"... who railed against women, black people, and immigrants in a series of online videos and songs.... On a YouTube channel in 2014, [Scott] Beierle filmed several videos of himself offering extremely racist and misogynistic opinions, in which he called women 'sluts' and 'whores,' and lamented 'the collective treachery' of girls he went to high school with.... In one video called 'Plight of the Adolescent Male,' he named Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 and is often seen as a hero for so-called incels, or those who consider themselves 'involuntarily celibate.' 'I’d like to send a message now to the adolescent males ... that are in the position, the situation, the disposition of Elliot Rodger, of not getting any, no love, no nothing. This endless wasteland that breeds this longing and this frustration. That was me, certainly, as an adolescent,' he said.... Some in the incel community have previously raged against women wearing yoga pants... Beierle’s political affiliations were not immediately clear, but he was highly critical of the Obama administration in his 2014 videos...."
Reports BuzzFeed News.
If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
Lots of terrible song lyrics at the link: "To hell with the boss that won’t get off my back, To hell with the girl I can’t get in the sack"/"I’m no athletic shark. I’m not a physical specimen. I don’t win the trophies and medals. Nobody stands in awe of me"/"I have no shame, but this is to blame. I would do anything. I just don’t care. I have no fear of any consequences... I am pro-death... The more that die the merrier."
Sounds like typical rap music to me.
I'd say all those women who wanted nothing to do with him knew what they were about.
I haven't read any facts about this yet, but from this here post he sounds like a far-leftie that bought in to it because he thought it would get him laid, but it didn't.
Reminds me of the Eddie Murphy SNL skit "C-I-L-L Cill my landlord..." sketch.
I'm now reading that the shooter was a former MD teacher. I live in MD. I stand by my previous comment.
What would make a person think like that? Inquiring minds want to know.
So there are guys out there who think that shooting a bunch of people they don't even know is somehow going to get them laid? How does that work?
Who is against yoga pants?
Beierle Was a U.S. Army Veteran & High School English Teacher
(that link says he "ranted", but didn't "rail")
why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"
The US has about 47 murders per day, 80% of murdered people are men and most murdered and murderers are black; so this incident was a anomaly, and reporting this incident without mentioning that it was quite atypical was dishonest, in a way.
"If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?"
Doublespeak / Doublethink
I'm convinced "1984" has become a blueprint rather than a warning.
How does that work
He'll get love letters in prison.
The most mysterious part of the article: "Some in the incel community have previously raged against women wearing yoga pants." Incel logic is not obvious to those of us unfamiliar with them. Are these pants considered to be especially arousing? The opposite? Something else?
Libertarians are against "women, black people, and immigrants"? Diversity, maybe. Still, a broad brash to paint a class for the sake of political congruence.
He may be from the left-right nexus of anarchists and totalitarians.
He may have made a choice and suffered under the burden of unrequited lust.
Ah, Obama... Social justice adventures! What are they good for?
Another right wing women hater and pussy grabber set of by those copper lined yoga pants-- so sad.
"he was highly critical of the Obama administration in his 2014 videos"
Presumably these videos are informative re this guy's political POV.
Oh! Oh! If only Buzzfeednews had links to the videos they apparently claimed to have watched (I bet they didn't).
Search youtube for a couple of the videos named by buzzshit,
"The Rebirth of my Misogynism"
"Plight of the Adolescent Male"
and you'll get "Scott Carnifex" (17 videos, 3 subscribers) even though his posts don't contain those strings.
roesch/voltaire said...
Another right wing women hater and pussy grabber set of by those copper lined yoga pants-- so sad.
11/3/18, 5:59 PM
Do you think that if you say it enough times, it will become true?
Presumably these videos are informative re this guy's political POV.
And yet they say his views are still unclear. Hmm.
"If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?"
Anyone who performs an evil deed is by definition "a far-right extremist."
seems like this "far-right extremist" is only missing one thing to be complete. He already:
* wants (demands) women to dress more modestly
* thinks that he is allowed to assault and molest immodest woman
* thinks women are objects
* hates Yoga (an Infidel religion)
All he needs is a Koran, and people would be making up excuses for him
It's a little late in the game, but Obama should apologize for his hateful rhetoric which set off Rodgers, the original incel killer......The serial murderers get all the hot chicks. Mass murderers not so much.
The most mysterious part of the article: "Some in the incel community have previously raged against women wearing yoga pants."
Well, the link in the article indicates that "some in the incel community" consists of some guy who trolled reddit 11 months ago, and a bunch of people who thought he was goofy.
It's national news!
Who is against yoga pants?
Well, on fat chicks, me.
Bad L,
I made that statement cause I thought it was funny that Althouse ignored what the piece said re those videos.
