I have not watched one second of the past week's Death-o-Rama. I'm not reading any articles like the ones listed above. I'm not looking enough to be able to say what I'm afraid I'd have to say if I looked — What a sordid display!
So I withhold my judgment — my judgment and my participation.
May all who died in the past 2 weeks — the known and the unknown — rest in peace.
"Let the dead bury their own dead" — Jesus Christ.
ADDED: I'll let Scott do the analysis. No annalysis here, just Scottalysis:
Scott Adams talks about how President Trump became the main theme of McCain’s funeral. And coffee. https://t.co/Ukx7wIXcGr
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 2, 2018
1 – 200 of 364 Newer› Newest»Since I don't read or watch the news, I miss all this petty controversalizing.
Sometimes something in current events will come up in casual conversation.
McCain's funeral hasn't.
It’s mourning again in America.
Respect for Althouse.
I've been too busy living this week.
Althouse manages to look away from many things this election cycle.
I've early voted, so to speak. The rest is all entertainment, but at this point even my supply of snark is running out.
Scott Adams has an upcoming periscope on why Trump has to headline the funeral news.
It's news about women in the audience, not news about Trump or McCain, if you want to analyze it. They put it out because women watch and hystericize.
Eyeballs to advertisers and democrat free-riding.
John McCain's Funeral Was the Biggest Resistance Meeting Yet.
That should put to side any notion of a "Deep State".
Of course. Why reminisce on a life worth living when there's a living toad totally unworthy of human existence in the White House for you to suck up to and wonder over every day?
That last guy died nailed to some wooden sticks at 33 by taking on the power establishment. Let me know when you cowards are up for something like that and then maybe your opinions on such things will matter to me.
The contempt for character, memory, virtue and honesty/truth on this blog makes it less readable by the news cycle. I stop by every now and then basically to gawk at the social disaster the majority of its participants (and those aiming to pleasing them) represent.
I couldn't agree with you more. This is the only time I've ever commented here. You & I coincide perfectly here.
"Althouse manages to look away from many things this election cycle."
Negative space, baby.
Art is all about the negative space.
The dog that didn't bark. The story that wasn't blogged. Sometimes not blogging is the most powerful statement.
Notice, also, in the previous post: "I've long been skeptical of exaggerated racist incidents — like the recent case of the man that urinated on a little girl and called her the N-word. I didn't blog that when it came out, because I didn't want to amplify a lie, which is what it turned out to be."
Sometimes I tell you when I'm not blogging. There's also the not-blogging that consists of not even telling you that I'm not blogging that.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
"Trump Derangement Syndrome" is the kind of phony judgment that someone desperate enough to create a tag like "Hitler Derangement Syndrome" or "Stalin Derangement Syndrome" might come up with. Some politicians are deranged tyrants and the only mental illness about assessing them comes from the authoritarians sucking up to them and marveling that anyone else should find them disquieting. Tell me a single thing about Trump or the phenomenon promoting him that's normal for America.
Tackiness abounds!
Some of the folks calling McCain "Hitler" in 2008 as he ran against Obama, now want to hail him as the new Caesar!
McCsin was a bona hero, and a fairly loyal conservative - except for the last 10 years of his political career as the media's favorite maverick.
"Respect for Althouse."
Confession: I have always disliked the song "Respect."
If you want respect, don't make it an explicit deal about giving the other person all your money. Don't exchange money for love.
And just aesthetically, I dislike "re re re re spect spect spect spect." What if other songs were elongated with the key word broken in two and repeated like that.
For example, why not another verse to "Yesterday," sung "yes yes yes yes ter ter ter ter day day day day"?
I have to wait for a mp3 copy of the periscopes to turn up on Scott's blog, an additional 45 minutes or so.
Don't exchange money for love.
No buying a dog?
I'll always regret that I didn't grandstand more. There's so much to learn from McCain.
This blog post counts as participation.
Does Althouse have a 'Get Your Own Damn Blog' tag?
Some of the folks calling McCain "Hitler" in 2008 as he ran against Obama, now want to hail him as the new Caesar!
Name them.
Put some honesty into your pre-fab talking points, if you dare.
McCsin was a bona hero, and a fairly loyal conservative - except for the last 10 years of his political career as the media's favorite maverick.
Who takes inventory of one's "loyalty" to an ideology? I thought loyalty was what people exhibit to each other. McCain inaugurated the deranged Tea movement with Palin and went further to the right after that. No more campaign finance regulation. The exception was refusing to throw 25 million Americans out of an affordable insurance market on the grounds that maybe a completely party-line vote for that was actually not the right thing for the country or a way to solve the Republican "problem" of too many people being able to afford not dying.
"I couldn't agree with you more. This is the only time I've ever commented here. You & I coincide perfectly here."
That means a lot, Mark.
I’m surprised Mc. Never told his daughter the story behind the story, because confession ia good for the soul, someone clearly told T., M. WAS on the BIGOT list that meant he must not be allowed to fly over enemy territory which was his commanders job to decide and enforce without exception, which several levels of commanders said John you may not, and he said, I’m so good they’ll never shoot me down. So he appealed to his family of admirals, who had those orders overridden, because he desperately wanted to fly with his classmates, the never-ending human failing, our feet of clay, we all share, Pride. Sad thing is he sat at the table with both his admiral parents who knew everything, meaning everything about our equipment its strength and weaknesses and war plans and couldn’t help but tell John as part of friendly family camaraderie which is why he hated the Russians with an unending passion was because they stood by, as NV played good cop bad cop extracting head nods when asked to confirm what they’d heard or guessed from other sources. Using Brain Washing techniques, like always worked in Korea. Washing being a never-ending method. Need a soviet commissar to confess to his crimes waterboard. I love the man and forgive him his sins. But if anyone died because of his stance against waterboarding, may he pay the price in the afterlife. I worked with him, a good man. Always trying to help. Except in this one instance where he forgave himself knowing the executive had the power to ignore him, the rules, laws and treaties to save the country if a Coventry was necessary. A hero, sad to see him go, but it’s time or the next-geners to take the reins. RIP. From a grateful nation.
