January 7, 2019

"It Might Be Time to Start Fireproofing the Reichstag/Ruth Bader Ginsburg's absence signals our last line of defense is in peril."

Writes Charles P. Pierce in Esquire.
It's time for everyone to start getting used to the fact that, unless some massive legal apocalypse intervenes, the president is going to get at least one more nominee for the United States Supreme Court and that, barring a sudden desire to keep the republic from turning entirely to guacamole, the Senate is going to rubber-stamp Justice Wingnut McWingnutty onto the Court for the next 40 years.....

[And Trump] has announced that he will give a Big Boy speech on TV Tuesday night, which will be followed by his taking his unending road show to the border on Thursday because that's just what the border needs. He can go there because there is no emergency....
ADDED: I looked up how old Pierce is because I was thinking that there's got to be some age limit on humor like "Justice Wingnut McWingnutty" and "republic turning... to guacamole." I'd recommend moving on to a better level of sophistication certainly before leaving college. Pierce is 65!


n.n said...

The democratic socialists are projecting.

Bay Area Guy said...

Remind me again who Charles Pierce is and why his hysterical ranting warrants our attention?

Drago said...

n.n: "The democratic socialists are projecting."

The democratic socialists and their LLR lap poodle housepets are projecting.

WisRich said...

LOL. I love the smell of desperation.

Gk1 said...

Or instead of putting all of your hopes into an unelected judicial entity to get your preferred progressive outcomes you could win some elections and persuade your fellow citizens on your preferred policy outcomes? Hmm....Nahhhhh.

BarrySanders20 said...

If your last line of defense is a fragile octogenarian then you have a really poor game plan.

tcrosse said...

If you hadn't sacrificed your Progressive Agenda on the altar of Hillary Clinton's personal sense of entitlement, you might not be in this fix.

stonethrower said...

Wow, you have Charles Pierce tag. That’s gotta be painful.

SteveR said...

They still don’t want to acknowledge whyTrump was elected. Because of you Charles and all the like minded people who can’t see how stupid they were to nominate HRC.

Bay Area Guy said...

My youngest and his teenage pals sometimes crash in our bonus room on Saturday Nights. I think I've heard them debating the nuances of Chevron deference as interpreted by Justice Wingnut McWingnutty.

rehajm said...

Given how lefties want to legislate from the bench, last line of offense seems appropriate.

rehajm said...

...or maybe Hitler Finds Out RBGs Cancer is More Serious Than He Thought

Sebastian said...

"Pierce is 65!" All that's missing is "I can't believe."

But I can. The only surprising thing is the relative moderation of the rhetoric. In my experience, it takes about two minutes into a conversation that alludes to something positive about the Constitution or about Justices Thomas and Gorsuch for progs to start spewing profanities.

rehajm said...

(removes glasses with shaky hand) Anyone who can't donate their pancreas to her, leave now!

deepelemblues said...

I won't insult abe simpson by comparing Charles pierce to him.

What an unhappy old man.

gilbar said...

I admire Justice Wingnut McWingnutty's views on illegal immigration; but feel he is Too Liberal on important issues, like abortion. Surely, we can find someone more middle of the road? Why, he doesn't even think women should be jailed, unless they follow through on an abortion search

Bilwick said...

"Wingnut": Liberal for pro-freedom. (And I'm using "liberal" in its current, ahistorical, bastardized sense: i.e., tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellator.)

Amadeus 48 said...

Charles Pierce is a demented beardie who sometimes appears on “Wait, Wait— Don’t Tell Me.” He poses as a sports writer, but he is too woke to be interesting. He is the chief political writer (!) for Esquire (!!!).

Pierce distinguished himself as a moralist by suggesting that Ted K’s tireless efforts to get people stuff that other people pay for would have brought comfort to Mary Jo Kopechne’s old age. If she had one. Which she didn’t. Beause Teddy K left her to drown. Inside his car in six feet of water.

Charlie Pierce is an idiot with a byline.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women (and Low-T males)!

gilbar said...

that IS good!

Yancey Ward said...

I don't really wish Ginsberg harm, but if she does die with Trump as President, I will probably have to check into rehab for my schadenfreude overdose.

Kevin said...

Pierce is 65!

He knows his audience.

Yancey Ward said...

I was wondering if that was the same Pierce.

