January 28, 2019

What did Tom Brokaw say that had him apologizing so awkwardly last night on Twitter?

Let's read the original text, the transcript for "Meet the Press." I saw the show at the time, and I wasn't paying that much attention to the words. I was noticing how old and out of it Tom Brokaw looked and sounded. He is speaking on a panel moderated by Chuck Todd, and the subject, at this point, is the government shutdown. Brokaw says:
I really didn't think that you could widen the gap between the Beltway and the rest of the country any more, until this happened. And now, it's completely gone. 
Notice the incoherence. What is "completely gone"? The "gap"? He means the gap is much greater now, so he's saying the opposite of what he means.
I mean, you know, I told you earlier that I talked to these westerners who began by saying, "Like Trump, like his policies." Then, they said, "Wish he’d stop, wish he would stop tweeting all the time." Last time I talked to them, "He's a clown. I can't stand him. But it's still the policies that we believe in." 
How often does 78-year-old Tom Brokaw go out west and reinterview characters who give him the clichés he needs —  "stop tweeting all the time," "clown"? He's in trouble for what he said about Hispanics, but "these westerners" is also a stereotype.
But anywhere I go, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, "Why can't they talk to each other and find common ground?" Every community in America finds a way to build a new school or to do something about downtown. But here, we can't do it, because we breathe the same air. And it's toxic, in its own way, about what needs to be done and how seriously people take their very minute positions on something.
That's just generic ranting about how people in Washington can't work together.

Next panelist Hugh Hewitt opines that dealing with the political situation in Venezuela is "going to bring us together," and Chuck Todd expresses skepticism. Then Yamiche Alcindor, the White House correspondent for the PBS NewsHour, talks about the new bipartisan committee that will be looking at border security, and they are going to "actually talk about facts and, maybe, try to get on the same page."

It's at that point that Chuck Todd — with the skeptical remark, "The problem is in Wyoming and in South Dakota, they think they need a wall, and in Texas and in Arizona, they don't" — throws it to Tom Brokaw, and Tom Brokaw says the things that will get him in trouble:

And a lot of this, we don't want to talk about. 
That suggests he believes he's stepping up to the responsibility of confronting us with the uncomfortable truth.
But the fact is, on the Republican side, a lot of people see the rise of an extraordinary, important, new constituent in American politics, Hispanics, who will come here and all be Democrats. 
That's a fair, blunt statement.
Also, I hear, when I push people a little harder, "Well, I don't know whether I want brown grandbabies." 
What?!! Where does old Brokaw find these people? In his head? He's claiming to be out there, not just talking to people, but pushing them, hard and then harder. Is there evidence that he goes on these excursions into the hinterlands and investigates what's in the heart of Republicans? It's just a damned lie, isn't it? "People" — that's plural — who have been talking to the venerable newsman Tom Brokaw, break under his dogged pushing and come out with lines that sound like the first draft of a third-rate screenplay about somebody's secretly racist mother?
I mean, that's also a part of it. It's the intermarriage that is going on and the cultures that are conflicting with each other. I also happen to believe that the Hispanics should work harder at assimilation. 
"The Hispanics" — now he sounds like the "people" he's been talking to out west. That "the" makes a difference. It says I've got a stereotype for you.
That's one of the things I've been saying for a long time. 
I guess you were saying it in more elegant language.
You know, they ought not to be just codified...
Codified? That can't be what he said, can it?... I checked the recording. He said "codified." I can only imagine that he meant "cocooned," but he sure didn't say it. [ADDED: Meade, reading this to me out loud, says "He meant 'coddled.'"]
... in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English, and that they feel comfortable in the communities. And that's going to take outreach on both sides, frankly.
2 panelists speak before anyone reacts to Brokaw's awkward statement, then Alcindor says:
I would just say that we also need to adjust what we think of as America. You're talking about assimilation. I grew up in Miami, where people speak Spanish, but their kids speak English. And the idea that we think Americans can only speak English, as if Spanish and other languages wasn’t always part of America, is, in some ways, troubling.
And Chuck Todd (who knows he's out of time) scrambles to make nice and garbles this:
All right, we'll leave it there. As somebody who grew up on ¿Qué Pasa, USA?, three generations, all Spanish, Spanglish, and all English. That's all we have for today....
All right. Now, here are Brokaws tweets, which I won't link individually, because there are just too many of them. Normally, I avoid the term "tweet storm," which is used on Trump when he has perhaps 3 tweets in a row. But this is a tweet storm from Brokaw. Here are the 9 tweets, from oldest to newest:
1. i feel terrible a part of my comments on Hispanics offended some members of that proud culture

2. from my days reporting on cesar chavez to documenting the many contributions of hispanics in all parts of our culture

3. i’ve worked hard to knock down false stereo types. in my final comment in Meet i said ALL sides hv to work harder

4. at finding common ground - which i strongly believe
dialogue not division

5. my twitter acct failed me at the worst time.
i am sorry, truly sorry, my comments were offensive to
many. the great enduring american tradition of diversity is to be celebrated and cherished. yamiche, thank u for your comments.
let’s go forward together.

6. finally, i am sorry - i never intended to disparage any segment of our rich, diverse society which defines who we are.

7. finally,i am sorry I failed to convey my strong belief that diversity - dynamic and inclusive is what makes America

8. my tweet portal is whack
i hv been trying to say i am sorry i offended
and i so appreciate my colleague

9. great
Yamiche is a wonderful colleague and an important voice
My observations:

1. Brokaw doesn't do capital letters except for "Hispanics," "Meet," and "ALL."

2. He said "whack."

3. He thinks "stereotypes" is 2 words. Imagine the fun we'd have if Trump had talked about knocking down false "stereo types." He sounds like he's going to storm into my apartment and throw my speakers on the floor if I didn't buy the right brand.

4. Brokaw is sorry only because he found out that people were offended, and he still thinks that his statement, understood properly, is correct.

5. He wants his long career as a journalist to vouch for his good intentions, but as my comments on the transcript show, he is making implausible claims of recent journalistic activities. In these days of cries of "fake news," it doesn't work anymore to say I am journalist, respect me.

6. And he blames Twitter. It "failed" him. It's "whack." That doesn't help his credibility.

7. The rote incantations about diversity — "our rich, diverse society which defines who we are," "my strong belief that diversity - dynamic and inclusive is what makes America" — sound like he's heard again and again what he's supposed to say. And that resonates with his statement on the show he calls "Meet" — "A lot of this, we don't want to talk about."


David Begley said...

Brokaw is from Yankton, SD. His first job was in Omaha. If he wants to spend a few days in Omaha - on his way to Yankton - I’ll show him around.

rhhardin said...

It fills a much-needed gap.

