December 14, 2018

The important news is not that President Trump is considering Jared Kushner for Chief of Staff...

.... it's that "Twitter Users Troll Jared Kushner Over Chief Of Staff Report" (HuffPo). You might think that article was written because there really was some funny stuff to collect. You would be wrong. I read it. Check my work if you don't trust me to save you the trouble.


AlbertAnonymous said...

You won’t believe Jared Kushner’s net worth... [click here]

Wait til you see what Jared Kushner looks like now... [click here]

This is all red meat for the bubble dwelling readers of HuffPo. Of course, I guess it’s not really red meat then, more like Kale for the bubble dwelling readers of HuffPo. But good, organic Kale, farm to table fresh from a sustainable farm that gives its Kale more room than those tiny cramped greedy corporate Kale farms.

Nonapod said...

those tiny cramped greedy corporate Kale farms.

Mustn't contribute to the evils of Big Kale.

Wince said...

Trump picking Jarred would be like Obama appointing Jarrett to be his Chief of Staff.

Well, except for the mommy thing.

Fernandinande said...

People Are Oddly Fascinated By Jared Kushner's New Facial Hair

Jared Kushner Is Not Happy That You Think He Has ‘Poopsie Pants’

Jared Kushner Apologizes After Mocking Occasional Cortex For Speaking English

A Comic For People Who Look To Jared Kushner For Outfit Advice And Get None

Myanmar Debates Jared Kushner Amid Evidence Of Pervasive Sexual And Domestic Violence

10 Natural Beauty Products For Jared Kushner

Fernandinande said...

What Jared Kushner Gets Wrong About Suicides On Tribal Lands

The Ugly Truth About Tampons And Jared Kushner

This Country Offers A Lesson In How To Respond To Jared Kushner

Investigation Unearths Hundreds Of Jared Kushners

Jared Kushner Killed His Family. Then The Love Letters Started Rolling In.

Alyssa Milano: ‘The Patriarchy Is Freaking Out’ Over Jared Kushner

rcocean said...

Who knew we electing Kushner when we voted for Trump. I guess Jared didn't want to stay home and bake cookies while the 1st Daughter was "advising".

Leland said...

It involves Twitter. I don't even need to trust you to know it doesn't need to be read. Still, I appreciate you taking one for the team.

eric said...

The funny part about all of this.

As soon as Trump is out of office Jared and Ivanka will reestablish there liberal bonifedes. Then, Democrats will welcome them back with open arms and encourage them to trash Republicans, which, they will probably do.

bsand112 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

I read it. Check my work if you don't trust me to save you the trouble.

I wouldn't read twitter with your eyes.

Jersey Fled said...

Jared made the mistake of marrying into the Trump family. If he were a Democrat, he'd be the next Beto.

Chuck said...

Can you explain your blog post headline, Althouse?

I didn't get the impression that HuffPo was not making any editorial judgment that the news about Jared Kushner was not important. I got the impression that the news about his being a candidate for Chief of Staff was significant, and it gave rise to a Twitter reaction, and they were -- in this one story among many others -- looking at that Twitter reaction.

Are you telling HuffPo which stories to write, and how to frame them? Isn't that as obnoxious, as your commenters telling you which stories to blog and how to frame them? I think it is.

That's not all. You are someone who frequently blogs about the Tweets of @realDonaldTrump. You've made it clear that you think that Twitter is a particularly interesting, dynamic mode of communication. And that Trump's use of the medium is particularly interesting. So why is the Twitter reaction as outlined in the HuffPo story not also interesting?

Curious George said...

"You might think that article was written because there really was some funny stuff to collect."

Nope. The left is not funny. Sad.

Chuck said...

Wow that was a bad sentence that I just posted. I apologize. Here's a better effort at it:

"I didn't get the impression that HuffPo was making an editorial judgment that, as Althouse put it, 'The important news is not that President Trump is considering Jared Kushner for Chief of Staff...'"

bagoh20 said...

I still like Subway, even if Jared got creepy after he lost all that weight.

Kevin said...

