October 29, 2018

News from the future: "However the Midterms Go, the Republican Party Is Going to Get More Extreme."

That's Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine, and I've selected that to link just as an example of the kind of thing I have an aversion to right now. Chait doesn't know enough about the future to tell us what will happen in the midterms, but he can assert that the Republican Party will get more extreme, because there won't be a specific event next week that will say in hard facts whether he's right or wrong.
If Democrats win the House but not the Senate, they will be working with an even more hardened foe: The Republicans who will have lost, or who are retiring, are those most vulnerable to outside pressure; the surviving core, from the reddest districts, will be the most Trumpian....

In the event Republicans retain full control of Congress... the transformation would be even more dramatic. The American people would be led not by a party learning to accommodate its unhinged leader but one trained by him....

Imagine Republicans waking up after Election Day and discovering their aging coalition has been given a new lease on life.... What would stop them from launching the full-scale assault on the welfare state that Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan never mustered the courage to fully enact? Why wouldn’t they go through with abolishing Obamacare and slashing funding to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?
Because as soon as the 2018 elections are done, they'll be focusing on winning in 2020.

ADDED: Take out the drama, and what Chait is talking about is what Scott Adams has called "Two Ways to Win, No Way to Lose."


rehajm said...

What an apocalyptic scene. He should probably kill himself.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

I think we could punk Chait from the future...

David Begley said...

“Chait doesn't know enough about the future to tell us what will happen in the midterms....” But the Left knows that we will get burned up and NYC will be under water due to global warming.

gilbar said...

that's the difference between the repubs and the demos
The repubs just keep getting more and more extreme, dreaming of CRAZY Things, like freedom
The demos keep being moderate realists at all times, KNOWING that True Socialism is the Answer
No one, has EVER thought that today's demos are veering to the fringe

Shouting Thomas said...

The Democratic Party has defined enforcing the borders and knowing the difference between a man and a woman as extreme right wing.

Karen of Texas said...

And I thought women were the ones prone to being overly dramatic. Get the man a fainting couch. Or a grip.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Anyone who believes in socialism, in any of its constructs, should be disqualified from public discourse, as being too stupid to play.

gilbar said...

i like how he answers his own question (without even realizing it)
Why wouldn’t they go through with abolishing Obamacare and slashing funding to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

Because as soon as the 2018 elections are done, they'll be focusing on winning in 2020.

MayBee said...

"aging coalition"

MayBee said...

So....if headlines about George Soros made the Tree of Life Shooter kill jews, does an article like this put a target on the back of every Republican? Watch out, Americans. You are about to be taken over by unhinged extremists!

The Crack Emcee said...

Both "sides" are so focused on the criticizing the other, they lack the self-awareness to see how crazy they've each become and how they got there. If this is how shit has always been done, it's a wonder mankind's ever accomplished anything.

Nice bodycount, so far, guys. Good work.

Molly said...

Chait doesn't go far enough: If R's win both house and senate, they will be emboldened to push through their long time hidden agenda and re-legalize slavery and rape.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Is it a crazy guy yelling things on the street corner or The New Yorker? Too close to call!

rhhardin said...

He means his outrage will get more extreme. He thinks it's the republicans causing it.

mezzrow said...

"both" sides, Crack? We have enough sides these days to form a dodecahedron. Just because you're opposed to something bad, it doesn't mean you're not on that structure too.

The problems really start when we start shooting, and apparently it's happening. If anyone thinks they have an easy answer, they're just demonstrating their lack of imagination.

Tarrou said...

Real question, on what issue is the GOP of today farther right than the GOP of the '90s?

For comparison, are there any issues on which the Democratic Party is farther left than they were in the '90s?

Charles said...

"The Crack Emcee said...
Both "sides" are so focused on the criticizing the other, they lack the self-awareness to see how crazy they've each become and how they got there. If this is how shit has always been done, it's a wonder mankind's ever accomplished anything."

To your first point absolute agreement.
You second one must be rhetorical because it has always been this way. It is the way of parties. Progress is made though conflict. Noting great comes about when people are satisfied with their lot.

pacwest said...

What do we want? To abolish economic reality!

Shouting Thomas said...


Life in the U.S.A. is very quiet and peaceful.

You're into inciting controversy as a form of self-promotion. You want everything to be crazy so people will pay attention to you.

The Crack Emcee said...

mezzrow said...

"If anyone thinks they have an easy answer, they're just demonstrating their lack of imagination."

Everyone keeps saying that, but no one wants to try anything but what's not working. It's an amazing phenomena to watch: the constant denial easy answers will work - as they fail to do any of them.

narciso said...

Chaitred, I chose to take his words with a grain of salt. Btw walkaway was Brandon strala and candice owen, not particularly kanye's deal

Darrell said...

Chait rhymes with hate.
Know the real enemy.

Phil 314 said...

Chait confuses hardening of opposition vs moving to the right. The Democratic vote in the judicial committee against Kavanaugh wasn’t a movement to the left, it was a hardening of the opposition.

