January 23, 2019

At the Sly Rat Café...

... what are you so smug about?


BarrySanders20 said...

More smiling. Nice rat.

Temujin said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Local 2 news station is now officially democrat party advocacy.

Propaganda as news. It's our new reality

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You might be able to make a fortune in children's books.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Who garnered more hatred this year so far?

A. An imaginary blue-eyed man suspected of murdering a black child
B. An actual black man who confessed to murdering a black child
C. A white teen who smiled at a "Native American Elder"

le Douanier said...

Season 10 episode 2, Simpsons re Smug alert.

I'm too lazy to find a not-locked down tube video. Though I'm sure ten seconds would do it. So try it out.

chickelit said...

Excellent! That smile reminded me a bit of the Spy vs. Spy characters' smiles in Mad Magazine.


gadfly said...

Sly like a fox, maybe. Are you sure that you didn't inadvertently draw a fox? Fox News needs a new image so perhaps you can make some money helping these cable guys and gals promote a new sly look for a new motto "Fairly Unbalanced."

narciso said...

Carrying over from another thread


le Douanier said...

While on the Bainbridge Island to and from Seattle ferry, I've had multiple libs (re multiple interactions) tell me that I'm a bad person for my vehicle choice.


[Smug works both ways, it seems.]

Kevin said...

How many rats did you have to draw to get one with the right expression?

Or did you just get it close enough and let our exposure to the news cycle do the rest of the work for you?

Lucid-Ideas said...

Re @Venezuela

I hear a lot being bandied about socialism/communism/autocracy etc. Lots of this is what happens when you run out of others people's money. This is a pure case of running out of common sense.

A disaster over a decade in the making. The slowest-motioning of slow-motion-train-wrecks. Truly piteous.

YoungHegelian said...

This is a quotation from Dan Rather making the rounds on liberal social media:

Mr. President, you can have your wall. You can get it the same way that President Obama got Obamacare; the way Lyndon Johnson got Medicare; the way Franklin Roosevelt got Social Security. In each case, the president had a project he wanted enacted; so his administration crafted a bill.

That bill went to Congress where committee hearings were held; amendments were proposed; studies were conducted that tested the cost, effectiveness, etc. of the proposal; testimony was held in Congress; debate ensued and if the measure had enough support, a vote was taken and the measure was passed.

That’s how you legislate. It takes hard work, planning and the ability to actually negotiate. Your pet project doesn’t get to leapfrog over the pathway laid out by the Constitution and 250 years of precedent. You have chosen to skip over this entire process — even when you had majorities in both Houses — and have resorted instead to taking the American public hostage in exchange for your wall.

You want a wall? Put down the gun you are holding to the head of the American people and get to work.”

The problem? This is exactly what Reagan did as part of the deal that brought amnesty for illegal immigrants in 1986. From the viewpoint of conservatives, part & parcel of that deal was to step up enforcement at the border in order to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. It never happened, thanks to a coalition of Republican business interests & Democratic ethnic interests.

It amazes me that Rather assumes that because he doesn't deign to remind his audience of that lie of 1986, that conservatives have no institutional memory of it. Do these people never, ever, look outside their bubble?

I've got an idea that so crazy it just might work -- If you want people to trust you, try not lying to them.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ratly McBastardson.

Ratley McBasterson.

Ratley Mc'Asterdson.




Quaestor said...

what are you so smug about?

The scurring vermin caught in the light of truth and inexorable justice in the wake of the Left's delicious Covington Boys debâcle.

Die Katze kommt.

Guildofcannonballs said...


U ai sly!

Kuje Rately Mc Basterdson

Quaestor said...

what are you so smug about?

The scurring vermin caught in the light of truth and inexorable justice in the wake of the Left's delicious Covington Boys debâcle.

Die Katze kommt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfy - there's always any other station. The democrat industrial media propaganda complex is every. other. station.
Try CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC et al... and all the local affiliates are on board promoting The Party.

Guildofcannonballs said...

qgiiiL noboy rate.

No no no: you don'te reate.

So: no Rately

Only Ratly.

Ratly only.

le Douanier said...

"I've got an idea that so crazy it just might work -- If you want people to trust you, try not lying to them."

Like DJT does?


le Douanier said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Young H - excellent reminder.

chickelit said...

Kevin said...How many rats did you have to draw to get one with the right expression?

How many mice did Walt Disney draw before he hit on Mickey?

