November 10, 2018

At the Snowfall Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

And think of buying what you want on Amazon by going in through the Althouse Portal. I'll recommend a book: "Invisible Ink: My Mother's Love Affair With A Famous Cartoonist" by Bill Griffith.


Robert Cook said...

I always liked Bill Griffith's work, though the work of his I found least interesting was the work he's most well known for: Zippy the Pinhead. I liked his GRIFFITH'S OBSERVATORY strips, collected into a comic book, where he "observes" the styles, habits, and foibles of the day, (back in the late 70s).

I haven't got this book yet...but I will.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Conversation overheard at a nearby table earlier this evening:

....the wildfires are God punishing Californians...[rest inaudible]...

I've seen comments roundabouts the web to the same tune. I of course don't agree and wouldn't wish natural disasters on anyone. But....this is what the race to the bottom in civility - or lack thereof - is getting us.

FIDO said...

Now the Democrats are trying to steal the Georgia election.

Anyone else tired of this?

Big Mike said...

@FIDO, I'm past tired of it.

Josephbleau said...

At eleven o'clock AM tomorrow I'll be thinking of my old dead grandad, sergeant in company B 322nd inf 81st infantry Div, Meuse Argonne sector. (Did not die in the war.)

Big Mike said...

Regarding the California fires, I am wondering whether there is something that the state could be doing but isn't, either to locate them sooner when they are more readily brought under control, or to respond faster. My take on the Governor Moonbeam is that he is all about new programs and pushing lefty ideas, but certainly not in doing the day to day job of efficiently and effectively governing a state that is larger and more populous than most countries.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, who is Josh Kaul?

FIDO said...

Excuse me. Is anyone ready to DO anything about this?

David Begley said...

Book might be interesting, but very creepy to write about your mother’s illicit sex life.

Ann: How many books do you read per week?

Big Mike said...

@FIDO, if the RNC doesn't intervene, then they've seen their last nickel from me.

Downside: The head of the RNC is Mitt Romney's neice. Live possibility that she will do nothing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*Turn off the news and build a garden... with me.*

Meade - I finally get you.

Fernandinande said...

M.K. Brown's Stranger Than Life

narciso said...

It is bad forest management, but primarily it is the fearsome force of nature

Paul McKaskle said...

Strange as it may seem, "Moonbeam" has been a civilizing force on the Legislature--being somewhat fiscally conservative (though being too much enamored of saving the planet by single-handedly stopping global warming-as if a single state, or even the United States, could make a difference and investing big state money in the train that goes nowhere). Newsom may be interested in spending and taxing even more than Jerry Brown.

MadTownGuy said...

Snowfall, Josh Kaul. Did those extra ballots found in Milwaukee County also out him over the top in the Attorney General race?

MadTownGuy said...

Out= put. Autocorrect strikes again.

Fernandinande said...

M.K. Brown's
Self Portrait 1
Self Portrait 2
Click to embiggen.

narciso said...

Apparently, it's like six steps back into the star chambers, well they still have state supreme court.

Squints said...

THAT's not snow.

I've SEEN snow.

I was told you lived in Wisconsin.

I am so damned disappointed in you.

I kid.


FullMoon said...
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steve uhr said...

Paul. Gov Brown owns a 2500 acre ranch. My hunch is he knows a bit more about land management than does Trump

Big Mike said...

@steve uhr, my hunch is that your hunch is wrong. Dead wrong, in the case of the people who’be died in the fires.

Robert Cook said...

"M.K. Brown's Stranger Than Life"

Yeah, she's great, too. Was married to B.Kliban.

Josephbleau said...

I would state that Trump is the world expert in land management.

Big Mike said...

who’ve. If I hadn’t seen auto correct replace the ‘v’ with a ‘b’— twice! — in this comment I would have thought it was my typo.

Big Mike said...
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Guildofcannonballs said...

As always it must remain: Turd Bitch or Turdly Bitch.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
robother said...