MayBee said...

My easy answer: Let the press go back to covering Trump the way they covered Obama. Have journalists get off twitter. Make cable news panels illegal. Companies refuse to do anything a twitter mob requires.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"Life in the U.S.A. is very quiet and peaceful."

If you checked the news section of my blog, you'd know I saw that article - and I don't buy it. People aren't listening to anybody so they take that as peaceful. Always have. Meanwhile, I go outside and I'm practically being accosted by friends, asking for me to explain shit. "Peaceful" to white people was after they killed all the Indians, or made all the Chinese in California stop wanting equal pay for their gold. I'll take some "justice" - so we can love our country -over your "quiet and peaceful" any day.

Look at this thread - you guys hate Democrats - so you blame them for everything. Guess what? My Facebook Page looks like just the opposite from all the Libs trying to convince me otherwise. You're all the same. You just don't see it. You force me to.

Shouting Thomas said...


Two years ago I moved all of 15 miles from media obsessed Woodstock to blue collar nobody gives a shit Kingston, NY.

Nobody gives a shit about politics in redneck Kingston. The white guys and the black guys are all good old boys who mostly do skilled labor for a living. We all get together at the YMCA to play sports. Old fart basketball mostly. There is no problem. Nobody wants to talk politics.

I'm sure that people who are politics obsessed are drawn to your anger and love of controversy. That's your karma. Like attracts like.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"I'm sure that people who are politics obsessed are drawn to your anger and love of controversy. That's your karma. Like attracts like."

Why do you keep throwing your assumptions out there, like they matter? You sound like a fool. I, too, live in an isolated place - I said it when I first cam back - so what are you talking about? I'll tell you:


Shut-up, ST, nobody respects you, or your "opinion" or what you "think" - it's all you, guessing at a world that's passed you by.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your attempts to invoke a chorus of Cracks is pretty funny. There's only one of you.

"You're not popular!" stopped working on me in junior high school. Try something else.

I'm not guessing about anything. You're a relentless self-promoter and you love controversy. I remember well your link-a-thons in this very forum.

I'm servicing black Baptist churches as a sub organist. You know, that stuff you were too hip to do? They pay me.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"That's your karma."

Do I need a greater demonstration of why your comments never connect to reality?

You're not dealing in reality.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

I just realized I'm talking to someone who used "Karma" in a sentence - there's no need to go on.

I've already won.

FIDO said...

Translation: You should be scared because I am not in charge. And as long as I have a platform and I am not in charge, I will keep trying to scare you about Republicans...even though the sun keeps rising, the paychecks keep coming in, and most people are doing pretty well.

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Self-declaring yourself the victor is another one of your hilarious and dumb tactics, Crack.

Try to work toward peace of mind and find a discipline to help you. If your mind is peaceful and quiet, you'll begin to attract people who are also peaceful and quiet. Of course, you'll have to first to decide to give up the dopamine hits from being pissed off all the time. If you want to be pissed off, there's always something to be pissed off about.

I'm actually hard-core Catholic, Crack. I follow a religious discipline that is 2,000 years old. My method is old fashioned Catholic prayer, attending Mass, confession and meditation. I pray the Rosary, too.

I highly recommend this method, although I think the Baptists have a lot to offer, too.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"I'm servicing black Baptist churches as a sub organist. You know, that stuff you were too hip to do? They pay me."

If you must know, I recently got $100.00 for ”A Message To Kanye” - from one fan. Plus two Patron sign-ups. That, alone, equals $360.00 for something I'm giving away for free.

But you keep hauling your sorry ass to that church on Sunday, plus rehearsals, to help blacks keep believing in Holy bullshit, if that makes you feel good - to do to them for money.

I'm on some new-improved shit.

pacwest said...

"Look at this thread - you guys hate Democrats - so you blame them for everything."

Bullshit. Evidence to the contrary is the rise of the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus and the election of DJT. You are mistaken in thinking that politicians are the only part of our rage against the machine. Dems are just the easiest target at the moment.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas said...

"Try to work toward peace of mind and find a discipline to help you. If your mind is peaceful and quiet, you...."

Blah, blah, let-me-patronize-you-like-you-look-up-to-me-BLAH.

Jesus, you are a mess.

The Crack Emcee said...

acwest said...
"Look at this thread - you guys hate Democrats - so you blame them for everything."

"Bullshit. Evidence to the contrary is the rise of the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus"

Who aren't on this thread. Jesus, y'all can't think - just as Thomas Sowell fears.

Shouting Thomas said...


Substituting is only one part of my gig. I do regular weekly Masses. Not much rehearsal. Church choirs are volunteer and people won't put in another day at church for a rehearsal. They come to church an hour before Mass for rehearsal.

With funerals and weddings, I make $15,000 to $20,000 every year. And, it's not hit or miss. It's always there.

Yeah, I know the gig about relying on getting called for gigs and getting occasional royalties hits. It's nice, but it's only occasional pocket money.

viator said...

