I googled the name because I wanted to get a link to somewhere other than The Washington Post for Kyler Murray's decision to go into a baseball, not a football, career. And I thought he sounded like a really sweet guy:
“This is crazy,” Murray said repeatedly during a brief and soft-spoken acceptance speech. He thanked teammates on either side of the ball for putting him in a position to win so many postseason honors. “You make me look so much better than I am,” he said....That was last night. This morning, the news of Kyler Murray was about his "homophobic tweets." Apparently, when he was 15, he used a word ("faggot"?) to taunt his friends. Murray (who's only 21 now) has apologized.
Murray called his father, “a legend to me,” and added, “You taught me everything that I know about this game. I honestly feel like you should be up here with me.” He called his mother, “my best friend.”
He teared up while thanking Sooners Coach Lincoln Riley.... “You kept me going. You kept me focused,” Murray said, while Riley leaned forward in his chair in the audience with tears welling in his eyes.....
At some point, I think — and this is it — political correctness is itself politically incorrect.
I wish Kyler Murray well in his baseball career. Great choice: baseball!
Tweet shaming is so gay.
I would never want my age 16 self dusted off for public inspection. The whole of the thing is that you are immature at that age and learn things by making mistakes.
That said, Murray’s critics are still making mistakes. How mature are they? I hope they are 16 or younger.
What's wrong with faggot.
He was Japped by unexpected outrage.
Rhardin—you said it so I didn’t have to.
He didn't make a mistake. Say anything you want.
I haven't read anything from the US News and World Report for years. I'm adding all the news outlets who push this story to put on my list of never reading again.
I hope that others do it as well. The only thing that will stop this clickbait "journalism" is bankruptcy.
As you grow older and more mature, you learn the need to suck the dicks of the gay mafia at every turn.
The only thing that will stop this clickbait "journalism" is bankruptcy.
It's not a journalism problem. It's a PC problem.
You can't bring back a sense of humor without bringing back men, however. Big problem.
Soon there'd be pussy jokes again.
Rhhardin— a chacun son gout.
Accent marks omitted through incompetence.
Gay > Black.
2 in a row.
Smart decision. He has a much better chance of making it in MLB than the NFL.
The media love to take down black men for homophobia. They are racists.
weren't his friends, in FACT; little sticks? They sure weren't very muscular, or he wouldn't have been taunting them. What IS an acceptable taunt these days? I mean, besides Hitler?
But, the good news for him is; at least his friends from when he was 15 haven't accused him of pulling them into a bedroom and laying on top of them... YET
Where I come from, faggot means bassoon.
"Fagotto" redirects here. For the organ reed, see List of pipe organ stops. For other uses, see Faggot (disambiguation).
The new progressive math: Gay > Black
The Demos better hope to their gods that Blacks don't notice this
The Demos better hope to their gods that repubs don't notice this
If the straight homophobic pro football Black vote doesn't vote demo; demos are screwed in the ass
Faggot Hill, a summit in Massachusetts, United States
Uhoh, another squaw valley.
"At some point, I think — and this is it — political correctness is itself politically incorrect."
Oh goody. I'm sure that the idiocy will stop now that it has gone too far.
The word he used was queer. As in the tweets used the word “queer”. Not that using it was queer. Because we can’t say that word.
Our media betters. Let's articulate their position, for clarity.
None will pass unexamined. We shall be purified in our whole, no matter how many we ruin along the way. Why? Because we can, and it is our will. Let it be done. For the encouragement of others. After all, even a one cell organism recoils from pain.
Call this a moral panic, and flirt with our death star.
[rinse, repeat]
What a queer story.
He shouldn’t be apologizing. They should.
Murray's a great kid, a great athlete. He might even be a Christian too, who knows.
Anyone with a brain can take look at how young people talk, and text and tweet and notice that they often use "bad words". This is true also young black kids.
So, you have these ninny white liberal media types digging to discover anti-gay slurs and racial epithets, for no purpose other than to sow discord and cause problems. Fuck 'em - they are indeed enemies of the people.