"Scott Adams has an upcoming periscope on why Trump has to headline the funeral news."
Thanks. I read that after encountering it on my own Twitter feed and embedding it in an update. I will listen to that, but haven't yet, just really trust Scott to handle it well.
Of course Ann you are going to ignore it. It makes your guy look indefensible. (Which he is.) That makes you look foolish and also indefensible given your over the top support for him.
The Kardashians are invasive celebrities. You know a lot about them even while trying to avoid them. I have positive feelings about John McCain and Aretha Franklin, but I thought the coverage was tooo pervasive and used, in a manipulative way, to attack Trump.........McCain got a positive press when he forgave his North Vietnamese captors for the many years of torture, hunger, and abuse they inflicted upon his broken body. I guess Trump's electioneering went beyond that and was simply unforgivable.........From what I have read about Aretha Franklin, she was grotesquely mistreated by her father, mother, boyfriend, husband and, in fact, most of the people in her immediate circle. My understanding is that all the funeral eulogies were about her brave struggle against white racism.
The obsequies became obsequious.
Tell me a single thing about Trump or the phenomenon promoting him that's normal for America.
Isn't the phenomenon being discussed here the degree to which Trump's enemies are the ones "promoting" him?
Isn't the phenomenon being discussed here is degree to which Trump's enemies are the ones "promoting" him?
THat's not a phenomenon - that's a self-serving, blind assertion. Trump is a "cultural" phenomenon to people who either like reality tv too much or hate the left and center. Politically he got where he is because of the deindustrialization of America and the political neglect of the working class. That continues to this day, even while Trump pays (pretends to pay) lip service to the most superficial aspects of it. This is the reality of his power, not a tangential take on the psychology of it.
Trump ain't no cultural force, no matter how much you hate PC or feel indebted to white supremacism/grievance-mongering.
Scott Adams is incredibly dull.
D.C. dreams of saner times.
I think that sums everything up.
I suppose I could qualify that... the right's hatred of Bill Clinton protected Clinton and everyone not on the right - their hatred of Trump may protect Trump. But it won't and can't promote either one. Just a ham-fisted defense of those two scurrilous bastards.
Confession: I have always disliked the song "Respect."
I wasn't thinking of the song when I wrote "respect for Althouse."
Trump ain't no cultural force
Then why the tantrums and the fighting?
What I meant: I agree with you.
Perhaps that's evident in the fact that Clinton wasn't offered an opportunity to eulogize.
People in the 90s certainly thought he was articulate. But I think then they wised up.
He was an articulate bullshitter. So is Trump, in his way.
McCain was wise to get W. and Obama to speak. They're much better and more honest speakers.
McCain's virtue was not being shy about hating bullshit.
It seems like everyone who is lauding McCain is some kind of incumbent, someone embedded within the Government or the Media that derives their power and influence from the Government.
I kinda view this through the prism of my anti-incumbent bent, and also from having lived through the nonsense post-Walker temper tantrum that Democrats in this State are still having.
Who needs that kind of drama?
Trump ain't no cultural force
Then why the tantrums and the fighting?
Lol. That's like asking why the reaction to Hitler. The abuse of power. Political power does not translate into cultural relevance. Or at least not to the same proportion. Duh.
I'm with hardin on the funeral stuff.
Soap Opera moment.
When Kennedy's funeral was going on, my wife watched every moment on TV.
For me, it was the opening of pheasant season and I was hunting with my friends.
I did hear Lee Harvey Oswald shot on the radio driving from one field to another.
I really liked W's eulogy. W's a good guy. A bit incompetent on the policy end of things, but a relatable, decent guy. Super-likable.
Trump's relatable to people who feel small inside. I guess I never had that problem.
I'd rely on them to explain it to me, but they don't seem to be very good at discussing their flaws.
I think this is the kind of thing the eulogizers talked about.
“McCain's virtue was not being shy about hating bullshit.”
Contradicted by McCain’s purveyance of the Steele dossier. McCain loved bullshit when it attacked his imaginary enemies.
When Kennedy's funeral was going on, my wife watched every moment on TV.
For me, it was the opening of pheasant season and I was hunting with my friends.
If only a desire to kill small feathered/furry things were a sign of any actual character, or something.
Contradicted by McCain’s purveyance of the Steele dossier.
Oh, you've got a chip on your shoulder the size of Siberia. Those Russians are not to be trusted. McCain should know - he was good friends with a lot of the people your tyrant-leader abroad likes to beat up and kill or threaten with death.
Keep picking at the small things, C. Little.
"Death-o-rama." Ha.
I've enjoyed the funerals. I'd like to see a lot more funerals of people I don't like. Hillary, I'm talking to you.
Plus, the hypocrisy of the eulogies is hilarious. McCain was one of the angriest, hot-heads in the Senate, insulting people and constantly behaving in a classless manner. But in the eulogies he was just a "mischievous plebe" who loved to "tweek peopole" and was beloved by all.
Imagine this:
Hitler's enemies are making the "mistake" of over-reacting to him and not just ignoring everything he does.
Stalin's enemies are making the "mistake" of over-reacting to him and not just letting him get away with whatever he wants.
Trump's enemies are making the "mistake" of over-reacting to him and not just brushing everything he does under the rug.
At least Neville Chamberlain knew he wasn't a Nazi. Trump's appeasers are full-on Trumpanzees, asking everyone else to kindly ignore their lead 800-pound gorilla as he jumps all around the room.
Which reminds me of Omarosa's description of Trump's nature documentary viewing habits.
The eulogies were also notable for what they didn't talk about.
Namely, that McCain didn't do anything but talk and give unwanted advice. Or scold America that "We're better than this".