Saint Croix said...

Some of the best reporting of this Covington mess is coming from the Atlantic.

Here they rip the NYT.


Guildofcannonballs said...

Bug, with our without Lightening! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN????

The layers, deeply not in some unCatholic or uncatholic as you like way, betwist our old Mark Twainy Samuel Clemmons, like Althouse's Buywaya (ha00), and the donor who will give James O'Keefe that 2 million.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Us best geniouses, our greatest gift, is knowing when to qui

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Off to read your link, Saint Croix.

Something, sadly, devout leftists will never do.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

une sourise avec un sourire !

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The video shows a man playing a tribal drum standing directly in front of a boy with clear skin and lips reddened from the cold; the boy is wearing a MAGA hat, and he is smiling at the man in a way that is implacable and inscrutable. The boys around him are cutting up—dancing to the drumbeat, making faces at one another and at various iPhones, and eventually beginning to tire of whatever it is that’s going on. Soon enough, the whole of the video’s meaning seems to come down to the smiling boy and the drumming man. They are locked into something, but what is it?

Twenty seconds pass, then 30—and still the boy is smiling in that peculiar way. What has brought them to this strange, charged moment? From the short clip alone, it is impossible to tell. Because the point of the viral video was that it was proof of racist bullying yet showed no evidence of it, the boy quickly became the subject of rage and disgust. “I’d be ashamed and appalled if he was my son,” the actress Debra Messing tweeted.

Debra Messing. Another complete leftwing idiot in Hillarywoodland.

narciso said...

In light of the news out of Caracas

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

skipppy skippy but more

"The journalist Kara Swisher found a way to link the horror to an earlier news event, tweeting:

And to all you aggrieved folks who thought this Gillette ad was too much bad-men-shaming, after we just saw it come to life with those awful kids and their fetid smirking harassing that elderly man on the Mall: Go fuck yourselves.

You know the left has really changed in this country when you find its denizens glorifying America’s role in the Vietnam War and lionizing the social attitudes of the corporate monolith Procter & Gamble."

Seeing Red said...

Is Buzzfeed laying off employees?

Birkel said...

The Left, including Debra Messing, believes conservatives are evil.
Therefore, the Left has engaged in a righteous war.

Meanwhile, Republicans believe they are in a disagreement with friends.

Conservatives see what is at stake.
Gun sales continue apace.

narciso said...

They are 15% more selective than before.

The last link concerned a qatari takeover of the Turkish arms industry. Since the time of the defense minister meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Celebrities tweeted furiously, desperate to insert themselves into the situation in a flattering light. They adopted several approaches: old-guy concern about the state of our communities (“Where are their parents, where are their teachers, where are their pastors?”: Joe Scarborough); dramatic professions of personal anguish meant to recenter the locus of harm from Phillips to the tweeter (“This is Trump’s America. And it brought me to tears. What are we teaching our young people? Why is this ok? How is this ok? Please help me understand. Because right now I feel like my heart is living outside of my body”: Alyssa Milano); and the inevitable excesses of the temperamentally overexcited: (“#CovingtonCatholic high school seems like a hate factory to me”: Howard Dean)."

By Saturday, the story had become so hot, and the appetite for it so deep, that some news outlets felt compelled to do some actual reporting. This was when the weekend began to take a long, bad turn for respected news outlets and righteous celebrities. Journalists began to discover that the viral video was not, in fact, the Zapruder film of 2019, and that there were other videos—lots and lots of them—that showed the event from multiple perspectives and that explained more clearly what had happened. At first the journalists and their editors tried to patch the revelations onto the existing story, in hopes that the whole thing would somehow hold together. CNN, apparently by now aware that the event had taken place within a complicating larger picture, tried to use the new information to support its own biased interpretation, sorrowfully reporting that early in the afternoon the boys had clashed with “four African American young men preaching about the Bible and oppression.” "

cNN - LOL what a sack of hot garbage.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Sir Smuggley Smuggles, Earl of Ratshire

le Douanier said...

"Something, sadly, devout leftists will never do."

Now that place is too con for libs?

Especially the point that that particular piece is trying to strategize re dumping yur hero?

The toll of cog dis must be substantial. Or, maybe can't grasp the conflict = peace.

