"We’ve got to lead with love. You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people – all the people."
Said Cory Booker, quoted in "Booker: 'We are not defined by a president who does not believe women'" (The Hill). I clicked through to that because the quote in the headline disturbed me a bit. As a woman, I felt otherized! It's weird to speak of "believing women." We're a huge group — the majority. How can you even think of the idea of "believing women" unless you first imagine us to be a different sort of animal from you, the men? We can't possibly all have the authority to command belief, so which ones of us are really getting the must-be-believed privilege? The ones with doctorates? The Democrats with doctorates? I really don't know, but I suspect that "does not believe women" is an insult and the real question is when do you use it?
I ended up selecting a different quote to feature in this post, though. The one I picked sounds nice. It's an aspiration. It's certainly not true that "Democrats will never be pulled down so low that we hate folk," but swap "will" for "should" and you've got something. "We can’t hate Republicans" is also literally false. You certainly can hate Republicans. You can and do. But to say that you shouldn't is a good idea.
I understand the rhetoric of making a simple declarative statement to express advice or desire. Maybe that's a notable feature of Cory Booker rhetoric. I associate it with adults training children how to act: We don't put our elbows on the table. If the child sees the potential to quip, Maybe you don't, but I do, he shouldn't say it, but if he does, the old-fashioned mother can respond, Children don't talk to their mothers like that, and he will get the message that a second quip in the same format is not a good idea.
1 – 200 of 432 Newer› Newest»Not pulled into hating folk? Has "Spartacus" even looked at the reaction of the left over the nomination? Or for the past 50 years for that matter?
What a crock!
Nancy Pelosi debriefs what happened
Pretense at civility bullshit.
Does not believe women is part of the soap opera women go for. It keeps bad Trump in the soap opera news.
Leftwing females, crazed and raped after dear Hillary lost, would never lie for the greater good.
Booker is one ugly poisonous toad.
He should get a job on Democrat Night Live.
Not. a leader.
Booker buys Avanetti and Swetnick. Top dollar.
I’m willing to give some Dems the benefit of the doubt, but someone needs to call out the biased and malevolent press.
oh FFS, Spartacus! You and your ilk are already down, and getting downer.
He has been given new lines to speak, I think.
We will know for sure after we hear from the others, what the new party line is.
T-Bone could not be reached to comment.
Show us the evidence. Warlock trials are a violation of civil rights.
That said, feminists are from Venus; male chauvinists are from Mars; men, women, and babies are conceived on Earth. #HateLovesAbortion
Booker back-pedaling into Obama's "we're all one" mode. Too late!
Sex and gender politics.
But we all know what he means by “believe women”. We’ve just gone through the exercise. “Believe” means “suspend all critical faculties”. “Women” means “any woman who seeks to harm conservatives”.
"Democrats will never be pulled down so low that we hate folk"
Did he really say that? Given their behavior? Democrats hate the unborn folks so much their lust for abortion is demonic.
Shorter Booker:
Look folks *wink* we kinda pushed it too far. The crazy asshole who beat up Rand Paul, the nutter who took a *gun* (a gun!) to the congressional baseball game and shot Steve Scalise, the screeching, the death threats, Avanetti-Swetnick lies, the powdered poison sent through the mail... we might be sending the wrong message.
WE hate them, because Hillary lost, and Trump is a rich guy who doesn't play our dark money games, but you gotta stuff that deep down and find some love. *wink*
Thankfully, my mother never talked like that.
She never said "we don't do that" - it was more like "get your elbows off the table"
We’ve got to lead with love.
How patronizing! We don't want to be led by hysterical leftists. Just another Obama-like elitist remark implying that we are just low-information folk and, given more propaganda and a few more years, we can be buffed and polished to be less deplorable. Sickening. I'll stick with my gun and my Bible, thank you very much!
Ya know how lefties always call their guy the ‘intellectual’? Deep thinker? Trying to pull that off with Booker is gonna be tough.
Blogger heyboom said...
Not pulled into hating folk? Has "Spartacus" even looked at the reaction of the left over the nomination? Or for the past 50 years for that matter?
You mean, Senator, that that's how you treat people whom you DON'T hate?
He has been given new lines to speak, I think.
I agree. He has always struck me as having few original and coherent thoughts.
The left are anti-fascist, they scream.
by real measure - actual fascists.
but with love
I know that they are overly simplistic rules of thumb, but it is remarkable how often the behavior of Democratic Party officials can be determined by taking the inverse of their descriptions of themselves – or by taking their descriptions of the opposition and applying it to themselves.
Booker goes full Orwellian.
When will politicians get it. They are not our leaders. They are our representatives.
Kasich, who's been MIA during the whole Kavanaugh hearing, is now on CNN telling us "we need to come together" and the POTUS needs to pick Judges that are conservative but the Democrats can get behind.
What a jackass.
CNN is now showing us why Pith helmets are "colonalist".
The flipside of "don't hate" is "it's just business"
It's okay to destroy someone if you do it with the right motives.
Corey Booker is punching way above his level of competence.
"We’ve got to lead with love."
...then follow with a left hook
On the day of the final SJC hearing where they were taking the vote on advancing the nomination to the floor my wife and I listened to Booker's entire 17 minutes of incoherent babble prior to making his vote. The guy is trulyan idiot. A sorry commentary on the voters of NJ that their senators are Booker and Menendez.
"Why the existential cries..."
This is because propaganda works. Add in group dynamics, and its much more effective among women, being as they are generally more driven to be conventional. If it seems that so many other women are hysterical then there seems to be a requirement to respond in emotional harmony.
Change the propaganda and the mood will change.
I really like the simpler sentiment of "We are not defined by a president."
This is what I find weird about meme politics. Why are people on either side setting their emotional agendas by what the president does? Why the despair? Why the triumphalism? Why the existential cries to the uncaring sky?
(deleted an earlier comment and reposted. Forgot the negation in the quote, which was an egregious miss.)
Politicians, pastors and prostitutes. All three talk a good game but only one has to deliver on promises made. Which one is Booker?/s
Validating RHHARDIN?