Rule 1: Every day the media must focus on bashing Trump so no one dare vote for him in 2020.

Rule 2: See Rule 1.

Kevin said...

At this point in the week, SNL is polishing drafts of its "Jared becomes Chief of Staff, hilarity ensues" opening.

Subject to revision if the "Michael Cohen sends Trump to prison" sketch can be more than just balloons dropping from the ceiling.

Meade said...

Chuck said...
“I apologize. “

Not good enough. Try again.

Curious George said...

Another Chuck comment that is the result of trying to put ten pounds of douche in a five pound bag.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
Chuck said...
“I apologize. “

Not good enough. Try again.

I never really cared enough to ask, but now I will. Following from our pervious exchange, I'd be interested to know how you voted in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Did you vote Obama-Obama-Trump?

I voted McCain-Romney-(Kasich)Trump.

gilbar said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AZ Bob said...

I'm surprised the left wing Huff Post isn't pushing for Kushner who would push their agenda.

tim maguire said...

Jared Kushner married the president's daughter and you won't believe what happened next!

Kushner is probably a terrible choice for chief of staff. In fact, it's hard to see how anybody other than a John Kelly or a James Mattis could be effective.

Known Unknown said...

Again, the press is gullible. Will they ever understand Trump?

tcrosse said...

But will it be good for the Jews?

Drago said...

Curious George: "Another Chuck comment that is the result of trying to put ten pounds of douche in a five pound bag"

To paraphrase Col Jessop, is there any other kind of LLR Chuck comment?

I do cut Chuck some slack today as another of his favorite lefty Webzine/Magazine's has officially shuttered.

The "lets elect all dems as fast as possible and fully implement far left policies across the board and entrench the far left in complete power for at least a generation so that we can 'save conservatism'" (wink wink wink wink) team has gone belly upl.


Apparently The Weekly Standard was no longer able to fool conservative/republican donors any longer.

Probably because Kristol and gang have been in bed with FusionGPS and far left billionaires for quite some time.

Of course, The Weekly Standard's literal tongue-bath for Cory Booker (very very LLR Chuck-like) was their declaration that their secret dem sympathy while posing as conservatives jig was up.

Infinite Monkeys said...

"Sorry, but that’s like putting Wesley Crusher in charge of the bridge. He’s already in way over his head as it is."

Dis Sulu not watch ST:TNG? Wesley was like the next step in the evolution of humanity.

narciso said...

Chuck doesn't realize this a two minute for kishner. Whose is a traditional liberal except on the question of Israel and now the hatred has turned to the kingdom too.

Darrell said...

Chuck voted Katshit?

What happened to all that Cruz support during the campaign?
Having trouble keeping your lies straight? Or are you just mad that Cruz had to come to Trump for help and Trump obliged?

Drago said...

Darrell: "Chuck voted Katshit?

What happened to all that Cruz support during the campaign?"

It would have been quite instructive to have watched in real time as LLR Chuck "evolved" his now apparently forgotten (LOL) asserted support of Cruz into a much less supportive position once Cruz was up against a dem.

At that point, golly gee, gee whiz, LLR Chuck would have discovered all sorts of reasons that doggone Cruz should not have our support. And Chuckie would have evolved his position for maximum rhetorical alignment with the far left.

And it would have been most "unexpected"....


Jim at said...

Are you telling HuffPo which stories to write, and how to frame them? Isn't that as obnoxious, as your commenters telling you which stories to blog and how to frame them? I think it is.

It's a rare when someone uses his own words to point out just how much of an asshole he is.

bleh said...

"That's not all. You are someone who frequently blogs about the Tweets of @realDonaldTrump."

Um. You do know who @realDonaldTrump is, right?

bleh said...

Chuck thinks the tweets of "Twitter users" are every bit as interesting and newsworthy as the tweets of the most powerful man on earth.

I'm going to create a Twitter handle and demand that news outlets write articles broadcasting my thoughts. If Althouse blogs about Trump's tweets but not mine, she's inconsistent, a hypocrite, a liar, clearly in the tank for Trump.

