September 24, 2018

Rosenstein resigns.


I know, Kavanaugh and sex sex sex are so distracting that this big story will just waft by unnoticed....

ADDED: Everything is spinning out of control...

(Image is what you see at Axios, displaying from the next story down after the one I link to.)

AND: The post title is inaccurate. I'm seeing now that he's only considering resigning and that Rosenstein is currently at the White House and we're waiting to hear more.

MORE: WaPo is saying that R has offered to resign.

PLUS: "With Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s ouster, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is slated to oversee the Robert Mueller probe under the Justice Department’s succession plan" (Washington Times).

Vox: "Meet Noel Francisco, the man who will oversee the Mueller probe if Trump fires Rosenstein":
Francisco is the next Senate-confirmed Justice Department official in line, which means the Mueller investigation would drop to him....

Francisco, a prominent Republican lawyer, has some impressive conservative credentials. He clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and worked in the Justice Department during the George W. Bush administration.

He’s also defended a broad interpretation of executive power.... In 2007, he testified about his views on presidential power during a congressional inquiry into Bush’s politically motivated firing of nine US attorneys.... [H]e criticized the idea of appointing a special counsel to investigate the Bush administration over this scandal....

Francisco also argued for the expansiveness of executive power, saying that conversations between administration officials, even if Bush wasn’t actively involved, could be protected by executive privilege. He didn’t say executive privilege was absolute — but he basically said it was up to the court to decide: “What the courts have said is that in the context of a criminal investigation, if there is a sufficient showing of need, it can obviate the privilege.”....


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Bay Area Guy said...

"Deep State gets Deep Sixed by Deep Throat" - by Bob Woodward

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK. Now our non-existent Attorney General should resign.

Roughcoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

Translation: the charges were true. But Althouse will believe him if 1) he is distraught and 2) he has a husband who believes him.

Nonapod said...

I predict that Drudge won't bump "ANOTHER WOMAN?" for this, even though it probably warrants it. With headlines and clickbait sex trumps generic palace intrigue.

MayBee said...

What?????? I was not expecting that today!

Ken B said...

I was once asked to state Sylvester's Theorem. I remembered the wrong theorem. There is a happy ending though. I got distraught and my husband believed me so all the text books were changed.

Michael K said...

How much does the McCabe trial have to do with it?

The "wear a wire" story was a shot across his bow.

rhhardin said...

Guildenstern is next to go.

Bay Area Guy said...

I joked about wearing a wire! I confess, I did it! I feel so low!

These people have no sense of honor or gravitas. Rosenstein should have told the NYT and McCabe and/or his attorneys to go fuck themselves.

But c'est la vie.

Bay Area Guy said...

The "spinning" Donald Trump cartoon is the classic case of "wet sidewalks cause rain" theorem by the great, dearly missed Michael Crichton.

Trump isn't spinning out of control. Trump is causing his foes to spin out of control.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI needs a solid purge. This is great news.

More please.

The D-hack press will treat this like it's a "THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!".. in unison. Watch.

Oso Negro said...

Adios, motherfucker.

traditionalguy said...

But the agreed reaction to 25th Amendment trigger story was NOT to fire the the Snake until after the Mid-terms. So Trump refused to take the bait. The best the Snake can do is fire himself and blame Trump. We have a tie game. Overtime begins now.

Carol said...

Wait, I thought the NYT was trying to goad Trump into firing him?

How can this complain about Obstruction of Justice!! this way?

Constructive discharge - ?

dreams said...

Fox news says he hasn't been fired.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The head is getting cut off the snake. Think how many of these deep state internal resistance cunts are already gone.

The second Trump term will be where he is able to really make some reforms.

Laslo Spatula said...

He couldn't have picked a better time to do this, if he didn't want it to be the Main Event...

I am Laslo.

Ken B said...

Am I the only one thinking Althouse is flooding the channel to distract from her awful Ford posts?

Chuck said...

If true, I fear that this is more Trump shit that will make him appear to be incapable of overseeing a functional Department of Justice, and make it that much harder to confirm more Kavanaughs.

Dude1394 said...

I eagerly await the criminal cha yes.

dreams said...

He says he won't resign that he'll have to be fired. The Dems are hoping that he will be fired, crooked Dems, crooked liberals.

rcocean said...

Its not clear he's resigning.

He's "headed to the white house"

rcocean said...

Could be a surprise birthday party.

mezzrow said...

How about that. I guess he looked at the news feed and said "never miss an opportunity."

Better than the day after Thanksgiving, this Monday is.

Also, Wow. More shoes to drop. Big shoes.

Ray - SoCal said...

Andrew McCarthy had a devastating writeup on Rosenstein that dropped over the weekend.

It explains why he resigned today.

dreams said...

"Andrew McCarthy had a devastating writeup on Rosenstein that dropped over the weekend.

It explains why he resigned today."

Except he hasn't resigned and says he'll have to be fired.

chuck said...

> Trump isn't spinning out of control. Trump is causing his foes to spin out of control.

Newton's experiment with the spinning bucket settled that.

dreams said...

Fake news.

Anonymous said...

So far (1001 CST)Rosenstein's resignation is a rumor -like so much else that is going on in DC. What a bunch of clowns. Trump is not about to fire Rosenstein. He's much safer standing on the sidelines and let this bunch self-immolate. If Rosenstein, in fact, resigns it will clearly be an admission of guilt and he is going to drag a lot of people down with him. It certainly opens the whole Mueller madness to even more cynicism.

Balfegor said...

I mean, if you get caught talking about setting up your boss by recording your conversations with him, it's, ah, hard to imagine how you can continue in your post. I would say "honorably continue," but an honorable man wouldn't be engaging in those sorts of conversations. That destroyed my confidence in Rosenstein as an honorable public servant.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Carol said...
Wait, I thought the NYT was trying to goad Trump into firing him?

How can this complain about Obstruction of Justice!! this way?

Constructive discharge - ?

9/24/18, 9:54 AM

What's the catch? It's impossible for anything good for PDJT or the country to be reported, so this must be bad somehow, right? Was RR on side all along?

RR quitting seems to invalidate everything he's done, n'est-ce pas?

Annie said...

Maybe Trump will appoint Judge Jeannine to the position. I suspect she would kick some serious behind.

The Crack Emcee said...

