"Visual illiteracy is spreading: It is sadly obvious that few young people have seen classic romantic films or studied the spectacular corpus of Hollywood publicity stills, with their gorgeous sensual allure.... [T]he bright and shiny surface of too many of today's female-generated Instagrams conceals a bleak and regressive reality, with men in the driver's seat for careless, hit-and-run hookups.... [M]any of today's young professionals sporting stiletto heels, miniskirts and plunging bodices might not realize that to wear that fabulous drag, you need a killer mind and manner to go with it... Given our rising concern about sexual harassment, it's time for a major rethink and recalibration of women's self-presentation on social media as well as in the workplace. The line between the public and private realms must be redrawn. Be yourself on your own time. The workplace should be a gender-neutral zone. It is neither a playground for male predators nor a fashion runway for women.... The current surplus of exposed flesh in the public realm has led to a devaluation of women and, paradoxically, to sexual ennui.... That there is growing discontent with overexposure in Western women's dress is suggested by the elegant flowing drapery of Muslim-influenced designs by Dolce & Gabbana and Oscar de la Renta, among others, in recent years....."
Could you tell that's Camille Paglia?
Women are supposed to cover up now because men might be moved to sexually harass them and because they don't have the "killer mind and manner" you need to be sexually attractive in the workplace?! She's rhapsodizing about "Muslim-influenced" "flowing drapery"?!!
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»It’s hard to top the shot in the Maltese Falcon where the camera moves to show the half opened drapes rippling in the slight breeze of a half-opened window. Sam Spade was getting laid.
What she doesn't understand and what I've learned over the years is most women in the work place aren't thinking about all of that.
When they get dressed and put on make up and do all that crap they do to themselves in the morning, it's not to be noticed by men. Or to get dates. Or any of that garbage. Although, we men like to think that's why it's done.
No. It's for the other women.
Men have their way of establishing dominance amongst males.
This is how women do it amongst females.
Anna Kendrick says take all the naked selfies you want...but clean your room!
"I have to say that an overwhelming number of today's female-authored Instagrams seem stilted, forced and strangely unsexy."
Shorter Paglia - Too many ugly chicks doing social media porn. Up your game ladies!
Could you tell that's Camille Paglia?
I thought "that sounds like Paglia" when I read the title, but I was cheating in that I'd seen mention of her new article.
Eric said No. It's for other women
This X100. The inter-sexual and hierarchy competition is so overt and yet so sub-conscious they don't even know it's going on.
Also related, people need to start realizing that women, lots of women, get off - like almost orgasm get off - on attention. Instagram and Snap are custom made for this tendency.
Kylie Jenner posting her ass and her outfit and getting 100k views/likes is the equivalent of romp in the hay with Don Juan DeMarco for her.
Yes, they are getting their rocks off everytime they get that kind of attention. Think about that.
It seems to me that she's calling for a little more artistry and subtlety, to give others credit for having imaginations.
I want Paglia to use the word hussy. She could pull it off.
No. It's for the other women.
My wife, when she was younger and thought about that stuff more, used to say, "A party is to a woman as a battlefield is to a man."
Women dress for other women.
We happened to watch I'm No Angel with Mae West last night. She was sooo cool. Funny. Wrote a lot of her own lines, I think. She knew she was blessed and leveraged it for all she could. I think the sexiness was real. A good ole gal, she was.
Do we have anyone like that now?
I could tell it was Paglia after the first 5 words.
It's a power thing. The women get to dress sexily at the office, but if a man dares to comment on it, he's toast. Well played!
"Women are supposed to cover up now because men might be moved to sexually harass them and because they don't have the "killer mind and manner" you need to be sexually attractive in the workplace?!"
I think she's just saying that they tried the other way, and couldn't pull it off. It's the cultural equivalent of Franklin's "A republic - if you can keep it."
My wife says many women today dress like flirts. even if they don't have the skills.
Women need to cover up now because of the furor caused by the Ford allegations. If even Ann Althouse was initially a reflexive "believer of the woman" in a case that simply couldn't be thinner on evidence, women who intend to get ahead in the working world had darn well better cover up.
This result is to be blamed entirely on our hostess and others like her.
So women wear breast baring and crotch high clothes for other women. What bs.
What about those women who wear that type clothes on sports channel.Is that for other women too? C'mon stop the horsesh*t.
Women dress for other women.
10/5/18, 12:20 PM
That's generally true. No (straight) man has ever commented on my manicure or shoes. But I notice other women's nails and shoes.
However, I once worked with a paralegal who had to be told not to wear fishnet hose to work. (She had great legs, and showcased them with short skirts and high heels.) She talked a great feminist game while dressing provocatively. I remembered she bitched to me about how the maintenance men were ogling her. How dare they! It later emerged that she was having an affair with one of the partners - a married man.
Unless she has changed dramatically during the past 20 years, I'm 100% she thinks Kavanaugh is a drunken rapist and Ford is a saintly martyr.
Could you tell that's Camille Paglia?
Yes, and I’d like to think I would have guessed right even I hadn’t already read the piece.
Camille wants women to dress more like nuns? She's never gotten over being raised Catholic in the '50s, apparently.
I see that the Hollywood Reporter dropped their comment section a few days ago. A shame but inevitable since liberals were getting their brains bashed out.
She's distinguishing being eroticism and graphic displays of flesh and body parts. She's got a point. If you don't know the difference, don't do it.
"She deserves to get gang-raped for posting those pictures" - Lpog's thoughts on her 16y-old niece's dopey Instagram pics.
No Angel with Mae West
She claimed to have a male body-builder give her an enema every day to keep her "smelling sweet at both ends", but what about her feet?
One study at the University of Rochester discovered that men spent more money on dates with women wearing red.
The researchers believe this attraction to red could be in men's genes.
It may be linked to ovulation signaling in primates, where the females of the species' rumps become engorged with blood when ready for mating.
Caution: alcohol consumption makes everything seem kind of red.
Camille doesn't like giant fat asses shoved in her face. The Kardashians have been put on notice.
All the wrong women are appearing in public in the wrong vestments. The women I know who are fun to look at are dressing down. It’s sad because the flower of youth has a short blossoming. There’s plenty of time to wear a mumu down the road.
The women who need to wear a mumu don’t own one.
I’m channeling rhhardin here.
- Krumhorn
Keep the gender differences. Shelf the sex discrimination.
