November 17, 2018

In the Overnight Snow Café...


... you can leave a sprinkling of comments.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Swalwell is your brother, Humpy?

narciso said...

Well Michael has been very civil, but facts can induce great violence it seems. Buwaya brought many insights that were reinforced through experience.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And Harris is your sister?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Buwaya went back to his home, the Philippines after taking advantage of the US for over 30 years.

J. Farmer said...

Well Michael has been very civil, but facts can induce great violence it seems. Buwaya brought many insights that were reinforced through experience.

He was certainly an interesting contributor, but I don't think "civil" is the first word I would ever use to describe him ;)

Humperdink said...

IHump said:“Allow me to respond. Oh yes, I agree. Of course I am referring to ones in leadership who were leading a coup against Trump who have been canned.”

Inga responded: "Then you are no different than Kamela Harris."

You are incorrect here. I listened to Kamela's diatribe at the hearing several times, not just once. At no point was she referring to leadership only, she was referring to the rank and file ICE agents. This is not arguable.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Michael was civil?

That could be debated. At any rate I’m glad he’s doing well.

Birkel said...


Clearly that necessitates my suicide.
I see your point, J. Farmer.

All who deny submission must die?
Just guessing...

Humperdink said...

Let's try again Inga:

Do you agree with Kamela Harris and Swalwell.

J. Farmer said...


You are a vile, disgusting human being. You should consider putting a bullet in your mouth a public service. Of course I suppose I shouldn't expect much courage or character from someone raised by a welfare queen. Just find a very tall spot and jump off of it. You can even blame your mommy in the suicide note. Unless she's already maggot food. In which case, that's just hilarious. You should join her.

Civil enough for you, you infinitesimal prick?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course I suppose I shouldn't expect much courage or character from someone raised by a welfare queen.”

I disagree. I’ve seen far more character and courage from those raised by “welfare queens” than Birkel. He has neither.

Michael McNeil said...

Someone was asking for pointers to other sites. I'd suggest war journalist Michael Yon, who's presently based in Thailand. I encounter him at Facebook these days. Just search for him there.

Here's a posting of Yon's from earlier today (quoting…):

“Democrat Calls For Gun Confiscation, Suggests Nuking Americans Who Fight Back”

And…he underlines why Americans will give up guns only over his dead body. He does not realize how dangerous this is, and how dangerous his mouth can be.

He does not seem to grasp that defense against despots — like him — is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. It's not about fun at the range. It's about the day that our incredible Fore Fathers envisioned people like this would emerge and be prepared to use lethal force against Americans to take their rights.

The 1st Amendment guards the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment guards the 1st Amendment.
Without the 1st and 2nd Amendments, the rest of the Constitution and all the laws and all the rest mean nothing.

If he thinks he can come take guns while talking like that, he is in for a terrible time.

Many people may find this website lopsided but his Tweets speak for themselves. Just read the tweets and skip the rest, and then check his account to see that they are legit.

You ain't that tough, Sir. And you ain't that smart.

As for the mass murders, these happen in many countries and there is no end in sight. But it's not the guns. In countries with fewer guns they use more knives and explosives (such as China), or cars, or fire.

Many countries like Switzerland are loaded with guns but they do not (so far) have a 'let's go postal' mentality.

Thailand is absolutely loaded with guns. Real weapons. RPGs. Grenades. Automatic weapons of many sorts. M-16s. They got it all. All around me. But mass killings are not a 'thing' here other than in political street fighting in which Thais make Americans look like pacifists.

When Thais come to reboot the government, they have proper shootouts like in Afghanistan. Believe me. I've been in a lot of them. Thais are friendly and smile a lot, but when it comes to government reboot time, Thais are straight up Lions.

A weird thing is that just like ten minutes after a really lethal firefight, Thais are friendly again. I love Thai people.

It's nothing at all to see RPGs and grenades used during time of upheaval.

But Thais are free. There is a saying here: In Thailand, the people fear the Police. Police fears the Army. Army fears the People.

Actually Thais seem to respect the Army about as much as Americans do. Army does not want to kill Thais and most Thais don't want to kill Army. They like each other. Thais are not afraid of the military. Generally speaking, Thais love the Thai military. They have good discipline.

(Other than the Islamic war in the far south — deadly down there). Guns are one reason Thailand is so free.

Many Americans, like Thais, are willing to take casualties within their borders to know that when push comes to shove with the government, the government will listen. Or else.

This American clown does not seem to realize that he works for us. At this rate, one day the American people may remind the government who works for whom. That will be a terrible day if it comes to pass.

It already has happened at times such as with the incredibly criminal bombing at Oklahoma City. That terrorist bombing was direct pushback from abusive US federal government.

This is something that few people like to acknowledge though most of us know it to be true. To even acknowledge this sounds fringe. But acknowledge we must.