No one talked about his legislative accomplishments, because he didn't really have any. He was wrong about Iraq, and ran a disastrous 2008 campaign. Other than showing Republicans how to be good losers, its an incredibly thin record for someone with 2 President, National Cathedral Funeral.
McCain was one of the angriest, hot-heads in the Senate, insulting people and constantly behaving in a classless manner.
He was honest, and people enjoyed his attention, passion and devotion to them and what he felt important.
When you die, no one will be able to say that about you. Or anything nearly as meaningful.
Same goes for Trump.
The interesting thing about the funeral is exactly as so many have said -
This is the public face of the ruling class.
This is what the powers that be perceive to be soundness, continuity, respectability.
What anyone says in politics or political funerals, of a certain sort of course, is self-serving. Everything is a lie, even if it is true.
The most truthful thing you can take from such things are the organizers intentions, the impression they hope to make.
I have avoided all the funereal drama other than seeing headlines about it. Reminds me off the Paul Wellstone memorial service debacle. That was disgusting. Liberals are not known for learning from the past.
Scott Adams talks ... https://t.co/Ukx7wIXcGr
--> https://www.pscp.tv/w/1yoJMVVwQolxQ
I gather that something is supposed to happen at that site other than a triangle with rounded corners turns into two vertical lines ...?
How can I use Periscope if I don't have an iOS or Android device? (Web view)
"Even without an iOS or Android device, you can still use Periscope!"
Oh. It's one of those.
You can supposedly watch broadcasts on the web on desktop or mobile.
To view an endless stream of popular broadcasts you can visit periscope.tv/couchmode.
Now that's a completely different user experience!
It says "Connecting…" ! Yay!
The two vertical lines are replaced by the word "Connecting!" Yay!
You can also locate a specific user's web profile.
Boy, you sure can!
And after that when you select something to see/hear, you get the amazing triangle that turns into the two fascinating vertical lines.
Having trouble viewing broadcasts on the web?
Just yours.
Make sure you have Flash installed on your computer. Also check your browser settings to make sure Flash is enabled.
Yup. Yup.
But mostly check to make sure the publisher isn't using some hokey website like pscp.tv or periscope.tv.
Assuming anyone even bothers to show up.
“Other than showing Republicans how to be good losers, its an incredibly thin record for someone with 2 President, National Cathedral Funeral.”
It just shows how hungry Americans are for real (not funereal) heroes,
Phony drama, cheap sentiment (so many posts from people who've never evinced even the barest interest in McCain) and politicizing a funeral, one can only avert his eyes from this extravagant exercise in poor taste.
I was hoping Trump would crash the Funeral. That would've been hilarious.
Or just at start of the services, had driven up to the curb, sirens blaring, sent a person in to get John kelly, had a brief discussion, with him on the sidewalk and then driven away.
McCain is gone. He had his run and it meant nothing. Next week, the only people who will remember him are his family. His obsequies are over. RIP.
"When you die, no one will be able to say that about you. Or anything nearly as meaningful."
What an angry clown you are. Is it your turn to play left-wing troll? Who has the Afternoon duty, Inga?
At least Neville Chamberlain knew he wasn't a Nazi.
Man, you should go update his gravestone!
Neville Chamberlain
Prime Minister
At Least He Knew He Wasn't a Nazi
A Ritmo thread, I see.
Anyway, There was a real hero in the Senate at one time.
Of course he is ignored.
Denton suffered imprisonment for nearly eight years, McCain for nearly six. Both men gained national and international attention for defiant courage during their ordeals. As son of the admiral commanding the U.S. Pacific fleet, McCain spurned Communist Vietnamese efforts to manipulate him for propaganda purposes. Denton, as one of the top-ranking officers, outwitted the enemy when they featured him in a televised propaganda news conference. Unbeknownst to his captors, he blinked his eyes with the Morse Code letters T-O-R-T-U-R-E as he answered questions.
After their release in 1973, Denton and McCain continued naval service. Denton was promoted to rear admiral and served as commandant of the Armed Services Staff College before retiring in 1977. McCain overcame catastrophic injuries and torture to return to the air pilot’s seat. In 1977, the Navy assigned him to Capitol Hill as its liaison (de facto lobbyist) to the Senate.
Failed molecular biology student Ritmo will have something nasty to say,
"This is the public face of the ruling class."
Yes, Bush has no problem palling around with the Obama's and Hill and Bill - but Trump is beyond the pale.
That's because - like McCain - he really cares about Foreign Policy and promoting globalism.
Domestic issues are just a big game to them. Something you have to do, to please the rubes and boobs.
Stalin derangement syndrome had all its sufferers cured, through liquidation or other advanced medical therapy, by the late 1920s.
Stalin mild distaste syndrome was cured by, perhaps, 1937.
Stalin quibble syndrome was well controlled by medication and physical therapy until 1956 wherin a major outbreak commenced.
The other astounding thing about McCain, was everyone was STILL talking about his being a war hero.
For some reason, we have an culture dominated by people stuck in the past, If they're not bringing up Vietnam (45 years ago), they're talking about Hitler and Nazis (73 years ago). It wasn't always like that. I can remember the 1980 campaign, and no one talked about their WW 2 heroism.
Again, in the case of McCain, its understandable. Take away the "War Hero" crap, and what did he do in 30 years, besides show on TV every Sunday, and be a "Maverick"?
The Presidency used to be a really important job. Funerals were handled by the V.P.
The problem is, we don't have a nice war to send everyone too, and confiscate everyone's wealth.
We need another big war.
cheap sentiment (so many posts from people who've never evinced even the barest interest in McCain)
We knew who he was. Any American did. They also paid attention to what people who knew him said about him. (Unlike Mr. "I hear people are saying things.")
We'll leave the greater concern over his politics ("barest interest") to people like you.
and politicizing a funeral
I realize your politics are too cheap to care about silly things like life and death, legacy, virtue, humility, relationships, honor, American greatness, constitutional values, etc. Please don't bother your tiny little, cheap political values be sullied by such trivial things.