Pinhead in the morning, A chronicler of Pinhead Nation at eventide. GriffithI is reduced to mining his (hopefully deceased) mother's real or imagined marital infidelities for his cartooning fortune. I would've thought Boomers were the last people to be cast the first stone at adulterous relations, but hey, a buck is a buck.

Mark said...

It's the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. So of course TCM is showing a bunch of World War II movies.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I hope Mike Hoffman burns seetheingly every day and night.

How's the non-knife in the front feel buddy?

Every conservative ought take pleasure in this politician's demise.

Every future politician ought note: your base isn't your base and never was, asshole. But because of your ginned up hatred, indeed, apocalypse is nearer than I have faith God intends.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Yeah okay but... pay me.

Yeah sounds about right but pay me.

Okay yeah sure but has the check cleared?

The answer always everytime: moderate you damn fuckin' extremist. Move Prog. Wacko bird.

You aren't sophisticated enough to know, so pay me more, and I will tell you.


Move Commie-Socialist, you damn Nazi.

Pay me bitch.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hick vs. Polis is easy.

A winning distinction Trump would have expounded exponentially upon to victory.

But Walker sure feels good his buddy George Bush campaigned for him, no matter the result.

Why win when losing is so Bushnice?

Walker sure got him some ads on TV!

Ann Althouse said...

After seeing the pinhead quote from Pauline Kael in the OED, I searched the New Yorker archive for the word and found an article about that book, which I had never heard of before.

I care about Bill Griffith. His “Get Me a Table Without Flies, Harry” is one of my favorite books.

narciso said...

There was some fatigue 8 years of lawfare give or take, its cyclical though Tommy Thompson was the superstar named as a future presidential candidate then poof, he didn't defend his own people.

But the lesson is join the team your eith, because the dems don't care.

Ann Althouse said...

I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

narciso said...

Down in Miami, a person of rare integrity went down to the drone shalala, they nearly wiped out the south Florida delegation

narciso said...

But Steve king held fast in Iowa, Duncan hunter in California Chris Collins in upstate New York rohrabacher went down by just about 500 votes.

Original Mike said...

”I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.”


FIDO said...

They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

This is 100% wrong. Yes, it makes me feel terrible too. But to cloak their shenanigans in silence is to give them cover. These horrible actions need to be shouted from the rooftops so that, while they may try to steal an election, they need to do so in full view of the people so that their crapulence is on display.

FIDO said...

Make them defend it. They can't.

Ann Althouse said...

I can’t shout about anything without studying and understanding what’s going on and i am not going to be goaded into doing that.

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...
"I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help."

You may not be interested in them but they are interested in you.

FIDO said...

You know...this would be much harder to do if the various districts had ONLY the number of registered voters in ballots for each section. So District 9, who had 500 registered voters, would get 500 ballots, which could be mailed or done at the polling station

Heck, put a NAME on every ballot. So if Loretta Lynch wants to vote, she gets her own personalized ballot. I get tired of 110% of votes coming in in Democrat districts.

Ann Althouse said...

There’s so much alarmism from all sides these days. I am unimpressed.

narciso said...

They are stealing the election, like they did in your own state, it's not that difficult.

FIDO said...

Criminals don't want you to understand the crime. That is a fools errand.

It suffices that the OPTICS, that the TRANSPRENCY is totally lacking in these recounts. How much of a 'professional' do you need to be to notice that there are no objective witnesses to the process, that the media is barred from the process and that a Judge is ruling against the process?

This is avoiding controversy.

FIDO said...

I am saddened that removing trust from the electoral process isn't alarming you at all.

narciso said...

They assume only a certain percentage will turn out that's what the early voting was for to reduce the election day count, but certainly. Parties intended to overwhelm the system.

wildswan said...

