September 17, 2018

"Why did the WaPo state that the incident occurred in her 'late teens' when summarizing the therapist notes, but farther down in the story state that she was 15 and Kavenaugh was 17? Is 15 a 'late teen'?"

Asks NYC JournoList in the comments to my Kavanaugh post "Does it smell funny in here?" I just added an important 5-point statement to that post, so I hope you read that, though it's hidden away in update position on the old post. But it's this "late teens" question that I want to break out into a new post.

The term "late teens" appears in this sentence:
Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when [Christine Blasey Ford] was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt” in her late teens.
Is that just WaPo phrase or is that the phrase in the therapist's notes? The therapist's notes — from 2012 — are presented as corroborating Ford's story, but if she's saying she was 15 and the therapist's notes say "late teens," then the answer to NYC JournoList's question may be that WaPo was allowing us to see a discrepancy in the corroborating evidence but not calling too much attention to it.

But then why isn't "late teens" in quotes (like "rape attempt")? Maybe the therapist's notes have a specific age, and it really is late teens, and if we knew the actual number, Kavanaugh wouldn't be 17 but 18 or 19 or 20. Which is it?! Kavanaugh would look worse if he were older, but he also wouldn't be in high school any longer, which would conflict with other aspects of Ford's story.
After so many years, Ford said, she does not remember some key details of the incident. She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda. Kavanaugh would have been 17 at the end of his junior year at Georgetown Prep.
Is 15 a 'late teen'?

No. In the parlance of Roe, 'late teen' would imply the third teen trimester, 18 thru 19.

At 15, Ford was in her second teen trimester.

It's all there in the constitution, if you look hard enough at the penumbras!


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zipity said...

This woman appears to be mentally unstable, and a far Left Liberal activist.

With a not-so-great rating on Rate My Professor.

gahrie said...

How about maybe she is conflating two separate "recovered" memories, one that happened at 15 and another that happened in her late teens?

M Jordan said...

I’m sticking with my theory that Ford has injected herself into a “Dead Poets Society” scene where a boy from an all-guys boarding school “seizes the day” by kissing a passed out hottie on a couch.

rcocean said...

And she can't remember WHERE it happened. It was just at "somebodies house".

This doesn't pass the smell test.

Michael K said...

The therapist also said four boys were there.

My name goes here. said...

The accuser says that these were high school boys. A party at a pool implies summer. If it were one year later, he would have been 18, and presumably not in high school.

If it were one year later and she were 16, would that help her remember how she got there, specifically she could say I drove myself there, or someone else drove me there.

If we get to see these notes from the therapist, do we get to see all the notes from the therapist? Do we get to know what diagnosis/conclusion the therapist came to?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Now explain the therapist notes that it was 4 boys who tried to rape her.

LilyBart said...

There are problems with her story.

Shouting Thomas said...

You feminism is utterly vile and evil, Althouse.

It's a very ugly, rotten part of your personality.


Mike Sylwester said...

Christine Blasey Ford admitted she was an alcoholic back then and regretted being so easy. She told her best friend she had 64 sexual partners between 11th grade thru college. She is also liberal activist who wrote on her FB in '16, "Scalia-types must be banned from law!"

Xmas said...


The problem is also that "somebody's house" is "near the golf course" which describes her own childhood home more than it describes Kavanaugh's or Judge's.

The other problem is the other person in the room was Judge. And he's come out and said the incident didn't happen. Unfortunately, Judge is a bit of a creep (and an author of a book about his childhood alcoholism), so his character and honesty are being attacked.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I remember the day, month and year when I almost died at 17.

I remember where I was, how I got there, who was there, and how I left.

I remember the taste of the grass and dirt in my mouth. I remember everything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

High school. If the facts get muddled and twisted, it doens't matter. Flake wants to be an asshole.

Mike Sylwester said...

The teen years are 13 to 19.

The middle number is 16.

The early teens are 13-15.

The late teens are 17-19.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If this mattered, then it needed to matter decades ago.

Tom said...

Did you all see that Kavanaugh's mom was the judge who presided over the foreclosure of the accuser's parent's home?

Look, I don't know if this did or didn't happen. Only the women, Kavanaugh, and the 1-3 other boys that were or weren't in the room know what happened. If Kavanaugh did this, then there would likely be a pattern of behavior and, thus far, that's not emerged. There's also not any contemporaneous evidence to support her claim. Unless more evidence emerges, it appears more likely that not that this didn't happen.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If she really felt like he tried to kill her, why didn't she go to the police?

traditionalguy said...

I bet she is going to mix some truth with some lies and blow it. The Dem handlers need to coach her up quick. Use ALL lies and then no one can break your story.

Birkel said...

Kavanaugh would look worse if the story was made less credible because the dates were wrong in the allegation that nobody believes?

I find that position odd, somehow.

Shouting Thomas said...

Take note, men.

Althouse has announced that no matter how fervently you kiss her ass over feminism, a la Kavanaugh, she'll still use her evil ideology as a weapon against you.

She's a Marxist feminist. The purge will not cease until absolute ideological purity is achieved.

The solution for our young men is to fight Althouse's young feminist comrades endlessly, to reject every part of feminism, to refuse to kiss women's asses and to live like an outlaw.

If you're a young man, get the hell out of the schools and learn a blue collar trade. Get as far away from the Althouses of this world as you can get.

Kate said...

She was old enough to be shitfaced while unsupervised. Of all the people who should own blame for her pain, a boy making a play at a house party is the last on the list.

Wince said...

Is 15 a 'late teen'?

No. In the parlance of Roe, 'late teen' would imply the third teen trimester, 18 thru 19.

At 15, Ford was in her second teen trimester.

It's all there in the constitution, if you look hard enough at the penumbras!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Have the articles of impeachment been drawn up? If this is true, he can't stay on the court of appeals.

Let's get that circus underway too.

Lyssa said...

It’s baffling to me that she would have agreed to released the therapy notes knowing that they contradicted her account. The only explanations I can come up with are 1) she’s counting on the media not to cover the discrepancies, 2) she genuinely doesn’t “see” the conflict because of her own issues, or 3) the therapist did write it down incorrectly (which seems like a big error!) and she just wasn’t aware of that. Even if she didn’t say his name, you would think she would have mentioned something about him - where he lived, how they knew each other, what activities he was into, etc. Also, had she ever told anyone- her friends or parents, etc.

Either way, though, I’ve long said that I don’t think Juanita Broderick should be held against Clinton. I feel bad for her - her story is credible in many ways, and he’s certainly shown his character, but it is just too long ago, with too little proof. (That’s not to say he shouldn’t taken to task for his more contemporary behavior, or that so-called feminist supporters shouldn’t be called on their hypocrisy). Here, we have even less evidence and more time (comparatively) and a smaller alleged wrong. It’s going to take a lot to get me to consider this something that should be held against him. .

Dave Begley said...

Brett would have been headed into his senior year. Applying to Yale. Starting on the football and basketball teams. No way he would have done this. He might have been drunk; not insane.

Maybe they were making out. She was 15. He started to feel her up. She freaked out. That's my theory.

And find the other girl at the party; if she exists. CBF knows the name. She better give it up. Lawyer Katz knows. That's Brady material. Hand it over!

traditionalguy said...

Hey, ST. Why not enjoy The Professor's mind and writing skills, and just ignore all that Women are people too crap she pulls.

cubanbob said...

How convenient that she told the WaPo and Feinstein her story in July and only now when the vote is to be held does this come out.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

From the WaPo:

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband...

Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when she was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt” in her late teens.

Is there any reason to assume that the rape attempt in her late teens is the same event as the Kavanaugh incident when she was 15? The WaPo juxtaposition implies that it was describing the same event, but it is certainly possible that there were two separate events. Has Ford made any such statement?

LilyBart said...