"When you die, no one will be able to say that about you. Or anything nearly as meaningful."
What an angry clown you are.
It's the honest truth. Why are you so angry to accept the fact that you will never have a funeral like that? Most people won't.
Your anger probably reflects the fact that not only will you not have a normal funeral though, but one very lightly attended. Anyone who sneers so contemptuously at the passing of a man who touched so many ordinary and the most important of Americans with their sense of his honor, sacrifice, honesty, compassion and other virtues can in no way be loved enough to be remembered with the slightest bit of grief or loss.
It's just a basic human thing.
Last year I visited many hectares of American war heroes.
A great number of them with stories much more interesting and dramatic and who died after suffering travails much more horrific than McCains.
Nobody cares about them enough to tell their stories in your schools. Indeed, it is your settled educational policy to despise them, or at least ignore them. There is no American Titus Livius, to sing of these heroes and legends. And if there were your scholars would ban his book.
You do have many you know, your Horatii, and they have held many posts of honor.
Winston Churchill on Neville Chamberlain:
The fierce and bitter controversies which hung around him in recent times were hushed by the news of his illness and are silenced by his death. In paying a tribute of respect and of regard to an eminent man who has been taken from us, no one is obliged to alter the opinions which he has formed or expressed upon issues which have become a part of history; but at the Lychgate we may all pass our own conduct and our own judgments under a searching review. It is not given to human beings, happily for them, for otherwise life would be intolerable, to foresee or to predict to any large extent the unfolding course of events. In one phase men seem to have been right, in another they seem to have been wrong. Then again, a few years later, when the perspective of time has lengthened, all stands in a different setting. There is a new proportion. There is another scale of values. History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days....
The important thing is to have sons to light your funeral pyre.
That is the only fame ordinary men can aspire to.
The sound of one hand clapping is the sound created by most of the bloggers here with only one set of talking points. And that negative space, baby, is the space of the missing tax returns and thousands of pages of Brett Kavanaugh's records being withheld; the black hole just might swallow up Trump.
"Wellstoning" a funeral has become a ProgLibDem thing
"Wellstoning" a funeral has become a ProgLibDem thing
Being pro-death and incapable of assessing grief or loss has become a con-authoritrain-Rethuglican thing.
A bit more on Denton, a real hero.
Jeremiah Denton died in 2014 at the age of 89. He was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. His funeral did not preempt television coverage of soap-operas, sitcoms, or sporting events. His pallbearers did not include Warren Beatty, but no one, obscure or famous, was told not to attend the ceremony.
thousands of pages of Brett Kavanaugh's records being withheld; the black hole just might swallow up Trump.
Speaking of talking points.....
I have to wait for a mp3 copy of the periscopes to turn up on Scott's blog, an additional 45 minutes or so.
I used "youtube-dl URL" and got an mp4 file that was rotated 90 degrees. Pretty classy!
Adams starts the thing by singing "Bup bup bum. Bup bup bup bup bum" while doing the stuff he should've done before he pressed "start recording", and also before he lost my interest.
Winston Churchill on Neville Chamberlain
All true, but all somewhat calculated for national unity. Churchill remarked in private that it needed to be said that way, but he could have easily gone down another path.
McCain left us by rolling the rotten side of the apple to the top for all the world to see. What a petty man and angry family.
Thank for the historic parallel, Henry. And I never knew that Chamberlain forbade Churchill from attending his funeral. Makes Chamberlain seem kind of cheap and petty in hindsight.
Meghan McCain’s only political future has switched to the D-party. I wonder if she knows that yet?
“Being pro-death and incapable of assessing grief or loss has become a con-authoritrain-Rethuglican thing”
Is English your first language?
Ritmo is peeing all over the thread and Crack is nowhere to be found.
Yep. McCain excluded Trump - but Trump was there because his family made it all about Trump.
How sad.
On this solemn occasion, with the passing of this man, let us stump.
Megan McCain should embrace the suck of socialism.
Unknown said...
All true, but all somewhat calculated for national unity.
True. Churchill also long hid the attempts by Chamberlain's loyalists to negotiate a peace in 1940.
This four-day pageantry of faux homage to John McCain has exposed the utter insincerity and narcissism of the so-called Ruling Class. It won’t be forgotten by anyone with half an ounce of common sense. The preening fools we saw in the National Cathedral will inadvertently help to re-elect Trump In 2020.
“Your anger probably reflects the fact that not only will you not have a normal funeral though, but one very lightly attended. Anyone who sneers so contemptuously at the passing of a man who touched so many ordinary and the most important of Americans with their sense of his honor, sacrifice, honesty, compassion and other virtues can in no way be loved enough to be remembered with the slightest bit of grief or loss.”
I voted for McCain twice, honored his fathers, bought his book and all the rest. But he betrayed his supporters over the last 10 years or so.t
That stain will never go away any time soon.
“Megan McCain should embrace the suck of socialism.”
Make “The View” the go to place for serious discussion.
I can understand not wanting the sitting President at a funeral because of the security mess, but the Palin dis-invite really made him look petty, esp. with BO and W invited to speak. Someone should have overruled him, what could he do?
Sometimes a corpse is just a corpse.
"Confession: I have always disliked the song "Respect.""
The song isn't about respect, it's about sex.
Once (in the mid 90's?), someone seriously broached the idea of Funeral TV on CSPAN. But people were more dignified and restrained then.
Notably huma was invited, fancy that.
I have not watched one second of the past week's Death-o-Rama.
Also, keep this bullshit in mind the next time the left accuses the right of 'politicizing' deaths ... be it school shootings, illegal aliens committing murder, etc.
Althouse manages to look away from many things this election cycle. - R/V
See, that's your problem right there. They were funerals, you dolt. They should have nothing to do with elections.
The View is already Democrat party plus Trump bash central. Indeed - go full socialism. I think they have, 4-chikl.
Trump should charge brain rent. He'd make a fortune.
Ritmo is peeing all over the thread and Crack is nowhere to be found.
