Imagine my surprise when I walked outside to see snow on the ground when I had been assured in no uncertain terms years ago by "reality-based" "totally-all-about-science" non-climate denying liberal geniues that snowfalls would be a thing of the past by now.
But then I remembered that the leftists/liberals/LLR's were just lying through their teeth to increase the power of the state and implement full blown socialism.
Hey Althouse and Meade, you really should consider deleting Langford Peel aka Trooper York, sort of like you do to that female person, every single time he posts a comment.
Apparently there are roving gangs of white men in MAGA hats locating and assaulting black gay actors in Chicago. Be safe everybody and use the buddy system when walking around white neighborhoods.
'Altered' documents from inside Mueller probe fed Russian disinformation campaign, prosecutors say
And another
Belarusian escort who claimed to have evidence proving Trump-Russia collusion now admits the truth 'I think it saved my life, how can I regret it?'
A senior Treasury Department official pleaded not guilty in Manhattan federal court Wednesday to charges that she disclosed sensitive financial transaction reports pertaining to multiple entities tied to President Donald Trump and Russia.
The official, Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, allegedly leaked the documents, known as Suspicious Activity Reports, to a reporter whom CNN has previously identified as working for BuzzFeed News.
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation.
It’s the latest twist in an inquiry pitting a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin against U.S. prosecutors accusing him of meddling in the 2016 presidential election.”
From the Independent’s most cited article: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past by Charles Onians:
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
Blogger steve uhr said..."Drago - I’m sure you can’t identify any of those liberal geniuses who said there would be no snow by 2018, because they live only in your head."
Just to refresh, this is the same unit whose hack in 2009, revealed they were 'hiding the decline' this was in part the basis for that ridiculous incandescent light bulb ban in 2007, the give aways to Solyndra in the 2009 legislation
Probably, but that was a tell tale email, pertaining to the 'little ice age' of the late 18th century (a time of revolution btw) and ths medieval warming trend.
God loves us all, even Scott Adams, who on one screen is stupid and easily fooled and on the other screen is a liar.
Today a governor of a state confidently described how his legislation would legalize the murder (after a few minutes of being kept comfortable) of little newborn babies who, among their number, include (despite what the lying fool Adams said) the victims of negative state action from doctors who approved late term abortions because the mother claimed that she would be mentally better off with an abortion of her viable child than with a live birth,
God loves us all, even Scott Adams, who continues to lie in defense of that,
On one screen , he is Colonel Klink, defending the evil, on another screen, he is Sergeant Schulz, pretending not to understand.
There are only two screens.
He is a multimillionaire and I am just a commenter but I am right, and I care about the victims, and he is wrong, and he does not.
At some level, Stephen cooper, he doesn't want to believe this is so, because then there is an obligation to do something about it. This ties to John Hayward's thread about how ths left tricked the right out of moral arguments in favor of economics.
"because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, desecrating the land with bloodshed" (Ps. 106: 35, 37-38).
Here, hot off the fake press the latest fake crisis. Our Globo masters have linked all our crises into THE ONE BIG ONE. Obesity, malnutrition, climate change - One Crisis, One Solution, One Government to rule them all. Here's the scoop: eating-too-much = too-much-agriculture. Too-much agriculture in one place causes global warming which means too-little agriculture in another place which causes eating-too-little. See, obesity causes climate change which causes crop failures which causes starvation. Simple, symmetrical and pointing to the answer - more government to make the obese eat less, to make less fossil fuel needed for the not needed-tractors for the less-food grown and so the planet saved from climate change. (And the starving get some more somehow, not clear on this).
"Three in One - A Plan That Saves.
Put down those French Fries. DROP THEM. NOW. Blam, blam blamety blam. (Voice-over) Another citizen saved from obesity. Another step toward planet purity. And - we throw away the fries and send some broccoli to China.
It's the difference between pretexts and rationalizations and reasons for doing something 'the devil is like a lion' that's the reason, the pretext is what you mentioned above.
I know people who in turn governor northam. They dont recognize that part of him. Scott tries to be too analytical, and sometimes misses the trees for the forest.
Related: When I was a kid, I couldn’t find the deleted scenes from “Frankenstein” or “King Kong.” Stills provided by Forrest Ackerman had to suffice. Both scenes are out there now.
Now find an extant copy of Lon Chaney’s “London After Midnight.”