Sebastian said...

MSMer smears GOPers, Hispanics up in arms. They (some, anyway) are assimilating nicely into the prog narrative.

rhhardin said...

We don't want people here who don't want to assimilate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's at that point that Chuck Todd — with the skeptical remark, "The problem is in Wyoming and in South Dakota, they think they need a wall, and in Texas and in Arizona, they don't"

That is not true at all. Chuck Todd is a democratic machine hack.
The "news" media toss complete BS out there, because they want it to be true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the democratic party hacks inside the Democratic Hack Industrial Media Complex wander off narrative.
Get back on that corporate media loyalist cult plantation, old Tom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Loyal Partyists Chatting about the deplorables. AT one point, Brokaw lied about all the racism he incurs from GOPers. A nice little anecdote to keep those watching in a state of rage. & more than likely a total lie. Is it any wonder the leftists are in a constant state of rage?

Bob Boyd said...

Age is the new white hood!

Tommy Duncan said...

7. The rote incantations about diversity — "our rich, diverse society which defines who we are," "my strong belief that diversity - dynamic and inclusive is what makes America"

So who are we? A society defined by identity groups who share no no common values beyond victim-hood?

Isn't diversity by definition not inclusive?

What is dynamic about diversity? Is it the continual creation of new aggrieved identity groups seeking victim status?

Shane said...

Its really sad when people retire and find their private lives and interests, or their narcissism demands they keep themselves out there beyond their Good By date.

Tommy Duncan said...

"The problem is in Wyoming and in South Dakota, they think they need a wall, and in Texas and in Arizona, they don't"

If Chuck got off his dead a$$ and spent some time in AZ and TX he might have a different set of "facts". Many folks along the border have real problems with the current porous border.

Shouting Thomas said...

The more interesting Diversity scuffle today is the NY Time's arguing that it should have some role in naming partners at Paul Weiss, a NYC corporate law firm.

For Diversity's sake, of course.

The issue is, allegedly, that cursed whiteness, but as the name of the firm indicates, NYC corporate law partnerships are dominated by whites who happen to be Jews.

Because law firm partner is one of the highest IQ professions and Ashkenazi Jews are at the top of the IQ ladder.

Bob Boyd said...

Brokaw was happily feeding red meat to the rabid dogs when he got careless and was bitten. Now he's scrambling to find a way to inoculate himself.

gilbar said...

How often does 78-year-old Tom Brokaw go out west and reinterview characters who give him the clichés he needs

hey now! play fair. Tom's been as far west as Falls Church LOTS of Times, and once he went all the way west to Front Royal for a picnic at Shenandoah.

Birches said...

I thought he might apologize for saying Republicans didn't want Brown grandchildren. What a lie.

Bay Area Guy said...

Brokaw should apologize for his mealy-mouthed, embarrassing, pathetic apology.

I think he may have to self-immolate himself -- like that monk in Vietnam -- on live TV to show proper contrition.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Tom Brokaw is an addled old codger. Out here in the real world (to the extent that Los Angeles and Southern California can be called "real") people get married to each other without paying attention Brokaw's false distinctions.

My late neighbor across the street--of Swedish extraction married a "Hispanic " woman some 60 years ago. My wife's family are of Swedish and English extraction--her niece married a second generation Mexican American some 20 years ago. At my neighbor's memorial service his son in law (short Jewish and from New York) said the at first he just didn't know whether he would be accepted in a "tall Catholic family". And so it goes.

Like most "progressive" (or liberal or Beltway) folks, Brokaw is full of more crap than the Christmas Goose. It's time to wake up and realize that those folks really hate us.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Brokaw should apologize for his mealy-mouthed, embarrassing, pathetic apology.

Maybe he can rent space on a billboard before twitter fails him again.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

4. Brokaw is sorry only because he found out that HISPANIC people were offended, and he still thinks that his statement, understood properly, is correct.

There. Fixed it for him. He is only sorry that he got caught saying what he really thinks. And is only sorry that he offended Hispanic people. White western people, who presumably all wear cowboy hats, kick clods of cow shit, and chew on stems of straw, can go to Hell.

Pretty sure that Brokaw has not been anywhere near this rural western area. He can kiss my ass.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yes, all immigrants to America, including hispanics, should learn to read and write English and ASSIMILATE into American culture. That's two necessary conditions for becoming a good citizen.

Does any sane person disagree with this?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ever hear Tom Brokaw's attempts to be Paul Harvey?

Epic fail. Paul Harvey never made it about himself. Paul Harvey always made it about the story. The people in the story.
Tom Brokaw is a self-centered blowhard who does, in his snippet of preach, make it all about himself and his holy perspective. Tom Brokaw is the epitome of a d-left self-satisfied jerk. Tom's perspective is the "norm", and you're all in need of a preachy lecture.

Almost laughable how the D-hack press is one giant lecture after the other. We all must pay, and pay, for the loss of their corruption queen.

Hagar said...

Of the old-time network news anchors, Tom Brokaw easily sets the record for sheer boneheaded stupidity.

Rob said...

I’d think that by “codified” he means legalized. Can we start a GoFundMe to remove the marbles from his mouth?

Tom said...

I have a good friend who's a rancher in Texas. He has some land and cattle in the middle of the state and then leases some land down on the order. On the border property, there's a small house where they stay while they tend to the cattle. In the past, the locked the doors and the house was always broken into. However, once they started leaving the doors unlocked and leaving nice care package, when they come back, the house is always cleaned up. They know its people crossing the border using the house and, if they don't leave something for them, they'll tear up the place.

Oddly, he just accepts this lawlessness as the "way it is." He likes having the immigrants around for labor and he doesn't have much use for the government interfering between a rancher and a ranch hand. On the other side, though, he also sees the evidence of crimes and knows that needs to stop. I think he'd be the first to promote a work-permit process for migrants.

Psota said...

Let's spare a moment for the ridiculous "analysis" of Hugh Hewitt claiming that what will bring us together is -- the crisis in Venezuela??

Tina Trent said...

This exchange is an object lesson in the way the media denies culpability.

They have been demonizing conservatives for decades. Now their lynch mobs are emboldened.

Cue to "mourning for civility."

But nothing will be done. I think we have crossed a line to mass political persecution.

This is the way fascism unfolds, everywhere it unfolds, every time it unfolds. Reading Vonnegut and Huxley and Orwell doesn't innoculate. Drive people from the public square. Demonize with words, then actions. The Democrats are doing a pretty good impersonation of people who want walls -- to encircle and silence Americans who dare to disagree with them.

Jaq said...

Bob Boyd said...
Age is the new white hood!