Taken from a parliamentary debate in 1912, Viscount Helmsley nailed it.
The way in which certain types of women, easily recognised, have acted in the last year or two, especially in the last few weeks, lends a great deal of colour to the argument that the mental equilibrium of the female sex is not as stable as the mental equilibrium of the male sex....It seems to me that this House should remember that if the vote is given to women those who will take the greatest part in politics will not be the quiet, retiring, constitutional women… but those very militant women who have brought so much disgrace and discredit upon their sex. It would introduce a disastrous element into our public life…it is little short of nauseating and disgusting to the whole sex…
Nauseated, disgusted, revolted, sickened, scandalized -- none of those choice words even begin to describe my feelings toward women who behave like irrational mental patients who escaped the loony bin. Or are you telling me this is normal?
This psychotic behavior is also not new. Emily Davison, suffragette, threw herself in front of a derby horse in protest and was promptly trampled to death.
What the D-team needs is a candidate wealthy enough to tell off all the dark money forces behind their malevolence and malfeasance.
Who put the bad in being male?
We must believe women. But, since we also can't be sexist, we must also believe men.
Going forward, when a man or a women makes an accusation, they will have their lives and careers destroyed instantly. Evidence and due process are the tools of the rape apologists - who must also be destroyed.
When a women and a man make conflicting accusations or denials, we will form up into two mobs and each mob will focus on destroying one of the two parties, respectively. You will know which mob to join based on which party causes your blood to boil based on your own experiences - real or imagined. Of course, feel free to feel sanctimonious and self-righteous - that's the best part.
Oh, btw, none of this applies to Democrat targets. We had some misfires at first (sorry Harvey and Al) but we believe we've isolated the flaw and won't let that happen again (good for you, Keith and Bill).
@Bad Lieutenant said:
You mean, Senator, that that's how you treat people whom you DON'T hate?
Exactly. If what we're seeing is love here then the entire concept of love has been blown to oblivion.
Sorry, buwaya, by reposting I moved my comment after your reply.
I get what you're saying, though I disagree with your gender assignment. Men and women may, in masses, exhibit different existential fears, but that doesn't mean one fear is better than the other.
The day of the committee vote Booker started out with the "Can't we all get along" type crap. By the end of his time he was blistering the conservatives with the same old hate.
No ride across the river for you, Sparticus.
Booker is male. He should either kneel or move to the back of the bus next to the conservative and libertarian feminine females, next to the "white girls next door". Well, he's also liberal. Perhaps he has earned the privilege of stooping, one baby step in front of the deplorables. #HateLovesAbortion
I’m willing to give some Dems the benefit of the doubt, but someone needs to call out the biased and malevolent press.
Not me. I am pissed. Democrats declared war. They should get it.
After some deep breaths, I can open my mind a crack to the concept of becoming willing to think about the benefit of the doubt. But its going to have to start quick. Tick Tock...Democrats on the Judiciary committee need to hold a press conference Monday, tell the world what happened was a disgrace and demand the Democrat Leadership strip Senator Feinstein of her position on the Judiciary Committee, and all committee seatsf. Her intentional violation of committee rules must be punished. Also, Cory Booker is also pulled from the committee, due to his stated intention of willfully violating Senate Rules.
If Dems are not going to police their own behavior, they have no business policing mine. Democrat leadership needs to tell the voters their members will obey Senate Rules or be shunned from all positions of power.
This well never happen, I'm safe to say, Fuck'em all
Men and women are equal in dignity and complementary in value, equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Individually, and without diversity, each of us is due a presumption of expression and acting in good faith. #HateLovesAbortion
A sorry commentary on the voters of NJ that their senators are Booker and Menendez.
Don't forget Jon Corzine of the missing billions.
Corzine was subpoenaed to appear before a House committee on December 8, 2011, to answer questions regarding 1.2 billion dollars of missing money from MF Global client accounts. He testified before the committee, "I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date," and that given the number of money transfers in the final days of trading at MF Global, he didn't know specifics of the movement of the funds. He also denied authorizing any misuse of customer funds.
"Forget it, Jake. It's New Joisy."
Booker in CYA mode. Wow Ann is outraged. I guess that means she will parse every sentence he writes.Poor guy..
Meade take her out to dinner tonight and make sure she mellows with some fine wine.
Lord Helmsley was wrong, mostly.
It certainly isn't the women actually in politics who get hysterical fits (or to be honestly hysterical). The record of a century does not support it. It takes a certain self control and stoicism and bloody-mindedness to be in politics, a realism about the competition to win a place in a legislature, and to advance ones interests while in office.
The hysteria is partly in the scribbling and theatrical castes, and most of all among their audiences, those most affected by them.
oh that Cory been kicked in the balls after making that comment...
Spartacus is finished.
He will be mocked everywhere he goes.
That democrats are trying to convince people their party has not devolved into a hate mob tells you where the polls are.
Christ urging us to love so much that we love our enemies: it is the one indicia of love that can’t be faked.
buwaya said...
He has been given new lines to speak, I think.
We will know for sure after we hear from the others, what the new party line is.
Months ago I told you all the rage would peak and sputter to cover for the collapse of the Russia Collusion hoax.
Then a month before the election democrats would be saying "Can't we all just get along."
Where ever you go there you are.
Buwaya asserts: It takes a certain self control and stoicism and bloody-mindedness to be in politics, a realism about the competition to win a place in a legislature, and to advance ones interests while in office.
That used to be the case.
Women is such a diverse statement. It was actually three named women, individuals with their own perceptions and recollections of reality, not colorful clumps of cells, and one named man.
"Achilles said Spartacus is finished" Nice! Like an old Kirk Douglas movie
Mens fears are different and, I think, on the whole, more concrete than womens fears.
Since there is also the matter of men having a flatter distribution of traits across all characteristics (thicker tails in the distribution curve, more extremes) this can be missed.
Dems are doing the aftermath of how to win again.
”How can you even think of the idea of "believing women" unless you first imagine us to be a different sort of animal from you, the men”
WHAT???? But that’s EXACTLY what “Believe all women” means. It couldn’t be more clear. And it’s complete and utter bullshit.