She's funny.
If he supported Trump, that would have been the lede.
Ooh, man, dig that crazy chick.
Who wears yoga pants
We wear yoga pants
They're such yoga pants
We like yoga pants
Who wears yoga pants
We wear syoga pants.
They don't write 'em like nowadays!
If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
Well now, that’s, a really, really good question. But Althouse, you aren’t SUPPOSED to ask questions, you H8R!
@O_O, what Curious George wrote.
Big M,
She's F-ing w/ y'all.
The piece makes it clear this is a Rush L type guy. Althouse knows that. But I guess she (correctly) thinks it's funny to trick and manipulate cons w/ triggering blather.
Carry on.
I wonder how the mad bomber will make out in the marriage mart. He's an ex-bodybuilder and stripper, so he's got that working for him. On the other hand, he never killed anyone and women are very superficial when it comes to things like that. If you're not a true killer, they look right through you......Here in NYC, from what I see, only girls who can wear yoga pants actually wear yoga pants. In other parts of the country it might be different. Walmart shoppers in yoga pants, that's what drove that FBI agent into the anti-Trump conspiracy.
What could go wrong when folks do that?
More grist for Don Lemon's mill.
Auntie de Shitter face has it all figured out.
Since some here have perceived that Ann Althouse has moved to the right politically over recent years, I've taken the precaution of alerting the Madison Police Department to keep an eye on her. It's probably unnecessary, but you can't be too safe.
What is it with these incel guys? While this guy was no beauty judging by the photos he wasn't so ugly to be repulsive that he couldn't find a woman that would be receptive to him. Plenty of guys worse looking than him get woman so looks can't be the problem. Being weird or obnoxious must be it. Guys will do crazy if she is hot. Woman generally don't do crazy but there are a lot of exceptions to that rule.
How about the guy was totally bat shit crazy. He didn't have a political view - he was just effed up. If it was possible to commit crazy people before they go completely off the deep end and kill people anymore, based on the shit he posted, he should have been invlountaryily commited. But the aclu and others have made sure you can't do that anymore, as long as the individual is not an immediate threat to themselves or others.
So we get to see this played out over and over. We really need to get our act together as regards mental health.
Many Young men have been excluded from the husband/father role of responsability in life because they do not have marrigable careers paying enough to start a up a household with. That is the basic Jordan Peterson analysis. Hopefully the resurgence of jobs in the USA under Trump will remedy this present reality.
Why he blames women in general for hating him for being stuck in "useless land " is the question.
Everyone bad has to be associated with Donald (Emmanuel Goldstein) Trump, doncha know.
I am not a fan of yoga pants. Nearly everybody looks best when there is some mystery to discover, if they let you. At least wear a longer shirt so that there is some mystery.
Unless you are in a gym setting, as this jackasses victims were.
For anybody reading: the proper way to commit murder suicide is to start with suicide. After that, kill away.
Birkel - thanks for that last. I was going to post they always get the steps wrong. Step one being to put their gun in their mouth and pull the trigger, then go on to step two.
You really have to be effed up to think killing strangers is a solution to your own bad decisions.
"If his 'political affiliations were not immediately clear' why is Buzzfeed referring to him as 'a far-right extremist'?"
Now you really know the answer to that.
Because, because, because, . . . Trump.
If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
They're hoping you don't read past the headline.
"If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?"
We start by blaming anyone on the right and of course Trump. That's the assumption until we can gather more info.
This guy was in the Army from about age 30 to 32. Who joins the Army at age 30?
I’m sorry for the two women who died, but happy that the class as a whole did the right thing and rushed the attacker. This caused him to kill himseif. Contrast with the Orlando nightclub, where scores of club-goers tried to hide and basically waited to be shot. The strange inaction of the Orlando police meant that their waits were not in vain.
Asexual, apolitical, amoral, a-hole.
Oh everyone in the media is so excited right now so they can just totally ignore the gay black guy that was spraying stuff on the synagogue. Yay!
The guy was really angry. As far as anger is concerned - the left and the right have an equal share.
If you want to blame Trump, Trump hardly hates women. He really likes women.
but that won't stop the left from blaming Trump now will it?
But the aclu and others have made sure you can't do that anymore, as long as the individual is not an immediate threat to themselves or others.
The psychiatrists who examined young Nikolas Cruz didn’t think he represented an immediate threat to himself or others. Seventeen dead high school students later, it was clear that they were wrong.
The guy who got pistol whipped defending women needs to be celebrated. That guy was a legitimate hero. He should be dining out for free on his good behavior. I would buy him a nice steak dinner.
Prayers for both women. A tragic loss.
