January 28, 2019

Wonkette laughs at the idea of "duct taped Messicans wandering around the desert."

Obviously, Wonkette assumes you know Wonkette is good and the assholes are on the other side:
Mick Mulvaney ran around the Sunday shows to threaten ANOTHER government shutdown if nobody gives Trump a goddamn wall to "defend the nation" from the duct taped Messicans wandering around the desert, and also to threaten an invasion of COMMUNIST Venezuela. Mulvaney boasted that Trump will get his goddamn wall money "with or without Congress," but declined to say who in flyover country would suffer when Trump starts looking for the cash.
I'm seeing a lot of stories questioning Trump's statement on Friday about duct-taped women — "Women are tied up, with duct tape on their faces, put in the backs of vans" — but I wanted something more soberly written. Here's Monica Hesse in WaPo, "Why does the president keep talking about women and duct tape on the border?"
But women are not tied up, experts have said. They do not have tape on their mouths. When Trump repeated this claim a few weeks ago, my colleague Katie Mettler contacted many authorities on trafficking who have spent time at the border, and none of them had seen or heard anything resembling the violence he described.

Nevertheless, there was Trump on Jan. 4, dramatizing the traffickers who “have three or four women with tape on their mouths and tied up, sitting in the back of a van or car.” There he was on Jan. 6: “They nab women, they grab them, they put tape over their mouths.” On Jan. 11: “Taping them up, wrapping tape around their mouths so they can’t shout or scream, tying their hands behind their back and even their legs.”

Sometimes the tape is explicitly duct tape, sometimes it’s electrical. Sometimes it has a specific color, as it did on Jan. 10: “Usually blue tape, as they call it. It’s powerful stuff. Not good.”...

[T]here’s... a purity to the duct-tape anecdotes, in the sense that it describes behavior that’s purely evil. Black and white. Human trafficking, however, is often complicated: women who believe they’re coming to America for a job, for example, that later turns out not to exist.
The women are initially deceived — that makes it complicated? Really, I find that idea more puzzling than the details about tape.
Allegations of sexual assault are also complicated, as the president should know: He’s been accused of assaulting or inappropriately touching 19 women — and while he’s engaged in “locker room talk” suggesting he’s grabbed women, he’s also said his accusers are all lying. He nominated Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and later mocked Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s own accuser. He’s mocked the whole #MeToo movement, implying that victims have gone too far.
Sex trafficking is plainly much worse than even the most negative interpretation of what Trump and Kavanaugh are said to have done, and Hesse is not only equating these things, she is buying into the defense that when it comes to sex, you never really knows what goes on in private. I imagine that she might feel that she's only criticizing Trump, but look at the text. She asserted "Allegations of sexual assault are... complicated." Are. Then she shifted to talking about Trump and saying that he "should know." Know. You don't know things that are not true. To say he should know is to say it is true. Hesse sounds upset that Trump has "mocked the whole #MeToo movement," but to my ear, she too is diminishing the movement with this whole it's complicated business.

Now, I see what her point is. She's saying Trump created the especially evil picture so people would know to be angry at something that, portrayed accurately, might make them wonder whether the women are choosing to undergo suffering to get something they want. That is, Trump is lying because that's his motivation to lie. But is Trump lying? What is the true story?

I see this addition to Hesse's story: "Correction: An earlier version of this story cited a misleading statistic about assaults of migrant women. The reference has been removed." Shouldn't a "correction" be the right statistic? I'd like to know how wrong Hesse's original statement was. (Neither Google Cache nor Archive.org found it.)

This column would feel quite different if it nailed down the correct facts and then speculated about why Trump exaggerated. As it stands, I'm still wondering what the truth is, and how close Trump is to it. I see Hesse just giving up on what is true, and that's not the spirit of the #MeToo movement. Hesse engages in that who-really-ever-knows shrugging that rightly enrages those of us who care about rape.


Darrell said...

Wonkette staff need to learn how to code right now.
Why wait until the end comes?

rcocean said...

Laughing about "messicans with duct tape" isn't an argument. Wonkette doesn't give a shit about Human trafficking where women are transported to USA and forced to engage in prostitution.

I'd say even 10 women being injured in this way is enough to control the border.

But then why assume Wonkette is a "Good guy" - she's just another Left-wing asshole who doesn't care how many people are injured or killed as long as She's OK and it hurts Trump.

Darrell said...

You know who else wandered in the desert?
In Saudi Arabia.

rcocean said...

Human trafficking is a real problem and it exists in the USA.

The Left only pretends to care about this, when it gets in their path to power, they don't give a fuck.

Nonapod said...
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Nonapod said...

experts have said

Fun fact: People who wear T-Shirts that say "Sex Expert" are not necessarily experts at sex.

rcocean said...

The Left are dumbshits. When the fired reporters were told "Learn to Code" - they declared that was a racist dog-whistle.


traditionalguy said...

Propagandists in Media expect everyone to believe Trump wants his Wall for Ego gratification. But it is our Wall, not his. Everything DJT does is for us. And he is the only politician we have had since Lincoln who did not loot us every which way but lose. And that precedent is why DC hates him. He is ending good old fashioned corruption.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Details Schmetails.

Once again the whole point is the understanding and acknowledgement of a massive amount of illegal activity taking place at the border. Rape, human trafficking of adults and children, drug running, assault, prostitution (usually sex in exchange for help with crossing the border), extortion, bribing/corruption, weapons dealing, and oh yeah wait for it...crossing the border illegally.

Duct-tape schmucktape. They've found frickin handcuffs in the desert used by "coyotes" for trafficking purposes. People have been found in panel vans and other vehicles with blindfolds. Children have been found with people that are of no relation to them while being told to call them "papa". Women are told to avoid certain routes because the "coyotes" will rape them in exchange for payment.