There was just an episode of Family Guy about that. Peter got white hair and suddenly he became an ignorant racist. I am done with that show. It used to be funny. Instead of white hair making somebody an expert on everything while spouting ignorant nonsense, it would have been really funny if he had done it after winning an Emmy. McFarlane has become so preachy. I tried to watch Orville, the episode was about a gay couple where one of the men was pregnant or something. I guess he has his money, now it’s all about politics.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our media is a corporate shill for the democratics. They are all good democratics.


rehajm said...

Is there evidence that he goes on these excursions into the hinterlands and investigates what's in the heart of Republicans

I'll vouch. I know he still goes to Montana despite the for sale of West Boulder Ranch.

I also know in August the Brokaws were sitting at the next table at the Bristol in Boston with Mike Barnicle and wife Anne F. Maybe that's what he meant by 'those westerners'?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary lost to the Orange Man Bad. Even after all the left's careful manipulations.

The leftwing fascist machine will NEVER let that happen again. That's why the free speech police are in high gear and the leftwinger corporate press + Hollywood are in non-stop Bash the Deplorables mode.

rehajm said...

Hasn't Brokaw always been a scatterbrain? Age don't seem like the important factor.

Amadeus 48 said...

Good ole Tom can’t remeber much. Cesar Chavez was stoutly opposed to illegal immigration and open borders. How the hell was he going to organize THOSE people? They weren’t even here technically. You can look it up.

Cesar’s problem has been solved. Illegal immigrants are here technically. And in some states, they vote!

Trumpit said...

"Yes, all immigrants to America, including hispanics, should learn to read and write English and ASSIMILATE into American culture. That's two necessary conditions for becoming a good citizen.

Does any sane person disagree with this?"

I would force you to learn Serbo-Croatian because I like you. You need to get your A$$IMILATED A$$ whooped, too, because I like you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge: Hillary wants to run again. oh goodie! The corruption queen still needs to pay back her mega-cooperate donors and Clinton Foundation insiders.

Gk1 said...

Where or what data does Todd use to say Arizona & Texas don't want a wall? How deluded is that? I guess you can find some push poll or parse what the polls are saying but I think all of the border states want an "All of the above" strategy which includes a wall.

Jaq said...

He likes having the immigrants around for labor and he doesn't have much use for the government interfering between a rancher and a ranch hand.

Keeps down the cost of labor.

I'm Full of Soup said...

One big problem in America is that NPR employs a 31 year-old 1st generation immigrant who obviously hates America.

Chain migration has been very very good for immigrants from several shithole countries. But it has been very very bad for America.

rehajm said...

Notice the incoherence...He means the gap is much greater now, so he's saying the opposite of what he means.

Point of Order- If we all seem to know exactly what he means is it still incoherence?

Jersey Fled said...

The problem with liberals is that they are always trying to out virtue each other. It's not enough to be for equal rights, you have to be for special rights. You can't just be pro black, you have to be anti-white. You can't be just pro-abortion, you must be for every type of abortion in any and all cases. The list goes on and on. Liberals have to be better than you. That includes being better than other liberals.

Brokaw didn't really cross any lines, he just almost did. That brought out the other liberals who were "better" than him.

They eat their own.

tim maguire said...

I'm fine with objecting to "assimilate." It has clear overtones of "abandon who you were, become like us." Better would be, "fit in, embrace the country and people you have sought out."

Every immigrant has things to contribute, but they come here because of what
WE contribute.

Amadeus 48 said...

Tom Brokaw confirms that the media elites are not too elite. There is obviously more insight and intelligent debate at Meadhouse than there is in all of NBC’s news division.

I like Hugh Hewitt but what the heck is he saying? Venezuela, which should be an object lesson for all of us, is ignored as an embarrassment by the left and on the right is seen as a place to be left alone so they can collapse all on their own. Venezuela is not going to bting us together.

rcocean said...

Why the hell does anyone care what 78 y/o Brokow thinks about anything? He was a news reader! He was like Dan Rather, someone gave him a script or talked in his ear, and told him what to say.

And I always find it amazing how these liberals are ALWAYS finding some racist who confines their secret racist to them. If anybody's been upset at marriage to Hispanics they've been upset ever since Lucy and Ricky Ricardo.

MTP is always good for a head shake and a laugh.

Amadeus 48 said...

It’s a melting pot, muchacho. Go forth and prosper.

Bill Peschel said...

"don't want brown grandbabies?" What world does Brokaw live in where that's a new thing?

Actually, I'm reminded of John Gresham's book "Skipping Christmas." The couple had heard from their daughter in Peru that she was coming back with her fiance, and they spent most of the book, when they weren't battling their neighbors over their refusal to put up Christmas displays, about ... well, I'll let John tell you:

“Don’t Peruvians have dark skin?” he asked.

Nora froze for a second. They stared at each other, then both looked away.

"I guess it doesn’t matter now,” she said.

“She’s not really getting married, is she?” Luther said, in disbelief.

At the end of the book, they discover that the fiance was a doctor who was educated in London, and "two shades lighter than Luther himself."*

(That's because Luther, in an earlier scene, visited a tanning parlor to prepare his skin for a Caribbean vacay.)

rcocean said...

All these MSM reporters and talking heads must coordinate their talking points with the DNC.

Y'see we shouldn't have a wall or border security because that's RACISS. And only ignorant people want a wall, because it won't work, or it'll be waste of money, or people in Texas and Arz "don't want a wall"

All of them.

rcocean said...

Notice, they NEVER have someone on the program that is Pro_Trump or if they do, they're always outnumbered 4-1.

Cucky Hugh Hewitt is on the MTP, because he attacked the Covington Boys and loves calling other conservatives RACISS. Its been his M.O. for 20 years. He's always loved cheap labor from illegal immigration - his a Corporate Lawyer.

rcocean said...

Hugh Hewitt is Mitt Romney with a Radio show. If he a Mormon?

Hey Skipper said...

[Brokaw:] The problem is in Wyoming and in South Dakota, they think they need a wall, and in Texas and in Arizona, they don't.

A sheriff on the border doesn't give the NYT the narrative it needed, no how hard the interviewer tried.

Out here in the real world (to the extent that Los Angeles and Southern California can be called "real") people get married to each other without paying attention Brokaw's false distinctions.

A good friend of mine lives north of San Diego. Staunch conservative, Irish background. His daughter married a first generation Mexican-American, born in Tijuana. He was welcomed into the family with open arms.

Just as you would expect from toxically masculine white privileged racists.

Michael K said...

Somebody might be interested who the big loser in the wall shutdown was.

rcocean said...

Maybe next time old-fool Brokow comes out West, maybe he can actually talk to some Hispanics. He'll find they come in all shades and colors. Which isn't surprising since "Hispanic" is a made up label that covers everyone from Mexico to Argentina.

