February 5, 2019

At the State of the Union Café...

... you can talk about anything you want, but I'm going to be watching the State of the Union, which is just about to start. How about you? I don't live-blog anymore. I don't like the feeling of coming out with instant opinions. I'd rather soak it up, then see what stays with me and write the next morning, with the aid of a transcript. I hope Trump does well — brings us together, inspires optimism and so forth. I wonder what it will be like with Nancy in the background the whole time...

UPDATE: That was damn near perfect. So upbeat, full of optimism. The singing of “Happy Birthday” was a unique moment. Beautiful.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

You choose greatness first Trump, set an example.

Drago said...

Inga: "I’m enjoying it! "

Clearly a lie based on your earlier comments.


I guess history is now starting anew every 15 minutes for you and LLR Chuck.

Howard said...

it's over? can't wait to skim the post op report tomorrow from you folks. Should be comedy gold, jerry

Henry said...

""Yes, sadly there still would be murders committed by Americans. Murder won’t go away if there is no wall.""

That is, in a nutshell, the salient point.

The use of individual crimes as a point of persuasion in favor of broad-based immigration policy is just as rigorous as the use of individual crimes in favor of broad-based gun control. In order to be persuaded you have to favor one of two things. Either you believe in a totem or you favor totalitarianism.

Pick any aspect of the open society and death will be ascribed to it.

Open borders -- some immigrants are potential murderers
Gun rights -- some gun owners are potential murderers.
Driving cars -- some drivers are potential murderers.
Free exchange of information -- like how to manufacture explosives?
Flying lessons?

An obvious rejoinder is that you can pick the thing you oppose and eliminate it. You can eliminate murders by immigrants by imposing draconian laws against immigration. And when murders happen anyway, despite your legions of Eliot Nesses, you can give the government more power to make more arrests and prosecute faster. Eventually you just give the government the power to disappear people.

And you might as well outlaw guns, cars, and alcohol while you're all in on the eliminating potential murderers crusade.

Drago said...

Inga: "You choose greatness first Trump, set an example."

He has, and the numbers show it...as do the military voter majorities that voted for him over the hack dems.

Wince said...

The strategy is to end old wars, because the reserve strength to fight new wars is the best way to deter new wars while maximizing the policy outcome.

Meade said...

God bless our country. God bless President Trump. And God bless Inga and Chuck too.

Bay Area Guy said...

When I was a kid in the early 70s, most of our Grandpas and many of the old men in our neighborhood were WWII vets. They would regale us with stories sbout Italy and the Pacific. Charlie Smathers got half his rump shot off in Italy. We were too young to fully understand, but they were great guys. Even a few WACS too (Great Aunt Dorothy)!

Seeing Red said...

So much better than Barry’s first SOTU inspiring the American people to weatherstrip their homes.

chickelit said...

I was impressed with Sen. Elizabeth Warren's spontaneous applause for many of Trump's words and ideas. In contrast, Kamala Harris sat on her hands the entire time.

walter said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...And why did he kill them? He thought Jews were supplying funding to the caravans Trump rants about.
Wow. Unhinged as Nancy's jaws.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I enjoyed it, even his lies and pandering were entertaining. Didn’t like him using the grief of victim’s family though, that is always disgusting no matter which side does it.

stephen cooper said...

FIDO - I do not think you know what "amazing" means.

When you have hate in your heart, it is very difficult to look pretty.

No handsome man, in the entire history of the universe, has ever fallen in love with a woman who believes in late term abortion.

I know that, you know that, everybody knows that.

Sad for the people who gave AOC help in dressing tonight. Not their fault that she is a fan of late term abortion. It is not an easy job, designing clothes, often your clients are really ugly at heart.

Browndog said...

I watched the CBC feed on Youtube. There were a few NPC (Wall=hate) comments, but 90% of the Canadians were pro USA/pro Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Thank you Meade, God Bless you too!

hombre said...

No Democrat will ever be able to deliver a State of the Union message like that! Stirring and outstanding.

Drago said...

Inga: "idn’t like him using the grief of victim’s family though, that is always disgusting no matter which side does it."

The left/dems/libs/LLR's have been doing that for 50 years.

I'll bet you never criticized them one time for doing it. I'll bet Chuck hasn't either.

You two make a wonderful online couple by the way. You share so much in terms of political outlook.

I wish you both the best.

Limited blogger said...

Switching over to CNN to see how they deconstruct things

Tommy Duncan said...

Can we do a SOTU event on November 3, 2020?

Birkel said...