Dan Crenshaw Verified account @DanCrenshawTX 18h18 hours ago
When you’re trying to cross a border, and there’s a 20-plus foot steel slated barrier in your way, it seriously inhibits your ability to cross. A sensor tells a Border Agent, miles away, that they have to find you now.
Don Colacho explained hundreds of times the difference between doing what we want and doing what modernity wants. When you say death is a metaphor, you are preaching to the choir. Life and kindness are not metaphors, though ... None of us have met modernity, there is nothing there to meet. All of us have met kindness and life and understanding, though, they are real.
I've long thought that global warming from CO2 ought to be measured at the coldest (average) place on earth. If the stuff keeps the earth from cooling at night, then that's the place to measure the effect. It's not cooling by convection from somewhere else like everywhere else.
I'm told that we can cure all that ails us - climate change, obesity, heart disease, cancer, discrimination, xenophobia, anti-religious fervor, poverty, death, and even TRUMP - by adopting a vegan diet and lifestyle.
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation
I wonder if Inga ever heard of the Pentagon Papers? Isn’t this whole thing about the truth getting out and discrediting HIllary?
If the stuff keeps the earth from cooling at night, then that's the place to measure the effect.
Yes. This is something that agronomists have been paying attention to for decades. Plotting the nighttime lows creates a much more accurate and meaningful picture of what the growing season is like. GDU's or growing degree units use the night time low and the daytime high as part of the calculation. Climatologist will tell you plotting nighttime lows rather than daytime highs is more scientific. But pushing global warming using low temperatures loses the masses.
The Democrats were right to oppose the Patriot Act, and they probable opposed it because they were not in power at the time and they knew how they would use it if they were in power. 9-11 is a wound that continues to fester, like the bite of one of those komodo dragons. If al Qaeda didn’t “hate our freedom” they sure did a good job of striking right at its heart.
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation.
Remember when Trump's computers were directly linked to Putin's computers?
Jeff Bezos’ personal security team has launched an investigation into how his text messages ended up in The National Enquirer, and the inquiry is increasingly convinced that political motives are behind the disclosure.
I used to work in telecom, and just so you guys know, don’t put anything in a plain old text that you wouldn’t write on a postcard, because they are dirt simple to read, and the text content is mixed in with other data that technicians need to read to keep networks working, making it extremely difficult to control who can read and record it. If you are famous and having an affair, you need to encrypt your texts on your phone and have the other person decrypt them on hers.
Remember when Trump's computers were directly linked to Putin's computers?
Good times!
That was some free lance activist at Trump’s ISP rooting through the DNS logs searching on “Trump” and he got a hit! It was marketing emails for Trump’s luxury properties, which were clicked on at Alpha Bank, Glen Greenwald explains it completely. But that’s not what they told us at the time. They insinuated that it was payments to the Russians for hacking Hillary’s emails. In other words FAKE NEWS!
Then when Trump understandably changed ISPs, the story came out that he had “taken steps to avoid surveillance.” The surveillance of a free-lance activist at the ISP who didn’t even understand what he was seeing, or was, Phillips style, creating a lie that fit the limited facts he chose to disclose.
I really don't pay too much attention to weather in Great Britain -- how many snow events have they had in the past 19 years, since that article was written. And how does that compare to the 19 years before the article was written?
"Imagine my surprise when I walked outside to see snow on the ground when I had been assured in no uncertain terms years ago by "reality-based" "totally-all-about-science" non-climate denying liberal geniues that snowfalls would be a thing of the past by now."
Really? Where have you seen any climate scientists say "snowfalls would be thing of the past by now"?
On March 20, 2000, The Independent, a British newspaper, reported that “Snowfalls are just a thing of the past.” Global warming was simply making the UK too warm for heavy snowfalls. The column quotes Dr. David Viner of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia — yes, the epicenter of what would become the Climategate scandal — as saying that within a few years snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.” Indeed, Viner opined, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
The Independent has deleted the page. It’s probably in the Wayback machine.
Why would a “newspaper” delete a page as newsworthy as that referenced above? It’s almost as if their political agenda was more dear to them than their mission to report the news.... Naaah!
I never would have guessed either one of these, but Google today autocompletee 'my favorite metaphor is" with just two suggestions.
A dream come true
Such a packrat.
I use metaphors all the time but I did not know that " a dream come true " is considered a metaphor. I am guessing "such a packrat" comes from some super-famous song lyrics that I have never heard. Anyway, I am really enjoying all these different pictures of rats on this blog.
