October 27, 2018

"Bowers Said on Gab That He Did Not Vote for Donald Trump Because Trump Has Allowed Jewish People in His Administration & Among His Supporters."

From "Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know" (Heavy).
Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites....

In a post a few days before the shooting, Bowers wrote, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation. #Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90’s to be ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning.” That same day, Bowers wrote, “amazing amount of division on gab today. glas the overwhelming jew problem has been solved so we can now fight with each other.” In another message, Bowers wrote of Trump, “For the record, I did not vote for him nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.” Bowers is a registered voter but is unaffiliated....


madAsHell said...

Maybe Sayoc, and Bowers should get a motel room. I'll sell tickets!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Right after the election of Donald Trump, I was in a local grocery store (one of the smaller local chains called Natural Grocers) and an older man started ranting about "Trump and the Jews" and how they were going to destroy everything.

yep. Everyone in the store got to hear it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wish I would have captured it on my phone but it came out of the clear blue sky.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gspencer said...

Bowers, "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation."

Certainly is well-qualified to be a Muslim.

"Bowers is a registered voter but is unaffiliated."

Certainly has all the qualifications for the Democrat Party.

n.n said...

Twitter and Gab are popular with diversitists, anti-nativists, members of extremists groups, and others who have remained on mainstream social media sites.

So, Trump is backed by deplorables, pro-Jewish people, deplorable pro-Jewish, and pro-Jewish deplorable people.

I Callahan said...

This ought to put to bed any blame on Donald Trump, but it won’t. The usuals will be here soon to blame his “rhetoric”. This is all too predictable.

David Begley said...

Trump is speaking now. I’m sure his speech will be picked apart somehow, but it sounds goods to me.

Ken B said...

Drive-by smear of Gab. I have never used it, but Twitter is almost a parody of an evil multinational corporation; I can see looking for an alternative.

Pianoman said...

Unlike Sayoc, Bowers actually killed people. But Bowers isn't a Trump supporter, so this fact will go down the Memory Hole in 3 .... 2 .... 1 .....

Lyle said...

Yeah, the real far-right is very anti-Jewish. They're so far right they're not supporters of Trump. These are people also deeply believe in the racial inferiority of blacks. They can't stand Trump.

Lyle said...

Oh... this reminds me of the Oklahoma City bombing. There is apparently still some unresolved issues as to who all was behind it. Apparently one of militia persons from Michigan involved went all the way to the Philippines to learn about building bombs... they of course met with militant Islamists. The far, far right naturally has some of the same interests as the far, far left.

Jersey Fled said...

Crazy people do crazy things. End of story.

Fernandinande said...

site:gab.com "Trump is a globalist"

1 result (0.27 seconds) --> https://gab.com/KekhasRisen

Bower's page is:
which shows up as blank and the google cache has been disappeared for your safety, but google [site:gab.com "Bowers"] shows some of his posts.

Pianoman said...

Jersey Fled said: "Crazy people do crazy things. End of story."

Rahm Emmanuel said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."

wildswan said...

There's different brands of anti-semitism in the USA now. There's the real Nazis - which was national socialists hating Jews and their imitators today. The current international socialist left hates Jews, aligning with the Palestinians. The American old left, the Roosevelt left, had enormous Jewish support. The Stalinist old Russian left hated the Jews as many Russians always have. (The Russians started pogroms and wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.) The current American left is led by Bernie Saunders who is Jewish (at least Hitler would have thought so.) The state of Israel was founded by socialistic Jews but demographically is tending toward being continued by Orthodox Jews.

The conservative right includes many Jews - Irving and Bill Kristol, Gertrude Himmefarb, Ayn Rand. Richard (alt-right) Spencer wants to set up a white ethno-state and in his opinion Jews are not white. Trump's daughter is married into a Jewish family.

The many kinds of anti-semitism now characteristic of anti-semitism in the US reflect a large, varied society both producing cross-currents and rip-tides and also caught in those same swirling currents and undertows - in a time when past and future are strangely mingled. But among political leaders only Trump has a vision of an America carrying the best of the past into the future through a joint effort - by all, for all. The others think America is deplorable and whatever happens to us, its toxic citizens, is, Nancy Pelosi said, "collateral damage."


Shane said...

Doesn't "5 Fast Facts You Need to Know" in this situation sum up everything that has gone wrong with media? Jersey Fled: "Crazy people do crazy things" is more profound that any media rush to print story of the last decade.

Jaq said...

In some McDonalds in SoFlo they play Fox News and I saw there that they were already blaming Trump.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

The only fact I need to know is this guy won't be allowed in the general population ever again.

Jaq said...