Can you point to the Constitutional text that protects illegal alien entry to this country while I do the same for gun rights for American citizens? Do you even logic, bro?

Drago said...

I've decided, in the interest of bipartisanship, to start a GoFundMe to purchase a lifetimes supply of Super Poligrip for Nancy Pelosi.

A lifetime supply...because, honestly, how long can that be?

Tank said...

Thank God for President Trump.

Tina Trent said...

Some of the witchy anti-pep squad refused to cheer for the concentration camp survivor and the soldier who liberated him.

Ashamed for my sex.

Original Mike said...

"Switching over to CNN to see how they deconstruct things"

I lasted 30 seconds.

Limited blogger said...

Van Jones, calling the address "appalling". Good grief.

Limited blogger said...

Stacy Abrams now. Hope she can keep things positive.

Birkel said...

Maddow is going nuts and it is hilarious.
She demands Trump cave or resign or make Hillary president.
Some nonsense or another...

Guildofcannonballs said...

PBS just had a guy who said the White House had promised reaching across the isle but really, really, Trump said "the state of our Union is strong" and that is divisive so Trump, misleadingly, just lied to y'all.

Hope you ain't so dumb you don't see it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Wow. Unhinged as Nancy's jaws.”

“And why did he kill them? He thought Jews were supplying funding to the caravans Trump rants about.”

“Bowers called Jewish people “the children of Satan” in his Gab profile. In the days before the shooting, Bowers authored increasingly anti-Semitic posts. On October 10, he posted about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a Jewish charity that was hosting charity events for immigrants. One of the events was at the Dor Hadash congregation. Dor Hadash and another Jewish congregation share the same Pittsburgh synagogue as Tree of Life, according to Tuesday’s superseding indictment filed in federal court.

Bowers accused HIAS and its associated congregations of bringing “hostile invaders to dwell among us.” The claim is part of a white supremacist conspiracy theory that falsely claims Jewish people are trying to promote immigration to make countries less white. Elsewhere on Gab, Bowers posted anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi memes.

According to the indictment, Bowers drove to the synagogue the morning of October 27, when all three congregations were worshipping. Before entering, Bowers posted a final message to Gab, once again referencing the conspiracy theory. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” he wrote. “I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in.””


Drago said...

Birkel: "Maddow is going nuts and it is hilarious.
She demands Trump cave or resign or make Hillary president.
Some nonsense or another..."

Thank goodness LLR Chuck has somewhere to tune in to find comfort and solace amongst those who believe precisely as he does...even though its true, sometimes LLR Chuck finds MSNBC a little to right wing for his taste.

traditionalguy said...

CNN panelist says our President's speech was psychotically incoherent. They must have written that line before the speech and did not bother to listen to it.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm having trouble watching Stacey Abrams. Nice demeanor, nothing untoward, but I wanna see Bernie.

Seeing Red said...

You choose greatness first Trump, set an example.

He is by deed. Not your cup of tea, did you wear white, too?

Drago said...

And why did Hodgkinson shoot up the republicans?

Because he, like Inga, believed everything the lefties/LLR talking heads told him.

Inga has yet to apologize for the shooting.

mockturtle said...

There's a lotta House chicks dressed in White.

Displaying their privilege.

I thought the speech was great, BTW. Trump seems very comfortable at these events and was no doubt being conciliatory.

walter said...

Abrams has extras behind her.
It would be great if one of them puked.

Rick said...

that is always disgusting no matter which side does it.

It's so cute when left wingers pretend their opposition comes from principles. Surely it's just a coincidence that every single criticism has been directed at a conservative/republican.

Wince said...

So, if you were hungry but not a federal worker Abrams wouldn't hand you any food?

Chuck said...

So no National Emergency on the U.S. southern border?

Maybe the oddest thing about this SOTU is that we are just days away from another federal government shutdown; and almost nothing of consequence was said about it. A pass at the same talking points that prevailed all through the last month-ling shutdown.

Tina Trent said...

Per Henry, if we just stop stopping murderers, we will have less murder.

Birkel said...

Stacey Abrams got a terrible chore.
Schumer hanging her out to dry is dirty politics.

mockturtle said...

Fact check: I thought I saw Kyrsten Sinema, not dressed in white, standing up and clapping. Was it mistaken identity? Hallucination? Maybe she really is the moderate she campaigned as.

gilbar said...

Does stacy mention her dad's coat, in every speech?

Limited blogger said...

Its a little creepy that the folks behind Abrams are out of focus.

cronus titan said...