The workplace should be a gender-neutral zone. It is neither a playground for male predators nor a fashion runway for women...>
There is a time and place for everything. The workplace is the time and place to concentrate on work without distractions. Dressing in a manner, be it a man or a woman, that provides distraction is out of place for a work environment. Acting in a manner that is disruptive and distracting to the working environment is also out of place.
This doesn't mean everyone dresses in gunny sacks or asexual ways. You dress and act in ways that are appropriate for the environment at work and in ways that don't annoy/distract/irritate your fellow workers.
There are all sorts of ways to create a distraction. Clothing and inappropriate sexual acting out is one. Singing. Humming. Cracking your knuckles. Incessantly talking. Joking around. Racist remarks. Poor hygiene!!!! Smelly food in the microwave. All sorts of ways.
The men's business suit and the woman's austere office attire of yore was created for a reason. Hint hint.....it wasn't for comfort.
I've considered this same thing. apparently others are figuring it out too!
Women are supposed to cover up now
The Patriarchy!
Everywhere I look, men are showing up to work in muscle shirts and surf trunks.
The workplace can be anything. It's a social situation. So long as it makes money it's stable.
I want Paglia to use the word hussy. She could pull it off.
One of my fantasy football teams is called the Woodbridge Hussies.
One the most unsexy poses I've ever seen for a woman, which also describes about 50% of Instagram photos of teenage girls, is the pretend but not actual exposure of breasts coupled with a wide-eyed, open mouthed "aren't I naughty!" face. Tired, overdone, boring, and, no, not at all naughty.
Without being too obsequious, can I offer a shout-out to the women of the Althouse blog, including the Hostess?
They are intelligent, well-grounded, with good senses of humor.
I would say that most of the women in my life have fit this bill as well. True, there's a small minority of crazy cat women, but I think it critical to distinguish and differentiate between the two.
My 2 cents.
When I was last in Las Vegas, eight years ago, I was struck by the inability to tell the tourists from the prostitutes, now that the tourists dress like prostitutes.
By the way, as a red-bloodied heterosexual male, I have never understood strip clubs. I find it far too easy to be sexually frustrated for free.
gahrie said...Everywhere I look, men are showing up to work in muscle shirts and surf trunks.
Where are you looking? I don't think I've even seen that at the beach.
the tourists dress like prostitutes
...and men wear shorts.
Sorry AA, your opinion is wrong! I read Camilla P's article and the pictures of the Kardashians is a perfect example of "hooking" for entertainment values. If you want your daughters to walk around with everything hanging out, and male predators by the truck load attacking them, then by all means. It's a free country. But don't blame all males for this B.S. you are pushing. Kinda funny coming from you AA.
Women dress for other women
Maybe some women do. I could NOT care less what the women think.
When I go out, to a party or just out.... I dress "up" to how I think that "I" look good, feel sexy about myself and do appreciate the men looking. I don't care what other women think about how I look or dress. That is immaterial to me. If I wear shoes that look cute, it is because I think they look cute. I wear things that my husband has complimented me on and buy other things like that, because I AM dressing for him. Makes him look sexily at me and it gives him status and pride to feel that HIS wife is attractive. (I'm not tooting my own horn. This is what he has said to me.)
Actually, in my everyday dressing, I am about comfort. Jeans, t shirts, shorts, sandals. Casual and functional.
What I don't do, is wear things that are entirely inappropriate for the occasion or wear makeup that is glaringly out of place. Such as a glitzy cocktail dress to a school or work place function. Or my gardening jeans, tank top and dirty tennis shoes to a wedding or cocktail party. Not because I am kowtowing to the women's opinion. It is because it is rude and disrespectful.
My work clothing, when I was in an office dealing with people's finances, were carefully chosen to convey an image of professionalism, moderation, competency, well made, slightly expensive and to not be flashy where people would wonder where I was spending MY money and how I would handle their money. My employees were to dress in a similar fashion.
My work UNIFORM. Much different than my going out in the evening or on a date clothing.
Why is this difficult for people/women to understand?
It's possible to look smart and professional without donning either a burka or a frumpy granny outfit.
But women are constrained by the clothes they find on the racks when they are out shopping. I found it easier to buy work clothes in the '80's than I do now, because I wore a lot of long, calf-length skirts and dresses then. My suits were normally worn with a high necked shell or a cowl- necked sweater underneath. I felt attractive and fashionable without displaying a lot of skin.
In recent years, I've had the frustrating experience of having to return tops and blouses that I ordered online because they revealed more cleavage than I want to show at work. Same problem with skirts and pants that turn out to be too tight or too low-cut. It's not just that such clothes are inappropriate at my age. They would be inappropriate for a 25 year old to wear in an office setting.
I had a brief romantic interest in a very smart Berkeley gal. Upon reviewing her bookcase of the usual feminist dogma, I noted the absence of Camille Paglia. I realized I was poking the bear, but felt this was an important test. To her credit, she did not throw me out of her house. She merely noted that Camille Paglia was not a feminist, and turned the conversation to a different subject. Like I said, a smart Berkeley gal...
As a veteran defender of sugar and sugar based products, I have to say that the overwhelming amount of fat Americans I see around seems unappealing, unhealthy, and strangely un-epicurean.
I don't dress for other women. I either dress for myself or for my husband.
After reading the article and seeing the photos, I have to give it to the Kardashian/Jenner/CardiB women. They've taken a body feature I would have deemed a handicap and turned it into cash.
Someone once told me that you should not dress for the job you have, but for the job you want.
Apparently many women today want to be prostitutes.
Well, this is the point Jordan Peterson has been pilloried for making (and then misrepresented as saying women shouldn't wear lipstick at work -- or even, that women who wear lipstick and get sexually harassed at work were asking for it).
It's simply a fact that sexually provocative manners of dress and behavior are sexually provocative. Do with that what you will. If you don't wish to be sexually provocative, then you have two choices. Don't do the sexually provocative thing, or do it and pretend it's not and then act surprised at the reaction you get.
Meanwhile, the same women who demand to dress sexy and not be reacted to as sexual also require that men not exhibit even the slightest forms of dominant body language which men engage in naturally and unconsciously, because it causes them to react with irrational fear which they can't control.
BTW am I the only male who doesn't think the big butt look of today is sexy?