We are not defined by stinkin' Lefties who never successfully transformed their ideas into a functional reality.
Take another drive to Hawaii, loser.
“You certainly can hate Republicans. You can and do. But to say that you shouldn't is a good idea.”
Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists. It’s spoken daily, especially on posts that deal with women specifically. We also see plenty of hate directed toward Democrats, liberals and progressives here and elsewhere. No one side owns the market on hate. We saw daily hate directed toward Obama and his wife. Humans are fallible and what makes them human is emotion, good and bad. Some people on the right reveled and still do, in the politics of spite, celebrating when Trump did something that made the opposite side angry or upset. We all know what we should or shouldn’t do, at least we should by adulthood.
I think it is exactly the same as ever.
It is a certain sort of person that wins in political competitions, even in places with one-party politics. And even if the competition is between women only.
Anything said by a successful politician must be considered artificial, insincere to a degree, calculated, designed. This includes cases where one of them seems to be out of emotional control. Are they really?
I am so over all the drama queens trying to win the Victim Olympics.
Because, Inga, feminism, however defined, is fundamentally wrong.
And emotion is not "human". My cat is emotional.
My cat, however, is not very good at complex reasoning, nor at holding large masses of information in its walnut-sized brain.
Ya know how lefties always call their guy the ‘intellectual’? Deep thinker? Trying to pull that off with Booker is gonna be tough.
Why tough? They said it about Kerry with a straight face
A lot of women and men are turned off by warlock trials, and color judgments, recognizing the unfairness, and knowing that they may be the next targets. #HateLovesAbortion
New Jersey - where corruption-D is born.
Wars require, among other things, the celebration of victories and the denigration of the enemy. This is just as true of American political parties as of the Sioux and Comanche.
”Humans are fallible and what makes them human is emotion,”
I agree with buwaya. What separates us from the other animals, and thus makes us “human”, is the ability to reason. We could do with a lot less emotion on the political stage right now.
Men are sounding like they want to be the new victim class, all one has to do is listen to males here expressing their fear and hate of feminism. Men are the drama queens of today. None of you listened to Kavanagh’s pathetic and disturbing temper tantrum apparently, or it was justified in your eyes. So, when men get upset, it’s justified in the Conservative mind. When women become upset they are drama queens.
The race to 1952 speeds up. You may not like what you’re looking for.
The left are anti due process. but with love.
Excellent points. Senators like Booker and Hirono are good enough to win election in their states but they aren’t good enough at the game to be leaders of their party.
Harry Reid was very good. McConnel is even better than Reid. Thinks ahead more moves. I think the Dems should dump Schumer as their senate leader. He and Dick Durbin, the No 2, just aren’t good enough at The Game.
Trump is excellent. Even better than Bill Clinton, who was also good but not as much self control as Trump. Too many self-inflicted wounds.
I think Feinstein and Grassley are also very good at The Game. But they are too old now. The Dems could have blocked Kavanaugh if they had better players. They were counting on the GOP to make mistakes to win. The GOP didn’t make any mistakes.
Shorter Inga:
When a leftwing feminist with a mission makes a false allegation against you - suck it up, grovel and acquiesce.
Inga, your last statement is purely rhetorical, and emotional.
The fascists are coming.
We know.
Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists.
If this site had a reading comprehension requirement, we would never hear from Inga.
Democrats seem to be fully embracing a world of their imagination because reality is too difficult for them to grasp.
That explains the increasingly absurd speechifying from their representatives.
I've been feeling the love from Democrats for ten, maybe fifteen years now.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“You certainly can hate Republicans. You can and do. But to say that you shouldn't is a good idea.”
Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists. It’s spoken daily, especially on posts that deal with women specifically. We also see plenty of hate directed toward Democrats, liberals and progressives here and elsewhere. No one side owns the market on hate. We saw daily hate directed toward Obama and his wife. Humans are fallible and what makes them human is emotion, good and bad. Some people on the right reveled and still do, in the politics of spite, celebrating when Trump did something that made the opposite side angry or upset. We all know what we should or shouldn’t do, at least we should by adulthood.
Inga cannot differentiate between "disagree with" and "hate." Because she is stupid.
Ann is a Feminist. None of us hate her. We disagree with her on certain topics where she is obviously wrong.
This is different than Inga justifying her hatred and violence. The left consistently turns to oppression with those it disagrees with.
I love that you try to lump liberals in with you when #walkaway is surging and liberals are leaving the democrat party by the thousands. The true liberals see you for what you are and know they would be the first into the ovens if you got control.
But mostly there is Inga justifying the campus Red Guards.
There is Inga justifying the Antifa Brownshirts.
Remember Inga thinks Scalise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA just like thousands if not millions of her fellow leftists.
We saw you screeching harridans in the halls of the senate yesterday. The left is insane with hatred.
Every day for 3 years the left has been violently attacking us.
You will lose in November and you will be put down if you come out of your little blue enclaves and campuses and bring your violence to the broader country.
Inga warned: “The race to 1952 speeds up. You may not like what you’re looking for.”
1952 was a very special election year: Republicans won the Presidency and both Houses for the first time since FDR had power. So you can’t possibly be referring to 2018.
Who is your Ike for 2020? Maybe I want to like him/her too. I don’t like any of the Dem players on the field. You need a retired General.
So 'Spartacus' is pulling the old Obama 'we must be civil to each other even if the SOB Republicans are here stinking up the room' speech.
Gives him cover while cussing out the other side.
Transparent... just like Obama you can see right through him.
Inga said...
Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists.
Sounds like a plan. Feminists are freakazoids and everyone knows it. #StopBelievingAllWomen #CancelMeToo #MAGA #Trump #FeminismIsCancer
When Cory Booker and Kamala Harris go low, Diane Feinstein goes lower.
Cory Booker is a ridiculous man.
I've been feeling the love from Democrats for ten, maybe fifteen years now.
Indeed. We feel it most when we bend over.
”Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists.”
