September 26, 2018

"#MeToo depends on the credibility of the journalists who report on it."

This is an excellent WaPo column by Megan McArdle.

McArdle says she was ready to write "It's now clear that Brett Kavanaugh's nomination cannot go forward" if another sexual assault allegation came out, but she changed her mind when she saw that New Yorker article about Deborah Ramirez. McArdle had thought that "a second allegation would be stronger, not weaker, than the first." She's "frankly surprised the New Yorker ran the article."
And so I'm writing a different column than I expected, about something I hadn't fully understood until I watched that seismic shift [toward expediting the process lest after nominee would go down to a string of unverifiable allegations]: the extent to which the success of #MeToo depends on the credibility of the journalists who report on it.

We hear the slogan "believe women" a lot, but even its strongest media proponents can't really mean it literally, because journalists know how often people tell them things that aren't true....

As #MeToo has grown, mainstream media outlets have generally been scrupulous about getting that confirmation before they publish. It's hard to overstate the dangers when that filter fails. When Rolling Stone failed to check allegations about gang rape at the University of Virginia, the magazine both smeared innocent young men and caused other victims to be treated more skeptically. And when a weak story breaks into an already raging political conflagration, it not only creates skepticism under which future abusers can shelter but also threatens to turn #MeToo into yet another divide in the culture wars.
In the #MeToo movement, it has seemed that multiple accusations have been crucial in taking down prominent men. And now here is a prominent man who began as the target of a desired takedown.  The first accusation inspired credulity because of the built-up strength of the believe-all-survivors ethic, but the second one felt so weak that it not only failed to strengthen the attack, it roused suspicion about the first accusation.

If only the authorities would do their work, then we could rely on them, McArdle seems to say. They've been "generally... scrupulous" in the past. Oh? Somehow I rankle at that idealized image. And I resist the complacency about professionalized journalism and its alliance with a political movement. It's up to us, the citizenry, to maintain our vigilance. No shortcuts. You can't "believe all women" or trust the "mainstream" press. Pay attention and sharpen up, or we are lost.

NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of posts about Kavanaugh this morning. Comments on this post should only be about this article. Here's my post warning you that a series of posts is forthcoming. If you want to draw attention to other articles, do so in the comments section for that post, not this one.


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The Crack Emcee said...

"We're against cultism - by letting it go on everywhere."

That's convincing.

Bay Area Guy said...

There are two pieces to a valid claim:

1. A written statement under oath (not unsigned letters, not media interviews)

2. The opportunity to cross-examine the person on the claims, under oatt.

Blasey Ford: No and No.
Ramirez: No and No.
Swetnick: YES (to her credit), but No.

Swetnick needs to allow a cross-examination. He GENERAL comments reek of subterfuge, because she doesn't say she actually knew or interacted with BK. She knew of him, and saw him "present" at parties. As to the actual crime, she says nothing about BK joining in.

sinz52 said...

Sammy Finkelman said "If they are phony charges, they are released in inverse order of credibility."


If the Dems had led off with the Avenatti "gang rape" charge, Kavanaugh would have been confirmed by now.

Jaq said...

So has she sworn to it in such a way as to face prison if false, and who are the other boys?

walter said...

Trumpit said...
"She attended ten such parties, and was gang raped only at the first one."
Your lowbrow, low I.Q. is showing. What is your ethnic makeup? Chimps are smarter than you are according to Stanford–Binet-Chimp testing.
Trumpit exhibiting the reflexive ad hominem slinging superiority complex that steers the press that fails to properly question allegations.
(just trying to keep within the Althouse rules.)

Francisco D said...

"There, horrors! I used paragraph breaks in between my sentences."

Bailiff! Whack his peepee.

- Firesign Theater

If I recall correctly. All the crap about things that may or may not have happened 36 years ago is messing with my aging mind.

wwww said...

Yes. I mean who doesn't report gang rape?

Not talking about this specific instance, but in terms of why teenagers don't report gang rape:

1. What makes you think they know it's rape?

2. It only takes 1 person to spike a drink. Do the others know she's incapacitated? Does the one guy tell other drunk guys she's a girl who is "just a slut" who is in to group sex & orgies as some of the commenters put it on this blog?

3. Let's say a teenage girl is drunk and unable to resist. Do people see it as "group sex" as commenters have put it? Or as rape? A bunch of other drunk teenagers? How rational & responsible might all of them be?

4. Why doesn't it get reported? Is the drinking illegal? What would their parents say? What if she got pregnant? What would people say about her? Why would she talk about it? Would all of the other people call her a slut if she did report it?