Large numbers of Germans/Italians moved to Chile and Argentina in the 19th and early 20th Century, but they are "Hispanic" - as is a black man from Honduras and a Mexican descended from White Spaniards.

Chuck said...

This is another fine post on your part, Althouse.

Cogent; incisive; readable. While not “law” in any academic sense, a post like this nevertheless reflects your disciplined legal mind, and very favorably at that.

So I wonder where your mind is, when President Trump repeatedly and in planned addresses blurts out strange and incomprehensibly- sourced claims about “four women in a car with tape [sometimes ‘duct tape’ and other times ‘electrical tape’ depending on Trump’s momentary telling] around their mouths” who are smuggled across the southern border [due to the lack of a wall]...?”

This peculiarly Trumpism weirdness has been going on long enough to become even weirder. The Washington Post did a story on the bewildering lack of support for the Trump story(ies); the Administration had nothing in response. Then, as Vox revealed, the top Trump appointee in CBP apparently directed an email request to agents in the field to say if they had heard anything that might support the President’s repeated stories in this regard.


It’s so much weirder, and consequential, than anything that an old* Tom Brokaw might say once in an off-handed way.

*But not much older than Trump.

Marcus said...

Leaves a "CARE Package"? You mean, you leave an after-the-fact bribe so they won't do further damage. Sounds very liberal to me. Sorta like hiring a hooker to stay in your home while you are not there, so the "visitors" can have their way with her, rather than breaking in and raping your wife and daughters.



Lucid-Ideas said...

I chalk this up to a tweeting-while-old problem. Not all tweeters have this problem, but some do. There are a large number of recently unemployed journalists that are much better at the subtext and innuendo, but also apologizing while not really apologizing (they are very good at this).

He should nab one of them before they investigate a new career writing code.

wildswan said...

... Tweets will be whack. The portal won't send at the worst moment. I'm making a point and everyone is great but whack. Cesar Chavez could testify but whack. People in South Dakota are all bigots unlike me whack, whack. If you forget to hit send. Don't mention it. People in North Dakota are all bigots. Send. Send. People in Wisconsin are all bigots. Media colleges are all gret but people in Wyoming are all bigits. Send. Whack. Bigits all Whack. Bigits on the walls, people in my house are all biggits. Whack, send Portal whack, grwat except biggitty

JayDee77 said...

I like how the person who's name I can't pronounce (female?) says the committee will get together to begin talking about border facts. I'm sure one "fact" that will form the foundation of the committee is that walls don't work.

rcocean said...

IRC, McSally campaigned on a Wall. Most of Texas supported Trump. When Todd says "Texas and Arz don't want a wall, what he means is DC Pols from Texas and Arz don't want one.

Darrell said...

The latest Leftist meme is that all Americans were supporting the government workers. Chuck Schumer was pushing that and Brokaw went along, like a good little Comrade.

JAORE said...

I am mortified to find that I don't want my two "brown" grandchildren.

Guess it's time to re-write the will.

J. Farmer said...

The US is already pursuing a foolish course on Venezuela, so it is no surprise that Hewitt is enthusiastic for it. It is bad policy on its face, but Hewitt's claim that it will "bring is together" is beyond laughable. Even in a best case scenario where Maduro gave up power peacefully, very few voters would care. I don't think it is likely that he will, and he has so far retained the loyalty of military commanders within the country. Recognizing as president of a country a figure who has not established any effective control is folly.

tcrosse said...

Leaves a "CARE Package"? You mean, you leave an after-the-fact bribe so they won't do further damage.

Danegeld, a fine old tradition

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ot: Colorado, now run by radical constitution burning leftwing fascists, is attempting to force Colorado's voters to give up their voting rights to the voters of CA and NY.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Brokaw's sure in a fucking sweat to praise foreigners and illegals and spew on about how wonderful and necessary immigrants are and what wonderful cultures they're all fleeing, but he doesn't have fuck all to say about the tens of millions of white Americans he shit on without a second thought. Motherfuck him and all the rest of that asshole panel of punks, especially Ho Hewitt who thinks America needs some more foreign intervention and nation building to bring us together.

The fucking gap isn't between Democrat and Republicans. It's a gap between Democrat/Republicans like Cuck Tard/Ho Hewitt and Americans who love the history, culture and ideals of America and want to maintain and nurture that. And that gap is massive.

pacwest said...

I married a 3rd generation 50% Mexican. Do I get partial credit? What a joke.

I'm doing some fake and bake for our trip to Hawaii next week, so I'm doing some browning of America too. Why are these people so obsessed with skin color?

narciso said...

Apologizing for another anti anerican regime, heh farmer, one which has provided passports to al queda and Hezbollah?

Fernandinande said...

i never intended to disparage any segment of our rich, diverse society which defines who we are.

What a delightfully vibrant thing to say!

Each diverse segment of our rich diverse society is more richly wonderful in every diverse way than all the other diverse rich segments because no rich diverse segment has any negative characteristics of any kind except for white men.

Meade said...

Chuck, exit.


William said...

Do you think it's remotely possible that any media figure would apologize to th Covington kids and their type n such an abject, slithering way?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are still waiting for the media apology owed to the Covington kids.

Our media/The democratic party is Hugo Chavez, Maduro and Castro rolled into one.

Chuck said...

By the way, Althouse; if Trump had bifurcated “stero type” as Brokaw had, I’d expect several reactions.

First, it might not get noticed at all, since it would rate rather poorly on the grand scale of Trump’s general linguistic tics.

Second, when you suggested that “we” may have had some fun with it at Trump’s expense, I think you meant that some people who are strongly disfavored at Althouse.blogspot.com might have had made note of it.

If you had blogged it, I expect that it would taken the form of a link to a Scott Adams bit where he talked about what a genius kill shot it was, to have made it “stereo type.”

tcrosse said...

On Venezuala, J. Farmer stands with Russia, China, Cuba, and Bolivia.

Jaq said...

I hope Trump is paying you rent Chuck, or did he use his “Art of the Deal” powers to land a permanent place inside your skull rent free?

Meade said...

Chuck, go.


Meade said...

Find another forum to practice your Art of the Smear. You are no longer welcome here.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Bob Boyd@7:38AM with a great take, excellent analogy.

William said...

I live on the UES. As SNL has informed you, lots of white people here. There's also a fair number of black, brown, and Asian people. Many of them are married to white people. So far as I can tell, they don't attract much notice. When they have kids, the kids are invariably and strikingly better looking than the parents. Hybrid vigor.......From what I've read, Hispanics and Asians intermarry at a 40% rate....... I had a Puerto Rican girlffriend. I don't think race or cultural issues caused the relationship to founder, although it must be said that rice and beans with everything is a stupid way of eating.