Inga, like most of the Democrat media complex, leaves out the part where Bowers despised Trump as a "globalist controlled by a Jewish conspiracy," among other epithets. Doesn't support Inga's phony narrative, so ignore it . . .


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Your party is a shit hole Inga. Just like you.

Drago said...

One can only imagine the flop-sweat drenching LLR Chuck's sad little face as he feverishly clicks back and forth between the DNC/Media Matters websites and Althouseblog as he plops in every lefty talking point he can find just as fast as he can find them.

I must say, I'm impressed by his diligence. One can only imagine the potential dem success if every leftist was as dedicated to Dem Narrative Support as our LLR Chuck.

Birkel said...

Chuck, racist smear merchant and disinvited guest, is mad that Trump didn't do what Chuck wanted.

I am still not tired of Chuck losing.

Limited blogger said...

Abrams is good. Had not seen/heard her before.

walter said...

The American people are behind her.

Antioco Dascalon said...

Great response to those who say “America was never great!” He repeatedly brought up D-Day, concentration camp liberation and the moon landing as undisputed examples of American greatness. Contrasting the bravery of the young men who died on the beaches of Normandy with the youth of today certainly underscores his MAGA message.
Also, can we say that Trump, father of a Jewish convert, father in law of a Jew, is the world’s worst Anti-Semite. He honored two concentration camp prisoners, one who was at the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. He directly condemned anti-sémitismes. Then he again talked about the evils of the Nazis.
And he touted the lowest unemployment ever for minorities and the successes of women. He really is the worst White Supremacist ever.

Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse really liked the speech:

"UPDATE: That was damn near perfect. So upbeat, full of optimism. The singing of “Happy Birthday” was a unique moment. Beautiful."

Maybe DJT has seized the middle.

David Begley said...

Thank you Russia! Hillary is not President.

Birkel said...

Remember when Democrats all wore white to the SOTU?

But enough about Woodrow Wilson...

HT said...

I despise Trump and think he is so obviously a hypocrite with his companies' hiring of illegal immigrants, but I do not hate this line, "“Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate; it is cruel." We're meant to think it's cruel for the immigrants, and this may be true, I know what he means. But when you import that many non-participants into the country, that's not good either. We need people fully vested in all aspects of the future, not just short-term economic.

Original Mike said...

"Maybe the oddest thing about this SOTU is that we are just days away from another federal government shutdown; and almost nothing of consequence was said about it."

Maybe because the last one was such a nothing burger.

Bay Area Guy said...

Where's Bernie?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Was the white the solidarity with Northam's KKK outfit?

Known Unknown said...

"The American people are behind her."

Oh, so that's why they are blurry.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Known Unknown said...

"Maybe the oddest thing about this SOTU is that we are just days away from another federal government shutdown; and almost nothing of consequence was said about it."

Trump has attempted several things. The ball is clearly in Congress's court and they won't really do anything about it. I think he's banking on people realizing that.

Birkel said...

Last shitdown: (typo saved because I liked it)

Trump lost no support.
Pelosi lost tons of support.

Where is that Br'er Patch?

Drago said...

HT: "I despise Trump and think he is so obviously a hypocrite with his companies' hiring of illegal immigrants,..."

I too was shocked, shocked I tell you, when I found out that DJT does not serve as HR manager and background checker at each and every Trump business across the globe.

Further, it is a tremendous detriment to our nation that President Trump is not the Lead Six Sigma Master Black Belt leading key strategic improvement efforts at each of these businesses.

Also, if Trump were to have personally asked each and every Trump business employee about their immigration status he would literally be called Hitler....again.

Birkel said...

When does President Hillary deliver her SOTU?

Limited blogger said...

CNN is now totally melting down. Took a minute, but they are now back on their tired talking points, and invective we've been hearing for 2+ years.

Ken B said...

Chuck quotes reviews published before the speech was given. Is that the Chuckest thing ever?

Original Mike said...

Althouse really liked the speech: "UPDATE: That was damn near perfect. So upbeat, full of optimism. The singing of “Happy Birthday” was a unique moment. Beautiful."

You'd think she could deign to wade into her comments section.

(I kid, I kid.)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Great response to those who say “America was never great!”

America was always great, warts and all. America never needed to be made great again, it’s always been great. There is no American Carnage, that was Trump pandering to you people.

Drago said...

Inga: "Did shoot someone? Have you Drago, apologized for Heather Heather being run down and murdered at the Unite The Right demonstration?"

Of course not.

Like you, I simply demanded that we allow many many many more illegal alien reckless drivers into our nation so more people could be run over.

According to the democrats, to do anything less would be immoral.