A detailed account of the story can be checked against facts. A vague account of the story cannot (I don't remember when, or at whose house, or who else was there).

Plus the man has had 30+ years of living an exemplary life.

Michael said...

Or maybe it just wasn't him. "By any means necessary" you know.

Mike Sylwester said...
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Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

In 2012, The New Yorker magazine published an article written by Jeffrey Toobin, saying that if Mitt Romney won the Presidential election, then Romney was likely to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court.

That same year 2012 was when Christine Blasey Ford told her marriage therapist that she as a teenager had been sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh.

rcocean said...

You really have to wonder how insubstantial and vague and old an accusation of sexual assault has to be before people stop taking it seriously.

Evidently, a woman can say something happened 35 years ago, and not be able to tell you the date or the place, and provide no evidence that she told anyone at the time.

And we still take it seriously. As long as she's a liberal Democrat accusing a Republican.

rhhardin said...

Does the therapist have a diagnosis to share, like schitzophrenia.

Meade said...

traditionalguy said...
"Hey, ST. Why not enjoy The Professor's mind and writing skills, and just ignore all that Women are people too crap she pulls."

Works for me!

rcocean said...

Mike: She was traumatized by Romney not by sexual assault.

cacimbo said...

The entire piece is written to try to make Kavanaugh look as bad as possible, so "late teens" is most likely not an error. How about the odd line: "clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it." Come on - why is that written like that. Because anyone would try to remove the clothing first.Which even in her story he does not succeed in doing, But WAPO is trying to make it sound like things got further along -he tried to pull off her bathing suit.

Shouting Thomas said...


Read Althouse's comments added to her earlier Kavanaugh post.

Your pussy whipped ass kissing won't save you from her purge.

Dave Begley said...

All I know is that some GOP Senator better unload on DiFi on Thursday and I mean with both barrels.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm sure it will come out that this is a lying alcoholic/medicated mentally ill resistance cunt, who of course works in academia which is where these otherwise unemployable worthless drains on society end up.

The vote should be pushed through and this blatant smear attempt ignored. Then once he is on the court, Kavanaugh should rule as a firebreathing conservative bomb thrower who make Scalia look like Ginsberg. The dems and media are attempting to destroy him, his career, and his family.

Fuck them all. I cannot wait for that disgusting old chinese bought and paid for cunt Feinstein to stroke out. It will be even better a day than when McCain took his maverick act down to hell.

rcocean said...

BTW, the whole "he was too smart to do that" doesn't wash.

Smart people have been doing stupid things since the Caveman days.

Look at the #metoo list of guilty men.

Shouting Thomas said...

When are men going to realize that kissing feminist ass, becoming more pussy whipped and faggotizing themselves won't free them from the Evil Eye of insane Marxist feminists like Althouse?

It's a delusion, guys. Her intentions are evil.

Mike Sylwester said...

Since the therapist's notes are being used to support the accusation, all the notes should be released to the public.

Let's see what else she told the therapist.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Why not enjoy The Professor's mind and writing skills"

Does anybody even read her third rate affirmative action level writings? The only useful thing about this blog is the great commenters, and the access to lefty retards and LLRs (but I repeat myself) to insult.

rcocean said...

"All I know is that some GOP Senator better unload on DiFi on Thursday and I mean with both barrels."

Yes, I hope so too. But between the senile old farts like Grassley and the cucks like Flake and Sasse, I don't have much hope.

Of course, the Grassley gameplan seems to be: "Let the Dems rant and rave and play games. It will accomplish nothing and make people despise them"

born01930 said...

If it smells like fish, eat all you wish. Sorry but this smells like cologne...better leave it alone
She is trying to jam the square peg (late teen story previously documented) into the round hole (Stop K Now!). That is probably the reason the Dems held it till now. Wait until there is minimal time to dig for details

Dave Begley said...

Ford's letter, " “I have received medical treatment regarding the assault.”

A medical doctor? When? Who? Records?

Or is this the "couple's therapy" in 2012? A psychologist is NOT a doctor. As a PhD, she knows that.

What a crock of shit from this woman.

rhhardin said...

You're dealing with a female mind. Tact is the right approach.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Since the therapist's notes are being used to support the accusation, all the notes should be released to the public.

Let's see what else she told the therapist.


Levi Starks said...

It’s best not to be too outraged....
The people who want to usher in a brave new socialist world are willing to use any nuclear option available to them.
Obama added lots of options while he was president, and Trump happily wields the weapons placed in his hands.
And to be sure the Democrats continue to add to the arsenal even during Trumps presidency.
Initially I found it absurd that any obscure federal judge in Hawaii could issue injunctions against the president, but now it’s simply become commonplace. Thanks Democrats. Living in the dream world the left spends so much time fantasizing about will actually be much tougher for them than for seasoned conservatives. I think it’s time we recognize they deserve to benefit from the results of their actions.
I’m going to do just fine, because death is of course certain.
Arguing the fine points of this particular digression is in fact pointless, and I refuse to participate.

rhhardin said...

"Now don't try to reason with me."

cacimbo said...

I agree. The idea that a vague allegation from HIGH SCHOOL is treated as "serious" is just another example of the Swamp/media showing how out of touch they are with average Americans.

cacimbo said...

I agree. The idea that a vague allegation from HIGH SCHOOL is treated as "serious" is just another example of the Swamp/media showing how out of touch they are with average Americans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Late teens = 17-19.

15 is early teen.

But hey - the last minute try must be believed.

You are not allowed to know what happened to Seth Rich.

Meade said...

Mike Sylwester said...
"Since the therapist's notes are being used to support the accusation, all the notes should be released to the public.

Let's see what else she told the therapist."

From Wikipedia: A study of college-age women in 1998 found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.[10]

Henry said...

If we believe both parties, then it happened for one in 1982 and the other in 2018.

rcocean said...

The whole lie is constructed to prevent Kavenaugh from proving it didn't happen.

If she gave a location or date - Kavenaugh could prove he wasn't there. So that's out.

If she claimed he took her clothes off or raped her - People would wonder why she didn't go to the police, tell her parents, or say anything for 35 years. So, we get a one-piece bathing suit, that can't come off and a 3rd party in the room, and some groping and grinding. And we need to have them drunk, because that's the excuse for them not being able to get the bathing suit off, and their actions in general.

If people wonder why didn't she scream - Loud rock and roll music.

If people wonder why she didn't fight back - There were two of them.

zipity said...

I find it curious that this is getting so much ink, and yet the far more serious, much more recent, and far more thoroughly documented allegations against Liberal super star Keith Hakim, er....I mean Keith Ellison have virtually disappeared in the LameStream Media©.

rcocean said...

"I agree. The idea that a vague allegation from HIGH SCHOOL is treated as "serious" is just another example of the Swamp/media showing how out of touch they are with average Americans."

The Dems won a Senate seat with 35 y/o vague allegations, and the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" tape was supposed to give them the Presidency.

So, you can't blame the Democrats for keep pulling for these stunts. Blame the Republicans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"medical treatment"

for what? imaginary rape? I'll bet her therapy sessions are filled with Trump-hate and Trump-obsession.

Lets find out!

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm glad he brought his girls to see this.

Wince said...

Lyssa said...
Either way, though, I’ve long said that I don’t think Juanita Broaddrick should be held against Clinton. I feel bad for her - her story is credible in many ways, and he’s certainly shown his character, but it is just too long ago, with too little proof.

Clinton was an adult. In fact, the Attorney General of the state of Arkansas running for Governor at the time while Broaddrick owned and operated a nursing home.

Guess whose office would investigate "fraud" in the operation of an Arkansas nursing home.

You can always find "fraud" in the operation of a nursing home if you look hard enough. Aside from the extramarital affair Broaddrick was having with another man at the time, I always thought that's why Clinton might think he could act with impunity, and why Broaddrick would not want to raise that reason for her silence.