Bay Area Guy said...

Charles Pierce = When Pajama Boy graduates from his parents' basement to find a date of any gender.

Jeff Weimer said...

Today’s news means one of two things: she was in worse shape after her surgery - when she was "up and working" - than we were told at the time or she’s in no better or worse shape *now* meaning a significant decline in her health since the surgery.

Anonymous said...

arring a sudden desire to keep the republic from turning entirely to guacamole,

That analogy is really, really racist. I'm surprised that it made it through editorial review.

Limited blogger said...

When will the winning stop?

alanc709 said...

So, since Pierce is writing off our next justice nominee, let's figure how lost that spot is.
Will it be someone Maxine Waters-deranged, or someone lesser, in the category of Hank Johnson-deranged. Maybe someone deluded a la AOC.

Matt said...

We definitely need to keep out nutty justices like that first guy. No, not Kavanaugh. The other guy. The one that took a seat from Obama's guy. I'm still mad that they stole what-his-name's seat.

Also, I heard somewhere that other justice is getting pretty old. Starts with a B. Brennan? We need to make sure he survives long enough so President Kamalla Harris can nominate another person of color like that curly dark-haired woman.

gspencer said...

When originalists dream,

Now that Kavanaugh’s in place we now have a Firm Five (though Roberts is a little iffy here and there, IMO). Ruth the Buzz, who delusionally thinks she’s in charge of the length of her life span, may suffer a snip of the Abhorred Shears of Atropos sooner than she thinks, with DJT naming her replacement. Breyer, longing to spend his final days eating Breyers® Ice Cream with his grandkids and realizing that he will now be facing a Solid Six, responds to the loss of the Buzz, by crying, “What’s the use; I can no longer effectively legislate on behalf of the Democrat Party from the bench,” and resigns. The Don goes into action, and the Solid Six becomes the Solid Seven.

Thomas, Alito, and Trump could execute a strategy here. In late-2022 or mid-2023, Thomas & Alito, each of whom will by then be in his mid-70s, come to DJT (yes, there will be a second term), announce their plans to retire, thereby giving the Don time to line up their respective replacements. Thomas & Alito, channeling M. Corleone, condition their retirements on the Don’s promise to “settle all family business” and to replace them with people in the mold of Scalia, with each nominee to be in his/her mid-40s. In time Roberts does the same, though he’ll be coming to President Mike Pence. An originalist bloc remains in place for decades creating solid originalist precedents.

Fernandinande said...

I am not surprised that this could disturb people who are not familiar with insect sounds.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Barrysanders20 said, "If your last line of defense is a fragile octogenarian then you have a really poor game plan."

One of the big problems I think is underappreciated is just how "aged" the party's prime movers are. Clair McCaskill who lost her senate seat last year was overheard saying just how hollowed-out the party really is, so that you get these high-energy nobodies like AOC and Beto, which I think do more harm, while older veterans are either close-to-death or losing elections (like her).

In other words, they really are the last line of defense between multi-generational loss of power and control is several branches of government, but also standing in the way of new blood and leadership which appears to be certifiably insane.

If the government turns to guacamole, it won't be Republicans doing it.

M Jordan said...

Meh. Wingnut McWingNutty is kind of funny. About a 3. For a lib, that’s not too shabby.

Mary H said...

Charles Pierce was invited to leave the Boston Globe in 2011 because a column he wrote on a Delaware woman who won the Republican primary violated the Globe's standards, even though Pierce published the article in Esquire. Imagine being too much for the Globe! Quote:

"A source familiar with the grievance said it stems from a blog post Pierce wrote for Esquire following O’Donnell’s upset win in the Republican primary last year. In that piece, Pierce called O’Donnell “a sideshow freak,” “a crackpot,” and “a deadbeat” and insulted all those in Delaware who voted for her.

“She no more belongs in the Senate of the United States today than she did the day she was born,” Pierce wrote. “That 30,000-odd primates in Delaware thinks [sic] she belongs there is their problem. If enough people in Delaware come to think so, then she becomes our problem.”

"At the end of the column, Pierce said: “Christine O’Donnell’s campaign is a successful exercise in angry, misfit masturbation, with as little to do with the deadly problems this country faces as some guy wanking in the balcony of a grindhouse has to do with Romeo and Juliet.”