Timothy McVeigh fought in the first Gulf War and was disillusioned, and of course we executed him before we could learn anything. I bet a few years cooling his heels in a prison cell might have loosened his tongue, a risk the government couldn't take. Iraq was always in the periphery of that story, but Bill Clinton blamed it on Rush Limbaugh.

Jaq said...

But at the time we all voted in November 2016 Trump didn’t < I>have an administration because he was just a candidate.

RIght, the guy is a master logician.

Big Mike said...

Bowers Said on Gab That He Did Not Vote for Donald Trump Because Trump Has Allowed Jewish People in His Administration & Among His Supporters

But at the time we all voted in November 2016 Trump didn’t have an administration because he was just a candidate.

Kevin said...

There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation.

Do you really think he posted a k with three asterisks after it?


So why is the media telling us what he wrote by changing what he wrote?

"We know what's good for you" is the beginning of fake news.

Ken B said...

The media is at it.
Julia Ioffe says it’s cuz Trump is too favorable to Jews, moving the embassy.
Mehdi Hasan says it’s cuz Trump is too anti-Semitic.

Kevin said...

Thank goodness we have the media to clear all this up for us:

Trump embraces a dangerously broad definition of anti-Semitism - LA Times

Has Trump done enough to condemn rise of anti-Semitism? -- BBC News

Trump owns startling spike in anti-Semitic acts — indeed, he feeds it -- Boston Globe

Trump at African-American History Museum Denounces Anti-Semitism and Racism: 'It Has to Stop' -- NBC News

What Donald Trump Doesn't Understand About Anti-Semitism -- New Yorker

Did Trump condemn anti-Semitism out of political pressure? -- San Diego Tribune

Trump Once Again Employs Anti-Semitism by Calling Feinstein 'Sneaky' -- The Advocate

President Trump calling Gary Cohn a ‘globalist’ perpetuates dark, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories -- NY Daily News

Local Kosher Café Faces Boycotts, Anti-Semitic Slurs Because Owner Is Trump Supporter -- Jewish Journal

Trump’s Big Achievement: Making the New York Times Care About Antisemitism -- The Algemeiner

Tank said...

I was on gab for a short while, but the actual racism, anti-Semitism, and bigotry of all sorts convinced me it was not a place I wanted to hang out.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

The condition of paranoia precedes its target. The paranoid person picks up whatever is in the air around him. One can sometimes even calculate when a person first became paranoid by the subject matter. When I started in the 1970's people were paranoid about the CIA. When the Godfather movies came out, new paranoids thought the Mafia was against them. Satellites and implanted chips have had their seasons. I have blogged about it often, if anyone is interested. Some interesting examples. https://assistantvillageidiot.blogspot.com/search?q=paranoia

rcocean said...

Gab tries to allow freedom of speech. I never joined but we need them as an alternative.

To bad a homicidal looney used Gab to express his opinions but the internet is not to blame for the shooting.

rcocean said...

A chinese woman stabbed 14 kindergartners not too long ago.

We have 320 million people in USA and we're going to have nuts. And they will kill people every once in while.

We have 15,000 murders every year, and people don't blink an eye. But these shootings get people all worked up.

We have to do something. Except there's nothing really to do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The vile leftwing Jew haters - blame Trump

Meanwhile, the brave moral arbiters of the press are here to tell us that Jews kinda deserve it, since Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem or something.

Many on the radical far left openly hate Jews, hate Israel, but are never to blame for that hate.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

On MSNBC the Southern Poverty Law Center's Richard Coen blames Trump saying, "I'm not trying to lay this at his feet.....President Trump has energized the radical right and frayed social norms...."

rhhardin said...

I've never understood where antisemitism comes from, unless it's the standard hatred for the smarter population by the dumber population dynamics.

rhhardin said...

Do East Asians hate jews? I don't recall any of that.

Though actually Radio Japan takes a pro-palestinian position every time it comes up.

rhhardin said...

Radio Japan's nearly every-day concern, for years now, is some islands that they and somebody else claims; the somebody else being Russia, Taiwan, China and Korea, depending on the island. And the return of Japanese abducted by North Korea in the 70s and 80s. Jews hardly come up ever.

rcocean said...

"Do East Asians hate jews? I don't recall any of that."

The vast majority to East Asians that I know, can't tell the difference between a Jew, a Boston Catholic, or a Southern Protestant.

To an outsider, internal differences of other countries seem small and meaningless.

rcocean said...

To an outsider koreans and japanese seem similar.

But don't tell them that!

buwaya said...

East Asians generally have only a vague idea about Jews.
They are white people indistinguishable from the rest.
If they insist on being different, re kosher say, then Asians will nod along. Just another white person weirdness, like vegetarians.

