November 3, 2018

At the Saturday Night Cafe...

... you can talk about anything.


JML said...

LSU is giving BAMA a run for it. Good - BAMA needs a challenge before they play in the National Title game.

stevew said...

I deleted my Facebook account tonight. My sister posted an article about creating a caravan to take all the angry white men out of the US. My nephew posted a photo of himself casting an absentee ballot - a blue vote in a red state says he; note that he lives in Oregon, has for several months now, but hasn't figured out how to register to vote there so sent in an absentee ballot to MA. Big fucking deal you twit, MA is a 98% Blue State already, your blue vote doesn't matter.

I'm going to miss the occasional photos of my grand kids, but I bet my wife will show me the good ones.

le Douanier said...

I've always like Orgeron:

Barry Dauphin said...

Lots of growth in jobs when there is a Republican Congress.

le Douanier said...

"Lots of growth in jobs when there is a Republican Congress."

I guess I should pack up and move to Kentucky.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I'm going to miss the occasional photos of my grand kids, but I bet my wife will show me the good ones.”

So you’ll miss pictures of your grandchildren because you had your political feelings hurt.

Tsk tsk.

stevew said...

Haha, no, not at all. I was only on FB to see the photos, not to see and read the political ravings of my "friends". Over time I've deleted from my timeline my nieces and nephews that post racy photos. I've deleted from my timeline my cousins and friends that post "I'm over here, now I'm over here" nonsense. These last two posts tonight were just the ones that convinced me that FB offers me no value.

I live pretty close to my kids and their kids. I may miss the occasional FB photo but get lots of time with them in person. Easy decision to stop exposing myself to rude and obnoxious opinions. It is interesting to note that these same people, my sister and nephew, have never, I believe would never, say those sorts of things to me in person.

Arashi said...

Hey its the internet - the golden opportunity to be a total dick 24/7.

I wonder who taught all of these people on social media that life is a like contest? That if they don't have more likes and followers than the other guy, their life so totally sucks they need therapy?

To me it is a wonder.

Ken B said...

Deleting Facebook is a good thing for whatever reasons.

Pretty funny that Inga classifies watching asshats flaunt their bile as hurting your political feelings. I'd describe it as avoiding a useless aggravation. Inga hates your soul too. That's how she reacts to political difference.

gilbar said...

it seems like (Soon) people are going to think about facebook, like they do MTV
remember back when it had Music Videos, and people watched it?
remember back when facebook had things you were interested in, and people opened it?

Arashi said...

I refer to them as fakebook and twitface - and the sooner people realize that life is not a like contest and get off of the 'net, go outside and interact with other people the better.

Even seasoned folks like myself.

Birkel said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga hates your soul too.”

I hate your soul?


Birkel said...

When I read comments by Royal ass Inga I wonder who she believes she might be influencing to her preferred positions. What would that look like, in her fevered imagination?

And if people are turned off by the aggressive Left, as I suspect, does anybody on the Left have a feedback mechanism by which they are alerted to the negative responses to their behavior? How would the Left know how they are perceived, I wonder.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Birkel the frightener of young mothers like WWWW, who no longer comments here because Birkel freaked her out so badly by “condeming her children to hell”, seems to think that he can bamboozle you dummies, well maybe he can. Trump sure did.

Birkel said...


Arashi said...

They don't have a feedback loop. If you do not agree with them 100%, then you are not part of their tribe and are to be destroyed.

Or just yelled at like the old guy yelling at the sky or telling the kids to get off his lawn.

Or hit in the face with a bike lock, or have your truck firebombed, or assaulted and beaten on the streets of Portland. But I am pretty sure they blame all of that on Trump as well as everything wrong in their life.

I had people working for me in THe Navy and everything wrong in their life was blamed on the fact that they were stationed on the USS Midway. They never, ever figured out that the krap they were inwas due to their own bad decisions. It was alwasy somebody else;s fault, always.

Arashi said...

See Birkel - everything wrong in Inga's life is due to you, and only you. Did you know you had that much power over other people? And all over the freaking 'net form a long distance away.

narciso said...

Here's an interesting detail:

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Birkel - everything wrong in Inga's life is due to you, and only you.”


Birkel is a weirdo. He likes to play games, especially with people he thinks he can bully. He harassed WWWW every time she commented. She appealed to Althouse to delete some of Birkel’s comments regarding her children. Of course Althouse didn’t. Trumpism is a natural fit for bullies. Birkel doesn’t affect me one way or another. I simply like giving him some of his own medicine.

Arashi said...


wildswan said...

Here's a new reason to get off Facebook - A young sociologist wrote his PhD dissertation on the correlates of sexual infidelity as found on Facebook. He felt that Facebook and Search engine databases in general had "exciting potential" for research on "sensitive topics like sexual behaviors and attitudes" because of the "volume and variety of data that are constantly collected about individual preferences and behaviors."

