You get this text message — as I just did, when the temperature is 0°...
... and you think that doesn't sound as though he's warmly dressed enough.
January 29, 2019
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Mothers and Sons.
I thought it needed a date stamp. When was the robbery?
He has a gun. So he can search out a Canada Goose Coat owner and take away the owner's $1200 coat at gun point. But then the Coat owner dies in 5 minutes. But at least Ocasio-Cortez types would call that justice.
I bet those stolen pizzas will be cold by the time the guy gets them home.
I just got that too and using your criteria I can report that I am NOT a bleeding heart.
We know one thing; he's not a UW student.
I tend to think of the victims of the armed robbery first, how their lives were in danger and how armed robberies can often be a somewhat tramatic experience. Does that makes me a bleeding heart?
In those temps, happiness is indeed a warm gun.
The mask will keep his face warm. I expect that's why he wore it.
"He has a gun. So he can search out a Canada Goose Coat owner and take away the owner's $1200 coat at gun point."
I went shopping for a new coat this winter (I ended up fixing the zipper on my 20 year old coat) and was shown one of those. When I was told the price I was sure that I hadn't heard it correctly.
On top of being ridiculously expensive, you'd never be able to let it out of your sight.
It means he's got a car close by. Check the CCTV.
He's 20. He can take it.
"So he can search out a Canada Goose Coat owner and take away the owner's $1200 coat at gun point."
For $1000, it shouldn't have that garish red and white patch.
He put the pizza on his head.
Dressed warmly enough.
you'd never be able to let it out of your sight.
Cleopatra ground up a large pearl into her wine and drank it.
Who knew Wisconsin had such great pizza!
Revolver? Not enough gun...
"Revolver? Not enough gun..."
IDK, I'm giving the man my pizza.
Ralph said, "Dressed warmly enough."
...Everything except gloves. He thought he heard his mother say, "Don't take your 'gloves' to town John, leave your 'gloves' at home Bill, don't take your 'gloves' to town."
At least he's got his warm gun.
A well-paced change of disguise in the Arboretum. He’ll be back at work in 20 mins. Little armed robbery on his lunch hour.
"Don't take your 'gloves' to town John, leave your 'gloves' at home Bill, don't take your 'gloves' to town."
"WiscAlert update: MPD and UWPD continue to investigate the armed robbery and search for the suspect. Please continue to avoid the UW Arboretum."
No problem. The Arboretum wasn't high on my list today anyway.
The suspects identity now being released...John Bill Hood.
CCTV: Partial or total resolution to every British police/crime/mystery Netflix or Amazon series. Because they don't carry guns, or something.
Mmm. Curly-headed white guy with a black mask. "Revolver" is pretty precise gun-type ID for gun-powder-phobic place like Madison. Could this be a hungry pizza worker hoax?
That's a pretty specific age description for someone in a mask.
I'm betting he's at least 21, and is having a drink at Rustic Tavern right next door.
My immediate response to reports of people who threaten other people's lives for a few bucks is "Please, someone, take him out of the gene pool. Please." And yes, it's almost always a him. Is it sexist of me to be aware of that fact? Should I try to make myself pretend that both sexes are equally likely to commit this kind of crime? How about races?
This is a job for the Cold Case division.
My navy pea coat was the warmest coat I ever owned.
Needed some thing led to another..
Blogger Jupiter said..."My immediate response to reports of people who threaten other people's lives for a few bucks is "Please, someone, take him out of the gene pool. Please.""
Me too.
It's about 85 here. But with the windchill factor it feels like 83.
John Henry
When you are around 20, a pea coat is fine, as long as you layer a little under it.
"It's about 85 here. But with the windchill factor it feels like 83."
You got power yet?
We were playing touch football in the school yard when two cops in a squad car drove up to the curb. The driver rolled down the window, and yelled "Hey fellas!!".
Everyone immediately stopped. The sign on the side of the school clearly forbid even walking on the lawn.
"Have you seen a guy about 6 foot 2, 250 pounds, and carrying a bloody hatchet!"
When all our faces exhibited the proper amount of shock, both cops laughed, and drove off.
We went back to playing football.
Can probably assume the jeans are not cutoffs..probably.
Revolver? Not enough gun...
Even a .38 looks like a cannon when you’re looking down its muzzle.
He's outside in that weather and he doesn't have a HAT? Gonna lose 92% of his body heat, or whatever it was my mother used to mumble at me.
I once had a pea coat and it was very warm. The density of the wool makes it so.
His curly hair was showing through his balaclava? I'm willing to be he's curliest-haired "white" man in Madison.