Wonkette Schlonkette. There are excellent careers to be had writing code wonkettes. Get out there and be somebody!!!

rcocean said...

What was the deal with Wonkette? Wasn't there some scandal about her? Turned out she was a liar or a weirdo skank or something.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists are so vile.

They don't care about women who are actually sexually assaulted.

Henry said...

When your thesis is "President makes human trafficking seem too evil" you need a different thesis.

I would think that the problem with the President's inventions is that they distract from the actual evil.

William said...

In Juarez, the gangs used to kidnap the factory girls and make them work in brothels. A lot of girls got murdered. Some of the police were complicit in these crimes. It used to be a big scandal. Not any more. You can't say anything negative about Mexico. In the public forum you are only allowed to criticize the people who openly criticize Mexico. There can be no greater sin.

traditionalguy said...

And keep in mind ending trafficking in children is the reason there are 70,000 sealed indictments about to be opened.The Jesuit Pope will have to resign soon for the same reason. Trump is not doing that for his Ego. It is for the innocents being destroyed by the aristocrats.

rhhardin said...

#MeToo is about the freedom of women to change their minds.

You can't do that with duct tape on.

gahrie said...

I see Hesse just giving up on what is true, and that's not the spirit of the #MeToo movement.

Since when?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yeah CBS fact-checked Trump on him saying 60% of women were sexually assaulted on their "migrant" trip through Mexico, but the correction indicated more like 80% were assaulted. So they buried this fact-check after people pointed out it VINDICATE Trump not criticized him. The MSM is so, soooooo trustworthy on this story. Wonkette should go back to reporting on how popular anal sex is because that subject is at least something they've got empirical data for among their own staff. Hard news? Not so much.

Wince said...

Hey, only oppressed left-wing celebrities are allowed to be depicted with duct tape across their mouths as proof of their bravery in the face of right-wing repression!

rhhardin said...

Julia Roberts did a duck face (Runaway Bride 1999)

Not Sure said...

Never mind duct tape. The important question is, are women put into binders? Investigate that!

MadisonMan said...

But women are not tied up, experts have said.

Experts. Top. Men.

Lucid-Ideas said...

To paraphrase David Burge with IowaHawk blog,

Modern journalism is about
Covering certain stories
With duct-tape
Until they stop moving.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blasey Ford has no credibility, no witnesses, no corroboration. Add her to the pack of thousands of faux-victims who have falsely accused Kavanugh.

"She's too afraid to fly!" NO credibility.

The desperation of the corrupt Hillary Clinton Leftwing machine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DOJ: Mexican Sex Trafficking Organization Uses Southern Border to Smuggle Victims

Shorter hack press: Ignore the real rape and abuse at the border and focus on what really matters. The false and bogus accusations against Trump and Kavanaugh.

lgv said...

First off, why would anyone give any credence to anything on Wonkette? It used to be mildly entertaining during the Cox era, but went off the deep end as soon as she left as editor.

I think Trump is selling the wall all wrong. Rather than drugs and trafficking anecdotes, he should be focusing on the economic impact of uncontrolled supply of low skilled workers. Maybe he should talk about all the code writers coming across the border from Asia taking jobs from Google and Alphabet employees. That will get the wall built.

mccullough said...

“The spirit of the MeToo Movement.” I think we’d get 50 different explanations of this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There is a real list of women who were REALLY sexually harassed or worse, by Bill Clinton. To this day - the leftist press refuse to discuss.

rehajm said...

You know there are some who say experts are just political hacks ready and waiting to corroborate whatever leftie narrative what needs authentication.

Experts say experts are usually fabricated by journalists hiding behind the anonymous sources meme.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Wonkette laughs at the idea of "duct taped Messicans wandering around the desert."

Wonkette laughs at tied up "Messicans"
Wonkette uses them for a punch-line
Wonkette wants you to know they really hate Trump
Wonkette are the good girls
Wonkette is an apple
Wonkette is not a banana


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Clinton is massively overdue for a #MeToo reckoning

How can Bill Clinton get in on the sex-trade at the border? I mean, come on, there is always an angle for the Clinton Crime family to exploit for profit.

Wince said...

Man: I think that's what killed him.

Woman: Yeah. Well, duh.

The Duct Tap Messiah

Nonapod said...

When your thesis is "President makes human trafficking seem too evil" you need a different thesis.

I would think that the problem with the President's inventions is that they distract from the actual evil.

It's like if you're in a burning plane that's about to crash into a mountain. The pilot says the left engine is out because a piece of debris is caught in the turbine, but the copilot disagrees and says it went out because blade broke off of the turbofan.

Drago said...

Even lefty sources say 80% of migrant women are sexually assaulted.


Huffington Post was one outlet that asserted that based on their surveys.

Duct taped women.....Lefty Response: Well, not all of them, so Trump is evil...(not the duct-tapers/child rapists/human traffickers).

Just Trump.

The Human Traffickers, after all, have that Pelosi/Inga/LLR Chuck approved "spark of divinity".

Jersey Fled said...

"He’s (Trump) been accused of assaulting or inappropriately touching 19 women"

Citation needed.

rehajm said...

Experts say the economic viabilty of Wonkette is measured in days.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"I see Hesse just giving up on what is true, and that's not the spirit of the #MeToo movement"

Actually, it is.

Ken B said...

Shorter Wonkette: Trump condemns rape, ergo rape must not be so bad.

Michael K said...

I wonder how much the Democrats cost the drug cartels ?

Chuck said...

Hey I just got the neatest idea. I think I everybody will love it.