We need to understand where these ballots come from. In Wisconsin many more absentee ballots are handed out than are returned. I myself had one. I registered to vote fairly late in October and the clerk pointed out that I could do early voting. I said, "no." Then she asked if I was thinking of absentee and when I said "only if it snows" she gave me a ballot. That was a valid ballot for my town. They are keyed by signatures of election officials to a given town. After the election I found the ballot with some fliers about the town and threw it out. But what if I had a way to find out who voted, fill in that name in the book and turn that ballot in? Looking at the report to the election commission as of October 10 I saw that every jurisdiction in Wisconsin had given out more absentee ballots than had been returned up to that time. Over a period of time those who were interested could gather up these stray ballots and vote with them but only if they were bad people who knew other bad people, so that is out. But just in case it seems to me that we need rigorous counting of how many absentee ballots have been turned in by 8pm on election night. Because there are thousands out there unaccounted for. We need to change the law.

narciso said...

That's the simplest explanation, I could elaborate further based on past experience.

Francisco D said...

I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

I am on the same page.

I don't need the stress.

Gahrie said...

I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

Avoiding holding people responsible for wrongdoing is irresponsible.

narciso said...

You can turn in an absentee ballot, have it voided then you can have a clean ballot but that all has to be cataloged and properly stored, ballots that couldn't scan are disposed of and recorded.

Ken B said...

Your electoral system does not seem to deserve trust. Sorry, just a fact. In Broward you have courts finding ballots were destroyed illegally. Then the same returning officer clearly violates the law, and is told so by another court, and we have eye witness reports of ballots being marked by her staff. Who can trust your elections anymore?

Gahrie said...

I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

I am on the same page.

I don't need the stress.

Which is exactly what the Left is counting on.

narciso said...

As you see they deliberately ignored all procedures.

FullMoon said...

steve uhr said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Paul. Gov Brown owns a 2500 acre ranch. My hunch is he knows a bit more about land management than does Trump

Yeah, that "ranch" rivals Ben Cartwrights Ponderosa, fer shure

narciso said...

18 years ago, they tried to pull off this heist, seizing on a larger turnout among African Americans in part because actions carried by mr. Gillum, in part because certain localities allowed ineligible voters to cast ballots.

Ray - SoCal said...

Agree on the bad forest management, both fed and state.

Controlled burns in Ca are a distant memory.

Areas burn when enough fuel (dry trees, etc). You can either remove the fuel, or Mother Nature will...

With high winds, Santa Ana’s in so Ca, fires spread quickly.

Big Mike said...

I’m boycotting the recount stories. They make me feel terrible and there’s nothing my watching them can do to help.

@Althouse, there is something very female in that statement. I wonder what the people who voted for the 19th Amendment would feel about hiding your head from that which is distasteful.

I am not trying to goad you into anything but I would like you to see your position from a different perspective.

narciso said...

So describing the situation is fairly simple, resolving it is a little more complicated they've been trying for grand larceny for 18 years

wildswan said...

The case of the Milwaukee city absentee ballots is different. The black vote in Milwaukee dropped by 46,000 in 2018 just as it dropped by 70,000 in 2016 at the polls; these lost votes at the polls have been replaced by 50,000 to 70,000 absentee ballots. These absentee ballots break for the Democrats at 84%, a voting pattern characteristic of the Milwaukee black community in years past. Thus we have to think that 40,000 members of the black community decided to vote the absentee ballot.

This requires that they be a registered voter who has shown photo ID, they must find the city clerk's address, download the application for absentee ballot from its place on the election website, mail the application in, in time to get a ballot back and fill in said ballot with a witness standing by, and then mail the ballot in. (If the voter was at the city clerk's in person as I was the clerk would check the registration and hand you a ballot. But if the voter was at the city clerk's in person they could do early voting rather than return home, find a witness, find a stamp, find an envelope and find the address again, and mail it.)

Now it is the universal testimony of the left that requiring photo ID is voter suppression. It makes voting too hard and it is especially hard on the black community. It is the reason for the decline in black votes. Everyone on the left says that. Yet we are to believe that 40,000 black voters went through the whole cumbersome procedure above which includes getting a photo ID and registering, that these amazing voters downloaded forms and found addresses, a witness, stamps, and envelopes rather than calling the Democrats for a ride down to early voting.