In 1974 she decided she wanted to run a nursing home herself and so she bought one in Van Buren. It was known as the Brownwood Manor Nursing Home. Her mother was part owner with her...At the time of the alleged 1978 rape, she was having an affair with David Broaddrick, who also was married to another person.

Meade said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"When are men going to realize that kissing feminist ass, becoming more pussy whipped and faggotizing themselves won't free them from the Evil Eye of insane Marxist feminists like Althouse?

It's a delusion, guys. Her intentions are evil."

Shouty Thomas, show us on the doll where the Evil-Eyed insane Marxist feminist professor touched you when you were 15 or so after you had a beer or 2, under or over your 1 piece bathing suit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good point. What ever happened to the allegations against Keith Ellison?

Vanished by the pro-D hack press.

Roughcoat said...

Shouting Thomas is Jack's raging bile duct. His medulla medulla oblongata.

Next he's going to punch himself.

rcocean said...

"Initially I found it absurd that any obscure federal judge in Hawaii could issue injunctions against the president, but now it’s simply become commonplace. Thanks Democrats. Living in the dream world the left spends so much time fantasizing.."

I was surprised to learn - when reading Thomas' concurrence in the "Travel Ban" Case that nation-wide injunctions by District court judges didn't exist until 1962! Further, they were used rarely and sparingly until the 21st Century.

Once again, we trust the Federal Judges to use their power wisely and they disappoint us. Congress needs to step in, but won't.

Virgil Hilts said...

Mike S said "In 2012, The New Yorker magazine published an article written by Jeffrey Toobin, saying that if Mitt Romney won the Presidential election, then Romney was likely to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court." I read that same article that people are pointing at -- the one
It is quite the coincidence that the therapy session in 2012 coincided with the announcement that BK would be the likely nominee if MR won. I am not conspiracy minded but I am convinced that a large # of progressives would gladly fabricate or exaggerate something in order to crash a DT nomination. I am also getting the sense that this woman may be batty. Remember when the left adopted Cindy Sheehan? Could this be another one?
Finally, a 15 year old drinking at a party is probably not the most reliable witness to anything that went down. And I'm guessing she under-exaggerated how much she had to drink.

Nonapod said...

Given the whole situation, who she is, her politics, and the general desperation of the Democrats, and until actual hard evidence materializes, I'm going to assume her story is either mostly inaccurate (something may have indeed happened to her, it just wasn't Kavanaugh) or outright completely fabricated. Vague therapist notes aren't evidence.

gspencer said...

"What a crock of shit from this woman."

You can say that again. In fact, I will,

"What a crock of shit from this woman."

gahrie said...

Hey, ST. Why not enjoy The Professor's mind and writing skills, and just ignore all that Women are people too crap she pulls.

It's not the "women are people too crap" that is the problem. The problem is all of the "unborn children aren't people with the right to life crap".

Michael K said...

The vote should be pushed through and this blatant smear attempt ignored.

This is why Flake was recruited. He will vote NO and the committee will be blocked. My question is whether it can be reported to the Senate with no recommendation. I think so.

The purpose of this whole farce is to give cover to red state Democrats,

Let's hold the vote. Flake will vote no. The Democrats will have to vote. I don't know if the VP can vote in a tie on a confirmation vote.

Time to fight dirty if necessary. If the Democrats win this one, no Republican will ever be confirmed unless he is Flake type pussy.

rcocean said...

"The other problem is the other person in the room was Judge. And he's come out and said the incident didn't happen. Unfortunately, Judge is a bit of a creep (and an author of a book about his childhood alcoholism), so his character and honesty are being attacked."

That's the curious part of the story. Why Judge? Did she think by including him, her story would be more credible and that any of denials would be disregarded because of his alcoholic past and friendship with Kavenaugh?

I guess you're right.

JAORE said...

Of course none of us know the truth about this.

But say this was a trial where we are to weigh the evidence:

The act, if it occurred, was over 3 decades ago and not criminal.
No one else heard this life changing tail until 30 years later in a therapy session.
So many key details not remembered the story could not be reasonably be investigated even if it were last year.
One accuser, two deniers. Not a single other person identified at the party.
Hole after hole in the story. Some substantial.
Inconsistencies between the story and the therapist notes.
Her social media has been scrubbed. Not dropped to save her from backlash, SCRUBBED.
She gave the accusatory letter to DiFi almost 2 months ago, before the hearings, but the info was held until the 11th hour.

But he's the FIFTH vote on Roe, so, to quote Doonesbury, he's, GUILTY, GUILTY,GUILTY!"

Hang 'em high!

Dave Begley said...

Report that CBF wore a knitted "pussy" hat that looked like a human brain at a protest march.

She's a liberal activist. This is her Joan of Arc moment.

Yancey Ward said...

All the circumstances argue for the proposition that Ford is lying- all of them- and all of those circumstances are described ably above by my fellow commentators here. There isn't a single part of her story that rings true- not one. If she wants to testify, fly her and Judge to D.C. today, swear them in, take the testimony, and then proceed with the committee vote on Thursday.

There isn't any investigation to do here beyond the above- none. At the end, all you will have is her story vs Kavanaugh and Judge's. If the Republicans allow this unsupported and unsupportable story to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation, they may as well give up asking men to take the risk of accepting appointments to any politically charged position in Washington.

Lyssa said...

EDH, I agree. Like I said, there are a number of reasons that JB’s story has credibility, certainly far more than this story. But even with that, I think that it’s too far removed. I don’t like or politically align with Clinton one bit, but I give him a pass on that specific issue for those reasons. Just preemptively clarifying for myself that I’m not just sticking up for team red by saying the same for Kavanaugh.

Temujin said...

I was once a Dem. They, themselves, chased me away years ago. They continue to cement the wide barrier between them and I on a daily basis.

I don't think I'm alone.

Ann Althouse said...

Shouting Thomas is turning into the male equivalent of Titania McGrath. Very funny!

campy said...

" I am not conspiracy minded but I am convinced that a large # of progressives would gladly fabricate or exaggerate something in order to crash a DT nomination."

If you found yourself magically transported back to late 1920s or early 1930s Germany, and were in a situation where telling one teensy weensy little falsehood under oath would Stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?

Gretchen said...

Having a similar social situation in high school at almost the same time, there are so many things that don't ring true.

First, Kavanaugh and his buddy were popular athletes. This girl was two years younger. It was not unusual for girls at that time to NOT to have sex with guys at parties, there was a lot of making out, but saying no wasn't unusual especially with a non-boyfriend. If an older, very popular guy made a move and the girl rebuffed it she would TELL her friends. It would increase her social status. Also, if two 17-year old athletes wanted to rape a 15 year old girl she wouldn't get out of a room. Period. They would have the physical strength to overpower her. She had one beer and doesn't remember any details including getting a ride home or who else was at the party. The only details she remembers can only be verified by Kavenaugh and a guy who wrote a book about being a teen alcoholic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Feinstein should be forced to resign.

The incredible corruption of Diane Feinstein.

stlcdr said...

I get the feeling that if every factoid of this whole debacle lined up, then it would be less effective; specifically, it focuses on this story longer than it needs to, with no actual 'nexts steps'. It sows doubt in everyone's eyes.

glenn said...

As others have pointed out the reason for the imprecision in the date and location makes it impossible for Kavanaugh to prove his innocence by virtue of being somewhere else when the alleged event occurred. The Dems learned that lesson when Duke LaCrosse blew up.

Matt Sablan said...

"There isn't any investigation to do here beyond the above- none."

-- I've been saying from the start: Give us something verifiable. Like the Moore signature or Broderick's injuries. We CAN'T investigate Ford's claims because we don't have a when or where, or even an impartial who!

rhhardin said...