Another article I read said he joined some pro-Trump/conservative Facebook pages. It also described strange behavior from him towards woman, dating back to at least 2011. He sounds as though he was mentally ill or had some kind of brain injury that affected impulse control and his ability to tell what is socially appropriate behavior.
"Why he blames women in general for hating him for being stuck in 'useless land' is the question."
The problem with men who think like this, "incels," if you will, is not that they are necessarily ugly or otherwise obviously impaired in a way that makes them unable to find women who might like them,(Roger Elliot was good looking...but from viewing his videos, one could see he was pathologically self-absorbed and self-pitying.)
The problem is with their distorted interior mental landscape: they lack the social confidence and social intelligence to know how or be able to approach or interact with women. However, rather than try to improve their own social deficiencies, the incels simply resent that women are not automatically offering themselves up to them for ready sex. They assume women are superficial whores who will only go out with or sleep with rich, handsome assholes, while they, the poor, misunderstood "sensitive" guys are being unfairly deprived of sex with women.
In short, they're mentally ill and emotionally infantile.
"This guy was in the Army from about age 30 to 32. Who joins the Army at age 30?"
A loser with no other options.
"Who joins the Army at age 30?"
Robert Cook:
"A loser with no other options."
I was 34.
I was a professor at a world-class university. My other option was to go on with my established career, which was going fine.
It was always the other thing I wanted to do, there was a war on that I thought needed winning, and I could no longer sit in my nice safe protected-by-others office and cheer others on from afar. Thought I'd join while I still could.
This guy was indeed a huge loser. I met several second-career soldiers and there wasn't a loser among them.
I withdraw my remark, with my apologies.
“If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
It is important for the leftmediaswine to have foils for the likes of Antifa and BLM. Of course, Antifa and BLM are not extremists to the Democrats. They are merely the IRA to the Democrats Sinn Fein.
Robert Cook, I appreciate that.
And while I don't want to embarrass you here, I've appreciated your comments for a long time now. You make me think. For civility, ability to shrug off insults, and refusal to carry water for partisan reasons, I wish there were more like you on any side.
Thank you JPS, beat me to it.
Good on you RC for withdrawing the remark, though it should go farther than that and you should probably rethink other things.
But you won't. "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Winston Churchill
Thank you for your kind remarks.
Mommy issues. But they will blame it on Trump to try to get Republicans even more pissed. Remember when they blamed Pulse on Obama?
I guess I am starting earlier than planned to be "Holding the High Watch" in prayer for america, most high Good, streaM through and strengthen each one of us. Already started sitting daily 40 minutes and figured through tuesday, but I am already doubling up, 1 morning session, one evening, with additional reinforcements as needed.
Godspeed, america, g+d bless.
Why aren't people celebrating the guy who ran to defend others and was beaten for his efforts?
Partisan point scoring sucks.
But that guy did not suck.
He deserves praise.
Robert Cook at 7:14: Thus post demonstrates why, though I rarely agree with anything you say on political matters, I have great respect for you as a man.
Agreed, strongly.
I also think it’s too bad James Shaw, Jr. isn’t more famous. Decided if he was going to die, he was going to make the bastard work for it.
Looks like the maximum age for Army recruit is 35. Navy is 34 and Marines is 28. Air Force is 39.
The army maybe paid off his student debt? This got a lot of air time on the late night
local news. They showed a quick video of Nelson and Gillum hugging Obama while noting Gillum's
campaign stops and that he was rushing back to Tallahassee. Did Desantis real quick before getting to The Baldwin thing that they'd get into after the break. I almost was going to wait. Gun control is an issue I think is swinging some voters back to the Dems. Especially the soccer moms.
90% of these killers belong to one political party:
The Loonies.
BTW, i was curious about the Toronto Van Killer and googled him and found it was impossible to find out anything about his ethnic background or religion.
Strange, eh?
"Already started sitting daily 40 minutes and figured through tuesday, but I am already doubling up, 1 morning session, one evening, with additional reinforcements as needed."
Ha ha. That's like me!
I've got four days left (that means Sun, Mon, Tues are left, after midnight) on my nerd-watch week long competition w/ an insane athlete who can only be beat w/ strategy (even though I'm plenty nuts re athleticism, too), not a full-on power battle.
Today I think they realized what's goin on. I've been careful to always stay a wee bit behind, and close the at the very end of each day a point (or at the most two points) behind. And, I've cleared almost all of Tuesday when I'll be running nearly a marathon up a 15% grade. The points jackpot. Snatch!
Anywho, back to what may have been realized by my competition today, unlike other days, they've been massively sandbagging today (the nerd-watch gives real time updates.) I think they're on to me. They're conserving because they know Tuesday is gonna be a war. My big dumb yap has let some mutual friends know what I'm up to w/ the strategy. I think one of their wives did a gal-jabber backdoor thing-y. Cat seems to be outa da bag.