The White House could answer directly all questions about where Trump’s story came from. With dates and times and locations and CBP records to support all of it.

That would at least be a good start.

Darrell said...

4200 women called their local FBI offices to say that Kavanaugh raped them. "He’s (Trump) been accused of assaulting or inappropriately touching 19 women"

You have to keep things in perspective.

Ken B said...

I am willing to bet some abductees are tied and taped. Any takers?

Seriously, wonkette reminds me of some Holocaust deniers, focusing on trivia. “It wasn’t six million! It wasn’t six million you liars!” Best estimate is 5.75 million. Which is not 6.00 ....

Ken B said...

Shorter Chuck: Only 5.75 million!

Laurel said...

Shut up, Chuck.

Darrell said...

Chuck used to ask Obama to support all his medical horror stories in the same way. Obama's stories always turned out to be as false as the people he brought on stage wearing white medical coats. Trump's story probably came from Border Patrol/ICE.

Bob Boyd said...

Alternate Headline:

Experts say Trump's Call For America To Stop Human Trafficking Lacks Nuance.

Martin said...

Trump trash-talking on a hot mike in a bus with Billy Bush is equivalent to human trafficking, so Trump should "know" all about the latter? Really?

They are all utterly deranged.

How about this headline: "Media defends human traffickers as long as they don't use tape!"

Anonymous said...

Wonkette is still around?

Althouse, you take these people way too seriously in ways that don't matter, and not seriously enough in ways that do.

Here, and in the previous thread re Brokaw.

There is no point in analyzing, refuting, pondering their propaganda and their inanities as if it were all a matter of careful analysis of rhetoric, of working through our differences via reasoned discourse. The crudity and simple-mindedness in the way every issue is framed, the way every struggle-session against some old white guy goes according the same tedious script (even when he's peddling the same crude product, lol) ought to make this obvious.

Meade said...

Chuck, go way. You are a smearer and a pest.


AlbertAnonymous said...

Wow, 13 paragraphs on “Duct taped Mexicans”?

Trump found a lot of new rent free apartments in peoples minds.

Oso Negro said...

With all the alleged fucking going on, it is amazing to me that any Mexican has the energy to make it to the border, let alone swim the river. Can anyone here tell me the location of the Mexican human trafficking market in Houston - I would like to bid on one of the captive women and set her free. Really - Althouse reader challenge - with all the trafficked humans, WHERE IS THE SLAVE MARKET? How do you find it? This is an uncommonly informed commentariat - someone here must know something. I already tried the Althouse Amazon portal for "Mexican sex slave". They offer some kinky stuff, but no sex slaves.

Shouting Thomas said...

Hesse engages in that who-really-ever-knows shrugging that rightly enrages those of us who care about rape.

And why does that enrage you? The truth about an act that takes place in private between two individuals without witnesses (whether or not both consent) is awfully damned difficult to know.

The #meToo bit is another of your Marxist feminist mistakes. You want to punish men as a class for the sins of all men.

Tina Trent said...

I used to work with a Mexican-national forklift driver. We knew each other for several years. He had been a coyote. He wept when he told me what he did to people.

Kidnapping, keeping people in closets at gunpoint until a relative paid a ransom, pistol-whipping and rape -- the latter by other coyotes, he said, and I believed him. He said he had to leave Texas to get away from it and lived with terrible guilt.

I also worked in refugee resettlement and served on boards that addressed sex trafficking. My specialities were sex crimes and sexually transmitted diseases, and so my work included educating refugees and immigrants to trust police. We knew that virtually no victims ever reported sexual violence related to trafficking, including illegal immigration related trafficking (the other type is just as taboo to acknowledge and just as opaque to statistical analysis -- pimping out lower income young women and girls by almost-exclusively black and Hispanic pimps and gangs).

I worked in Atlanta, with some of the worst sexual violence and sex trafficking stats in the country at the time.

So I know what I'm talking about when I say Trump isn't exaggerating. At least we now know what sorts of sexual violence doesn't require any response according to the Democrats -- sexual violence that may result in additional Democratic voters.

We have found the silver lining to sexual violence.

Sebastian said...

"I'm still wondering what the truth is, and how close Trump is to it. I see Hesse just giving up on what is true, and that's not the spirit of the #MeToo movement."

It's terribly sad that yet another prog doesn't care about the truth. "I'm still wondering" is the equivalent of the old "I can't believe x said y." It's faux wonder though: progs don't do truth. Save yourself the trouble, and assume dishonesty and bad faith.

"Hesse engages in that who-really-ever-knows shrugging that rightly enrages those of us who care about rape."

Well, progs don't even care about murder--ask the families of Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbetts and Pierce Corcoran--so why should they care about rape, except when it's a handy tool?

Bob Boyd said...

The same folks who piled on to smear 16 year old Nick Sandmann find it troubling that Trump may be making unfair generalizations about how human traffickers treat their victims.

Ken B said...

Trump: These abducted women are terrified.
Chuck: Show me these “terrified” women!

Lucid-Ideas said...


And pray tell when they produce this information (because I'm sure that in the history of the border one or more identical incidents have occurred) what then? Any apologies? Any retractions? Anything at all?

They just move on to their next 15 minute obsession. This people are schizo. These people are trash people in the trashy-side of this profession. This is not investigative journalism. This is writing about what other people say. It could vanish tomorrow and people would be better for it.

Wonkette - Imagine an out-of-control dumpster fire wafting the scent of burning shit across the online journalistic community - forever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We must ignore WEistein and sex trafficking at or near the border. Because "grab em by the pussy" and BS allegations from desperate leftists regarding the balance of the supreme court.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Once again - If Jim Acosta stares out at the sea, and doesn't see any fish, that means there are no fish in the sea.