Chait is prescient as the title of his new book indicates, "How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail". I saw a picture of Chait yesterday wearing one of Kanye's new Blexit shirts.

Shouting Thomas said...

But, God bless you, I hope you find peace and happiness one day, Crack.

I've been through the addiction to self-promotion and controversy as a means of selling myself.

I'm a sinner there, too.

It's not worth it unless you're making a ton of money.

FIDO said...

Yay. We get yet another variation of the Shouting Crack show. How LUCKY we are that Crack gifts us with his disdain and Shouting gives him an excuse to continue to give us his disdain.

Hint to Crack yet again: We don't need you to win. We don't care if you join us or not.

We wouldn't mind, but the deal remains the same: Rule of Law. Economic opportunity, but you got to get off the couch. If you want to speak Blinglish, you don't got any gripe coming if no one wants to hire you.

But you keep being your bad self and I'll keep ignoring your complaints because I have plenty of Walkaways who vehemently disagree with your 'a pox on both your houses.'.

You are like a Fresno Five who thinks she is a New York Ten, demanding the same level of wooing and adoration for the same vote.

Okay. There are...I was going to say 'easier' girls out there, but I instead think 'smarter' is the better word. But keep waiting for your Mr. Big.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The NYT is written by democrats for democrats.

The democrat party supports full on corruption in Private Server for Clinton Cash Hillary - or Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders - a Communist propagandist and a socialist.

But please, don't say the democrat party is moving into radical leftwing territory.

The Crack Emcee said...

FIDO said...

"Translation: You should be scared because I am not in charge."

I don't know if this is directed at me, but, no - just better policies implimented that actually addressed our problems.

"And as long as I have a platform and I am not in charge, I will keep trying to scare you about Republicans..."

As we all saw this week, they do that pretty much on their own. And why do you guys *conveniently* forget I signed up with the Republicans in 2014? How can I be "that guy", if I'm not? This is precisely the problem I'm talking about: you're fighting phantoms.

"even though the sun keeps rising, the paychecks keep coming in, and most people are doing pretty well."

That's only because you never count the dead.

FIDO said...

I wonder at what point are the media people going to so into self reflection mode. What level of diminished readership is low enough for them to know 'we aren't into you anymore'?

The Crack Emcee said...

FIDO said...

"We don't care if you join us or not."

Yeah - that's why the questions about Blexit, right?

You guys can't even get your lies straight. I see you.

FIDO said...

Crack, that was directed at Chait. Once again, your ego knows no bounds.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

"The NYT is written by democrats for democrats."


"The democrat party supports full on corruption in Private Server for Clinton Cash Hillary - or Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders - a Communist propagandist and a socialist."

True - now what about the other side? Does their shit stink?

"But please, don't say the democrat party is moving into radical leftwing territory."

Have you been to the Noah's Ark Museum? How did that get built in a sane world? Do you ever think things might get better with more consistency? You know - for the kids?

FIDO said...

Unlike you, I don't think all black people think the same way. A lot of black people are smarter than you and/or realize that at 12% of the population, if the Rule of Law goes bye bye, it is probably a catastrophe for black people.

And unlike you, I don't need to stroke their...ego to get their support.

So it is not that black people are irrelevant. Every vote counts It is that YOU are not worth the reach around.

Fernandinande said...

If Republicans win the House but not the Senate, they will be working with an even more hardened foe: The Democrats who will have lost, or who are retiring, are those most vulnerable to outside pressure; the surviving core, from the bluest districts, will be the least Trumpian....

In the event Democrats garner full control of Congress... the transformation would be even more dramatic. The American people would be led by a party learning to resist its leader ...

Imagine Democrats waking up after Election Day and discovering their aging coalition has been given a new lease on life.... What would stop them from launching the full-scale support of the welfare state that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton never mustered the courage to fully enact? Why wouldn’t they go through with reinstating Obamacare and bloating the funding to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

Can I haz Nu Yerk Mazagine riter job now?

The Crack Emcee said...

FIDO said...

"Once again, your ego knows no bounds."

Not if I start my post with "I don't know if this is directed at me". Sounded like my ego was fine, but, Man, are you guys DESPERATE to put me down or what? I must be held pretty high in your esteem.

FIDO said...

ANYWAY, rational people are not going to lay this idiot's murders on Trump or Republicans.

He is a normal anti-Semite and the Left calls all anti-Semites 'Republicans'...despite the rhetoric in the Academy trying to isolate and disarm Israel, which seems a lot more genocidal to me.

Fewer and fewer people hear Chait anymore and those who do self selected. I doubt they are reachable anymore.

I would love to hear some solutions which don't lead to more violence but I am not stepping back. The Left has shown ZERO good faith and been far more violent and murderous in objectively measurable ways.

narciso said...

The country was founded on faith, men and women, who were fleeing a fickle tyrant, what is more substantial than that. And the creation account was critical to that. The Dead Sea scrolls were recovered in 1947, not 2017 btw.

pacwest said...