F me. I do not lose.
So, I may die on Tuesday. More likely I'll just not be able to walk for a day or two. FTR, that won't be the first time that's happened because I forced myself to win a physical competition. Not kidding.
This guy was a HS teacher in MD but then drifted down to Florida.
All the Nuts can't afford to live in California anymore - FLA is the new crazy state.
"Army recruit is 35. Navy is 34 and Marines is 28. Air Force is 39.
Good God, they've really raised it.
If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
Muh Narrative.
One of the links says he got a Masters in Public Administration from FSU in 2013.
Good thing this homicidal manic is far right, otherwise he might have been somehow someway become associated with ME.
BTW, I normally subscribe to the philosophy that claims: 'if you buy the best you'll never be disappointed.'
But, that Hermes nerd-watch could be an exception.
I keep buying that version, but it gives you nothing for the money. I don't even use the orange or leather bands (hence my annual hand-me-down comes w/ new bands), cause I like buying one of the normal color plastic ones: that seems more purposeful and tasteful.
Anywho, I guess the new Hermes watch face is cool with the options that have two colors. But, the damn thing doesn't work any better. Not to mention that I never use that watch face cause there's no data.
Let us all praise God the accurate label "far right" exists because otherwise these bravest of brave soul might not yearn more than anything to murder extremists.
Humble brags are the best kinds of brags.
Others, mortzls unlike Satan, sell, things influence them.
But our most ama,ingly gracious commentator, having the superior knowledgeable wjsdom, as you might play witb a cat, prances his superiority above us as if his only aspiration is one of reigning sadly.
”...a self-proclaimed misogynist..."
Uh-huh, right ...
The best thing about Hermes is Jane.
Geez...er, I mean, golden years folks (esp here) seem to be too much into a checking out sorta vibe v the opposite of that.
But, I remember that y'all were into:
F yoga pants. The oldies but goodies already figured it out. Before they grew up.
I didn't mention the first one I bought. I thought about it, but then thought that that would be to brag-y.
Anywho, didn't give that away. Can melt it down if Glenn Beck is right.
Another Trumpist on a rampage.
If Glen Beck is right (assuming I know what you mean by that) I will steal your gold.
And I will have meat in my freezer or it will be salted and cured.
But fancy watches are nice too.
But I don't think wasting money is much of a brag, personally.
I’d never heard of the term “incel” until this post. But I tell you what this is a piece of: the tribalism and identity politics of the Left. The Dems have created a war between Men and Woman to go along with the war between Whites v. All other Races.
There is a post by a woman named Wednesday at CNN telling women to cut off men from sex before the midterms. Vote Dem or no sex! I guess this moron doesn’t know we have secret ballots. She’s identified something called “service sex” and she wants to use it to stop the male patriarchy. That’s the long term goal.
To say this idea of politics is totally fucked up is an understatement.
I laugh when the Left claims Trump divides America. Dividing and Balkanizing America is what the Left lives for.
"Another Trumpist on a rampage."
I was surprised to see Althouse post this. It's so devastating to her fans.
Reading through the POV of this nut is sorta like reading regulars here. Not the gal hate stuff, these threads don't seem to be the place for that. I guess that's cause this blog is run by a gal, and most guy commenters probably need meds to get hard. So, incels need not apply. Just loon cons.
Anywho, The rest of the Limbaugh-type POV that this guy was into is a good fit w/ the mainstream in Althouse-landia.
Bless the victims, and those who helped the victims. Bless the owner of the studio, who certainly never imagined this when she fulfilled her dream.
I'm a yoga teacher, so I'm hoping this isn't something that catches on like schools shootings did.
This guy hated women, gay people, minorities, and cops. He's been looking for a job since 2013. Seems like someone who had fallen through the cracks.
"But I don't think wasting money is much of a brag, personally."
It's not waste, it's relative.
Compared to some loser living on a dollar a day in a shithole country, you are wasteful if you buy a plastic mechanical pencil for $10 instead of a cheap, normal pencil for $0.15.
It's like cruising at lightspeed makes yur clock run slower = reality.
Who pays for office supplies?
Another weird brag.
“Reading through the POV of this nut is sorta like reading regulars here.”
Sounds like Gahrie and some of the other misogynists.
“Bless the victims...”
I’m pretty sure they and their families would rather they were still alive than to be showered with such “blessings”. There comes a time these prayers , blessings and sympathies fall flat. How many more far right nutjobs will Trump incite to act out in deadly violence? I hate to see how rightists will react on Wednesaday morning.
Anybody trying to use a deranged killer a political weapon is doing life wrong.
Praise the guy who ran toward danger and saved lives.