I dunno.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now we may look at the viral video—or, as a CNN chyron called it, the “heartbreaking viral video”—as well as the many others that have since emerged, none of which has so far revealed the boys to be chanting anything about a wall or about making America great again. Phillips keeps walking into the group, they make room for him, and then—the smiling boy. One of the videos shows him doing something unusual. At one point he turns away from Phillips, stops smiling, and locks eyes with another kid, shaking his head, seeming to say the word no. This is consistent with the long, harrowing statement that the smiling boy would release at the end of the weekend, in which he offered an explanation for his actions that is consistent with the video footage that has so far emerged, and revealed what happened to him in the 48 hours after Americans set to work doxing him and threatening his family with violence. As of this writing, it seems that the smiling boy, Nick Sandmann, is the one person who tried to be respectful of Phillips and who encouraged the other boys to do the same. And for this, he has been by far the most harshly treated of any of the people involved in the afternoon’s mess at the Lincoln Memorial. "

J. Farmer said...

Debra Messing. Another complete leftwing idiot in Hillarywoodland.

I'd love for an enterprising young freelancer to stick a microphone in Messing's face and ask her why Trump is literally evil, but she was totally fine with Obama murdering a 16-year-old American citizen, getting hundreds of kids killed in his global assassination campaign, causing a major humanitarian catastrophe in North Africa, or green lighting American support for Saudi Arabia's destruction of Yemen. Who? Whom?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More stuff leftwing assholes won't read

"I recommend that you watch the whole of the Black Hebrew Israelites’ video, which includes a long, interesting passage, in which the Covington Catholic boys engage in a mostly thoughtful conversation with the Black Hebrew Israelite preacher. Throughout the conversation, they disrespect him only once—to boo him when he says something vile about gays and lesbians. (Also interesting is the section at the very end of the video, in which—after the boys have left—the Black Hebrew Israelites are approached by some police officers. The preacher had previously spent time castigating police and “the penal code,” so I thought this would be a lively exchange, but the Israelites treat the cops with tremendous courtesy and gratitude, and when they leave the pastor describes them as “angels.” So let that be a lesson about the inadvisability of thinking you can predict how an exchange with a Black Hebrew Israelite will end up.) "

The hack-D press had a narrative to pimp, and they lied, causing all sorts of leftwing idiots in Hillarywoodland to seethe with rage and beg for violence.


narciso said...

She would melt down like Harvey mudds androids if she were cognitively aware enough.

David Begley said...

Last year’s rats had names. And then a popularity poll.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer..

I'd like to see that as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Saint Croix - that link is EXCELLENT. (sorry for posting some of it - couldn't' resist)

narciso said...

They know the black Israelites are off limits, however sandman are to be treated like runners.

StephenFearby said...

Useful timeline connecting the dots:

How the Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump-Russia dirt … until agents bit

'...Baker, the FBI’s top lawyer, testified to Congress that he was clearly aware Simpson’s team was shopping the media. “My understanding at the time was that Simpson was going around Washington giving this out to a lot of different people and trying to elevate its profile,” Baker told congressional investigators.

Ohr, through his contacts with Steele and Simpson, also knew the media had been contacted. In handwritten notes from late 2016, Ohr quoted Simpson as saying his outreach to reporters was a “Hail Mary attempt” to sway voters.'

"...Yet, no one in the FBI seemed to tap the brakes, noticing the obvious: Its counterintelligence apparatus was being weaponized with political opposition research from one campaign against its rival."


WAPO, March 28, 2018
"The Justice Department inspector general announced Wednesday that he will examine a series of controversial applications to surveil a former Trump campaign adviser, along with the department’s relationship with a former British intelligence officer who provided information for those requests."

Horowitz should bestir himself to release this delayed IG report before Mueller's comes out.

Seeing Red said...

I was hoping there was a comments section.

Seeing Red said...

When I started reading that, I also thought that’s how McCain-Feingold got passed. Unrelenting pressure of the media.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

..however sandman are to be treated like runners.

like Hoffman in Marathon Man?

le Douanier said...

'...Yet, all in the FIS seemed to hit the accelerator, noticing the obvious: Its counterintelligence apparatus was being weaponized with political opposition research from one campaign against its rival.'

le Douanier said...


le Douanier said...


le Douanier said...

Cog dis is tricky.

narciso said...

I was doing a Logan's run reference,

Yes klimnik who was hired from McCain's thinktank who in turn hired him from an arms dealer.

YoungHegelian said...


Like DJT does?