Bullshit. Evidence to the contrary is the rise of the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus""

Who aren't on this thread."

The point being actions against our own party as well as criticism of the Dems. Think man, think.

I trot my assumptions out for examination every now and then Crack. You should try it. You're smart, but too constricted in your thought patterns.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Long ago, Chait used to be one of the saner Democrats. But there’s no way to be heard on the Left now unless you’re full-on batshit. Remarkably, no one on the Left seems to think this is a problem.

The Crack Emcee said...

FIDO said...

"Unlike you, I don't think all black people think the same way."

Another white person telling me what I think - I'd think y'all would get tired of trying to do that - is what I actually do think. Trying to explain blacks to me - with my black families, friends, life and world vs. your guesses about how blacks live - is so creaky I'm surprised you'd be stupid enough to try saying it out loud. I am black, you moron. You're not going to tell me about myself.

"A lot of black people are smarter than you and/or realize that at 12% of the population, if the Rule of Law goes bye bye, it is probably a catastrophe for black people."

If you don't think I know it's only the law that keeps whites from killing us - and that's what makes them "just horrible people" - then you haven't been paying attention.

"And unlike you, I don't need to stroke their...ego to get their support."

I don't stoke nobody's ego - I think this cobbled-together tribe of blacks from Michael K's "West Africa" are not only proving ourselves to be the world's most remarkable and resilient people, but also the most dynamic this nation has ever produced. There's nothing y'all can say, in your daily mockery - which is only a result of your envy - that can dampen my enthusiasm for my people. As a matter of fact, your every put-down is just more fuel for the fire.

"So it is not that black people are irrelevant."

I don't know who said that, or suggested it - y'all's clueless, is the claim.

"Every vote counts It is that YOU are not worth the reach around."

Just like the white man's scream that he's not not going to feel guilty, this can be added to the long list of things nobody asked for, that you promise not to give. Boo-Hoo.

I know where I stand in the black kaleidoscope of voters and it's nowhere near people so dumb they think Trump - providing jobs for the first time in my lifetime - makes THEM my buddy after decades of hearing THEM call me lazy.

Y'all keep "thinking" whatever you want - I'm a real live black person - and I don't have to guess about shit.

The Crack Emcee said...

pacwest said...

"The point being actions against our own party as well as criticism of the Dems. Think man, think."

I think I specifically mentioned what occurred on this thread.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - I don't really care about the GOP.

We have a political party that is openly socialist and communist and the mask is off. Sadly, all we have to fight is an imperfect glob of people and interests that make up the R-party or the I-party. Whatever. That's all we got. Imperfection.

All I know is the D-party, headed by the Clinton Crime Family, is corrupt. and they are all Castro-wannabes.


wildswan said...

I like the idea that we aren't on two sides of a line but somewhere on a dodecahedron opposing an opposite which is one of six pairs of opposite facet or "sides". And being accused of supporting the opposite our neighbor opposes simply because we are concerned with our personal opposite, not our neighbor's personal opposite. While also being accused of supporting our neighboring side by our neighbor's opposing side simply because we are next to our neighbor. Visually it's all very clear. You can't change lines and angles on your own without destroying the form. Translated out of geometry - politically, free speech is a requirement for a functioning democracy. To me, this is just as clear as everything above, in fact much clearer.

Henry said...

What would stop them from launching the full-scale assault on the welfare state that Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan never mustered the courage to fully enact?

This reads like the fever dream of a man that scrawls out his thoughts the minute he wakes up. Is he on journaling? Is he on Ambien?

He's not the only one. Google "Who can stop" and the nightmares line up:

Who can stop the Supreme Court?
Who can stop Jair Bolsonaro?
Who can stop Donald Trump?
Who can stop North Korea?
Who can stop Brett Kavanaugh?
Who will stop the Rain?

Clouds of mystery pourin'
Confusion on the ground

Jaq said...

Meanwhile Merkel is stepping down. Keep cheering on the caravan, Deceptocrats!

Jaq said...

I don't really care about the GOP, either. If HHH were running today, I would probably vote for him. Closest we have to a Democrat who cares about actual Americans is Trump.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

"Crack - I don't really care about the GOP."

I do. I want two, smart, vibrant parties - not the two animal cages I see now.

"We have a political party that is openly socialist and communist and the mask is off."

But it's also more complex than that - you erected a statue to MLK in Washington, DC and nothing could've been done without those influences - the rigidity of the Right ensured it - so do we need to eliminate, or prune, our worst tendencies? I'm for pruning. I'm not an ideologue.

Sadly, all we have to fight is an imperfect glob of people and interests that make up the R-party or the I-party. Whatever. That's all we got. Imperfection.

A"ll I know is the D-party, headed by the Clinton Crime Family, is corrupt. and they are all Castro-wannabes."

You frame politics as a cartoon. That's not healthy.