In the Acela corridor work fashions are blood sport. I don't see too may unforced errors...except...
Recently I'm walking to work with all the other commuters and suddenly I find myself amongst a group of unrelated people sharing a moment together- smiles of acknowledgement, etc. What do these people know? Then I spot it- crossing the street is a twentysomething lovely, Coach or Spade briefcase bag slung over her shoulder...and the hem of her short skirt is wedged between the bag and her armpit. Not an indiscreet flash of cheek mind you- I'm talking full on Underpants Nancy. Quite the faux pas....
Michael K admits: My wife, when she was younger and thought about that stuff more, used to say, "A party is to a woman as a battlefield is to a man."
Agree. Because women are far more critical about such things. That said, I never worse anything my husband hated.
Where are you looking? I don't think I've even seen that at the beach.
I forgot the /s.
As a veteran defender of pornography...
If it hasn't been said- Thank you for your service.
Not an indiscreet flash of cheek mind you- I'm talking full on Underpants Nancy. Quite the faux pas....
Are you certain of that? ;-)
"Women are supposed to cover up now because men might be moved to sexually harass them and because they don't have the "killer mind and manner" you need to be sexually attractive in the workplace?! She's rhapsodizing about "Muslim-influenced" "flowing drapery"?!!"
Hillary is showing the ladies the way forward in clothing choices. Just another example of her innate leadership talents.
Wild chicken: Yes! Mae West was great! Few--if any--women today are honestly sexual and take credit for it.
"Can you tell that's Camille Paglia?"
I burst out laughing when I read your question, because -- I kid you not -- I had barely finished the headline and had not even started into the rest of the quote when I thought, "Is this Camille weighing in?"
There's an awful lot she and I would not agree upon, but she remains one of my 'public voices' heroes for her sheer intellectual honesty and consistency.
Hunter has a point.
Actually from AA's recent revelation of a sexual assault and from other aspects of her background like remembering that there was a playboy magazine on the family coffee table , I now think AA is fearful of strong men and her sexual bravado is an act.
Paglia says: But complaining to and weaponizing a paternalistic Human Resources bureaucracy is not the path to women's true liberation.
In case it's not yet obvious to the point of cliche, these women don't want true liberation, which involves taking on responsibility for themselves. They simply want power and privilege which they're convinced men have stolen from women since the dawn of time.
Exiles sez: But women are constrained by the clothes they find on the racks when they are out shopping.
Ain't it the truth?! There was an era when I couldn't find a skirt that wasn't split up to at least mid-thigh.
"Can you tell that's Camille Paglia?"
Paglia usually throws in a book plug early on.
"You kids sporting stiletto heels, miniskirts and plunging bodices, GET OFF MY LAWN!"
Paglia is another feminist invoking a non-existent threat to women.
Another liar.
I have been "educated" by multiple women about the terror they feel at work when men, for instance, stand in the opening to their cubicle while talking to them, trapping them in a confined space where they are vulnerable to any number of unspeakable abuses.
Because of this, they believe men need to always be thinking about how such perfectly ordinary actions can terrify women, and avoid doing anything that might make a women feel uncomfortable.
There is zero introspection on the topic of how completely insane it is to feel terrified of rape and violence at two in the afternoon in a well-lit office surrounded by dozens of coworkers.
@Hunter, that’s where one normally stands.
The vast majority of men don't care what women wear.
Anymore than they care about their Handbags, hairdos, nails, etc.
Unless you're running around in a bikini or a a burka, we don't notice.
One good thing about the last 10 years, is the number of sexual harassment complaints due to men complimenting women at the office has nose dived.
It seems men have FINALLY gotten the message, quit treating your co-workers like your sister, mom, or girlfriend.
They don't need to hear a man tell them they have a "Killer dress" on today.
Here, Althouse, I'll write your apology for you.
I was a dumb kid when I got into feminism. It was all over some silly high school slights that everybody experienced.
I was a drama queen as a teenager and it was fun to insert myself into the middle of a political drama, even though I grew up rich, safe and bored. It was fun to wheedle and manipulate the boys by wiggling my tits in their faces and then turning on them and giving them a good lecture. And the dopes deserved it because it was so easy to manipulate them with my tits.
Than along came college and every drama queen girl was playing this game and getting over. You had to have an abuse or molestation card to play or you had no flesh in the game.
At every level of academia you were nothing without an oppression bitch. Who was I not to play the game? The UW faculty lounge was full of backstabbing rich kids from elite schools pretending to be oppressed. You were nobody unless you were in on the game. I was supposed to let them have all the fun?
I confess, it's all been bullshit. There was never anything substantial in my way because I'm a woman. I'm sorry I've been conning you all these years. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to be the heroine in a great drama and it just got out of hand."
Sign on the dotted line Althouse. Same for Paglia.
When it comes to glamour I try to amalgamate Virginia Postrel and Camille to get to the middle ground on what is/is not glamour.
Hunter claims: Because of this, they believe men need to always be thinking about how such perfectly ordinary actions can terrify women, and avoid doing anything that might make a women feel uncomfortable.
Women I know have more balls than that. Metaphorically speaking, of course. ;-)
"We happened to watch I'm No Angel with Mae West ...
Do we have anyone like that now?"
I've always wondered how much Elvira was inspired by Mae West? (Yes, I know she was inspired by the Vampira character.)
There are women who dress for themselves. I don’t care what either men or other women think about what I’ve chosen to wear. If they like it, fine, but that’s not the goal, however, I wouldn’t want to be seen in anything hideous either. If it appeals to me, comes in beautiful colors, or prints, or/and has great style and fit, or if an item is functional, I’ll buy it and wear it.
Social progress has left victims and collateral damage in its wake.
Rational and reasonable. Men and women like our gendered differences. The causes for sex discrimination are few and far between. Perhaps one: our Posterity. Our gendered differences should not override qualifications assessed on merit. That said, they may want to reconsider Slut Walks, or feminist exploitation of women for political progress. While the guys may like it, and the humanitarian pornographers, too, it should probably be kept off the streets, and let the People choose in their private spaces.
rcocean said They don't need to hear a man tell them they have a "Killer dress" on today.
This is highly related to the sexual politics of today and highly relatable to what was mentioned in an earlier comment that women are dressing for other women.