He suffered a pistol whipping and is a hero.
“Praise the guy who ran toward danger and saved lives.
He suffered a pistol whipping and is a hero.”
Birkel desperately trying to distract from the fact that this killer was another Trumpist.
But I don't think wasting money is much of a brag, personally.
11/3/18, 8:29 PM
PBJ's new character's shtick involves pretending that he is a wealthy man with a good life. This is how PBJ thinks rich people are. It's like the sodal ye character bragging about jetsetting and sexually exploiting native girls everywhere he goes. He thinks people will admire, envy and seek to emulate him.
“The videos had names like "Plight of the Adolescent Male" and "Dangers of Diversity."”
“Dangers of Diversity”. We’ve heard you Trumpists railing against diversity for years. He was one of you. Another one.
Don't worry, people acting like ghouls.
Normal people won't think you are God awful.
Persuadable people are going to follow you as you cheer violence.
The murder doesn't appear to be politically or racially or religiously motivated. So who cares what his politics are? Nut cases on all sides.
“The murder doesn't appear to be politically or racially or religiously motivated. So who cares what his politics are? Nut cases on all sides.”
He was a misogynist and a racist. He ranted against diversity and called women who dated black men “whores”. I care enough to not want him associated with my party or politics.
steve uhr,
Agree. But even if he was politically motivated it is not indicative of an entire political party.
And let's all celebrate the heroes who charged the gunman. I am happy they acted heroically and want to celebrate their fine qualities. Thank God they didn't pause to consider politics in such a situation. Thank God they acted as any good person should.
Many Young men have been excluded from the husband/father role of responsability in life because they do not have marrigable careers paying enough to start a up a household with. That is the basic Jordan Peterson analysis. Hopefully the resurgence of jobs in the USA under Trump will remedy this present reality.
I don't see a lot of young men, let's say men in their twenties, pining for the opportunity to marry a girl, have a baby or two, and work a blue collar job to pay the mortgage while she stays home and makes pot roasts. Sure seems to me that many (there are exceptions) men or "men" in their twenties want to smoke pot, play video games, consume porn, and have no-strings sex with as many women as will have them.
"Thank God they didn't pause to consider politics in such a situation. Thank God they acted as any good person should."
Too bad that if they don't truly believe in HeyZeus they'll be burning in hell for eternity. Sorta takes the wind outa yur thanks to be big guy upstairs since he's the reason they'll be tortured for eternity.
The guy who was pistol whipped lived. He charged the gunman and saved others. I have been praising that guy in particular.
Your efforts to be a jerk are noted.
Males complaining about women wearing yoga pants? If those guys are incel, women are not to blame.
“I have been praising that guy in particular.”
Isn’t Birkel just the best person on earth? He’s praising the hero. He thinks that distances his politics from this killers politics. Um...no it doesn’t.
Inga - the killer, who is now at room temperature, was a total fucking batshit crazy person. His political views or lack thereof are of no consequence. He decided to go kill strangers because he was crazy. Not becasue of Donald Trump, not because of he republican party, not because of Obama, not becuase of the deomcratic party - just becasue he was totally batshit crazy. Nothing else. He is to blame - only him.
The perverse view you present is disturbing. Your politics is all-consuming and I pity you. I sincerely hope you reverse your unhealthy course.
Maybe Don Lemon is correct
What do we suppose he will do to "us"
“The perverse view you present is disturbing. Your politics is all-consuming and I pity you. I sincerely hope you reverse your unhealthy course.”
Nice try, weirdo. You’re the one who scared poor WWWW so badly by constantly saying odd things about her children that she no longer commrnts here. No one is fooled by your virtue signaling.
Of course. How dare I present my position if fragile Leftists might purposefully misinterpret my words? I should be cowed by those who would strip me of my fundamental rights.
I am guilty of WrongThink, unapologetically.
And I pity you.
What a pitiful motherfucker. If you don't want to go to the effort to make yourself appealing to women, you can always buy sex. What this guy wanted to do was not make an effort to appeal to women & have them fall over him any how. Jesus, what a dope.
Even men in prison aren't "involuntarily celibate." They can pay someone to legally marry them & then get conjugal visits (I actually know someone who did this, and he was a far-right racist extremist).
I don't see a lot of young men, let's say men in their twenties, pining for the opportunity to marry a girl, have a baby or two, and work a blue collar job to pay the mortgage while she stays home and makes pot roasts. Sure seems to me that many (there are exceptions) men or "men" in their twenties want to smoke pot, play video games, consume porn, and have no-strings sex with as many women as will have them.
And what has happened recently that puts them off that? Certainly the advent of free porn and endorphin pumping video games, yes. Certainly that.
