to have so much leadership potential.

I guess allowing blacks to vote and not be so heavily executed will have to await another Southern leader. ken in tx is not the one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nobody suppresses anyone's vote. It's a lie to used to hide vote fraud on the left.

Jaq said...

Crack is far more addictive than powder cocaine. But that's not important now because it doesn't help push the narrative.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Be honest, Michael. How many plantation owners are in your family tree?

You should go on that finding your roots show with Henry Louis Gates.

Show us how the real Michael Stockbrokerage Investment Banker came to be. Where did he get all that overwhelming sense of privilege?

Was it fed to him at his kept mother's knee? Or did the fancy white governess teach it to him?

Jack Klompus said...

"The truth wallops you upside the head with the force of a Mack Truck."

You should be walloped upside the head repeatedly with a two by four.

Skeptical Voter said...

Maher is not a racist (maybe). But Maher is a silly shmuck ((absolutely)!

n.n said...

Popeye is of the white diversity class. A chicken has both white and dark, not black, meat. Perhaps Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming sears the meat and produces a black edge. Also, Popeye preferred green, not Green (e.g. money, blight), spinach, and his girlfriend was Olive. This joke is ambiguously diverse. It may be more coherent looking through a black hole.

Michael said...

Ritmo' hero, the Gov of Va, is now unsure he is in those costumes. LOL. Should he stay or should he go ritmo? Take a stand against Dem racism. Go ahead Inga will forgive you. Or maybe you should check in with what your bartenders heroine has to say on the topic.

Yancey Ward said...

The key here is that Maher would not have made that joke if Hurd were a Democrat, but I don't consider Maher a real racist- he is smug and colors outside the lines because he can get away with it.

Consider the hypothetical- Hurd had been a Democrat and Maher had been Sean Hannity- it would be front page of the NYTimes this morning.

rcocean said...

Does ANYONE under the age of 60 get the Fried chicken and Watermelon "Joke" about black people?

If you're still doing it, stop it. And stop the Mother-in-law jokes too.

rcocean said...

Sometimes Bill Maher acts like a old Jewish Comedian from the 1960s:

take my wife, please.

Achilles said...

EDH said...

I’d much rather see conservatives use these examples of left-wing hypocrisy to elucidate that distinction rather than try to play the same game of gotcha.

They are degenerate shitheads whose only goal is to take everyone's money and give most of it to their wealthy globalist masters.

The problem is they are too stupid to understand that is their goal.

They have been using insect politics for decades. It is time to return the favor and treat them like they have been treating us.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maher kinda just threw in "Popeyes Chicken" in there, riffing off Hurd's discussion of his time in the CIA, collecting intelligence in "back alleys" at 4:00 am.

A bit of a non sequitur - although in downtown Oakland, there is a Popeye's off Broadway St, near the BART station.


Hurd is a good guy, clinging to a sprawling left of center seat in Texas.

Achilles said...

I also want to thank Governor Northham for reminding the country that the Democrat party is the party of the KKK, Jim Crow and Slavery.

Nothing has changed since then.

Democrats are still the racists. Everything they yell about people who disagree with them is projection of their diseased hate filled ideology.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Take a stand against Dem racism.

The biggest racial problems in our politics are voter suppression, death by cop and electric chair. None of which are being pushed for by Democrats.

But I'll leave you to focus on that irrelevant and infinitely spin-able culture war shit. Policies and party platforms are things that can actually be called out and addressed openly and effectively. But since you prefer to spin and manipulate I can see why you avoid them. It's probably how you do business, too.

I guess that quip about your family history really got to you.

You've got quite the task, don't you. Minimizing/pretending away the evils of voter suppression (inc. the conservative courts strike down of precertification) AND calling blacks out as "stupid" for not voting what you would have them believe is their GOP party self-interest. All while pretending that you don't think of them in racist ways. That's a tall order, my overprivileged friend.

Tell people they're wrong for being denied the vote, for being killed at greater numbers by cops AND the state, and that they don't know how to vote for the right party. But that it's the others who are really racist. My, my, my. You really are about as smug and condescending a self-delusional asshole as they come, Michael.

Hey Mike. One thing you can say about those self-unaware/uninterested blacks. At least they're not voting to kill themselves off in greater numbers and younger in life. As poor whites are voting to do with the Republican policies that they vote for.

