October 30, 2018

"A company that appears to be run by a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist offered to pay women to make false claims against Special Counsel Robert Mueller..."

"... in the days leading up to the midterm elections—and the special counsel's office has asked the FBI to weigh in.... Mueller spokesman Peter Carr... confirmed that the allegations were brought to the office’s attention by several journalists, who were contacted by a woman who identified herself as Lorraine Parsons.... The woman identifying herself as Parsons told journalists in an email...  that she had been offered roughly $20,000 by a man claiming to work for a firm called Surefire Intelligence—which had been hired by a GOP activist named Jack Burkman—'to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.'"

From "Mueller Wants the FBI to Look at a Scheme to Discredit Him/The special counsel says a woman was offered money to fabricate sexual-harassment claims" (The Atlantic).


Yancey Ward said...

Burkman claims to have more than one accuser, and one of the accusers does give a date and location for an alleged rape in what looks like a published affadavit. Burkman is probably full of shit, but we supposedly will get to see by Thursday who the accusers are- if he doesn't produce them, that would pretty much prove the story is a hoax. If even one accuser comes forward, though, it will be funny watching the Left set aside the "believe all women" meme and do some actual digging to discredit her.

Michael K said...

There are conspiracies all over the place these days.

The left is apparently funding some NeverTrump magazines that have lost subscribers, like me.

The Weekly Standard is probably one.

Ace is already all over it.,

Mueller is a failing hero to the left. He is now making excuses.

narciso said...

specially since apparently the new Yorker, mayer and avenatti conspired along with nbc, to present the story, yet only one party has been apparently underscrutiny,

narciso said...

seeing as avenatti conspired further, to force the release of Cohen's client lists, based on spurious rationale, now natasha 'romanova' Bertrand, and jane mayer say nee!

Bay Area Guy said...

At a party in high school, Mueller had a drunken girl briefly sit on his face. I remember hearing stories about it, I really do.

Ben Lange said...

Update: the whistleblower appears not to exist, and the phone number belonging to the intermediary has been disconnected.

Birkel said...

Offering money to encourage people to step into the limelight is not the same as bribery.
Everybody knows that but this story demands you pretend you don't.

Michael K said...

Mueller at least got rid of one problem. Whitey Bulgar was murdered in prison today.

readering said...

Are we having fun yet?

rcocean said...

Is anyone else getting bored as all fuck about the Mueller investigation?

18 months and butkus.

Lets wrap it up.

Yancey Ward said...

What is hilarious about this is that Mueller referred it to the FBI. As far as I know, it isn't a crime to offer to pay someone to tell a story to a newspaper- even a false one. It isn't like she was being offered money to give sworn testimony.

Yancey Ward said...

I see Birkel has already made that point.

madAsHell said...

Dr. K beat me to it.

What goes about, comes about! I can't believe Special Council Mueller isn't looking at a similar demise.

Yancey Ward said...

I mean, seriously, if that is a crime, then every newspaper in the country is guilty.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Mueller at least got rid of one problem. Whitey Bulgar was murdered in prison today”

Supposed to have been a mafia hit. But with Mueller involved, maybe not.

Bay Area Guy said...

36 years ago, Mueller slept with a goat.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

First, believe all women;
Then believe all women accusing republicans;
Now believe all women accusing republicans we don't like this week.

Birkel said...

Bill, RofT,

I do not believe a new rule. Robert Mueller is unlikely to be a Republican. Anybody can register in any party.

SGT Ted said...

So, when is the FBI going to be looking into the false statements under oath made by Christine Ford?

Birkel said...

I do not believe a new rule is necessary.
Got ahead of myself there.

Francisco D said...

One of the Mueller accusers is Carla Blasey, the evil twin sister of the blessed Christina Blasey Ford.

jim said...

On the assumption that a well-known hoaxster is hatching another transparent hoax, I hope he goes to jail this time.

Howard said...

'nuther false flag... says Ace

Howard said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Mueller at least got rid of one problem. Whitey Bulgar was murdered in prison today.