As Eminem learned before him, that "Trump Distortion Field" is something you don't want to fuck with. Everyone, who comes at him wrong, eats it.

Time to get outta town.

Annie said...

The stories I'm seeing say he's expecting to be fired. He's on his way to the WH.

Ray - SoCal said...

Dreams, You are right, the word is “expected to resign”, since he expects Trump to fire him.

I doubt Trump will fire him, easier to let him fight others of the deep state with competing leaks in the msm. Why get in your enemies way? And when the FISA warrant gets declassified you will see the anti trump actions by the deep state.

Big Mike said...

Trump is causing his foes to spin out of control.

@Bay Area Guy, very true. Even Althouse.

dreams said...

He wants to be fired and the liberals are hoping that he is fired, they lusting for him to be fired.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Ah. The old "you can't fire me. I QUIT!!!!" ploy. Doncha love these anonymous second/third/fourth hand sources?

Actually, anyone with any integrity (I know LOL) would resign in these circumstances. Rosenstein has lost any trust or credibility (or whatever little amounts he had in the first place) with his Boss, Donald Trump and with the American people.

When you are no longer a trusted, reliable, credible person in his position, you are unable to effectively do your job. He should have resigned. He should also stop being such a freaking Drama Queen about it.

Next. Session should resign. Actually Sessions should have gone gracefully into that dark night first.

Chuck said...

Annie said...
Maybe Trump will appoint Judge Jeannine to the position. I suspect she would kick some serious behind.

Right; Omarosa doesn't have a law degree, and neither does Scaramucci, or Don Jr. But Geraldo Rivera does!

Also on the short list:
Rod Blagojevich (just one pardon away);
Gary Busey;
Star Jones;
Dennis Rodman;
Trace Adkins;
Meat Loaf;
Leeza Gibbons.

StephenFearby said...

Rod Rosenstein’s Resistance
September 23, 2018 7:55 PM

Weasel words, weasel moves from an emotionally overwrought deputy AG eager to ingratiate himself with Democrats

"...For years, Rosenstein had carefully tended to his reputation as an apolitical lawman, beloved of both parties. At a time when Trump nominees for top executive offices were extraordinarily difficult to move through the Senate with Republicans holding a razor thin 51–49 majority, Rosenstein breezed to confirmation as deputy attorney general by the margin of 94 to 6, with overwhelming #Resistance support.

Yet, on Comey’s firing, he badly misdiagnosed the Democrats. Like the president and some B-Team White House advisers, Rosenstein figured that his memo — so solicitous of Mrs. Clinton, so respectful of Democratic as well as Republican rebukes of Comey — would be applauded by Democrats, who blamed the former director for Clinton’s defeat. It had apparently escaped Rosenstein’s notice that Democrats had moved on from Hillary. Stoking anti-Trump derangement was now the order of the day, and Comey had made himself useful in that effort, particularly during March House testimony in which Comey publicly fingered the president’s campaign as a suspect in Russian sabotage. Whatever contempt Democrats might silently harbor for Comey, the president’s firing of him presented a political opportunity to accuse Trump of obstructing the Russia probe. The president, Democrats said, must’ve feared that the FBI director was about to expose a corrupt Trump–Putin conspiracy..."

"...Though the Times does not mention it, Rosenstein’s first stop after installing Mueller as special counsel was Capitol Hill. There, he put on sackcloth and ashes for Senate Democrats, promising he would impose no investigative restraints on Mueller. As the Washington Post reported, Rosenstein

emphasize[d] to the senators the independent authority that the new special counsel . . . has in the Russian investigation. “If one thing is clear from the meeting we just had, it is that Mr. Mueller has broad and wide-ranging authority to follow the facts wherever they go,” said Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.). “That gives me confidence and should give the American people some confidence.”

The Post further related that Rosenstein stressed “Mueller’s wide scope” as his rationale for referring senators to Mueller rather than answering their questions about the investigation. The message: The deputy AG planned to be hands off; the special counsel would be a law unto himself.

An Investigation Supported by . . . the Steele Dossier
By the FBI’s own account, the Russia probe is a counterintelligence investigation. Justice Department regulations do not authorize the appointment of a special counsel for counterintelligence (an information gathering, non-prosecutorial task). No matter. Senator Schumer had been demanding a special counsel from the moment Comey was fired, claiming that there were grounds to suspect “the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.” Emotionally shaken and eager to please, Rosenstein gave the Democrats the special counsel they wanted, vowing there would be no restrictions on Mueller..."

I get gather that Rosenstein is not on the top of McCarthy's honey-bunny list.

Hunnybunny (Urban Dictionary):
A Hunnybunny is an incredible person. He is someone who cares genuinely about everyone, such as his family, his girlfriend, his girlfriend's family, and his friends. He is generous and forgiving, more than he should be, but forgiving nevertheless. He is selfless and an amazing role model for children. He allows you to see and feel the light of the world. A Hunnybunny is as sweet as honey and cute as a bunny. He is someone you'd want to keep in your life forever."

rcocean said...

CNN is showing us a picture of a Rosenstein's SUV. Honest to God.

Big Mike said...

We are going to have to come up with Donald Trump jokes along the lines of the famous Chuck Norris jokes.

Trump is not spinning out of control. Trump is causing his foes to spin out of control.

Trump does not sleep with a night light because he is afraid of the dark. The dark is afraid of Donald Trump.

Trump does not fire members of the Deep State. Members of the Deep State fire themselves.

rcocean said...

It'd be the perfect time to fire him.

Give the D's and MSM a choice. Talk and get hysterical about Rosenstein or kavanaugh.

You can't do both.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

rcocean said...

He's "headed to the white house"

I hope someone in the White House has the sense to order a strip search and confiscate his cell phone before any discussions begin.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

CNN is showing us a picture of a Rosenstein's SUV. Honest to God.

Is it white, and moving slowly slowly along the road? Please let it be so :-)

Paul said...

I hope it is true. That little f*cker need to be fired a long time ago!!!!

Infinite Monkeys said...

Q posted, "Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein" 17 days ago. What coincidental timing that is.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I hope someone in the White House has the sense to order a strip search and confiscate his cell phone before any discussions begin.

For that matter, don't fire him. But schedule him for meetings with people at the White House a couple times a day. And strip search him. Every. Fucking. Time.