Ah, yes, the standard list of mistakes, some outright lies, but mostly disagreements on policies with the Left that all get lumped in as "Trump's lies".

Tell me, AdSS, which of his campaign promises has Trump failed to keep? Or, as in the case of border security, not strive to accomplish against great resistance? What? "Mexico won't be paying for the wall"?

mockturtle said...

My favorite rat so far! :-D

Ann Althouse said...

“This is a quotation from Dan Rather...”

Dan RAT Her

mockturtle said...

Per narciso: Carrying over from another thread


I bookmarked the page as we might need this proposed agenda some day...;-)

YoungHegelian said...


Dan RAT Her

On a roll, are we?

le Douanier said...


If that stuff is nothing fer ya, then ya gota rephrase your comment: 'I've got an idea that so crazy it just might work -- If you want people to trust you, try not lying to them --unless you're DJT then you can toss out phony-baloney over eight thousand times and it's OK.'

Doesn't seem as impactful. But, it's true. Which is more important (esp re jabber re the importance of being truthful): impact or truth?

I know.

Do you?

Birkel said...

adSs would absolutely love to read that Trump has failed, in some way.
He must be so very tired of all the winning.

Say, is unemployment still below 4% while economic growth (for the year) was above 3%?
Damn, Leftist shill.
Things must be rough!

Birkel said...

Were more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs added last year?
All while China is collapsing under economic pressure?

Best call the French and ask them to harm the US.
The French are a little busy right now?

mockturtle said...

If you have no objections, I plan to have this rat printed on a t-shirt. Actually, I might even if you do object, unless you have it copyrighted.

mockturtle said...

It looks like the rat that swallowed the canary.

le Douanier said...


When looking at growth, does it make sense to back-out the trillion-ish dollars of our current economy that is being borrowed from future tax payers w/ compounding interest that will be due every year for as long as the eye can see?

Ballpark of a 20 ta 1 ratio, re trillions? Or, a five percent boost re a three percent growth?

Sure, BHO borrowed. But, the economy is now killing it and we're still spiking it w/ a trillion in debt, not like the BHO era post-W. Even J Maynard wasn't for that loose pocketbook.

YoungHegelian said...


I know that list, AdSS, and dealt with it in my comments. It amazes me that Trump supporters know instinctually that Trump is like Bugs Bunny -- a NYC "Wise Guy" -- and that statements like "The economy is the best it's ever been" are just hyperbolic salesmanship. I mean, as kids, did these people hear Tony the Tiger call Frosted Flakes "Just Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat!", but yet demand empirical evidence?

You, however, did not respond to mine: What campaign promise has Trump not kept?

I'm not the only person to notice this.

Saint Croix said...

Saint Croix - that link is EXCELLENT. (sorry for posting some of it - couldn't' resist)

I also like I Failed the Covington Catholic Test.

And This is How the Left Destroys Itself

The Atlantic is still a liberal mag. And they were awful to fire Kevin Williamson. What a disgrace. On the other hand, I read this criticism of the Atlantic in the Atlantic, too..

le Douanier said...


To pick two of eight thousand phibs:

He was gonna end crime: “I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored.”

And, none of ya can fuss about the 'keep yur doc' line from BHO:

Fen said...

"Please help me understand. Because right now I feel like my heart is living outside of my body”: Alyssa Milano

Ironic that celebrities can be surrounded by so many mirrors yet possess no self-awareness. You would think a byproduct of Vanity would be introspection, but nope.

Birkel said...

Let me know which programs you support cutting and I will support you.
World Bank?
Planned Parenthood?

Go crazy and set me straight.

le Douanier said...


Are you old?

Your list doesn't include the Ryan favorites?

le Douanier said...

Not to mention the anti-mil-ind-complex folks' favorites.

Though I wouldn't have expected those on your list.

OTOH, you do seem to possess a strong capacity fer not thinking re logic re implications re reality.


chickelit said...

Vanity is not introspection. Vanity is looking outward at an image of one's self. Introspection is best done in the dark, without the use of eyes.

le Douanier said...

Hence bragging about 3% growth w/ 5-ish% borrowing, w/ compounding interest to pay for it every year going forward.

Not logic.

YoungHegelian said...


the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored.”

You really think that Trump voters voted for the man thinking that on 1/20/2017 all crime in the US would cease?

Perhaps Trump could turn water into wine at the inauguration parties, too.