AND the majority of our young men have been victims of divorce (I was). They saw their dads torn from their families, the harsh choices made by all, particularly the children, been raised by a woman who has anger issues towards men, and are told CONSTANTLY by women that they are violent, horrible misogynists.
Yeah, sign me up for some of that! Particularly considering that 70% of divorces are started by women.
And yet you ladies want to pretend that this is going to have zero effects on your dating and mating prospects, with a single self righteous bimbo who ditches her date to status climb with Aziz Ansari shaming him publicly for a lousy date.
Every college aged guy has seen it happen on campus. They see it in editorials. They see it in the screaming during 'anti rape marches'.
My son is very hesitant to even approach women because of how...fraught...it has become.
So if you raise the cost of a cow too high, no one is going to buy, particularly when milk is so cheap.
Women broke the marriage market and intelligent professional liberal women have ruined their brand. Althouse FREQUETLY has articles posted about women whining about dating.
They need a mirror.
There is also self-abuse and internet porn, but live breathing women are prferable. But you have to make the effort to not be a dick.
You also have to be accepting of rejection - frequently - and keep trying.
Granted. Every man wants a sure thing. They also need a dose of reality in what they can pull.
Then again, women need that same course. They all think they deserve George Clooney's twin brother.
I don't see a lot of young men, let's say men in their twenties, pining for the opportunity to marry a girl, have a baby or two, and work a blue collar job to pay the mortgage while she stays home and makes pot roasts.
I don't see a lot of young women willing to stay home and make pot roasts while her husband supports the family.
"Birkel desperately trying to distract from the fact that this killer was another Trumpist."
That is an amazing thing to say, given that nearly all the men caught up in the #metoo thing have been vocal critics of Trump & the GOP. We all know that Weinstein said he was an ugly Jewish guy so using his power over women to coerce sex and silence from them was the only way he could get laid (a lie). Louis C.K. made the news with his horrific, sexually explicit tirade against Sarah Palin.
Your side is guilty, guilty, guilty, Inga.
“That is an amazing thing to say, given that nearly all the men caught up in the #metoo thing have been vocal critics of Trump & the GOP.”
What did this guy have to do with the #MeToo movement? He was an Incel, a Trumpist, a racist and a misogynist. His YouTube videos are out there.
“I am guilty of WrongThink, unapologetically.”
You’re guilty of being a weirdo who viciously harassed a young mother, WWWW on these very threads every single time she commented. You are probably as weird as this Incel guy who murdered these two women.
Inga - the killer is to blame - nobody else. You can't fix violence if you won't hold the individual who engages in it repsonsible. When you blame everybody but them, you just keep getting the smae shit.
“Inga - the killer is to blame - nobody else.”
You don’t know that. It’s about time Trumpists take some responsibility for the rhetoric that is pushed by Trump. Whatever he says, you people like. No push back, nothing. It’s as if you don’t know right from wrong anymore. Stop being apologists, stop being sychophants.
So Weinstein loved women? So the rest of the pack of liberals who used their positions of power to rape women, loved women and considered them to be their equals in humanity?
Your comments here only serve to show that you have no integrity. If Beierlie was a liberal billionaire who supported feminist causes you would, at least, be silent on his political motivation.
Did you blame Weinstein's behaviour on his political leanings? Did you say that it tainted his political causes?
Bullshit lady. What we do now is blame the tool, blame their parents, their teachers, the krap they see on social media - ad infinitum. You hold the individual responsible - period. Or you will keep getting the violence. People are responsible for their actions - nobody else.
They even figured that out at Nuremburg. They held the indivduals responsible - not the dead Hitler. By your figuring, every time some antifa punk assualts somebody, Obama should go to jail.
“Beierle’s political affiliations were not immediately clear, but he was highly critical of the Obama administration in his 2014 videos. In one video, he said that he resented having to subsidize as a taxpayer “the casual sex lives of slutty girls” through the Affordable Care Act’s contraception provisions. In the same video he also criticized “the invasion of Central American children” in the US that year and said the migrants seeking asylum should be deported on barges.”
And here I am going to "viciously" disagree with Royal ass Inga.
Trump has not given into the Left. That does not mean his rhetoric causes violence. And his free speech is valuable. It is as valuable as my own. And I won't let you control me.
The effort to blame words for actions is an attempt to cause people to self-censor.
Hard pass on surrendering my natural rights.
Its the same metallity that blames the gun, or the knife, or the baseball bat, or the truck or the bike lock, or 'its just this damn war and nixon'. People do bad things and they should be held accountable for them.
Blame the gun, blame the baby, blame the outfit, for triggering an extreme reaction. Men and women are not personally responsible for their choices, but are marionettes who strut and fret their hour upon the stage...