Makes sense.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Chuck voted Katshit?

What happened to all that Cruz support during the campaign?
Having trouble keeping your lies straight? Or are you just mad that Cruz had to come to Trump for help and Trump obliged?

Darrell, I'll do this once with you nicely. But only once.

Yes, I voted for Kasich in the 2016 Michigan Republican primary. I have repeatedly said so. For what it's worth (nothing, perhaps) Laurence Meade also indicated that he was going to vote in his primary for Kasich. Laurence said something to the effect that he thought that among the remaining candidates (early spring 2016) Kasich would be the best president.

Are you saying that any of that is a lie? Respond carefully.

Chuck said...

bleh said...
Chuck thinks the tweets of "Twitter users" are every bit as interesting and newsworthy as the tweets of the most powerful man on earth.

Did you read the linked story?

bleh said...

"Did you read the linked story?"

Yes. Did you read your own comment?

Drago said...

bleh: "Chuck thinks the tweets of "Twitter users" are every bit as interesting and newsworthy as the tweets of the most powerful man on earth."

LLR Chuck is only interested in advancing the tweets and narratives of one side of the political spectrum, and it sure isnt the conservative side, if you know what I mean.

bleh said...

In case you've already forgotten ...

"That's not all. You are someone who frequently blogs about the Tweets of @realDonaldTrump. You've made it clear that you think that Twitter is a particularly interesting, dynamic mode of communication. And that Trump's use of the medium is particularly interesting. So why is the Twitter reaction as outlined in the HuffPo story not also interesting?"

Now, please tell me you understand how stupid your comment was.

Chuck said...

bleh said...
"Did you read the linked story?"

Yes. Did you read your own comment?


So first thing; I want to stipulate that all of the Twitter users whose tweets were featured were indeed "Twitter users." They are Twitter users, like Donald Trump is a Twitter user. All of them, Twitter users.

Among the Twitter users whose tweets were featured, one was California Congressman Ted Lieu. Another was Star Trek actor ("Sulu") George Takei. The others were all book authors, writers, actors, comedians and/or radio hosts.

Since I am expecting a profoundly weird reply from you, let me preemptively stipulate; Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States and none of the people whose tweets were featured have been President. I got that. But just like the Current Occupant, they are -- all of them -- "Twitter users."

bleh said...

Chuck, it’s okay to admit your take was hot garbage.

Hunter said...

The headline was not even accurate. Not a single one of those tweets were "at" Kushner (he is apparently not on Twitter). To troll someone is to address them directly in a provocative manner. These people have no avenue to Kushner, and there's no indication that he knows or cares what they are saying.

Drago said...

bleh: "Chuck, it’s okay to admit your take was hot garbage."

Personally, I greatly enjoy LLR Chuck's many, many, many hilarious hot garbage takes.

I am never surprised by them, naturally, as I am usually fairly up to speed on the lefts daily talking points.

That is a necessary step if one is to understand where Chuck is coming from.

Chuck said...

bleh said...
Chuck, it’s okay to admit your take was hot garbage.

So this is where I talk past you, to the other readers of the Althouse blog and the comments pages.

I might be in some agreement with the notion that random unknown Twitter users routine tweets would mostly be less than newsworthy. But the Tweets of national political figures (like a Congressman) and noted authors, and particularly when they are somewhat en masse, and when they are (arguably; and I fully understand that Althouse may argue it) funny and clever, they could be part of a series of stories on whether Jared Kushner might be the next White House Chief of Staff.

And again I say to all; Althouse seems to have her knickers in a twist about HuffPo doing this story at all, and she seems particularly chapped about it not being as newsworthy as the fundamental fact, and politics, of Jared Kushner's candidacy for the position.

I gather that Althouse thinks that HuffPo should have done a straight news story about Kushner's possible selection for the job. Just like what HuffPo actually did, hours before the story that Althouse linked and blogged.

Darrell said...

Respond carefully.