I did - in 2004. Then I walked away from the Republicans in 2018 after hearing the racial views expressed here. Now I'm an Independent. I think most blacks are going to save themselves the trouble of interacting with the less savory racial elements on the Right and just skip the middle man, going straight to Independent.

I was willing to give it a try - my friends are much less so.

Jaq said...

I am a Democrat disgusted with the state of the party, so the project is to abandon lost causes like that and remake the Republican Party. Sorry Chuck.

Democrats are the party of the rich, who most of all want government that can be bought cash on the barrel head. I think that the rich really believe that what is good for them is good for the country.

Hunter said...

Corrected headline:

However the Midterms Go, My Narrative Will Not Change

Hunter said...

For some people, confirmation bias isn't a logical fallacy, it's a way of life.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The homeless man's Jesse Jackson said "I've already won."

Great, then shut the fuck up and stop begging for money.

The Crack Emcee said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
The homeless man's Jesse Jackson said "I've already won."

Great, then shut the fuck up and stop begging for money.

No, not until you give me some.

The Crack Emcee said...

I love the anger I attract, fucking up your little white paradise of unchallenged thoughts, by simply answering one question the way someone didn't like.

Y'all's incredible for thinking blacks would be attracted to this kind of behavior.

Jaq said...

I am foursquare behind environmental protection, for example, but think Global Warming is nothing but an anti capitalist stalking horse.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The homeless man's Jesse Jackson said "No, not until you give me some."

If I wanted to give money to some gibbering homeless retard ranting about reparations and blaming whitey, I have plenty of street corners around where there are less annoying bums.

Think local. Act local.

The Crack Emcee said...

Actually, it was mostly Shouting Thomas' dumb ass, but still - who needs it?

Jaq said...

"Y'all's incredible for thinking blacks would be attracted to this kind of behavior"

I gotta be meeeeee!

The Crack Emcee said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

If you not gonna give me no money, I'm gonna a keep "ranting about reparations and blaming whitey," because that's the point.

Now hand it over, whitey.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The local bums ranting on the corner are also more musically talented than the homeless man's Jesse Jackson. So they are ahead of you in line for the reparations, sport.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack said

I do. I want two, smart, vibrant parties ...

I want a unicorn.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"I gotta be meeeeee!"

You're on the other side of the aisle - the folks who want Trump to stop lying while insisting everyone ELSE has a RIGHT to do so and curbs on THEM are silly.

Because that's how ethical societies are created.

You're all mad, I tell you, mad.

Henry said...

Crack said

I do. I want two, smart, vibrant parties ...

Given that we're starting with zero we have no place to go but up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jared Polis(D) is running for governor of CO. He wants to force us into a government run health care system. He set up the very health care companies he will profit from.


Michael K said...

I'm not guessing about anything. You're a relentless self-promoter and you love controversy. I remember well your link-a-thons in this very forum.

Bingo ! I figured this out a month or two ago.

The Crack Emcee said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"The local bums ranting on the corner are also more musically talented than the homeless man's Jesse Jackson. So they are ahead of you in line for the reparations, sport."

I love it - now you're just reaching for anything at hand. You guys do realize the honor you do me with this behavior, don't you? I could be just another commenter, but, no - you guys make me special. And I feel special. So thank you.

I gotta go update the blog before it's 8AM on the coast. Thanks for the ego boost: People care about what I say!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim is right. The democrat party is the party of the rich.

The mega-corporations are all mostly democrat funders and they all know where their K-street gravy-graft train is fed.

Michael K said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...
I am foursquare behind environmental protection, for example, but think Global Warming is nothing but an anti capitalist stalking horse.

You should read Tucker Carlson's book. He has a lot about how the enviro movement has abandoned stuff like local cleanup for world global warming concerns. Meanwhile they pour paint down the drain.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

I'm not guessing about anything. You're a relentless self-promoter and you love controversy. I remember well your link-a-thons in this very forum.

"Bingo ! I figured this out a month or two ago."

I want everyone to look at this: Here are two white ideologues, communing together over their guesses about what I'm doing - always negative, of course, because I'm the black they don't like - and they couldn't be more wrong and don't care because that's how white men such as these trap you: I can't do a damn thing about anything they establish as white men. If they say I'm doing something, then damn it - me, Meade, Ann and whoever else be damned - that's what I'm doing. But it's not racism, even though I've already said it's only my black outlook that's the lure for their hatred. That's not allowed without comment by these two enforcers of Manifest Destiny or whatever they think they are. As Ann said recently of the NYT:

"They just can't help themselves."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Want to restore the democrat party?

Start by ending the non-stop family dynasty corruption crap.
Start by ending the total ignore the entire machine has on it's own corporate welfare graft schemes.

Start there.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I want smart, vibrant panties!

Seeing Red said...

Imagine Republicans waking up after Election Day and discovering their aging coalition

Who sez the republicans is the aging party?

Someone’s in a bubble.


Michael K said...

Crack being Crack is like Chuck being Chuck., You skim the first line and move on.

The Crack Emcee said...