Bay Area Guy said...

I can't find Bernie's responsive speech anywhere. Once again, they are shafting the Socialist.

walter said...

So where is the Berno response? I'm watch c-span feed

roesch/voltaire said...

What a strong line “, I don’t want Trump to fail I just want him to tell the truth,” A new voice from the democratics that I suspect will continue ringing in our ears as both sides work together.

Drago said...

Inga: 'America was always great, warts and all."

Gov Cuomo says you are a liar.

So, which of you is correct?

Known Unknown said...

"America was always great, warts and all. America never needed to be made great again, it’s always been great. There is no American Carnage, that was Trump pandering to you people."

You people? What do you mean you people?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga has yet to apologize for the shooting.”

Did I shoot someone? Have you Drago, apologized for Heather Heather being run down and murdered at the Unite The Right demonstration?

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "What a strong line “, I don’t want Trump to fail I just want him to tell the truth,”

The Party of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", "a video started Benghazi" SPEAKS!!


Tell us more about telling the truth.

Known Unknown said...

I still can't figure out what the modern Democratic party is for.

walter said...

Heather Heather too?
Inga has doubled her examples.

Drago said...

Inga: "Did shoot someone? Have you Drago, apologized for Heather Heather being run down and murdered at the Unite The Right demonstration?"

Of course not.

Like you, I simply demanded that we allow many many many more illegal alien reckless drivers into our nation so more people could be run over.

According to the democrats, to do anything less would be immoral.

Sebastian said...

"Van Jones, calling the address "appalling"."

Touting high employment, honoring Jews, opposing infanticide, attacking illegal immigration, taking pride in America: of course that's "appalling" to progs.

Drago said...

Lets use Inga logic: why should we punish the driver of the car that ran over Heather Heyer?

Will prosecuting him stop all hit and runs?

Limited blogger said...

CNN: Trump did not mention climate change, he sucks.

Drago said...

You know what the democrats call a child that is buried?

A lost revenue opportunity.

Birkel said...

Fewer people on food stamps: Democrats sit still.

You guys got elected: loud cheers.


traditionalguy said...

One witty commenter said, "I haven't seen this many Democrats wear white since they founded the KKK."

Apparently the base loved our President's performance. The honest talking heads are saying this may be the best SOTU speech ever given. He made FDR and Churchill seem like amateurs in comparison. What a truly great communicator.

William said...

Nancy Pelosi's fixed smile seemed lopsided. There was something asymmetrical about her eyebrows too. She was reasonably respectful, but her appearance was kind of distracting......Trump looked comfortable and in charge. He was, at moments, the effortless and good humored emcee. Obama can deliver the iambic pentameter sentiments with more finesse, but there's something about Trump that holds your attention and there was something about Obama that caused one's eyes to glaze over......I thought it was a good speech and that it will not change the course of history.

Bay Area Guy said...

When DJT said "America will never be a Socialist country" he wasn't joking - Bernie just got blacklisted from his speech.

chickelit said...

“When does President Hillary deliver her SOTU?”

She’s not speaking to the press tonight. It’s the chard talking again.

Birkel said...

John Kasich says things for money on CNN.
Totes conservative, you guys.


Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Inga has yet to apologize for the shooting.”

Did [I] shoot someone?

It's revealing she says this minutes after smearing the right with the Pittsburgh murders. Acts by those on the right taint the right. Acts by those on the left are individual.

Next she'll lecture others on hypocrisy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Paid Family Leave is socialist, so what is it, do you want socialism or don’t you?! Make up your mind.

Drago said...

So, who else just loved the idea of LLR Chuck and Sen Blumenthal (D-Stolen Valor) wincing in pain as the announcement of the next NK meeting to occur in Da Nang, Vietnam!!


I'll bet LLR Chuck used up every kleenex in his home on that one!

Birkel said...

Rick, to be fair, Royal ass Inga also didn't have basic facts right about either event.
So she was being consistent.

Ficta said...

"AOC picked white. She looks amazing in white and the rest of the jaundiced"

Wear your hair down, and a flower
Don't use makeup, dress in white
She'll grow older by the hour
And be hopelessly shattered by Saturday night

Ken B said...

Wow is Inga ever ignorant. Socialism is public ownership of the means of production. Paid leave isn’t.

Ken B said...

Inga, did you suggest Booker ask the law clerk question?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Socialism is Communism's ugly step-sister.

Drago said...

Inga: "Paid Family Leave is socialist, so what is it, do you want socialism or don’t you?! Make up your mind."