"armed robbery"
Fine, call me a bleeding heart. But this is no time to bear arms while having your arms bare.
I once had a pea coat and it was very warm.
The rest of the uniform was not, even though it was wool.
I'm willing to bet my next paycheck.
"WiscAlert update- armed robbery suspect has been located and is in police custody. You may return to normal activities -- thank you for your patience."
Thank you.
Black face mask as in ski mask? $14,90 Amazon Prime!
Original Mike said...
"WiscAlert update- armed robbery suspect has been located and is in police custody. You may return to normal activities -- thank you for your patience."
Hmmmm. Shouldn't they be assuming the person in custody is innocent? And therefore, the actual armed robber is still out there freezing to death?
"You may return to normal activities "
Unless, I assume, robbing Pizza Huts counts as one of your normal activities.
Althouse — rightly! — implies that "bleeding heart" talk is political expression and not serious policy.
I am Laslo.
"And therefore, the actual armed robber is still out there freezing to death?"
Tell OJ we might have a lead for him.
The gumshoes found him when they stepped next door to get themselves a beer.
"WiscAlert update- armed robbery suspect has been located and is in police custody."
And given hot chocolate.
Off topic. Think policemen aren't brave, hearty souls? In that drug raid in Houston where several policemen were shot, the lead officer in the raid has been shot and wounded for third time since joining the force.
Thanks, Ann! Thanks to you, today I learned what a "pea coat" is.
I mean, I've seen them before, but I never knew there was a word for them.
Apparently the armed suspect is now a warmed suspect.
"The "pea" derives from the Dutch word "Pij" which describes a style of coarse cloth with a slightly furry side."
How about you hear about women with duct tape across their mouths as they're trafficked across our southern border...
...and you call it a "manufactured crisis"?
Meade said...
"You may return to normal activities "
Unless, I assume, robbing Pizza Huts counts as one of your normal activities.
Actually; now that the cops have left, and they've gone to the bank to refill the till...
I remember standing 4 hour dumpster watches in great lakes in feb 68.
Peacoat,blue woolies, sweater 2pr long johns.
I might as well have been naked for all the good they felt like the did. That damp wind off the lake went right through everything.
Going to Nebraska fod a week on Friday. Money is good but I wish I could get out of it.
Or put it off til April at least.
John Henry
I have to imagine that a black pea coat is rather uncommon attire for an armed robber.
Peacoat,blue woolies, sweater 2pr long johns.
I might as well have been naked for all the good they felt like the did.
My pea coat was made from real peas. ;-D
Off topic. Think policemen aren't brave, hearty souls?
In that drug raid in Houston where several policemen were shot, the lead officer in the raid has been shot and wounded for third time since joining the force.
They fucked up big time. That's stupid, not brave. Being a cop is a safer job than working construction, farming or landscaping.
Did anyone else read "WiscAlert" as WiseAleck?
School cops in Eugene, Oregon shot and killed a guy in a custody dispute at a Middle School after he pulled a gun and fired two shots. His daughter was present.
Fatal police shooting of man in ‘smash the patriarchy’ shirt at Oregon school caught on bodycam
Looks like the patriarchy smashed him. Idiot.
if an improperly dressed armed robber shoots you in the chest,
you may have a bleeding heart regardless of your indifference.
Fernandistein said: "They fucked up big time. That's stupid, not brave. Being a cop is a safer job than working construction, farming or landscaping."
Thanks for sharing.
I wonder if he said, "This is MAGA country!"
@Fernandistein On the bright side, the Broward county sheriff's department escaped the Parkland school shooting without a scratch.
I wonder if he said, "This is MAGA country!"
That Chicago attack on the Empire actor is a hoax or false flag operation with the actor's foreknowledge.
"Normal activities"
I rankle at the normal-normativity.
Normal is what's normal for you.
Perhaps dressing like Little Nell and making sheep from dryer lint. For example.
"you may return to normal activities"
I like that. Thank you, sir or madam.
When I got those emails (I didn't request texts), I got the suspect description before I got the crime notice.
"When I got those emails (I didn't request texts), I got the suspect description before I got the crime notice."
Me too. They were super-excited he was white and not black, and just couldn't wait.
The Dutch have given us many things, like New Amsterdam, Johannes Vermeer, Jean Claude Van Damm and Bas Rutten.
Damme. Wrong spelling.
How did they know the robber was white if he was wearing a black face mask? Didn't wear gloves? Or did they just jump to the assumption that only a white boy would be stupid enough to wear a pea coat in this weather? In any event, the racial profiling of the Dane County authorities needs to stop!
Was the black face mask a mask of Obama's face? Not only a robber but a racist robber.
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