J. Farmer said...


Apologizing for another anti anerican regime, heh farmer, one which has provided passports to al queda and Hezbollah?

I never said anything "apologizing for" Venezuela. I criticized the administration's responses. But interventionists always have to impugn the motives of those with whom they disagree. And as an ethno-nationalist, I just love being accused of anti-Americanism by a refugee.

J. Farmer said...


On Venezuala, J. Farmer stands with Russia, China, Cuba, and Bolivia.

No, as always, I stand with America. If you can explain what vital American interest is served by meddling in Venezuela, I'm all ears.

Known Unknown said...

"my strong belief that diversity - dynamic and inclusive is what makes America"

No, it's liberty, dipshit.

William said...

I think it's fair to say that our Germans, at least in the 20th century, were better Germans than Germany's Germans. The British people who migrated here are nowhere near as class conscious or snobbish as the folks they left behind. The Irish here are less inclined to blame all their failings on a plot by perfidious Albion........ White people when they assimilate to America don't necessarily become worse people. Why should Hispanics?

walter said...

Chuck said...
This is another fine post on your part, Althouse.
Cogent; incisive; readable. While not “law” in any academic sense, a post like this nevertheless reflects your disciplined legal mind, and very favorably at that.
Formulaic Chuckie ass-kiss preface followed by "But Truuuuuummmmp ruins you!!!"

Brokah is right in terms of assimilation issues. Not surprisingly, no mention of social and financial costs of "undocumented migrant asylum CAGW escapees.
Brokah's at times entertaining "An American Story" became angry and political.
Quite telling that his "my sources say brown grand-babies bad" bit isn't the big faux pas.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hugh Hewitt is Mitt Romney with a Radio show. I[s] he a Mormon?

Evangelical Catholic. But he was a big supporter of Romney, writing A Mormon in the White House? in 2011 and, like headlines phrased as questions, this title also was answered in the negative. A better book by Hewitt would If It Ain't Close They Can't Cheat, which too many Democrats read and now they know how to cheat even if it isn't close (see California & Arizona, ca. 2018).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer - other than words, the US isn't doing much of anything in Venezuela. I see no harm in trash talking a fraudulent socialist dictatorship - where a fraudulently elected leftwing dictator starves its people "for the common good."
All of the corrupt Leftist dictatorships around the world are causing the immigration crisis all over the planet.

Vote for Hillary!

traditionalguy said...

Browkaw is not perceiving the problem mixing a different language base culture into the Country. It works well when the natural born Americans are in the majority. The second generation learns English. But when the English speakers have to learn to speak Spanish to live here, that is an invasion. And when we pay hundreds of billions to be invaded, we should all become Trump supporters all the way down.

Mixing only works slowly. A tsunami of peasants invading us is an enemy tactic. It always has been.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Farmer, what actions has USA taken in Venezuela this week that you disagree with? Recognizing the opposition party?

Birkel said...

The Reconquistas demand that nobody call for assimilation.

Tom Brokaw finally said something interesting.

robother said...

I recollect that Brokaw has a ranch in Montana. He probably talks to his foreman and a few other hands when he's out there, you know, to show 'em he's jest a regular guy (and so they won't take too much advantage during the 9 months he's not there).

Based on my own interactions with such types, he's probably the one who said "don't want no brown grand-babies, do we?" followed by an awkward silence on the part of his genuine Montanans, which he takes as agreement, but anyone else would realized is unwillingness to risk a soft gig.

Known Unknown said...

"Recognizing the opposition party?"

I think Trump made off-hand remarks about 'getting involved' or something. I think J. Farmer is taking Trump too seriously on that point.

mccullough said...

Browkaw is hearing from The People on Twitter now.

I thought the sexual harassment accusation against him was pretty tame and the overreaction against the points he made is ridiculous.

But it’s not my duty to save this guy from The Tribe he threw in with.

Brokaw is old and can’t be punished much. But Chuck Todd can. The People will be coming for Chick’s scalp and the dudes at NBC will let them have it.

Chuck Todd is going to get the Billy Bush treatment. He’ll grovel like the wimp he is but The Prople will get him.

wendybar said...

Nancy and Chucky said they would talk after the shutdown. Nancy let the house go home for a long weekend. So much for getting together. They are going to kick the can down the road once again, like they have for all the years they have been in Congress doing NOTHING. Why people believe anything will change is beyond me. There is too much profit for them like it is.

J. Farmer said...


J Farmer - other than words, the US isn't doing much of anything in Venezuela

The question remains if that "much of anything" is a good idea or not. I say no.

I see no harm in trash talking a fraudulent socialist dictatorship - where a fraudulently elected leftwing dictator starves its people "for the common good."

It is not merely trash talking. The administration has recognized a figure as Venezuela's president who has no legitimate claim on the title and whose widespread support within the country is unknown. All signs point to a protracted battle, and Maduro retains the loyalty of the armed forces. If Maduro's government acts with force, that could easily draw in the United States, which we should resist with ever fiber.

Trump has already floated the idea of militarily intervening in Afghanistan several times over the last couple of years and the administration was in touch with would-be coup plotters. This goes beyond mere "trash talking." Bolton a few weeks ago laughably included Venezuela in a new club with the stupid name "troika of tyranny." Given that Botlon has been busy doing all he can to torpedo Trump's Syria withdraw, the amount of damage to US foreign policy that old gargoyle can cause.

And to even add to the absurdity, Elliot Abrams has recently been named an envoy for Venezuela. Abrams; last greatest hits in Latin America was being an apologist for massacres in El Salvador.

walter said...

So NBC gave Brokaw a pass on the Linda Vester accusation?

J. Farmer said...


Farmer, what actions has USA taken in Venezuela this week that you disagree with? Recognizing the opposition party?

See above.

Chuck said...

I missed Sunday’s airing of Meet the Press, but thanks to Althouse’s admirable blog post, I really feel like I know enough about it now, and I am grateful for that.

The remaining Trump-related mystery is why Trump used his Twitter account to go off on Fox News’ John Roberts (who substituted for Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” which as Althouse knows is my own personal favorite Sunday talk show. Trump picked on Gillian Turner by name along with Roberts in the same Tweet. In his first attempt, Trump misspelled Gillian Turner’s first name, and consequently tagged an unsuspecting private citizen named Jillian Turner. Lol.


The interesting thing is what might Roberts and Turner have said, to make Trump go off like that. I only saw a small part of Fox News Sunday yesterday, so I cannot answer what is now a really interesting question.

Dad29 said...

Not hard to speculate that Brokaw is talking out of his ass again.