Thanks for the advice, Chief, but I'll do as I please.
Voting for Katshit is akin to voting for any Democrat. I'd be ashamed to admit it. "The Lord wants us to accept the migrant caravan." No asshole, he doesn't. Jesus told us to obey the Law, render to Caesar. Bring Meade into the conversation because people like him, unlike you, is not worth discussing.

narciso said...

in other news:

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Respond carefully.

Thanks for the advice, Chief, but I'll do as I please.
Voting for Katshit is akin to voting for any Democrat. I'd be ashamed to admit it. "The Lord wants us to accept the migrant caravan." No asshole, he doesn't. Jesus told us to obey the Law, render to Caesar. Bring Meade into the conversation because people like him, unlike you, is not worth discussing.

Okay! You indicated that it was something of a lie, that I voted for Kasich. If you aren't asserting that anymore, that's good. As for what you think of my primary vote for Kasich, I care less than nothing.

Now, you just put an alleged quote from Kasich within quotation marks. Do you have a link? A real quote? Or is that another one of your own lies?

About Ted Cruz; if it were a primary choice between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump I'd vote for Cruz in a heartbeat. I rather like Ted Cruz. My only regret about Ted Cruz is that he seems to have given up on calling Trump a "pathological liar" as he once (rightly) did.

narciso said...

so the bogus 302 that surfaced from august 2017, after strzok was fired, was at odds with the one filed contemporaneously,

I hold no brief for Kushner, except in that he is the chosen bridge of the emirate and other gulf states, against islamists from Syria to north Africa, who are also against Israel, this is where the Qatari-Turkish-Iranian alliance is active,

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "About Ted Cruz; if it were a primary choice between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump I'd vote for Cruz in a heartbeat."

You would now, knowing of course that Trump can beat the dems at their own game so you might as well go with a different republican who is possibly less effective against your Weekly Standard-backed dems.

Darrell said...

Do you have a link?

Use Google, asswipe, if you can't trust it. It's not one of your many porkies. But here you go--

Ohio Gov Kasich: The Lord wants us to accept the migrant caravan; Biblical expert: not so fast! By Ann Corcoran, 10/29/18.

If you ever decide to off yourself, I thought of a way for you to save face. Set up a wash tub and fill it with water and apples. It'll look like an apple-bobbing accident. An unfortunate apple-bobbing accident.

narciso said...

now was it smart to seek out Qatari financing for the at & t office building, probably not, but it's not like at&t was going to default on the project,

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

now Qatar is an odd duck besides giving the Taliban and hamas sanctuary, funding hamas, and the other half of mosques in Europe, that the kingdom no longer did, they decided to become involved in a complicated mezzanine financing scheme to bring rosneft to the public, with Italian, and other parties, as you could expect, this scheme went sideways, had they actually offered carter page, a piece of the deal, like he had done with Gazprom some years back it would have gone smooth (that was one of the insinuations in the steele dossier that didn't pass the smell test)

narciso said...

I included the document in question, full moon, this is what mueller does as a matter of course, except in the case of dr. Stephen hatfill, where the bureau had to put up 5.5 mill and nick Kristof had to apologize,

FullMoon said...

Whoa: Mueller Tells Judge in Mike Flynn Case to Go F*** Himself, Refusing to Deliver The Original Notes of the Flynn Interview As He Was Ordered To Do

And of course Mueller immediately wiped Strzok's and Page's phones.

Mueller was ordered to turn over all notes of the Flynn interview and the orginal 302 filed by Strzok and Pientka. That is an interesting 302, because, of course, it has been reported that the interviewing witnesses said that Flynn did not offer any deception.

But then seven months later, when Mueller's looking prosecute Trump, a new 302 gets written that says Flynn did lie?

And Mueller continues defying a judge, refusing to turn over the original, despite being specifically ordered to produce it?

I don't think this calls for a sentence of no time to be served; I think this calls for a striking of Flynn's plea deal and a statement that Flynn has no longer pled guilty and is now officially just innocent.

You cannot tell a fucking judge to go fuck himself.

And you would not do so, unless you had real crimes of your own to cover up.

narciso said...

you specially don't do it to judge Sullivan who sanction the stevens fraudulent indictment crew, it's like picking a fight with james earl jones in soul man,

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Do you have a link?