That said, rights and responsibilities, equal not politically congruent, #HateLovesAbortion.
He was critical of Obama, ergo Obama bears the blame for this attack.....right? This is simple Pittsburg logic, isn't it?
It was Obama and the yoga pants, those.damn.yoga.pants.
"So there are guys out there who think that shooting a bunch of people they don't even know is somehow going to get them laid? How does that work?"
They get Bubba for cellmate
I have to confess that I do not even know what yoga pants are.
Um, well I was going to post a link to a picture, but they all border on soft porn.
Think various colors, very skin tight, very stretchy and if the person is not wearing underwear, fairly revealing.
I read online today about some crazy sex resort in the Caribbean where guys would pay to basically lounge out, drink, eat, and have sex with lots of hookers in a beautiful luxury tropical environment. Apparently it is scandalous that it exists.
The cost wasn't that high, like five grand a week, the price of a decent used motorcycle. I couldn't help but think that the cost of the third world hookers was the smallest component of the price.
Dudes, if you think you are incel, just buy the damn pussy.
"Well, the link in the article indicates that "some in the incel community" consists of some guy who trolled reddit 11 months ago, and a bunch of people who thought he was goofy."
Thanks! The idea that yoga pants are especially attractive is new to me. But then, I am not a man. Yoga pants make me think of pajamas.
"Reports BuzzFeed News."
Well, there's the problem. You have no idea what's true and what isn't.
Our free speech is violence.
Their violence is free speech.
Never fails.
Jersey Fled said...
"Sounds like typical rap music to me."
Clearly, someone doesn't listen to much rap music.
If his "political affiliations were not immediately clear" why is Buzzfeed referring to him as "a far-right extremist"?
Democrats are the mommy party and Republicans are the daddy party. If he's a man who is hostile to women, they assume he's a Republican. Somebody who is murdering women is clearly not a well-adjusted person. So he's not a well-adjusted Republican. He's probably not even registered or voting. But they put him on the right because 1) he's a man and 2) he's hostile to women. ("Daddy's mad at Mommy").
If a woman was sacrificing babies for her coven of witches to save mother earth from overpopulation, it would be fair to call her a "far-left extremist." Not that Mama Media would ever use that phrase! Or say bad things about women.
Of course it's dangerous to think of the government as family. Nonetheless, mother and father archetypes are very common, and we should not be surprised when people running for office seek to rely on these archetypes.
Democrat: "I feed you."
Republican: "I protect you."
Trump is a master at this emotional manipulation, as good as any Democrat.
Many women vote Republican because they like their daddies and aren't afraid of them.
We could say the same thing about Democrats. Many men vote Democrat because they like their mommies and aren't afraid of them.
And yet as the Democrats become more and more feminist and pro-women, it becomes harder and harder for men to vote for them.
"We abort babies if we want to!"
"Every man is a potential rapist!"
"Believe all women!"
(Consider the possibility that people register as Independent because they don't want to take sides in this bitter fight between the mommy party and the daddy party).
Mama Media's emotional campaign against Trump is like a mother who is saying awful things about father to a child while her parents are in the middle of a divorce. It can work. But if the daughter senses the manipulation, it can backfire wildly.
Gotta give the media slobs credit for trying. The “far right” label comes from a pozzed media with its roots in the far left.
- yes, young, North American women are increasingly slutty, irresponsible, and arrogant. They get away with it until they start to age, at which point they transition slowly into fat, unattractive hormonal cat ladies. It’s a trope now that we are three generations deep in left wing feminism. To notice this obvious fallout is anathema to the far left zealots that run the mass media.
- no, diversity and multiculturalism are obviously not good for us. Africa is what it is because it’s full of Africans. Ditto for Mexicans. When those people come to America they do here what they do here what they do in their homelands, and cities like Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans result. To notice obvious things like this is anathema to the far left fanatics that own and run the mass media.
- they are also fond of blaming guns for crime rather than criminals. That is because the vast majority of criminals are leftists as well.
The crime of noticing the truth is becoming a serious problem for the left - and the recent elections prove it. Lefties can scream about Trump all they want; at least he kept a rancid, vinegar drinking shrew from becoming a president. For that we should all be grateful.
Many people, of course, try to keep emotion out of their voting decisions. ("Economy is good! I'm voting status quo!") But emotion plays a huge part in voting, in part because emotion stimulates us to action.
I had a law professor one time who said that voting was ridiculous because it doesn't matter what one person does, in a nation of 300,000,000 people. He considered himself a rational non-voter.
So the rational people stay home and emotional people get out and vote!
I didn't actually call him a dummy but he gave me a B anyway.
He's a right-wing extremist because he has all the characteristics of a right-wing extremist, in the leftist mind.