"Search engine databases have exciting potential as tools for social research. The volume and variety of data that are constantly collected about individual preferences and behaviors can serve an important research role. Particularly in the context of sensitive topics, like sexual behaviors and attitudes, the use of these data may provide an important addition to current data collection methods."

The study suggested that keywords "gun ownership" and "Bible" correlated with sexual infidelity though Brandon was surprised to find that the social science research contradicted this Facebook correlation in the case of "Bible". Other correlates were keywords such as: crystal meth, debt, buy used car, having stabbed someone in the last 12 months, and so on.

Brandon seems a bit naive but you can see where this kind of research in going, where it will be in a few years. As Brandon excitedly observes, this kind of research bypasses the problem of "the unwilling subject" since no permission is needed.

All from: Brandon Wagner, Dissertation: Correlates and Contexts of Sexual Infidelity in American Adults.

Birkel said...

Lying in service of the Party is acceptable for Leftists.
But links are handy.

etbass said...

Final report on the Alabama-LSU game. LSU is indeed a fine team and deserves a place in the CFB playoff this year, despite the final score of 29-0, Alabama. Bama played against its toughest pass defense and a stellar passing offense.

pacwest said...

"LSU is giving BAMA a run for it."

29-zip. Against #4. Clemson might give them a bit of a run for it in the championship though. Bama 31, Clemson 6.

Arashi said...

Inga keeps psosting about the horrible things that Birkel did to WWWWW, but does not have links to these horrible, soul destroying events. Damn man, what did you do -disagree with her energetically?

Birkel the Destroyer (too much - maybe there is a toy franchise there like Godzilla monsters? LOL)

Ken B said...

Sure you do inga. A guy drops Facebook and you tsk him, over politics. Your persona exudes dislike, disapproval, tsk, tsk, over the smallest dissent. That's hating peoples' souls right enough.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Who's going to stay up till 2 to see what happens to the comment timestamps?

Arashi said...

I elect yourself - and you cna report tomorrow.

Ken B said...

Social media is communication with the most important parts of communicating left out. That is the main reason it’s bad for you. But it doesn’t explain why it has become quite so awful as it is. It explains why it *can* be so awful. It actually *is* so awful because it suits some interests for it to be awful. For example it suits Facebook to screw with your endorphins. And with your politics.

Birkel said...

I ask again, how does the current style of Leftist politics suppose it can persuade? What is the method, in their thinking, to move the centrists to their position? I cannot see it.

Arashi said...

Social media is the modern revenge of the nerds - but so very much destructive to the soul. How to keep the good parts and remove the bad is the delimma.

Arashi said...

Birkel - they beleive that a boot stomping on your face forever is how they convince you of their moral superiority and their inherent correctness and goodness. YOu and I are just too stupid to get it - hence the boot.

Birkel said...

I get the end-game. But the Left has the same strategy as the Underpants Gnomes, to my mind.

Arashi said...

Birkel - LOL, I love the Underpants Gnomes

I don't think they want to convince anyone. If you dont' agree immedialtey, then you go on the list to be eliminated once they take ultimate controle.

They should all read at least the first fourth or so of the Gulag Archipelago to get the real flavor of how their imagined world treats the true beleivers. They don't grasp that their new world requires the periodic killing of true beleivers to keep the rest of the true beleivers in line.

Arashi said...

And on a lighter note - listening to Carlos Santana, Blues for Salavador, the whole album on youtube. I wish I could play that good. He has to be one of the best guitar players ever. Him, Hendrix, Rory Gallagher, Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and all the old blues palyers they all borrowed from.

Mike Sylwester said...
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Mike Sylwester said...

This interview of George Papadopoulos is crucial for understanding the RussiaGate hoax. It is chock-full of fascinating information.

Big Mike said...

I ask again, how does the current style of Leftist politics suppose it can persuade? What is the method, in their thinking, to move the centrists to their position? I cannot see it.

I believe it’s on the order of “vote for us or we’ll kill your kids”. Something like that, anyway.

sane_voter said...

Should I get on Facebook so I can get off it?

eddie willers said...

And on a lighter note - listening to Carlos Santana...He has to be one of the best guitar players ever. Him, Hendrix, Rory Gallagher, Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and all the old blues players they all borrowed from.

Two things. In 70, I saw Santana and the Allman Brothers play the old Municipal Auditorium in downtown Atlanta.

Carlos WAS very good, but he played his album note for note. No mistakes, but no improvisation either.

And as good as Carlos was, he was the second best guitarist that night. I've seen them all, and NOBODY was better than Duane Allman

narciso said...