Shouting Thomas is turning into the male equivalent of Titania McGrath. Very funny!

He thinks Althouse should man up. The best that can be hoped for is an ability to notice stuff with a guy's abstraction in addition to the expected woman's knee-jerk style.

stevew said...

This is a tiresome story, but do I have it right that the only specifics she remembers are that there was an incident of a sexual nature and the perpetrator was Kavanaugh? Pathetic attempt - if you're going to lie at least show enough respect to make it a good one.

Her attorney says she will not testify and so it seems we have heard all that we will hear from the accuser. Equally clear now is that this stunt is intended to slow the confirmation until after the mid-term election when there is a chance the makeup of the Congress changes.

Despicable but standard issue national politics.


glenn said...

This also proves DiFi is a lying sack of stool

Darrell said...

If anything happened to her it didn't involve Kavanaugh. I'd bet $2 on it. And I never waste $2.

Matt Sablan said...

"This is a tiresome story, but do I have it right that the only specifics she remembers are that there was an incident of a sexual nature and the perpetrator was Kavanaugh?"

-- No. Here's the specifics I've been able to pull out from what I've read:

It happened 30+ years ago. In Montgomery County. At a two-story house, near a golf course. At a time of year someone might wear a bathing suit under other clothes (so, late spring through the summer?) There were a total of four boys there. Kavanaugh and Judge (what an ironic last name for Accused #2) and two unnamed. There were at least two girls there (Ford + another unnamed one.) No parents were present; there was alcohol. Loud music.

So, we know a bunch of fluff, but nothing we can use to prove anything.

Tommy Duncan said...

ByAshe Schow
September 13, 2018

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declined to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over allegations sent to them by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

Matt Zapotosky of The Washington Post quoted an FBI official as saying: “Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background file, as per the standard process.” He also reported that the agency was not opening a criminal investigation into what Kavanaugh may or may not have done as a high school student.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“She admits she doesn’t remember key details like exactly when the incident occurred or where specifically, and she says the first time she told anyone about it was when she was in couples counseling with her husband in 2012 — 30-some years after the night in question.”

Right. Because once she, as an adult, committed to the cult of leftist, the fake incident became more alarming to her after 30+ years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's Mueller? We need Mueller. More Mueller please.

Sebastian said...

OK, so Dems once again behave like detestable scum. The Fording is based on falsehood.

But the Dems are betting that the culture has been sufficiently degraded that people will accept the smear and support them.

Will the Althouses of the world abandon them? Does Althouse herself have a red line?

Yancey Ward said...

As for the "discrepancy" in the story's ages and generica age descriptions- I think possible that Ford thought in 2012 that Kavanaugh was in her class age. I tend to lean towards Althouse's hypothesis that WaPo was trying to delicately side-step an inconsistency in the therapist notes in which the therapist did put down in writing an actual age for Ford of 17 or 18. The actual notes will have to be seen at any hearing Ford gets before the Senate committee.

Shouting Thomas said...

There is no way to appease a Marxist feminist, men.

If you want a decent life, you find a way to get women like Althouse out of your life.

It can be done. I did it.

And, no, professor, I'm better than you. I don't practice or preach identity politics.

I'm not trying to win a political battle. I'm succeeding, as I have done all my life, in defeating evil women like you by negating your ability to have any impact on my life.

I'm retired and I won.

Some years ago, I told you I'm an outlaw. I am, but not at all in the way you immediately fantasized. I'm not the outlaw of the movies who goes up in flames to make your pussy throb.

I'm the kind of outlaw who found a way to get women like you out of my life.

I'm telling your that you're evil as hell purely for sport. I don't expect you to change. You're a spoiled brat rich kid from suburban, NJ, and you've been lying all your life that you were oppressed just like a black under Jim Crow.

So, you don't know what moral shame is, do you?

I beat you bitch. I beat the other fag hags, too. They couldn't stop me from making a good living. They couldn't stop me from telling them they were evil bitches. Shit, they could fire me, but I lived in NYC, and there was always another employer ready and waiting to hire me, usually for more money.

Bay Area Guy said...

Christine Blasey Ford is a Professor at Palo Alto University, not to be confused with the other famous university in the same City.

Palo Alto University has 1000 kids, and only offers degrees in psychology. Until 2009, it was called the "Pacific Graduate School of Psychology." It opened in 1975. Probably, most of its courses were by mail

It is, in essence, a female fool factory, where both the students and the "professors" are as crazy as the patients they purport to treat.

Not looking good for Ms. Ford.

MikeR said...

I saw the five bullet points in the updated post. But they don't mention what concerns me most: I thought the Kavanaugh hearings were pretty pathetic, total partisan politics. Democrats against Republicans - Kavanaugh was just a place-holder.
I didn't see how things could easily go down further.
But this is down further, way further. We have an accusation here that there is literally no possible defense against. It doesn't matter how well you vet a candidate, it makes no difference. This particular accusation could be made against anyone. Absolutely no other evidence is needed. All you need is one partisan who is willing to lie about something that happened decades ago. And this is so important - as Ann pointed out.
Kavanaugh could be completely innocent, it makes no difference. Or the story could have been augmented slightly. Not too far, it needs to be attempted rape, as it can't be egregious enough for people to wonder why she didn't call the police or tell anyone. Or it could have happened - with a different man. She risks nothing at all with this story. It isn't like your regular rape accusation. There is no cost to her.

It is not safe for the society to allow this to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation. There will never be a confirmation again without some partisan showing up with a story. If this works, it always works.

I will add that there is one detail to the story that gives it some credence from my point of view. That is the fact that she said Mark Judge was there as well. He denies it vehemently, and now it's 2 against 1. Why did she add that? There seems to be no reason, unless it's to convince me, so maybe it's brilliant!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Just as there is often a fog of war, there is here a fog of rape:

"Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help. Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me. From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop." At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom."

Accepting that's a truthful retelling, it's still unclear what happened:

Where did Ford's consent end? When Kavanaugh pushed her into the room, when Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth, when REDACTED started laughing and jumped onto the bed?

Was REDACTED a participant in Kavanaugh's attempted rape? Did REDACTED save Ford from being raped by Kavanaugh? Did Kavanaugh save Ford from REDACTED? Was REDACTED attempting to rape Kavanaugh?

Matt Sablan said...

"As for the "discrepancy" in the story's ages and generica age descriptions- I think possible that Ford thought in 2012 that Kavanaugh was in her class age. I tend to lean towards Althouse's hypothesis that WaPo was trying to delicately side-step an inconsistency in the therapist notes in which the therapist did put down in writing an actual age for Ford of 17 or 18."

-- So, the therapist: Got the number of people attacking her wrong; maybe got their ages wrong; didn't write down the name of the accused, though her husband insists she named Kavanaugh as the guy who attacked her that day...

Sounds like a pretty terrible therapist to get THAT MUCH WRONG about one of their patient's most traumatic experiences.

rehajm said...

So much for Al Franken's comeback.

For the moment...

Hagar said...

Speaking of the professor's skills as a writer, I hope and trust that her addendum to the previous post was intended as an agent provocateur tongue-in-cheek kind of thing. Otherwise it would be appalling.

I think Mark Judge most likely would testify that there was a party and an interaction between the three of them; just not remotely as dramatic as alleged by Ms. Ford, and thus "it" never happened.

The trouble is that, as glacially as matters proceed in the U.S. Senate, there is no way Mark Judge can be called to further elucidate his previous statement by Thursday this week.

This was a very troublesome move by Senator Feinstein, and I think will not benefit the progressive Democrats in the long run, though they may, with the assistance of the GOPe Never-Trumpers, succeed in blocking Kavanaugh this time.

Darrell said...

It happened 30+ years ago. In Montgomery County.

Because if it didn't, there would be a statute of limitation on sexual assault. Convenient, huh? What a difference a few blocks make!

rhhardin said...