"According to the source, Globe officials found the column to be “intemperate and intolerant.” The source said Globe policy forbids writers from making insulting personal comments about candidates, even in another publication..."


Lucien said...

I doubt that even Mr. Pierce thinks President Trump’s nominations have been materially different from those that a President Cruz or Rubio (or Pence) would have made. This is just how the left thinks about all SCOTUS nominations by Republicans.

chuck said...

Let them eat guacamole.

Dave Begley said...

I hope Trump nominates a woman to SCOTUS. How are the Dems going to attack her? Not authentically a woman? Maybe she's a Catholic? She got drunk at a party in college?

Whatever it is, expect a full frontal assault on the nominee. Nukes will be unleashed. KKH and Spartacus will go nuts.

Mattman26 said...

Do you suppose Wingnut McWingNutty knows Boaty McBoatface?

Jim at said...

"Pierce is 65!"

Some of the nastiest, most vicious leftists I've met are Boomer Hippies who've never grown out of it.

Pierce is just one of many.

Clark said...

Can anyone help me parse the meaning of "barring a sudden desire to keep the republic from turning entirely to guacamole, the Senate is going to rubber-stamp Justice Wingnut McWingnutty onto the Court for the next 40 years." Presumably a sudden desire of the indicated kind would lead to voting in a lot of non-rino republicans, or maybe it would lead to voting in a lot of people who believe in not turning the constitution to goo. In either case, the phrase seems to go in the wrong direction.

deepelemblues said...

Amy Comey Barrett come on down. For maximum number of head asplosions, and maximum force for each asplosion.

Mary Beth said...

a Big Boy speech

Too mature for Pierce? (Based on his humor.) Or subliminal advertising for Frisch's (or whatever the seller of Big Boys is in your area)? Because now I'm kind of craving a Big Boy, onion rings and a shake.

Birkel said...

Legislating from the bench is not what any conservative wants.
We just want the Constitution followed - meaning amendments instead of 5 to 4 votes.
We want Congress to start writing laws that reasonable people can understand .
We want regulations specifically authorized instead of bought by lobbyists.

Democrats cannot abide.

rehajm said...

Globe officials found the column to be “intemperate and intolerant.” The source said Globe policy forbids writers from making insulting personal comments about candidates, even in another publication..."

That policy has changed.

stevew said...

And who was it that made the Supreme Court oh so influential and important? Not the Founders that established that branch of our government. No it was the folks that refused to do the job they were elected to do, namely propose, debate, and pass legislation. Instead they went galloping off to the Supreme Court whenever they couldn't convince their fellow citizens and their Congressional representatives of a specific course of action. They have only themselves to blame.

Add to that that all the current justices are pretty much established mainstream legal eagles - not wingnutty at all - as are all the ones on Trump's list of potential nominees. This Pierce fellow seems to have gone off the deep end.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'd be embarrassed to write something that stupid.

And the country turning to guacamole sounds kind of racist.

Where have you gone, Guacamole? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Tommy Duncan said...

Pierce's article is embarrassing to read in the same way "I Love Lucy" can be embarrassing to watch.

Martin said...

But when you are a media liberal you are emotionally frozen in middle school, forever.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I wish her well, but anyone who has had ill friends or family knows that when the cancer comes back in a different place, it's time to get your affairs in order.

Surely most Democarats know this too.

MaxedOutMama said...

This is so rude! To essentially announce that she is a goner in public, especially in the context of an article with so little seriousness?

I can hardly believe that no one thought twice about publishing this.

Also I think to assume that Ginsburg is out is wrong - this is a woman who was still going strong ten years after treatment for a usually fatal cancer.

But even if it is true, you don't bury people in print like this until they're really dead, or have announced their retirement.

Anonymous said...

Charles Pierce was a lousy commentator for The Boston Globe Sunday magazine.

His departure to Esquire raised the quality of the Globe by quite an amount.

eddie willers said...

meaning amendments instead of 5 to 4 votes.

I'm going to remember that one.

BJM said...


Whoa...cultural appropriation and racist; a two-fer.

tcrosse said...

meaning amendments instead of 5 to 4 votes.

Both parties find it useful for Roe v Wade to be vulnerable.

Sheridan said...