I certainly don’t hate feminists, but I am losing respect for them.
Some people on the right reveled and still do, in the politics of spite, celebrating when Trump did something that made the opposite side angry or upset.
How right you are! I remember the shit show that went down when President Trump demanded two scoops of ice cream. I know that catastrophe, as defined by the left, kept a smile on my face for a week. I admit to reveling.
It has to be exhausting to lack any self awareness.
Come on Mike - why not just admit the visceral hatred you feel towards these bullshit 'feminists'? Why kowtow to the likes of Inga?
"unless you first imagine us to be a different sort of animal from you, the men?"
The Dems have moved from The War on Women to The War between Men and Women. A Gender Civil War.
Yes, women are the majority in this country. Add in the Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ and Greens and that's how the Dems win elections based on their Identity Group politics. That's all they've got.
Gender politics has gotten insane. All we can do is make fun of LeakingDiane and the others now. I tried to do it this week in a short story I published in New English Review. However, I went so far that I think I made fun of judgment itself. Perhaps I went too far. How would I know? https://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm?frm=189444&sec_id=189444
”Blogger Alex said...”Come on Mike - why not just admit the visceral hatred you feel towards these bullshit 'feminists'?”
Because I don’t.
"Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists."
Define feminists. That term meant equal pay, equal opportunity and other good stuff when I became aware of the movement.
Now it apparently means the man is guilty until proven innocent, "men should shut up and step back", PIV sex is rape, a man who has had a few drinks is an aggressor, a woman with the same few drinks is not responsible for her acts, a man wears a shirt with sci-fi women in scanty clothing (a recurring theme of much classic sci fi) he should lose his job, a man tossed from college or losing his job over unfounded allegations rate a "well boo hoo forhim", Larry Summers can not even postulate that women and men - in the aggregate - may have different math skills, ...
I could go on. But if THAT is what feminists have become (and the loudest, shrillest seem be that way and to hold sway) then you are right. Hate 'em.
Well, Kirby, you are in interesting company, two pieces by Dalrymple.
"I am Spartacus! I love Republucans!"
JAORE @ 12:56
Well said.
Blogger JAORE said...”Define feminists. That term meant equal pay, equal opportunity and other good stuff when I became aware of the movement.”
Yeah. What I thought of as the premise of feminism is self-evident. But what we are now required to swallow by those claiming that label is offensive and absurd.
And to think that at the epicenter of all this hatred and dismay being foisted on us, there sits an elderly man with lizard rings around his eyes.
Althouse is correct. Booker is saying shoulda couda woulda. He tastes the opportunity for making a mid-term move and throws a Hail Mary. Trump is now in sole possession of the Republican Party and has gamed the gerrymandered landscape into a 2020 reelection.
Drago was right. Kavanaugh had to take one for the team knowing his buddies were going to dragged his bloodied husk back to get fixed up and a new promotion.
"Booker: 'We are not defined by a president who does not believe women'"
Correct. You are defined by opportunistic simplifications for political gain.
(and your crazy eyes)
Now, we have heard from Inga's alter ego.
"Why we hate men and love turkey basters "
These women are gender traitors, to borrow a term from the dystopian TV series “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They’ve made standing by the patriarchy a full-time job. The women who support them show up at the Capitol wearing “Women for Kavanaugh” T-shirts, but also probably tell their daughters to put on less revealing clothes when they go out.
It's hysteria, literally, 24/7.
The abandonment of cats is shocking but thousands of cats are having to live alone while their mistresses protest and have hysterics in public.
Chickenlittle observes. And to think that at the epicenter of all this hatred and dismay being foisted on us, there sits an elderly man with lizard rings around his eyes.
Indeed. And a white one, at that.
(No Drama)Inga...Allie Oop said...
Men are sounding like they want to be the new victim class, all one has to do is listen to males here expressing their fear and hate of feminism. Men are the drama queens of today. None of you listened to Kavanagh’s pathetic and disturbing temper tantrum apparently, or it was justified in your eyes. So, when men get upset, it’s justified in the Conservative mind. When women become upset they are drama queens.
A nn Althouse said...
Inga, you said something awful and got people talking, then you published — what? — 16 MORE COMMENTS JUSTIFYING YOURSELF.
It makes NO SENSE for one person to publish so many comments in a thread. You said something that sounded hateful and really wrong to me and to many other people, and yet you don't apologize, you just keep responding, comment after comment, as if you've got a lot to say and it's really interesting. Show some goddamn restraint.
7/23/18, 3:38 PM
Inga said...
Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.
Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself.
7/23/18, 3:42 PM
Inga said...
And Trump posts 22 tweets this weekend, the goddamn President Althouse loves so much.
LOL. What a dumb bitch you are Althouse. I’ve been restraining myself from saying that for a long time. How’s that for lack of restraint?
7/23/18, 3:47 PM
This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions.
4/25/18, 6:05 PM
Inga said...
Yur only going to get Althouse more pro the kids.
Don't fuss about civility BS infractions.”
I wonder, is wildswan not affected by commenters like Full Moon, right here on this thread? Why fuss over a teenagers comments, when you have full ass grown man acting like a retarded newt?
3/24/18, 6:50 PM
Stop and think how ridiculous you've become. I'm
fine with becoming persona non grata. Your blog has
become the cesspool it once was. I'm pretty much
done here. 6/30/17, 6:33 PM
blogger.com profile07910151287310721405
@Michael K: Agree about the “Handmaid’s Tale” and Inga. That’s the movie she sees everyday.
FTR, I watch the same events and liken them to “The Hunger Games.” There’s a revolt brewing around the Capitol of Pandem.
While reading Kirby's article, I cam across this piece which is quite interesting.
Ms. O’Neill and her friends, supporters, and colleagues at Hope and Healing Hillenglade in Nashville, Tennessee, provide an equine-assisted program that gives new hope and healing to our heroes who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Suffering is not a solitary matter—their families are also deeply affected.