One visit to Ann's blog and I get:

Patronizing "life tips" (I don't ask for) from someone who knows I don't respect him.

Insults by the bucketful about - literally - anything y'all can think up or invent.

I'm constantly told what blacks really think - because it's a mystery to me, here, where I live with nothing but minorities. And with my them.

And, last but not least, I get a bird's eye view of the mania that passes for "conservative thought" these days - that I can show to my black family, friends, etc. - so they're not confused about what they're being offered by Republicans pretending to be friendly.

Michael said...

"Why wouldn’t they go through with abolishing Obamacare and slashing funding to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?" - Chait

He says that as though those are bad things...

Kevin said...

Take out the drama, and what Chait is talking about is what Scott Adams has called "Two Ways to Win, No Way to Lose."

Reminds me of the basic structure of Inga's posts:

1. "You people are crazy!"

2. "But even if you're right, SO WHAT?"

I refer to the second part as "the Drago hedge".

Michael K said...

One of two things is going to happen after the election.

Te Democrats are going to be chastened buy their failure to take the House, which is against all historical precedent and get rid of the tribalism. That's possible but unlikely.

Or they are going to go to 12 on the 1 to 10 scale crazy. We might have to start putting tranquilizer into the water supply of New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Marcus said...

Any comment thread hijacked by Crack's Ego is not worth reading.

The Crack Emcee said...

“If You’re A Conservative Who’s At War With The Truth, You’re Not Really Being Conservative”

They like telling blacks what we really feel - and homeopathy - far too much to ever be REAL conservatives.

Kevin said...

Extreme is a dog whistle to the left. It means "racist".

The Democrats have become the party of Lucy Van Pelt.

Trump is just playing Snoopy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Marcus said...

"Any comment thread hijacked by Crack's Ego is not worth reading."

I do love you guys - I'm not being attacked multiple times by multiple people - IT'S MY EGO.

Which is just another attack by a white person I had nothing to do with.

Racism is a hoot.

The Crack Emcee said...

Marcus said...

"Any comment thread hijacked by Crack's Ego is not worth reading."

I like how your ego doesn't even come into it. It's just the black guy.

Classic racism.

Jupiter said...

"That's Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine, and I've selected that to link just as an example of the kind of thing I have an aversion to right now."

Yeah, Johnathon Chait is the kind of thing I have an version to as well.

The Crack Emcee said...

Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete?

Ray - SoCal said...


Aside from Reparations what would be the ideal gop stance to you?

Ray - SoCal said...

Gop seems to becoming the, I’m not a democrat party.

Democrats seems to have become the grievance and elite party.

Because of the us election set up, we end up with two parties in power.

rcocean said...

The MSM constantly speculates about the future because a large portion of their audience likes it.

It strikes me as boring, but some people love to constantly make predictions and chatter about how they got this one right or this one wrong. Or they just like talking about the future - constantly.

I left one TV show talk thread because people who spend all day Mon-Sat talking about what was going to happen on the next show. Then after the show on Sunday, they would NOT talk about the SHOW, instead they'd immediately start speculating about "What happens NEXT Sunday"!

Rae said...

The Republicans are already being called Nazis. How much more extreme can you get?

The truth is, the GOP needs to be perceived by the public as ever more extreme, in order to distract from the Dems rocketing to the left at relativistic velocity. Very soon, Guevara will be viewed as a right-wing figure by the Venezuelaists.

Sam L. said...

The media is what's become extreme in their hatred of Trump.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete?

Ok... Just for you.

My immediate family was not even in the US until after the Civil War, and as late as the 1890's. They never owned slaves. Never wanted slaves. The rest of my family were Quakers (still are Quakers) and were active in the underground railroad in southern Indiana. They also never owned slaves.

I cannot feel personally guilty for something that I have never done. I don't feel guilty for things that my ancestors had never done....although I do think that some of the Irish in the ancient days of Ireland (800s or so) probably did own slaves or were slaves, in Ireland.

I feel bad that slavery existed and STILL exists throughout the world. Everything should be done to stop it. It is morally wrong and if you believe in such things...it is a sin.

But guilt. Nope.



Comanche Voter said...

Chaitan unhinged writer moored to ideology rather than reality writes about an "unhinged President". Well excuse me---you silly little twerp.

Michael K said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete?

Short post so I read it. This asshole cannot accept that some of us lost ancestors on the Union side trying to free slaves.

I've visited some of their graves and others are buried in Union centuries as "Unknown."

Go back to the desert or wherever you were before you inflicted yourself on us again.

hstad said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete? 10/29/18, 10:21 AM

I was wondering when the conversation would deteriorate to "racism". Crack pushes "slavery", like it was yesterday? Sorry my friend, "slavery" is so far in the past. I dare say that those people have long died out. Moreover, given the immigration of the USA (since slavery), 99.9% of the people in this country today have no idea why the hell you keep mentioning "racism". For me, I was born in Germany, grew up in Latin America (18 years) and have now settled in the USA. "Racism", really, that's all you got - ancient grievances?