Seriously, to consider that a "lie" speaks of a crippling sense of literalism in one's linguistic understanding. Do you read "My God is a rock" in the Bible, & then go "Oh, look, then I guess these pebbles must be angels!".

Birkel said...

So no cuts from you AND criticism of others if they don't cut?
Color me unsurprised.

Grow a pair.

le Douanier said...


No, I don't believe DJT's lies. Not any of the more than eight thousand flim-flams that I linked to.

Do you believe all, most, some, or none of the more than eight false claims?

le Douanier said...

Nancy is smug.

But, I look forward to seeing how DJT's capitulation is the winning move.

Carry on:

le Douanier said...

Maybe the idea is that the country will feel sorry for him cause that mean lady smacked him around and got him to backdown.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

What was Nick Sandmann supposed to do when approached by the snuggle-toothed Elder? Run away? Give him money? Offer to suck his dick? Seriously, we need to know in case it happens again.

gadfly said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Gadfy - there's always any other station. The democrat industrial media propaganda complex is every. other. station.
Try CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC et al... and all the local affiliates are on board promoting The Party.


Um ... gadfly works better for me but I want to point out that I do not misinterpret your nom de plume as an attack on Trump, so don't get overly serious about a lighthearted comment about foxes being sly. I am disappointed in Fox News who have gone radical right giving their show lefties very little time to speak . And I liked the old line-up of anchors with the exception of Bill O'Reilly but including Megyn Kelly but I grind my teeth listening to Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson. I don't watch Sean anymore because I cannot take anymore crying about the mistreatment of Trump. And Jesse Watters and Jeanine Pirro ar pure Trumpists which limits their discussions as well.

le Douanier said...

Maybe the idea is that this is a sneak attack. DJT is playing opossum.

Then, he'll go all honey badger.

And finish w/ the mamba maximus.

le Douanier said...

Other ideas?

Or, we'll need to wait for Adams.

le Douanier said...

Shoulda written 'snake attack.'

At least I did get one hook in there. O

Birkel said...

Run away adSs.
Run away like the brave person you are.

Name a program you wish to cut.
Be brave.

le Douanier said...


I want to eliminate every program that gives any more than one cent to anyone making less than $100,000 per year. This includes refundable tax credits and mortgage (or any other) deductions and food stamps and Soc Sec and Medicaid/care and anything else. Zero it all out.

FTR, typing that statement took exactly zero bravery.

Yur funny.

le Douanier said...

And, the churches start paying taxes, too.

At least we'll finally capture the Scientology loons.

Birkel said...

Every jot and tittle was a lie.
I agree it is not brave to lie.

Explain your preferences for cuts or accept the increased debt.
Not really much in between, brave adSs.

le Douanier said...

"Every jot and tittle was a lie.
I agree it is not brave to lie."

Don't let YH know, he'll draft me for POTUS.

William said...

The celebrities and pundits have withdrawn their tweets. Some have even apologized for them. Give it a few weeks, and this will all blow over. No celeb or pundit will suffer harm to his career or reputation because of an ill advised tweet. Those tweets weren't at all like that hateful remark that Roseanne made. She deserved to suffer.......I draw your attention to Venezuela. That country and its leader Chavez had a certain vogue among stars and thinkers. No one will ever ask Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone or Michael Moore how they got it so wrong........The stars and thinkers are remarkably tolerant and forgiving of some errors. It's only fairly recently that a consensus has emerged regarding the rape of thirteen year olds.......I recently watched a documentary on Graham Greene. Gifted novelist. He was lyric in his defense of the goals and vision of Daniel Ortega and barbed in his criticism Ronald Reagan's support of the contras. Ortega was a visionary child rapist whose great vision is finally bearing fruit. No one will ever look up all the various stars and thinkers who were so effusive in their praise of Ortega during the Reagan years......History is not written by people like us.

Birkel said...

Hey, if you want to argue against Congress trying to socially engineer us, you have my ear.
I would eliminate all tax deductions and have stepwise progressive brackets.

I might allow you the standard ballless asshole deduction.
I ain't heartless.

narciso said...

And we wonder why they didnt catch on to philby and friend mi 6 was certifiable with the possible exception of malcolm muggeridge

le Douanier said...


W/ a decade plus of crazy-free-dough I'm still all cash (w/ a fair amount of stuff), so killing deductions re borrowing is always interesting re theory re me.