Same with sex trafficking. If we close our eyes to it, it doesn't exist! WE must dutifully occupy our thoughts with Trump's crimes.

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Sure, Chuck used to eat his own feces.
But they say some vitamin/mineral deficiencies causes that.

Big Mike said...

This column would feel quite different if it nailed down the correct facts and then speculated about why Trump exaggerated.

As has become too common for you, lately, Professor, you start from the assumption that Trump is exaggerating. What I understand is that Trump claimed that 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted while on their way North. An innumerate fact checker wrote that Trump was lying because the real number was sixty to eighty percent. Someone who remembered his fourth grade math got that “fact check” pulled so the assertion that Trump lies is still out there for the mouth-breathing Trumpits, but not that the real numbers are so horrendous.

Wonkette exemplifies the worst of 21st century feminism. They’ve got theirs so to Hell — literally! — with their impoverished brown sisters.

If anybody has an update on the estimated figures for sexual assaults of migrant women illegally entering the US, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter leftwing bitches:

Ignore all crime unless you can pin it on Trump.

Jaq said...

Remember that if you come down too hard on trafficking of women, where does that leave Bob Menendez, D-NJ? This could get out of hand quickly!

Drago said...

If you thought for one minute LLR Chuck was going to just sit around and let you horrible deplorables attack his and Pelosi's "spark of divinity" human traffickers, well, I think you realize now that was a mistake, don't you?

stevew said...

Bending over backwards to minimize the truth of abuse of women in the caravans to undermine and demonize Trump and his political push for a wall.


gilbar said...

on another post, i noticed that a LLR was going on and on about duct tape; which made me wonder, on account of because of the fact that this was a talking point i hadn't heard before...

Then, i read This post, and noticed that the LLR's talking points were EXACTLY the talking points of the leftwing media: big surprise!!

Hey I just got the neatest idea. I think I everybody will love it.

The LLR could answer directly all questions about where The LLR’s story came from. With dates and times and locations and CBP records to support all of it.

wouldn't THAT be fun?

That LLR frequently says that he is Proud to Smear the President of the United States, but he much less frequently says WHERE he got his latest talking point from .

damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

stevew said...

And they reassert the unsubstantiated accusations and smear of Kavanaugh. Double Nice.

SayAahh said...

The pre-Chuck era comment section vs. the era of Chuck comment section vs. the (hopefully) post-Chuck era comment section.

Drago said...

SayAahh: "The pre-Chuck era comment section vs. the era of Chuck comment section vs. the (hopefully) post-Chuck era comment section.

The pre-Chuck era comment section: Rapid enlightenment as under the Greeks
The era of Chuck comment section: The Dark Leftist Ages with Plague tossed in for good measure
The (hopefully) post-Chuck era comment section: Althouse Blog Renaissance

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

Trump makes these people crazy. Lunatic. Wacko.

These are distinctions without a difference. 80% or 60%? Duct tape or electrical tape or Scotch Magic Tape or 8-track tape? Sex slavery, human trafficking, forced prostitution, or forcible rape for a ticket across the border? Make up your mind. But don't pretend for a second that this has anything to do with substance around protecting the downtrodden. They're props in this never-ending, ridiculous spectacle.

Whatever happened to "No one is free when others are oppressed"? I guess that depends on who the current occupant of White House is? Twisting your language in knots trying to put a sophisticated moniker on human suffering is really sick. You can only learn that kind of (non-)thinking in college. It's clear these people have learned nothing since college.

Mexicans, Messicans or Mex'ns? Last time I checked, we were talking about caravans from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, and the Mexican government clearly doesn't want them in THEIR country, so why not the good ol' USA? The big, bad Gringos. No doubt Venezuelans are next. No wall unless reliably Republican voters start to show up -- then we'll have a real national emergency!

Leftists and Progressives are insatiable, angry malcontents who do not have the emotional maturity to appreciate the human condition and the limits of individual/collective agency. There is no government program that will solve the human condition. We must do our best. If we solved all the Ctrl-Left's problems they'd show up with a new Santa Claus list the next day. It's a cult of victimhood. The endgame is that we all be equally miserable. "No one can be happy if I'm not happy!"

Good grief.

Darrell said...

In Europe--take the Netherlands, for example, there are low-rent brothels set up around industrial areas that employ Albanians and other Soviet-Bloc workers who can't afford the going rate at regular whore houses. Local Albanian gangs bring in women that have been in captivity for decades, making their ways down the levels of Hell from higher-class strip clubs and brothels to the lowest levels of the ladder--these immigrant camps. Here, they are kept drugged and service fifty or more guys a night for $10/pop equivalent, sometimes less. This has been going on for decades.

It's not too hard to imagine the same thing going on in he US around factories that employ a lot of illegals.

John Pickering said...

Ann, who as we know reads the Daily Mail and Powerline for news and relies on the NYT and Washington Post for their gossip coverage, can be relied upon to ignore the evidence that President Trump tends to lie pretty much all the time.

She writes,
I'm still wondering what the truth is, and how close Trump is to it.

Ann listens to the president making false remarks that no one in his own administration can back up and still speculates that he's telling the truth.

Ann's perfectly content that in addition to being a serial sex abuser, adulterer and pervert, a con man, a liar, a bankrupt several times over, a cheat, a thief, a fraud artist with the morals of a salamander (apologies to salamanders), the President of the United Sattes is also very likely something ranging from the stooge to the dupe to the witting agent of Russian intelligence, state and organized crime interests.