5. What's more important to a lot of teenagers? Reporting rape? Or getting teased in school?

6. Why would the majority of the other party participants know if it was rape? Why wouldn't they think it was consensual? Why wouldn't they blame the drunk person for getting a so, call train run on them?

Why would the majority of party-goers even know what was happening in that room?

wwww said...

I think it was a horrible idea to make drinking illegal.

House parties, frat parties with heavy drinking -- it's ok if everyone is trustworthy.

It's a catastrophe if they're not. If there's just 1 predator at the party...

n.n said...

The viability of #MeToo depends on the credibility of the witnesses including testimony and physical evidence. Warlock hunts are unconstitutional. Trials by press violate civil rights.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

7. If drugging and gang rape are going on, why would you return?

Matt Sablan said...

So... she can't even provide WITNESSES to nearly a dozen drunken bacchanal rape gangs?

Yeah... Trust: Lowering.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trials by The View and The Talk are OK, tho. He's guilty!

Darrell said...

If drugging and gang rape are going on, why would you return?

How else are regular girls supposed to snag a husband?

Rick said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Rick said...

If you're not stopping it, you're for it.

Wherein Crack admits himself a supporter of rape.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Charles C W Cooke

"This has become a game. I will, I won't, I might, but not Monday, okay Thursday, but actually not if A, and only if B, and this isn't a done deal, and no questions from X, but only questions from Y, and procedure is bullying, and questions are intimidation. Welcome to Round 2."

The truth about the game plan from the beginning:

Here it is. The smoking gun.

wwww said...

"7. If drugging and gang rape are going on, why would you return?"

Why did this one person return? I don't know. Her story wasn't fact-checked by a reporter. Is it possible someone is emotionally messed up enough to put themselves in danger more then once? Sure. It's self-destructive behavior, or denial. People can deny rape for a long time. Look at the gymnastic scandal at Michigan. Why didn't they report? Why did they go back to the doctor over and over again?

Why would other people return? The great majority of people do not know it's happening. They see it as a fun party.

Look at Cosby at the Playboy mansion. Why would other people go to parties at the Playboy mansion? When there's drinking & drugging & rape involved. They don't know that. It's seen as fun & maybe a status statement to get invited.

mccullough said...

Avenatti is the New Gloria Allred.

Once you know Allred or Avenatti isthe lawyer, know the client is full of shit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

8, wwww Or - she could be lying.

Will said...

My comment on the media: Journalistic "standards" that were once commonplace have been completely abandoned in the internet era. By "standards" I mean being objective in describing who/what/when/where/why and in needing eyewitnesses or dwell-sourced collaboration by person 2 of what person 1 claimed.

In this new era, where Craig's List hollowed out the profits and competition to "be first" imploded the caution, it became common the "publish first and ask questions later."

This means that the media is now transparently partisan and often functions merely to push political narratives rather than to get the Truth and provide ONLY "all the news fit to print." There is no longer such a fitness test.

I love current events and journalism and it pains me to see something I once thought worthy get as denigrated as it has been. Journalism is not a beautiful Lady Justice with a blindfold and a scale. Instead journalism is a worn-out Stormy Daniels being stuffed in every orifice with rumor and innuendo just to get clicks and carve another sad notch on the bedpost.

It has been very profitable to realize where journalism is headed and to be a contrarian on the groupthink and narratives.

Because I stay informed and have a frame of "cruel neutrality" to assess the news I found I was often several days ahead of what the media was publishing and pushing. Who needs to listen to a complete and utter idiot like Chuck Todd tell me on Sunday what I knew last Monday?

So I cut my cord 3 years ago. And while I once subscribed to 3 papers and 5 magazines I now get only one financial-related subscription.

Having less noise allows me to live a better Life filled with less volatility and adrenal damage. With bit of perspective you can see that todays scoop will be debunked by noon 2 days from now and can even profit off that knowledge.

I predict if 2020 is Trump vs Avanetti that millions of people will follow me out the door and cut their cords and the media will experience great upheaval. They say "one goes bankrupt slowly, then suddenly"

This will be very bad for the viewpoint that controls the Media. And very good for the Country.

From the wreckage some new and better media models will grow.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Democrat party women have a looooong history of making false accusations of rape and sexual assault.

The Crack Emcee said...

Why Has Turpentine Become A Modern Health Craze?

Just because no one stops people from drinking poison doesn't mean people want them to - though that's what is sure looks like when you let them.