This clown needs to settle down.


Ralph L said...

I cannot really do that if I cannot understand what you are saying.

You've finally discovered his main tactic.

narciso said...

Heh, Ralph I admit I don't take narratives at face values those tended to undercut my peoples struggle during the cold war from the godfather part 2 to wiseguy lost season, the Vietnam war as doomed endeavour by the same best and brightest, who botched the operation in the first place.

narciso said...

I have read alfred McCoy and while I don't subscribe to his theory about how events in south Asia and Europe transpired (unlike say Anthony Horowitz swallowed whole for his bond take) I'm aware of if.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Everyone welcome new American Billy Idol.

Good job Badgers. Coan.

narciso said...

It's been a while but the connections are interesting;

narciso said...

Just one example, this was in the time he was celebrating islamic state:

chickelit said...

J. Farmer said...

You are a vile, disgusting human being. You should consider putting a bullet in your mouth a public service. Of course I suppose I shouldn't expect much courage or character from someone raised by a welfare queen. Just find a very tall spot and jump off of it. You can even blame your mommy in the suicide note. Unless she's already maggot food. In which case, that's just hilarious. You should join her.

Civil enough for you, you infinitesimal prick?

11/17/18, 9:39 PM


Preserved for future reference.

Humperdink said...

I find it amusing that that our beloved Inga, who has refused to be intimidated, cannot bring herself to answer two questions:

> Does she agree with Kamela Harris the ICE is the modern day equivalent of the KKK?

> Does she agree with Eric Swalwell that AR-15's should be confiscated and those US citizens that resist should be nuked?

Gave her all night to respond. Crickets.

tim in vermont said...

Hey look! A "No True Scotsman" argument!

People come to California to fulfill the American Dream, so you are an UN-nationalistic anti-patriot. - Howard

Plus he seems to have no grasp of what "nationalism" means.

Hagar said...

AA only said "a sprinkling of comments," not an avalanche of ad hominem.

rehajm said...

Plus he seems to have no grasp of what "nationalism" means.

It’s one of those wishy washy buzz words you can assign to mean whatever you want. If you’re into trolling tou apply teo meanings to it and use the other one to annoy others. Not that anyone here would be so trollish to do that...

Paco Wové said...

"He was allowing himself to get involved in the recurring shouting matches and didn't like his indulgence in it."

I've never understood the eagerness with which people get into shouting matches and insult-fests – frequently the same shouting match or insult-fest, again and again – on internet sites. Once you've said your piece on a subject, just repeating yourself, except this time LOUDER and with MORE INSULTS, would seem to lead pretty quickly to zero return.

I liked Dr. K's comments here, generally. But he needs a thicker skin.

Birkel said...

Smug gets to make assumptions because Smug is better than.
Woe unto those who are undeserving.

mockturtle said...

Per Hagar: AA only said "a sprinkling of comments," not an avalanche of ad hominem.


Clyde said...

“Can’t we all just get along?”

J. Farmer said...


Smug gets to make assumptions because Smug is better than.
Woe unto those who are undeserving.

Please allow me to make a suggestion. Go find a 12-gauge shotgun, load it with a round of 00 buck, put the barrel in your mouth, and use your big toe to pull the trigger.

Humperdink said...

^^^^^ Now that's a beaut!!!! Thanks for sharing. :)

I Callahan said...

Disclaimer: I disagree with J Farmer's philosophy. I think it's incumbent on us to be the moral arbiters in the world, because the rest of the world won't do it.

That said, I think some commenters are being unfair to J Farmer. The guy has been pretty consistent and honest about his views, and until this thread, I haven't seen him get personal (Oh, and by the way - this isn't helping his argument).

I like to hear other opinions, as long as it isn't laced with pure stupid (like most of Inga's or Ritmo's posts). Let's not scare everyone away and become an echo chamber.


Rusty said...

"Hey look! A "No True Scotsman" argument!

People come to California to fulfill the American Dream, so you are an UN-nationalistic anti-patriot. - Howard

Plus he seems to have no grasp of what "nationalism" means."
A little hazy on economics too.

Birkel said...

Smug and Pro-Death is a great way to go through life.
Smug is better than and I'm ok with that.

Birkel said...

a round (sic) of 00 buck...

Big time gun guy, are you?

J. Farmer said...


Big time gun guy, are you?

Indeed I am. And "round" is not "sic." Nice try, dipshit.

Birkel said...

Shotgun round is the way to go.
Play your shell game elsewhere.

Fernandinande said...

Birkel said...Shotgun round is the way to go.

You should probably go for the rubber buckshot, 10 for $7.99, because they'd sound funny bouncing around inside your empty skull. Boooinnnng!

Birkel said...

Funny stuff, Ferngully.

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