Hey Ann, have you noticed that Trump's national security adviser, his campaign manager, his
deputy campaign manager, his personal attorney and several others in his world are either convicted criminals or cooperating with the investigation into his crimes? That all of them are liars, all lying about Russia? Ann, what sort of man hires such people? It's hilarious how perfectly Ann misses the point with such precision.

Paul Manafort's hair has turned almost entirely white, he's in solitary confinement and he is preparing to die in jail.

Ann thinks when Trump lies about the duct-taped women, he might be making a good point. She may realize, one of these days, that when the good point you are making is a lie, then it's not such a good point anymore.

Drago said...

gilbar: "The LLR could answer directly all questions about where The LLR’s story came from. With dates and times and locations and CBP records to support all of it."

You've discovered something I learned years ago: if you quickly peruse the most insane, over the top leftist "sources" each day you will already know with precision what LLR Chuck will be posting that day.

But only 90% of the time.

The other 10% of the time LLR Chuck is MORE LEFTIST than the leftists.

LLR Chuck, self-described smear merchant and racist-posting attacker of chidren, believes that constitutes "balance".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump or any president, has access to data. The media are selective with data. They only use data that pimps a narrative.

Jaq said...

John Pickering knows that gangs who traffic in women never bind them!

Drago said...

John Pickering, who not too long ago was expounding on how increased US domestic production of energy somehow, someway, leads to higher gas prices (LOL, yes, he literally argued that), thinks that LLR Chuck needs assistance in the How Can We Help Take The Focus Off Spark Of Divinity Human Traffickers department.

Well, not a moment too soon, eh LLR Chuck?


Jaq said...

It almost seems like the media is determined to look in the wrong places for the actual story and pointedly asks questions in such a way as to not elicit an answer they don’t want to hear.

Maybe Trump is lying, but you can’t tell that from the media reports.

Jaq said...

John Pickering, who not too long ago was expounding on how increased US domestic production of energy somehow, someway, leads to higher gas prices (LOL, yes, he literally argued that)

Objective facts are tools of the patriarchy!

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

Chuck was obviously a moby by day 5 of his writing here. But his style invited good treatment by many who did not intentionally ignore him/her. And after years of enduring Chuck he finally tapped out by his work being deemed Boring in the first degree.

Drago said...

TIV: "Objective facts are tools of the patriarchy!"

What was even more enjoyable was when Pickering began his whirling dervish-LLR Chuck-like spinning about why what he said was really correct despite all those stupid Supply and Demand concepts that get in the way of lefties establishing their newest People's Paradises!!

The good news for Pickering, such as it is, is that he STILL wasn't quite as insane as lefties LLR Chuck and PPPT!!

So Pickering has that going for himself, which is nice.

Drago said...

I do give Pickering some credit for recognizing his now clearly insane rantings about Trump being blackmailed by Putin are so over the top stupid that it is better to couch his lies in that gee-whiz-maybe-cuz-I-think-it-appears-that-way-and-in-any-event-perhaps-Trump-is-an-unwitting-dupe schtick.

That, by the way, is reported to be the likely Mueller/Weismann fallback position in their coup-report: Trump is an unwitting agent of Russia......(now, if they can just explain away how every US policy position advances the relative strength of the US against Italy-GDP-sized Russia....)


Drago said...

tradguy: "But his style invited good treatment by many who did not intentionally ignore him/her."

Chuck's style collapsed into seething unrestrained rage everytime the dems/left took a political hit.

It was impossible to not discern that in about 37 seconds.

Charlie Currie said...

"...,experts have said." There's the tell in every bullshit story.

Darrell said...

What does "Craig" think?

Lucid-Ideas said...


Before Chuck Era (B.C.E)
Chuck Era (C.E.)
Althouse Disparagement (A.D.)
After Chuck Era (A.C.E)


Drago said...

Darrell: "What does "Craig" think?"

Well played Darrell.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

One of the more interesting things about Trump’s latest deployment of the duct-taped women story is that the part of his otherwise-scripted speech on Friday at the White House had nothing explicit about tape. The TelePromTer for you that speech simply read, “Talk about human trafficking.” No other text. (And no lineup of DHS officials behind him as he spoke.)

That’s so odd, given that Trump had been publicly challenged on the details and yet the White House speechwriters had no more specifics. As if none of them wanted to touch the issue. Or a conscious decision was made to not write down anything that others might have to answer for.


Darrell said...


If you place your head in a plastic bag and wrap duct tape around your neck, all the answers you seek will come to you.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck, hot off his defense of "Tribal Elder"/"Vietnam Hero"/Stolen Valor hack Nathan Phillip and long-running commentary in support of Stolen Valor hack Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, joins his fellow open borders extremists to literally come to the defense of Human Traffickers.

Is there no end to LLR "Wonkette republican" Chuck's leftism?

Meade said...

Chuck, your smears are toxic.

Toxic Chuck Syndrome.

Meade said...

Human Churafficing.

Meade said...

Now it's time to say goodbye to all our Churrafficing...

Leland said...

Sex trafficking is plainly much worse than even the most negative interpretation of what Trump and Kavanaugh are said to have done

When I started off reading the post; I can accept Trump is probably being too detailed about duct tape and perhaps that is not good for making his case. But what I know about human trafficking across the border (and I include in that, just getting people across the border who are paying for that service), it is far more worse than the negative interpretation of duct tape. Here's just one story in the NYT from 2017 of 9 immigrants locked in the back of a truck that was left stranded in a San Antonio parking lot. Some might think that's one story, but in 2015, MSNBC covered another truck with 70 immigrants dead in it. We, who live close to the border, hear these stories regularly, but they only make national news when Congress pretends it wants to do something about it. Duct tape is unimportant when you are stuffed in the back of a trailer and the door is locked from the outside.