Maybe a large group in the black community is trying to send a message to the Democrats by not voting and the Democrats have responded by finding these amazing voters who prefer messing with forms and downloads and stamps and witnesses and deadlines and envelopes to regular voting or early voting. Well, God bless them.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

election theft makes us feel terrible

"Democracy Dies In Dysthymia"

narciso said...

They never go away:

narciso said...

They never stop embarrassing themselves at the post:

Yancey Ward said...

The problem with the Florida debacle is that there was no controls in place in Broward and Palm Beach County that allowed an outsider to assess the following information:

(1) How many mail-in ballots did the two counties distribute?
(2) How many mail-in ballots did the two counties receive with the deadline postmark by Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday?
(3) How many provisional ballots were voted on Tuesday? How many provisional ballots were on hand on Tuesday?
(4) How many ballots could not be scanned, and what types of ballots were these that had to be duplicated before scanning?
(5) How many unvoted ballots did Broward have left over from Tuesday's vote? How many did they start the day with?

Broward provide none of this information until at least last night, but I suspect they didn't actually do so in the data dump to the Scott campaign. I predict that when the authorities finally get the records to audit the trails, they will find all of it wiped and destroyed.

In short, there just is too little control over the production and inventorying of ballots, and I think it pretty fucking clear that in both Broward and Palm Beach Counties, there were small groups of officials with the leaders of the two election commissions that decided that by simply omitting the above information, they were free to just create as many new ballots as they could. They were pretty successful for a couple of days until someone finally noticed that, for some reason, Palm Beach County and Broward County were producing new vote totals by themselves that were 10 times the amounts the entire rest of the state was producing. Once that got noticed, suddenly they basically stopped producing new ballots, and finished reporting the ones they had created before getting caught. If Rubio had not sent out that tweet, and Scott had not acted when he did, Scott would have been behind by 20,000 or more votes by the time the recounts started. They were caught just in time- another day, and the election would have been stolen by this point.

Yancey Ward said...

If the two counties really were innocent here, they would have given the required numerations of the total votes required at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday- there is no penalty for not getting things counted by the end of the work day on Election Night. The only rational explanation for not giving this number as required is that they planned to create an X number of new votes to get Nelson over the 50,000 deficit, but on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, they didn't yet know how many additional votes Scott would receive since the rest of the state also was updating the totals with late early votes, provisionals, and absentee votes- Scott's lead was a moving target, and though I didn't keep a good track of the absolute numbers between early Wednesday morning until Rubio's tweet on Friday, my memory tells me that by this evening, Scott had received about 50,000 more votes after subtracting out those from Broward and Palm Beach County. So the cheaters didn't know on Wednesday whether they needed 50,000 more margin for Nelson, or 100,000-150,000.

Yancey Ward said...

What I am saying in the last comment is that absent all the additional votes from Broward and Palm Beach Counties, it looked to me that Scott's lead would 100,000 votes today, but is, instead 13,000. Basically, the late counts from those two counties alone helped Nelson make up over 80,000 votes of margin. This is basically unheard of. Arizona seems on track to make a similar thing happen, but at least in that case, the two big counties involved disclosed their numbers promptly- it is why the state remained uncalled on Wednesday morning- people in authority had access to the information.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
There’s so much alarmism from all sides these days. I am unimpressed.

What would impress you?

I find it fucking hilarious I am going to spend tomorrow by a bunch of people who accept the complete destruction of the republic.

I told everyone they have to rename veterans day to "Thanks for your service, but I am going to take your guns away day."

There will be little differentiation between the people carrying this crap out and the enablers.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ask Meade why he weeds your gardens.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Isn't "the resistance" bullshit about what the nutters consider a stolen election? They have no understanding for the "old ways" of the electoral college. No statistical controls on voting practices in the age of computers is an embarrassing problem.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Maybe you need to travel to Normandy, take some pictures of the cemetery. They're kinda "Impressive".

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

Ann Althouse said: "There’s so much alarmism from all sides these days. I am unimpressed."