But, I worry more about the health care costs re the country as a whole. Seems like the lower hanging fruit. More bang fer the buck. Or, 'bucks fer the bang' may be more accurate.

Anywho, somewhere fairly high in the mix is the defense stuff, too. But that seems like the real third rail.

I dunno.

le Douanier said...

And taxes fer the job creators.

Birkel said...

You want to lower health care costs?
Name a single time government subsidies have done that in any market, ever, over time.
I will wait here, you incompetent chatterbox.

As for you being all cash, I envy your $3 and 57¢.

Birkel said...

I offer to low health care costs by denying any health care to anybody who voted for a Democrat, ever.
My plan will accomplish your stated goal.


narciso said...

I disagree this Is the beta test for when Ginsburg kicks off to that great gavel in the sky and trump nominates anyone to the right of gloria allred.

le Douanier said...


We'd need to scrap the Constitution.

No deal.

Birkel said...

So my Modest Proposal has some flaws?

Well then sell me on your reasonable cuts to government spending.
Do your worst, Leftist scum bucket.

Ken B said...

I am smug about my summary of the recent outbreak out child punching mania.

le Douanier said...

Maybe Drago will call me LCB.

How I envy LLR.

I could make it my name here. It'd be the forth time I took on an insult for that purpose, though those were always spelled out. So it'd be: Leftist Scum Bucket said...

OTOH, it seems like my own concoctions are a bit higher level. Or levels. Le Douanier had six re interpretation.

But enough about me: carry on:

Birkel said...

I agree you have nothing of substance to contribute.
We could have started there.

Come back when you have something of value to offer.

Ken B said...

You have no posts on your blog! I don’t always agree w you but you are one of the few here I'd read if you had a blog (buwaya, Hardin, couple more).

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

once more before we retire--

Cant stay mad with this one--like eating ice cream-- it's got everything!

A Punjabi Brit "Apache Indian" sings Jamaican Desmond Dekker's tune about the Rastafarian's association with the 12 tribes, picking up a white chick in the video.


Guildofcannonballs said...

And Now,

Tje emd os mear (n.n get out the Frank Sinatra and writer and etc...) cause I ain't can't what what"

Okay okay okay.

And Now,

THe end is near.

And though I face, that final curtian.

my friend, I did it through, faced it all , aall uncertain,

And when I finally knew I did up along the by way,

much more, much more than this, I did it my way.

And there were times (Frank Sinatra sang n.n just to be clear)

Much more, much more than this, I did it my way.

And through it all, I'll still stand tall, I did it America's Way!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Has Trump ever said anything bad about Frank Sinatra?

Close this fucking case;

Guildofcannonballs said...


Can you imagine this being allowed as your image if your image parleys into income in a much grander scale than the average McDonalds franchise owner can scale to?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Iowahawk will proclaim dusk to dawn all who vote are idiot spawn of idiocy: nevermind you Trump v. Clinton it all the same rube.

See my take down of .........

Well voting is a rube game because we ain't got us no utopia like my DAD never ever hinted ever could be.

But Iowahawk fucks with us. Voting is for rubes too dumb to not know Hillary and Trump are the same.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hey this derp derp car from 1932 is real valuable because YPUR URCLJ DOJKDIGNOIHJOGIW

And voting and elections are for rubes numbskulls, jeez guys duh!

narciso said...

Yes iowahawk is a chemist by training and he has a drill sense of humor.

Guildofcannonballs said...

no difference Iowahawk will lecture you as long as the day goes, between Don Willett and Larry Tribe.

Sure, professor v. Judge, but all equal.

Humans are human. Iowahawk is sure not so bigoted and prejidiced he would throw everything his DAD raised him to believe in because Chicago and Austin are so hip, hop.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The Highwayman sing sad songs of remmisniscents and do all they can to change everything they declaimed to miss.

No more.


Guildofcannonballs said...