Drago said...

Leland: "But what I know about human trafficking across the border (and I include in that, just getting people across the border who are paying for that service), it is far more worse than the negative interpretation of duct tape."

The word has gone out to all good leftists to rise to the defense of Human Traffickers in order to obfuscate the need for greater border security, which necessarily includes much stronger walls/barriers in more places.

All good leftists have risen to the call, not least of which is our very own LLR Chuck.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Ken B said...
"Shorter Wonkette: Trump condemns rape, ergo rape must not be so bad"

This from a woman who used to rhapsodize over anal penetration. I would tell her that she can do anything she wants in privacy, but don't lecture the rest of us on subjects like rape, after openly espousing what a majority, if not most, of the country consider deviant sexual behavior.

Yancey Ward said...

You need to educate yourself about Mexico and Central America (Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, and Guatemala). Barbarism of a kind that is literally unknown to most living residents of the United States is expanding rapidly throughout that region.
Mexico has a murder rate 4 times that of the United States, and it is increasing by the year, and that doesn't account for the mind-numbing numbers of people who simply vanish and are never seen again. Additionally, the manner of the killings is qualitatively different- you can find, if you look, video evidence of the kind of barbarity practiced in those regions- it isn't unusual for dozens of victims at a time to be skinned alive or have their limbs hacked off one by one. It is like having the Aztec Empire come back to life. Do I think Trump is exaggerating when describing people being trafficked for sex slavery or being held hostage? No- it is surely the case that he is understating the violence and violation. Mexico and Central America are literally falling apart socially and returning to a Hobbesian state. It will get much, much worse.

Darrell said...

The bodies of 23 people have been found hanging from a bridge or decapitated and dumped near city hall in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo, where drug cartels are fighting a bloody and escalating turf war. It follows the discovery in Veracruz of four journalists' bodies in a canal.

Authorities found nine of the victims, including four women, hanging from an overpass leading to a main highway, said a Tamaulipas state official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Hours later police found 14 human heads inside coolers outside city hall along with a threatening note. The 14 bodies were found in black plastic bags inside a minivan abandoned near an international bridge, the official said.

The official provided no motive for the killings. But the city across the border from Laredo, Texas, has recently been torn by a renewed turf war between the Zetas cartel, a gang of former Mexican special forces soldiers, and the powerful Sinaloa cartel, which has joined forces with the Gulf cartel, former allies of the Zetas.

Local media published photos of the nine bloodied bodies, some with duct tape wrapped around their faces, hanging from the overpass along with a message threatening the Gulf cartel: "This is how I will finish all the fools you send."

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I have to admit that it kind of swells me with pride to know that as a white male my group stands alone as the only one expected to act civilized, unbigoted, and decent to others. We alone have standards applied to us. I'm proud of that, although I can't claim any credit for being born into the only group that needs to be held back to make the game fair. I guess that would also include Asians, Jews. Good company.

Birkel said...


Heads in Juarez.
Duct tape is obviously beyond the pale.

Wonkette should watch the news in El Paso.
For that matter so should Robert O'Rourke.

Kevin said...

Sometimes the tape is explicitly duct tape, sometimes it’s electrical.



Drago said...

Darrell: "Local media published photos of the nine bloodied bodies, some with duct tape wrapped around their faces, hanging from the overpass along with a message threatening the Gulf cartel: "This is how I will finish all the fools you send."

Who are you gonna believe? Mexican media pictures of actual events in Mexico or "Wonkette republican" LLR Chuck?

The Open Borders crew like LLR Chuck are not just going to sit around while you post facts!! Nosirree! Even now LLR Chuck is feverishly scanning Media Matters (or any Soros funded group site) to find new and improved "facts" from "leading experts" (always unnamed) that shows that the pictures you think you are looking at DON'T EVEN EXIST!!!


Drago said...

bagoh20: "I have to admit that it kind of swells me with pride to know that as a white male my group stands alone as the only one expected to act civilized, unbigoted, and decent to others."

You need to whittle that down a bit to exclude those white males, like LLR Chuck, who have a long long history of posting racist comments and vile and vicious attacks on children.

Darrell said...

Remember LLR Chuck is also LGP Chuck--Last Girl in class who got her Period.

Kevin said...

Human trafficking, however, is often complicated: women who believe they’re coming to America for a job, for example, that later turns out not to exist.

Does anyone agree to become the subject of human trafficking? Does it really complicate things what lie they're told to begin the process?

Oh I see. When Trump is wrong, TRUMP IS WRONG! When Trump is right, the subject is complicated.

walter said...

Thanks Mike. That fact check fail is what immediately came to me as well.
That this piece can (so soon after that) indulge in the same fail is..SAD!

Media Suddenly Eager to Fact Check Outrageous Human Trafficking Claims Under Trump

Which is more egregious though? Overstating said trafficking circumstances or ignoring it altogether?
I mean..if we are going to use terms like Nancy's "Immoral"
I still think the "it's common sense..and they were in favor of it before" is stronger. But he IS throwing out a number of salient angles..the weakest one, of course, giving opposition something to distract with.

Kevin said...

If the wall keeps just one Mexican from being duct taped...

MayBee said...

It seems to me kind of odd that there are something like 11,000,000 people who managed to get here illegally, and experts know the women were not duct taped or abused while they were being trafficked here.

I bet it is safer to be a woman crossing the border illegally than it is to be a female college student.

walter said...

(re "this piece", I meant Wonkette's.)

Drago said...