Jersey Fled said...

His book deal must have come through.

Francisco D said...

Also on the short list:

Chuckles the Clown.

Wait! He only pretends to be a LLR lawyer on the internet.

stevew said...

There was a time when the honorable thing for a government leader to do when he or she disagreed with POTUS was resign. Given the timing, and last week's story, I don't believe that is what Rosenstein has done.


chuck said...

Scott Adams predicted a firing when the "wire" story first broke. He said Trump had to do it. Adams is building quite the resume these days.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trey Gowdy for replacement when Sessions also resigns? He has already announced his retirement from Congress.

Chuck said...

That Andy McCarthy column from the weekend is the worst thing I have ever seen from him in writing.

Does anybody believe that this is an accurate phrasing of what happened? "He [Rosenstein] allegedly urged that he or a top FBI official, such as then-acting-director McCabe, should covertly record conversations with Trump to amass evidence of the president’s derelictions and incapacity."

If, as I suspect that meeting attendees will confirm, that Rosenstein reacted to suggestions from other attendees by sarcastically saying, "What to do expect me to do, wear a wire?", then Andy McCarthy's column is dangerously full of shit. And if the opposite is true, and Rosenstein actually plotted to wear a wire for a meeting with the President, than what other evidence is that for that startling assertion? What else, did Rosenstein do?

I have admired Andy McCarthy for years. Quite rightly, two years ago, Andy McCarthy contributed to the "Against Trump" issue of National Review, and suggested that Trump was unfit to conduct the foreign policy and national defense business of the United States.

I think Andy jumped the shark with his latest column. He must have a good deal with Fox.

Michael K said...

Trump is very alone. I am amazed he can take the stress.

The slow motion coup moves along.

The coming election is crucial. If the Dims take the Congress, we are lost and civil war is inevitable

Michael K said...

Chuck jumps the shark in full view of everyone.

Browndog said...

I need more than Axios and Vox. Like, an actual resignation.

Francisco D said...

Rosenstein strikes me as a careerist, self-serving weasel. He is neither a Democrat nor a Republican partisan.

He will serve whomever he believes to be more powerful and can advance his career.

I am extremely dubious of the claim that he wanted to tape Trump and get the Cabinet to toss him out (with the Senate and House agreeing by 2/3 vote).

It would be an incredible gamble for someone who is such a careful bureaucratic game player.

Dave Begley said...

I used to do employment law. If RR resigned when it was clear that he was going to be fire, that's considered a discharge.

Michael K said...

If Grassley lets the Dims block Kavanaugh, Trump should nominate him for Attorney General.

Cassandra said...

At last it can be revealed:

Rosenstein was the Evil Penis-Haver (redundant, I know) who traumatized Deborah Ramirez so badly that it took 6 days for her to decide the whole thing wasn't a joke.

dreams said...

"The coming election is crucial. If the Dims take the Congress, we are lost and civil war is inevitable"

I think a lot people like Trump but keep their mouths shut about it, I don't think we will lose the Senate and I believe we'll keep the Congress, I'm hoping. The polls are useless.

rcocean said...

"Is it white, and moving slowly slowly along the road? Please let it be so :-)"

LOL. No, its black and its just sitting there, with a CNN camera pointed at it.

I remember the Simpson, low-speed chase. It made me incredibly angry because they cut away from an important NBA playoff game, to show the slow-motion "chase" that went on forever. IRC, they eventually stopped OJ, and found a passport and a disguise in the glove compartment.

Just more evidence of OJ's innocence.

bleh said...

Will Rosenstein continue to support Kavanaugh?

rcocean said...

Trey Gowdy was a never trumper.

Annie said...

"Chuck said...Right; Omarosa doesn't have a law degree, and neither does Scaramucci, or Don Jr. But Geraldo Rivera does!"

Also on the short list:
blah blah blah..."

Obama allegedly had one as well as most of our politicians and look where that has taken us. Judge Jeannine would be a step up.

But you keep singing those swamp praises.

Infinite Monkeys said...

And strip search him. Every. Fucking. Time

Cavity searches?

Drago said...

Poor poor LLR Chuck.

He and his lefty/dem pals along with their hilarious fully-trained house pets like LLR Chucks beloved Jeff Flake-y have all been utterly exposed for the fully-lefty-operationally aligned hacks they are.

Hey Chuck, I hear your hero Li'l Billy Kristol has plenty of cabins available for his next "True Conservative / Lets All Work Hard To Elect Dems" Cruise!

Considering how hard you have been working to support your lefty allies, Kristol would probably comp you for the cabin with a Soros subsidy!!

buwaya said...

Given the execrable quality of the talent pool for top Washington jobs, where if they aren't members of a traitorous machine they are blackmailed nonentities, Chucks list looks very good.

Maybe you should take a second look at Dennis Rodman for Attorney General.

Annie said...

f Grassley lets the Dims block Kavanaugh, Trump should nominate him for Attorney General.

Dems will sit on that too. How many cabinet appointments are they still holding up? Isn't it over 100?

SayAahh said...

Compartmentalization. Slick Willie was good at it but The Donald is a true master.

Drago said...

Trump refused to take the set up bait and wouldnt fire Rosenstein, so Rosenstein has to quit and still claim that Trump sort of fired him so that LLR Chuck and his lefty hack allies could continue their smear campaigns to make sure Kavanaugh doesnt make it onto the court.

SayAahh said...

Trey Gowdy talks a good game but a review of his track record demonstrates all hat no cattle.

Darrell Issa is even worse.

I say M. Avenatti for next AG. He will get 'er done.

buwaya said...

Since part of your problem (just a part, but not an inconsiderable one) is that the filters for high positions are so absurdly skewed to one political side, such that your cursus honorum, that vets your mandarin class, is thoroughly compromised, it makes sense to break out of that system entirely for political appointments, which if done systematically will destroy it.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Chuck jumps the shark in full view of everyone."

Trump has exposed them all. Flake knows all he has to do is vote against Kavanaugh after these obviously fake LLR Chuck-like smears to secure himself a well-paid sinecure at LLR Chuck's beloved MSNBC or CNN.

He will be trotted out daily as another "True Conservative" who just happens to toe every lefty talking point narrative and policy prescription because, Gosh Darn It, he is such a true and noble LLR Chuck.