The Highwaymen Lyrics
"Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)"
(originally by Woody Guthrie)

[Johnny Cash]
The crops are all in, and the peaches are rotten
The oranges are all packed in the creosote dumps
They're flying them back to the Mexican Border
To save all their money, and wade back again

[Johnny Rodriguez]
My father's own father, he waded that river
Others before him have done just the same
They died in the hills, and they've died in the valley
Some went to heaven, without any name

[Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Johnny Rodriguez]
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
Adios mi amigo, Jesus and Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be "Deportee"

[Johnny Cash]
Some of us are illegal, and others not wanted
Our work contracts out, and we have to move on
Six-hundred miles to the Mexican Border
They chase us like rustlers, like outlaws, like thieves

[Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Johnny Rodriguez]
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
Adios mi amigo, Jesus and Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be "Deportee"

[Johnny Cash]
The sky-plane caught fire, over Los Gatos Canyon
A fireball a thunder, it shook all the hills
Who are all these dear friends, scattered like dry leaves?
The radio said they were just deportees

Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
(Adios a mi Juan, adios Rosalita)
Adios mi amigo, Jesus and Maria
(Adios a mi amigo, Jesus y Maria)
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
(no tendrá un nombre en el aeroplano)
All they will call you will be "Deportee"
(le llamarán serán "Deportee")

Goodbye to my Juan
Adios a mi Juan
Goodbye Rosalita
Adios Rosalita
Adios mi amegos, Jesus and Maria
(Adios a mi amigo, Jesus y Maria)
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
No tendrá un nombre en el aeroplano
All they will call you
Le llamarán serán
Will be
va a hacer

AZLyrics H The Highwaymen Lyrics
album: "Highwayman" (1985)
The Last Cowboy Song
Jim, I Wore A Tie Today
Big River
Committed To Parkview
Desperados Waiting For A Train
Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)
Welfare Line
Against The Wind
The Twentieth Century Is Almost Over

jessica said...


BUMBLE BEE said...

Loaded with trolls chattering aimlessly. Must have gotten new orders from HQ.

Rusty said...

Nice rat, Althouse. I think you nailed it.

stevew said...

You've gotten good at this rat thing.

chillblaine said...

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. And that rat is pooping everywhere. Get up cat! Work kitty work!!! Wipe that smirk off that critter and orale!

chillblaine said...

St. Croix, I am so glad you are here. Your contributions are beyond wonderful! Thank you for your voice, and your sense of reason and responsibility. Matthew.

chillblaine said...

Sly Rat Sez, "Gravity," is the best movie of all time. George Clooney is very handsome and sly rat nibbles his ear whilst he sleeps. Sandra Bullock is a very gifted actress, and sly rat is smart enough to avoid her and her feline escort.

Jaq said...

And to all you aggrieved folks who thought this Gillette ad was too much bad-men-shaming, after we just saw it come to life with those awful kids and their fetid smirking harassing that elderly man on the Mall: Go fuck yourselves.

Ironic quote of the month. This feeding frenzy by the left was one more manifestation of the anti boy/anti male infection in our culture that led to the Gillette ad.

iowan2 said...

Got some good pictures when we put out Sunflower seed and thistle seed. Ended up with 5 pairs of Cardinals in the tree. Thought I would use one as an avitar. Just for a day, Not my intention to steal Meades avitar, Just sharing one of the pics

Karen of Texas said...

Definitely a Spy vs Spy vibe with this rat. I like it! Like the camo-look pelt it's sporting, too.

Really enjoying your take on Rat World, Althouse. (My favorite is Purple Eyes, but Sly is vying for top honors.)

David Begley said...

We also need a rat bracket challenge. This year’s rats against last year’s rats.

chillblaine said...

Just in case anyone has not purchased the QVC Patio Smoker from QVC, I am here to testify. BUY IT. You may thank me later, maybe, maybe not. Ok, here is, Patio Smoker or Electric Glory Box, and here is Camp Beans For Breakfast. Listen to big Dave on QVC and buy this thing. It will pay for itself in one week if you go to the Starbucks ripoff window for your breakfast. Starbucks is pwnd.

chillblaine said...

Ok last post on this thread. This is a person who shaved their dang head, now it looks like a rat. From my twitter feed. Hair Style To Express Your Inner Rat.

Jaq said...

Don’t try to eat in any our restaurants either! We are just teaching you MAGA hat people manners, which you sorely need to learn!

Ann Althouse said...

"What was Nick Sandmann supposed to do when approached by the snuggle-toothed Elder? Run away? Give him money? Offer to suck his dick? Seriously, we need to know in case it happens again."

As Sandmann himself said to Savannah Guthrie, it would have been better to turn and walk away.

Jaq said...

I am sure he feels that way, with all of the death threats, etc, but I am not sure that you can interpret that as a confession of bad behavior as so many seem to be doing. But it is clear to him, I am sure, that you can't win against this volume of dishonesty.

Jaq said...