Second STRAIGHT Oklahoma quarterback?
Murray won’t be able to host the Academy Awards now.
ESPN has learned its lesson. Hollywood still needs to lose $20 billion to get the message.
An MLB career may not pay as well per year, but it's likely to be longer, especially with the way ever-enlarger linemen go after QBs.
Dick’s has been taught a lesson but hasn’t learned.
Dave Burge coined the term "Woke Stasi." Apt.
Why is faggot insult?
If you build wood fire you need faggot.
The ninny white liberal media types were originally digging to discover if he had guns in the house, and then the anti-gay slurs and racial epithets showed up, and they went with that.
Althouse, I hope you realize you aren’t supposed to use that word in any context. You’re supposed to say the f-word. The word itself is radioactive and might cause harm to the LGBT community. Remember when the actor Isaiah Washington got in trouble for using the word in a statement where he denied calling someone that word? That was many years ago. Here we are.
You can see the tweets here:
Narayanan Subramanian said...
Why is faggot insult?
If you build wood fire you need faggot.
Pretty sure straight people can build fires, too.
OTOH ...
If lgbtqxyz is pride,
When anyone say faggot they should say thank you for recognizing.
This is why I detest the media. They wait until something great happens to a kid or person and then drag the bottom to find something stupid he said when he was 15 and then ruin his life. Bastards one and all.
The media are doing it because their audience likes it. Small audience but it pays the bills.
@Pretty sure straight people can build fires, too.
Still need Faggot = a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel
So timely to be reading about the Chinese Cultural Revolution right now. These witch hunts only get worse. Pretty soon it will be something we may have said in kindergarten, thoughtfully retrieved by our own version of the Red Guard. Personally, I think apologies are not only unnecessary but should be laughed off or ignored.
Triple the flavor etc.
Faggots are meatballs made from minced off-cuts and offal, especially pork together with herbs for flavouring and sometimes added bread crumbs. It is a traditional dish in the United Kingdom, especially South and Mid Wales and the English Midlands.
Listen up, faggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.
Progressives, the gay mafia and tall poppies.
You played your part in this. Ann Althouse, the Franz von Papen of the Social Justice regime.
A corollary to "that's not funny" is "you're not allowed to be happy".
Like rhhardin, I think thick skin is a virtue.
Hey, Hey.
Ho, Ho.
Retro-PC has to go...
HUAC was never as bad as this.
Why hasn't the media tried to get the song "Money for Nothing"by Dire Straits banned for their use of "faggot" in the song?
At some point, I think — and this is it — political correctness is itself politically incorrect.
Secularism is just a religion untethered to any limiting principles.
From scouts field manual ...
You should not be niggardly with faggots to build bonfires.
Why hasn't the media tried to get the song "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits banned for their use of "faggot" in the song?
That song was popular ten years before many of these were born, that's why. When they hear the song, they'll let us know. Wait for any news of Mark Knopfler. That's all it will take.
Have they examined Dylan lyrics for transgressions, I wonder... Professor?
The problem that normal people have with homosexuals is that they occupy an uncomfortable territory between disgusting and ludicrous. This accounts for why they have always been the subject of derisive jokes.
People should stop pretending that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle choice that deserves respect on its own terms. I see it as a relatively minor disability, like color-blindness or having one leg shorter than the other, something that they (probably) cannot help. More to be pitied than censured, as it were.
I don't think that homosexuals should be persecuted, or shunned (as long as they behave in a non-predatory manner), but that the practice should be deprecated. But let's face it people, nancy-boys are pretty ludicrous.
BTW I suspect that many women like homosexuals because they are kind of like a non-threatening girlfriend, on the same wavelength in many ways but safely without any risk of female rivalry.
Have they examined Dylan lyrics for transgressions, I wonder... Professor?
Blowin' in the Wind. Does the title support homosexuality, or is it a dog whistle for heteronormativity?
I'm sure we'll be told soon.
Pretty soon it will be something we may have said in kindergarten, thoughtfully retrieved by our own version of the Red Guard.