Kind of like joining a cult.

chuck said...

This is more Dreyfus than Crucible, especially with the politics and bigotries involved.

Bad Lieutenant said...

buwaya said...
rhhardin is right.

The only good analysis is a systems analysis.
From a strategic point of view the MSM is obviously an instrument of political influence and is being deliberately used as such in a coordinated manner.

9/26/18, 11:31 AM

Fine, Buwaya. Fine fine fine. Now, where and how to strike? Any ideas on that?

walter said...

Blogger wwww said...
6. Why would the majority of the other party participants know if it was rape? Why wouldn't they think it was consensual? Why wouldn't they blame the drunk person for getting a so, call train run on them?
This some unique thinking on display. Might want to look into that.

Susanita said...

I am a Catholic girl's school graduate myself, although not from DC. About 10 yrs younger than these folks. Anyway, my problem with this new story is that this girl is from another school and that would make her stand out for sure. Who did she know to go to all these parties? Only people who were dating a classmate were at the parties we had. We didn't let random people come to our parents' houses. I can't imagine driving across town at 19 to go to gang rope parties with high school kids. When the drinking age is 18, just go to a dang bar. Also, I guess I assumed that the lines at house parties were for the bathroom, but maybe I was actually walking past a line of rapists.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Why would other people return? The great majority of people do not know it's happening. They see it as a fun party.

So in other words K did nothing wrong, you're saying?

chuck said...

And the latest from Avenatti smells like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". When did the Democrats become French?

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"Wherein Crack admits himself a supporter of rape."

As the only person here who has actually stopped rapes before, I contend y'all encourage them, and every other evil on the planet with your blinkered outlook on only what whites think is important.

You know, like when whites followed The Beatles into thinking cultism was cool. Now you don't want to end it, by pretending to care about something else you never spoke of caring about before.

You guys are shit. I stopped rapes. Now I want to stop cults. You're on the opposite side of both of those phenomena and always have been.

wwww said...

That's true, she could be.

Her story wasn't fact-checked by Farrow & Meyers. It would have been more credible. Or contemporaneous witnesses would make it more credible.

But...people are saying things about teenage parties & drunkeness that are naive. Then again, a few days ago I saw people writing that they knew their adult child & grandchildren never drank in high school/ college, so...

Due to the partisan inflammatory nature of all of this, I'm sure this is not time for a calm discussion about teenage drinking, rape and/or the combination of those behaviors. But still, some of these takes are very naive.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hell, about half of you are Catholics, still supporting the church after they rape kids, and you think you can convince me you care about RAPE elsewhere?


Jaq said...

Kavenaugh, Judge, and “others”

No names of the “others” here. Why not? Why only the two everybody already knows about? And what does “under penalties of perjury” mean in an affidavit like this? Where there is not even a legal proceeding involved?

Now it is starting to stink to me. This plus she is a deep stater.

Sammy Finkelman said...

SF: This allegation has about the level of credibility of Pizzagate.

Rick said...9/26/18, 2:16 PM

At this point I think we have to consider whether Avenatti is a Republican plant

Seeing how Senator Schumer treats the alegation should resolve lall your doubts on what party Avenatti is working for. We may have to wait awhile for that.

The Crack Emcee said...

All whites care about are appearances.

Bob Loblaw said...

When Rolling Stone failed to check allegations about gang rape at the University of Virginia, the magazine both smeared innocent young men and caused other victims to be treated more skeptically.

Maybe this is just a poorly formed sentence, but I think it's an indication of how feminists think. The phrase "other victims" implies Jackie Coakley was a victim, which she was not. But this fits the feminist mindset - women are always the victim, even if they're not, in fact, a victim.

Even as her story was falling apart, apologists were saying "Well, maybe she wasn't raped, but something happened", as if a woman was incapable of making the entire incident up from whole cloth. There are still publications which refuse to use her last name "out of respect for the victim", and people who inveigh against any punishment because "she's clearly a disturbed person who deserves our pity".

Feminists need to understand women lie, and they lie about rape. Accusers (not "victims") should be treated skeptically before the accused are ground under by the state.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Bay Area Guy, I'm not sure her statement was binding/oathy/perjurable as you say. Talk to the contrary on Insty boards. Haven't dived in. But don't be fooled by the words of others.

This whole scene is one big game of Telephone where statements at Nth hand become way distorted from the truth without, perhaps, even any intentional falsity, or at least none that isn't well masked. How many steps from "bullshit" to "fertilizer" to "powerful agent of growth?"