It takes a bit of a sophisticate to know enough to understand Western Culture sufficiently to care, one way or another.
And dislike of Israel is part of the left-wing package deal the intellectual class has picked up from Western academics and media.

The Crack Emcee said...

Anybody care to join my campaign for establishing some parameters on reality in America, NOW, or do y'all just want to keep "winging it" the way we are, so life's just this constant stream of whatever happens-happens? I mean, I can live with that - I stay in the house a lot - but a head's up would be greatly appreciated, going forward, if this is your kind of "thing".

Michael K said...

I just looked at this NBC thread and did not see any mention of Trump and Jews, which the shooter said "controlled " him.

It did bring up the "caravan" so we know the theme is to blame this on Trump.

buwaya said...

Life is always a constant stream of whatever happens-happens.
Its a complex world, a chaotic world, and can't really be planned.
Do your best, but next week will see something new and strange. Or something old, persistent, and still strange.
And I'm speaking as an engineer and manager overseeing complex systems.

You can organize a society such as to make it robust, but thats not the same thing.

rhhardin said...

Stuff that happens is organized by potential clicks in the context of the elections, at the moment.

rcocean said...

"Radio Japan's nearly every-day concern, for years now, is some islands that they and somebody else claims; the somebody else being Russia, Taiwan, China and Korea, depending on the island"

Aren't those the islands north of Hokkaido, that the USSR Took after WW 2?

rhhardin said...

There's apparently islands all around that people would like to have exclusive mineral rights around. An island's status consists of who runs it at the moment and who else claims it. It never seems to advance from that state.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Did you know the Pittsburgh school board and the city council just voted unanminously to ban Chik Fil A's sponsorship of a local marathon. There is nothing bad about Chik Fil A nor evil about its founder even though he does not support gay marriage. But when elected pukes do things like this which I see as hateful and vengeful and divisve, they probably incite a nut like this Bowers loon.We reap what we sow when we make every damn thing about partisan politics.

n.n said...

he does not support gay marriage

Not political congruence ("="), but equal tolerance. Civil unions for all consenting adults, irrespective of color, sex, and gender.

Mark said...

Timothy McVeigh fought in the first Gulf War and was disillusioned, and of course we executed him before we could learn anything.

If I remember correctly, his motivation was the siege and slaughter at Waco.

Michael K said...

McVeigh did his bombing on the anniversary of Waco, so that was obvious but there has been a question of a third man.

I have never seen anyone discuss this with Terry Nichols.

They were kind of in a hurry to off McVeigh.

Michael K said...

the Pittsburgh school board and the city council just voted unanminously to ban Chik Fil A's sponsorship of a local marathon.

The Chik fil A folks just smile on the way to the bank.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Its a complex world, a chaotic world, and can't really be planned.

Incompletely or insufficiently characterized and unwieldy. Not the least of which is an individual human life, where what are known is conception, death is predicted, and several notable intermediate milestones. We operate in the near-frame, and estimate or infer everything else, assuming a quasi-stable system and processes.

Rory said...

The Antidefamation League's 2014 Global Survey found that 23% of Japanese held antisemitic attitudes. 46% agreed with the statement, "Jews think they are better than other people." 28% agreed "Jews have too much control over global affairs."


Jaq said...

Anybody care to join my campaign for establishing some parameters on reality in America,

Nope. Not interested in a false bargain of safety for my freedom.

Bad Lieutenant said...

They were kind of in a hurry to off McVeigh.

10/27/18, 5:06 PM

And how! If they could put down every 7-11 knockover artist who went too far, every cut-out-her-tongue-and-leave-her-in-a-ditch, with that kind of dispatch, the DP would have infinitely more deterrent power.

Jaq said...

Maybe Denmark and Canada can fight over that one island, and we can hold their coats and take bets from the other countries.

Earnest Prole said...

Bowers noted that although America is a glorious country it has problems too: economic, social, and Jew.

heyboom said...

Even Fox News is showing a banner proclaiming that Trump is holding a rally only "hours after the shooting".

I'm old enough to remember in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 when we were exhorted to continue living our lives as normally as we had before the attack so as to "show the terrorists that they couldn't win."

Drago said...

Crack: "Anybody care to join my campaign for establishing some parameters on reality in America,..."

Get real.

cacimbo said...

Weird that the same media which dutifully reported on the bombers Trump love based on stickers and social media has yet to report on the Synagogue shooters Trump hate.

Leland said...

I had Chick Fil A for breakfast this morning. They had a person outside taking my order standing next to the car. They do that to speed up the order process, so they can handle more orders.

