September 9, 2018
"Don't I have a right to express my opinion?!"
I love this line and line delivery. It's Kirk Douglas as Vincent Van Gogh in "Lust for Life." Vincent has been living with his brother Theo for 6 months and disrupting the household. Theo has just said "When people come to the house you insult them." I think if you watch this clip with someone else, the 2 of you will find many hilarious opportunities to exclaim "Don't I have a right to express my opinion?!" in the style of Kirk Douglas.
Someone else wisecracked “don’t I have the right to empty my vowels?
Theo looks like Jack Dorsey
Watch for Corey booker to steal that line.
Sorry, Theo, the Umpire says No.
Game, Set, and match Henri Matisse.
Honest to God, people are now writing 500 word essays responding to Crack's nonsense.
He's either upped his trolling game, or people have gotten stupider.
This isn’t Russia! Is this Russia?
@Althouse: Who is Kirk Parker?
Don McClean's "other" hit: Vincent, with a nice tour of van Gogh's best work.
Frank Gorshin did Kirk Douglas better than Kirk Douglas did.
Here's Kirk "in a cage of Shame" (and overacting at the 2/30 minute mark)
"@Althouse: Who is Kirk Parker?"
Auto-suggested as I was typing tags.
Whenever I front-page a commenter, I make a tag for that person. Kirk Parker is a tag I've used only once, the one time I front-paged Kirk Parker.
Fixed. Thanks for the funny prompt.
"Don't I have a right to express my opinion?!"
Hey, let's check, as Kamala Harris put it to Brett Kavanaugh, "that book you carry."
@Sebastian re: Kamala and the book ...
Her words made clear to me how she thinks : people who need to carry around *the book* are different from people with "The Constitution" living in their minds.
Did he?
The French had the right to egalite fraternite and liberte.
It’s those nasty vulgarian descendants of the limeys who enshrined free speech.
But I’m not familiar with French history.
"Don't I have a right to express my opinion?!"
Yes, but with the following exceptions:
1. We deem it hate speech
2. We deem it racist
3. We deem it offensive to women
4. We deem in anti-gay
5. It violates our safe spaces
6. It jokes about Hitler
Of course you do, as long as I agree with it.
The key is wit. Express your opinion as a witty comment that the listeners don't know is an insult until they are thinking about what you said later.
Green Bay is collapsing.Da Bears.
Green Bay is collapsing.Da Bears.
What can you be talking about?
What was NFL football?
Da Bears have the Smith and Mack attack. They're hitting Green Bay so hard that the state might go blue again.
If da Bears were in charge, NFL football is one of the sports that would be worse.
But the protests would be much better, glorious even.
Rodgers injured. Wonder if the Meat Packers have an insurance policy on his guarantee?
I loved seeing the guy at Lambeau dressed up as a young Mike Ditka.
Go Bears!
Opinion preambles (Peter de Vries, Vale of Laughter)
If you ask my opinion
What the whole thing boils down to
Experience has taught me
The trouble with Hollywood
You'll find in the long run
If the movies are ever to become an art form
Only two groups of people actually ask me this offline:
1) NewAgers who want to drop astrology in speech ("He's such a Leo!") and when I say cut it out - Boom! - the question, and
2) White guys who want to condescend about blacks in front of me (let's just call it their "plantation" talk) and when I say cut it out - BOOM! - the question.
In both cases, they'd always rather stop being friends than stop talking like the insane ("It's my RIGHT!") so I let them go:
People like that will only fuck up your life down the road - if they're allowed to hang around to do it.
Do we have any larger-then-life iconic actors or actresses today?
Watching Gregory Peck in The Big Country right now. Another big actor. Burl Ives is great in it too.
With Charlton Heston in a supporting role.
I think if Van Gogh had looked like Kirk Douglas, his life would have been substantially different. That's the trouble with biopics. The movie star puts on fifty pounds or a false nose but underneath it all, the character retains the magnetism of a movie star. The one exception is JFK. He was much better looking than the actors who play him, and he probably had sex with more and better looking women than most movie stars.
KIrk douglas looked a lot like Van Gogh.
However, if you watch the movie, he doesn't do much acting or have much dialogue. Its mostly the other actors who carry the load.
The one exception is JFK. He was much better looking than . . .
No he wasn't. Hype and propaganda. Say something enough times and people believe it.
BTW, Kirk did NOT cut off his ear for the movie.
That was Anthony Quinn - who'd do anything for art.
Blogger Mark said...
Do we have any larger-then-life iconic actors or actresses today?
Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Viola Davis
Does Cory Booker have eyelids?
Does Dianne Feinstein still have a heartbeat?
Asking for a friend.
who is the mortician that works on diane feinstein? asking for a dearly departed.
Rodgers is back - and he's pissed! If Da Bears blow this, they should be forcibly disbanded as a football franchise.
Here's a young Englishman talking about how to pronounce Van Gogh.
Warning: You will lose 60% of your testosterone listening this guy. He should go to work for NPR.
"who is the mortician that works on diane feinstein? asking for a dearly departed."
She doesn't look a day over 81.
Douglas's memoir,The Ragman's Son, is pleasant reading. He downplays his WW2 navy experience (ship run by numbskulls, he got food poisoning & never actually made it to the South Pacific before the war ended). Douglas also talks about Burgess Meredith stealing his girlfriends when he & Meredith were both young actors on Broadway.
Answer to original question posed by Van Gogh - No, nope, nein, nyet, iie, hell no while you are living in my house.
Everybody else (Mr. MC) - you go to hell. If you want total love and acceptance, get a dog - preferably a rescue.
”1) NewAgers who want to drop astrology in speech ("He's such a Leo!") ...”
I have to wonder about the people you hang out with, Crack. I never hear anyone bring up astrology. Ever.
Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Viola Davis --
Stars, yes. Larger-than-life and iconic? Not even close.
"He downplays his WW2 navy experience"
As well he should have. He was on a DE and got evacuated before it even made it past Pearl Harbor. I'm not too sure why he was spent the rest of the war on shore duty.
But he did more than most people his age did.
And he volunteered to join the Navy - he wasn't drafted.
Geez, 103 and still kicking. Amazing.
One of Kirk's best is "lonely are the brave".
Funny Althouse mentions Kirk Douglas. We just watched OK Corral. Kirk is the best thing in it, as "Doc Holiday".
Lancaster's sorta dull though.
"Do we have any larger-then-life iconic actors or actresses today?"
Mel Gibson.
Clint Eastwood.
The pig?
Arnold.” The pig?
Well, that's what Maria Shriver calls him.
Yeah, Eastwood and Ahnold are the last of a dying breed. And they really aren't acting anymore.
When did Arnold Start acting?
Answer: When he started running for Governor
Kirk raped Natalie Wood.
So he was the pig.
When did Arnold Start acting?
Answer: When Marie asked him why he was always asking for maid service.
... the only type of wood that don't float
green bay ties it
"Kirk raped Natalie Wood. So he was the pig."
Well, that stops the fun.
Packers one point up with 2:13 left
Lewis: "Douglas also talks about Burgess Meredith stealing his girlfriends when he & Meredith were both young actors on Broadway."
Both Douglas and Meredith were great in "In Harms Way", a great flick.
Meredith plays a Hollywood Screenwriter who had married 3 starlets, each of whom took him to the cleaners in divorces, while Meredith ends up in the South Pacific (in the movie) as a staff planner and intel guy for the Admiral (played by Hank Fonda).
Douglas plays a really fantastic hard drinking don't care about anything Navy Commander whose wife gets killed after hooking up with an Army Air Corp pilot.
Patricia Neal is great in it as well.
Howard: "Packers one point up with 2:13 left"
As soon as the Bears screwed up by not running for the 1 yard needed for the first down I told my wife the Bears were going to lose.
My wife looked at me as if I had 2 heads since she really doesn't care!
Trubiski can still make a liar out of me, but its the Bears, so, you know, I doubt it.
I was trying to think of Kirk Douglas and racism - to make Crack happy - and all i could think of was Woody Strode.
Whenever Laurence Olivier kills someone with a dagger, its always a black man. Why is that?
Drago: you said it the Bears ground game was unstoppable. overthinking by the young new coach.
"Burgess Meredith plays a Hollywood Screenwriter who had married 3 starlets"
I guess that's why they call it acting. Meredith was a great actor, but he'd lose a beauty contest to Bill Maher.
Now we know.
Drago = Howard.
It makes sense. Thanks.
Patricia Neal's voice always sounded like a pint of Jack Daniels and a pack of Lucky's
Keep talking to yourselves. I got better things to do.
"In Harm's Way" --
The character Kirk Douglas played raped a woman in that film.
"The character Kirk Douglas played raped a woman in that film."
I was trying to leave that part out for those that might not have seen the film and decided to watch it....Mark.....
rcocean: "I guess that's why they call it acting. Meredith was a great actor, but he'd lose a beauty contest to Bill Maher."