If you are wondering how someone can square working in perfect operational alignment with the insane marxist left yet assert they are conservative, well, I give you one LLR Chuck.

walter said...

Excellent graphic. Kids and their Photoshop.
"Just the facts" journo-listing.

Browndog said...

It appears the real story here is that Donald Trump fired Rosenstein.

buwaya said...

Devin Nunes.

A farm boy who went to Cal Poly.

I respect Cal Poly.

MountainMan said...

“Dems will sit on that too. How many cabinet appointments are they still holding up? Isn't it over 100?”

I think I read a few weeks ago that with the ongoing Dem obstruction in the Senate it would take 11 years for all of the Presidential appointments to be completed.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Trump refused to take the set up bait and wouldnt fire Rosenstein, so Rosenstein has to quit and still claim that Trump sort of fired him so that LLR Chuck and his lefty hack allies could continue their smear campaigns to make sure Kavanaugh doesnt make it onto the court.

You idiot, Drago. You are such a relentlessly clownish one-note fool.

I want Kavanaugh on the court. Judicial nominations are the one biggest redeeming feature of the Trump Administration. I won't say the "only" redeeming feature, but since you crawled out this particular limb, I might think about it.

You assclown. How much more clear can I make it. I like Judge Kavanaugh's nomination. I liked Justice Gorsuch's nomination, a lot. But I like the Kavanaugh nomination even more.

And as I write this one more time, I want you to picture me leaning into you, and repeatedly jamming my finger into your sternum and effectively daring you to do something about it, as I yell and your and my spittle hits your face; I DON'T OPPOSE THE NOMINATION OF KAVANAUGH, I SUPPORT IT.

dreams said...

Trey Gowdy talks pretty but there's no there, there. He lacks substance

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sessions is an old fashioned crony who wanted to ban pot and gay marriage.

Not going to happen.

harrogate said...

"If the Dims take the Congress, we are lost and civil war is inevitable"

Sometimes it's as if some of you are saying, the GOP must win all elections, or else war.

buwaya said...

Flake is a Mormon.
His reward will come from that network of interests, unless Trump makes a deal with them. There is some bad blood between the Mormons and Trump.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trey Gowdy talks a good game but a review of his track record demonstrates all hat no cattle.

Hmmmm. And Gowdy is also very "high profile". Perhaps the best choice would be someone highly competent as a lawyer AND administrator..... who hasn't been famous for being famous.

dreams said...

If he is fired or resigns then the solicitor general would take over.

johns said...

If Rosenstein is headed for the White House, who is he planning to meet with? Isn't Trump giving a speech to the General Assembly?

Bay Area Guy said...

So, Hot Rod Rosenstein has offered to resign?

Three words, Mr. President.


Achilles said...

Traitorous shithead caught out in the open trying to affect a coup?


36ish year old hugging accusation in an undetermined house by a woman who has been contradicted by every named witness for the win!

Trump is so inside their OODA loop.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, it increasingly looks like Rosenstein did say the things reported in the NYTimes story. When you go back and read his denials, they became increasingly like non-denial denials. Basically, by the end Rosenstein was saying he never implemented or authorized such recordings, nor asked cabinet official to begin implementing 25th Amendment procedures- not that he didn't broach the subject at the meeting with McCabe.

In my opinion, he should offer his resignation, but he should try to demonstrate that it was joke if, indeed, it was a sarcastic remark. Normally, I would think this was sarcasm, but I have had the benefit of watching his Congressional testimony recently, and he is the sort of guy who makes caustic, sarcastic remarks- he did so several times with the Congressional inquisitors just a couple of months back. Only Rosenstein knows whether or not he was joking, but he really does need to prove that. However, the order of things should be (1) resignation offer, (2) argue for it all being a sarcastic remark in response to pressure from McCabe and others at that meeting. He needs to let the President make a decision about accepting a resignation or not, not make the President decided whether to fire Rosenstein or not. That would be the ethical, honest way to do this.

buwaya said...

When the stakes are high enough, and too much power is at stake, then elections become pointless. Democracy can only exist if the losers can live with losing.

If an election loss is seen as an existential threat (to a caste if not the nation), then you don't really have a democracy.

And if one side cannot abide losing, and needs to overthrow an elected government through coups and conspiracies, then the other side can't accept a loss either, as they really do have to fear what the other side will do to cement their victory.

Your crisis was inevitable long ago, when the government aquired enough power to increase the political stakes to this level. And in addition when one party took near-total control of the structure of government.

Achilles said...

rcocean said...
Trey Gowdy was a never trumper.

Still is.

He thought he would get the gig prosecuting Trump when he resigned.

But they are losing and he is trying to stay life long Republicanny.

JPS said...


"Sometimes it's as if some of you are saying, the GOP must win all elections, or else war."

I don't like that kind of talk, or implication. But doesn't the left push the mirror image of this on their side?

For decades, the push has been to federalize basically all problems and make the stakes winner-takes-all. Sometimes this has been to right genuine injustices. More often it's been to ride crises [see Emanuel, R., letting go to waste] to ever-greater power. And having invested such immense power in the federal government; having cheered a heroic former president for saying, "If Congress won't act, I will"; having grown accustomed to persuading Anthony Kennedy instead of broad majorities of voters, you see it as a genuine emergency when the other side takes power. "All the progress we've made in fifty years is about to be wiped out!"

And in emergencies, the normal rules don't apply - you just do whatever you have to do.

Browndog said...

johns said...

If Rosenstein is headed for the White House, who is he planning to meet with? Isn't Trump giving a speech to the General Assembly?

Chief of Staff John Kelly.

What I'm getting is that Trump ordered Kelly to get Rosenstein's resignation, and get it today.

Yancey Ward said...

As for what Trump should do, if Rosenstein can make the case good that it was a joke made under intense pressure (something that can be done given the circumstances of the meeting and the other participants, all of whom were very anti-Trump), then I think Trump should refuse the resignation. If, however, Rosenstein can't make that case, or doesn't want to because it wasn't a joke, then Trump should accept the resignation, or fire Rosenstein if he doesn't offer it. You can't have the DoJ run by a person who was truly considering such an act of betrayal- no CEO would even think twice about the matter.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "I want Kavanaugh on the court."