It is an unhappy truth that not only those who serve our country in the armed forces and as first responders are potential victims of PTSD; any military service member (active or veteran) and first responders, and their families, are welcome at Hillenglade (whether they suffer from PTSD or not) free of charge. US military personnel, first responders and their families can come to Hillenglade to "enjoy time in the country and the therapeutic wonder of horses." Hope and Healing at Hillenglade also offers retreat healing sessions and family celebration events for our military heroes, first responders, and their families. Reservations for these events and sessions are required.
Pretty impressive.
“Indeed. And a white one, at that.”
@mockturtle: I imagine his eyes to be watery. His pupils are milky white with cataract onset. He blinks at the screen at what he has wrought. His fleshly goggles contract with each blink as he contemplates his next move.
Chickenlittle, isn't it interesting how popular those dystopic books and programs like "Hunger Games" have become with kids?
My oldest daughter gave me a copy of "Game of Thrones," the book. I haven't read it but know about it.
When I finish de Gaulle and the bio of Robespierre I'm reading, I plan to go back and read A J Cronin's novels. I read them in college.
Anything to get away from the leftist insanity we see everyday,
Yes children get it, but not the infantile Booker who might have exchanged his diapers and boob sucking and fondling phases for a suit, but unfortunately the brain did not rise with the head. It is still at the same height.
Ah Booker--a simple tool at best--is simply speaking in the Michelle Obama tradition. That is to claim, "When they go low we go high." What a load of codswallop from Spartacus.
“ ‘We’ve got to lead with love. You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people – all the people.’ ”
We the people do not need to be led.
And we don’t need politicians to love us.
@Micheal K.: Regarding your 1:23PM: I have to give a shout out to Oceanside’s “Horses For Heroes” program at Ivy Ranch in the shadow of Camp Pendleton. They are doing much the same.
chickenlittle - yeah I noticed the Haindmaid's Tale thing. Ironically, the left are trying to enable that dystopia by letting in certain immigrants who have zero respect for womens' civil rights. But they only know their primary hatred - Christian White Males.
I really like the simpler sentiment of "We are not defined by a president."
The position is so unimportant, Corey Booker will deign to do it for us.
I was watching a Trump rally yesterday with a huge crowd of supporters, and when he said that Black unemployment was "the lowest in recorded history" the crowd went crazy with one of the biggest cheers and applause reactions of the whole thing. So I'm wondering, why would thousands of racist old white men be so happy for the good fortune of Black Americans, and why would a racist Hitler brag about such a thing?
I was a reluctant Trump voter, but I've just fallen in love with the whole Trump phenomenon. He is like a political idiot savant, and the results are long-needed and incredible to watch. I'm now forced to look to Trump as a role model for my own style and methods, after previously thinking him a privileged fool. He's also had this strange effect on me where although I'm a sexist, racist, old white guy, I'm incredibly happy to hear that all minorities are reaping great results and women have started creating businesses again after a slowdown under the last administration. Trump has turned me into a raging schizophrenic, and I'm not even self-loathing. Now where did I put that white hood?
It was only inevitable the cycle would return to Democrats lecturing the country on how we're better than all the disgusting things they've been stirring up and advocating.
Hopefully, the voters will see through it and agree.
bagoh - they're just pretending to be glad that black people are working and not in poverty. It's all a sham to convince other swing voters that Trumpkins are not racist so that the GOP can win the midterms and future elections. It's a huge conspiracy.
Bagoh - MeeToo#
Go to Hell, Alex. The fate of all trolls.
"The abandonment of cats is shocking but thousands of cats are having to live alone while their mistresses protest and have hysterics in public."
Ha! Now that's funny. A skit about that is the kind of thing that could make SNL funny, but they wouldn't think so.
Progressive Tribalism Beats The War Drums.
The fisking is glorious.
Darrell... well that's not nice. Way to treat a MAGA guy.
Apparently after Corey Booker goes low, he gets high.
The "Hunger Games" is an interesting work.
Our daughter more or less made us watch it, and I eventually read the book.
Its not a very good book, on the whole, even by juvenile standards, but the premise is indeed compelling. Its an unlikely thing, a juvenile novel with a well done analogy of the modern socio-economic model, and a populist revolutionary message, that seems to have sailed right past the gatekeepers political filters.
That may be because it was a bit prematurely released (2008) for the current round of political orientation. After all, even in 2011 during Occupy Wall Street the line was that the big financial institutions were oriented with the political right - and in San Francisco they set up in front of the Federal Reserve of all things. This was very silly even at the time, but that was because the astroturf-messaging machine was not quite tuned up yet.
I have not watched any of the TV version since I almost never watch TV.
I have several books going all the time and have not tried to read the book.
The daily news is bad enough.
If the left lose their fake tribal "you're all racists" war - they are finished. They know this, which is why you are still a racist.
Women are to the Democrats like retarded people were to the Indians in the works of James Fenimore Cooper, owed special deference because they are touched by God.
bagoh - they're just pretending to be glad that black people are working and not in poverty. It's all a sham to convince other swing voters that Trumpkins are not racist so that the GOP can win the midterms and future elections. It's a huge conspiracy.
How long before Rachel Maddow is showing us a card she claims was handed to all white people entering the event with specific instructions to go crazy after that particular line?
Shall we pencil that in for the first of November?
Yeah, they're continuing down the high road, goshdarnit.
“Now, we have heard from Inga's alter ego.
"Why we hate men and love turkey basters "”
Michael K, all four of my children were made with the real thing, no turkey baster involved. Also I own no cats.
On CNN interviewing Alyssa Milano, she was asked why half the country agrees with crazy evil Trump. She offered that they likely don't, but are under the spell of some strange cult power that Trump possesses. The CNN host looked like "WTF?"
The whole world suddenly doesn't make sense to the left, just as it seems to be falling exactly in line for the rest of us. They hate the good news and pine for disaster. Are there no mirrors left in Hollywood?
Alex said...
bagoh - they're just pretending to be glad that black people are working and not in poverty. It's all a sham to convince other swing voters that Trumpkins are not racist so that the GOP can win the midterms and future elections. It's a huge conspiracy.