I am sure that he would have preferred that a family wedding of one of his classmates wasn't flooded with threats and insults too.

Jaq said...

"In retrospect, I should not have worn that short skirt."

narayanan said...

"That bill went to Congress where committee hearings were held; amendments were proposed; studies were conducted that tested the cost, effectiveness, etc. of the proposal; testimony was held in Congress; debate ensued "

how does any of this apply to passing Obamacare?

FIDO said...

“This is a quotation from Dan Rather...”

Dan RAT Her

That is funny. And I would never challenge Ms. Althouse to a Scrabble game as my pomposity could not take the piercing.

Meade said...

"Just for a day, Not my intention to steal Meades avitar, Just sharing one of the pics"

Thanks for sharing the pic, iowan2. It's a good one. Nothing stolen — I'm flattered.

Meade said...

"As Sandmann himself said to Savannah Guthrie, it would have been better to turn and walk away."

Yes but I took him to mean it would have been better if everyone had just turned and walked away, including Phillips, the Black Hebrew Israelites, et al.

Gahrie said...

"What was Nick Sandmann supposed to do when approached by the snuggle-toothed Elder? Run away? Give him money? Offer to suck his dick? Seriously, we need to know in case it happens again."

As Sandmann himself said to Savannah Guthrie, it would have been better to turn and walk away.

Well that's certainly what the GOP Establishment would have done. Surrender as usual. The Indian guy would have probably just followed, or the narrative would have become " White boy disrespects Indian elder by turning away from him dismissively".

Big Mike said...

As Sandmann himself said to Savannah Guthrie, it would have been better to turn and walk away.

So tell me, Althouse, what happens if they walk away and their bus shows up? How do they connect with it?

I do have an advantage over you; I have driven on Constitution Avenue when a large demonstration was breaking up. It’s nothing you want to do twice in a lifetime. The likelihood that they would be able to find their bus if they left their designated pickup point is really small.

narayanan said...

Ann Althouse said...

"What was Nick Sandmann supposed to do when approached by the snuggle-toothed Elder? Run away? Give him money? Offer to suck his dick? Seriously, we need to know in case it happens again."

As Sandmann himself said to Savannah Guthrie, it would have been better to turn and walk away


then the narrative would be RAT scurrying away.

Marc in Eugene said...

Wasn't AA writing about Caitlin Flanagan just the other day? "The full video reveals that these kids had wandered into a Tom Wolfe novel and had no idea how to get out of it." On the one hand I'm inclined to argue about each of the misrepresentations made by the Left and the media about this #CovingtonCatholic nonsense; on the other that sentence of Flanagan's is not a bad synopsis of it all.

mockturtle said...

What will be the next media outrage? I can't wait to find out. Is it too late for me to change planets?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sue CNN.

Jaq said...

CNN is the one that dubbed him a Vietnam veteran in their chin when the accompanying video shows him saying Vietnam Times.

Jaq said...

Chyron, fuck you spell check.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No - the best thing was those kids shouldn't never have been born.

yeah -that's it.

or perhaps, the media should at least pretend to be professional. Nah - CNN proved beyond any doubt they are an arm to the corruptocrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's time to sue CNN.

I certainly hope this isn't memory-holed.

J. Farmer said...

@Ken B:

You have no posts on your blog! I don’t always agree w you but you are one of the few here I'd read if you had a blog (buwaya, Hardin, couple more).

Thank you. It was something I contemplated a long time ago, but with the decline of blogging as a medium and really lacking the time or discipline to put into it, I gave up on the idea.

Big Mike said...

@mockturtle, thankfully yes. A planet earth without you on it is objectively worse than this planet with you on it.

mockturtle said...

Thank you, Big Mike. ;-)

Jim at said...

Mr. President, you can have your wall. You can get it the same way that President Obama got Obamacare...

You mean through budget reconciliation after a 16-day shutdown?

Sounds good to me.

sostander said...

That’s SmirkRat without his red hat.

Ann Althouse said...

"Wasn't AA writing about Caitlin Flanagan just the other day? "The full video reveals that these kids had wandered into a Tom Wolfe novel and had no idea how to get out of it." On the one hand I'm inclined to argue about each of the misrepresentations made by the Left and the media about this #CovingtonCatholic nonsense; on the other that sentence of Flanagan's is not a bad synopsis of it all."

No, but I was talking about Wolfe's "Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers."

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