For the 3rd time in this thread, Trump is a conservative populist and you are going to get policies like this every once in awhile.

It's astonishing that we are 3 years into this and you are still incapable of absorbing this most basic of facts.

What's funniest about your invincible ignorance is that you think this is some sort of revelatory thing and thus can be used as a wedge with Trump supporters!!

It's awesome. At this point in time I have no fear at all that you or your LLR pals will ever get it.

It's nothing short of astonishing.

R Devere said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I see a few SCOTUS members, including Kavanaugh, but not Ginsburg. Where is she?

Feeding worms? Pushing up daisies???

Birkel said...

Stop berating Royal ass Inga.
It is not astonishing that she has no understanding of basic facts.
Quit picking on the slow kid.


Henry said...

@Birkel -- The leveraging of rare, horrific events to demand broad changes to national law is a parallel I would expect any gun rights supporter to recognize. You can retreat to any legalisms you want. They are no protection. There's a very logical reason I referenced alcohol in my argument..

Mark Daniels said...

From thirteen years ago, a post on one of the most annoying conventions of the State of the Union message; it began as a comment on Althouse: Here.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

I agree you made a specious argument.
We good, bro?

walter said...

John Brennan ground off a lot of tooth enamel tonight.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Democrats love to smash small business and fill the voids with their mega-corporate cronies.
Feeds the donor-rice bowl supply chain.

Drago said...

Henry: "@Birkel -- The leveraging of rare, horrific events to demand broad changes to national law is a parallel I would expect any gun rights supporter to recognize."

Thousands of Americans murdered by illegals, tens of thousands of other violent crimes.


Drago said...

walter:"John Brennan ground off a lot of tooth enamel tonight."

Most pro-Muslim Brotherhood Communist voting hacks did.

walter said...

Bernie: Ah..is this ting on?

Drago said...

Show of hands: Who thinks the anti-wall open borders types like Inga and LLR Chuck lock their doors at night?

Bay Area Guy said...

The Democrat Agenda:

1. Post-Birth Abortions
2. Higher Taxes
3. Open Borders

narciso said...

Effendi brennan, yes probably so, hes still bummed his no 1 bff Alex Castro was demoted to years ago.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Socialist Democrats like FORCE.

Original Mike said...

Henry said..."You can eliminate murders by immigrants by imposing draconian laws against immigration."

Oh for fucks sake, Henry. ILLEGAL Immigration. But you know that. I expected better of you.

narciso said...

There is a grim calculus with 60 million dead, there have to be replacements, it all works together like pinheads demonic puzzlebox.

Sprezzatura said...

"That was damn near perfect."

All those strange looking guys wearing white were the only problems.

Take them out and fill the spaces w/ more normal looking guys in grey/blue suits, and ya gots perfection.

Those were the days.

[Technically, not having a draft dodger, legally-identified-swindler running the show does also seem like another requirement re perfection, but that's nitpicking. Near perfection fer sher. As if little baby Hey Zeus came back.]

walter said...

Does Henry look illegal? ;)
I don't see a dog tag......

Birkel said...

Henry makes a terrible argument.
Nobody is going to spend time tearing it apart.
It is an obvious waste of time.

Henry is a better dressed-up brand of Royal ass Inga.

alanc709 said...

Inga rode the small bus to school. From what I've seen, it must have been a microbus since she's such an utter moron

Birkel said...

How was it for you that Democrats continue to wear white hoods in modern politics?
The 90s called and they want their politics back.
The 1890s.

Sprezzatura said...


Who has a white hood? Link?

walter said...

How'd Abrams' spiel play for ya?
I found the cast behind her a bit odd.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Birkel said... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardive_dyskinesia

That might explain why she'd blink, look up, then left, over and over.

Birkel said...


The Virginia governor.
It's been in the news.
Get your own link.

Birkel said...

Michael the Magnificent,
I had a great grandmother with that condition so I recognize the symptoms.
The evidence fits my hypothesis.

Kevin said...

FOX: America can be even greater.
CNN: Trump must drop the wall and compromise on everything.
MSNBC: When will Michael Cohen testify?

narciso said...

What is this CNN you speak, some strange sorcery.

Birkel said...

Also CNN in the person of Van Jones:

Trump is responsible for the individual actions of each of his supporters. (paraphrase)

Sprezzatura said...


I liked her jabber about black folks working hard and picking themselves up by their own bootstraps instead of being welfare royalty.

I'm surprised cons didn't like that. OTOH, she did say that those self reliant black folks did care for and support others who were not self supporting. So Ayn would be pissed.