Yes he is a great talent, I don't know that much about rory gallagher,

JML said...

Roll Tide. LSU was the best team BAMA played this year. Lets see how Georgia fares. I think they will do poorly.

Arashi said...

eddie - I'd add Dickie Betts as well.

Also - you lucky so and so. I missed Hendirx's last concert in Seattle - my parents were not really understanding about such things.

Oh well - thank heavens for youtube and CDs.

Arashi said...

When some journalist asked Hendirix how it felt to be the worlds greatest guitar player, he said, " I don't know, you'd have to ask Rory Gallagher."

Rory was an Irishman and great guitar player. He went too soon, but while here he influenced a lot of people.

gilbar said...

I don't think they want to convince anyone. If you dont' agree immedialtey, then you go on the list to be eliminated

either that, or we're Completely missing their game. I'm pretty well convinced that igna and all are just pretending to be idiotic Marxists; and are really conservatives that are working hard to make progressives look like idiotic Marxists.
If so, they're playing the Long Games

eddie willers said...

Rory's one of the few I never got to see live, but I've heard that story before.

A funny one though, was The Jimi Hendrix Experience show I saw back in that same old worn out Municipal Auditorium (openers was Vanilla Fudge and The Soft Machine).

But here's the was a MATINEE. Jimi had probably just woke up for the 4:00 PM show! Still did a good show, but I bet he threw those daggers into his amp with extra anger.

And another story I love. When Clapton was interviewed about the Derek & the Dominoes sessions he was asked: "What parts did you play and which ones were by Duane?"

His answer? "I played the Fender and Duane played the Gibson"

For for those who know, that was enough.

Arashi said...

eddie - very cool, especially the Clapton response.

I have only been taking lessons for six years or so, and on a few occaissions I don't suck completely.

Learning to play electric guitar, primarliy blues and early rock, is my retirement endeavor and prescription for whatever is going on in the world.

There is so much great music to learn - it is a good thing to aspire to.

eddie willers said...

He may have said,"I played the Strat and he played the Les Paul".

A little more specific. BTW, I read about a Stratocaster/Roland hybrid. Flip switches and it sounds like a Telecaster, flip again and it's a twelve string...or a nylon string acoustic.

heyboom said...

Apparently Inga thinks the only way to share pictures of grandchildren is on Facebook.

The Crack Emcee said...

I am very proud of this front page arrangement.

Not what it says about the direction of the country, but that it's so prevalent now - after a decade of hearing cults didn't even exist and I'm mad - that it could easily be created.

Oh - and don't miss the answer to the question "What happened to Kanye?"

I told y'all I didn't like that bitch.

Kevin said...

“My sister posted an article about creating a caravan to take all the angry white men out of the US.”


Kevin said...

“So you’ll miss pictures of your grandchildren because you had your political feelings hurt.”

A primary feature of leftist thinking is that everyone must continue to hear it whether they wish to or not.

You will not change the channel. You will not walk away. You will capitulate because there is no escape.

You will love Big Sister.

Kevin said...

“‘I hope you choke to death’: Female journos are sharing stories of their awful encounters with liberal hero Alec Baldwin”

None of this mattered when we were two years from the midterms and SNL was the only thing keeping much of the country from seppuku.

Clyde said...

Facebook has an option on every post to ignore that person for 30 days. I have some folks who are among my friends who post annoying religious or political stuff. I put them on iggy when necessary, but still can share my stuff with them and go to their home page if I want to see what they are up to. They can iggy me if they don’t like my stuff.

tim maguire said...

stevew, I predict you will find walking away from Facebook easy and rewarding. You will never second guess your decision.

Tank said...

eddie willers said...

And on a lighter note - listening to Carlos Santana...He has to be one of the best guitar players ever. Him, Hendrix, Rory Gallagher, Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and all the old blues players they all borrowed from.

Two things. In 70, I saw Santana and the Allman Brothers play the old Municipal Auditorium in downtown Atlanta.

Carlos WAS very good, but he played his album note for note. No mistakes, but no improvisation either.

And as good as Carlos was, he was the second best guitarist that night. I've seen them all, and NOBODY was better than Duane Allman

Well, we should have been brothers bro. Rare to see people mention Rory these days; he was a great one, very much like SRV in that the music just seemed to flow through him. If you're in NC and you see a red license plate with SKYDOG on it, that's me.

Tank said...

@eddie willers

I was in an Irish Pub in NY once, and I played Rory on the jukebox. The bartenders called out, "who played that?" Then they bought me a round.

gilbar said...

i think i'd like to check out this ballet cult, except for the part about the ballet

mockturtle said...

SNL was the only thing keeping much of the country from seppuku.

Damn SNL!!!

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