July 16, 2018

Watching the Trump + Putin press conference.

Standing by.


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Drago said...

No "Reset" buttons, tender promises of increased flexibility, pallets of cash nor loads of Uranium yet in view.

Hmmm. Perhaps Trump is truly departing
from the Standard Operating Procedures of obambi.

mccullough said...

Putin has been head of Russia for awhile. This is his third president. I think he enjoys Trump as an adversary. Both of them think W and Obama are morons.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I'm beginning to like Putin more than the hysterical left-wing morons in our country who despise him, but can't articulate why (false claims that he "stole" the election don't count)

traditionalguy said...

The anti Putin diatribes are evidence of how much Putin knows about the Clintons cash sell outs and the CIA shadow government that have ruled the USA for 30 years. Putin flips and they will all hang.

Seeing Red said...

I want the Iranians to sing about who they bribed.

narciso said...

They get agitated over the wrong things, Putin's position on same sex marriage, the spearphishing of Hillary but ignore the murder of lesin the downing of mh 170

Achilles said...

Putin invades Crimea no big deal.

Put in is a scapegoat for Hillary getting beat democrats lose their shit.

No reset buttons. No flexibility after the election. Massive oil and gas investments.

Trump is nothing like Obama who was actually a Russia stooge.

Clinton was an actual crime partner with Putin. She actively sold Americans out because Russians gave her millions of dollars.

The leftists are enemies of freedom and our country.

Michael K said...

I think he enjoys Trump as an adversary. Both of them think W and Obama are morons.

Remember that Thatcher told Reagan, "We can do business with Gorbachev."

Wince said...

New York Times offends with 'homophobic' cartoon depicting Trump, Putin as lovers

The New York Times shared a bizarre video cartoon that features President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in a sexual relationship that has been slammed as “a disgusting new low” for the Gray Lady.

“Donald Trump’s not-so-secret admiration for Vladimir Putin plays out in a teenager’s bedroom, where the fantasies of this forbidden romance come to life,” the paper’s Opinion section captioned the animation on Twitter.

NYT cartoon embedded at the link.

tcrosse said...

In French, Putin is rendered as Poutine, which is also Québec's contribution to world gastronomy.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's another problem I have with the Left.

I lived during the Cold War ('45 to 89'), I studied the Cold War, I served in the military during the Cold War, I know the Cold War.

During the Cold War, the Left actively tried to thwart the Cold Warriors at every turn. The Venona Papers revealed that Stalin had embedded high level sleeper cells throughout our government. After WWII, we gave half of Europe away to the Soviets. We battled the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and several other smaller other proxy wars. Quite messy.

Ok, so then comes Gorbachev in the 80s, who tried his "reforms," but in the process, destabilized the entire Soviet apparatus, which came crashing down.

Yes, we were partly lucky, but also we had some heroic figures pushing the Soviets well-past their comfort zone, over a cliff. Good riddance.

Fast-forward 30 years, where Post-Cold war, I've been viewing Russia as much LESS of a threat, no longer aiming its nuclear missiles at us, no longer subverting democracies across the globe. That's a good thing.

So, NOW, after the fact, with all this big history behind us, the Left is getting all bent out of shape about Russia? Practically, a war chant . All because they're still traumatized about Hillary losing an election the polls said she was gonna win?

What am I missing?

traditionalguy said...

DJT is wiping the floor with th media's narrative, and the whole world is watching. If I was a Dem or never-Trumpet, I would consider suicide.

Humperdink said...

Loved Trump turning the tables and asking where are Hillary's 30K emails? Where is the DNC server?

Big Mike said...

Who knew that Hillary's "reset" button (which actually read "overcharge" because she couldn't be bothered to get someone to help her who knew the Cyrillic alphabet) meant that Democrats wanted to restart the Cold War?

Drago said...

Well lefties, where are the servers?

Why has no govt investigation agency analyzed the actual equipment involved in both the hillary, the DNC and the democrat congressional pakistani aides scandals?

Why did the dems, in each case, hide, destroy and wiped all relevant equipment?

rehajm said...

Listening to MSM I'm thinking of going long fainting couch futures.

n.n said...

It seems that a detente is developing between America and Russia, and instead of a contentious relationship based on social justice and refugee crises, there will be a partnership of competitors and mutual interests a la Afghanistan and Iraq. I wonder what the focal point of this renewed relationship will be. Perhaps North Korea. Perhaps a common threat.

BarrySanders20 said...

Hill: Wiped, like with a cloth?

No, Destroyed, like with a hammer.

langford peel said...

I hope the God Emperor follows in the grand tradition of FDR and Churchill as he signs a Grand Alliance with Russia against our true enemy.


Humperdink said...

Trump strategy: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Actually three (3) targets. That would be the media, the FBI leadership and Mueller. Also rule #13 of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

rcocean said...

I'm working at a friends place and half listening.

I noted the translator used the phrase "Soviet Forces" - I wonder if Putin misspoke or the Translator just screwed up.

langford peel said...

The focal point is obvious.

The fight to the Death between the West and Islam.

Germany and the U.K. Are well on their way to becoming Muslim dominated states paralyzed by political correctness and unending immigration.

The God Emperor is correct. The weaklings and faggots are trashing their culture and turning it over to the Moslem hordes.

rcocean said...

Notice how the MSM alternates between:

1) Trump is a crazy nationalist, he'll blow up the world and/or destroy our international relationships.


2) Trump is traitor and/or a boob, who will give away the store to foreigners.

langford peel said...

Russia has repudiated its Communist past and has become a Christian nation. They should be our allies not our enemies.

Your will never see any Christian churches being converted into mosques on Putin's watch.

mockturtle said...