Uh, I guess you've never heard the joke about the young Hollywood starlet, did you?
She's so dumb, she slept with the screenwriter!!
I think you get the point.
Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett.
Ric Ocasek of the Cars married Paulina Porizkova.
"The character Kirk Douglas played raped a woman in that film."
I was trying to leave that part out for those that might not have seen the film and decided to watch it....Mark.....
Well played Howard.
Why thank you Drago
Not at all Howard.
You're the best Drago
You're only saying that because its true, Howard.
rcocean: "Keep talking to yourselves. I got better things to do."
Note to self: keep talking....
rcocean: "Keep talking to yourselves. I got better things to do."
Clearly not...
The Pack did it!
"better things to do" means wank time
Largest 4th quarter deficit the Packers have ever come back from. (Hard to believe, but that’s what they said.)
Frank Gorshin and Burgess Meredith in the same thread? Can Caesar Romero be far behind?
Someone at work on Friday-- I don't recall the precise circumstances-- began expatiating on the significance of her astrological Virgo-ness in relation to something or other. I challenged her evidently serious reliance on it (it was Friday, toward the end of the day...) but she affected not to hear what I said, in effect daring me to be 'rude' to her again. Pft. Even though it was near the end of a long week I decided to pretend that the customer is always right. Anyway, there are hundreds of real people here in Eugene who believe that astrological nonsense. Hundreds.
Aaron Rodgers for President!
And I have no doubt that 99.99% of them voted for Mrs Clinton and will vote for whoever the Democrats nominate in 2020.
Packers are simply the best, better than all the rest.
Several years ago my Wife and I were vacationing in France. The tour took us to the grave of Vincent. Next to his was Theo's. Theo did not survive Vincent by much. I was surprise they were buried side by side.
Moonves out. Six more women have come forward. One of them claims--and not anonymously--that he flat out raped her. It happened quite awhile ago so he's safe from prosecution. She said she did not want to come forward earlier because it would have destroyed her career...........Hollywood people are always going on about speaking truth to power. They are, however, remarkably discreet about revealing the truth about those with power over them.
Natalie Wood claimed that Kirk Douglas raped her in real life. That's why her sister, Lana Wood, was upset that Hollywood honored Kirk right when the metoo business had started--earlier this year. But Hollywood's hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Speaking as a Bears fan of 40 years’ standing, I expected no less. The Bears are sad puppies with an adoring press. They stink, and they will stink until Virginia McCaskey joins the choir eternal.
"Help me, Kirk…"
-- Abraham Lincoln
How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.
Even Moore is disgusted by the stupidity of Hogg who wanted Canadians to donate money to Democrats.
So no you don’t have the right to speak at Michael Moore’s rally.
Truly great dancing.
The suggestively named Major Lance
One for Althouse
"Speaking as a Bears fan of 40 years’ standing, I expected no less. The Bears are sad puppies with an adoring press. They stink, and they will stink until Virginia McCaskey joins the choir eternal."
Speaking as a Bears fan of 55 years (the 1963 championship team) I am eager for the McCaskeys to sell, but none of them would be able to find employment without their inheritance.
I was in "Smokey's" in Amsterdam when this came out and damn, if this wasn't playing every fucking time we went in there. lulz.
Even white people like this song
Good Morning Baltimore!
Well the picture is changing
Now you're part of a crowd
They're laughing at something
And the music's loud
A girl comes towards you
You once used to know
You reach out your hand
But you're all alone
40 years... really?
"Whenever Laurence Olivier kills someone with a dagger, its always a black man. Why is that?"
I had to check to see how Othello kills Desdemona. He smothers her.
For many people, the Truth is offensive. Thus, expressing the Truth, even in the form of "an opinion", becomes an insult.
We need a society where it is a little rude to be insulting, even when it's true, but it should never be illegal and the gov't should never fund organizations which censor the truth because it might be offensive.
The truth that men and women differ in their "normal curve" distributions, with men more often being further on the upper and lower tails, is one such offensive truth -- Larry Summers was very wrongly fired from Harvard for expressing that truth.
Original Mike said...
"Largest 4th quarter deficit the Packers have ever come back from. (Hard to believe, but that’s what they said.)"
Well obviously, the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars
But Jupiter is not currently aligned with Mars. And I have no idea where the 7th house is (Aquarius I guess).
The line I like to speak in my best Kirk Douglas impression (which I'm told is pretty good) is from SPARTACUS, that libertarian classic scripted by a Commie and based on a novel by a Commie. "When one man says, 'No!' all Rome trembles!"
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