Pretty interesting.

Oso Negro said...

@Fido - The secret is ALWAYS do the drive through. ))) And once you deepfry something, the chance of harmful bacteria is greatly reduced.

narciso said...

Now that popeye film with Robin Williams what was that about?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nothing has changed since then.

I think the 21st century Republicans are doing a good job of keeping them from voting and of gutting their Voting Rights Act protections though, don't you?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

There is nothing any Trumpist/ rightist can say that can erase the fact that they are the majority racists in America. The left has it’s racists also, but not nearly in the numbers represented on the right. That’s just the facts. Who makes laws that suppress the black vote? Not Democrats. Full stop.

Bay Area Guy said...

The biggest racial problems in our politics are voter suppression, death by cop and electric chair. None of which are being pushed for by Democrats.

This is a clear statement and a potentiality good launching pad for an important discussion.

But, in my view, it is too narrow and suffers from misplaced focus.

I would, respectfully, alter it to read:

The biggest racial problems in our COUNTRY are too many out-of-wedlock births in black communities and resulting absentee fathers and the lack of economic opportunity in these same communities The Dem social engineers definitely pushed the first, and Trump is actually doing something about the second.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Dem social engineers definitely pushed the first, and Trump is actually doing something about the second.”

Simply not true, no matter how many times it’s repeated.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

There is a very real reason that white supremacists support Trump and reject Democrats.

Achilles said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...
Nothing has changed since then.

I think the 21st century Republicans are doing a good job of keeping them from voting and of gutting their Voting Rights Act protections though, don't you?

Ritmo thinks minorities are too stupid to get a drivers license.

Thinks people who want voter ID are racist.


Michael said...

Maybe no one remembers but there was a whole Popeye's Chicken thing many years ago where the company was accused of making the image of Popeye (on the Times Square store, I think) white in the daytime and darker at night, to match or attract their clientele. True or not, it was quite the cause celebre for a few days. Mayer must know this, so it's not "just chicken."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The biggest racial problems in our COUNTRY are too many out-of-wedlock births in black communities and resulting absentee fathers and the lack of economic opportunity in these same communities The Dem social engineers definitely pushed the first, and Trump is actually doing something about the second.

Democrats pushed the first? The breakup of the black family has been occurring since slaveowners outlawed slave marriage, raped their black concubines and refused to recognize the children.

There has been no policy since within the federal government regarding assistance or marriage that hasn't applied equally to blacks as to whites. Try looking up something called "the 14th amendment" on that one.

Stop listening to what Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter say. They've got an agenda, in case it wasn't obvious. And it's not aligned with whatever motivated this post.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
There is a very real reason that white supremacists support Trump and reject Democrats.

No there isn't.

Every time these "rallies" are held we find out they were funded and organized by democrats and they can't even get 20 people to show up.

Democrats specifically target Asians for their racist attacks. Admissions officers who donate exclusively to democrats at elitist colleges are explicitly racist.

Anyone who supports affirmative action is the definition of racist.

Democrats who think black people are too stupid to get a drivers license are racist.

Democrats like Inga and Ritmo who attacked a white boy wearing a MAGA hat because he was white over a fake video are explicitly racist.

FIDO said...

Kamala Harris believes we can afford Medicare for all but that we can't afford voter ID for the 2% of the population which doesn't already have ID.

Achilles said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...

Democrats pushed the first? The breakup of the black family has been occurring since slaveowners outlawed slave marriage, raped their black concubines and refused to recognize the children.

There has been no policy since within the federal government regarding assistance or marriage that hasn't applied equally to blacks as to whites. Try looking up something called "the 14th amendment" on that one.

You are right. It isn't specifically racist. The democrats don't mind binding some white people into poverty.

They just push poverty of the working class as a general goal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thinks people who want voter ID are racist.

I already posted on that. Here's your "discussion."

The Republicans who passed those laws knew what the effects would be. Unless you're trying to say that Republicans push for policies that don't benefit or hurt them politically.

I thought they were the party of self-interest, no?

Mike Turzai openly declared that he wanted voter I.D. because it would win Mitt Romney his state.

You're one of the few douchebags left gullible enough to believe that Republicans push for things that don't benefit their electoral chances. Are they doing away with gerrymandering?

And how about the gutting of those VRA provisions? No more precertification. That's awesome, isn't it?

Mark said...