Bad Lieutenant said...

As the only person here who has actually stopped rapes before


walter said...

Don't engage the Crack. Same pathology over and over..

Rick said...

The Crack Emcee said...
As the only person here who has actually stopped rapes before, I contend y'all encourage them

Your idiocy is well established.

Darrell said...

Look at Cosby at the Playboy mansion.

At his home, at hotels, in their homes. I've read through 60 stories from 60 different women and I don't remember one from the Playboy Mansion.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger walter said...
Don't engage the Trumpiteer. Same pathology over and over..


The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"Your idiocy is well established."

As is white folks' apathy and encouragement to the nation to lose it's morals and it's mind.


wwww said...

I don't remember one from the Playboy Mansion.

The youngest & most recent one.

Laslo Spatula said...

"#MeToo depends on the credibility of the journalists who report on it."

Maybe the journalists are just proceeding with the stories of those whom they believe "are more likely to be telling us what is closer to the truth."

I am Laslo.

Big Mike said...

wwww asks:

Should a hard undergraduate partier be disqualified from SCOTUS when the drinking age was 21? I dunno. But sure think they should have been aware of it before putting his name forward.

Point of information. The District of Columbia abut Bethesda, MD, and the legal drinking age in the District was not raised to 21 until 1986.

Sammy Finkelman said...

wwww said... said 9/26/18, 2:36 PM: I think it was a horrible idea to make drinking illegal.

They raised the drinking age from 18 to 21, on the grounds that that it caused drunk driving accidents. People over 18 bought drinks for thsio under - worse they droive more, croissiong state lines to get to places where the drinking age was lower.

Congress forced this on the states by tying highway funds to them (just like they ahd earlier forced a nationwide 55 miles per hour speed limit)

I think the Supreme Court upheld that, but that wasn't agood enough precedent to uphold Obamacare forcing states to expand Medicaid. The Justices said there was more force being applied with Obamacare, which was more irresistible. Some people thought that maybe they silently overruled the earlier decision.

The Crack Emcee said...

John Lennon:

"Sexy Sadie, what have you done? You made a fool of everyone."

That didn't stop them. White folks the world over had nothing better to do than trying to convince the entire world that wasn't true - before they broke and decided money was their God in the '80s.

Zappa said different and they made him out to be the freak. He also said he was ashamed to be white. Smart man.

You're lars who hurt this nation for all time.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Incidentaly, it's not the drinking age, but the minimum age to purchase alcohol.

Jaq said...

“Mark Judge, Bret Kavanaugh, and others”

No new names. No new details that lend any air of authenticity to this. Judge and BK had nothing to do with the actual crime she alleges, they were at parties partying. This is Rolling Stone all over again.

They never cared about victims. If Democrats cared about victims, they wouldn’t have used their domination of the media to shame and silence Bill Clinton’s victims. So they don’t care if they demolish the #METOO movement as long as they knock of BK.

Laslo Spatula said...

'You're lars who hurt this nation for all time."

Fucking Lars, that Scandinavian son of a bitch!

Him and that Olaf motherfucker!

I am Laslo.

walter said...

Bad Lieutenant said...
Blogger walter said...
Don't engage the Trumpiteer. Same pathology over and over..
Good point. Stop the "train".

Sebastian said...

Late to the party. Sorry.

"McArdle says she was ready to write "It's now clear that Brett Kavanaugh's nomination cannot go forward" if another sexual assault allegation came out"

This is stupid. Of course there would be another. Conservatives predicted it, as a logical next step in the campaign.

"McArdle had thought that "a second allegation would be stronger, not weaker, than the first." She's "frankly surprised the New Yorker ran the article.""

This is stupid. If the second allegation were stronger, it would've been made already. The New Yorker is just trying to promote the cause -- nothing surprising there.

"something I hadn't fully understood until I watched that seismic shift [toward expediting the process lest after nominee would go down to a string of unverifiable allegations]: the extent to which the success of #MeToo depends on the credibility of the journalists who report on it."

This is stupid. They have no credibility, though they can sometimes earn it. Of course #MeToo success depends on honest reporting, but no one is fooled by the pretense of honesty, not even the left -- they just don't give a damn.

"We hear the slogan "believe women" a lot, but even its strongest media proponents can't really mean it literally, because journalists know how often people tell them things that aren't true..."

This is stupid. It is not relevant whether they mean it literally or whether a journalist knows people say false things. It is about a moment trying to use "journalism" as a tool. Any tool will do, until the Althouses of the world get royally pissed off, and stop reading the NYT and voting Dem.