YoungHegelian said...

Whenever any of you out there ever have the slightest notion to take Chait & his bellyaching about how Trump is the AntiChrist (which I guess would necessitate Chait believing in Christ...), I'd like you to think back to Exhibit A from The New Republic of 2003.

Chait has been a whack-job calling the Repubs devils since waaay-back.

Bilwick said...

Well, if they're going to get more extreme in a pro-liberty direction--just as the Democrats seem to be getting more extreme in their statism--good!

I myself am a proud extremist. As I have said before, if you tried to poke me in the eyes 100 times, I would resist you 100 times. You might overpower me and force me to submit to getting my eyes poked, but I would never concede your right to do so . . . not in the name of any shibboleth or superstition you might invoke to justify it. Not for the Common Good, not to share the wealth, not for the good of society or the economy; not to help the poor, not to help the rich--nada; no way, no how.

A moderate or middle-of-the-roader would probably let you poke him in the eyes 50 times out of a 100, if you gave him enough of the old BS.

Bilwick said...

"Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete?"

With his constant anti-slavery animadversions, Crack must surely be a libertarian, a spiritual descendant of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison and Henry David Thoreau. Clearly no one values individual liberty as much as Crack.

RMc said...

"However the Midterms Go, the Republican Party Is Going to Get More Extreme."

It must be comforting to realize that, no matter what happens, the people you don't like will become even more unlikable.

n.n said...

ancient grievances?

Well, there were the reparations of blood and treasure in a Civil War. Still, not so ancient, but unless we indulge in diversity (i.e. color judgments), today it's character judgments, and the three Rs: Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation. sustainability.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ray - SoCal said...


Aside from Reparations what would be the ideal gop stance to you?"

One with less hostility towards blacks.

Jim at said...

Any comment thread hijacked by Crack's Ego is not worth reading.

Quoted for truth.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ray - SoCal said...


Aside from Reparations what would be the ideal gop stance to you?"

One with more emphasis on history and less hostility towards blacks.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Ok... Just for you."

No, not ok - it's a trap, DBQ - because NO ONE IS ASKING FOR YOUR GUILT.

Get it?

I mentioned it because talking about guilt is a mental "tic" a certain kind of white person has talked themselves into using on blacks, as a Get Out Of Jail Free card, when it's nothing of the kind (You can't preach patriotism, and then abandon responsibility for your nation, at the same time).

Now I get to count how many others fell for it, too.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"This asshole cannot accept that some of us lost ancestors on the Union side trying to free slaves."

I knew this moron would fall for it. Guess what Mike? I do accept that. You can't accept you judge blacks like me by your wrong-headed assumptions and that makes a problem for everyone.

OK, that makes DBQ and the Go Cart Idiot - who's next?

The Crack Emcee said...

hstad said...
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Can one of you please start screaming, about how you're not going to feel guilty for slavery, to make this visit complete? 10/29/18,

Crack pushes "slavery", like it was yesterday?

Every one of you has this remarkable "Birth Of A Nation" way of making everything my fault - like a liberal looking at Trump. I talk of conservatives screaming of slavery and what's this idiot see?

Crack pushes "slavery" - of course.

Y'all need serious help with that racism.

The Crack Emcee said...

William Chadwick said...

"With his constant anti-slavery animadversions, Crack must surely be a libertarian, a spiritual descendant of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison and Henry David Thoreau. Clearly no one values individual liberty as much as Crack."

Those are powerful names, but I was thinking of Thaddeus Stevens today. No disrespect, but I really was.

The Crack Emcee said...

n.n said...
ancient grievances?

"Well, there were the reparations of blood and treasure in a Civil War."

This is always the dumbest thing a white person can say - but whites always find someone to say it.

Ray - SoCal said...


What do you mean by this? I see the GOP as mostly a color blind party due to ideology. Romney has a grandkid that is Black, Sessions has a Korean Son in law.

>One with less hostility towards blacks.

The major problem I see with the GOP, is they are afraid of confrontation any time they reach out to blacks and being called Racists.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ray - SoCal said...


What do you mean by this? I see the GOP as mostly a color blind party due to ideology."

No party with so many members who love nothing more than encircling blacks and heckling us about the "Democrat Plantation" is colorblind.

"Romney has a grandkid that is Black"

Romney read the "2012 Republican Autopsy" that said Republican Party had a racial problem - and they're still denying it 6 years later as they harass us.

"Sessions has a Korean Son in law."

Focus on blacks, because that's their historical problem.

"The major problem I see with the GOP, is they are afraid of confrontation any time they reach out to blacks and being called Racists."

Not when they outnumber us - like here - then they're more than happy to be as obnoxiously racist as can be imagined.

Ray - SoCal said...

I do see a few bomb thrower types, Minorities GOP, such as Dinesh D'Souza, or Diamond and Silk, etc. that use the term Democrat Plantation.