Oh,I see in a later post: a nearly 20-year old article by a journalist in Britain, presenting a simplified attention-getting interpretation of quotes by a handful of climate scientists saying that snowy winters will become less common.
I know the anecdotal remark is not proof of anything, but here in NYC, winters with frequent and substantial snowfalls have become much less common in the last 19 years than we had had in the prior 19 year I had lived in NYC. Snowfalls are now fewer per season and the snowfalls we do have are typically lighter.
Same in Madison. We haven't had a good cold snowy November in quite a long long time. Getting to -20 has been difficult this decade. We'll see how that plays out in the 2020s.
Blogger Robert Cook said... Oh,I see in a later post: a nearly 20-year old article by a journalist in Britain, presenting a simplified attention-getting interpretation of quotes by a handful of climate scientists saying that snowy winters will become less common
It’s shorthand Robert. And how are we supposed to evaluate the predictive powers of these “boffins” as the Brits call them without checking their past predictions against the present? Are we supposed to erase their past statements whenever they become inconvenient truths, to coin a phrase?
I know the anecdotal remark is not proof of anything, but here in NYC, winters with frequent and substantial snowfalls have become much less common in the last 19 years than we had had in the prior 19 year I had lived in NYC. Snowfalls are now fewer per season and the snowfalls we do have are typically lighter.
This is true, if you look at the movie Hair, they are dancing around a snowy Central Park, for example. But in the 1970s they were worrying about “global cooling” because it had been cooling since the very hot ‘30s. So your experience dates from the coldest decades of the century. Same as the satellite data.
You are going to have to accept that we just don’t know, and that as the data pour in, it looks more and more like the “lukewarmists” were right all along.
Counted ten eagles at twilight roosting in the trees around the open water where the creek flows into the river. The biggest and baldest swoops out of the tree pulls a fish out of the water and returns to his branch with an economy of motion beautiful in its precision. The other nine feel obligated but now they are in each other’s airspace and for a few moments there is a vortex of eagles applying air brakes and evasive maneuvers. Long night with no fish and no guarantee of open water in the morning. I was going back this morning for the sunrise shot but moonsuits and coffee are not a good mix.
"Same in Madison. We haven't had a good cold snowy November in quite a long long time."
You've said this before, MM. Do you have data on it? I'm not disputing it, but I've lived in Madison 58 years and have never considered November to be a snowy month. IIRC, enough snow to stick before Thanksgiving is unusual.
"You are going to have to accept that we just don’t know, and that as the data pour in, it looks more and more like the 'lukewarmists' were right all along."
Yes, science must always change its premises and predictions as new data is obtained, but so far the new information coming in appears to support the warnings of climate change, and indicates the prior warnings have been, if anything, too cautious, and the time before disaster manifests sooner than previously predicted.
Blogger Robert Cook said..."Yes, science must always change its premises and predictions as new data is obtained, but so far the new information coming in appears to support the warnings of climate change, and indicates the prior warnings have been, if anything, too cautious, and the time before disaster manifests sooner than previously predicted."
If the measure actual vs. predicted temperature rise, I don't think that's true.
If I moved to Japan, I would take on their culture and language to the best of my ability rather than to try to form an enclave of Anglo culture. When in Rome?
When whites move into non-white areas, they are evil gentrifiers. When non-whites move into white areas, they are blessing the locals with diversity. "Diversity" in modern American parlance simply means anti-white.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said... "We want global waming!
There economy is crashing, so the security experts should go back to school!
Dow opens above 25,000. Lowest unemployment in 60 years. It must be wonderful to not be able to actually think.
Tim in V. My skepticism rises from the staggering amount of variables that must be taken into consideration vis a vis "climate change" that I wonder if there can be any meaningful data. There is also the fact that no one seems to be taking into consideration the role that the solar minimum plays in climate cration.
As the value of the peso hit an all-time low, Clinton sidestepped Congress’ rejection of an earlier $50 billion loan proposal and exercised his executive power. Claiming that he was acting in the national interest and that national security was at stake, he authorized the Treasury Department to issue a loan through the Exchange Stabilization Fund. This was the first time the fund had been used to help stabilize a foreign currency. Clinton justified his decision by arguing that if the peso continued to fall, Mexico’s economy would crash and in turn negatively impact the United States. He warned that an insolvent Mexico might result in an influx of illegal immigration into the U.S., threatening American jobs and border security.
“Leaking files to expose the truth is only good if it helps a progressive cause, otherwise, it's blasphemy.”