As to Hewitt: the guy is Pollyanna but wears pants. Always drank way too much Coke--you know, the "....like to teach the world to sing...." Coke.

mccullough said...

I don’t always agree with Farmer but he has a coherent consistent position on foreign policy. I’d say some stability from a large oil producing country is in the US interests and declaring some other guy the legitimate head of that country along with some of their neighbors isn’t a bad approach.

But we shouldn’t send in the military.

I agree that Hewitt is a fop. The country isn’t going to rally around the flag for some dispute with Venezuela. Half the Democrat party supports the Chavez/Madurai approach. If anything, they will just get more upset.

M Jordan said...

There are two postures one has to choose from when ambushed by the hordes: 1). Jeff Flake in the elevator, head down, complete submission. 2) Nick Sandmann standing his ground, head up, smiling. Brokaw chose #1. I choose #2.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Gillian Turner is a lefty and almost as bad as Shep Smith IMO. Roberts, a former CNN talking head, is probably a lefty too. I can't understand why Fox hires people like them. Ditto for Leland Vitter. So not surprised Trump went after her and John Roberts.

Drago said...

Gee, who could have guessed that LLR Chuck's talking points would align perfectly with those of wild-eyed lunatic leftist Anna Marie Cox?

I mean, how is it that a staunch, TruCon Lifelong republican like Chuck somehow, inexplicably, on every issue on every day, keeps finding himself in lockstep agreement with the farthest leftist lunatics running around.

I mean, once or twice could be attributed to random chance and the eccentricities of politics.

But 100% of the time for years?

Well, maybe TruCon LLR's are really just far left radicals with a different label.

With "only" 10,987 validating data points over the last 3 years, would it be jumping the gun to just go ahead and make the claim?......

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...


Meade said...

Chuck, away.


jaydub said...

Meade said: "Find another forum to practice your Art of the Smear. You are no longer welcome here."

What makes you think he's welcome anywhere?

narciso said...

Farmer, would have turned over el Salvador to the guerillas, I suppose, in the long run that is what reconciliation commission and Chavez money ended up with Sanchez ceren.

chickelit said...

Somebody might be interested who the big loser in the wall shutdown was.

I'm interested in having Speaker Pelosi's grand debate on the morality of walls. I think this could draw together poets, philosophers, demographers, and racists on both sides.

M Jordan said...

Roberts was fair to Trump on yesterday’s broadcast (actually much fairer than Wallace usually is) up to the point when he gathered his “All-Star” panel. He began with a question: Who were this week’s winners and losers. This is a Brett Baier Friday night feature, winners and losers but NOT a Chris Wallace Sunday show feature. So why did Roberts choose that hook? Obviously to hang Trump on. The lone “conservative” on the panel, Jason Riley, is a NeverTrumper who has gagged and accepted Trump with tongs. So Riley begins with Of course Nancy Pelosi destroyed Trump this week. Now the door is wide open for Julie Pace, Gillian Turner, and Juan Shill-iams to run through ... which they gleefully did.

That, I’m sure triggered Trump as it triggered my wife and me.

gilbar said...

wendybar said... Nancy and Chucky said they would talk after the shutdown.

i think, technically, Nancy said that talks wouldn't (couldn't) begin (happen) until after the shutdown ended. It's our fault for assuming that meant that they would (could) begin (happen) AFTER. She never really said that there would EVER be talks; just that there wouldn't be talks during the shutdown

gilbar said...


the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.

J. Farmer said...


Farmer, would have turned over el Salvador to the guerillas, I suppose, in the long run that is what reconciliation commission and Chavez money ended up with Sanchez ceren.

No, unlike you, I do not believe that I own El Salvador and have the ability to hand it over to anyone. I don't think it's up to you and me to decide what goes on in El Salvador. That's the job of the Salvadorans.

hombre said...

In Arizona and Texas they “don’t think we need a wall”? Having lived in both within the last ten years the evidence I have seen independent of leftmediaswine propaganda is to the contrary; results of polls, elections, etc.

rcocean said...

Upchuck chuck.

rcocean said...

Venezuela - yawn.

We're not going to invade, and no one supports them.

but continue to play "Adults discuss foreign policy".

Birkel said...

Chuck, racist smear merchant, and Smug in the same thread?

What has Althouse done to deserve all this?

rcocean said...

Evangelical Catholic. Thanks Mike. I think it was his big support for Mittens that made me think he was Mormon.

Plus he's has that Jeff Flake vibe.

narciso said...

Tom Brokaw was firmly on the side of the guerillas, and pretty much every other thing the Soviets wanted.

J. Farmer said...


Venezuela - yawn.

We're not going to invade, and no one supports them.

but continue to play "Adults discuss foreign policy".

That "we're not going to invade" is the bar should tell you how far US statecraft has sunk.

Drago said...

I would simply prefer Anna Marie Cox to post under her own, recognized, handle: Wonkette, rather than "Chuck".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maduro didn't actually win. It was a fraudulent election.

Jupiter said...

"It's just a damned lie, isn't it?".

I don't know. Did a "journalist" say it? Then it was certainly a lie. Not so sure about the "damned" part.

walter said...

Brokaw shouldn't have brought up "anti-immigrant" Cesar Chavez.

J. Farmer said...


Maduro didn't actually win. It was a fraudulent election.

That is completely irrelevant. The US supports governments that not only have never held elections, they explicitly forbid them.

Jupiter said...

And I want to intercede here, 'cuz there's some bad information going around. This "learn to code" thing is not all it's cracked up to be. Anybody can go down to the local for-profit college and for a couple grand, they'll teach you how to make a cheesy little web site and code some "Hello, World" app in C#. But that is not going to get you a paid job. And if you are much past 30, the age discrimination in programming is brutal. Learn to give good head, would be my advice to a laid-off journalist. Get some knee-pads, if you haven't got them already.

Jaq said...

Maybe the problem in Venezuela isn’t the legitimacy of the elections, maybe it’s that they can’t feed their people and they are creating another humanitarian catastrophe.

Drago said...

walter: "Brokaw shouldn't have brought up "anti-immigrant" Cesar Chavez.

This is always a fun point to bring up to leftists in conversation when I tell them my position on illegal immigration is identical to that of United Farm Workers hero Cesar Chavez with one large, glaring exception: I don't send my goons out to beat the snot out of illegal migrants like Chavez did.

walter said...

That's weak.
One is systemic, the other a specific fraud.

narciso said...

And that is the nature of the system, a small part of bolsanaro victory was bring overwhelmed from refugees to his north.

Drago said...

Farmer: "That is completely irrelevant. The US supports governments that not only have never held elections, they explicitly forbid them."


It's completely relevant...whenever it is deemed to be in our national interests....just like every other nation.