Use Google, asswipe, if you can't trust it. It's not one of your many porkies. But here you go--

Ohio Gov Kasich: The Lord wants us to accept the migrant caravan; Biblical expert: not so fast! By Ann Corcoran, 10/29/18.

If you ever decide to off yourself, I thought of a way for you to save face. Set up a wash tub and fill it with water and apples. It'll look like an apple-bobbing accident. An unfortunate apple-bobbing accident.


And before asking you whether you had a quote from Kasich, I did use Google. I found that same column, posted on another webpage. I expected that that was what you had mistakenly thought was a quote when in fact it was never a quote.

I want you to picture me standing inches from you, jabbing my finger into your sternum for emphasis with every phrase as I sneeringly point out what you foolishly thought was a quote. With my spittle hitting your face as I dare you to do something about it.

Matt Sablan said...

I'll believe Mueller's team faces consequences when they do beyond not getting to screw their coworkers anymore or a slightly larger retirement.

Drago said...


It perfectly captured kasichs position

narciso said...

have a cupcake Chuck, you might have low blood sugar, it conveys Kasich's foolish mentality, perhaps that was why ana Navarro, who deep sixed McCain, huntsman and then jeb's campaign was singing his praises, people much more in the know than me, about conditions in ahia, have an instant dislike for him (it saves time)

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is really over compensating now!

Darrell said...


Oh, I forgot to mention that you should pull up your underwear and pants before you actually drown yourself in your staged apple-bobbing accident. And make sure you clear your browser history of the amputee gay midget scat porn.

And poke my sternum and you get a Bic stick pen in your carotid artery. Your left, in case you're wondering.

narciso said...

the puffington had a good debut thanks to the efforts of breitbart, and that piece about the Saudi perfidy by Gerald posner, but then it descended into the worst kind of bds insanity, which in the person of seth Greenland and eve ensler became pds,

Darrell said...

October 26, 2018
Appearing on CNN’s Newsroom on Thursday, Ohio Governor John Kasich stated that “The Lord doesn’t want” Americans to build walls around the country and wants Americans to welcome the migrant caravan headed to the United States from Central America.

CNN host Poppy Harlow asked Kasich about President Trump’s popularity despite his “continued attacks and divisiveness,” asking, ‘Despite these continued attacks and divisiveness from the president, his poll numbers are going up. How do you explain it?”

Kasich answered:

Well, first of all, there’s a big chunk of the country that doesn’t support him. So let’s — let’s just kind of look at where things are inside the Republican Party, it’s shrunken. And you know, look, things have also become very tribal. Here’s what bothers me. You know, we have a caravan coming north. We don’t want all those people coming across our border, and there are ways to deal with it. I believe if we could check those who are legitimately in need of asylum, could be vetted before they even get to the border. But you know what? We’re born in America. You know how lucky we are to be born in America and not be born in Guatemala where they would say to your daughter, you know, if you don’t do what we want, we will rape your daughter or we will kill your son if he’s not a drug mule? Now they’re marching north, and you know what? It could easily have been all of us, that we’re in the caravan, that we’re marching north trying to save our families and save our children.

We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. We’ve got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer. And if we have been spared those by the grace of God, let us be appreciative, let us count our blessings, and let us reach out to those who have less. And let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right. And the Lord doesn’t want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others. Look at what they do in these storms. They go and they rescue people they don’t know. They put them in their homes. They feed them. That’s America. Not all this garbage and this division and yelling and screaming and hatred on all sides. I guess I feel strongly about this. This stuff’s been bubbling up in me for a long time.”

Jim at said...

It appears certain posters aren't taking the news about The Weekly Standard all that well. Lashing out, even.

narciso said...

sad really, on the international affairs front, like that of iran's skullduggery it will be missed, but they fell in with Omidyar's bad crowd,

narciso said...

summing up:

Humperdink said...

"It appears certain posters aren't taking the news about The Weekly Standard all that well. Lashing out, even."