Except it was not the truth. The documents were altered and the released to try to distort the investigation to favor Trump. Now why would Russia want to do that?
But - why? I know in the past she has had extremely passionate posts. Is their vehemence, shall we say, the reason? To shortcut it, just direct me to a previous explanation if there was one that you can easily find.
Inga said: Except it was not the truth. The documents were altered and the released to try to distort the investigation to favor Trump. Now why would Russia want to do that?
Ohhhhhhh....a little bit of Internet sleuthing turned up a possible backstory, but I have no idea if the pieces I'm putting together in my mind right now are anything approaching accurate. More importantly, I wonder if the next time I'll even remember.
Doubtful because in all likelihood this will be deleted. We are bound to keep repeating the same thing. At least I am.
But - why? I know in the past she has had extremely passionate posts. Is their vehemence, shall we say, the reason? To shortcut it, just direct me to a previous explanation if there was one that you can easily find.
That I do not know. My reading here is often sporadic depending on my schedule. I had some warning and was expecting it. No skin off my back.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Imagine my surprise when I walked outside to see snow on the ground when I had been assured in no uncertain terms years ago by "reality-based" "totally-all-about-science" non-climate denying liberal geniues that snowfalls would be a thing of the past by now.
But then I remembered that the leftists/liberals/LLR's were just lying through their teeth to increase the power of the state and implement full blown socialism.
Then I felt better.
This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
How do you feel about your husband sitting around Starbucks hitting on college girls?
Sounds like a rat fuck to me.
Ever feel as if your mind had started to erode?
We want global waming!
There economy is crashing, so the security experts should go back to school!
Hey Althouse and Meade, you really should consider deleting Langford Peel aka Trooper York, sort of like you do to that female person, every single time he posts a comment.
@Inga: I think people want some local warming, not global warming.
Howie carr points out more of muellers handiwork in suppressing bulger's deeds (William weld was his boss) the Coldest Nite Cafe... dont be a BrrrrRat !
But Trump says they want global waming!
Apparently there are roving gangs of white men in MAGA hats locating and assaulting black gay actors in Chicago. Be safe everybody and use the buddy system when walking around white neighborhoods.
Then there is this:
Via Insty:
'Altered' documents from inside Mueller probe fed Russian disinformation campaign, prosecutors say
And another
Belarusian escort who claimed to have evidence proving Trump-Russia collusion now admits the truth
'I think it saved my life, how can I regret it?'
A senior Treasury Department official pleaded not guilty in Manhattan federal court Wednesday to charges that she disclosed sensitive financial transaction reports pertaining to multiple entities tied to President Donald Trump and Russia.
The official, Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, allegedly leaked the documents, known as Suspicious Activity Reports, to a reporter whom CNN has previously identified as working for BuzzFeed News.
Different strokes for different folks:
Mueller tainted everything. I think he’ll have to be put on trial.
Why do you think he has been poisoning the jury pool, beforehand?
Stealth Rat.
Looks like Foxconn was a real con.
Seeing Red, who the hell do you think altered the documents and why?
Are you truly so stupid not to know?
re: Cold/Rats: Now you know why they call Willard "Mittens"
Drago - I’m sure you can’t identify any of those liberal geniuses who said there would be no snow by 2018, because they live only in your head.
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation.
It’s the latest twist in an inquiry pitting a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin against U.S. prosecutors accusing him of meddling in the 2016 presidential election.”
The Graniud - 2000
Which is The Guardian.
The interesting thing is, didn’t you ask for links and were given links about this topic?
Oppenheimer and probably mann, it was so pervasive snl did a skit about in 1987, with Carl Sagan and George Hamilton being parodied.
I wouldn’t worry about it, we only have 12 years.
Ted Danson did a commercial in 1989 I think about we only had 30 years to save the oceans.
The attorney for Concord, has been demanding discovery so Mueller pulls this stunt.
I can’t remember if the 10:10 No Pressure ad from Britain gave a date, but it was truth in advertising. That’s why it was pulled after 1 day.
The truth in that ad was if you didn’t believe, they killed you.
They haven't even provided the analytics which naturally come from crowdstrike, behind these charges.
The truth in that ad was if you didn’t believe, they killed you.
Kill you coming out the birth canal, kill you if you ask questions and don’t believe, the party of death.
My mistake it was later:
The first time I heard of global warming was in a striver/kinetka warning from 1987
The noose is tightening, Inga!
Ingasm is near!