The MSM and Academia are filled with tens of thousands of people just like Charles Pierce. They don't think of themselves as elites per se but they are connected (2nd or 3rd degree connections with tiny bits of money attached)to people who "do know and also know what to do". These Boomer generation dunderheads are the ones who a)suborned public education to benefit the glorious socialist future and b)gave birth to AOC and all her ilk. Way to go guys! I suggest we reinstate the draft and offer zero exemptions. Certainly no college deferments. Like in baseball, there's no crying in boot camp.

Trumpit said...

The Notorious RBG may be planning to clean house at the Supreme Court as her last hurrah. She's being seen at the hospital's firing range using her Glock...enspiel for target practice, and workout music. She's put a bull's eye on Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito, and I forget his name. She has Schlump in her sights as well. He's a malignant cancer on the Republic. She's warned Thomas about marrying crazy GOP women, but he then accused her of putting a pubic hair on his coke. He's played the game of false accusations before. He should have been "low-tech" lynched in '91, if you as me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like guacamole.

Bill Peschel said...

When you consider that someone that old was a hippie, it explains a lot about the decline of American discourse over that period of time.

MadTownGuy said...

Blogger Gk1 said...
"Or instead of putting all of your hopes into an unelected judicial entity to get your preferred progressive outcomes you could win some elections and persuade your fellow citizens on your preferred policy outcomes? Hmm....Nahhhhh."

Why do that when you can cheat to win elections?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I watched a snip of early news before shutting it off and all the talk was the stupid golden globes.
All the golden globes were about a pack of female wealthy multi-millionaire entertainers whining about how they have it so bad, so hard.

boo hoo.

Quaestor said...

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

This line from Conan the Barbarian is a paraphrase of a disputed quotation attributed to none other than Genghis
Khan. In fact, the first answer to the "what is best in life" question given by the dude on Conan's left is from the very same source, which is held suspect by scholars because of the out-of-character sentiments attributed to the great Mongol khan.

I found another and more reliable quotation from Genghis Kahn which is very fitting if Trump were to tweet it to the deranged fools who insist on making themselves ever more debased objects of pity and contempt:

I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's really simple. RBG is in no shape to stay on the court, even if somehow she manages to live a while longer. It's a fantasy. The big goal was to stretch it out until Hillary could replace her. All of Hollywood and the hack press would explode in Clintonian jubilation. Now it's all bitter tears and fear mongering.

alanc709 said...

Trumpit forgot to take his meds again, I see

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what about leftwing judges?
Are they WingnutMcNutty?

What about the Colorado cake baker decision - a 7-2 in favor of the baker because the colorado justice system trampled on the baker and abused him and the high court knew it. Is that McNutty?

Or perhaps even liberal justices understand abuse of power?

Wince said...

at least one more nominee for the United States Supreme Court and that, barring a sudden desire to keep the republic from turning entirely to guacamole, the Senate is going to rubber-stamp Justice Wingnut McWingnutty onto the Court for the next 40 years..

Pierce has it backwards: for the last 40 years it's been the Democrats who have treated Republican nominees to the Supreme Court like whack-a-mole.

BJM said...

Running out the clock is pointless if your team loses the game.

Birkel said...

My amendments versus 5-4 decisions in no way references Roe, Casey, or Obergefell.
I mean the process is more important than the result and abusing the process has caused its own unique damage.
Out institutions have degraded themselves.

And we must follow the process - the brilliant process gifted to us by better men, long dead - if we wish to maintain the benefits of our system and to "Promote the general welfare to ourselves and our posterity".

My comment is about process not results.
I ONLY care about the process because it is the process that protects both the innocent and the guilty.
It is the process that separates us from tinpot dictatorship.

Jeff Weimer said...

I like that Trump is nominating Justices I like but make no mistake - these aren't his idea, this is McConnells game. I have no problem with this.

Earnest Prole said...

Apparently no one ever told Pierce that excitability is unmanly.

CapitalistRoader said...

As opposed to Racist McLaRaza.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger WisRich said...
LOL. I love the smell of desperation

Smells like ... victory.

Dave in Tucson said...

Growing older happens to everybody. Growing up does not.

gilbar said...

Dave in Tucson said... Growing older happens to everybody. Growing up does not.
20 million babies would argue that with you, if they weren't dead

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Ginsburg wrote that the Mann Act (which punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women and girls) is “offensive.”

rcocean said...