Women dress for other women because it is acknowledged, even subconsciously that there is a competition for men going on. A man's libido is uncomplicated, ham-sandwich uncomplicated. I believe it was Paglia herself who once referred to a man's sexuality as being "similar to a vending machine. Put in a quarter. A coke comes out" or something to that effect. Regardless of whether or not a woman participates, it is happening. Everyone knows it is happening.
The original quote should be changed to, "Women don't need to hear the wrong kind of man tell them they have a 'killer dress' on today."
That's what this is really all about. The giant spider web morass of unspoken, unverbal and assumed cues women use to communicate with everyone. The Instagram/snap bubble-butt-silicone-injected-dress-like-a-slut is all part of a non-verbal declaration of where these women fall within the hierarchy plus another more important notification...
...know your place...
This is where your statement comes into play. Women expect men to get the message just like other women do about where they fall in terms of value within the sexual marketplace. But men don't work like that. You might as well be speaking Chinese. Girls dress like prostitutes so a lot of more clueless guys think "hey! she's in heat!" Well yes, she is...but not for you.
By approaching her you don't realize you're actually insulting her. Your very assumption that she's in your league is tantamount to a declaration that you are on her level when you're not. How dare you is her first response, and her next is to re-establish publicly that you are not on her level.
This is the meat and potatoes of so much of what is going wrong in our Western Sexual Marketplace today. Women and girls communication styles, their wants, needs, desires have remained the same while the equivalent of technological nukes have been unleashed at their disposal.
TL:DR Woman's ability to reach is far exceeding her grasp of the situation.
Can men wear shorts to the office?
"A Veteran Defender of Pornography." She doesn't say "much-decorated," and its hard to remember what battles she fought in. I hope she at least kept the hat, to this day.
Men and women are both unaware. Women dress and primp for other women.
I dunno---walking down almost any street--or into any public space, and you see a lot of female flesh on display that might benefit from being covered up. And I'll be quick to admit that I like to look at attractive women. They can put a smile on my face.
But as Obama might say, there are a lot of young women who qualify for the jay vee team--at best--who want to flash like they are the varsity.
Unless you agree women should be able to show up to work in lingerie or naked, you already agree with the principle, and are merely arguing where to draw the line. Some Muslims think it's the Burka. In principle, you have no disagreement with that.
There is a not so fine difference between pornography and art. Pornography is an opiate, a drug, a means to color reality. It has done more to progress the feminine brand and mystique, and human relations, than the male chauvinists that it purported to confront. So, we are left with pixelated cats in hats who whine, with decades after regrets, and burdens aborted under a veil of privacy. It has been a poor reference for men and masculinity, too.
"Unless you agree women should be able to show up to work in lingerie or naked . . ."
If only! In a just world . . . although on second thought, in reality, based on my office experience, a lot of the women who would show up to work in lingerie or naked would be just the women you wouldn't want to see in lingerie or naked.
Have you ever noticed how locked into the drama queen world of fashion Althouse is?
She likes to play out drama queen shows for entertainment.
That's sort of the definition of feminism, isn't it... rich girls playing out a drama queen show.
Paglia is that professor dressed up in a clown suit and playing the "character" for her students' entertainment. Remember that one from college? English departments are full of that shit.
Without being too obsequious, can I offer a shout-out to the women of the Althouse blog, including the Hostess?
They are intelligent, well-grounded, with good senses of humor.
After tossing such nice and complementary beads, I think they should show you their tits.
Maybe I need to learn how to use instagram.
Bay Area Guy. If you gave 2 cents to all the women commenters of the Althouse blog you'd get change for a dollar.
It's quality, not quantity. I thought Yale guys would understand that.
It is interesting to watch the most coddled, pampered women in the world, in the guise of bashing the patriarchy, attack other women for how they dress.
Currently they are running around making sure nobody believes a rape accuser ever again by supporting the most ridiculous and obviously contrived claims of sexual assault ever made up.
It is clear that the people in the feminist movement hate other women more than anyone else.
The unattractive, ill-adjusted women don't much like the attractive, well-adjusted women.
Guys aren't allowed to dress like Chippendale's male strippers at the office. Why should women get to dress like whores?
Seems fair to me.
None of the women in the places that I worked dressed sexily. That would have been odd.
i'm sorry, but guys keep saying; "oh, no guy Ever notices what a woman wears!"
You might not notice that you noticed it, but if a woman is wearing 3" heels; you'll notice it.
If a woman is wearing a tailored skirt; you'll notice it.
If a woman is wearing a properly engineered brassiere, you'll notice it.
Surprisingly, the same is true for colors, prints, and MOST importantly makeup.
MOST guys (and, unfortunately some gals) have NO IDEA how long, and how much skill is involved in putting on makeup so that guys think the woman isn't wearing any . Properly engineered clothing doesn't cause you to notice IT; it causes you to notice HER
I'd also say that nobody is saying women have to "cover up". It's not a binary choice between burkas and Prostitute Chic, you know.
Just abandon the 4-inch Do Me Heels and the mini skirts for a start. How about a skirt that comes down to your ankles, and flats?
But of course, it's all about establishing dominance hierarchies, and flats won't let Alpha Females accomplish that. So therefore -- dress like a hooker. And then bitch about men who stare.
BAG: I went to Yale in an era of quality not quantity. Both would be better!
Everywhere I look, men are showing up to work in muscle shirts and surf trunks.
That shit is for kids. When I go into town I wear a thong and a one-size-too-small codpiece with the head sticking out.
“It is clear that the people in the feminist movement hate other women more than anyone else.”
What a stupid comment. Quit blaming women and feminism for all the ills of the world. Take some damn responsibility. People like you don’t make the world a better place, work on yourself first.
Donald: You know how, in the jungle, some elephants have long trunks and some elephants have short trunks?
Isabelle: I don't care how long an elephant's trunk is, so long as his dick's okay.
- Mozart and the Whale
Jennifer Lopez, in one long-ago Vanity Fair shot of her ample derriere, forever put to rest the Anglo female's query: "Does this make my butt look big?" That photo flipped the standard of sexy bodies. It was now being set by the 'underclass' women - blacks, Hispanics - with their big, round butts. A paradigm shift fully supported by me and Sir Mix A Lot. And I enjoy reading Ms Paglia. She's unique.
“Have you ever noticed how locked into the drama queen world of fashion Althouse is?
She likes to play out drama queen shows for entertainment.