Its already gone way beyond that. A few months ago some race car driver lost a sponsor because of something his father said, before the driver was even born.
When you're President you are criticized for not denouncing things others have imagined you said. Or not denouncing them strongly enough. Or often enough.
A faggot is a bundle of sticks, in Latin a fascis. Il Duce used it as a symbol.
A few months ago some race car driver lost a sponsor because of something his father said, before the driver was even born.
Lilly Labs. Conor Daly - his dad is Derek Daly, former F1 driver. Pharma is under a neverending microscope.
Rest assured, most gay people are going through life blissfully unbothered by anything Kevin Hart or Kyler Murray ever tweeted. Activist elements are always a minority of any group. Don't assume they're representative of the whole.
Radio stations have been omitting or dubbing over the offensive parts of "Money for Nothing" for years.
It's a forbidden word.
Lucien is correct. The only version of the song, "Money for Nothing", I ever hear on the radio these days has completely rearranged the offending lyric out of the song- it isn't dubbed out, it is taken out completely. Here is the version broadcast these days.
After Sarah Palin's speech, the AP was ON IT. Sent 5 people to Alaska to go through her garbage and parse discarded diapers. Then when criticized, the press assumes the lofty mantle of first amendment freedoms and hymns the public's right to know. Not both A and Non-A. Either you're a Jeffersonian or a poop-prober, and like it or not, the choice once made sticks or stinks. Once you send diapers into my living room, you get perdurable contempt. I thought I would feel bad as newspapers and newsmagazines died out, or at least feel worried the government would have no checks if they perished. The government and at least one of the political parties have no checks now, and I feel mild glee, not regret, as newspaper after newspaper that smeared the editorial page onto the front page snuff out.
He shouldn’t be apologizing. They should.
This crap is only going to stop when enough people respond by saying "Tough shit!" instead of by apologizing.
Well if Murray plays baseball as a career, he's not going to get a blindside sack because the left tackle slipped up. He can still get blindsided by the Washington Post though.
Activist elements are always a minority of any group. Don't assume they're representative of the whole.
Neither were the Bolsheviks. One century and millions of lives later...
"At some point, I think — and this is it — political correctness is itself politically incorrect."
That's very nice of you to say, and I hope you are right.
But how did the prog powers that be get to the point where they could arrogantly assume that anything negative about gays would be a useful tool to take down a deplorable and fight the culture war? Who were the enablers?
Coulter got banned from CPAC for using the word "Faggot" in a joke.
that was 10 years ago.
Gays - as a group - are still overwhelmingly liberal.
Cons and R's can pander all they like - but the minorities aren't going to like them. No matter what.
rhhardin said...
"As you grow older and more mature, you learn the need to suck the dicks of the gay mafia at every turn."
If you want the part, you have to blow the producer. Seems fair.
Yancy pointed out the song, "Money for Nothing" has been through the Memory hole
And, YET! They Still say: "Bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee"
And, YET! They Still say that if you are a star, you can grab 'em by the pussy (chix for free)
Room 101! Thoughtcrime! doubleplusungood!!
Heisman winner Charlie Ward went on to play in the NBA, not the NFL.
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, destroy those who have done.
I don't think it augurs well for the NFL that a Heisman winner has chosen baseball over football. Still, homophobes do better in football rather than baseball. Figure skating is, of course, out of the question. I just hope some gay pitcher doesn't bean him and shorten his career or maybe even cause a concussive injury that brings on early onset of Alzheimer's. That would be ironic.
homophobic? so this guy is afraid of gay people too?
Lucien said...Radio stations have been omitting or dubbing over the offensive parts of "Money for Nothing" for years.
The Pogues' Fairytale Of New York uses the same word. But nobody ever complained about that one, perhaps because it was sung by a women. And not just by any women but by the daughter of a leftist icon.
At some point, I think — and this is it — political correctness is itself politically incorrect.
That reminded me of Annie Gottlieb (Amba) when she wrote:
There is the irony of defending an open society by closing it.
But there is also the irony of being so tolerant you tolerate intolerance.
Meditate on that pair for a while. link
William said...