Once the lefties and their trained LLR housepets, like LLR Chuck, termed average Americans "deplorables" and then continued their defense by obfuscation and denial of islamic supremacist murderers as well as telling us MS13 machete-murderers have that "spark of divinity" at the very same time as allowing abortion up to the moment the Baby's feet are emerging from the birth canal (better baby parts availability to sell on the open "parts market), well, we have just about hit rock bottom, haven't we.

But fear not, Pelosi and LLR Chuck and all the usual suspects will find new depths to plumb shortly....we are just getting started on the way to LLR-approved AOC policies across the board if Trump loses in 2020 to any of the LLR Chuck approved lunatic lefties.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I think you need to change your password. It looks like Tom Brokaw is hacking into your Althouse account.

gilbar said...

Darrel unwisely tried to use facts...
Local media published photos of the nine bloodied bodies, some with duct tape wrapped around their faces, hanging from the overpass along with a message threatening the Gulf cartel: "This is how I will finish all the fools you send."

now now now! let's not let facts get in the way of smearing the President. After all, some of the LLR's here, BRAG about using a slandering

damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

roesch/voltaire said...

It seems most of the folks who comment on this are pundits or bloggers who are sitting on their ass behind screens because there are so few boots on the ground reporters who get paid to investigate what is happening beyond the bubble. Those few reporters who have managed to cover the story on both sides of the fence have yet to confirm the duct tape incidents. And so far the border Patrol has not confirmed but if it is from Trump's mouth well that can't be fake news can it?

Drago said...

r/v: " Those few reporters who have managed to cover the story on both sides of the fence have yet to confirm the duct tape incidents."

How many reporters?
How many human traffickers have been interviewed?


r/v has no idea how stupid he/she sounds.

Birkel said...

Shorter roesch/voltaire

Sure they decapitate people but surely they would not duct tape people.

Drago said...

For r/v's benefit: the border cartels are the biggest human and drug trafficking organizations.

These cartels routinely use duct tape as evidenced by the astonishing levels of extraordinary violence and cruelty that have turned entire towns and cities in Mexico into s***holes and have been documented pictorially.

But hey, r/v is right, until a single human trafficking cartel member admits to using duct tape on a women/child, we must assume the best about them.

Behold: Today's Left/LLR's!

William said...

Duct tape is overrated. It's very hard to unwind and doesn't come off the spool readily or evenly. You can use duct tape to fix lots of things, but who will fix duct tape......It's time people spoke out against duct tape.

Unknown said...

When Trump is gone Harris will say

Women are being duct-taped

so we have to open the border and let them all in

and btw, voter id is against the constitution

CA is coming to you...

Drago said...

Uttering the words "duct tape" is simply a bold white supremacy and KKK dog whistle.

On a par with "Learn to Code" and Smiling While Being Accosted By A Fake Vietnam LLR Chuck-approved Stolen Valor hack.

gilbar said...

William said...
Duct tape is overrated. It's very hard to unwind and doesn't come off the spool readily or evenly

gaffer's tape is the answer!
What was the question, again?

Oso Negro said...

@ Walter - yes! It can only be one or the other. I recommend we require all women in the United States to submit to interviews by U.N. Representatives to determine whether they have been trafficked or not. Can’t be too safe after all! Do you think we should tag them after the interviews to prove they are free range? And what to do with the trafficked ones?

Jaq said...

Maybe R/V can trust The Grauniad? Souce for Darrell’s quotes.


Search for 'duct tape.’ And as I am sure you are aware from your extensive readings in philosophy, it takes only one instance to disprove a negative. What do you think the odds are that Wonkette cares? Probably about the same as that R/V cares. We won’t see this story show up in the mainstream media.

Jaq said...

Wonkette didn’t hear about it because there is a press embargo on stories that might in any way be interpreted to justify the wall.

Drago said...

Meanwhile, the leftist/LLR-approved "spark of divinity" cartels carved up, tortured, dismembered and decapitated a taxicab driver and dropped the body off in pieces in garbage bags on the sidewalk in front of the Mayor's office in Monterrey Mexico.

Hey, did you hear? Trump still gets 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert!!!

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Wonkette didn’t hear about it because there is a press embargo on stories that might in any way be interpreted to justify the wall."

And LLR Chuck didn't hear about it because he only reads and internalizes Wonkette's latest lunatic lefty ravings.

MadTownGuy said...

mccullough said...
'The spirit of the MeToo Movement.' I think we’d get 50 different explanations of this."

There's really only one: "Get Trump." So far, it has failed bigly.

MadTownGuy said...

mccullough said...
'The spirit of the MeToo Movement.' I think we’d get 50 different explanations of this."

There's really only one: "Get Trump." So far, it has failed bigly.

elkh1 said...

To Hesse, Ford's allegation of decades old rape without an iota of evidence, with witnesses contradicting her, with memory of constructing a second door happened two years prior to her memory, is true. Only hope similar allegations are leveled on Hesse and the males in her life so she can get some ideas of what "truth" is.

Hesse suffers a fatal TDS, and that is the truth.

Mary Beth said...

But women are not tied up, experts have said.

Is this going to be the same sort of quibble that there was over whether Trump was "wiretapped"? Then - they listened in, but there weren't any alligator clips and wires, so it wasn't wiretapping. Now - women are kidnapped and bound, but maybe they're using zip ties instead of rope, so they aren't "tied up".

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...

Right now, Google is scrubbing any news story that features a Mexican woman and duct tape.
Because that's how they roll.

roesch/voltaire said...

I like any law abiding citizen have no love for the drug cartels. which yes have made parts of Mexico a terrorist zone, but unlike Drago I have not met or talked any cartel members. I do have several friends who are on month long vacations in Mexico but so far their FB postings only show them. watching football with the locals. Given the money and resources of the cartel and the sick needs of this nation, I doubt that a traditional fence will have much affect on their trade.

n.n said...