I was surprised too. 65 is a little too old to sound like a 25 something with an MA in film studies from Portland.

Interesting how the Left always thinks the SCOTUS belongs to them, so they can do an end around Democracy, whenever needed.

rcocean said...

If Trump nominates a conservative, we already know he'll lose Murkowski and Collins.

10-1 Mitt will be a super-flake and try a Gang of 8 to keep a conservative off the court.

rcocean said...

Before everyone get hysterical remember we had 7 republican nominated judges in the 1990s and they wouldn't touch Roe v. wade or do much of anything.

glenn said...

“Pierce is 65” and we are probably related. But I still call Boomer. BTW, what’s being defended? All those Assistant Administrator for Administrative Assistance to the Senior Administrative Assistant positions.

Skeptical Voter said...

Isn't 65 a bit young to become a crazy old coot mumbling in your bowl of intellectual mush?

Skeptical Voter said...

Sheridan I read your comment--"no crying in boot camp"? Maybe not in the modern British Army recruiting snowflakes. But there were a heck of lot of guys in my basic training company who were deathly afraid of a certain drill instructor from Broken Arrow Oklahoma. If he didn't put the fear of God in them, Ol' Bobby Jean certainly instilled the fear of the DI. And I say that in a good way; he had a job to do and he did it. Most of us in the company were headed to Viet Nam in the late fall of '69. He got the guys ready. And more than a few of us were thinking about how good we had it back on the block eating Mom's cooking.

bagoh20 said...

He's being open and honest by avoiding the sophistication theater that others try and use to hide their hatred and emotional immaturity. You could call it "sophistication bullshit."

Unknown said...

Roberts said judges aren't partisan

just all doing a great job

so no worries for the left's Chief Judge

traditionalguy said...

I thought Loretta Lynch had a deal. Does this mean she can sue the Clintons for a cut of their hidden wealth?

Matt said...

How big of a loser must you be to hero-worship f'ng Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Apparently they've made a movie about her, too - almost fell out my chair laughing at the commercial for it.

And we have to share a ccountry with these people! SMFH.

Josephbleau said...

Blogger BADuBois said...
Charles Pierce was a lousy commentator for The Boston Globe Sunday magazine.
His departure to Esquire raised the quality of the Globe by quite an amount.
1/7/19, 4:27 PM

This is like the story of the sales manager who was transferred from Boston to Mississippi, thusly raising the average IQ of both districts.

Matt Sablan said...

"Fireproofing the Reichstag" is the sort of thing almost smart people say because they think they understand what they're saying.

Matt Sablan said...

"Or instead of putting all of your hopes into an unelected judicial entity to get your preferred progressive outcomes you could win some elections and persuade your fellow citizens on your preferred policy outcomes?"

-- To be fair, they DID win a bunch of elections. Very recently.

Quaestor said...

Apparently, no one ever told Pierce that excitability is unmanly.

Where does Esquire get its readership? Closeted male homosexuality has been a dry hole since Jeremy Thorpe beat the rap.

Matt Sablan said...

"Wingnut McWingNutty is kind of funny."

-- It is primarily funny because it shows a surface level acknowledgement of Internet meme culture (for example, Boaty McBoatface).

Quaestor said...

"Fireproofing the Reichstag" is the sort of thing almost smart people say because they think they understand what they're saying.

I'd pay a Dutchman to set fire to Charlie Pierce.

Matt Sablan said...

"I doubt that even Mr. Pierce thinks President Trump’s nominations have been materially different from those that a President Cruz or Rubio (or Pence) would have made. This is just how the left thinks about all SCOTUS nominations by Republicans."

-- In 10ish years, whoever the then-Republican nominee will be will get the same, "I mean, at least Trump was willing to X," where X is something they'll never give Trump credit for today. Sort of like the Strange New Respect Bush, McCain and Romney each got in turn once recognizing them as humans as well as Republicans didn't risk hurting anyone's electoral chances.

Matt Sablan said...

Can anyone help me parse the meaning of "barring a sudden desire to keep the republic from turning entirely to guacamole, the Senate is going to rubber-stamp Justice Wingnut McWingnutty onto the Court for the next 40 years."

--> Maybe if they hadn't turned the country into sour cream over the LAST nominee, they'd have more fire power to go to the far superior dip.

glenn said...

Pierce is a motorscooter. Pass it on.