"It's hard to overstate the dangers when that filter fails. When Rolling Stone failed to check allegations about gang rape at the University of Virginia, the magazine both smeared innocent young men and caused other victims to be treated more skeptically."

So where's the danger? No one cared about the smeared men. Jackie Coakley suffered no ill consequences. Catherine Lhamon paid no price. Only Rolling Stone got sued.

"The first accusation inspired credulity because of the built-up strength of the believe-all-survivors ethic"

This is stupid. The first accusation was so vague, inconsistent and calculated that our BS detectors went off. No one looking at evidence would believe it one way or another because of "built-up strength" of something else.

@Althouse: "It's up to us, the citizenry, to maintain our vigilance. No shortcuts. You can't "believe all women" or trust the "mainstream" press. Pay attention and sharpen up, or we are lost."

Yeah, right, like tending to believe a woman's accusation because her husband reported on her "emotional state." Sharpening up means nothing until you and your sisters tell the Dems that enough is enough. Much as I appreciate the fisking and commentary, thus far you have not been vigilant, but an accomplice.

gg6 said...

Does anyone want a prima facie example of the 'credibility' of Liberal Journalists at a time like this? Read this incredible "Confessions of St. Galston" in the WSJ. today; it's enough to make you fall off your horse on the way to anywhere...

The Crack Emcee said...

A survivor’s story: Local woman says Jehovah’s Witnesses ignored years of abuse, trafficking

This happened, and is still happening, because everyone's SO CONCERNED ABOUT RAPE IN AMERICA.

Keep talking, y'all. You'll convince *somebody* of your integrity eventually. But not me.

Quaestor said...

Crack wrote: As is white folks' apathy and encouragement to the nation to lose [its] morals and [its] mind.

Come off it. Blacks have done more than their fair share of degrading national morals. If not so, please explain the moral neutrality of this.

Qwinn said...

Two thoughts:

1) She claims she knew rapes were going on in 1981, was raped herself in 1982 and kept going to the same parties until 1983. Sounds to me like if anyone was standing in a line hoping a rape would take place, it was her.

2) The rest of us have been explicitly constrained half a dozen times to not deviate from the topic of this post, not even allowed to deviate into talking about a different issue re: Kavanaugh. So why is Crack repeatedly allowed, in every single thread, to repeatedly try to *completely* derail the topic to not even being about Kavanaugh at all?

wwww said...

They raised the drinking age from 18 to 21, on the grounds that that it caused drunk driving accidents.

I know & I think it was a horrible idea.

Lower it to 16 or 15 like it is in Europe. Less binge drinking & more drinking in public places. Gets it out of these private parties w/ no adult supervision, keggers in the woods, and frats.

Illegal activity begets more underground activity. No one can report bad stuff to parents because drinking is illegal. They drink like idiots instead of learning how to drink with moderation.

walter said...

Then there's what Ole did to Lena.
The horrors..

The Crack Emcee said...

I post about sexual abuse every single day - because I follow cults - but y'all just got hot on the subject now because it affects you politically. Every other day, you guys could care less.

DOJ hires vendor to help sift through NXIVM data

I know the real score.

iowan2 said...

Bay Area Guy said:

Swetnick needs to allow a cross-examination. He GENERAL comments reek of subterfuge, because she doesn't say she actually knew or interacted with BK. She knew of him, and saw him "present" at parties. As to thi>e actual crime, she says nothing about BK joining in.

Swetnick (rather her lawyer CPL (creepy porn lawyer))wrote a very careful statement to swear to. No specific time. No specific Time (around 1983) so sometime from 1981 to 1983, No names to corroborate her missremembering. In short Swetnick has sworn to nothing that can be run to ground and proven as a lie. Which it most certianly is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Quaestor said...

"Blacks have done more than their fair share of degrading national morals."

We didn't lead the charge, but followed yours - which you left us little choice about - just like now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps people returned because gang rapes were not happening. Perhaps conceptual sex was happening? nah.

11th hour gang rape charge after 34+ years of total nothing.

Just a coincidence that the democrats are desperate to run the courts.

Francisco D said...

Swetnick's statement was carefully constructed by Avenetti to avoid criminal charges for perjury.

She never alleged that Kavanaugh raped her at these parties nor did she allege seeing him rape other women. She saw him and Judge standing in line waiting their turn. She also saw him rubbing up against women at parties. Wow! He wasn't even making out or copping a feel. What is the matter with this guy?