Maher used racism as a weapon to belittle and demean a black man precisely because he is black, and he did so from a position of privilege and power.

Let's not explain away the obvious.

Fernandinande said...

Please Don't Make Fun Of The Disableds

Please don't make fun of the disableds
There's nothing funny about those
Whether mental in the head or mental in the legs
Doesn't mean their sorrow doesn't show
Ohh no, no, no
Please don't make fun of the disableds
Or you might get fired

walter said...

Far worse is Hurd allowing/enabling Maher to muddy the issue of illegal immigration by conveniently excluding "illegal"..also the concrete wall sea to shining sea comment.
He likes to play both sides of the err..fence..
He's been making the rounds a lot lately..big plans.

Anonymous said...

You know, the thing about a lot of these events I KNOW are true:
1) Young people have horrible taste in what is funny and / or appropriate (examples 1,2,...,infinity: Yearbooks)
2) People get angry and say incredibly mean things they don't really mean or believe, but just want to lash out. Is wife calling her husband an d-ckless a--hole and saying she hates him really a believe in misandry? Or is she just pushing buttons? Or a husband calling his wife a shrewish t--t really a misogynist? (I am eliding the part where the husband and wife are both terrible people here).

Yeah, sure, maybe Northam is a bigot (circumstantial issues with campaign mailings, other apparent slights to opponents who were POC...) or maybe Northam is a run of the mill asshat, self absorbed entitled politician.

I am still not sure if we are better off knowing how flawed our representatives and executives are, or if the hidden frailties of the 1st 60 years of the 20th Century are a better way of governing. I think I'd rather know the truth and be able to discount or adjust for it, rather than have it hidden and unchallenged.

What I also know is that if a Dem accuses a Rep of something, the Rep should immediately send oppo research looking for evidence of that EXACT problem in their background. It is eerie how often the accusations appear to be projections.

Seeing Red said...

The Dem social engineers definitely pushed the first, and Trump is actually doing something about the second.”

Simply not true, no matter how many times it’s repeated.

Unless we combed the laws or regulations for aid/welfare passed after the Vivil Rights law passed...give it the first 15 years after.

Seeing Red said...

Civil Rights law passed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The democrats don't mind binding some white people into poverty.

Then how come it wasn't until Mr. Reagan's "Revolution" that wage growth for the middle and working class started going backward or stagnating? Are you blaming Democrats for Reagan's Republican Revolution and his COC Gingrich revolution that followed? How about all their deregulation of corporate governance and finance?

They did that for the working poor? I thought they did that for the investor class that Mitch McConnell wanted to turn into their own personal permanent lobbyists.


You're not a very bright guy, Achilles. You're exactly the type of voter the GOP wants to keep captive. White, slight, and not too bright.

Achilles said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...
Thinks people who want voter ID are racist.

I already posted on that. Here's your "discussion."

So you are racist and you post a link to a racist fact free Vox article posted by a democrat.

You want illegal voters to be able to vote.

That is all there is to it.

FullMoon said...
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Anonymous said...

Couldn't vote - the correct answer is "yeah, it's 'racist', so what?"

In a better society, free of *real* racism, we could razz each other with racial/ethnic jokes and nobody would get butthurt about it.

You know what it means when you can't tell harmless jokes based on stereotypes? (I'm not talking about nasty, vicious stuff. Fried chicken jokes can be stupid, but they're not hateful.) Remember, stereotypes are based on reality, not irrational prejudice.

It means that those "politely excluded" from razzing are really regarded by the polite (not that they admit it to themselves) as inferior and/or alien. Not really "one of us". (What was the euphemism being retailed in a previous thread? Oh, yes, "unsophisticated people".)

Achilles said...


We all know why you leftists are really mad at Trump.

Wages are going up for the first time in decades and you oppose all of the policies that made it happen.

You are too much of an idiot to actually address. Every one of your links is to a fucking idiot journolist that has the same economic acumen as Alexandria Occasio Cortez and the outgoing president of Venezuela.

Nobody is buying your hate.

Nobody is buying your stupidity.

n.n said...
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narciso said...

Who cant rely on his own troops hence the dignity battalions faes-collectivos

n.n said...

It starts with a colorful clump of cells and progresses to full blown diversity. #HateLovesAbortion

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What was the demonstration in Charlottesville called?