That's sort of the definition of feminism, isn't it... rich girls playing out a drama queen show.”
There is no bigger drama queen than Screeching Thomas. There are plenty of other red meat blog posts today, but you choose this one to vent your misogyny.
"Paglia is that professor dressed up in a clown suit and playing the "character" for her students' entertainment. Remember that one from college? English departments are full of that shit."
The difference is Paglia is correct most of the time.
Bay Area Guy said...
The unattractive, ill-adjusted women don't much like the attractive, well-adjusted women.
Interesting thing there that self esteem has a negative correlation with perceived attractiveness in most studies.
I ascribed it to pretty girls working harder at it.
It could also be they are given more attention. Most attention in social interaction is negative sadly.
I spend a decent chunk of time trying to convince women they are smarter than they think/are told they are by their peers.
I agree on the anecdotal level that well adjusted happy women are certainly singled out mostly by a group made up of jealous women and a certain type of male I would put in the "predator" category.
That group has another label: democrats.
“MOST guys (and, unfortunately some gals) have NO IDEA how long, and how much skill is involved in putting on makeup so that guys think the woman isn't wearing any . Properly engineered clothing doesn't cause you to notice IT; it causes you to notice HER”
It’s amazing how many men think women adorn themselves only for them. The world revolves around men in their own minds, they don’t even suspect many women don’t give a damn what they think.
“I spend a decent chunk of time trying to convince women they are smarter than they think/are told they are by their peers.”
Newsflash! It’s not women who are telling other women they aren’t intelligent.
The workplace should be a gender-neutral zone.
No, that's wrong.
Finding a good breeding partner is far more important than whatever-the-fuck "the workplace" is about.
The current surplus of exposed flesh in the public realm has led to a devaluation of women and, paradoxically, to sexual ennui....
Cue-up Sailer's "Law of Female Journalism".
"It’s amazing how many men think women adorn themselves only for them. The world revolves around men in their own minds, they don’t even suspect many women don’t give a damn what they think."
It’s amazing how many men think women adorn themselves only for them.
You're a nasty, rotten bitch constantly complaining about nothing, Inga.
You want women and men to hate one another to advance an insane political agenda.
It's amazing that you think most women are as fucked up as you are.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“It is clear that the people in the feminist movement hate other women more than anyone else.”
What a stupid comment. Quit blaming women and feminism for all the ills of the world. Take some damn responsibility. People like you don’t make the world a better place, work on yourself first.
While in the various shit holes of the world I saw and fought actual misogyny.
I actually care about the world my daughters are going to grow up in.
It will not be dominated by pieces of shit like you, your Muslim friends, or the rapist democrats you vote for.
Fucking pathetic a Bill Clinton voter would even show her face in a discussion like this. How is that picture of Ted Kennedy doing on your wall? You are a complete joke. Keith Ellison is still on teh ballot. Not a word from your disgusting mouth about it.
Now that your hero Blasey Ford has been caught conspiring to intimidate witnesses you and your friends will have a harder time destroying the credibility of real rape victims.
I’m yawning at your yawn.
I'd also say that nobody is saying women have to "cover up". It's not a binary choice between burkas and Prostitute Chic, you know.
Yes. It's about placing and removing an emphasis, which is measured in degrees. What is generally considered appropriate is highly context sensitive. It's like the difference between art and pornography, where the former is implicit and the latter is explicit.
Inga's game is inciting hatred between men and women.
For political profit.
"I’m yawning at your yawn."
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“I spend a decent chunk of time trying to convince women they are smarter than they think/are told they are by their peers.”
Newsflash! It’s not women who are telling other women they aren’t intelligent.
Report on teachers by sex/grade etc
77% of teachers are female.
You just aren't very smart. Really one of the dumbest people I have ever seen.
Have you noticed that every fucking lefty woman (including Althouse) pretends that they are speaking for every woman in the world?
I know that they are bullshitting because I decided 30 years ago to banish feminazi women from my life and associate only with traditional, religious women.
They think you're an asshole, Inga.
I'm boofing at sarcasm about yawning at yawning.
“While in the various shit holes of the world I saw and fought actual misogyny.”
Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard, my daughter was deployed to Iraq in 2006 and Afghanistan in 2011-12. She is a Democrat and voted for Obama while she was at Camp Leatherneck in 2012.
“I actually care about the world my daughters are going to grow up in.”
What makes you think feminists and liberal women don’t care about what sort of world their daughters grow up in?
“I will not be dominated by pieces of shit like you, your Muslim friends, or the rapist democrats you vote for.”
My Muslim friends, who might that be? My gastroenterologist, while I like her, she’s not really a personal friend. No one is trying to dominate you, you weirdo.
One of the reasons you don't know that such woman think you're an asshole, Inga, is because they are too polite to tell you.
They are all around you.
Remember that while you're trying to incite hatred. Most of the women observing you inciting hatred think you're just a complete asshole, but they think it's bad manners to tell you so.
Men do not generally dress for women. On the other hand, men do not not dress for women. In some contexts, men do dress for women, with her approval, and hope she approves. It's a fine dance with reconciliation. I imagine the same is true for women.
“Have you noticed that every fucking Trumpist man (including Screeching Thomas) pretends that they are speaking for every woman in the world?”
No one is trying to dominate you, you weirdo.
Total Lack of Self Awareness award for 2019 goes to Inga.
Playing S&M games is your life.
Why would I want to speak for a dirty cunt like you, Inga?
Your stink precedes you.
“You just aren't very smart. Really one of the dumbest people I have ever seen.”
You just aren’t very smart and to make that worse, you are the weirdest commenter on Althouse and there are some weirdos here to be sure.
Achilles wrote: "It is interesting to watch the most coddled, pampered women in the world, in the guise of bashing the patriarchy, attack other women for how they dress.
"Currently they are running around making sure nobody believes a rape accuser ever again by supporting the most ridiculous and obviously contrived claims of sexual assault ever made up.
"It is clear that the people in the feminist movement hate other women more than anyone else."
They certainly hate truly free-spirited, independent women, and LOATHE anti-statist women. It's amusingly pathetic to me how brainwashed feminazis are afraid the patriarchy is going to make the society in "The Handmaid's Tale" become a realizity, while at the same time becoming, like Inga, loyal and docile Handmaid's for the State . . . which not only oppresses women, but KILLS them. (And men, too, but maybe that's the appeal: it's pretty much an egalitarian mass-murderer.)