The local Rush affiliate is carrying some sexual thing press conference that seems to be about the Ohio State football team, but who knows. Ratings.

Michael K said...

All you need is one partisan who is willing to lie about something that happened decades ago.

This is why the social media scrubbing was necessary and why the "Rate my Professor" entires are important.

"Prof. Ford is unprofessional, lacks appropriate filters, and I am honestly scared of her," he/she wrote in a 2014 review. The student reported receiving an A in her class despite his or her displeasure with the professor. "She’s made comments both in class and in e-mails, if you cross her, you will be on her bad side. I fear to think of the poor clients that had to deal with her while she got her MSW and her LCSW. Absolutely the worst teacher I ever had."

Not the only one and this is from before 2014, not recent.

Yancey Ward said...


She had to name somebody else as being in the room since she told the therapist there were 4 boys in the room in 2012. Note the details in the story she told WaPo- she couldn't credibly say she didn't know who else was in the room if she is confident that Kavanaugh is he one who tried to rape her. Seriously, we would have her telling us that the only person she knew at the party was the one person who tried to rape her. There are commenters above who are hypothesizing that Judge was selected as the second boy in the room because he is the one person connected with Kavanaugh that has a high enough public profile that Ford could discover it today.

Mike Sylwester said...

Unknown at 10:41 AM
Her attorney says she will not testify


The committee can vote on Thursday as scheduled.

Birkel said...

Are Democrats now pining for the Fords?

Mike Sylwester said...

If she was 17 or 18, then Kavanaugh was 19 or 20.

He was in college.

Yancey Ward said...


I think what happened is what happens with lots of liars- they misremember the details their previous lies. Ford told this story twice separated by 6 years, but on the first one someone wrote down the details, and Ford told it the second time in her own writing without checking the therapist notes first to remind herself of the first telling.

Gretchen said...

There are 32 golf courses in this county. That detail is meaningless.

Matt Sablan said...

Yancey: My gut is that a therapist wouldn't make THAT many mistakes. When I take notes for interviews on things way less serious (either for writing or jobs), I clarify my notes. But, it at least gives us a point to start asking.

As for why Judge? My guess is this: If nothing happened, she picked the first name she associated with Kavanaugh. I know who were friends with who from high school, so I think that's all it was. "Oh, he hung out with that guy Judge, so he's number 2."

Mike Sylwester said...

As for why Judge? My guess is this: If nothing happened, she picked the first name she associated with Kavanaugh. I know who were friends with who from high school, so I think that's all it was. "Oh, he hung out with that guy Judge, so he's number 2."

Also, she might have known that Judge wrote a book about being an alcoholic.

Amadeus 48 said...

Nobody knows anything.

Why do I have to keep reliving the Clarence Thomas hearings?

This is all about making sure that Al Franken did not die in vain.

Collins smells a rat.

Harry Lime said...

I went to Georgetown Prep in 82-83 and overlapped with Brett Kavanaugh. He was two years older than me but I don't remember him much. I do remember Mark Judge, the other guy supposedly involved in this incident. He was nice, was actually friendly to underclassmen but was a bit intense. Anyway, I went to lots of mixers at all-girls schools in the area and the hormones were always raging on both sides. Add alcohol and you've got a recipe for misunderstanding. Over time and with changing mores an awkward pass can be remembered as assault. Mark Judge jumping on top of them sounds like he was jealous that Brett was getting some action and he wasn't. In a sane world this would be chalked up to experience rather than aired in public.

BTW, I actually remember Judge talking about having gone to a pool party and making out with a girl. That would have been early in my sophomore year (82-83). It's possible that it was the same party. If so, summer of '82 would be about right. I remember the conversation vividly because no girl in her right mind would have anything to do with me in those days ;-). But it didn't sound like assault.

mockturtle said...

In the future, if nonsense like this comes up at the 11th hour, it should be categorically ignored.

Unknown said...

So this uninvited gal crashes a party, drinks someone else's their beer and she thinks she doesn't owe someone a blow job. What a bad form skanky bitch!

I mean Teen Vogue says a blow job is the new "goodnight kiss".

Unknown said...

Poor Justice Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill by continually asking her for dates. Poor Thomas. It wouldn't have been a problem if Hill was just up front about not being into dick.

bagoh20 said...

Even if it's true, anyone saying he is disqualified because of some sexual stupidity he did drunk at the age of 17 is being disingenuous. They would not take that stand against someone they prefered ideologically. I would not take that position even if we were talking about putting Bill Ayers on the Supreme Court. I would certainly have other objections, but that would not be one of them. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Why would this accuser be alright with him getting all his previous jobs as a judge, but suddenly at this final moment come forward? Simple partisanship, and pressure from political friends. Ends justifies the means, and win at any cost.

rcocean said...

Now, that I'm watching CNN (while working) I see the Democrats game plan.

All you see is the scroll "Kavenaugh accused of sexual abuse" "Woman says he tried to rape me in HS" or something like that.

And the talking heads discuss the details, like it happened yesterday. All the points that make her story unbelievable are left out.

So, all the low information dummies think Kavenaugh has credibly been accused of Rape. Unless they dig further - on their own. Which they won't.

rcocean said...

remember bork was voted down 9-5 in committee but got a full senate vote

Birkel said...

33854 is a new troll, I believe.

Birkel said...

Unknown 33854, I mean.

Original Mike said...

Blogger mockturtle said...”In the future, if nonsense like this comes up at the 11th hour, it should be categorically ignored.”

It needs to be ignored this time. It is so fucking transparent. If this is allowed to succeed, the future is very dark.

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Kavanaugh gave guys in the locker room wedgies.
Feinstein is tracking them down for testimony.

mccullough said...

What song was playing when she was being assaulted?

Why doesnt she think Judge was trying to knock Kavanaugh off her to help her? Judge saved her. She seems to think it was accidental but why is that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN IS the democrats game plan. It's WaPo for TV.

Snark said...

"Blogger Michael K said...
All you need is one partisan who is willing to lie about something that happened decades ago.

This is why the social media scrubbing was necessary and why the "Rate my Professor" entires are important."

Is it just me, or are those reviews gone now?

mccullough said...

The only person who blows off these kinds of accusations is Trump. He brought Bill Clintons accusers to the debate against Hillary.

Trump is president. Flake is on his way to K Street to lobby on behalf of the Mormon Mafia.

Most GOP are pussies. They get what’s coming.

Ken B said...

I very,very strongly recommend The Memory Illusion by Julia Shaw.

mccullough said...

Candy Crowley spit on Mitt Romney and he took it. He’ll be a perfect GOP Senator.

PhilD said...

Well, if she was so sexually active since 11th grade then she can't have been traumatized by the sex itself.
But then no rape took place so perhaps she was traumatized by not having had sex.
So perhaps she should amend her accusation to Kavenaugh not have had sex with her, proving he hates women and their needs.

Michael K said...

"Is it just me, or are those reviews gone now?"

I wouldn't be surprised but there may be other "wayback machine" records.

chickelit said...

This is why the social media scrubbing was necessary and why the "Rate my Professor" entires are important."

Is it just me, or are those reviews gone now?

Drudge put up and then took down a link...

Bruce Hayden said...

“remember bork was voted down 9-5 in committee but got a full senate vote”

Which very likely means that Kavenaugh will get a full Senate vote, and get confirmed. It is win-win for the Republcans. The Trump State Dem Senators would be put between a rock and a hard place with the full Senate vote. This sort of thing plays well in the Bay Area where DiFi and Ford live, and Montgomery County, where Ford and Kavenaugh grew up, but not through much of the rest of the country, which doesn’t wear pussy hats, nor participate in the “Resistance” to the President they elected. The Dems need to depress Republican turnout if they want any chance at the Senate, given the number of Trump State Dems up for re-election. And their Senator voting against confirmation is not going to do that - quite the contrary. Would the Republican Senate leadership sacrifice Kavenaugh this Congress to pick up seats in the next? Probably in a heartbeat, because with a bigger majority, their squishes, like Flake, would have less power and influence.