Unite the Right.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We all know why you leftists are really mad at Trump.”

This loon thinks the left is merely “mad at Trump”. How can anyone be so clueless?

tcrosse said...

So when is Inga going to own Democrats Anti-Semitism?

alanc709 said...

How can the left be so clueless as to believe anything they desire iss either viable or desirable. What will you do when there's nothing left to loot?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you are racist and you post a link to a racist fact free Vox article posted by a democrat.

I posted to someone who did her research. Which of the facts and conclusions that she cited in there were "fact free?"

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So when is Inga going to own Democrats Anti-Semitism?”

So when will you admit that there are many more left wing Jewish people in the US than than right wing? Do left wing Jewish people hate themselves? No.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwingers can be as racist as they want - because Charlottesville.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftist Jews are morons. It's like holding the door open to your own destruction.
It's like excusing Hitler as a "nice guy"

Just because they excuse pure evil doesn't mean anyone should kiss their asses.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wages are going up for the first time in decades and you oppose all of the policies that made it happen.

Enough to make up for the lost wage-growth of FOUR DECADES of Revolutionary Reagan-Gingrich Republicanism?

I don't think so.

Nope. We're going back to how things were 1946 - 1980, when we saw the biggest economic booms for Americans of all classes and there ain't enough hatred in the world for you to project against twenty-six year old Latin chicks from the Bronx or any of the others who won office along with her last November to stop that from happening.

Trumpism is a fucking ruse - just to cut his own taxes, hide his real money-maker abroad, and to cut taxes for 135 of the richest hedge fund traders. THat's what his tax bill was all about. Oh, and to cater to a single dead industry in some manufacturing states to delude them into thinking that he can force utilities in America to stay in business by taking expensive dirty coal that's being overtaken by other fuel sources and that gives its workers mortal lung disease by the time they're 45.

Yeah, our country has bigger goals and more to do than that. Trump's "agenda" is so narrow you can fit it on an electron micrograph.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

I can just tell by volume that the Dem trolls are losing their minds that they are having to defend their racist allies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Leftist Jews are morons. It's like holding the door open to your own destruction.
It's like excusing Hitler as a "nice guy"

LOL! There you go, April. I'm sure you can "unite the right" with this idea.

And talk about how George Soros belongs in a gas oven. Yep, that stuff should definitely appeal to survival-minded Jews.

How can you go wrong?

I guess this is Part Deux to telling teh blacks that they're dumb for not voting to suppress their own votes or be electrocuted or killed by cops at higher rates. All while telling the Party of Teh Whites that their decreased life expectancies, suicides and deaths by opioid overdoses after 40 years of Reaganism was someone else's fault.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trumpists are morons. It's like holding the door open to your own destruction.
It's like excusing Hitler as a "nice guy"

Just because they excuse pure evil doesn't mean anyone should kiss their asses.

RMc said...

The chewing noises made by the Left eating their own is getting louder.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jews are not going to vote for the Party of Charlottesville or the Pittsburgh shooting immigrant hater.

They're not that stupid.

If you want to see an ethnic group that's stupid, check out the one that shortened its life expectancies, increased its suicides and is overdoing on opioids like you wouldn't believe: White males.

You know. The group that Stefan Molyneux and his other right-wingers say is being subjected to a "genocide," - (usually at the hands of Jews).

What a strategy.

FullMoon said...

(Trump International Crime Syndicate)

Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Jews are not going to vote for the Party of Charlottesville or the Pittsburgh shooting immigrant hater.

They're not that stupid.”


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

White working-class males voted overwhelmingly for Reagan and Gingrich - the guys that outsourced their jobs, busted their labor unions, shifted the growth of their wages to Wall Street and, well... what exactly did they do that was good for them?

Oh yeah. They told them that communist Soviets were bad and that more of their taxes should be devoted to making their dead empire crumble. Because Soviet communism wasn't supposed to work, anyway.

Great reason to spend that many billions more to defeat it. I think it's a great idea to spend lots of cash to stop things that aren't going to work.

That's Republicanism for you. Same thing with the wall.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"They're not that stupid.”


They're probably not proud enough, either.

Jews have this genetic defect that allows their intelligence to overrule their sense of pride.

White males have a different genetic defect that tells them that pride is more important than any ability to think clearly.

So the latter vote for Trump. But no one else does.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Full Moon is a housing contractor who can "pass for educated and intelligent."