Most GOP is afraid of being branded a Racist to use that term.

I see the GOP as having the most to offer Blacks right now, which Trump is being very smart on, which is jobs.

Illegal immigration, and outsourcing, has removed a lot of jobs from the Black Community in the US.

Education Reform with school choice is a big opportunity.

Not to mention this entire licensing boondoggle, that makes running your own business harder.

The huge challenge, and elephant in the room, is crime. How can the root causes be addressed? By the time it gets to the justice system,it's way to late.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

"Well, there were the reparations of blood and treasure in a Civil War."

This is always the dumbest thing a white person can say - but whites always find someone to say it.

Perhaps you don't consider the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of lives and untold treasure to matter, but I do. Also, I recognize the dignity and responsibility of individuals, and don't indulge in color judgments. Stand for the human rights leaders who came before us. Stand for the civil rights leaders who do not dwell on diversity.

The Crack Emcee said...

n.n said...

"Perhaps you don't consider the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of lives and untold treasure to matter, but I do."

You guys make wrong assumptions like I breathe. Even worse, you stick those wrong assumptions on others and act on them - that's why people hate Republicans.

Try this on for size: Let's say I do "consider the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of lives and untold treasure to matter" just as much as you do - anyone who knows me has heard me speak on the Civil War so you know I understand it - but THE CIVIL WAR ISN'T REPARATIONS. It was what stubborn white men, with wrongheaded assumptions, forced rational people to do to make them stop abusing blacks. What you are now engaged in is a slight-of-hand. It gives white people a bad name.

"I recognize the dignity and responsibility of individuals, and don't indulge in color judgments."

Blah, blah, blah. You haven't actually given the lives of your black fellow Americans a moments notice because you don't have to. I'm probably having the deepest racial conversation you've ever had in your life. No one who lives in a land that had race as it's guiding principle for the first 350 years of it's existence can seriously say what you're claiming is the real way life exists here now, just because you wish it so. It's simply impossible. What do you do during Black History Month? Go around telling blacks it doesn't matter and putting your fingers in your ears while singing? No, you deny other's lives, while playing ideologue. You lie.

"Stand for the human rights leaders who came before us."

Give us reparations like MLK said.

"Stand for the civil rights leaders who do not dwell on diversity."

Do all you white guys want to be preachers, or is it just you and Shouting Thomas? Because you both patronize me like you do. Did I ask you to tell me how to live? Why do you feel an impulse to lecture me on it? Are you a wannabe Tony Robbins or something? Is your life perfect? Why don't you spend some time learning the difference between a "war" and "reparations" before you decide you're smart enough to lecture others on other issues? Then you can look up the ethics and the long historical legacy behind whites in America using their mistaken ideas for challenging blacks or deciding to write some bullshit law.

That might make your presentation easier to swallow,.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ray - SoCal said...

"I do see a few bomb thrower types, Minorities GOP, such as Dinesh D'Souza, or Diamond and Silk, etc. that use the term Democrat Plantation."

Do you also see they're playing to white audiences? Put them in front of blacks and let them say that shit. I'll be screaming "WORLD STAR!!!" in no time.

"Most GOP is afraid of being branded a Racist to use that term."

So much fear - over something it's easy not to do - but no fear about actually acting racist? That's a weird combination. Like, let's say it's true - whites are afraid of being branded a Racist to use that term - meanwhile, they don't mind hanging on this blog with whoever it is that constantly writes "iggerns" or whatever for black people. Or those few who see me as a target - they see a black man constantly harassed by the same assholes. That's fine - just don't brand them as racists for saying "Plantation," right? Very strange. Meanwhile, they're constantly wondering if "Blexit" or #WalkAway" has any traction? More potential targets, I'm assuming.

"I see the GOP as having the most to offer Blacks right now, which Trump is being very smart on, which is jobs."

Trump is not the GOP. The GOP doesn't talk to Kanye. The GOP doesn't talk to the Young Black Republicans and say he thinks three or four of them can be president. The GOP didn't care if blacks had jobs. The GOP was scared of being called racists - and with good reason, as Romney said.

"Illegal immigration, and outsourcing, has removed a lot of jobs from the Black Community in the US."

True, but whites didn't care until now - that's why there's so many Mexicans here. I've worked along side them - for white guys. As those white guys openly said they wouldn't work for the wages they were paying us. Republicans. Just like their pride that blacks are working - now - they got short memories of how Republicans thought about blacks and jobs.

"Education Reform with school choice is a big opportunity."

Yawn. You and your opportunities. We're not some new immigrants. Pay the bill. Reparations.

"Not to mention this entire licensing boondoggle, that makes running your own business harder."

You really need to stop talking.

"The huge challenge, and elephant in the room, is crime."

Good Lord.

"How can the root causes be addressed?"

Let's see, paying reparations might indicate there's some justice in the land, which might make some "criminals" re-think things.

"By the time it gets to the justice system, it's way to late."

And you are a facsimile of a real person, thinking.

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