I don't think it augurs well for the NFL that a Heisman winner has chosen baseball over football.
He's only like 59", so the choice is kinda being made for him.
If all they can do is cause trouble and tarnish people's accomplishments, maybe it's time to push gays back into the closet and slam the door shut. What Murray got, he earned by being blessed with some talent and working very, very hard. Gays are born that way.
When do was start outing women that played the 'mean girl' back in thier teens? Young girls are capable of cruelty - we need to be sure we purify our statehouses, the White House, etc...of any female that ever took advantage of someone lower in the social hierarchy.
I mean, its only equitable that females be held to the same standard.
chickenlittle said...
"The Pogues' Fairytale Of New York uses the same word. But nobody ever complained about that one . . . ."
They do complain about it, regularly, every Christmas.
All of this came about because society foolishly legalized gay marriage. All of the lawsuits, fines and personal destruction of Christians came about because of our surrender to the gays and their overbearing mothers. They said they just wanted to be treated like everyone else. They lied. The time to stop this destruction of our society has passed. Read Gibbon. This is not the first time this has happened. When gays and their behavior is normalized your society is doomed.
A faggot is a bundle of sticks “stronger together” as both Mussolini and Hillary noted, the history is pretty bad, being that it was about burning gay men at the stake, but that’s a pretty remote history and nobody who uses it today is even dimly aware of that connotation unless it is dragged up by some pedant. I would say that gay men have overcome that history, a history that has nothing to do with the United States anyway, a history that goes back to pre-modern Europe.
But the red guards will never let up. All we can really do is ignore them.
At least this Heisman winner took a lesson from Tim Tebow. There is no room in the NFL for anyone but women beating thugs who spit on the flag.
Hetero normal Christians who support the police and traditional values can look forward to fines and ridicule in the politically correct NFL.
Stick with baseball.
It’s for the normals.
How does he feel about fish sticks?
The worst part about it is it appears this was a manufactured story by a professional victim journalist working for USA Today. The award caused the Tweets to "resurface," mainly because the journalist decided they should be resurfaced, as in the journalist made an issue out of them and then reported on his own outrage. Whoever this journalist is, he should be terminating for being an overt activist, not to mention failing the most basic of journalistic ethics.
Tiv, i'm not sure that you'd be able to make the 'burnt at the stake' argument stick; though i'm hearing it more and more. here's wiki:
The word faggot has been used in English since the late 16th century as an abusive term for women, particularly old women, and reference to homosexuality may derive from this, as female terms are often used with reference to homosexual or effeminate men (cf. nancy, sissy, queen).
The application of the term to old women is possibly a shortening of the term "faggot-gatherer", applied in the 19th century to people, especially older widows, who made a meager living by gathering and selling firewood.
An alternative possibility is that the word is connected with the practice of fagging in British private schools, in which younger boys performed (potentially sexual) duties for older boys, although the word faggot was never used in this context, only fag.
The way I'd heard it: each upperclassman had his 'fag', whose job it was to bring in the fuel for the upperclassman's stove; and whatever else the upperclassman wanted the frosh to do
When I was back in high school (90s), gay-themed jokes were so common that it would probably be rare to find someone who hadn't used the f word or made such a joke. Social media back then was largely AOL Instant Messaging, so most such remarks from that time probably aren't preserved on the internet.
At some point the evil people who ruin people's lives over a single sin need to be stood up to and defeated. There is not a single person living who has never done something bad in their lives, and so long as it remains cost-free to do this kind of drive-by public character assassination, it will continue to be done to anyone whom the SJW mob decides is not one of them.
The Pogues' Fairytale Of New York uses the same word
Wiki: Pogue is American derogatory pejorative military slang for non-combat, staff, and other rear-echelon or support units.
I've read "poguey-bait" was used as a slur for homo, which also slurs pogues. Possibly by a retired military Senator in conversation.
We are stronger together.
Althouse, I hope you realize you aren’t supposed to use that word in any context.
Althouse gets to use the word because she has takes the "right" position on all things gay. You know?
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