Narayanan said...

Has any SCOTUS Justice lain in State Funeral? Who will arrange one for Notorious RBG?

Lucien said...

The thing about the 2018 elections is that a large number of retiring Republicans in the house inflated the Democrats gains there, while a disproportionate number of Democrats up for reelection in the Senate inflated Republican gains there.
If you factor out the noise, the signal was really not very remarkable.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Don't worry Althouse-nPierce may be a bit younger than you but he looks 20 years older than you.

Josephbleau said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"Fireproofing the Reichstag" is the sort of thing almost smart people say because they think they understand what they're saying.

1/7/19, 7:30 PM

I be layin some Crystalnacht on ya baby fast, An dat Crystalnacht be fakin yo big blak ass. Jody the Grinder, a heavy heavy weight in the hard rock comedy field.

Henry said...

I keep coming back to Pierce's metaphor. I can't figure it out. Is he calling Justice Ginsberg a fire truck?

Bob Loblaw said...

Awwwww. It's a damn shame leftists won't be able to force their social agenda on the rest of us through the courts anymore. Sniff. The sheer audacity of these flyover people!

rightguy said...

Mr. Pierce is proof, in case you needed it, that long term cannabis overuse both stunts maturation and corrupts thought processes.

Josephbleau said...

Blogger rightguy said...
Mr. Pierce is proof, in case you needed it, that long term cannabis overuse both stunts maturation and corrupts thought processes.

1/7/19, 8:52 PM

As I told my kids, you don't grow up til you quit using.

Clyde said...

These insane Democrats and their media propagandists (but I repeat myself) are living in an alternate reality where things are really scary. Meanwhile, in the real world, the scary thing is that the insane Democrats and their media propagandists (yeah, repeating myself repeating myself) seem to care more about illegal aliens and other foreigners than they do about American citizens, and more about "getting Trump" than the good of the country, though the heavens fall. The more I read of what they say and write, the more I say "to hell with them!"

James K said...

a large number of retiring Republicans in the house inflated the Democrats gains there

There was also the newly legalized ballot harvesting in California that probably gave Ds half a dozen seats. That ain't going away.

JAORE said...

For every Trump appointed Justice, the left will add two more to the number on the SCOTUS under the next Dem President.

Gretchen said...

It makes one appreciate how little the Democrats care for the will of the people. Trump was elected, regardless of how many dossiers Hillary had written, regardless of Russian Facebook ads costing .05% of what Trump and Hillary spent themselves.

If there were 9 far left justices they would rejoice. Now that there will be one more conservative they think the US will collapse.

I have no pity, RGB should have resigned when Obama was in office but her outsized ego assumed Hillary would win, and she envisioned the first woman president appointing her successor. It is scandalous she is voting without hearing arguments. She should be impeached. It underscores the fact that her clerks are telling her how to vote.

Gary Rosen said...

Reminds me of the lefty commenter here who asked the plaintive question, "Why are you wingnuts so insulting?"

Molly said...

JAORE has been listening to the things the left says: "For every Trump appointed Justice, the left will add two more to the number on the SCOTUS under the next Dem President." I think it was ex-Senator Feingold who said, "It's not over until we win." Combined with Calvinball.

Retail Lawyer said...

My college professor ex friend referred to GWB as "Chimpy McHitler Burton" back in the BushHilter era. He is now 65. In the Obama era I referred to Obama as "Chimpy McMussolini Solyndra" and was thrown out of his house for racism.

Caligula said...

"That analogy is really, really racist. I'm surprised that it made it through editorial review."

Presumably if Pres. Trump were ever to use the word "guacamole" to refer to anything other than mashed avocado, professed outrage would waft to the skies.

But, when a 65-year-old juvenile "journalist" tries to use guacamole in a metaphor that doesn't quite make sense it's just easier (as well as expedient) to assume what's on display is just lack of talent.

hstad said...

Another unknown writer being plugged out of obscurity to give the plebes his sage advice. Mr. Pierce, why did you not tell RBG to retire during Obama's tenure. Could it be that all you liars and frauds in the MSM missed the pulse of the electorate. Oh us plebes forgot you don't know anyone who would vote for Trump. As a result, you are at today's junction.

Gunner said...

It's nice that Esquire hired a mentally challenged man to help him feel useful.

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