Well Screeching Thomas might be as weird as Achilles...
This could go on all night, guys.
Inga loves to play S&M. I predict she'll still be here at dawn tomorrow.
If you really want to enter the seventh circle of hell, stick around for the Ritmo and Inga show.
The weakest among us might be tempted to blow their brains out.
Oops another weirdo, Chadwick. Well Trump really did embolden the weirdos on Althouse, didn’t he?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Newsflash! It’s not women who are telling other women they aren’t intelligent."
You might want to take a look at how Conservative women are treated online by Progressive women. Twitter is awash with Progressive mean girls putting down any and all women who disagree with their politics.
Here's a current example after Senator Collins spoke today:
J. Escobedo Shepherd
Editor in chief @jezebel
perhaps the most offensive part of it all is that collins is of mediocre-low intelligence at best
“The weakest among us might be tempted to blow their brains out.”
How is this normal?
I, for one, welcome the continued exposure my wife of 20 years has with leftist harpies like Inga.
Makes me look better with each, passing day.
What I take away from Paglia's remarks is that the steak is all sizzle.
“You might want to take a look at how Conservative women are treated online by Progressive women. Twitter is awash with Progressive mean girls putting down any and all women who disagree with their politics.”
I guess you haven’t noticed how liberal women commenters get treated here, eh? I can fast foot it as good as the next person, but I’ve seen more mild mannered liberal female commenters here ravaged by males and some females.
Let’s not be hypocrites.
Makes me look better with each, passing day.
Virtually every woman, no matter how physically repulsive, is more attractive than Inga.
Can you imagine putting up with her bitching?
That shit is for kids. When I go into town I wear a thong and a one-size-too-small codpiece with the head sticking out.
Bring back the codpiece! It would give men the panache they currently lack.
I have been "educated" by multiple women about the terror they feel at work when men, for instance, stand in the opening to their cubicle while talking to them, trapping them in a confined space where they are vulnerable to any number of unspeakable abuses.
The multiple women you know are twitterpated idiots. I hope they have pearls to clutch and a fainting couch nearby.
The correct response to that scenario is to get up, state that you are leaving the cubicle for X reason and nicely ask the man to get out of the way. If he doesn't move, then you even more loudly state.....get the fuck out of my way or I'm going to make sure you are never going to be able to have future children.
I guess you haven’t noticed how liberal women commenters get treated here, eh?
Inga, you deserve the hatred you inspire.
You've worked hard for the honor.
“...perhaps the most offensive part of it all is that collins is of mediocre-low intelligence at best.”
I like and respect Collins and don’t blame her for how she will be voting. She is inbetween a rock and a hard place.
It may be linked to ovulation signaling in primates, where the females of the species' rumps become engorged with blood when ready for mating.
As a white male qualified to speak for all white males, baboon butts are the bees' knees. The coolest thing about female baboons is they look like they're on their knees, "waiting for it" even though they're just standing there.
Except for the fact that baboon butts look like gigantic infected pustules.
Women are supposed to cover up now because men might be moved to sexually harass them...
Apparently, Althouse cannot seem to get her mind around and past the moronic notion of "have it all" feminism. That we all have our limitations is obvious, but this lizard brain truculence Althouse often displays on feminist subjects provokes derisive chuckles in some and "aren't you precious" head pats in others.
Firstly, calm down. Suggesting women tone down the sexual titillation (What a fabulous word when applied to the context of décolleté!) is hardly tantamount to forcing women into burkas. Every culture has its strong points, the West adopted Arabic numerals without bowing to Mecca, therefore we can pay attention to more appropriate dress without heeding the fucking muezzin.
Secondly, clam up. Paglia is the leading voice of sane feminism. If Althouse values feminism (whatever that means) she should restrain the urge to go off half-cocked. Trying to discredit Paglia is counter-productive to feminism. Think it through once. Then once again before you start typing. Exercise your frontal lobe more and your hippocampus less.
There is zero introspection on the topic of how completely insane it is to feel terrified of rape and violence at two in the afternoon in a well-lit office surrounded by dozens of coworkers.
Dunno about "introspection", but there's been quite a lot of writing, useless, I suppose, about "paranoia" and "hysteria", which is what you're describing.
Secondly, clam up. Paglia is the leading voice of sane feminism.
There is no sane feminism, in the same way that there is no sane Stalinism.
We've given the ladies all those feather bedding jobs in academia and HR because men are suckers for tits and ass and don't know how to tell the ladies no.
Rabel wrote: “Hillary is showing the ladies the way forward in clothing choices. Just another example of her innate leadership talents.”
Yes, she singlehandedly pioneered the Bedouin shelter look and style.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Shouting Thomas and Inga were the same person?
Said with love and respect, and an eye to screenplay material.
Shouting Thomas wrote: “We've given the ladies all those feather bedding jobs in academia and HR because men are suckers for tits and ass and don't know how to tell the ladies no.”
Yes. Exactly why are all the HR jobs filled by women? Besides that Stroke guy at FBI, are there any males in HR? What sort of self respecting man would want a job in HR?
mockturtle said...Bring back the codpiece!
Fortunately for everyone else I never actually go into town, the Lpog does that while I patrol the borders with the barely tamed snarling dogs, a big knife and dirty looks.
@PM: Even more interesting would be if both Mary and Inga were Althouse alteregos.
Anyone here think Shouting Thomas needs to keep working to make himself understood?
“PM: Even more interesting would be if both Mary and Inga were Althouse alteregos.”
You Trumpists just love fantasy, lol.
I like and respect Collins and don’t blame her for how she will be voting. She is inbetween a rock and a hard place.
So what part of her speech listing her reasons do you think was bullshit? Personally, I think it was the part where she vouched for DiFi.
“What sort of self respecting man would want a job in HR?”
For what it’s worth, I can’t stand HR people.
so...will we see a " Victoria's Burqa " opening in the mall then?
@Inga: I don’t actually believe it — it’s just a good piece of screenplay material.
Well Trump really did embolden the weirdos on Althouse,
Introspection from Inga, this HAS been a red letter day!
Women are supposed to cover up now because men might be moved to sexually harass them and because they don't have the "killer mind and manner" you need to be sexually attractive in the workplace?!