Farmer is shocked, shocked that there might be hypocrisy in foreign, economic and military policy.


walter said...

You probably don't use the term "wetback" either.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The administration has recognized a figure as Venezuela's president who has no legitimate claim on the title and whose widespread support within the country is unknown.

The last guy had no legitimate claim either, like the thug before him. Almost every state in Latin America has recognized Guaido's claim at the same time we did. We aren't threatening anyone. We haven't put "boots on the ground" like Putin has. But if we are invited to help oppose the Little Green Men we should help our neighbor out.

jaydub said...

I am an expert on living with Hispanics. In fact, I don't have any Anglo neighbors living within a mile and there are only a few in the whole city - everyone on my street and in my neighborhood is Hispanic. A few of them speak a little English, though they won't use English with me because they expect me to speak Spanish. My maid, gardener and pool guy are all Hispanic, and none of them speak any English at all but we get along okay. By the way they are here legally. My city of about 150,000 is not a sanctuary city - in fact they don't tolerate illegals at all. They even aggressively intercept illegals on our southern border, deny them entry and send them back where they came from. My Hispanic neighbors are fully accepting of these practices and both support immigration laws and follow them to the letter themselves. Moreover, and even though I'm an American citizen, the immigration authorities still check my paperwork every time I enter the or leave the country, and I have to report my current address to them. No one disputes the fact that the Hispanics are in charge here they don't give a rat's ass whether I'm offended by any laws or regulations.

Of course, I do live in Spain. The border patrol is called "Guardia Civil" here. Guardia Civil takes its duties seriously and has never been reluctant to bust some heads if necessary. The leftist national government fully supports the Guardia Civil and seems to understand that allowing mass invasion of economic refugees would be disastrous to their Hispanic culture and economy. My Hispanic friends read about the US immigration controversy and shake their heads. So do I. I suppose the Spanish viewpoint is at least partially informed by the fact that their ancestors allowed a Moorish invasion to take place starting in 711 AD and it took another 781 years to get their country and culture back. Of course that could never happen in the US.

J. Farmer said...


That's weak.
One is systemic, the other a specific fraud.

That is naive. Saparmurat Niyazov was president for life of Turkmenistan and declared official results of 99.9% that were widely known to be fraudulent. He was long supported by the US. Similarly, when the Egyptian military canceled the results of the Egypt's election and installed a military dictator, the US responded by providing the dictator with money and arms.

The US claiming concern over the legitimacy of a Venezuelan presidential election is merely a pretext for what they really want: regime change.

J. Farmer said...


It's completely relevant...whenever it is deemed to be in our national interests....just like every other nation.

Farmer is shocked, shocked that there might be hypocrisy in foreign, economic and military policy.

Not shocked at all. I am well aware of the hypocrisy. That is also why I know that it is not concern for democratic norms that is driving US policy vis-à-vis Venezuela.

jaydub said...

BTW, people are being a little hard on Tom Brokaw. After all, he's a tribal elder of a sort and people should understand by now that tribal elders should not be questioned.

Drago said...

Farmer: "That is also why I know that it is not concern for democratic norms that is driving US policy vis-à-vis Venezuela."


Millions flooding over borders is what, nuttin?

Drago said...

Farmer: "The US claiming concern over the legitimacy of a Venezuelan presidential election is merely a pretext for what they really want: regime change."

There is no Venezuelan govt legitimacy...because of what the lefties/LLR's have wrought...and it's threatening their neighbors, some of whom are allies with us to one degree or another.

So, yeah, great. Sometimes the Bank Makes An Error In Your Favor, Collect $10.

tcrosse said...

The US claiming concern over the legitimacy of a Venezuelan presidential election is merely a pretext for what they really want: regime change.

So why do Canada, the EU, and everybody except Russia, China, Cuba, and Bolivia express that concern?

bagoh20 said...

""Well, I don't know whether I want brown grandbabies." "

He's probably lying about hearing that, but if he did, I think it's something that a lefty is more likely to say, comfortable in their inherent goodness like Wonkette.

Hagar said...

My understanding is that the Venezuelan national assembly has disowned Maduro and declared
Guaidó President of Venezuela as provided in Venezuela's constitution, and what the US and the other countries have done, is recognize the national assembly's action.

chickelit said...

Well, I don't know whether I want brown grandbabies.

That sounds like something GHW Bush would have said before he got religion. Brokaw was just spitballing.

traditionalguy said...

Venezuela is practicing perfectly a Cuban-Marxist methodology. First becomes police state that kills the innocent to steal and instill fear. Then starve the people you don’t need. When they are too weak to rebel, then you can sell off the resources of the place for gold placed in your secret Swiss Bank accounts.

That is a highly honored method. Stalin, Mao,Castro are worshiped by many for perfecting it...Hillary and Barak for instance. Whe were all saved from it on November 8, 2016.

Big Mike said...

@Trumpit, Већ говорим српско-хрватски. Потребно је скратити за 24 центиметра.

J. Farmer said...



Millions flooding over borders is what, nuttin?

Venezuela is undoubtedly an economic basketcase and a human rights crisis. It does not therefore lead that the US should involve itself with internal Venezuelan affairs or its border issuers with Colombia, Brazil, or Guyana.


So why do Canada, the EU, and everybody except Russia, China, Cuba, and Bolivia express that concern?

First, it not "everybody except." Second, they are pursuing the same regime change policy that the US supports.


My understanding is that the Venezuelan national assembly has disowned Maduro and declared Guaidó President of Venezuela as provided in Venezuela's constitution, and what the US and the other countries have done, is recognize the national assembly's action.

The constitutional claims are a fig leaf. Noah Feldman wrote a good response to them for Bloomberg here.

Drago said...

Farmer: "It does not therefore lead that the US should involve itself with internal Venezuelan affairs or its border issuers with Colombia, Brazil, or Guyana."

I disagree.

chickelit said...

Am I correct in noting that maduro means mature in Spanish?

Leland said...

I live in Texas. The people I talk to mostly live in Texas. Not everybody in Texas wants a wall, but Texas is a Republican majority and the majority want a wall. For politicians, it is about voting demographics. For most voters, it is about Congress keeping promises they've made for decades about building a border wall (that they then continually don't fund).

For average people, it simply is about the rule of law. The idea that citizens have to get a license to drive or face jail, while others get sanctuary. The idea that citizens have to buy insurance (health, property, vehicle), while others have no way of being identified and will leave the area before police arrive. Citizens have to pay income tax, but that person with a fake SSN may or may not; after all, they can select "no withholding" and whoever has the real SSN has to explain what happened at the eventual audit.