Yep. They 'both' crap all over everything they touch.
Trump is the main theme in all things.
I have only been to one funeral - at that one the departed's relatives fought over who was going to take the flower arrangements home after the service was over. So that was the last funeral I went too, though I have been to a remembrance or two that just remembered the life and impact of the departed - worth going.
I think funerals are supposed to celebrate the life and impact of the departed. Sadly, they seem more about the petty bullshit of the folks attending and a lot of preening and self-aggrandizement by the speakers - each trying to outdo the others.
Of course I have limited experience in such things, only being 66, so am probably completely full of it and just don't understand the proper use of dead people.
Ask not for whom the dumbbell trolls, he trolls for thee!
"And I never knew that Chamberlain forbade Churchill from attending his funeral. Makes Chamberlain seem kind of cheap and petty in hindsight."
Not really. The two men didn't like each other and Chamberlain felt Churchill had been responsible for the Norwegian/Narvik disaster which brought down Chamberlain (which he was). Further, had Chamberlain followed Churchill's advice and gone to war over Munich, it would've been a disaster.
Churchill - like McCain - was really a one-note johnny. War with everyone. And like a stopped clock, only right occasionally.
We got Miss Lindsey on Fox News talking about McCain again. Damn, talk a Gay crush. I wonder if he'll ever come out of the closet.
"At most funerals I’ve attended, it’s God’s love that fills the room, not hate and animus for a person who is not even in attendance. "
-CJ Pearson
Trump is an unabashed basher. He is cruelty on steroids. After a while, people start to bash back, and a funeral is an emotional graveyard bash perfect for retribution back-bashing. After Trump's death in a federal prison, his funeral will be a gay monster mash - a celebration that he failed to destroy the world as was likely with his tiny hands on the nuclear launch codes. We're still here! A miracle occurred! Hallelujah!
Trump's funeral dirge will be Bobby Pickett's 1962 hit Monster Mash (a Graveyard Smash).
It was said of Teddy Roosevelt that he was the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral. Trump manages that trick without even showing up. Whatta guy.
Confession: I have always disliked the song "Respect."
It isn't the song that's great.
Its Aretha's version that's great. Hell, I've listened to it, 100 times, I couldn't tell you what the lyrics were.
Its like the rolling stones "I can't get no satisfaction". The funniest example is "Born in the USA" which is actually an ANTI-Patriotic song. But most people just remember the title words, and forget the rest.
Blogger Roughcoat said...
Respect for Althouse.
Will you respect her in the morning?
"I realize your politics are too cheap to care about silly things like life and death, legacy, virtue, humility, relationships, honor, American greatness, constitutional values, etc. Please don't bother your tiny little, cheap political values be sullied by such trivial things."
Where are you "realizing" anything about my politics or values re:McCain? Consider the possibility that you have imagined a character instead.
As "Powerline" wrote, if your funeral is all about someone else, then maybe you weren't that great.
You can be sure that Trump's funeral will be about Trump.
I'll take this one from the Blues Brothers for Aretha.
Ritmo is peeing all over the thread and Crack is nowhere to be found.
We are legion.
You are little.
Yep. They 'both' crap all over everything they touch.
It's better than your need to suck everything you see.
I voted for McCain twice, honored his fathers, bought his book and all the rest. But he betrayed his supporters over the last 10 years or so.t
That stain will never go away any time soon.
Not sure what "betrayal" you're talking about but if you're referring to the stains you left while accidentally attempting to inseminate your Palin-shaped pillow and her Tea Party pincushions I'd advise trying that Zout stuff once again. There's proteins in there, you know.
You should know. You and your fellow conservatwinkle toes find a new "protein provider" to psychologically suck off of every election.
The stain on McCain remains mainly among the plains.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for my Carter Federal Day of Mourning. I have a feeling that he'll wait to die until the day after I retire.
In other news, Trumpit has joined the great IN-N-OUT boycott, depriving legions of seagulls.
Ah, Ritmo Dons his Sullivanist mask again as he dives headlong into Palin’s privates.
McCain didn't merely die. He committed to incredible acts of daring, bravery and sacrifice before showing all the same dash over decades of public service. His family and friends said he represented love - a quality that most Republicans don't have. He believed in the same greater good that sustains nations and that the authoritarian Trumpanzees and most Republicans in general abhor.
Trump was dis-invited because his consistent cheapening of - not only those acts of sacrifice - but the concept of sacrifice in general was both un-American and too painful for McCain's daughter and his family to put up with. McCain was everything that Trump is not, and never was. And never will be. Trump is a kind of opportunism so pure and evil that to describe a natural-world equivalent of him would require crossing a mosquito or a leech with a Dyson cyclone. Those in uniform loved McCain for the same reason that a nation of Trumps would surrender immediately to whomever could buy them off.
I think it was the Drill SGT on the day of McCain's passing who described, in the kind of painstaking, factual detail that Trumpanzees have no patience for, just what McCain did in the sky on the day he was shot down, and possibly on another day also. He ended with an "RIP."
Could you imagine an army of Trumps? It would be enough collective whining to drown out the drill sergeant and compel the unit to disband the next day.
McCain is a nation of soldiers, of warriors. Trump is a nation of whiners.
Unfortunately most Republicans nowadays know the "whine" as their only form of communication.
Ppt sounds like the nazgul up there that spread all sorts of slander.
Ah, Ritmo Dons his Sullivanist mask again as he dives headlong into Palin’s privates.
I thought I was referring to your own privates but I realize that Mrs. Chicken Lit keeps them in a Mason jar below the sink so I can see why you got confused about that practically amputated part of yourself.
The ousting of Chamberlain was a very British coup. Had Chamberlain (or Halifax) been PM Britain would have fared far worse than the blitz.
Churchill's decade in the wilderness when he wrote the three volume history of his ancestor John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough served him well, not only in the context of war, but politics.
The stopped clock was right about Stalin as well.