Hey dummy, did you really think your lefty allies wouldnt apply your smear merchant tactics to all conservatives?

Did you really think your lefty allies wouldnt apply your attack (via rumor mongering) republican kids tactics to all conservatives and their families?

Did you really think your 100% operational alignment with the lefties wouldnt be leveraged against all conservatives and conservative policies?


What a shmuck loser you are! And not in a "good way".....

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Harrogate: Sometimes it's as if some of you are saying, the GOP must win all elections, or else war.

It isn't so much that the GOP (or anyone else) should win the elections. It IS about the losing side subverting the elections by the UNelected Mandarin class of bureaucrats trying to overturn an election by internal treason.

Elections have consequences and IF you are the losing side, you accept the loss and work towards winning the next time. You lost. You don't like Trump (or whomever is elected) We get that. Get the fuck over it and try again.

What you DON'T DO, is to conduct silent coups that are destroying the democratic vote of a supposedly free people. Trying to invalidate the votes of over 63 million people because you and the elites think you know better than the Deplorables (aka Dregs of Society now according to Biden)

When you DO those thing s.....YES. Expect war.

Yancey Ward said...

I always leave out the "not" in long comments- sigh.....In the first comment, I meant to write that I normally would not think such a comment was sarcasm given the circumstances, but I do now see that Rosenstein is exactly the kind of guy who might do so.

johns said...

If Rosenstein is removed, will the text messages be made public sooner?

chickelit said...

Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
“Sessions is an old fashioned crony who wanted to ban pot and gay marriage.

Not going to happen.”

Agree. But Sessions is one of the few who takes immigration law enforcement seriously. That’s why people supported him in the first place. Dems remain wide open borders people. There’s nit a single example of a Dem who supports current immigration law. Sorry, DB@H — I respect you a great deal, but you’ve got to stay real.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Yancey

Whether or not Rosenstein can make the case that planning treason and subverting the elected President was just a joke, Roesenstein should....IF he has any integrity....(ha) resign because he will no longer be able to effectively do his job.

Trump can no longer trust him. The American People no longer trust or believe him.

When you lose trust in your government, real and possibly violent chaos is sure to follow. If Rosenstein gave one shit about the Country he would gracefully resign.

We shall see then where the cow chips flop....won't we.

Chuck said...

Hey Yancey Ward I have the info for you to settle our old bet.

You can make a secure online purchase of some tasty beverage costing less than our $100 wager, from Holiday Market in Royal Oak Michigan. As opposed to the biggest bottle of Hendricks, I think I will opt for:
1 750 ml bottle of Bombay Sapphire (about $25);
1 750 ml bottle of Hendricks (about $40), and;
1 750 ml bottle of Tanqueray (about $25).

Place an online order, and in the "Instructions" box just say that Chuck will pick it up. Michigan sales task is 6%; I think it is all still under $100 in total.

chickelit said...

Polarization has a purpose.

Francisco D said...

If he is fired or resigns then the solicitor general would take over.

I don't know the DOJ line of succession. Does anyone here know what it is?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

His is a thankless job. Perhaps he is hoping to be allowed to resign. Or to be fired.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mueller investigation. Can we know yet? I man he's this close to finding the holy grail of evidence that will point to the grand conspiracy where Trump and Putin colluded to destroy the rightful owner of the 2106 election.

Right - When can we know? How is it that 2 years on, we still cannot know?

harrogate said...

"I don't like that kind of talk, or implication. But doesn't the left push the mirror image of this on their side?"

Too many on the left do, yes. I also call that out when I see it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is Mueller looking into the death of Seth Rich?

chickelit said...

Dems have picked the most difficult way to replace Trump. There is an easier, less violent, and faster way. They are not interested.

Francisco D said...

You can make a secure online purchase of some tasty beverage costing less than our $100 wager, from Holiday Market in Royal Oak Michigan. As opposed to the biggest bottle of Hendricks, I think I will opt for:
1 750 ml bottle of Bombay Sapphire (about $25);
1 750 ml bottle of Hendricks (about $40), and;
1 750 ml bottle of Tanqueray (about $25).

Chuckles certainly knows his gin.

I Wonder how long the three bottles last.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rosenstine lays out why Comey should be fired. Trump fires Comey. Mulluer is asked to investigate. Billions of tax payer dollars later.... what?

Captain BillieBob said...

He is not resigning and he is not fired.

dreams said...

If The republicans can keep the Senate and the House then we would have even more of a roaring stock market because the economy is doing great. I think it might happen.

Yancey Ward said...

I had missed it yesterday, but saw the URL Ray posted above- Andrew McCarthy eviscerates Rosenstein. I think now, I was wrong- joke or not Rosenstein needs to go. An honorable man would resign, a dishonorable one would force Trump to fire him.

Brian said...

If RR isn't fired, and doesn't resign, then isn't he then beholden to Trump? Does that serve the interests of Trump?

I've been watching CNN this morning, they really don't seem to know what's going on. Just that he has a black SUV, but they don't think he'll survive the day in his office.

Which makes me think he still will be deputy AG for the near future.

Yancey Ward said...

One of the interesting things I found, and others have noted, the McCabe memos were somehow kept from the IG by someone in the DoJ. It will be interesting if we ever find out who buried them- that most likely is Rosenstein himself.

Browndog said...

I don't know the DOJ line of succession. Does anyone here know what it is?

Just before leaving office, Obama set a line of succession via XO, then appointed some woman as the No.3.

I doubt Trump will feel bound to it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Excellent, Yancy.

From your link

The Times story “is inaccurate and factually incorrect.” Rosenstein won’t say exactly what is wrong in the report. He is careful not to say that the gist of the report is wrong — he just hopes that, if he sounds indignant enough, you will hear it that way. The Times may have gotten a few details wrong, but you can bet the story is essentially true.

You can’t trust “anonymous sources”: this from the guy who, in approving a FISA warrant application to spy on an American political campaign, relied on anonymous sources — some of them Russian operatives — who were channeling information through a foreign spy from whom the Justice Department continued to take information even after telling a federal court that the spy had been cut out of the investigation for leaking to the media.

And my favorite: Rosenstein knows “there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment” against President Trump. Of course, that does not respond to what the Times report actually says, which is that back in May 2017, when he was an emotional wreck because Democrats were being mean to him, Rosenstein urged that there might at that time be a basis to remove the president under the 25th Amendment (specifically, Section 4) if he could get enough top officials to agree that Trump was unfit to discharge his duties.