To charge her with perjury is to that that she deliberately lied about seeing Kavanaugh standing in line at a party. Maybe she saw him waiting in line to use the bathroom and mistakenly assumed it was for something else. Maybe it was someone else who looked like Kavanaugh. Her report is so lawyerly that it is another example of the outrageousness of the allegation.

She could be sued in civil court, but does anyone think that Kavanaugh, whether confirmed or not, has the stomach for this Stalinesque crap?

rehajm said...

Now it reeks of daycare hysteria scandal. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if many of the same lefties are involved here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim in Vermont @ 3:09


The Crack Emcee said...

‘Just outrageous:’ Maryland psychic cons $341,000 from five clients

I know: you don't WANT people to get ripped-off by scam artist "psychics" - you just WON'T STOP IT.

That makes you great people to be admired. My heroes.

Rabel said...

Post number six should be a doozy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Why a former Mormon bishop was excommunicated for criticizing sexually explicit youth interviews

Anyone trying to stop the abuse in this nation is going to be hurt because WHITE FOLKS CARE SO MUCH about what's going on.

The Crack Emcee said...

'No Greater Law' Examines The Beliefs Of A Faith Healing Sect

Those are people KILLING THEIR KIDS and you're more concerned with whether or not Kavanaugh gets a job.


FullMoon said...

"I witnessed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking 'No' for an answer. This conduct included the fondling and grabbing of girls without their consent," Swetnick writes.

Ya know, teen boys and girls will engage in fooling around at parties. Some guys will keep trying to hook up after being told "nO'. It is not that big of a deal. Some guys might grab an ass, still not regarded as a terrible thing by most girls. Maybe worth a stern NO or a slap.

What might bring some classmates forward to confirm ass-grabbing is not the seriousness of the event, but rather validation of their friends who seem to be being attacked as liars by the mean republicans.

Extrapolation of ass grabbing or persistent verbal coercion into proof of rape or other serious sexual assault a minor step in the minds of many who get all news from MSM or workplace gossip.

The Crack Emcee said...

Tom Cruise’s Son Being Groomed As Scientology ‘Golden Boy,’ Ex Member Claims

Whether or not Tom's new movie is a hit is all whites care about. His cult? Naaaaaah.

Big Mike said...

OTOH, the New York Post, a tabloid newspaper of all things, published a list of Eight Big Problems for Christine Blasey Ford's Story.

I had assumed that I was aware of all the problems with Ford's story, but this one was new to me:
"Her mother, father and two siblings are all conspicuously absent from a letter of support released by a dozen relatives, mostly on her husband’s side of the family. [Emphasis added]

The letter attests to her honesty and integrity. 'Why didn’t her parents and brothers sign the letter?' a congressional source familiar with the investigation wondered."

That's a very, very interesting question.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The homeless man's Jesse Jackson said "As the only person here who has actually stopped rapes before, I contend y'all encourage them, and every other evil on the planet with your blinkered outlook on only what whites think is important."

I would ask you what house you saved all those women from rape, but since you are often homeless I'm going to just assume it wasn't in a house, but in the alley where you slept?

The Crack Emcee said...

Catherine Oxenberg on a sex-cult plot wild enough for Dynasty

No one would help - BUT THEY'RE SO CONCERNED.

The Crack Emcee said...

How an Irish mother saved her child from the “sex cult” NXIVM

How are so many women having them happen to them with all this CONCERN around? One word:


wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Parents, survivors of priest sexual abuse sue 8 Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania

Anyone who hasn't felt the CONCERN ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE IN AMERICA before today is crazy.

Has to be - because these white people are ON IT.

rhhardin said...

Men go right away to systems analysis (appropriate to a nation) and women to domestic analysis (appropriate to a neighborhood).

How might women's interests be worthwhile nationally? Tact, encouraging a soft answer, say. Some win-win that's not obvious to the men.

Trump does that when negotiating.

The Crack Emcee said...

Former Nuns Accuse Catholic Priest of Rape and Brainwashing

I think Catholics might have a propensity for violence - sexual and otherwise - which they cover up with statements of CONCERN they don't really feel.

At least, that's what the evidence says.

Fernandinande said...

It's nice to know that people haven't changed much in 400 years.

Although Abigail Williams was John Proctor's chief accuser, he was also named by Mary Walcott, who stated he tried to choke her and by his former servant Mary Warren on 21 April.

Warren told magistrates that Proctor had beaten her for putting up a prayer bill before forcing her to touch the Devil's Book.