I am pro-death... The more that die the merrier.
It's always been interesting to me that the media refuses to call the pro-life movement "the pro-life movement."
This is one of the more blatant examples of media bias, dishonesty, and lack of integrity in regard to journalist standards.
For instance, if National Socialists refer to themselves as National Socialists, you should call them National Socialists. Same with Communists or any other political group. Christians call themselves Christians. Satanists call themselves Satanists. Black Panthers call themselves Black Panthers. The Ku Klux Klan calls itself the KKK. It's appropriate, it's right, to call some organized group the name they call themselves.
Journalists who can't say Pro Lifers are bad journalists. They take their cues from the New York Times, a newspaper who sent out "guidelines" for what language journalists should use in regard to our fight over abortion. It's propaganda, not journalism. And the New York Times has a very ugly history in this regard. See their cover-up of Stalin's murders in the Ukraine.
I would urge journalists to be honest and factual, rather than dishonest and non-factual. Or you can just keep on censoring abortion photographs and wondering why so many women are upset about Brett Kavanaugh. If you keep following the New York Times editorial policies, maybe you'll report the truth 30 years after everybody knows it already.
UH OH... BUZZFEED!... GUILTY as Imagined! Somebody whacked the troll hive.
"Some in the incel community have previously raged against women wearing yoga pants." Incel logic is not obvious to those of us unfamiliar with them. Are these pants considered to be especially arousing? The opposite? Something else?
It's not the pants, it's the flexibility that women have in yoga class that makes men think of sex. I got an accidental erection in yoga class one time.
The hostility to yoga pants is a hostility to yoga, and all that great sex those flexible people are into.
What struck me about the killer, by the way, is how boyish he looked. He didn't look like a dangerous man. He looked like an overgrown, 40-year-old boy.
in the modern era, when any adult can buy a gun, it shows you that the traditional indicia of danger--big, strong, scary-looking man--doesn't really work.
We were defeated in Vietnam by small men in pajamas, and little girls with hand grenades.
You'd think Democrats would recognize that the NRA is profoundly democratic when it comes to guns. Guns equalize violence, and give girls, women, girlie men, people in wheelchairs, and everybody else who is physically weak and vulnerable the ability to kill other people.
Trump needs to tone down the rhetoric, before somebody gets killleded meme
Shows the hypocrisy of The Left.
Connecting Trump, grab them by the... to an incel? Really?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Bless the victims...”
I’m pretty sure they and their families would rather they were still alive than to be showered with such “blessings”. There comes a time these prayers , blessings and sympathies fall flat. How many more far right nutjobs will Trump incite to act out in deadly violence? I hate to see how rightists will react on Wednesaday morning.
What does it mean to you to have said this? Of course every person who loses a loved one would rather the loved one be alive.
But how do the prayers fall flat? This was two people who were shot in a yoga studio. Do you know how many people lost their lives the very same day? Through gun violence, physical violence, opioid overdose, alcohol overdose, suicide, car accidents, heart attack, cancer, murder?
This guy sounds a lot like Elliot Rodger. Did you blame Obama for him?
Blessings and sympathy for all of them....but what falls flat is the picking and choosing your preferred victims to make your point about Republicans. I guess Republicans never get to be sad about any tragedy, because they are always a little bit to blame. But Democrats absolve themselves.
You'd think Democrats would recognize that the NRA is profoundly democratic when it comes to guns. Guns equalize violence, and give girls, women, girlie men, people in wheelchairs, and everybody else who is physically weak and vulnerable the ability to kill other people.
In days past, life WAS ruled by the Alpha males: the large burly men because as any woman can tell you, size matters a lot!
When you add the size and muscles to the wealth gap, where HE gets some plate male, a sword and a spear and you are some little peasant with a club...and what the hell are you going to do against him? Even 5 to 1 is questionable.
As they said: God made man. Samuel Colt made them equal. And women.
I don't see a lot of young women willing to stay home and make pot roasts while her husband supports the family.
This. Very much this. Feminist teachers are extolling girls to 'live their lives' before they settle down with children...and absent some reality, these girls are believing it.
I have seen many 40 and 50 year old mothers, post divorce get themselves a nice career and status.
I see almost ZERO women, having had a nice career for their first twenty years, have themselves a kid. After 40, what are her chances? She has a 5% chance (roll a 1 on a 20 sided dice for you nerds out there) to get pregnant in any given month. And after forty, that percentage goes precipitously down.
Try and tell your daughters this. The term is 'young and stupid'.
The murder doesn't appear to be politically or racially or religiously motivated. So who cares what his politics are?
Inga does. Because she's a ghoul who shits all over people's dead bodies in order to score political points.
It's her specialty. A true master.
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