I am thrilled. This will give Editor-at-Large Bill Kristol an opportunity to run against Trump in 2020. Frosted Flake (R-McCain Wannabe) could be his running mate. Kristol-Flake has a nice ring to it.

It's amazing how many of Trump's enemies succumb.

Meade said...

Kasich would make a good running mate for Bernie Sanders in my opinion. Both are pro amnesty and anti wall. Even though he is pro same-sex marriage, Kasich is not pro abortion enough for Democrats, so it will never happen.

Meade said...

Kasich went from strong border, in 2015, to weak border, 2018. Wrong direction, John.

Fritz said...

Never mind...

Drago said...

Meade: "Kasich would make a good running mate for Bernie Sanders in my opinion."

A LLR Chuck Dream Ticket.

Assuming Luz Warren isnt available.

Drago said...

narciso: "sad really, on the international affairs front,..."

Not at all. Its always helpful when supposed republicans/conservatives are exposed as being completely and utterly aligned operationally with the far left.

There is a lesson in that for certain posters on this blog....

narciso said...

in more significant perspective,

Francisco D said...



Something has recently changed. Are you on the wagon or off the wagon?

My guess is that the alcohol fuels your arrogance and anger. It probably makes you think that you are as important as you always wanted to be, but failed.

In the morning, you are still a limp dick loser.

Chuck said...

Darrell, you made up a quote that you pretended was from Kasich and I caught you at it. Don't bother with trying to tell me about what Kasich thinks. I don't care what your views are.

I am simply saying to everyone that I caught you fabricating a quote, and I saw how you (so carelessly) did it. You quoted somebody's column headline. They were not Kasich's words.

narciso said...

I don't look on neocon as an epithet, look on winik's on the brink, to see the significant role they played against soviet accomodationists in the carter and even Reagan administration, but that success bred the hubris that military intervention is the first instead of final option, Iraq was defensible but very poorly handled, the toppling of Mubarak and qaddafi made no sense, except to the Iranian Qatari axis,

Humperdink said...

Darrell:"Ohio Gov Kasich: The Lord wants us to accept the migrant caravan; Biblical expert: not so fast!


Faithwire: "“Let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right, and the Lord doesn’t want it. And our people, at their hearts, want to reach out to others,” Kasich said."

We report, you decide.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck knows that his, Kasichs and their dem allies open borders position is politically unteneable.

So expect them to continue lying about it.

For instance, if a supposed republican claims to want "strong border security", or even "real strong border security", but no wall, then by definition they are lying about being anti-open borders.

And if a supposed republican calls for the classic accomplish-nothing "bipartisan commission" to identify what we should do about border security, then trust me that supposed republican is absolutely aligned with the open borders dems and is lying thru his teeth.

Hmmmmmm, wasnt it LLR Chuck who, just yesterday, calling for just those very things?


Why yes. Yes he was.


Humperdink said...

The leader of the caravan wants $50K/migrant from the feds to go back home.

Question LLR and Mueller: Would it be a campaign violation for Trump to agree to that demand?

Matt Sablan said...

"Question LLR and Mueller: Would it be a campaign violation for Trump to agree to that demand?"

-- I don't see how it can be, even if he paid it from his campaign funds, since no one batted an eye when Obama offered Jeremiah Wright money to go away. Then again, the payment to the migrants would be more transparent.

narciso said...

seeing as sr. Ulloa is a known terrorist, that would pose a problem, not an insurmountable one,

Matt Sablan said...

As a fun other side note of comparisons: Hatch getting reamed for saying he doesn't care about allegations against Trump -- but for a different reason than when Bernie said he didn't care about her damn emails. Compare and contrast.

narciso said...

well they aren't plainly illegal acts as with mrs clinton

Chuck said...

My own positions on immigration, Drago are these:
~Strengthen border security;
~No amnesty;
~No pathway to citizenship;
~No social welfare benefits for illegal aliens;
~Strict enforcement of e-verify.
~I am open to expanded work permits, to legalize otherwise undocumented workers. All of their U.S. identification would note their status as temporarily permitted workers, and not citizens. They would be subject to facial recognition registration.
~I would work toward eliminating birthright citizenship for all children born to undocumented, illegal and/or temporary worker immigrants.