Democrats ARE bullies. Totalitarian Clinton obsessed bullies.

Brian said...

I had missed it yesterday, but saw the URL Ray posted above- Andrew McCarthy eviscerates Rosenstein. I think now, I was wrong- joke or not Rosenstein needs to go. An honorable man would resign, a dishonorable one would force Trump to fire him.

I was with you. The only caveat I can come up with is based on what RR did AFTER this supposed joke.

At a minimum, a Memo to the file on that date, "Andy came into the office about wearing a wire, I told him he was an idiot, but didn't reject him out of hand. I need to keep him on my good side because... blah blah blah"

Even that minimum should get him fired, though. The correct response from a DAG to a FBI official suggesting spying on the lawfully elected President of the Freaking United States is to alert someone in the chain of command, Sessions at a minimum, Trump at the maximum.

If you didn't say anything to anyone though, seems like you were complicit in conspiracy.

Achilles said...

Rosenstein is trying to cut a deal to stay out of jail.

The rats are shooting each other now.

McCabe has made it clear he will not take the fall alone.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Francisco D said...

I don't know the DOJ line of succession. Does anyone here know what it is?

Methinks Francisco doth protest too much...

From Vox...

Francisco is the next Senate-confirmed Justice Department official in line...

Coincidence? I don't think so...

Michael K said...

Sometimes it's as if some of you are saying, the GOP must win all elections, or else war.

No, we are in a war now. The uniparty has been running things since Reagan and, even during his terms, Congress.

The overthrow of Nixon was the sign of things to come. The FBI was even then the deep state. Not the agents in the field, like my daughter, but the Washington insiders. Hoover had been immune to any presidential control going back to Roosevelt.

If the uniparty had been competent, we might be content to let them run things, but they aren't.

The military has been pretty much destroyed above O-6.

The Obamacare rollout showed how incompetent. After the rollout finally occurred, it destroyed the US healthcare system.

Hillary's use of the private server, destroyed any level of national security. Every country knows our secrets, or former secrets.

The NAFTA thing and the TPP destroyed American industry. The billionaires who built the vaporware empires in northern California think they own the world. Instead, they have conveyed it to China, as we see with Google.

After all, the Chinese bought the Clintons fair and square.

In desperation, Americans turned to Trump and he has amazed us by actually keeping promises.

If the uniparty/left succeeds in tearing him down, the people will see there is no option but war.

PackerBronco said...

Apology accepted Mr. Rosenstein ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Certainly, the substance of Rosenstein’s memo (dated May 9, 2017, the day Comey was fired) is consistent with the Times’ version of events. Rosenstein rips Comey over the Clinton emails caper, writing: “The Director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General’s authority” and “to release derogatory information” about an uncharged person (Mrs. Clinton). Rosenstein being Rosenstein, his memo’s conclusion is slippery. He won’t just come out and say that Comey should be fired. But he takes pains to point out that “the President has the power to remove an FBI director” and that the FBI under Comey has lost “public and congressional trust,” which it is “unlikely to regain” unless it has a director who “understands the gravity of [Comey’s] mistakes and pledges never to repeat them.” Then, Rosenstein pointedly notes that Comey refuses to do this."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"It was perfectly obvious that Trump was planning to use Rosenstein’s memo as justification for dismissing Comey and that Rosenstein crafted the memo to support precisely that outcome. Yet Rosenstein claimed to have been shocked, shocked when his memo was deployed.

In truth, what transformed Rosenstein into a high-strung drama queen (“conflicted, regretful and emotional,” writes the Times) was not Trump’s firing of Comey; it was the ferocious Democratic blowback against Comey’s firing."

Brian said...

Is this meeting taking too long? Anybody have a timeline on when RR showed up?

Maybe Kelly made him wait in some anteroom to just cool his heels.

Or maybe... there's some negotiating going on. Will Rod flip? His name's on the FISA's after all. Under penalty of perjury and all that.

Comey was fired with a letter (hand delivered but still a letter). Why bring RR to the WH?

Brian said...

PackerBronco said...
Apology accepted Mr. Rosenstein ...

I was thinking more of something from the Godfather

Do you think you could fool a Trump?

Don't be afraid, Rod... Come on....

10MillionFireflies said...

Nice Read!

wwww said...

"Is this meeting taking too long? Anybody have a timeline on when RR showed up?"

Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson posted live footage of the White House meeting on twitter about 20 minutes ago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats blamed Clomey in part of the election loss of the election's rightful owner. But as soon as it became clear the Comey was a book-selling golden boy, the corruptocrats tossed their former anger aside because they needed his useful idiocy.

traditionalguy said...

Trump has to think this over. If you discount the Revelation of the 25th Amendment Plot as smoke, the timing becomes the issue. After the Brits back off and Trump relesases the FISA doc unredacted, then Snake Man is as good as gone. But if Snake Man insists on being fired now, then Trump has to go ahead and take that heat. What Would Sun Tsu Do?

dreams said...

"I don't know the DOJ line of succession. Does anyone here know what it is?"

If he is fired or resigns then the solicitor general would take over.

Brian said...

I'm seeing on Twitter that he is still DAG. Sitting in on a previously scheduled cabinet meeting in Sessions place.

Probably sweating...

If he stays he's effectively neutered isn't he? Double secret probation? Outside the circle of trust? Or did he "flip"?

harrogate said...

"If the uniparty/left succeeds in tearing him down, the people will see there is no option but war."

A Dem Congress (not that I expect them to win: I am on record predicting things remain about where they are in these midterms) would not "tear down," though I suspect and would certainly hope that such a Congress would be no more accommodating to Trump's agenda, than a GOP Congress would be to any Dem President's agenda.

Whatever the case, regarding your quote, I am sure you will be able to find some militias to join and take over a federal bird sanctuary or set up a compound somewhere, or join a survivalist cult (for the low low fee of $999 dollars!), with that sort of rhetoric as your version of normal. Except, I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have more of a life than to join up with such nutbags.

"The people" aren't trying to go to war. Many are invested deeply in politics but we also have families and complex lives and ambitions and struggles and sorrows happening. Super wealthy individuals manipulate American citizens into fighting wars abroad, and if there's ever a war here, it would be much the same, though I would hope most of us would resist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump better follow thru and fire his ass.