Snark said...

"Drudge put up and then took down a link..."

I mean on the actual ratemyprofessors site. They're not there anymore.

They're noted here, but gone from the site, as far as I can tell.

gg6 said...

The exactitude of her age is only ONE of the credibility issues...she claims she doesn't even recall WHERE it happened, whose house she was in, who else was there and even what "year" it was! Not to mention it's been 30??? years of silence to begin with. It all smacks of BS and now she (and the pathetic Media) will be graced w/ even more 'viewer' time and and internet hits. This entire matter is a despicable disgrace along with the Liberal political/media establishment that provokes and supports it. Every day, the 'Feminist', Liberal war-mongering is slimeing and smelling up the entire culture more and more. All garbage in the sanctimonious garb of Justice. FAKE. said...

Another curious point; How is it that it took couples therapy for Ford to realize that attempted rape was a traumatic event? She's a feminist activist with degrees in feminist psychology.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Those comments from students are actually REAL.

So - we cannot see them.

MayBee said...

Credibly Accused, people. The term that has no meaning that is suddenly the new standard.

MayBee said...

Is that her, though, on the rate my professors? Was she ever at Cal State Fullerton?

MayBee said...

Here's the rate my professors:

And here is *that* Christine Ford:

It's not her, people!!!

Hagar said...

I mean Teen Vogue says a blow job is the new "goodnight kiss".

I am so old that I do not understand why any woman would consent to give a "blow job." I take it that they now do, but I do not understand it.

mccullough said...

I doubt McConnell would bring the nomination to a floor vote if he thought it was a no. But Trump will call him out on it. McConnell might be able to talk Kavanaugh into withdrawing for the good of the establishment GOP.

I think Trump should find a nominee with some guts, put their name forward, and then campaign in the fall on that nominee.

He should also press Tester, McCaskill and the rest on impeaching Kavanaugh and removing him from his current judgeship.

Get them on the record saying they will vote to remove Kavanaugh from the federal bench because they believe a new accusation of high school behavior from 1982.

Snark said...

"It's not her, people!!!'

She uses Christine Blasey professionally, so that's another reason not to think so. Good catch.

MayBee said...

Hagar- I think making a blow job into a casual gesture for women is a feminist accomplishment much like super short skirts and tiny bikinis.

Achilles said...

Meade said...
Mike Sylwester said...
"Since the therapist's notes are being used to support the accusation, all the notes should be released to the public.

Let's see what else she told the therapist."

From Wikipedia: A study of college-age women in 1998 found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.[10]

Oh dear.

Does Ann keep a pair of handcuffs in the bedroom?

iowan2 said...

All this speculation is just white noise.

Here are the facts. Bret Kavanaugh is innocent. No one can prove guilt, ever.

Investigation and interviews are just more riding a stationary bicycle. Effort going nowhere.

Questioning the sincerity of the accuser is a non-starter. The accuser needs to offer up evidence. She has already failed in that realm, miserably, Exactly what question is anyone going to ask, that hasn't already been revealed in her letter? Any attempt to add details, after her claims of amnesia except for one fact, the name of her target, can not be taken seriously.

The Republicans need to treat this with all the seriousness the Dems offered it up with. None.

tim maguire said...

Wow, professor, did you really say in your update to the earlier post that you don't like Kavanaugh for the court because you don't trust him to rule according to your personal preferences? Why yes, you kinda did.

Which reminds me that you chose Obama for the most important job in the world, on whose shoulders rest the fate of billions, because you thought it would be cool to vote for the black guy. It reminds me of your abortion posts, which reveal you as morally frivolous, at least on that vitally important question. That same part of your brain wrote this update.

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
Blogger mockturtle said...”In the future, if nonsense like this comes up at the 11th hour, it should be categorically ignored.”

It needs to be ignored this time. It is so fucking transparent. If this is allowed to succeed, the future is very dark.

This is wrong.

Drag this out. Put hearings up on TV. Make the democrats stand up and shout their lies.

We should spend the next 2 days watching the deranged vermin answer questions about this smear job.

Kavanagh should get 15 minutes with Dianne Fienstein. I know who I would put money on in that confrontation.

Then it is time for every republican voter to stand up and shame the democrats around them. This is obviously shameful and immoral. Democrats need to be reminded how terrible they have become.

Michael K said...

Get them on the record saying they will vote to remove Kavanaugh from the federal bench because they believe a new accusation of high school behavior from 1982.

They will lie, of course, That's why the vote has to be held, win or lose.

If he loses and the Senate goes 55 45 after November, nominate him again in February,

CWJ said...

"And the talking heads discuss the details, like it happened yesterday. All the points that make her story unbelievable are left out.

So, all the low information dummies think Kavenaugh has credibly been accused of Rape. Unless they dig further - on their own. Which they won't."

Which is why it won't work when tried by Republicans. This time it's all about Kavanaugh. Next time, it will be all about the accuser. It's all who whom.

Michael K said...

" Was she ever at Cal State Fullerton?"

The MSW program is part of the earlier Rate my Professors post.

Greg P said...

There are 4 guys and one girl at a party (she hasn't mentioned any other girls, correct?)

Two of the guys, and the one girl, disappear into a room, where the door is locked and the music turned up.

I promise you, the other two guys noticed this

1: She provides the names of the guys, and they confirm she went into a room with two guys: Vindication her, K is toast

2: She provides the names of the 2 guys, and they don't confirm: Vindication K, her story is BS

3: She doesn't provide the names of the other two guys: She's lying. You don't forget the other two guys who were at the party where you nearly got raped

So, who are the other 2 guys?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Phil D said...

Well, if she was so sexually active since 11th grade then she can't have been traumatized by the sex itself.

I've known a couple women who were sexually assaulted as teens. Acting out sexually is not an uncommon reaction. Nor is drinking/drug abuse.

Not saying that happened here. Just saying you can't use that as evidence she was not traumatized.

Browndog said...

I can't believe the republicans are going to get sucked into this shit again. A republican will never be able to nominate a man to the court ever again if they cave.

I can't believe so many are getting sucked into this "if it's true.." shit again. Those goalposts sure do shift awfully fast...

Jim at said...

The whole thing is bullshit. We all know it.

bonkti said...

mccullough asked, "What song was playing when she was being assaulted?"

"Horst Wessel Song" on a loop.

Jim at said...

I heard a rumor that Kavanaugh gave guys in the locker room wedgies.

Don't laugh. Remember, these are the same assholes who screamed about Mitt Romney giving some kid a haircut.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Does Ann keep a pair of handcuffs in the bedroom?"

Judging by her kept lawnboy, I would have guessed a strap-on.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Who cares? The nice smart people have made up their minds. The rest is meaningless chatter.

bagoh20 said...


Achilles said...

Michael K said...
Get them on the record saying they will vote to remove Kavanaugh from the federal bench because they believe a new accusation of high school behavior from 1982.

They will lie, of course, That's why the vote has to be held, win or lose.

If he loses and the Senate goes 55 45 after November, nominate him again in February,


Florida, Tennessee, North Dakota, West Virginia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana 6 flip at a minimum.

Democrats will be happy to get 41 seats.

Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are all counted likely democrat on that map that has the "tossups" listed above with 49 likely republican states where the most contested republican senate seat is Texas.

They listed Texas as "leans" republican.

Greg P said...

James Smith said...
Another curious point; How is it that it took couples therapy for Ford to realize that attempted rape was a traumatic event? She's a feminist activist with degrees in feminist psychology.