Not impressed? Watching our Republic slip away before our very eyes? Watching illegals on the southern border violate the law with impunity? Watching Mueller take down a duly elected president? Watching election officials in south Florida blatantly steal election(s) with impunity? Watching D senators parade witnesses with false testimony destroy the SCOTUS nomination process (and a person's reputation)? This is the supreme court, not some city council seat. Both sides? Hardly.

I am not impressed, I am angry.

Josephbleau said...

There is no doubt that with fla and as the USA is pure banana.

Josephbleau said...

I don’t understand why az elects someone who despises them?

Ann Althouse said...

Those of you who are alarmed about "stealing" the election have a taste of how many anti-Trumpists have felt for 2 years. He "stole" the election.

I simply do not know the facts and don't think I can learn them, so I am declining to add noise to the noise.

Jaq said...

This will be how they cash in on open borders, each House member of either party keeps their seat. I just hope that they don't do it until they have a legitimate 60 Senators. But they could just get rid of the filibuster full stop.

Humperdink said...

AA said: "Those of you who are alarmed about "stealing" the election have a taste of how many anti-Trumpists have felt for 2 years."

I am surprised you are giving credence to this. The anti-Trumpists have had two (2) years, umlimited resources from the deep state, including an unrelenting media investigating turning over every rock and have uncovered nothing. Repeat, nothing. All the while, observing Hillary (uranium sale) and Bill ($500k speaking fee) in bed with Putin's Russia. And.... and, this comes on the heels of Obama telling Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev to wait until after the election as he will have more flexibility.

Your comment is baffling.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Love this Paglia interview:

Especially this: As I have often noted, the sexes throughout human history actually had very little to do with each other. There was the world of men and the world of women, each with its own spheres of influence and activity. Women didn’t take men that seriously, and vice versa.

I read a lot of old books & literary history. What Paglia says is obviously true. Men and women did not socialize together until fairly recently, meaning late Victorian times. Totally different co-equal social spheres. Where men and women did occupy the same social space, especially unmarried men and women, there were strict rules about what they were allowed to do. There has never been a time in human history when men and women had interchangeable social roles, and that is what modern progressives insist that we have.

iowan2 said...

No I don't know how the anti Trumpist feel. I keep asking, they mumble something, russia, something, something,TWEETs!!!!

So I have no idea why they are upset. Maybe one of them can explain clearly to me.

Andrew said...

"Which is exactly what the Left is counting on."

That's the key point. The Left is relentless, and wants to wear us down. Trump is one of the few people who understands that the fight never stops. One of the reasons he keeps tweeting is to let his enemies know that he's aware of their tactics, and will keep the light of exposure on them.

Gahrie said...

Those of you who are alarmed about "stealing" the election have a taste of how many anti-Trumpists have felt for 2 years. He "stole" the election.

I simply do not know the facts and don't think I can learn them, so I am declining to add noise to the noise.

Then explain why after every late count, and "found ballots" event, the Democrats gain votes and often switch the results from a Republican win to a Democratic one? Why does this type of thing happen repeatedly in the same places?

Gahrie said...

Apparently, even for Althouse, history begins anew each day.

Hagar said...

The Democrats in Las Cruces, NM also are at it again, finding previously overlooked envelopes with all Democrat votes in strange places to reverse the election of Yvette Herrell (R) over Xochitl Torres Small (D) to the House of Representatives.

The Florida scandals are just the most visible ones - so near and accessible to the NY based MSM - but how many more such across the country?

Gahrie said...

Andrew Jackson must be spinning in his grave...the modern Democratic Party has become exactly what he created the Democratic Party to fight.

Xavier Onasis Too said...

@Big Mike + Fido

Why would anyone give money to the RNC? After years of back-peddling one person (Trump) shows up willing to challenge the depravity and criminality of the Democrats, and RNC refuses to accept him. Bunch of useless turds.

Hagar said...

Andrew Jackson had enough being General Jackson.

Van Buren organized the national Democrats along the lines of the Democratic Party of his native New York while serving as "King Andrew's" secretary of state..

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