Kevin said...

I’m still trying to get my head around a family with a car letting dad walk and hitchhike home for 30 miles.

walter said...

Yeah..the jacket off the back bit. Powerful stuff.
Her Dad was not a postal worker though

Sprezzatura said...


The link showing that he wore a white hat doesn't exist.

Also you used plural re contemporary Ds.

Making sloppy comments makes a commenter sloppy. Sloppy is not good. IMHO.

Logic is tricky.

chickelit said...

Henry reasoned: “The leveraging of rare, horrific events to demand broad changes to national law is a parallel I would expect any gun rights supporter to recognize."

Which amendment protects the rights of illegal immigrants already here and on their way? For once — just this once — please tell us what you see in those people that you don’t see in your fellow Americans.

alanc709 said...

Tardive_dyskinesia... "Other medications such as ...botulinum toxin may be used to lessen the symptoms." Nancy's been self-diagnosing and treating herself, maybe?

Known Unknown said...

"Also CNN in the person of Van Jones:"

I thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, Van Jones was a little more clever than suspected. He seemed for a second to comprehend Trump's populist appeal. But I see he's toeing the usual CNN lion.

Sprezzatura said...


How about the kid who needed to raise forty grand for herself so that she could get healthcare?

How was that not question for our country re providing healthcare to sick folks who don't have dough? Seems like AOC could work w/ that.

Birkel said...

Sure, adSs.
There is only that one cockroach.
And when you turned on the light he left.
Sound logic you are working there, smart guy.

Margaret Sanger's acolytes demand more dead black babies.
Post-birth if necessary.

And just that one cockroach.

Sprezzatura said...

Look at the cute little kid who had to raise dough to save her life. Now America is GA.

chickelit said...

Trump played the white hood guy exactly right, reminding people that Northam supported post birth abortion.

walter said...

Is that condition what the weird paper shuffling was about?
That seemed rude/distracting.

The feed I saw had Pence'e head cut off, leaving just Nancy doing her thing. Show all 3 or just the prez, methinks

Birkel said...

Yes, AOC could certainly work to crush the spirit of community and charity that saved (we hope) that little girl.

Government programs > charity in a Leftist mind.

Thanks, adSs for clarifying.


readering said...

He did better today than Lindsey Vonn.

chickelit said...

“The feed I saw had Pence'e head cut off, leaving just Nancy doing her thing. Show all 3 or just the prez, methinks”

Isn’t the Dem fantasy to take out both Pence and Trump, leaving Nancy in charge?

Wince said...

Althouse said...
UPDATE: That was damn near perfect. So upbeat, full of optimism. The singing of “Happy Birthday” was a unique moment. Beautiful.

An affable warrior comfortable in his skin delivering bold and easily understood common sense populism. Trump is establishing a comfort level that'll be hard to beat, first despite and now increasingly because of the chaos being sown by his enemies.

Birkel said...


No, tardive dyskinesia causes all that face twitching.
Usually brought on by long-term use of anti-psychotics, e.g. lithium.

Sprezzatura said...

"Yes, AOC could certainly work to crush the spirit of community and charity that saved (we hope) that little girl."

Taxes on the job creators = taxes on the spirit of community and charity creators.

I like it!

Guildofcannonballs said...

I prefer thinner eyebrows than First Lady M. Trump sported.

Nancy's brows were probably so ugly so that when a youngster her brother(S) didn't rape her like they did other preteens under daddy-mafia in Baltimore.

Newark and Baltimore represent the very best of America, if your family got off the underage rape charges both rape-rapey and under 18 because the authorities get paid by the rapists so they can keep on raping like nothing ever happened, especially aborted rape-babies.

Sprezzatura said...

Nice messaging twist.

Drago said...

readering: "He did better today than Lindsey Vonn."

Hey, readering is here!


BTW, did you know that readering, just a few short weeks ago, had no idea that the Soviets coordinated their invasion of Poland from the east with Hitler's invasion of Poland from the west!

It's true.

readering was literally arguing the pro-Soviet moronic position that the ONLY reason Stalin invaded Poland from the east was due to his desire to protect Poland from Hitler invasion!!


It was fantastic. So very very "reality based" and not at all Deplorably-dumb. Nosirree!

Birkel said...

Yes, as a committed Leftist I believe you like it.

narciso said...

I know an appendectomy cost 25k even with Obamacare, so I imagine what other procedures cost


Sprezzatura said...

"I prefer thinner eyebrows than First Lady M. Trump sported."

The more work she has done, the more she has masculine features.