Independent, 2000
Telegraph in 2017
Guardian, 2016
'Oop: "Ohhhh it Bobby. Faster! Faster!"
“Kill you coming out the birth canal, kill you if you ask questions and don’t believe, the party of death.”
Note that the abortionists are the same people sharpening their knives for Schultz; people like Michelle Goldberg.
Hockey Sticks & Global Warming: Mann, It's Cold!!
and throw in a little Steyn's "Baby It's Rape Outside" for good measure
Sheesh Walter, are you getting a little hot writing that?
From the Independent’s most cited article: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past by Charles Onians:
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
Ann needs to copyright the Rat.
Blogger steve uhr said..."Drago - I’m sure you can’t identify any of those liberal geniuses who said there would be no snow by 2018, because they live only in your head."
I believe Drago is referring to this.
Just to refresh, this is the same unit whose hack in 2009, revealed they were 'hiding the decline' this was in part the basis for that ridiculous incandescent light bulb ban in 2007, the give aways to Solyndra in the 2009 legislation
Heck even day after tomorrow the Irwin Allen specimen of the era figured the folly in that.
wasnt there a Tommy James parody "Hidin' the Decline" ?
@Big Mike: Thanks for the link. I think the original author, Charles Onians, was just getting off on himself.
Sorry, I meant to thank Original Mike.
Probably, but that was a tell tale email, pertaining to the 'little ice age' of the late 18th century (a time of revolution btw) and ths medieval warming trend.
Temps in the mid 40’s predicted for Sunday, ooooo global waming!
I am telling you it's a its Kaiser Soze.
Kaiser fucking Soze.
in this weather, wearing an asshat may be understandable, but not being one
Even in some places we trust they only feed us half the story:
I think the original author, Charles Onians, was just getting off on himself.
God loves us all, even Scott Adams, who on one screen is stupid and easily fooled and on the other screen is a liar.
Today a governor of a state confidently described how his legislation would legalize the murder (after a few minutes of being kept comfortable) of little newborn babies who, among their number, include (despite what the lying fool Adams said) the victims of negative state action from doctors who approved late term abortions because the mother claimed that she would be mentally better off with an abortion of her viable child than with a live birth,
God loves us all, even Scott Adams, who continues to lie in defense of that,
On one screen , he is Colonel Klink, defending the evil, on another screen, he is Sergeant Schulz, pretending not to understand.
There are only two screens.
He is a multimillionaire and I am just a commenter but I am right, and I care about the victims, and he is wrong, and he does not.
At some level, Stephen cooper, he doesn't want to believe this is so, because then there is an obligation to do something about it. This ties to John Hayward's thread about how ths left tricked the right out of moral arguments in favor of economics.
He doesn't really understand the voter motivated in part by questions of faith.
We are fighting not merely men (and women) but principalities and powers of the air,
Was it ever thus in ephesus, probably so in corinth and other city states.
So we eschew traditional understandings of sin, and follow others the microagressions, hence face crime and hat crime.
Tran is befitting her status, a social worker from the former peoples republic of vietnam.
Stephen Cooper,
I think you misinterpreted which piece Adams was saying is fake.
The "moderate" was in quotes for a reason.
Just trying to be helpful.
Sometimes tweets are ambiguous.
fat rats for the warmth
commies kill babies!!11!!
"because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, desecrating the land with bloodshed" (Ps. 106: 35, 37-38).
Birkel -
thanks, I like being wrong, and I always hope I am when I am disappointed.
No it's about the nature of the political and cultural struggle, we think its merely about people, but it's not.
Here, hot off the fake press the latest fake crisis. Our Globo masters have linked all our crises into THE ONE BIG ONE. Obesity, malnutrition, climate change - One Crisis, One Solution, One Government to rule them all. Here's the scoop: eating-too-much = too-much-agriculture. Too-much agriculture in one place causes global warming which means too-little agriculture in another place which causes eating-too-little. See, obesity causes climate change which causes crop failures which causes starvation. Simple, symmetrical and pointing to the answer - more government to make the obese eat less, to make less fossil fuel needed for the not needed-tractors for the less-food grown and so the planet saved from climate change. (And the starving get some more somehow, not clear on this).
"Three in One - A Plan That Saves.
Put down those French Fries. DROP THEM. NOW. Blam, blam blamety blam. (Voice-over) Another citizen saved from obesity. Another step toward planet purity. And - we throw away the fries and send some broccoli to China.
Pomp and Circumstance."
Last night we watched the uncensored version of "Baby Face" that was recovered in 2005, and it was excellent.