Man, the trolls are thick on the ground today.
It wasn't merely McCain's sacrifice that endeared and made him great to others. Born of incredible privilege, he chose duty and turned down early release not only because he should have, but despite how easy it would have been given the connections he had.
He had great privilege and chose sacrifice, duty and honor.
Trump (and followers) choose privilege and lack and sense of sacrifice, duty or honor.
Geez BJM. Isn't there a Trump-stamped penis you can go imagine swallowing or something?
Ah..full plexi thread.
PPPT had a lot of pent up shit to fling.
I just hope he stays hydrated.
Dems deserve Trump for running Hillary. I think McCain knew that but could never admit it. The worst thing about McCain is that he never “got” half of his voters on the national level. I could start the reruns showing that.
Someone who screws over those who support him
to win mild acknowledgement
from those using him as a prop against his supporters
As such
A fitting summary that....
McCain's funeral was a rally for posers Obama, Bush, and the like
Could he have ended any other way?
It's like the flying swarm in pitch dark.
That Trump penis is trademarked. For the personal pleasure of the collective right.
Ana Navarro didn't get the memo.z
The worst thing about McCain is that he never “got” half of his voters on the national level.
And Trump does?
What do you think his actual approval is?
Or is it just party loyalist pansies you care about?
I missed all the funeral coverage. Did there happen to be a garaiff at any of them?
The former editor of the NYT actually carries an Obama dildo in her purse. We cannot survive as a nation with those sorts of people peddling influence.
The problem was not merely Chamberlain or Halifax, but Stanley Baldwin was,good for little, Lloyd George striving for relevance, also thought there was something to this Hitler character.
The thing about "uniting the right," chicken-head, is that there are too many violent, selfish/hateful and just plain idiotic ones among them to unite.
Where did all of this year's Charlottesville protesters go to?
There must be a lot of caves or basements for those folks to hide in.
The rot in the British ruling class in that era, was represented by that minor noble so glad Hamilton that Rudolf Hess was supposed to meet with.
JML said...”I missed all the funeral coverage. Did there happen to be a garaiff at any of them?”
No, just a Comey trying to blend into the curtains.
"McCain didn't merely die. He committed to incredible acts of daring, bravery and sacrifice before showing all the same dash over decades of public service. His family and friends said he represented love... He believed in the... greater good that sustains nations..."
There. That's an honoring bit of text not in poor taste.
Influence isn't "peddled" in a free market. People read the NYT because it's interesting. People watch FOX Noise, listen to right-wing talk radio and read (at an 8th-grade level) right-wing troll sites because they're scared.
Right-wingers don't have a focus. They have fear. Lots of it.
Whatever they can freak out about that isn't a serious threat" is how they live their "lives."
*And the threats that we can really do something about they want to avoid facing.
FDR 's four freedoms still sets the standard for leadership of Americans. Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from want. Freedom from fear. DJT has delivered bigly on all four. None of the cadre of crooks at MCain's funeral ever did anything except take them away as fast as the cash bribes came in.
Well, thanks Freeman. But I'm still going to have to admit not having a clue as to what you meant by or what motivated your 11:36 AM comment. Sorry if I mischaracterized you.
FDR 's four freedoms still sets the standard for leadership of Americans. Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from want. Freedom from fear. DJT has delivered bigly on all four.
What are you talking about? And whenever did Republicans start deciding that freedom from want or fear was important to them? Living standards have declined ever since Reagan's War on the Poor and without exaggerated fear you can't build a political platform of going after Muslims and Mexicans.
Donald Trump has delivered a trillion dollar deficit cutting taxes for the rich while pretending that the minuscule proportion of the working class employed in coal mining are the only part of the economy not making at least million $ annually who are worth saving.
God almighty.
Ritmo outs himself as maybe the most devoted member of The Maverick McCain Fan Club. Truth really is stranger than fiction.
"McCain didn't merely die. He committed to incredible acts of daring, bravery and sacrifice before showing all the same dash over decades of public service. His family and friends said he represented love... He believed in the... greater good that sustains nations..."
Even ordinary soldiers do as well.
Madonna, for one. There's at least one Twitter feed with a bunch of people treating McCain like Hitler.
Of course, in 10 years, we'll be hearing how great it was that Trump was able to forge some friendship with Russia, especially compared to the current warmongering Republican. Because that's the general arc of moderate/politically liberal-ish Republicans. Super Nazi while in power, "one of the good ones," once out.
In death, "The Maverick's" biggest supporters are liberal Democrats.
Which tells all you need to know about "Republican" Johnny McCain. We were lucky he lost in 2008. He NEVER should have been nominated.
But he was a war hero. That's why mccain was a great senator. But then I pick my doctor and my stock broker based on their war record.
The funny thing is, that the left pushed the Hitler = McCain meme even as McCain denounced the guy who said Hitler wasn't that bad. Haggee--Hagee--whoever.
Even ordinary soldiers do as well.
Except those who come home, keep their mouths shut, and forget that the highest duty of a citizen is to speak up and speak out rather than bootlick.
rrhardin won the thread with his comment:
"I'll always regret that I didn't grandstand more. There's so much to learn from McCain."
Perhaps the word-loving Althouse will research the background on that word in a future blog post.
The funny thing is, that the left pushed the Hitler = McCain meme
Not 1% as much as you right-wingers are pushing the "left pushed the Hitler = McCain" meme.
Are PPPT and Mr. EmmCee related by any chance - asking for a friend - as there highly charged commentary when referring to 'anybody who disagrees with them' seems similar?
I am a newcomer, so probably just missing something, but they both seem to exhibit a rather virulent hatred for others.
Also, it's interesting that Scott Adams made his mark with short, 3 or 4 panel comic strips and yet he does hour long Periscope videos on single topics.
"I'll always regret that I didn't grandstand more. There's so much to learn from McCain."
McCain was grand and he could stand.
Whereas his detractors are little dwarves who stoop, submit and grovel.