BTW, I've seen Jessica Simpson up close. So, I've seen this thing. I prefer gals sans man's features.


Birkel said...

Community pulls together to help its members => problem => federal government must solve this problem

adSs told us that logic was hard.
Boy was adSs right!

readering said...

Well someone misses me.

Drago said...

readering's ignorance was not in the least surprising for a leftist.

Just the other night, Inga boldly claimed that the communist killing at least 100 Million human beings in the 20th century was propaganda and lies.

The lefties will never ever change.

And their instinctive pro-Soviet tendencies will always be just below the surface.

readering said...

1 to go.

Drago said...

readering: "Well someone misses me."

Who doesn't like a good Alternative History yarn? The fact that in your alternative histories the good guys are always the commies is purely coincidental no doubt.

Birkel said...

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
Now he owns three dachas.

The grift always catches the poorly educated and leaves them poorer.
The leaders always do very well.
Standing on that many skulls provides a great view.

Bay Area Guy said...

CBS Poll - 76% of viewers approved SOTU Union Address

Dan Rather was not available for comment.

Drago said...

Here's another idea for you readering:

US launched Moon Mission (with a secret purpose to unrighteously establish a horrific American/War Mongering Missile base on moon) suddenly goes awry when, out of the blue, a loving and benevolent soviet union diverts their space-based "humanitarian" mission to save the Americans and, once completed, shares detailed soviet plans with the US to solve world hunger, climate change and annoying spam emails.

Those gosh darn swell Soviets!!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"readering was literally arguing the pro-Soviet moronic position that the ONLY reason Stalin invaded Poland from the east was due to his desire to protect Poland from Hitler invasion!!"

He actually said that?

"readering" needs to, you know, actually read a few books.

Inga too. Does anybody know of some good, solid American and WWII histories that won't overtax their brains? I'd recommend Paul Johnson's "Modern Times" but he uses big words and the book has no pictures.

Sprezzatura said...


Presumably, healthcare shouldn't only go to the folks w/o dough who are the best at running charity fundraisers.

If there must be rationing, it'd be more rational to provide healthcare based on a cost benefit analysis re each individual's net output if they live.

Or, we could be like other civilized countries that (using much less dough overall) provide a floor of care for everyone.

walter said...

Sure you're not twisting the story, Sitter?

SOTU transcript:
"Every birthday since she was 4, Grace asked her friends to donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital. She did not know that one day she might be a patient herself. That’s what happened. Last year, Grace was diagnosed with brain cancer. Immediately, she began radiation treatment. At the same time, she rallied her community and raised more than $40,000 dollars for the fight against cancer"

"Grace Eline of Gillette will be in Washington, D.C. after the speech was rescheduled following the partial government shutdown. Last year, when she was 9 years old, Grace was diagnosed with a germ cell brain tumor, a rare cancer. She started chemotherapy in May, and was pronounced cancer free in October.

Grace had a dance-a-thon fundraiser for the Valerie Fund for her 10th birthday on Dec. 16."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bay Area Guy said...
CBS Poll - 76% of viewers approved SOTU Union Address "

CNN's spin on that was "only Republicans watched it!"

Guildofcannonballs said...

Bedfellows strange? My lil' Andy Spurging-aced de-sadist Shorting has the pulse, a pulse well-earned richly eating.

We all eat him, self-cannablism and nothing less, or WE ALL LOSE.

Film your reaction to eating your liver, if you must, but don't go simple and make some fava beans for a side. Be original, your envy of those not envious matters.

We have driven and can drive more to your utopic reality where for once the rich guys pay a cent for our deplorabley, divinely-inspired Marxist hatred of anything arising envy most righteous.

Like we all hate Trump.

You are an amazing entity with amazing accomplishments that only shine brighter the more you belittle those you care not enough about to preach to.

narciso said...

Of course Sputnik was launched atop a nuclear delivery platform the r 7 the prototype was put in Cuba five years later.

Drago said...

BAG: "Dan Rather was not available for comment."

In a predictable twist, Dan Rather's crack LLR Investigative Team has uncovered Secret Marine Corps Reserve documentation that shows conclusively that LLR Chuck's favorite Stolen Valor dem Da Nang Dick Blumenthal actually WAS in Vietnam and was deserving of 157 Medal of Honors and associated purple hearts and a few Nobel prizes while we are at it.

LLR Chuck claims vindication in his continuous and persistent support for Democrat Blumenthal.

Birkel said...

The Soviets were behind the propaganda to stop nuclear power, stop oil and gas exploration, and the environmental movement.
They also supported guys like Paul Ehrlich.