10/7/18, 1:39 PM
Not bad, but far from Trumpit. D+/C-
It was an excellent speech, if Booker's goal is to re-elect Trump.
It's not "hate" if your adversaries are "not quite human."
nga...Allie Oop said...
“Now, we have heard from Inga's alter ego.
"Why we hate men and love turkey basters "”
Michael K, all four of my children were made with the real thing, no turkey baster involved. Also I own no cats.
10/7/18, 1:50 PM
I suppose you regret your abortions now?
BTW, I think we just witnessed an actual "race to the bottom."
Well, they are still digging, so it remains to be seen how far the bottom actually is. Maybe they can all get brown shirts and go on a new age krystalnacht experience before the midterms?
So, we are seeing the “love” you feel toward liberal women and feminists. You men are sounding a little hysterical. It’s not unexpected, I predict this to be the year of the angry and scared man, especially after November.
The blatant stupidity of "Believe all women," should be easy for even the most radical proponent by replacing "women" with other people. "Believe all men!" "Believe all children!" "Believe all people!"
"Game of Thrones" is not dystopic. It is (at least the first 2-3) a well done piece of chivalric fantasy, a well-built world above all. Its also got a strong thread of realism through it, including a sense of the tragic, and a sense of the amorality of power politics. And G.R.R. Martin is a good writer, especially for this genre. He creates compelling characters, good enough for a fine soap opera.
I read them when they came out over 20 years ago.
Its no more a dystopia than "Lord of the Rings".
Then it went completely off the rails of course.
Chicken little supposes: @mockturtle: I imagine his eyes to be watery. His pupils are milky white with cataract onset. He blinks at the screen at what he has wrought. His fleshly goggles contract with each blink as he contemplates his next move.
And Satan became flesh and dwelt among us...
We've been watching Handmaid's Tale. My girlfriend loves it, and actually fears it happening. I find it distractingly far fetched, and we talk about that. She fears religious extremism mixed with armed citizens like that in the show, and I argue that those are not the people in our nation who would rise up to take your freedom. I say that the people with the guns in America are much more likely to be the ones who prevent a dystopian future like in the show. They are the people who respect the Constitution the most and that combination is what keeps us free.
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) criticized Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as complicit with President Trump for saying she did not hear him say the United States should not accept immigrants from "shithole countries."
"When ignorance and bigotry is allied with power, it's a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity," Booker told Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
“I suppose you regret your abortions now?”
I had no need to get any abortions. I was in a loving marriage. How about you Full Moon, when are you hoping to have that hanger jutting out of your ear removed?
I think this article by Shelby Steele explains a lot about the current state of the Democrats.
Shelby Steele - Why the left is consumed with hate
And as several folks have already said - Mr. Booker has been given new talking points.
"Kevin said...
Democrats lecturing the country on how we're better than all the disgusting things they've been stirring up and advocating.
"Lord of the Rings" was written by a veteran of the First World War, which would make most people a bit dystopic.
The theme, I read all the books in the 70s and read them to my children, is that there is evil in the word but the hobbits finally win out although Bilbo and Frodo are damaged by the experience. They also are the peaceful types the English were in 1910, except of course for the politicians.
Not a bad analogy to the 20th century,
Inga is proud that she did not need a turkey baster, That was before she went goofy, I assume.
If the Democrats "can't hate" they sure can do a pretty good impression of hatred. Who knew it was all a big joke we just didn't get?
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“I suppose you regret your abortions now?”
I had no need to get any abortions. I was in a loving marriage. How about you Full Moon, when are you hoping to have that hanger jutting out of your ear removed?
10/7/18, 1:59 PM
Inga. several year ago you acknowledged having more than one abortion. Not judging you, just wondering if , as a Grandmother, you regret it now.
Booker and his fellow travelers delivered a deep and searing love to Justice Kavanaugh. The turgid and pulsating love only false accusations of gang rape can achieve. A forbidden throbbing love that climaxed in bukake fashion upon his lifetime of decency and achievement. That's the love you'll never forget because the entire nation became unwitting voyeurs.
A future democrat majority in the house is hungry for sloppy seconds. Love is all you need.
Believe everyone
Even if it means believing everyone else
Buy Nikes
The same people who march around chanting "believe all women" and "black lives matter" while refusing to accept even the slightest modification to those half-baked ideas are also the ones calling everyone racists and sexists. We need more mirrors. In fact, I suggest that we start a movement to counter these protests where we just all show up with mirrors pointed at them.
Inga. several year ago you acknowledged having more than one abortion. Not judging you, just wondering if , as a Grandmother, you regret it now.
Inga has several inconsistencies with the Inga of old. But as you watch her here, she changes tactics over time, disowning previous stuff. I would call it "gaslighting" if it actually worked.
What happens when two women give contradictory testimony? Easy, you believe the Democrat. It's just like Islam where you take the word of the Muslim over the infidel, but different, since, of course in Islam the testimony of a man is worth double that of a woman, or so I hear.
Brian Williams claims he was a victim of abortion and is writing a book about his experience in the womb called "Battleship Uterus".
Deplorables. Bigots. Racists. Nazis. Those sure sound like hateful terms to me. I guess to Booker, those are terms of endearment. There’s no hate like leftist hate.
Wait - are womyn still alive? I was led to understand that after #Kavanaugh was confirmed that the distaff side of the US population was going to drop dead, yet I see womyn writing, tweeting and even taking their kids to the park near my house.
Something doesn't seem right...*confused emoji*
"What I thought of as the premise of feminism is self-evident. But what we are now required to swallow by those claiming that label is offensive and absurd."
E.g., feminists who constantly argue about whether you can be a real feminist or not without believing in X, Y and Z and wanting to empower women in some very specific way, and who demand everybody support controversial policies like affirmative action or affirmative consent laws (bailey). Then when someone says they don’t really like feminism very much, they object “But feminism is just the belief that women are people!” (motte) Then once the person hastily retreats and promises he definitely didn’t mean women aren’t people, the feminists get back to demanding everyone support affirmative action because feminism, or arguing about whether you can be a feminist and wear lipstick.