James Smith wins the comments.

Christine Blasey Ford admitted she was an alcoholic back then and regretted being so easy. She told her best friend she had 64 sexual partners between 11th grade thru college.

Christine Blasey Ford not telling her friends about the two guys who tried to rape her?

That's: A: Totally out of character for a teen aged girl, B: Despicable. What kind of scum bag doesn't warn her friends about guys to avoid?

Cacimbo Cacimbo said...
The entire piece is written to try to make Kavanaugh look as bad as possible, so "late teens" is most likely not an error. How about the odd line: "clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it." Come on - why is that written like that. Because anyone would try to remove the clothing first.Which even in her story he does not succeed in doing, But WAPO is trying to make it sound like things got further along -he tried to pull off her bathing suit.

Yeah, I noticed that, too.

You can try to pull a bikini top off w/o removing the shirt. You can't do that with a one piece

Gretchen said...
Having a similar social situation in high school at almost the same time, there are so many things that don't ring true.

Yep. "I'm a Sophomore, and two Senior's, jocks, from that high status school wanted to make out with me! And I turned them down!" She's telling that to all her friends.

"Bret Kavanaugh tried to get me drunk at a party, drag me off to a room, and rape me. Don't ever be alone around that creep!" She's telling THAT to all her friends, too.

So neither happened

Unknown said...
Her attorney says she will not testify and so it seems we have heard all that we will hear from the accuser. Equally clear now is that this stunt is intended to slow the confirmation until after the mid-term election when there is a chance the makeup of the Congress changes.

No, the point to pushing the vote to after the election is to help the 5 Red State Democrat Senators who are up for re-election this year, and don't want to have to offend either side with their vote, before the election.

Matthew Sablan said...
-- No. Here's the specifics I've been able to pull out from what I've read:

It happened 30+ years ago. In Montgomery County. At a two-story house, near a golf course. At a time of year someone might wear a bathing suit under other clothes (so, late spring through the summer?) There were a total of four boys there. Kavanaugh and Judge (what an ironic last name for Accused #2) and two unnamed. There were at least two girls there (Ford + another unnamed one.) No parents were present; there was alcohol. Loud music.

Ok, so there were 4 boys and 2 girls (not 1 girl, as I wrote in this thread or the other one). In that situation, the 3 who were not in the room with the loud music going, knew that there was something happening in there.

And knew, by the way she came out, that something bad happened in there.

If she wasn't lying, she'd have 3 witnesses to back her up. So, clearly, she's lying

bagoh20 said...

Have Republicans ever pulled this shit that Dems can't seem to resist with unprovable accusations about pubic hairs on coke cans and drunken highschool mistakes? They have no bottom.

Rabel said...

"Consider this: One in four college women has been raped."

"I have worked on solidifying my power, constructing my own temple and Portico of Judgement."

- Ann Althouse from her Solomonic Porch of Judginess in 1992.

Demonstrating that even the most astute among us can be swayed by bullshit if that bullshit falls in line with their biases.

As with most of Althouse's work, it makes for an interesting read.

bagoh20 said...

After being a registered Democrat since I was 18, I just last week changed my registration to "nonpartisan". "Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last."

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"Is 15 a 'late teen'?"

18 and 19 year olds don't consider themselves teenagers, they consider themselves young adults. At least that was the case when I was 18, only a few years before the years in question. One can argue that changed when the states raised the drinking age back up to 21, but that doesn't make it so for the time period in question.

You are a teenager from when you turn 13 to when you turn 18, 5 years. The midpoint is 15.5, before that is early teens, after that is late teens. If this happened at the end of or in the summer after Ford's sophomore year of high school, Ford was in her late teens.

gahrie said...

Consider this: One in four college women has been raped

Well now I know why Althouse refuses to reject the statement that 20% of college women are raped. She thinks it is even worse..that 25% of college women are raped.

If you really believed that was true, would any of you continue to work at and support an institution year after year that allowed this to happen?

If I thought an institution was allowing 20% or 25% of women who attended to be raped I'd show up with a torch and pitchfork.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Democrats have 2 rock solid but predictable war tactics:

1. Publicly, call out somebody as a racist, drive them out of a campaign, job or the public square.

2. Anonymously sink somebody with a phony sexual harrassment charge from years or decades past.

The Duke Lacrosse team is a good example. The Rolling Stone article. The Clarence Thomas hearings. A zillion others.

Ya gotta fight back swift and hard. Passively, hoping these dirt-diggers will play by the rules won't cut it.

pchuck1966 said...

"You are a teenager from when you turn 13 to when you turn 18, 5 years. The midpoint is 15.5, before that is early teens, after that is late teens. If this happened at the end of or in the summer after Ford's sophomore year of high school, Ford was in her late teens."

When you are 19 years old, you are nineTEEN years old. A teenager is someone who is in their TEENS. See how that is done?

Greg P said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

You are a teenager from when you turn 13 to when you turn 18, 5 years. The midpoint is 15.5, before that is early teens, after that is late teens. If this happened at the end of or in the summer after Ford's sophomore year of high school, Ford was in her late teens.

1: Gun control statistics pushed by the Left routinely score 18-19 year olds as "teenagers" (so they can talk about all the "teenagers killed by guns").

2: Late teens wasn't in quotes, so it's not necessarily a quote from Ford or the psychologist. And yes, the WaPo would use "late teens" to describe a 19 year old, if that advanced their political agenda. So, if it's from them, it's 17+. And that means it's "Kavanaugh's off to college".

3: Even by your reckoning, it's at least 16. If she's like most of the kids I knew in high school from that social class, she had her driver's license, and access to a car. So she'd know how she got there, and how she got home.

The story is a farrago of lies

Rabel said...

"You are a teenager from when you turn 13 to when you turn 18"

Hey Nineteen

The Cuervo Gold
The fine Colombian
Make tonight a wonderful thing

A possible explanation for Left Bank's lost year.

Bruce Hayden said...

“3: She doesn't provide the names of the other two guys: She's lying. You don't forget the other two guys who were at the party where you nearly got raped”

But there has been no evidence that she almost get raped. That is the absurdity here. They apparently didn’t get her outer clothes off, which means that they weren’t even close to getting her one piece swim suit off. Not even clear that they got to first base. Maybe through her top and swimsuit. Not what I would call almost raped. I literally took almost an entire semester getting one coed from roughly where this girl was, to the place where she had to start worrying about birth control.

FullMoon said...

Brett would have been headed into his senior year. Applying to Yale. Starting on the football and basketball teams. No way he would have done this. He might have been drunk; not insane.

Never been insanely drunk, eh? Jail and prison full of normal people who did abnormal things while drunk.

Anyway, the incident either did not happen, or it happened differently. Overlooked is he saying the two boys were laughing maniacally. I take that as more of a happy, joking around sort of thing which she may have been participating in than a pschopathic assault and battery gang rape attempt.

Again, though, I think it is BS.

JAORE said...

If I thought an institution was allowing 20% or 25% of women who attended to be raped I'd show up with a torch and pitchfork.

Short of that (torch and pitchfork types are rare indeed) who the hell sends their 18 year old daughter into such a situation.

Yet women outnumber men on campus.....

Since that "statistic" is rock solid, it's a puzzle indeed.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

Feinstein refusing to set up the phone calls to start the investigation?

Fine. Kill it. Start the vote. Republicans tried.

Matt Sablan said...

"Drag this out. Put hearings up on TV. Make the democrats stand up and shout their lies."

-- Do you see Democrats folding before Flake, Collins or other Republicans? The longer this drags out, the more likely Kavanaugh has nowhere to go to get his reputation back.