Brian said...

Axios is #FAKENEWS?

Rosenstein has not resigned, still U.S. deputy attorney general: source

Francisco D said...

"In truth, what transformed Rosenstein into a high-strung drama queen (“conflicted, regretful and emotional,” writes the Times) was not Trump’s firing of Comey; it was the ferocious Democratic blowback against Comey’s firing."

That makes sense.

Rosenstein seems like a calculating little weasel waiting to see which side wins before throwing in his support.

wwww said...

It seems plausible that Rosenstein would love to be fired but won't resign and the White House would love for him to resign but won't fire him?

p.s. the correct esoteric physics metaphor to use with Rosenstein is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, not Schrödinger's cat, insofar as the the reporting of the story has possibly affected the outcome.

-Nate Silver twitter

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

White House has issued a statement that Trump will meet with Rosenstein Thursday of this week or next, not sure which week, to discuss the recent news about Rosenstein.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Purge the corrupt whiney demcorat pussy-hair men on the FBI.

walter said...

"Go deeper: Trump at war with his own government"
More vice-versa..

Yancey Ward said...


It says you can pick the 3 items up after 4 p.m. today at the front of the store under purple awning. The order # is 473498.

Brian said...

White House has issued a statement that Trump will meet with Rosenstein Thursday of this week or next, not sure which week, to discuss the recent news about Rosenstein.

Maybe this week, maybe next.. whatever.

That is a pure CEO level powertalk method.

Meanwhile, keep sweating Rod...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Sessions resigns and Rosenstein takes his place. Spends his time in office asking Trump, "How high, Mr. President?". Fanciful, perhaps, but classic Trump.

dreams said...

CNBC reports.

"President Donald Trump will meet with Rosenstein on Thursday, the White House said in response to the reports."

rcocean said...

Trump and Rosenstein are just playing the media.


rcocean said...

If RR wanted to resign - he would have done it.

If Trump wanted to fire RR, he would have done it.

This is just about jerking the MSM around.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't want Sessions or Resenstien anywhere near anything. Go play golf.

eric said...

Looks like more fake news.

First the NYT reports a story making it look like Rosenstien is stabbing Trump in the back.

Now the outlets are reporting g he resigned/was fired.

It almost looks like they are trying to make things happen by reporting as though they happened.

But, it's Trump and his administration that is spinning out of control. Not our nation's news media.

Yancey Ward said...

wwww wrote:

"It seems plausible that Rosenstein would love to be fired but won't resign and the White House would love for him to resign but won't fire him?"

Definitely plausible, maybe even likely.

LincolnTf said...

Rosenstein just offered his resignation to John Kelly, per multiple updates on social media news sites.

rcocean said...

If you remember, Sessions was asked to resign. Came back to DC, and talked to Trump and he was kept on.

Maybe same thing.

Just one more reason not to trust MSM.

readering said...

Eisenstein at WH while Kavanaugh plays out on the Hill?!?

Heartless Aztec said...

Madness. How does one pass comments on insanity?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's neato that we cannot trust the media anymore. That's what happens when 80-90% of the mainstream press is in the tank with one political party.

Trump must stop being a pussy. It's time to fire Rosenstein and Sessions.

bagoh20 said...

It's about time that little rat-faced turd crawled back under his rock.

rcocean said...

Axios and Bloomberg had Rosenstein resigned.


Guess they'd better recheck with their "source".

rcocean said...

BTW, Thursday would be a PERFECT time to fire him.

But my gut says Trump won't do it, and this is all for show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mega tech social platforms are stomping on speech on a daily basis.

Real Election meddling starts at facebook and Twitter.

bagoh20 said...

""President Donald Trump will meet with Rosenstein on Thursday, the White House said in response to the reports.""

RR didn't want to hear Trump say his signature line.

rcocean said...

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Ray - SoCal said...

Excellent graphic Althouse! It's how I feel about this entire Rosenstein drama, not to mention the plot against Trump.

Amazing how Trump does drama, letting the suspense build.

I believe Andrew McCarthy's column, his columns on the entire Muller Debacle have been required reading, along with Conservative Treehouse, to understand what is really going on. It makes sense Rosenstein did not expect the scorched earth behavior of the Democrats on the firing of Comey, it seemed both Dems and GOP were upset at him.

UK and AU begging Trump is not release the FISA Stuff, and Trump then laundering it through a the DOJ IG somehow related. I wonder when this is going to be released.

And at the same time, you have a leak war between McCabe and Rosenstein playing out in the press.

Not to mention the Kavanaugh witch hunt.

bagoh20 said...

"I know, Kavanaugh and sex sex sex are so distracting that this big story will just waft by unnoticed...."

It's not about sex, it never was, and won't be, becuase it's about power, corruption, and the dissolving of American values and legal protections from false accusations. It's also not about sex, since nobody got any back then, and they probably don't now.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...

It says you can pick the 3 items up after 4 p.m. today at the front of the store under purple awning. The order # is 473498.

Perfect. I did a practice order with them a couple of weeks ago to make sure it would work and was safe. You will get an email around 4 p.m. saying that it is ready. I won't stop by there until later than that.

Thanks. You are paid up in full. An honest wager, honorably made and settled.

Yancey Ward said...

If there are any problems in the pickup, have them call me at the cell# I gave on the order. I will try to keep the phone nearby all day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump wants to inject some inspiration into the nov election - he should demand Rosenstein resign or fire him, and Q up Sessions next.

Confused said...

I keep being reminded of the line in Home Alone when Buzz, in response to everyone being so worried about Kevin, says he knows nothing will happen to Kevin because "I'm not that lucky."

Rosenstein resigning would be amazing, so of course it was fake news. Sigh.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump doesn't have to fire Rosenstein, but Rosenstein does have to offer to resign if he did say what was being reported.

FullMoon said...

Rosenstein wants to be laid off, not fired. That way, he is eligible for un-employment check.

Big Mike said...

More fake news. He may have offered to resign, but for now Rosensteon is still #2 at Justice.

Except! I imagine that Donald Trump now has Ron Rosenstein’s gonads in his back pocket. I wonder whether the MSM anticipated that result when they released the story about Rosenstein’s offering to wear a wire?