The baby... narrative is not viable, so she has chosen to quietly, privately, an under the table, behind the wall correction.

Jim at said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I doubt that a traditional fence will have much affect on their trade.

The old “It won’t solve the problem completely so it shouldn’t be done” By that logic, we should just roll over. Mexico’s a big country, BTW. 750 k square miles, or so.

Drago said...

r/v: "Given the money and resources of the cartel and the sick needs of this nation, I doubt that a traditional fence will have much affect on their trade."

Ah, worming some interesting terminology in there, are we?

Define "traditional fence".

Did you mean a white picket fence perhaps?

I also suppose the 77 other nations with walls are experiencing no benefits from them. Likewise for the 44 nations currently building or planning on building additional walls/barriers.

But hey, what do they know? I'll bet they don't have several friends "vacay-ing" in Mexico.

Drago said...

For r/v and gang, it's really never too early to surrender completely.

Anonymous said...

Yancey Ward: You need to educate yourself about Mexico and Central America (Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, and Guatemala). Barbarism of a kind that is literally unknown to most living residents of the United States is expanding rapidly throughout that region.
Mexico has a murder rate 4 times that of the United States, and it is increasing by the year, and that doesn't account for the mind-numbing numbers of people who simply vanish and are never seen again.

That's why they all need to move here! Their countries are so dangerous! If only everyone who lived in an unsafe country could move to the places with the Magic Non-Violent Dirt, the problem of violence would be solved.

Of course here we have endemic White Supremacy and Toxic Masculinity, but I'm assured that those, too, will be solved by having everybody from dangerous countries move here. Win win!

buwaya said...

I suggest you search the lively Mexican press.
They have reporters and they love to cover crime and atrocities.
Its a bit odd that, common as Spanish is in this country, so little attention is paid to the actual Mexican take on things.

There's always a migrant story.

This, today, is not untypical - Mexican authorities have more or less locked up a group of 1500 Guatemalans, to protect them from threats and attacks by local residents.


Unknown said...

If you think about it, it's horrible: the left like Wonkette, R/V, Henry, and Chuck are actually saying that rape and torture of women is a-ok as long as they get something like passage into America for it. They are openly saying that we don't need a wall because Trump is wrong about "duct taping" women.

Really? And what if he's right? Suddenly we need the wall?

Fundamentally, leftists don't care about women, except maybe enslaving them themselves. They really don't want the wall because they look at the failed states south of the border and say, "Gosh, it sure would be fun being the guy in charge of that! Let's bring it here, so we too can be corrupt and abuse women and murder people and steal!"


I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't know. Govt bureaucrats tend to really exaggerate issues which, if believed, would lead to increasing the size of their bureaucracy. And please note : I'm definitely not accusing Trump of this - he is definitely not a bureaucrat yet.

But I can't forget Bill Clinton's drug czar General Barry McCaffrey lamenting every day how big and bad drug smuggling was and that he always needed more and more resources to combat it. Well, how did that work out? I suspect he got the extra resources yet drug use, 20 years later, is as bad [or maybe worse] as ever.

I dream of the day a government bureaucrat announces we can cut their budget because crime has been minimized or all children can now read and do math at grade level or we can shut some prisons due to a lack of criminals or we can lay off some district attorneys and judges because the criminal case load has almost evaporated or we can reduce aid to college students because the universities have fond ways to drastically cut costs. Think my dream will ever be real?

Jaq said...

Well we are protected buwaya, because only the best and most deserving cross the imaginary line in the desert and enter our country. It’s the “magic dirt” referenced above. Only deserving victims ever try to enter the US illegally.

R/V could probably explain how it works with a reference to Spinoza or Aristotle. The rest of us just take it on faith that no bad elements cross the border who might blanche at a manned border crossing since we are not superintelligent enough to understand how it works. David Copperfield probably doesn’t even understand the magic of our dirt.

jg said...

basically all modern media are this
which is not to say trump is concerned with a reputation for 100% fact-accuracy, either

jg said...

i thought a 'wonk' was someone obsessively immersed in facts+details+predictions+models
what is a 'wonkette'?

YoungHegelian said...

Allegations of sexual assault are... complicated.

Complicated, like when some pretty Honduran chick has to pull a train of Mexican drug mobsters so they don't shoot her in the head & bury her in a ditch outside of town.

Wonkette may thinks she being cute & lampooning Trump, but what she's really doing is winking at terrible human suffering because it helps her team.

Virtue signaling is just signaling, & there's not much virtue in it.

Sydney said...

"Trafficking" to the left has come to mean prostitution rather than smuggling people into a country where they then are forced into prostitution. See the problem? It's not an immigration issue to them.

Bilwick said...

I suppose "Messican" is like yesteryear's "Law'n'order" or "Commie pervert": a way for "liberals" to show how much smarter they are than their semi-literate opponents (even though they believe the stupidest of claptrap).

Leora said...

The duct tape in sex trafficking cases sounded familiar. Here's story about such a ring in Atlanta


This one appears to involve underage girls who are not illegal immigrants, but I would surprised if the techniques used would not be widespread within the sex trafficking community.

Here's another that probably involves illegal immigrants though it may not.

People acting like things like this don't happen are turning their heads away from the exploitation of the vulnerable made possible by our ridiculous immigration laws. We need an orderly and fair immigration process and unfortunately the elected representatives now controlling the House and blockading the Senate are more interested in humiliating Trump than in resolving a serious problem.

Leora said...

And yes, the Republicans should have dealt with this when they had the power. If they had, they probably would still have the power.

Amadeus 48 said...
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Amadeus 48 said...
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