This needs to end now.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I find it fascinating that all the accusations against Trumpster's people are about High profile targets in their prime. Trump, the playboy billionaire and Kavanaugh, a multi sport letterman are the type of desirables that attract groupies. Starfuckers. A star wrote a song addressing the very issue. He wanted to call it Starfucker on the album, the label called it Star Star. Listen to it again - -- Groupies come in all flavors. Pun intended.
If it happened.

Michael K said...

Florida, Tennessee, North Dakota, West Virginia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana 6 flip at a minimum.

I was being conservative about expectations.

My point was a loss is still worth doing. Corker might flip back. Flake has something going. We'll find out next year.

If it fails 50 49, flip the Senate and do it again. I suspect Kavanaugh must be pissed enough to go with that if necessary.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Meade mentioned some fantasizing. You'd be amazed what you see from the bandstand!

Michael K said...

Groupies come in all flavors. Pun intended.If it happened.

I have even seen sailing groupies. I was with a group of big boat sailors, including Jim Kilroy. This 40ish woman kept hanging around and nobody knew her.

A well known sailor and a pretty well known female sailor were in a race where the wager was a blowjob.

Achilles said...

Rabel said...

As with most of Althouse's work, it makes for an interesting read.

That paper is gross.


Achilles said...

Michael K said...

I was being conservative about expectations.

My point was a loss is still worth doing. Corker might flip back. Flake has something going. We'll find out next year.

If it fails 50 49, flip the Senate and do it again. I suspect Kavanaugh must be pissed enough to go with that if necessary.


And I agree with what you say.

We need to have this fight. We need to drag this fight out. This is a massive winner for us and Trump understands the only way we lose is to give up.

Our enemies are both democrats and republicans.

Our enemies are enemies of the republic. We need to look forward to garbage like this. Dianne Feinstein handed us a massive victory. She has showed us how obviously depraved and cunning her side is willing to be.

They have hung themselves out to dry. Now we must leave them flapping all through the election.

rcocean said...

"Exactly what question is anyone going to ask, that hasn't already been revealed in her letter? Any attempt to add details, after her claims of amnesia except for one fact, the name of her target, can not be taken seriously."

We need to confirm that she cannot remember when or where the assault took place.
If she can't name the month,week, year this assault took place AND where it took place, she's a liar.

Even if you can't remember the exact day, or even week, she should be able to remember the month. AND there' no excuse for her to remember the house. Who's house? A friends? A relatives? A stranger? Where was it? How did she get there? How did she get home?

MikeR said...

@Yancey Ward "She had to name somebody else as being in the room since she told the therapist there were 4 boys in the room in 2012." That is a good response; thanks.

rcocean said...

We need to confirm she has amnesia, and can't remember anything - except it was Kavenaugh, a one piece swim suit, Judge, and attempted rape.

Then we can dismiss her and move on.

Leland said...

I've read the 5 added items and found they all rely on some notion that the open seat must only represent a specific set of society. I find that rather offensive.

On the evidence provided; so far we only have the word of the accuser that Brett Kavanaugh and her even knew each other in HS. Despite lacking that evidence, the discussion already seems to be on whether he behaved in such a way. How about establishing the plausibility that they were even in the same place at the same time?

We can't establish co-location, because the accuser can't identify a time or place. All she can do is provide an inconsistent description of a party with underage drinking, and being detained by 2 to 4 boys. The door was locked and she had two boys on top of her; but she was able to get free and exit the room. She claims now she could have been killed, and that she was definitely assaulted; but also claims that at the time she felt like nothing occurred. I understand completely the desire for victims to downplay events, because it helps in coping with the events. So I could set that aside. But its harder to ignore her inability to provide consistent and specific details. True trauma, particularly those that don't literally destroy flesh, tend to focus the mind.

I've experienced such trauma, and 30+ years later I can't provide the exact date, but I could provide the exact location to within 10 feet and the name of every single person involved. If I had been discussing this with professional help for the past 5 years, I'm sure I could narrow down to a specific month, and since it was a weekend, down to 1 of 4 dates.

Those are all problems with this woman's story before we come across her motive to come forward now. She never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh's name in relation to this trauma until 2012, after his name was suggested nationally as a potential Supreme Court Justice. Before and after that time; Ford has supported Democrat activist causes. And in 1996, her parent's home was foreclosed with Judge Kavanaugh, Brett's mother, as presiding judge. Seems like it would have been convenient to remind the judge at that time that her son nearly raped the defendants' child. That didn't happen, which brings me back to wondering when did Ford first become familiar with Brett Kavanaugh's name.

I think she needs to testify to the Senate under oath, and that needs to occur before the end of day Wednesday. If she is unable or unwilling, then I think the delay needs to be weighed with all the evidence, which doesn't look good for Ford. The vote should move forward as scheduled.

Wince said...

FullMoon said...
"Brett would have been headed into his senior year. Applying to Yale. Starting on the football and basketball teams. No way he would have done this. He might have been drunk; not insane."

I hope that it's only amnesia
Believe me I'm sick but not insane
Yeah,I hope that it's only amnesia
My friends they don't look at me the same.


When you hit me on the head with your beer bottle
Something in my chemistry changed
And though I've already decided to forgive you
My friends think I'm permanently deranged.

When I wake up try to put these things together
Of all the lovin' times that we did have
I get static in my ears and a hazy picture
And I hear your voice inside begin to laugh.

Sometimes I feel o.k. but when I talk I stutter
I can't remember back a few minutes ago
The doctors all come up with the same answer
Boy if I'm that far gone there's no where left to go.

n.n said...

Early or mid-teens at best. The second trimester of the teenage stage of human evolution. The mid-first trimester of human evolution, assuming approximately 89 years of human evolution.

n.n said...

Rounding up, from conception, we are 1 year old, which is technically accurate, but politically inconvenient.

Francisco D said...

"Christine Blasey Ford admitted she was an alcoholic back then and regretted being so easy. She told her best friend she had 64 sexual partners between 11th grade thru college. "

Do we have any evidence that this is true? Is the evidence reliable? Can it be admitted under sworn testimony?

This is a serious battle in the war against leftist fascism. We have to have our ducks in a row or their vanguard (the MSM) will destroy us. Attention to detail is important here. Don't let the burning anger cloud your thinking.

johns said...

The FBI investigated Kavanaugh six times. That means they interviewed lots of people who knew him in school. Also, the Republicans came up with scores of women who vouched for him. Let's get those opinions out in the debate and see if their description of him accords with the accuser's.

Francisco D said...

I wonder how much unprovable speculation about Blasey Ford is misinformation that the MSM will turn against us.

We cannot make mistakes. The stakes are big and it's not just about the Kavanaugh nomination.

It's about whether the DNC/MSM complex can take over the country while allowing a few RINOs a small voice.

Stay focused.

Pay attention to detail.

Keep your cool.

Work hard.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Michael K.. Indeed, in some races sailing often takes place!

narayanan said...

"18 and 19 year olds don't consider themselves teenagers, they consider themselves young adults'

we should ask the library lady - I see shelves of books marked "YA"

Young Adult
Young-adult fiction (often abbreviated as YA) is fiction written for, published for, or marketed to adolescents and young adults, roughly ages 13 to 18.

Michael K said...

She has showed us how obviously depraved and cunning her side is willing to be.

Not yet. The lawyer, Debra Katz a U Wisconsin law school grad, says Its not her job to verify the accuser's claims.

Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims.

Did Ann teach her that ?

Birkel said...

Michael K,

The lawyer, Debra Katz, cannot suborn perjury. She must advise her client not to lie. If she has reason to believe a lie will be told, she has an ethical obligation to withdraw from representation.

Therefore, we can reasonably expect Ms. Katz to be the least informed person on the face of the planet when it comes to this client. She is willfully ignorant as a matter of professional ethics.

Count on it.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Did Ann teach her that ?"

Careful Michael K, Birkel is going to chastise you for such a mean-spirited personal attack. How dare you.

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