"Lord of the Rings" certainly is a World War allegory, but that does not count, I think, as a dystopia. The societies in it are not dystopic, they are rather written to be entirely attractive, happily bucolic, ethereal, chivalric, pinnacles of refinement, etc. Indeed, they are made to be things worth defending at all costs, better indeed than our real, grey, compromised modern world.
A dystopia is some horrible or at least undesirable state of being, the society of "1984" or "Hunger Games" or "The Time Machine".
A good start for the kinder, gentler Corey Booker would be an apology to Brett Kavanaugh, just to demonstrate his sincerity.
"Lord of the Rings" was written by a veteran of the First World War, which would make most people a bit dystopic.
If I recall correctly, Tolkien was greatly influenced by his relationship with C.S. Lewis. The Christian symbolism is the latter is more than obvious, but Tolkien also symbolized his Christian values.
Moral relativists cannot tolerate what they believe is their "religious bigotry." What I saw in both writers was hope in the face of tremendous adversity.
All they have is hate. They're too busy hating to recognize it.
NYT keeps us apprised of the inexorable march of the "White Peril." They sound like Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby if you just substitute "white" into his racist ramblings.
The myths of 1984... where Life is Choice and Choice is Life, Hunger Games... I'm not familiar with, and Time Machine... where the clinical cannibals emerge from their walled chambers to consume/recycle human flesh, organs, and other profitable cells.
“You are either complicit in the evil, you are either contributing to the wrong, or you are fighting “
Cory Booker July 24, 2018
Yes, if Booker is interested in plausibly changing the atmosphere he should apologize to Kavanaugh.
Indeed, a resolution to the culture wars (ref Shelby Steele's article), can only come through a massive, general apology from the elite to the American volk, for the decades they spent beating them on the head.
I don't know if Booker will apologize, but that general apology will never happen.
Oh dear, Obama really was sui generis, wasn't he? Wasn't Booker supposed to be the New Cool White Guy to follow that act?
Do the Dems have anyone for 2020?? I think
The best and most needed thing for this nation right now would be a dramatic message to Democrats in November that these tactics are not accepted by most Americans. Tell them. Vote. For Christ's sake defend your nation and it's special values. The alternative is dystopia.
NYT keeps us apprised of the inexorable march of the "White Peril."
The Guardian, too.
Something is broken when the USA women are dominated by white girls next door
-- Hope Solo
They wear diversity on their arm... bands.
The GOPe and Never Trumpers learned about Democrat hate from the treatment of Kavanaugh, a mainstream Republican, the Scalise shooting, restaurant confrontations, picketing, etc., that give the lie to this Booker blather. The Democrat Party of this era is a lynch mob urged on by their politicians and the leftmediaswine.
Err, cool black guy...
As for the Handmaids Tale (which I’ve never seen), is it at all ironic that during the initial Kavanaugh hearing outside the hearing room were woman dressed in long red robes AND COVERED HEADS and inside the room one of the first vocal protesters was a woman WEARING A HIJAB.
The armchair psychology view of Handmaids Tale is that it’s the fear of a Sharia ruled land inhibited to speak up so as not to be called Islamophobic.
"Democrats will never be pulled down so low that we hate folk. We can’t hate Republicans. We need each other as Americans."
"We’ve got to lead with love. You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people – all the people."
That’s not aspiration, that’s bullshit.
You fell for it.
We know what dem leaders think of us. Deplorable. Bitter clingers. Dregs. And then there’s Evita.
FullMoon said...
Alex said...
bagoh - they're just pretending to be glad that black people are working and not in poverty. It's all a sham to convince other swing voters that Trumpkins are not racist so that the GOP can win the midterms and future elections. It's a huge conspiracy.
10/7/18, 1:39 PM
Not bad, but far from Trumpit. D+/C-
10/7/18, 1:51 PM
You have to give Alex credit for longevity. Also he switch-hits, plays both D-fag and R-nut. Kinda like Howard (very) occasionally dings left/praises right.
All right, I'm a pessimist.
Political victories are a reprieve, a delay of the incoming tide of Goths and Huns.
Trump is a Stilicho or Aetius. They put off Attila and Alaric, they won great victories.
But the rot, which will otherwise continue to spread, will not be removed without a complete replacement of your elites.
Denying civil rights (e.g. warlock trials, diversity or color judgments), denying human rights (e.g. selective-child, recycled-child), and conflating logical domains (e.g. inference, assertion) are first-order forcings of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change.
You men are sounding a little hysterical. It’s not unexpected, I predict this to be the year of the angry and scared man,
Inga, what is a feminist, but a scared and angry woman? Nothing else but that. Yet in that context you find it worthy of praise, support, identification.
I'm seriously considering the hypothesis that your and Althouse's hysteria stems from not getting enough cock.
I'm here for you, though, especially as I hear you've been losing weight. 👍!
(AA is on her own; she will just have to stop saltpetering Meade's root-marm, or upgrade her Lelo via the amzn portal.)
To Mr Booker in my best Jimmie Walker voice: "Hyp-o-crite"
Democrats fear Christian theocracy. They still think George W Bush is going to usher it in. A movie called "the handmaids tale" are you kidding me? Why are left-wing women such easy prey for propaganda and nonsense? (really, I'm asking.) There is no evidence to any of their hysterical perceptions and conspiracies. A little push from Hillarywoodland is all it takes.
When it comes to an actual religious theocracy/ religious supremacy - one that actually subjugates females (and gays) - they could not care less.
But the rot, which will otherwise continue to spread, will not be removed without a complete replacement of your elites.
I've said before, Buwaya, don't just be a harbinger of doom. You're so smart, tell us where and how to hit. Or don't the classics cover that?
A movie called "the handmaids tale" are you kidding me? <--fodder for epically awesome pr0n tho
History does not deliver good news.
I recommend, for a start, burning down your universities and driving the faculty and staff into the deserts, but I have no idea how you would do that.
"We’ve got to lead with love. You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people – all the people."
See, *that* is how we got Trump. Remember "I love the poorly educated?" Remember how they howled and spat? He's so far ahead of the Ds, he's already playing, and winning, the next game, while they're still discovering check in the last one.