Further allegations of an increasingly salacious nature followed.

Proctor continued to challenge the veracity of spectral evidence and the validity of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, which led to a petition signed by 32 neighbors in his favor.

The signatories stated that Proctor had lived a "Christian life in his family and was ever ready to help such as they stood in need". [15] [16]

The Proctors were tried on 5 August 1692, found guilty, and sentenced to death by hanging.[17] While Proctor and his wife were still in jail, the sheriff seized all of their household belongings. The cattle were sold cheaply, slaughtered, or shipped to the West Indies. The beer barrels at the tavern were emptied.

Their children were left with no means of support.[18] Proctor was hanged on 19 August 1692. Elizabeth, who was then pregnant, was given a reprieve until she gave birth, which came after the trials ended."

The Crack Emcee said...

How Cults Take Hold in Hollywood: The Myth of Manson and Beyond

But nobody WANTS it to happen, riiiight?

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

"It was alleged that, in addition to having been sexually abused, they saw witches fly, traveled in a hot-air balloon, and were taken through underground tunnels.[7] When shown a series of photographs by Danny Davis (the McMartins' lawyer), one child identified actor Chuck Norris as one of the abusers.[27]"

Chuck Norris's tears could cure cancer, if he would only cry.

The Crack Emcee said...

Nearly 300 to be compensated for clergy abuse on Long Island

Oh, Crack, stop it: Nobody WANTS it to happen.


Michael K said...

So why is Crack repeatedly allowed, in every single thread, to repeatedly try to *completely* derail the topic to not even being about Kavanaugh at all?

News to me . I scroll past as fast as I do Ritmo's

The Crack Emcee said...

The cult next door: Debunking five misconceptions about human trafficking - A young woman wins $8 million judgment from the cult that enslaved her for a decade

The CONCERN about sexual abuse in this country is breathtaking. Especially amongst those of you who have never done anything, saved anyone, or risked your position for anything.

It's overwhelming.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"So why is Crack repeatedly allowed, in every single thread, to repeatedly try to *completely* derail the topic to not even being about Kavanaugh at all?"

Althouse's liberal white guilt and misplaced blog affirmative action.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"So why is Crack repeatedly allowed, in every single thread, to repeatedly try to *completely* derail the topic to not even being about Kavanaugh at all?"


Not about Kavanaugh. No - you're not about justice, or civilization, or truth.

You're just liars.

The Crack Emcee said...

I am concerned about sexual abuse EVERY SINGLE DAY I TALK ABOUT CULTS.

You guys are not. Not even a little.

Jim at said...

Now it is starting to stink to me.

Just now it's starting to stink to you?

The whole thing has been a steaming pile of shit from Day One.

McCackie said...

As to the likelihood of Rape there is one major indicator. Ask the guilty b*****d "if they are, or ever have been a member of the Democrat Party".
Hollywood, MSM, Entertainment (Cosby) and all such Democrat industries promote such activities.

The Crack Emcee said...

There is not a single rape on this planet that was prevented by anything you guys think is important.

Quaestor said...

Crack wrote: We didn't lead the charge, but followed yours...

Wow. A racist generalization against African Americans made by an African American. It's like the most degrading Amos 'n Andy script imaginable.

Andrew H. Brown: I dunno, Kingfish, dem white folks killin' each other...

Kingfish: Why Andy, don't you know dat's de way dey git all dat money an' will tuh pow-wah?

Andrew H. Brown: I shore could use some mo' money. Kingfish, you am a regular Fred Rick Kneechee.

Kingfish: But furst, you gots tuh disavow yore status as a free moral agent. Tuh do dat you gots tuh sign on de dotted line.

Andrew H. Brown: Wit' pleasure.

Kingfish: Well done, Brother Brown. Here be yore o-fish-al Knights of the Mystic Sea machine gun.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Test drive the new FORD Avenatti

Power-Grab Steering
Antifa-Lock brakes
Extra-large back seat
ParadiseView dashboard light

bagoh20 said...

Nothing wrong with drinking turpentine as long as you stick with the good stuff - top shelf only.

I've stopped rapes every single day ever since puberty.

"White people only care about appearances."

Damn straight, brother! I got my bling, my gold, and my cadillac, and my baby momma better think twice before she crosses me with that "we need money" shit.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"At this point I think we have to consider whether Avenatti is a Republican plant."