Wildswan wrote “And the starving get some more somehow, not clear on this.”
Gyneth Paltrow will make Ethiopian cuisine great again.
Stay wam, Inga!
It's the difference between pretexts and rationalizations and reasons for doing something 'the devil is like a lion' that's the reason, the pretext is what you mentioned above.
I know people who in turn governor northam. They dont recognize that part of him. Scott tries to be too analytical, and sometimes misses the trees for the forest.
Again death is not a person, it is a state, which state is determined by ones behavior
@Freeman: The boxcar scene is kinda “racy.”
Related: When I was a kid, I couldn’t find the deleted scenes from “Frankenstein” or “King Kong.” Stills provided by Forrest Ackerman had to suffice. Both scenes are out there now.
Now find an extant copy of Lon Chaney’s “London After Midnight.”
Dan Crenshaw
Verified account @DanCrenshawTX
18h18 hours ago
When you’re trying to cross a border, and there’s a 20-plus foot steel slated barrier in your way, it seriously inhibits your ability to cross. A sensor tells a Border Agent, miles away, that they have to find you now.
I wonder which one works better.
Looks like Inga is linking some super important stuff I must read now.
Baby its cold outside even on this tropical island.
narciso --
Don Colacho explained hundreds of times the difference between doing what we want and doing what modernity wants.
When you say death is a metaphor, you are preaching to the choir.
Life and kindness are not metaphors, though ...
None of us have met modernity, there is nothing there to meet.
All of us have met kindness and life and understanding, though, they are real.
Freeman Hunt said...
Last night we watched the uncensored version of "Baby Face" that was recovered in 2005, and it was excellent.
that movie is excellent! watching barbara stanwick work her way up the corporate ladder gives good incite in Kamela Harris' carreer
I've long thought that global warming from CO2 ought to be measured at the coldest (average) place on earth. If the stuff keeps the earth from cooling at night, then that's the place to measure the effect. It's not cooling by convection from somewhere else like everywhere else.
I'm told that we can cure all that ails us - climate change, obesity, heart disease, cancer, discrimination, xenophobia, anti-religious fervor, poverty, death, and even TRUMP - by adopting a vegan diet and lifestyle.
Get to work on that, please.
-28 by the digital weather station on my deck. I'm glad I only have to wait twelve years.
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation
I wonder if Inga ever heard of the Pentagon Papers? Isn’t this whole thing about the truth getting out and discrediting HIllary?
Leaking files to expose the truth is only good if it helps a progressive cause, otherwise, it's blasphemy.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Looks like Foxconn was a real con.
You mean because Wisconsin elected a governor who ran against the whole project? Who could have seen that coming?
There economy is crashing, so the security experts should go back to school!
Superfluous to add "Inga wrote", is it not?
If the stuff keeps the earth from cooling at night, then that's the place to measure the effect.
This is something that agronomists have been paying attention to for decades. Plotting the nighttime lows creates a much more accurate and meaningful picture of what the growing season is like. GDU's or growing degree units use the night time low and the daytime high as part of the calculation.
Climatologist will tell you plotting nighttime lows rather than daytime highs is more scientific. But pushing global warming using low temperatures loses the masses.
The Democrats were right to oppose the Patriot Act, and they probable opposed it because they were not in power at the time and they knew how they would use it if they were in power. 9-11 is a wound that continues to fester, like the bite of one of those komodo dragons. If al Qaeda didn’t “hate our freedom” they sure did a good job of striking right at its heart.
This rat looks like if it could speak it would say, "Hell is other rats."
The problem is the people on this side of the border who proudly declare; We don't need no steenkin' laws! And no steenkin' order either!
“Robert Mueller’s office on Wednesday accused a Twitter account with apparent ties to Russia of disclosing more than 1,000 files that the special counsel shared in an active criminal case, all in a bid to discredit his investigation.
Remember when Trump's computers were directly linked to Putin's computers?
Good times!
Jeff Bezos’ personal security team has launched an investigation into how his text messages ended up in The National Enquirer, and the inquiry is increasingly convinced that political motives are behind the disclosure.
I used to work in telecom, and just so you guys know, don’t put anything in a plain old text that you wouldn’t write on a postcard, because they are dirt simple to read, and the text content is mixed in with other data that technicians need to read to keep networks working, making it extremely difficult to control who can read and record it. If you are famous and having an affair, you need to encrypt your texts on your phone and have the other person decrypt them on hers.