Michael K said...

Blogger Leland said...
I had Chick Fil A for breakfast this morning.

I'm annoyed with them because, at least in Tucson, they don't have the chicken salad sandwiches anymore.

Pianoman said...

Michael K - you can always make it yourself:


rcocean said...

Chick fila- never heard about them till the Gay Kerfuffle, then 2 of them opened in my area.

Surprisingly good. Fries are good too.

BTW, I never eat Salad in restaurants. Its a food poising waiting to happen. You don't know who's breathed on it, or who's handled it, or even if its washed.

No thanks.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Right now Gab.ai may have a lot of right extremists but that is probably less their fault than Twitter's. Twitter has been banning folks right and left, though mostly folks they perceive as being on the right.

Gab has an explicitly free speech model. They don't ban anyone. As far as I can tell, you can say anything and will get no pushback from management. So who winds up there in a higher proportion than might otherwise happen?

I have 2 Twitter accounts (personal and business) but other than a bit for a few months years ago, have almost never used either. When Gab.ai first came online, I signed up for an account. Fooled around for a week or 2 and then lost interest. I did not see anything out of the ordinary, it, and Twitter, just never got me excited.

Thomas Wictor is a bit strange at times but is always interesting. I had been following him on Threadreader.com until Twitter booted him. Nobody seemed to know why.

A couple weeks ago he turned up on Gab.ai and I reactivated my account just so I could follow him. At the moment he is the only one I follow though I wind up seeing a lot of other posts in his timeline. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that would be out of line in the comments here other than, perhaps, off topic.

I have read that there is an organized effort to generate offensive content on Gab.ai in an effort to demonize it as a bunch of National Socialists and KKK. I have no idea if that is true or not but it would not be hard to do and would probably be effective.

There is a blue checkmarked Donald Trump but there are no postings.

If President Trump were to come out and say "I am fed up with the SJW censorship of Twitter, come follow me on Gab.ai", it would probably put a major hurt on Twitter since a significant part of their traffic is his Tweets, reposting of his tweets and discussion about them. Twitter gets on the front page most days because "Today President Trump Tweeted...(fill in the blanks)

He could also put a serious hurt on Google by making Bing (or DDG) the default search engine and Firefox, Dragon, Brave, Edge, Explorer or something else the default browser on all govt computers.

Just losing the govt traffic would seriously hurt. The rest of the world knowing that they lost it, and much of them following, would hurt even more.

Now that Google has said that they will not accept govt contracts, he has the perfect excuse. "You don't want our business, Google? Fine, we won't do business with you either."

Then he could also open a Whitehouse MySpace account.

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger rhhardin said...

Radio Japan's nearly every-day concern, for years now, is some islands that they and somebody else claims; the somebody else being Russia, Taiwan, China and Korea, depending on the island. And the return of Japanese abducted by North Korea in the 70s and 80s. Jews hardly come up ever.

you know what? Fuck the Japanese. They were genocidal maniacs in WWII on a level that made Hitler look sane and rational. 250,000 Chinese killed in a month or two in reprisals for the Doolittle raid, for example.

Total cultural genocide of Korea.

And now they are upset? There are still some people that don't forgive Ghengis Khan for what he did. And they Japanese expect to be forgiven after just half a century?

Fuck them.

John Henry

narciso said...

PayPal is banning gab, just because

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Leland said...

I had Chick Fil A for breakfast this morning.

Good for you. Those of us who dislike SJW boycotts, as well as those of us who like good chicken sandwiches, should all do the same.

I recently spent a week working in a large southern city not known in the past for their calm race relations.

I had a black Uber driver tell me what a great job he thought President Trump was doing.

OT but I probably took 25-30 Uber trips in the past month. The more I use it the more I like it. One of the things I like is how talkative the drivers mostly are. The app even rates them on their conversational skills.

I had some very interesting conversations.

John Henry

n.n said...

they Japanese expect to be forgiven after just half a century... fuck them

Which shade of Japanese? Is there a unifying principle to color them equally?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

BTW: I usually have a rental car but, since my client was in the city, I stayed downtown and ubered back and forth.

This city has Bird scooters. These are electric scooters that you scan the app, jump on, ride to where you are going and just leave it on the sidewalk. Unlike bikes, no stands. If it isn't there when you come out, there will be others nearby. I never had to walk more than half a block, if that, to find one.

I found them great for riding 6-8 blocks to eat dinner or the like. They zip along at 10-15 miles per hour and are surprisingly easy to handle.

john Henry

mockturtle said...