"The former editor of the NYT actually carries an Obama dildo in her purse."
You want the real thing in your orifices to titillate your worthless existence. That's why you are angry and frustrated. You are pestilence and vulgarity rolled into one. You are a typical Deplorable Trump Troll (DTT). A seagull is infinitely more honorable and decent than you are.
I haven't made any "the left claimed John McCain is Hitler" posters like there were John McCain is Hitler posters, nor have I made fun of anyone's physical handicaps by claiming McCain was giving "Nazi Salutes," so, no, I haven't gone anywhere near as far as the left did in pushing that McCain is Hitler. Or Romney is Hitler. Or Bush is Hitler. Or Palin is Hitler.
Mccain wasn't REALLY a war hero. He got shot down, and was tortured. That's pretty passive for being a "War Hero"
Y'know who was a war hero? Audie Murphy. He took out machine nests single handedly, and fought off a German attack while firing a machine gun on top of a burning Tank -when everyone else retreated!
Or there's General Ken Walker. He was expressly forbidden by Hap Arnold from leading bombing missions. But when the 5th Air Force decided to do a dangerous low level attack on Rabaul - Walker disobeyed orders and led the attack. And was shot down and killed. Now that's a war hero!
"Also, it's interesting that Scott Adams made his mark with short, 3 or 4 panel comic strips and yet he does hour long Periscope videos on single topics."
-- Comedy is different than analysis. There are very few jokes good enough and interesting enough to survive a set up that long. The ones that do are generally great farces (see Frasier for example, Daphne Does Dinner or The Seal that Came to Dinner" for examples where the punchline CAN be dragged out for about 30 minutes without wearing out its welcome, but even then, it isn't ALL one joke.) Comedy is way harder to do well than almost any other kind of writing, in my opinion.
This whole affair is a telling illustration of the dissolution of confidence in institutions and official hierarchies - who is impressed by that array? And why was there such a perceived need to attempt to use it to assert legitimacy?
The obvious answer is that even the hierarchies perceive that they are losing credibility. Else their tone would have simply assumed their status. Monarchs do not beg for power, if they are secure in power. They demonstrate power and leave it at that.
The interesting thing about this is that it is not a US phenomenon. This is an international wave. The Italians and British, the Poles, Czechs and Hungarians, and the Swedes and Germans and Spaniards and who knows who else all have anti-hierarchical rebellions ongoing, taking power or gaining ground. This is not a Trump-US phenomenon, it is global.
What is going on? It is global so there needs to be some global cause.
There was an interesting post on Zero Hedge the other day, on the collapse of First-World productivity growth. Actually the Zero Hedge piece was on the US only, but a bit of investigation shows a considerable controversy and its global nature. This afflicts all advanced economies to an almost identical degree and with similar timing. Productivity growth collapsed after 2007 and growth has not recovered (as of 2017) to the 1990-2007 normal.
Check it out.
Whatever happened or is happening, is perhaps related to the political-cultural phenomenon of a general loss of legitimacy.
Are PPPT and Mr. EmmCee related by any chance - asking for a friend - as there highly charged commentary when referring to 'anybody who disagrees with them' seems similar?
I am a newcomer, so probably just missing something, but they both seem to exhibit a rather virulent hatred for others.
Hey there, Arashi! You'll find that in gulag states there are more folks going along with the sort of forced agreement that you're apparently such a fan of. This is not one of those countries/societies. You'll also find that bleating stupidity tends to rankle lots of folks - not just any one person whom you are so simple to believe must for some reason pretend to be two people.
But you seem to be from the collective right-wing hive mind so I can see why the concept of individuals agreeing with each other when it comes to opposing hateful stupidity is so vexing to you.
At 2:27 PM rcocean gives yet another reason for why he will have a very lightly attended funeral.
His tombstone will read: "Here lies nobody in particular."
You tell 'em, rc.
Trumpit and Ritmo - like most liberals - dreamt of giving Obama or Billy Bob Clinton a blow-job. But now has to make do with a dildo using whichever orifice is available.
@Matthew Sablan,
You actually look like a Deplorable Trump Troll: stumpy, dumpy, grumpy, etc. The backpack is a nice touch.
To clarify,
I don't hate the right because they hate McCain.
I hate the right because their unyielding hatred of McCain reveals how much contempt they have for event the concept of sacrifice. And to a lesser extent, the concept of independent judgment.
"Also, it's interesting that Scott Adams made his mark with short, 3 or 4 panel comic strips and yet he does hour long Periscope videos on single topics."
Actually he doesn't. For example, he talks about the McCain funeral for about 15 minutes, the rest is on 3 or 4 other topics.
Like Scott Adams, but he's basically a pragmatist out to make money for Scott Adams.
Little known fact, Stumpy and Dumpy were the 8th and 9th dwarfs before Disney cut them to save on animation.
Ritmo attacks a new commenter for asking a question. Ritmo must have had his hours cut at McDonald's cause he is way angrier than usual today.
Hey now, Trumpit!
Sablan isn't just stumpy, dumpy and grumpy. He's also a cute little kid!
Matthew, if you wouldn't mind selling lemonade outside my drive I'd sure appreciate it!
Awww... .AJ. You jealous, bro?
Lol, I almost mistyped bro as "bor." But then, the audience already knew I was talking to AJ.
All R's are Hitler until they are dead and useful for other purposes.
The point remains. McCain planned much of his own funeral, and he excluded Trump. Which is fine.
His family and the insider cult of celebrity-pol made the funeral about Trump. McCain didn't get his wish after all.
“I am a newcomer, so probably just missing something, but they both seem to exhibit a rather virulent hatred for others.”
Their hatred is virulent but not contagious. It’s more lesion than legion: Herpetic. The blog is already infected, butthey are not
contagious.They flare from time to time in the comment threads, Just keep a safe distance and never divulge anything you don’t want thrown back at you years later.
Only if the lemonade can be a loss leader for our underground casino and fight club.