Remember when Trump's computers were directly linked to Putin's computers?
Good times!
That was some free lance activist at Trump’s ISP rooting through the DNS logs searching on “Trump” and he got a hit! It was marketing emails for Trump’s luxury properties, which were clicked on at Alpha Bank, Glen Greenwald explains it completely. But that’s not what they told us at the time. They insinuated that it was payments to the Russians for hacking Hillary’s emails. In other words FAKE NEWS!
Then when Trump understandably changed ISPs, the story came out that he had “taken steps to avoid surveillance.” The surveillance of a free-lance activist at the ISP who didn’t even understand what he was seeing, or was, Phillips style, creating a lie that fit the limited facts he chose to disclose.
I really don't pay too much attention to weather in Great Britain -- how many snow events have they had in the past 19 years, since that article was written. And how does that compare to the 19 years before the article was written?
This article suggests snow still happens.
"Imagine my surprise when I walked outside to see snow on the ground when I had been assured in no uncertain terms years ago by "reality-based" "totally-all-about-science" non-climate denying liberal geniues that snowfalls would be a thing of the past by now."
Really? Where have you seen any climate scientists say "snowfalls would be thing of the past by now"?
On March 20, 2000, The Independent, a British newspaper, reported that “Snowfalls are just a thing of the past.” Global warming was simply making the UK too warm for heavy snowfalls. The column quotes Dr. David Viner of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia — yes, the epicenter of what would become the Climategate scandal — as saying that within a few years snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.” Indeed, Viner opined, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
The Independent has deleted the page. It’s probably in the Wayback machine.
J Farmer, if you react to that person, yours and hers are deleted later.
Climate scientists saying stuff is marketing.
@Ralph L:
J Farmer, if you react to that person, yours and hers are deleted later.
Well hopefully she'll read my response before it gets deleted ;)
Why would a “newspaper” delete a page as newsworthy as that referenced above? It’s almost as if their political agenda was more dear to them than their mission to report the news.... Naaah!
On the subject of rats :
I never would have guessed either one of these, but Google today autocompletee 'my favorite metaphor is" with just two suggestions.
A dream come true
Such a packrat.
I use metaphors all the time but I did not know that " a dream come true " is considered a metaphor.
I am guessing "such a packrat" comes from some super-famous song lyrics that I have never heard.
Anyway, I am really enjoying all these different pictures of rats on this blog.
Oh,I see in a later post: a nearly 20-year old article by a journalist in Britain, presenting a simplified attention-getting interpretation of quotes by a handful of climate scientists saying that snowy winters will become less common.
I know the anecdotal remark is not proof of anything, but here in NYC, winters with frequent and substantial snowfalls have become much less common in the last 19 years than we had had in the prior 19 year I had lived in NYC. Snowfalls are now fewer per season and the snowfalls we do have are typically lighter.
but here in NYC
Same in Madison. We haven't had a good cold snowy November in quite a long long time. Getting to -20 has been difficult this decade. We'll see how that plays out in the 2020s.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
Oh,I see in a later post: a nearly 20-year old article by a journalist in Britain, presenting a simplified attention-getting interpretation of quotes by a handful of climate scientists saying that snowy winters will become less common
It’s shorthand Robert. And how are we supposed to evaluate the predictive powers of these “boffins” as the Brits call them without checking their past predictions against the present? Are we supposed to erase their past statements whenever they become inconvenient truths, to coin a phrase?
I know the anecdotal remark is not proof of anything, but here in NYC, winters with frequent and substantial snowfalls have become much less common in the last 19 years than we had had in the prior 19 year I had lived in NYC. Snowfalls are now fewer per season and the snowfalls we do have are typically lighter.
This is true, if you look at the movie Hair, they are dancing around a snowy Central Park, for example. But in the 1970s they were worrying about “global cooling” because it had been cooling since the very hot ‘30s. So your experience dates from the coldest decades of the century. Same as the satellite data.
You are going to have to accept that we just don’t know, and that as the data pour in, it looks more and more like the “lukewarmists” were right all along.
Counted ten eagles at twilight roosting in the trees around the open water where the creek flows into the river. The biggest and baldest swoops out of the tree pulls a fish out of the water and returns to his branch with an economy of motion beautiful in its precision. The other nine feel obligated but now they are in each other’s airspace and for a few moments there is a vortex of eagles applying air brakes and evasive maneuvers. Long night with no fish and no guarantee of open water in the morning. I was going back this morning for the sunrise shot but moonsuits and coffee are not a good mix.