To be sexually attractive in the mode specified -- "stiletto heels, miniskirts and plunging bodices" -- yes, you do need a "killer mind and manner". A very small subset of women, in a very small subset of environments. It is wildly wrong for anybody else.
She's rhapsodizing about "Muslim-influenced" "flowing drapery"?!!
Gee, wonder how we got here. I'm sure feminism had nothing to do with it.
The once fabulous style catalogue of Western women's clothing - that didn't require a trade-off between elegance and allure vs. modesty and dignity - has been edited down to what is essentially a sleazier version of the Mao suit. (Sleazy *and* frumpy at the same time!)
I'd prefer that designers resurrect classic Western styles, but "feminists" coo over "empowering" Muslim dress-codes, and would only start whining about the patriarchy trying to push them back to the '50s if classic Western women's tailoring were revived. (And too much of the population is too obese to be able to wear such styles anyway. "Flowing", like spandex, is probably more marketing to an ever fatter population than it is any kind of aesthetic or cultural choice.)
There's also a financial motive here - sleazy styles and "flowing draperies" are cheap to mass produce. Lack of construction has been degrading standard western clothing items for a while now. E.g., the niche for well-shaped cardigans is now filled by "flowing" messes calling themselves the same, and what isn't "flowing" uses spandex, instead of skilled construction, to provide the (way too tight) fit.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
““What sort of self respecting man would want a job in HR?”
Too shay!
Please, people: enough with countering Althouse here. You’re going to make her pull out that hoary old story about her wearing miniskirts in high school and getting lectured by the principal.
Camille wants more glamorous sexual women. I second that emotion. Flirt , flirt , flirt and unbutton another button, You go girls . We have too many females imitating men.
(Sleazy *and* frumpy at the same time!)
Hmmmm. Black-rim glasses, too, I suppose?
You Trumpists just love fantasy, lol.
Not half as much as you, dear Inga. Witness your puerile longing for President Panzoot.
If you don't know what introspection is, you need to take a long hard look at yourself. Armstrong and Getty
“Please, people: enough with countering Althouse here. You’re going to make her pull out that hoary old story about her wearing miniskirts in high school and getting lectured by the principal.”
That wasn’t an unusual occurance. My English teacher was an old nun, she made us kneel on the floor and if our skirt didn’t touch the floor she lectured us about modesty. I did get in trouble for refusing to kneel one semester.
“Witness your puerile longing for President Panzoot.”
I was a Bernie girl.
Q wrote: “Not half as much as you, dear Inga. Witness your puerile longing for President ....”
I don’t think Inga is a fan of Hillary...
...That being said, these days, we only know who Inga is against. That’s a generic problem for Dems. All that political negativity...
And a hint of wanton sag?
" Sam Spade was getting laid" I put the bookstore verbal seduction between Marlowe (Bogart) and a young Dorthy Malone, removing glasses, down comes the hair and then fade.....
I was a Bernie girl.
Who didn't know Inga is a commie?
"Could you tell that's Camille Paglia?"
No. I would never have believed Paglia would coin a clunker like "staunch admirer". Has she had a stroke?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"I guess you haven’t noticed how liberal women commenters get treated here, eh? I can fast foot it as good as the next person, but I’ve seen more mild mannered liberal female commenters here ravaged by males and some females."
Whataboutism is not a rebuttal.
"Let’s not be hypocrites."
I'm a little weary of you hiding behind tropes when your comments are challenged.
Joe Manchin, he's always there when you don't need him!
I really wish there had been some way to win the vote and still have him forced by Daddy Schumer to vote against it. But he's way too slippery for that.
Tight black skirt with plain cotton panties underneath?
“On average, any woman in the United States Senate, whether they’re on Judiciary or any other committee, probably works harder than the average man.”
Grandpa Grassley after being criticized for *implying* that women senators don't want to be on Judiciary committee because "its a lot work".
Lucid-ides said:
"Women dress for other women because it is acknowledged, even subconsciously that there is a competition for men going on."
This is SO TRUE. There is a category of females -- call them queen bees -- who regard the existence of any other credible woman in the workplace as an existential threat. (For a long time, I worked in mostly male enterprises.) Doesn't matter if the other woman reports to the QB or is in a completely different department -- she is an adversary to be eliminated, usually by devious sabotage.
The only way to account for this behavior is as perceived competition for alpha males. Significantly, the QBs I knew tended to be the women having extramarital affairs with male coworkers.
I actually left a job once to get away from a QB and found a better, happier situation within a week. Last I heard, she was still terrorizing the other, normal women.
Honestly, dealing with lecherous men was simple by comparison.
I think that, for example, if an engineer has a question as to whether a truss is strong enough, or whatever, he should just ask a woman, they cannot be mistaken, so why bother with all the headache inducing work of figuring it out when such a simple solution is available?
None of us men have ever had any experience with crazy girlfriends who will casually lie. Or who firmly believe that what they need to be true to get something that want therefor is true. I never said "all women" and there are certainly lying men, and I have run into a few of them too, but nobody has ever claimed that we must #BelieveAllMen.
Why did it take so long to work out General Relativity? Because nobody asked a woman!
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
so...will we see a " Victoria's Burqa " opening in the mall then?
Ha! They already exist in Dubai. Valentino, Armani and others have beastily expensive couture lines for Muslim women...including swim wear and burqa.
On average, any woman in the United States Senate, whether they’re on Judiciary or any other committee, probably works harder than the average man.”
Labor theory of value.
Why did it take so long to work out General Relativity?
Because it was wearing pantyhose?
"Women dress for other women because it is acknowledged, even subconsciously that there is a competition for men going on."
Totally agree. And, further, healthy competition to look fresh, to look good, to look well put together is, I would argue, a good thing.
However, in the Bay Area, I see many American women choosing to not look good, to not look fresh, to not look well put together. "Why should I have to look good to impress a man?" -- seems to be a pervasive theme, wafting in the air.
Indeed, when you see a woman who appears to be bucking this trend, by trying to look reasonably good, it's often a minority, who hasn't been inundated with this leftwing meme.
A similar dynamic is also happening with men -- the slacker mode. Seth Rogen values are predominating.
You guys who are all saying "women dress up for women" are still missing the point.
Without men as the Ultimate Prize, women would still compete with women, but they sure as heck wouldn't do so by trying to see who could be the sexiest in male-gaze terms!
Labor theory of value.