He's someone's plant. And not someone who wants to support this narrative.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Walter on Inga... knock on the back door code B is always flyin
Darrel @ 12:50... go to your room :)
rehajam @ 11:50... Bingo!! Yahtze!! everybody knew about the network pervs squeezin the products! Hell, Weinstein and the casting couch??? Who considers Rose McGowan even an actress?? Harv was well known, as were the others. How many dems ogled Al Franken's picture??
No, #Me Too was a setup from the beginning. Franken = roadkill, gotta get a commie in his slot. Weinstein... ya can't be jerkin off into plants without every Hollywood makeup/hair person sharin that one. The tell here is Ronan was led around the corral. He failed to hit paydirt. Not one of the pedophiles in HOLLYWOOD WAS TOUCHED! NOT ONE, and there's plenty of em, Corey Haim hardest hit. This is an IED of long planning.

The Crack Emcee said...

bagoh20 said...

"Damn straight, brother! I got my bling, my gold, and my cadillac, and my baby momma better think twice before she crosses me with that "we need money" shit."

One day, something really bad is going to happen to you, and I'm going to laugh my ass off - on behalf of all the black people in America.

Bet on it.

Francisco D said...

C'mon folks. Don't waste your time complaining.

Just ignore Crack.

All he wants is attention.

glenn said...

When you know the truth about a particular story and what appears in a media outlet differs in substance you have to assume that the same applies to every other story the outlet reports. It happened to me or more properly my Dad over 60 years ago. “Jazzing it up a little” is standard practice.

Friendo said...

You know, when Crack recrudesced a week or so ago, I thought, interesting. Now, enough already. What a fucking nonstop bore.

Fernandinande said...

I got my bling, my gold, and my cadillac, and my baby momma better think twice before she crosses me with that "we need money" shit.

Baby needs a new pair of shoes.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "I am concerned about sexual abuse EVERY SINGLE DAY I TALK ABOUT CULTS."


And you better believe it! After all, Crack has lots of TV's on all the time and he also joins lots of groups!

There can be no greater rape prevention ploys than those.

Kudos Sir Crack-en. Kudos indeed....

Bruce Hayden said...

“Mary E. - No, I never went to a frat party - and if I had and saw what you allude to, I would have called the police or at the very least pulled the fire alarm.”

Went to a bunch of them, and served both as president of my chapter, and on the IFC. As a member of the latter, we would have seen any such complaints, maybe before the Administration did, or definitely afterwards. What Mary alleged just didn’t happen with any regularity. Maybe once every several years, but not frequently. Maybe those fraternity members with little interest outside their classes might not know, but those of us in leadership positions surely would have.

Bruce Hayden said...

“But it's NOT OK for teenage boys to pressure teenage girls to have sex. It's NOT OK BEHAVIOR. Babies can result. Or abortions can result. It's deadly serious behavior. It's not OK. It's not victimless. It results in pregnancy & abortion and ruined lives.”

That is pure progressive twaddle. #MeToo BS. According to you, those poor young women apparently have no agency. Teenaged boys, doing what their hormones demand, are supposed to turn it off, because these young women just can’t be expected to say “no”? Esp after intentionally getting drunk first?

Leland said...

I'm late to this party today, and won't be able to catch up. But one aspect of the start of #MeToo with Weinstein was the "open secret" in Hollywood. They knew he did it, they all essentially knew, but didn't speak out

I'm not seeing the open secret story line in Kavanaugh. I could, if they went with the yearbook that suggested drinking and partying, but they hid it. And while the yearbook may not be enough to implicate Kavanaugh, it would buttress the notion that the good boy characterization is a facade. That could have hurt him. If they had done that first, then Avenatti wouldn't look so much like Fonzi jumping the shark.

JAORE said...

"How many people do you know who watch CNN or the news channels, who read newspapers? 1 in 30? Who read the Washington Post? 1 in 20,000?"

I agree with those numbers but have a different conclusion. How many have heard that Trump's nominee is a rapist? How many have heard the evidence is credible and from five or six sources?

The answer is millions upon millions that don't closely follow politics. Or think (hence the View).

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"journalists know how often people tell them things that aren't true...."

And vice versa.

hstad said...

McArdle is a damn liar! She says, "....If only the authorities would do their work, then we could rely on them....." Really, even Sen. Joe Biden said, that an FBI investigation brings out a verdict of inconclusiveness in a "he" said "she" said situation. AA why would you believe such a partisan 'hack' writer. LOL - the FBI all of a sudden gets credibility from a Liberal writer? Why? Hell the FBI missed this 'story of the century'. I'm just so tired of people like AA giving credence to this whole circus.

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