The wall is just a macguffin. The story is about whether we continue to have two tiers of citizenship or one. And I don't agree Amnesty solves all of it. We were told that twice before, but like the wall, we never got the fix that prevented the second tier from regenerating. The wall is a test to see if DC will finally do something or not. Trump is fine, because he has demonstrated his willingness to do something.

Venezuela is about trying to change the topic.

Kevin said...

Next panelist Hugh Hewitt opines that dealing with the political situation in Venezuela is "going to bring us together," and Chuck Todd expresses skepticism.

Todd knows nothing can be allowed to bring us together until Trump is out of office.

If organisms from outer space landed with the technology to solve all of our medical, food and energy needs, it would be Trump's fault they didn't come sooner.

Kevin said...

For average people, it simply is about the rule of law. The idea that citizens have to get a license to drive or face jail, while others get sanctuary. The idea that citizens have to buy insurance (health, property, vehicle), while others have no way of being identified and will leave the area before police arrive. Citizens have to pay income tax, but that person with a fake SSN may or may not; after all, they can select "no withholding" and whoever has the real SSN has to explain what happened at the eventual audit.

I wish Trump would talk more about this. It's exactly why some minorities support the wall.

It's not racism, it's fairness -- the kind of emotional appeal he needs to be making to those afraid of being labeled racist.

Because even if it doesn't break through on this issue, the process of inserting the fairness meme into the discussion needs to commence for the good of the debate.

J. Farmer said...


I disagree.

Fair enough.

Mea Sententia said...

Tom Brokaw needs Doc Martin to tell him, "Stop talking."

Jupiter said...

jaydub said...

"Of course, I do live in Spain."

I was expecting you to say that you live in Mexico. Because everything else you said applies there as well. The US is the only place on Earth where it is immoral to have and enforce immigration policies. According to the lying Democrats and their operatives, the media.

Drago said...

Jupiter: "According to the lying Democrats and their operatives, the media."

According to the lying Democrats, their LLR house-pets and their operatives, the media.


Mikec said...

Read Fernandisten @ 8:48 am

He wins the "Best of the Comments" award for this blog.

n.n said...

Hispanic is a politically congruent classification and class that excludes Hi-portuguese.

No diversity. No color judgments (e.g racism). #HateLovesAbortion

narciso said...

Feldman the one that enshrined Islam as the official religion in the Iraqi constitution. Yes more please of that.

narciso said...

This was the front group for the guerillas but you get a flavor:


narciso said...

I guess one could use Latino which I am one,

Tom C said...

Interesting that Brokaw mentioned Cesar Chavez... because he would have favored building a wall.

Bay Area Guy said...

My father-in-law - arguably the best man I've ever met - is an immigrant from a South American country.

To obtain LEGAL US citizenship he had to serve honorably in the Army in the 50s, right after the Korean War. He has incredible stories of that era under Eisenhower.

After obtaining his LEGAL US citizenship, he got lucky, married an American girl, got a job as a high school biology teacher and raised a nice family.

He particularly likes me because I did one half the work of getting him some grandkids that he loves dearly.

He still votes Democrat - a product of the Kennedy influence of the early 60s, and his Catholic pride.

But get a few drinks in him and ask him what he thinks of hordes of Hondurans coming across our Southern Border to claim asylum, or, to simply slide thru, clean our yards, not learn English, depress wages and send their $$ back home.

Temujin said...

Chuck Todd: "The problem is in Wyoming and in South Dakota, they think they need a wall, and in Texas and in Arizona, they don't"

As usual, Chuck Todd is miles from correct. He's really turned out to be a dull bulb. Anyone remember how Tim Russert used to handle both sides of any issue? Chuck needs to visit Texas. And by Texas, I mean not just Austin. And Arizona- outside of a golf resort in Scottsdale.

Leland said...

I wish Trump would talk more about this.

I think Trump does, but then the media marginalizes the message by demanding someone account for every time it happened or claiming it never happens, sort of like the next post on duct tape. I often find from those claiming "Trump lies" that their examples are at most hyperbole or, as CBS discovered about immigrant rape, an understatement. If only the media or DNC held themselves to the same standard. Instead, we get factcheckers burying ledes with "True, but..."

Scott M said...

Brokaw needs to learn to code.

Thomas said...

Que Pasa USA is a great show. Happy that Chuck Todd gave it a shout out.

Jim at said...

Of the old-time network news anchors, Tom Brokaw easily sets the record for sheer boneheaded stupidity.

Sorry, no.
That honor would go to Dan Rather.

narciso said...

where the whole meh Russia falls apart:


J. Farmer said...


where the whole meh Russia falls apart:

It is instructive that the two Trump foreign policy decisions that have received the most support from the Establishment are the bombing of Syria in 2017 and now the decision to interfere to in Venezuelan affairs.

Rick said...

My observations:

Interestingly none of the observations note his mea culpa includes nothing identifiably tied to his claim Republicans uniformly confessed their racism to him.

That is despite his including this tweet:

4. at finding common ground - which i strongly believe
dialogue not division

People who push hatred seem to have no problem pretending to be trying to overcome them. Apparently they can't not see themselves as supporting "the good" whatever they believe that might be in any random second.

William said...

Intersectionaliry: Brokaw, a white male, has now said something arguably hostile to immigrants and has been accused of a sexual misdeed. His goose is cooked........The historical record indicates that just about every immigrant group to America has been dumped on. Benjamin Franklin doubted the patriotism of the German settlers in Pa. during the French and Indian War. He also complained that they drank too much and (wtf) were "swarthy". Cotton Mather complained about the Scotch Irish immigrants. They also drank too much and were noisy and violent to boot. I understand that there were complaints about my Irish ancestors. If you can imagine something so preposterous, there were complaints about their excessive drinking.......Anyway, without exception, all immigrants have had a few insults directed at them. It's part of the Americanization process, a kind of hazing. Maybe it hastens assimilation. I'd rather be American than any other nationality. I wish people would stop insulting native born Americans.

Dad29 said...

@ Mike: You say Hewitt is "Evangelical Catholic. "

I thought Episcopalian. Besides, I never heard of "evangelical Catholics."

Please explain!

Dad29 said...

And if you are much past 30, the age discrimination in programming is brutal.

....and MS, Alphabet, and Intel can hire 6 sub-continental Indians for the price of one American with college loan debt....

Dad29 said...

He's probably lying about hearing that,

Exactly what I thought when I read that. It's POSSIBLE, but not probable, unless it was said in jest. Of course, Brokaw is Serious and Cannot Understand "Jest."

JML said...

Here in New Mexico, I married a brown girl and we had two brownish sons and I will be thrilled when I have brown, well, maybe tan by then, grandchildren. How brown is brown enough? BTW, my brown wife says "Build the wall."