Was that after the Russian oligarch bought them, ex KGB officer.
I'm listening to a supposed expert claiming Stone's arrest is normal. This is a crazy world.
J Farmer at 7:44: Excellent. Astounding that so many would take issue with this premise.
"Same in Madison. We haven't had a good cold snowy November in quite a long long time."
You've said this before, MM. Do you have data on it? I'm not disputing it, but I've lived in Madison 58 years and have never considered November to be a snowy month. IIRC, enough snow to stick before Thanksgiving is unusual.
"You are going to have to accept that we just don’t know, and that as the data pour in, it looks more and more like the 'lukewarmists' were right all along."
Yes, science must always change its premises and predictions as new data is obtained, but so far the new information coming in appears to support the warnings of climate change, and indicates the prior warnings have been, if anything, too cautious, and the time before disaster manifests sooner than previously predicted.
Blogger Robert Cook said..."Yes, science must always change its premises and predictions as new data is obtained, but so far the new information coming in appears to support the warnings of climate change, and indicates the prior warnings have been, if anything, too cautious, and the time before disaster manifests sooner than previously predicted."
If the measure actual vs. predicted temperature rise, I don't think that's true.
If I moved to Japan, I would take on their culture and language to the best of my ability rather than to try to form an enclave of Anglo culture. When in Rome?
When whites move into non-white areas, they are evil gentrifiers. When non-whites move into white areas, they are blessing the locals with diversity. "Diversity" in modern American parlance simply means anti-white.
and indicates the prior warnings have been, if anything, too cautious, and the time before disaster manifests sooner than previously predicted.
You mean all the predictions of dire destruction that were supposed to have already happened but didn't?
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
"We want global waming!
There economy is crashing, so the security experts should go back to school!
Dow opens above 25,000. Lowest unemployment in 60 years. It must be wonderful to not be able to actually think.
Tim in V.
My skepticism rises from the staggering amount of variables that must be taken into consideration vis a vis "climate change" that I wonder if there can be any meaningful data. There is also the fact that no one seems to be taking into consideration the role that the solar minimum plays in climate cration.
There is an old sf series by H Harrison titled The Stainless Steel Rat. Your drawing is a Stainless Steel Rat.
Bill Clinton on illegal immigration
As the value of the peso hit an all-time low, Clinton sidestepped Congress’ rejection of an earlier $50 billion loan proposal and exercised his executive power. Claiming that he was acting in the national interest and that national security was at stake, he authorized the Treasury Department to issue a loan through the Exchange Stabilization Fund. This was the first time the fund had been used to help stabilize a foreign currency. Clinton justified his decision by arguing that if the peso continued to fall, Mexico’s economy would crash and in turn negatively impact the United States. He warned that an insolvent Mexico might result in an influx of illegal immigration into the U.S., threatening American jobs and border security.
Liberal extremists always want to silence a different viewpoint..
A much ballyhooed free speech policy is tossed aside when the show pinches.
“Leaking files to expose the truth is only good if it helps a progressive cause, otherwise, it's blasphemy.”
Except it was not the truth. The documents were altered and the released to try to distort the investigation to favor Trump. Now why would Russia want to do that?
“There economy is crashing, so the security experts should go back to school!” Said Trump.
“Superfluous to add "Inga wrote", is it not?” Trump wrote that you idiot, I was making fun of him.
Am I going crazy or are my comments (and Mary's) now gone?
See Ralph L's warning at 7:23am.
But - why? I know in the past she has had extremely passionate posts. Is their vehemence, shall we say, the reason? To shortcut it, just direct me to a previous explanation if there was one that you can easily find.
Inga said:
Except it was not the truth. The documents were altered and the released to try to distort the investigation to favor Trump. Now why would Russia want to do that?
Haha! Some people will believe anything.
Ohhhhhhh....a little bit of Internet sleuthing turned up a possible backstory, but I have no idea if the pieces I'm putting together in my mind right now are anything approaching accurate. More importantly, I wonder if the next time I'll even remember.
Doubtful because in all likelihood this will be deleted. We are bound to keep repeating the same thing. At least I am.
But - why? I know in the past she has had extremely passionate posts. Is their vehemence, shall we say, the reason? To shortcut it, just direct me to a previous explanation if there was one that you can easily find.
That I do not know. My reading here is often sporadic depending on my schedule. I had some warning and was expecting it. No skin off my back.
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