Dupes gonna dupe.

Sprezzatura said...


That's exactly what I'm suggesting is not a sign of a just healthcare system for the richest nation in history.

Drago said...

exiled: "He actually said that?"



And these are the people who lecture us endlessly re: education, reading, etc.

walter said...

You made it sound like she raised it for herself.

Birkel said...

adSs, clarified:
People helping each other is a sign of a problem.

Your belief system is foolish and harmful.

readering said...

Keep baiting those lines.

Sprezzatura said...


Ask DJT and Adams about "tweaks" to draw attention.

I'm in the barn w/ them. Stable geniuses.

Birkel said...

readering is a "she", I think.
But it's the internet so who knows?

narciso said...

And now Germany has committed itself to suicide by eliminating its nuclear power because of fukushima

Sprezzatura said...

I'm a "they."

And, a "zir."

Birkel said...

Also CBS News:
72% approve of President Trump's border wall plan.

Nancy Pelosi will have to shitdown the government again.

narciso said...

Obama made medical care even more expensive, Ithat was the designed purpose in order to eliminate private insurance.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

I am more formal than that.
You are non-gendered bitch.

walter said...

Sorry theer,
I don't have a line to them Sitter.
I'll have to trust the tweak thing is somehow relevant..

Sprezzatura said...

I prefer the opposite of non-gender: Panitch

walter said...

Speaking of tweaks, a missed opp was referencing Cuomo's pathetic realization that higher taxes lead to lower revenues..and wealth flight.

Birkel said...

They make a cream for pants itch.

walter said...

Add in Moonbeam and neo-Moonbeam AOC's feelings don't care about your facts.
Trump: These idiots are not who we are.

madAsHell said...

Oh, yeah.....that was some serious upstaging by Pelosi. She could teach Steve McQueen something about upstaging.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Abortion vs. Slavery was never considered: abortion back then was known as universally abhorrently Satan-inspired madness.

'Course what did those old dead white bastards really (really really) know 'bout things then, ya know, much less today?

Dude, tomorrow is just a dream bro.

furious_a said...


walter said...

Bernie: Dis ting is definitely not on.

Guildofcannonballs said...

15 million black abortion murders so far.

Blame me, blame GOP, but let's all just stop the killing.

Let's just, even beyond yo Lamborghini, beyond those shiny mansions, beyond that bright bright light O' the spots.... We just stop killin' 'em.

Tomorrow we do not allow the genocide any more.

They lied and killed 15 million of just us, alone, not richy rich whitey.

Gretchen said...

Remember when they slammed Melania for wearing white because is was a white supremacist dog whistle?

"Sally Kohn (surprisingly also of CNN) said Melania is just a racist, so wearing "white" fits the bill.

The very clear implication here is that Melania is a white supremacist simply supporting her racist husband. Her choice of "white" was a clear dog whistle to all the neo-Nazis out there: "Hey, I'm one of you."

Wearing the same color makes them look like girls who were turned down by sororities in college and need to dress like the cool girls or something. Sad.

madAsHell said...

ummm....yeah.....I'm pretty sure that Stacy Abrams drew the short straw.

.....or maybe she's not very bright.

DeepRunner said...

Trump. Living rent-free in the minds of libs.

Yancey Ward said...

I see WaPo took a shot at Warren by publishing the bar card Ms. Warren filled out in 1986 declaring herself and "American Indian". This agrees with Ms. Althouse's hypothesis that the media have selected Harris as the candidate to support. A hypothesis I have to concede is likely correct based on the last month.

M Jordan said...

Great speech. Really, truly, great. So many memorable lines. The tone was pitch perfect: fair, gentle, jovial at times, but tough at the key hinge points. I seriously think Trump will get some momentum from this, maybe enough to get wall funding.

readering said...

Just return to USA after 2 years?

rhhardin said...

That was damn near perfect. So upbeat, full of optimism.

Lucy: Aside from the split infinitive that was somewhere in the middle that speech was actually quite perfect, wasn't it?

Polly: Yeah. I don't know what the hell you're still doing sitting here. And I don't even like him.

Lucy: George!

- Two Weeks Notice (2002), reaction to romcom guy's apology speech

Rusty said...

Blogger Meade said...
"God bless our country. God bless President Trump. And God bless Inga and Chuck too."

How gracious. God bless you and Ann as well.

Anti de sitter seems to think rich country automatically translates into free stuff. I suspect Anti and chuck work for fedgov.com.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Learn to code, Chuck.

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