That is my idea for "comprehensive immigration reform." Democrats would never agree.

I am actually in more agreement with Trump Administration policy (the actual policy, and not Trump's personal trashtalk) on discrete issues of immigration, than I am with Kasich, or Flake, or Graham.

My argument about Darrell's fake quote of Kasich was not intended to signal any policy agreement on my part with Kasich.

But I was right, and Darrell was wrong, about any legitimate provenance for that purported quote.

Meade said...

Chuck said...

"~Strengthen border security;"

...with a permanent wall.

Come on, Chuck, you can say it.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "My own positions on immigration, Drago are these:..."


You stated unequivocably yesterday that you wanted a bipartisan commission to decide.

Knowing of course that would mean open borders.

So, like your admission to just being here to smear Trump and attack in a racist way Ben Carson, you screwed up with your bipartisan shenanigans admission yesterday.

And, as I noted above, like your open borders dem allies, you know you have to lie to maintain the facade.

But it no longer works. For you or your Weekly Cuck-Standard "muh principles" fake conservatives.

And now you have to live with that.

Shouldnt be too difficult for a self-described smear merchant, such as yourself.

Not to worry Chuckie. There are lots of other children of real conservatives you can attack to make yourself feel better.

Good luck with the inevitable future therapy.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
Chuck said...

"~Strengthen border security;"

...with a permanent wall.

Come on, Chuck, you can say it.

There is already some wall, Meade. There is money already budgeted for there to be more wall and new-replacement wall.

How much more wall we might need is something I'd like to see some bipartisanship on.

What the Dems won't give in on, is any sort of $5 billion budgetary line-item for the purpose of handing Trump any sort of personal political victory. This is all about Donald Trump's personal politics. Not any actual border security. I can understand anyone who doesn't want to deal with Trump because Trump is such a fucking asshole.

Narayanan said...

Chuck said: I can understand anyone who doesn't want to deal with Trump because Trump is such a fucking asshole.

AKA cutting off nose to spite some thingy.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "How much more wall we might need is something I'd like to see some bipartisanship on."

LLR comes out swinging for the Full Pelosi border position.

Who could have guessed LLR Chuck would be in complete alignment with the dems on this issue?

Besides every sentient human above the age of 7, I mean....


Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Chuck has got to tipping the bottle back early tonight because he cant keep consistent his stream of contradictory positions!

We often see that sort of inconsistency on the part of those who are projecting a false persona....just sayin'....

Drago said...

Narayanan Subramanian: "AKA cutting off nose to spite some thingy."

Only if you accept that Chuck is a conservative.

I would caution against such a conclusion...for about a million demonstrated reasons.....

chickelit said...

I think you've got Chuck's number, Drago.

Drago said...

Poor Chuck.

Poor soul. He was just too high strung......

Darrell said...

Darrell, you made up a quote that you pretended was from Kasich and I caught you at it. Don't bother with trying to tell me about what Kasich thinks. I don't care what your views are.

I am simply saying to everyone that I caught you fabricating a quote, and I saw how you (so carelessly) did it. You quoted somebody's column headline. They were not Kasich's words.

Au contraire.
I can understand anyone who doesn't want to deal with Chuck because Chuck is such a fucking asshole. Deleting his comments--sometimes months later--is part of his M.O.

Chuck said...

Darrell I have never deleted a comment of mine in order to hide anything. And you can't point to a single time that I have done so.

I do have a record of some deleted comments; it is because upon reading a very few of them, I see a typo or some poor construction that I am unhappy with. I would edit such a comment if I could but I can't. Routinely, just under any comment that I have deleted, you will see a replacement/corrected comment from me.

You cannot point to any comment from me where I deleted something "months later."

You just lied about making up a quote from Kasich, and now you're lying about me.

JAORE said...

Kids, don't do Kristol-Flake, or Meth, don't do Meth either.