Yancey Ward said...

Apropos of nothing, you have to believe the PGA was stoked that Woods finally won another tournament. I had, during the Spring, come to the conclusion that Woods might be done, but was wrong. I watch my father suffer from similar back problems his entire life, he even had he same spinal fusion that Woods had, and it only helped a little. Woods has made a remarkabl comeback.

Yancey Ward said...

The NYTimes story was almost assuredly sourced to McCabe, though he, like Comey, no doubt used a cutout. If I had to guess, things aren't going well for McCabe, so he threw Rosenstein under the bus.

Yancey Ward said...

In other words, the people briefed on the memo were briefed by McCabe himself, and recently, like the last week or so.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Tiger Woods can now assume the role that Nicklaus had after winning the US Open in 1980 after people had written him off.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "You are paid up in full. An honest wager, honorably made and settled."

Rumor-mongerer against children speaks of honor.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yancey - Democrat operatives and weasels don't have shame. Rosenstein won't resign. He's a player. He's BSing and ass-kissing and whiney-faux-reassuring all the gullibles as we speak.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

rcocean: Axios and Bloomberg had Rosenstein resigned.


Guess they'd better recheck with their "source".

I am become more and more convinced that these "sources" are actually


I used to have one on my office desk as a joke. Maybe we should tell the media and the Democrats that it is really just a joke?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Private SErver While Secretary of State gets a pass.

Rosenstein recommends Comey be fired, then whines and turns into a sniveling coward when the corruptocrats moan on Q.

Purge the FBI. The American people deserve better.

And NO - It is NOT illegal to meet with anyone anywhere to find out the dirt on the fucking money grubbing power whore couple called the Clintons.

robother said...

Rosenstein is now attending the Cabinet meeting in the White House, in place of AG Sessions. This can only mean that President Trump is planning on broadcasting LF sound waves through Rosenstein's wire to deafen everyone in the DeepState listening. As per Putin's instructions.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Still waiting for LLR Chuck to disavow and speak out against the death threats being targeted at Kavanaughs young daughters by his fellow smear merchant allies on the left.

An "honorable" fellow would have no difficulty in doing so.

bleh said...

Fake news, Althouse. Take it down.

hombre said...

If he “offered”, it’s another poke at Trump. If Trump accepts it, he’s “bad.” Just ask the Dems and their mediaswine.

If Rosenstein didn’t do what the NYT said, he has no new reason to resign. If he did, he should just man up and resign. The “offer” crap is bait in another DOJ Deep State trap.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
Apropos of nothing, you have to believe the PGA was stoked that Woods finally won another tournament. I had, during the Spring, come to the conclusion that Woods might be done, but was wrong. I watch my father suffer from similar back problems his entire life, he even had he same spinal fusion that Woods had, and it only helped a little. Woods has made a remarkabl comeback.

Agreed. I've been watching Tiger since I first saw him in person while he was still a Stanford undergrad. I was never a Tiger fanboy; I was also never a Tiger hater. I simply observed that since he went 3-for-3 in the USGA Jr Am, and then 3-for-3 in the US Am, we were watching history. Every time he steps onto the first tee in a competition it is history. I am just going to watch and enjoy the ride. It will end all too soon. No matter when exactly that might be. I thought it had already ended.

What a pleasure, to see him hit fairways with his old driver shaft, and see him once again show himself as the best speed putter of all time with the old Scotty.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Current Drudge juxtaposition has Tiger throwing a golf ball at Ford. AA overlooked it?

9/24/18, 12:42 PM

As if enough hasn't happened to the poor woman!

bagoh20 said...

What would be awesome would be if someone wore a wire to the meeting where RR said he would wear one to the White House. We all know he said it, and he meant it. Heroes do that kind of thing. Just ask Benedict Arnold.

Etienne said...

Aha! Looks like Sessions is going to be fired. Trump had to arrange details with Rosenstein.

wwww said...

BREAKING: Wait--Sorry, False Alarm

'As You Were'

WASHINGTON—In a shocking development revealed just moments ago, sources confirmed that—oh, wait, sorry, false alarm. Multiple reports confirmed that, despite late-breaking suggestions to the contrary, you can actually forget about this news item and return to whatever you were doing before seeing this. In fact, sources have now informed reporters that we kind of jumped the gun on publishing this article at all, let alone labeling it “breaking” news. Frankly, sources concluded, this was our bad for getting you all worked up over nothing. Although, hold on one second, because several reports are now suggesting that it might still be worth keeping an eye on this story to see if—no, hold on, on second thought, just forget we said anything.

wwww said...

The fun thing about this Rosenstein news cycle is we can do it over and over and over again.

-Josh Barro

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Fake News.

cubanbob said...

Let's see what happens Thursday. If Kavanaugh gets confirmed then Trump has more maneuver room. I suspect Rosenstein, like Sessions, will find a reason to recuse himself from this whole Russia business and concentrate his efforts in other areas less political like white collar crime. If I am correct, Mueller will not be happy with his new supervisor.

Drago said...

Kavanaugh vows to fight these scurrilous smears according to reports regarding a letter sent to Feinstein and Grassley.

Lefty and LLR Smear Merchants hardest hit!


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Drago said...

And now we have Michael Avenetti going the Full LLR Chuck with smears of Kavanaugh by claiming Kavanaugh and Mike Judge literally ran a gang-rape ring.

No word yet if Michael Avenetti had previously publicly and proudly disclosed his purpose to be smearing his LLR Chuck has.

Unknown said...

We shouldn't forget President Trump has a resignation letter from AG Sessions, he's had it for over a year.

wwww said...

You're going to have so much drama, you'll be tired of all the drama.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
And now we have Michael Avenetti going the Full LLR Chuck with smears of Kavanaugh by claiming Kavanaugh and Mike Judge literally ran a gang-rape ring.

No word yet if Michael Avenetti had previously publicly and proudly disclosed his purpose to be smearing his LLR Chuck has.

My rule in smearing Trump is that it must be true, to be used. And so far, Michael Avenatti has been accurate if not prescient in his smearing of Trump.

When Avenatti starts tossing out allegations of gang rapes, he's doing that without any evidence at all. I wonder how many intelligent and fair minded listeners that Avenatti has lost, with that latest garbage? Count me as one.

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