AS I recall, the handmaids tale caused a ton of similar hysteria when it came out in 1985. So the democrats re-release it now to gin up their base and keep the outrage at 11 before the midterms - when they can take power and actually implement it.
How many ways will the we go high they go low lie get repurposed by the left?
But the rot, which will otherwise continue to spread, will not be removed without a complete replacement of your elites.
Problem is, on the left Saruman keeps digging them out of the ground.
they are rather written to be entirely attractive, happily bucolic,
The Shire, yes. It was Mordor that was the dystopic future.
Wormtongue was the traitor telling the king lies.
It's worth reading the book, "Tolkien and the Great War, for his experiences.
He knew what he was writing about.
I'v never gotten into CS Lewis.
Not just the Shire, but each in its own way, Rivendell, Lorien, Rohan, Gondor.
Each had its virtues, simple and complex. Tolkien did superbly in laying out the stakes in his conflict, the sense of all that could be lost, what each very distinct jewel was.
I recommend, for a start, burning down your universities and driving the faculty and staff into the deserts, but I have no idea how you would do that.
I'm surprised at you, Bu. Read your Alinsky. Target people, not institutions. Did you see the 1985 movie, Mishima? Who would you kill if you could kill ten? If three? One? For "kill" you may substitute "discredit," "defeat," "deplatform," "turn," etc.
Who should e.g. be brought up on child molestation charges, or found with fingers in the till, or discover fatal adult-onset allergies the hard way? Soros? Tom Steyer? Sergei Brin? The chancellor of Berkeley, of Oberlin, of Yale? Or their assistants who are the real movers?
We need lists of names. As you've said, many stand in the shadows, the Emmanuel Goldsteins we see may not be the true Emmanuel Goldsteins.
I recommend, for a start, burning down your universities and driving the faculty and staff into the deserts, but I have no idea how you would do that.
Before the media? Much easier to drive a truck bomb into the Reuters or NYT HQs, than to blow up all of Haahvahd Yahhd.
a complete replacement of your elites.
At least Amy Coney Barrett went to neither Harvard nor Yale Law Schools.
The Harvard/Yale thing must end.
Some comment on that issue.
I’m reminded of something Peter Drucker wrote, way back in 1969:
One thing it (modern society) cannot afford in education is the “elite institution” which has a monopoly on social standing, on prestige, and on the command positions in society and economy. Oxford and Cambridge are important reasons for the English brain drain. A main reason for the technology gap is the Grande Ecole such as the Ecole Polytechnique or the Ecole Normale. These elite institutions may do a magnificent job of education, but only their graduates normally get into the command positions. Only their faculties “matter.” This restricts and impoverishes the whole society…The Harvard Law School might like to be a Grande Ecole and to claim for its graduates a preferential position. But American society has never been willing to accept this claim…
The US once understood thus and the SAT was one attempt to correct the error. Now the SAT is being dumbed down and is being criticized as "white."
Why doesn't this have a civility bullshit tag?
Inga wrote: “Just as the majority of conservative male commenters here hate feminists. It’s spoken daily, especially on posts that deal with women specifically. We also see plenty of hate directed toward Democrats, liberals and progressives here and elsewhere. No one side owns the market on hate. We saw daily hate directed toward Obama and his wife.”
Inga needs to broaden her vocabulary beyond the Democrat projection troll mode. “Majority” is not the same as “a few.” “Hate” and “disdain” are not synonyms.
I clicked through for more context. Under the headline,
"Booker: 'We are not defined by a president who does not believe women'"
is a photo of -- Donald Trump! He looks good, too. I guess they couldn't find a picture of Blurtacus.
Booker was supposed to be the new cool black guy? He's the crazy-eyed yellow fellow.
AS I recall, the handmaids tale caused a ton of similar hysteria when it came out in 1985.
I read the book when it came out in 1985 and didn't become hysterical.
It is actually a very good book on the subject of what would happen to society when there is a plague or other event that created systemic and widespread infertility. As I recall....since I haven't read it in the last 10 years, the plot goes like this. It is a likely scenario and not one of the worst scenarios that could happen if the premise were to be true.
Very few women are able to bear children. Society is collapsing because of the lack of procreation. Those women who ARE proven fertile are considered a precious resource and something to be conserved. Other women who aren't fertile are given other roles in society. The women wear identifying clothing to show their status as a fertile woman or a Martha or other "occupation"
As in all societies, the ELITES get the good stuff and therefore are the ones allowed to have children with the fertile women...who dressed in red. Because the book takes place in a small segment of the United States and is set in an area where fundamentalism/religion becomes the power in society, the whole premise of that is based on the Bible and the Handmaid. (where the handmaid who serves the wife, who is infertile, goes to the husband and becomes pregnant and bears a child FOR the infertile wife)
The Handmaid stands in proxy for the wife. In the book the Handmaid is treated with high respect and great care. Not abused at all.
In the religious vein, the people in this book believe that this is the only way to continue to survive and that it is God's will as the precedent is in the Bible.
Naturally, our heroine, who had children before this happens, and I think they were taken from her....isn't too happy with this whole set up. Missing her children and her freedom.....she eventually makes an escape OUTSIDE of the territory controlled by the Fundamentalist religions. With the help of one of the unlucky, non elite men who is cut out from having sex.....but I guess will be getting some pretty soon.
The book ends with them escaping to the West from their New England area and we suppose that they will find other people and live happily ever after. Of course, we have no idea how OTHER sections of society that remains have dealt with this problem. It could be much worse!
That's all I remember. And probably not exactly accurately.
It wasn't so much a book about sexual abuse but more about how a society could possibly restructure itself in order to survive.
Really....read the book and forget the propoganda on the TV or coming from Hollywood.
Inga compares commenters on a blog to US Senators.
tim in vermont said...
Inga compares commenters on a blog to US Senators.
I know! As a blog commenter, I'm profoundly insulted.
PS 200!
"Hate" doesn't equal a combination of embarrassment for them and pity for their parents.
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