Just ask him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey there Full Moon. Does your wife still "roll her eyes" at you?

You're a pretty lucky guy, ain't you? You sure know how to pick 'em.

How did she get stuck with a piece of poor white trash like yourself?

I figured with all those Asians and Latinos in California you might have gotten lucky and married "up."

Guess you don't have much to offer on the charm scale as well as the status scale, huh?

robother said...

Democrats and their Progressive hacks in the MSM have repeatedly demonstrated that they can pretty much trot out every racist trope against a Republican Black man since at least the Clarence Thomas hearings. You could say it's the one continuity from the Reconstruction Jim Crow Democrat party to the present. Maher and Byrd, cut from the same cloth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Full Moon was offered to have a full wall size poster made of him with his contractor dress on that says, "BETA MALE CUCK."

He took them up on the offer. Really needed the money.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Full Moon will do anything for the money.

It's what got him out of the trailer.

You can take the Full Moon out of the trailer park but you sure can't take the trailer park out of the Full Moon!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

The story has gotten pedantic:


Drago said...

PPPT: "We associate blacks with southern things because before you twats could figure out how to stop lynching and segregating and vote suppressing them they migrated here en masse to get away from your bullshit. It's called The Great
Migration. Six million of them came up this way. Learn American history much, Good Ole Boy?"


Literally decades behind on migration patterns of African Americans.

One of the most interesting US migration patterns to be discussed over the last decade is the migration of African Americans back to the south from the northeast and industrial midwest.

Just google African Americans Migrate to the South and you will be reading all day about.

Just dont tell PPPT and Inga about it. They literally just figured out their hoax dossier fever dreams were based on a lie.....about a year after the most lunatic of leftists had already figured it out and moved on to the next lie.

Drago said...

Gee, I wonder if Inga has expressed any concern over the number of PPPT posts here today?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One of the most interesting US migration patterns to be discussed over the last decade is the migration of African Americans back to the south from the northeast and industrial midwest.

I think they're coming to take their country back, Dreck O.

Just don't tell Stacey Abrams that, though. Brian Kemp stole it right back away from her.

It was a Southern Story if ever there was one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Brian Kemp stole Stacey Abrams' state away from her.

Just like his grand-pappy would have done to her grand-mammy decades and decades ago.

But in this case it's only high office that southern whites are stealing away from southern blacks. Not just the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Progress - Southern style! (Very slow).

Drago likes it.

FullMoon said...

Uh-oh,Inga disappointed Ritmo

(Trump International Crime Syndicate )

The Toothless Revolutionary

Today's women are fucking morons. Maybe if they hated their own bodies less then they'd be more interested in the rest of the world, too.

FUcking inane.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lincolntf said...

When I moved to NC more than a decade ago, I saw Popeye's Chicken for the first time. I asked locals if it was any good, and they all, black and white, told me it was okay but it was considered the "black" chicken place. I thought that was weird, but it's obviously a widely accepted stereotype. Maher might or might not have known that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Housing contractor needs attention and reposts the same comment over-and-over again upthread because it was ignored or smacked down too stunningly downthread.

He thinks he's making a very winning case for his politics this way. Not even discussing the issues but, you know, the fact that I'm not a trailer park baby like him who's too afraid to have an opinion (but so eager to!) on anything not related to installing toilets and caulking bathrooms.

Go Full Moon!

A win for Full Moon is a win for Trump! Trump is looking to Full Moon to carry his weight!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...are you a minority who passes for white...

Hey now! Just because you were born in a trailer park doesn't mean you speak for the majority of "whites" either!

Most of our Great White People were not born in trailer parks, you know?

Now let's smoke a peace pipe together!

(Either that or a bag of heroin. It's much whiter than that peyote stuff).

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...


Trump International Crime Syndicate,

Did you claim are you a minority who passes for white?

Why? Are you ashamed of your heritage?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

See, the burning question for me is, which part of the trailer was Full Moon born in, exactly?

This makes a difference, you see. It affects the specialty of housing contractor-work that he chose.

If he was born closer to the bathroom of the trailer, he would specialize in finishing bathrooms.

If it was the La-Z-Boy recliner, well, that would explain a lot of other things.

Be honest, Full Moon! Which part of the trailer did your momma pop you out onto!!?!?!!!

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