Ah - so PPPT and Mr Crack are related. Good to know.
I like how you assume so much not in evidence. You do not know me from Adam, yet take gratuitous pot shots that add nothing to the debate. You don't try and convince with ideas, just fling shit. Do you start every conversation by calling the other folks present stupid sons of bitches? I used to - until I figured out that there wasn't any conversation after that - just me being angry and everybody else ignoring whatever I had to say.
Now some here seem to think you are really a person whose handle was ritmo - me I don't know, and can only take your words at face value - and they are mostly very angry, with no particular value overall.
I guess you think you are here to school the rest of us. I think you are mistaken.
Excuse me, but who the fuck is President Pee-Pee Tape and why has he/she/undecided been allowed to spread their tortured mental diarrhea all over the comments section here? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I submit Exhibit A for a comments limit per individual per blog post here.
The point remains. McCain planned much of his own funeral, and he excluded Trump. Which is fine.
It's not only fine, it's important. I realize you want your soldiers sacrificial and your politicians parasitic but McCain showed that you could actually be a decent statesman and legislator and that's what I think you goons hate the most about him.
How's your trillion dollar Trump deficit working out, BTW? You do realize that Republicans far outpace Democrats when it comes to running up peacetime, prosperity-driven debt, don't you? Why not just admit that you're the big spenders you always pretended you were running against? Own that fact.
Just keep a safe distance and never divulge anything you don’t want thrown back at you years later.
AKA - never say anything that can be criticized. These left-wing folks aren't just into sucking each other off like we right-wing back-slappers are.
Any second now Ritmo will tell us we are stupid and we should go read a f-ing book.
“Herpetic” as in creepy.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I submit Exhibit A for a comments limit per individual per blog post here.
Obviously a guy whose thoughts are as limited as "dwick's" are is Exhibit A+1 for a comment limit. What a pity that he has to put up with those of us who can smack down every right-wing stupidity the dwicks of the world can throw at us - over and over again.
As much stupidity as they dish out, we can smack down. How horrible for them.
When Ritmo dies, someone will change the litter box.
Any second now Ritmo will tell us we are stupid and we should go read a f-ing book.
Not you, AJ. An illiterate like you is clearly better off just masturbating.
With a photo of Trump to gaze at optional.
There is no memorial for the dozens of American guerillas of 1942-45.
No memorial anywhere.
There were no state funerals for these mighty men.
No ex-Presidents, no Senators.
A few medals and for some of them a memoir. Thats all.
These men, and a few women, broke out of Bataan, or POW camps, or if civilians evaded internment, went to live in harsh jungled mountains, organized a foreign people (and most did not even start out speaking any native language) and led them in hundreds of little battles against a horrific, savage enemy. This was an extended, lonely war, nearly all of it with no resources, no aid, no contact, no orders, no organization, no training or preparation or supplies, extemporized out of pure personal initiative.
Most of these people died - they succumbed to disease, were murdered, killed in action, captured, tortured and executed. All suffered from deprivation, exhaustion, tropical diseases. Even the survivors were all physical wrecks by 1945.
These stories are well known, quite well documented given that it was a war in the shadows.
Were it not for Churchill, Hitler would have won the war by the end of 1941 probably, or the summer of 1942 certainly.
Some stopped clock.
Ah - so PPPT and Mr Crack are related. Good to know.
I like how you assume so much not in evidence.
LOL. Talk about "not in evidence." Read your own first sentence, dummy.
You do not know me from Adam, yet take gratuitous pot shots that add nothing to the debate.
What "debate?" The "I, generic right-winger, hate McCain" debate? That's not a debate. That's a diatribe. It deserves nothing less than a diatribe in response.
You don't try and convince with ideas, just fling shit.
Well, when you start showing yourself capable of conviction or ideas, maybe I'll try to appeal to the former with the latter.
Do you start every conversation by calling the other folks present stupid sons of bitches?
Only if they're obvious right-wing douchebags.
I guess you think you are here to school the rest of us.
Partisans can't be schooled. Just ridiculed.
It's like visiting a Klan rally.
Peter Eisner has an interesting book on mccarthurs spyring.
“Partisans can't be schooled. Just ridiculed”
Well said. That’s the bipartisan spirit of the Althouse comments.
"some here seem to think you are really a person whose handle was ritmo"
Years ago, he commented under that name. It's short, and he's not worth more letters than that, so it stuck.
He (and Trumpit) are children in permanent tantrum mode. They crave attention. Althouse can't ban them. They are best ignored completely.
That is striking, buwaya,
buwaya @ 2:47 PM:
Well said.
“Partisans can't be schooled. Just ridiculed”
That's why Ritmo is ridiculed and reviled.
Whatever happened or is happening, is perhaps related to the political-cultural phenomenon of a general loss of legitimacy.
I see it all as a good thing. A cosmic rectification.
He (and Trumpit) are children in permanent tantrum mode. They crave attention.
Are you comparing us to your hero, Trump?
That must count as high praise in your twisted world.
So it was more like the tumultous 1890s, that rich man surveyed, the rise of anarchism the canal crisis, dreyfus they were all interconnected.
Some might say, the anarchist wave in spain, brought out a more chauvinistic Spanish ruling cohort eager to confront the us.
I have a distinct feeling that PPPT is either a bot or just a classic troll. So now I am a 'right-wing doucehbag'. Oh - and I am being ridiculed apparently.
That must be some damn fine herb you are smoking as it has given you a marvelous insight into the world outside your basement residence.
Just to be curious - what is your favorite item to indulge in when the munchies strike?
Nothing you have said negates the fact that both the funerals were not about the departed, their life and accomplishments, but about the attendees and their place in
the clique.
I have been yelled at by experts, and don't put much store in the rantings of folks on the internet who are not interested in conversation, just poo flinging.
"And I never knew that Chamberlain forbade Churchill from attending his funeral."
Is there a source for that? It seems unlikely as they were on good terms in Chamberlain's final months.
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