I love the pad-lock in a sock and eye gouge. Way better than the way Dahmer got it. It's hard not to think the transfer was part of the setup.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Howard said...
'nuther false flag... says Ace

Who knows? But don't be a snowflake, let us drag it out and enjoy it while it lasts. Let Mueller experience being a victim for once. It would be unmanly for him to complain. That's how it works, right?

narciso said...

But enough about Henry blodget tech bubble fraudster,

Michael K said...

< It's hard not to think the transfer was part of the setup.

Oh, I agree. Mueller has friends. The FBI agent that ran Bulgar, Connelly? McConnell ? is still in prison and I think for life.

Mueller has friends.

Howard said...

BL: But I like being a snowflake... it proves my uniqueness to the universe.

narciso said...

Wait what department did strzok head:


rhhardin said...

If you don't believe #MeToo women in the first place, it's no problem. It's metafarce.

Darrell said...

It's been said, Mueller likes dressing up as a schoolgirl and has burly Russians pegging him with a horse-cock dildo.

Who are we to judge?

Darrell said...

Women were paid in the Roy Moore case. And some women were paid to bring forward allegations about Trump. Blassey Foprd walks away with something between $350,000 and $500,000 in GoFundMe dollars.

Mueller hasn't established that the charges aren't real, has he? His record of telling the truth isn't good.

narciso said...

And a day after Susan rice thinks she can determine the line of succession prince Ahmed returns think obadiah stane to Tony stark

buwaya said...

"The left is apparently funding some NeverTrump magazines that have lost subscribers"

Indeed, this was known two years ago. Not made much of interestingly.

And some other non-magazine people too. Max Boot among others.

National Review and the Standard no doubt, or some of their writers and editors.
NR kept a few uncompromised just to keep a lifeline.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Things are going to get real interesting after the midterms.

robother said...

Blasey Ford has collected over $1 million dollars on a GoFundMe page. That's the way you do it, get your money for nothing, and your (nervous) tics for free.

gadfly said...

@rcocean said...
Is anyone else getting bored as all fuck about the Mueller investigation?

18 months and butkus.

So they got Dick Butkus? I hadn't heard that but indictments and guilty verdicts against Trump crooks, Papadopoulos, Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Van der Zwaan, Patten and shortly Michael Cohen and Roger Stone. The Trump family will face charges for the illegal use (self-interest) of their charity - that is Donald and the adult kids.

Trump won't talk to Mueller because he is afraid of getting caught lying and he continues to lie about no collusion with the Ruskies. Evidence is in hand to prove that the Trump campaign did in fact illegally interact with Russia.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, daily violation of the Emoluments clause is apparent and then there is the ongoing Trump Laundromat.

Denial is not a river in Egypt, but deals with Muslim Arab states are embarrassing, beginning with Saudi Arabia.

narciso said...

She can buy a whole new set of doors for that

Darrell said...

She can buy a whole new set of doors for that

Better beach friends.

Bay Area Guy said...

Gadfly sez:

"Meanwhile back at the ranch, daily violation of the Emoluments clause is apparent and then there is the ongoing Trump Laundromat."

Thanks for the laugh! Really appreciate it.

Michael K said...

Denial is not a river in Egypt, but deals with Muslim Arab states are embarrassing, beginning with Saudi Arabia.

No, it is a commenter called gadfly.

Clyde said...

The Democrat operatives aren’t going to like what happens under the new rules that they have created. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, and all that.

Wince said...

Seems awfully easy at this moment to intuit a connection between the Mueller referral and the Bulger hit.

Ray - SoCal said...

Bulger hit surprised me.

Drago said...

Inga: "Things are going to get real interesting after the midterms."


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Things are going to get real interesting after the midterms."

I expect so. Perhaps in ways you will not like at all.

Jupiter said...

Yancey Ward said...
"What is hilarious about this is that Mueller referred it to the FBI. As far as I know, it isn't a crime to offer to pay someone to tell a story to a newspaper- even a false one."

I would not be surprised if Mr. Mueller regards it as obstruction of justice. In any case, the FBI does not allow legal niceties to interfere with their activities.

JAORE said...

Oh noes, Mueller is a victim.

Rusty said...

JAORE said...
"Oh noes, Mueller is a victim."
makes ya wonder. fer instance. I wonder if he had Whitey Bolger wacked.