Compare and contrast Sayoc and Bowers: Both are fanatical whack jobs. Sayoc neither injured nor killed anyone. Bowers killed 11 in a place of worship. So is Sayoc more evil because he's a 'Trump supporter'? What say the MSM?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger n.n said...

Which shade of Japanese? Is there a unifying principle to color them equally?

Japanese-Japanese. Not Japanese-Americans.

John Henry

mockturtle said...

BTW, I never eat Salad in restaurants. Its a food poising waiting to happen. You don't know who's breathed on it, or who's handled it, or even if its washed.

Me either, rcocean. It's like playing Russian roulette, IMO.

Michael K said...

Now that Google has said that they will not accept govt contracts, he has the perfect excuse. "You don't want our business, Google? Fine, we won't do business with you either."

I quit using Google for searches a year ago. Its harder to get rid of the rest of them. I went back to Safari from Chrome.

I downloaded Brave but have used it very little so far. One problem is memorized passwords.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

try Dragon, Michael. It is the Chrome operating system but without Google. No phoning home like Chrome does.


I use it sometimes but mainly use Firefox. I can download YouTube videos on Firefox. I do a lot of this to get clips for my work.

Dragon does not let you do this. Neither do most other browswers.

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

I never use Google for search. Ever. And haven't for 10-15 years.

I find DDG and/or Bing both work just fine.

John Henry

Jaq said...

Now that Google has said that they will not accept govt contracts

It was probably part of their deal with China.

Kevin said...

I just realized it’s probably Heavy.com that is the primary co-conspirator in all these incidents. Nobody goes to heavy.com otherwise. But everyone goes when stuff like this happens. Who benefits? Heavy.com.

John henry said...

I just saw a post saying Gab.com host was taking the site down. That is, all of Gab.

Can't have uncontrolled free speech going on, now can we?

Otoh, I never even knew there was a Gab.com I've always gone in via Gab.ai and as of 1am eastern it is still up.

Trying just now it seems there is a .com gab as well. It too is still up.

Thomas wictor, on Gab.ai mentions gab.com being (going to be?) shuttered

So I guess we'll see.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee said...

uwaya said...
Life is always a constant stream of whatever happens-happens.

Acceptance of that is why it's that way. Ann seems big on us needing lying, and most seem fine with Oprah saying "The Secret" is science.

You sure we can't do better?

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"Nope. Not interested in a false bargain of safety for my freedom."

It's not a false bargain, unless you think stopping criminals from selling water at $30.00 a pop is curtailing your "freedom".

Actually - since I know you do - you give freedom a bad name.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"Get real."

I was real: I said "anybody" - not you.

The Crack Emcee said...

narciso said...

"PayPal is banning gab, just because"

Another lament for a purveyor of m misinformation.

I "don't believe" you guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's Right-Wing misinformation, so I guess I should feel bad - but I don't.

John henry said...

Joyent, Gabs hosting provider, said they will shut it down at 9pm Monday which is why it is still up.

I had misunderstood the reports of the shutdown

John Henry

Ron Winkleheimer said...

And I'm speaking as an engineer and manager overseeing complex systems.

According to the book _Exploiting Software_ there are, on average, 50 potential bugs per 1000 lines of code. Not all of those bugs will be exploitable and only a small percentage can be used to escalate a user's privileges, but there they are. I remember being asked to help a friend who was unable to get her iphone to connect to her wifi. I was able to connect to her wifi using my Android, but she could not. I rebooted her WAC and she was able to connect. She wanted to know why I could connect with my phone, but she couldn't. Not being very IT competent she was flabbergasted. She didn't even know that the browser she used to browse web sites was called a browser. I tried to explain that it was just some software bug and we would never know why it happened, but she didn't seem very convinced. So, if we cannot expect software (which is basically just abstracted math) to work reliably, then how can we expect humans to do so?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I told her that in order to know why that happened I would need to know the state of the internal storage of the iphone, android, and WAC before the WAC was rebooted and have access to the code for the iphone and the WAC at least. And several hours to dedicate to the problem, and even then I might not be able to determine what caused that particular bug.

And yeah, I'm OK with morons buying water at $30 a pop. Its their money. But maybe they should go to this site:


They use the word nano! It gets stuff through the blood/brain barrier!

Which would be a very bad thing.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Crack: "I was real: I said "anybody" - not you."

Such dehumanizing language! Its like you are a wannabe Hutu with a machete looking to carve up Tutsi women and children with a machete.

If somone were to apply the Crack Rules to Crack, he wouldnt fare too well on that racial/historical guilt scale!

northierthanthou said...

...which falls far short of demonstrating that Trump's efforts to promote fascist rhetoric played no role in the violence.

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