So the person who works harder should earn more money, such as a ditch digger who uses a common shovel rather than a track hoe (that's not a prostitute who caters to decathletes). An interesting idea beloved of socialists everywhere. Hmmmm... Could go over well in certain California markets. We'll call it Artisanal Excavators, Ltd™.
Could I tell it was Camille Paglia? Yes, reading just the titled quote, I knew instantly who you were quoting.
Camile not against sexy, just shallow, common flashy fleshy trashy attempt at being sexy. Some, but not all are doing it due to some mental disorder. Usually lack of healthy father relationship. These are prime targets for "ladies mens" usually sons of single moms who would help her get tarted up for dates with sugar daddy.
For me the money quote was, "[M]any of today's young professionals sporting stiletto heels, miniskirts and plunging bodices might not realize that to wear that fabulous drag, you need a killer mind and manner to go with it..."
Women don't wear stilettos and miniskirts and revealing clothing for other women, just to be clear. And yes, there is a big ego boost for women who are seen as sexually desirable. But they need the self esteem and confidence to know how to handle the men whose attention they attract and stimulate. Otherwise the women are like helpless children accidentally wandering into a zoo exhibit with carnivorous animals.
Likewise, young women who attend unchaperoned parties with young men, where alcohol is served and overindulged, also need a strong sense of self and personal responsibility. I'm tired of seeing so many younger women who believe they are completely dependent on men to behave themselves and who are victims to men who don't behave, men who are often complete strangers. It's like they expect the boys to take responsibility for the welfare of the girls.
Finally, there really is no place for that dynamic in a professional setting. The sexual revolution (of the 60's) got out ahead of the consciousness revolution and womens' liberation and we have been seeing the catastrophic result for decades. The sexual revolution was all about guys getting "free sex," right? That revolution was never so much about women becoming masters of their own fate and sexual power. I'm disgusted with how it has worked out too.
Kirk Parker opines: You guys who are all saying "women dress up for women" are still missing the point.
Without men as the Ultimate Prize, women would still compete with women, but they sure as heck wouldn't do so by trying to see who could be the sexiest in male-gaze terms!
No, I don't think YOU guys are getting the point. Women aren't dressing to compete for men. They are competing with other women in fashion savvy and taste. Women who wear stiletto heels and decolletage at the office are not dressing for women, of course. These are likely the kinds of women who will try to sleep their way to the top.
Addendum: For instance, women at FOX news. If they don't get to the top--or get their contract renewed--they scream foul.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"I guess you haven’t noticed how liberal women commenters get treated here, eh? I can fast foot it as good as the next person, but I’ve seen more mild mannered liberal female commenters here ravaged by males and some females."
Of course. A stupid person would make this argument. But not just stupid. It would also require mendacity and amorality.
Female commenters here are treated as individuals and judged honestly.
There are dozens of female commenters.
You are the only truly stupid female that I know of.
wwww is a leftist and not stupid. Wrong, ignorant and sometimes disingenuous but not stupid.
I disagree with Freeman Hunt on things. She is not stupid. There are over a score of women posting here who are intelligent including the hostess.
It is hilarious that you pretend attacks against you are against all women. You just underline and epitomize my point.
I care about women in general as individuals.
You collectivize women so they are a more useful tool to gain power over other people.
You are a disgusting person and a true representative of your political tribe.
Kamala Harris does NOT approve of this article.
readering said... [hush][hide comment]
Anyone here think Shouting Thomas needs to keep working to make himself understood?
Sometimes too subtle, you need to read between the lines.
perhaps by delegitimizing the notion that there is a yin to your sexual yang,
the efforts to be sexy become diluted and generic, or "strangely unsexy"
Cory Booker effectively changed his name to Spartacus. This nickname is stuck to him.
He is finished on the national stage.
The next democrat nominee has to be black or the democrats are finished as a party. Are we really going with Harris or will Oprah step in?
Is this misogamists Day at Althouse! Paglia said the slut look today lacks the female intelligence that challenges a man. That is called being Cute. It makes a man want to have the woman, and after 12 hours of romance from him he will
get her. It is hunter and hunted, and cute little women are prized.
Harris is the PERFECT 2020 Democrat candidate.
A woman AND a black.
You can just imagine older white women - and soccer moms - crying with joy as they go to the Polls.
And then 96% if the black vote.
Cory Booker has "crazy eyes".
America will elect a crazy President.
But never one that LOOKS crazy.
When asked by a gaggle of reporters whether she smoked after sex, Mae West coo'ed:
"I dunno...I've never looked."
Women dress for women, because we men don't care.
Sometimes women will wear something that looks really great, sometimes really bad, but 80% of the time I can't tell the difference.
I've never met a man who said "Sure, she was 200 lbs, but that dress...wowza!"
This nickname is stuck to him.
Back in the Antebellum South, it wasn't uncommon for slave owners to name their captives after figures from classical antiquity. We can be sure that some plantation owner named one of his more defiant slaves Spartacus with delicious irony, knowing better than those who watched the movie without knowing Dalton Trumbo what Spartacus really was and why he probably deserved to get nailed to a post.
Maybe it's not too late for Cory to change his name to Peggy Fleming.
Is there a difference in perspective between women who like women and men who like women? Paglia is effectively a "guy" in this context.
"I've never met a man who said "Sure, she was 200 lbs, but that dress...wowza!""
Well, you're obviously aren't a fan of Amy Schumer.....
How come this stuff only relates to women?
“You collectivize women so they are a more useful tool to gain power over other people.”
Achilles, you are the stupidest nutcase here and that’s not saying much as there are so many of you nowadays. Well, that’s not a bad thing. If one must be an extremist nutcase, being a dumb one is probably better. You are not the arbiter of what is decent and good. You are someone who lives in some conspiracy theory reality who doesn’t possess the requisite skill and normalcy to see people as they are. You think liberals you served with in the military to be “bad” people too? You are such a partisan nutcase you cannot see beyond labels. All liberals are bad, all conservatives are good, such simplistic thinking doesn’t convince me of your intelligence.
I was saddened to learn that there's a whole new field pornography that I had not seen and had never even heard of. I was somewhat relieved to hear that it's not good pornography, but I'm not so sure I want to take Camille Paglia's word for it. Can someone here confirm that Instagram porn is second rate.
How come this stuff only relates to women?
Because men dress professionally for work.
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