Bay Area Guy asks: So, NOW, after the fact, with all this big history behind us, the Left is getting all bent out of shape about Russia? Practically, a war chant . All because they're still traumatized about Hillary losing an election the polls said she was gonna win?

What am I missing?

Nothing of importance. The Left has been thrown in to confusion and turmoil by Trump and his policies. As Althouse would say, They don't know which way to tsk.

narayanan said...

"The focal point is obvious. The fight to the Death between the West and Islam."

Islam could reach up to North Pole via Western Europe from North Africa and Middle East.
Putin and Trump may be deploying pincer tactics - NATO needs to be abolished before it is Islamized - Turkey is gone already.

narayanan said...

Jihad back at the Crusaders who were Europeans

Howard said...

Nice to see a gaggle of KGB thugs forcibly remove a reporter from the Nation.

Shouting Thomas said...

HuffPo's "proof" of collusion today is that Putin and Trump met in private for 2 hours.

I've got the feeling that private negotiations are normal protocol.

Drago said...

Howard: "Nice to see a gaggle of KGB thugs forcibly remove a reporter from the Nation."

KGB, antifa. Its a fine line...

narayanan said...

langford peel said... Russia has repudiated its Communist past and has become a Christian nation. They should be our allies not our enemies.

THAT precisely is the left's complaint!! and reason for hysterics.

WK said...

Are they holding the talks in an air conditioned room?

langford peel said...

The drunken preening bureacrats of the EU are chomping at the bit to help Iran and to facilitate the invasion of Europe by Muslim immigrants who will tear at the fabric of the national identity of the member nations. Only true men like those in Hungrey and Poland are standing against this natitional suicide pact. We need to support them in their efforts and turn against those working to destroy the Western civilization that must reign supreme if the world is going to progress beyond tents and gential mutilation of children..

Russia can be a staunch ally in this effort.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Nice to see a gaggle of KGB thugs forcibly remove a reporter from the Nation"

"The Nation" was pro-Soviet from 1917 onwards. Gee, I wounder what happened?

Drago said...

"The Nation" was pro-Soviet from 1917 onwards. Gee, I wounder what happened?"

Nothing. The Nation is still far left but is split between those that cant escape the Robert Cook-like commie-Blame America First crew and the "why shouldnt the US and Russia get along" lefties, exemplefied by Stephen Cohen.

lgv said...

The important conversation happened in private. The presser is theater. I think Trump plays a different game in private. The public theater is about positioning for the private barter.


1) defacto dictator
2) murderer of oppenants
3) meddler in US elections
4) partner of Syria/Iran working against us
5) backer of ethnic Russian terrorists that shot down Malaysian Air in the Ukraine
6) hostage holder of Europe with energy supplies

In public, Trump says all great things about creating a wonderful relationship. In private he lets Putin know that he is tired of his shit and NATO won't disappear. At worst, NATO is replaced with something stronger.

rcocean said...

Yeah, Hillary was *really* against Putin.

Look at the donations to the Clinton Foundation. Look at how much $$, she got for making speeches in Moscow.

Michael K said...

Fox News is auditioning for a spot on MSM Trump-watch with this complaint about Trump blaming the US for the tensions with Russia.

Maybe if Obama had not given Putin a green light in 2009 and Bush looked into his eyes and seen Jesus, we might have a better situation.

Howard is worried aboot communist reporters getting the heave ho.

rcocean said...

The man from the Nation was a nut holding up a sign about Nuclear Proliferation.

rcocean said...

Obviously, just wanted to get attention for his failing Left wing Magazine.

MayBee said...

I think its so interesting how "important" it is to be firm on Russia for its "meddling" in the 2016 election. I get that hacking Podesta's email, if they indeed did, is beyond the pale. It shouldn't have been done. But it did not change the results of the election. It didn't kill anyone. We should be smart enough to figure out ways to make our electoral system unhackable. It really should not be the biggest issue in the world. Much much worse things are going on and have been going on, but we are stuck on this issue 2 years after the fact. What is the media- and John Brennan- trying to keep focus away from?

I know they enjoy focusing on it because they believe it wrong-foots Trump. They shouldn't pretend that undermining Trump isn't what they are trying to do. They certainly aren't doing anything to protect the country at this point.

MayBee said...

I also like that all the Democrats say Putin is a trained KGB officer and he knows exactly how to play Trump. Without wanting to acknowledge Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Struzk, et all are also trained and know how to play us (or reporters).

rhhardin said...

Armstrong and Getty say the press conference was delayed by Putin wrestling a second bear.

MayBee said...

Brian Kilmead just said this, although he's on Fox so nobody will listen. Trump sees people bringing this up every single day as a way to delegitimize him. That's exactly right, that is why they bring it up every day.

If they really want better policy toward Russia, they'd admit what they are doing and give Trump the room to be in the office *for one day* without having to defend his legitimacy as POTUS.

n.n said...

Russia has repudiated its Communist past and has become a Christian nation.

There are people, who even today, conflate Soviets and Russians.

They should be our allies not our enemies.

Enemies, no. Allies, ideally. Competitors with common principles and mutual interests, yes.

cubanbob said...

I say that Putin is more credible than the cabal of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozk and the Democrats. Lets assume its all true, the Russians are responsible for leaking the dirt on the Clinton campaign and the DNC. What was disclosed? Corruption and criminality. Prosecute the cabal responsible for the attempted coverup and for obstructing justice among other crimes and give Putin a medal for helping to preserve America's freedom.

Shouting Thomas said...

We should be smart enough to figure out ways to make our electoral system unhackable.

A good start would be for John Podesta to devise a password that isn't "password."

MayBee said...

There are Democrats and talking heads saying Trump shouldn't have had this meeting at all. That makes me suspicious. Why is there an attempt to shame Trump out of having his own foreign policy that deviates from Obama's (horrible foreign policy).

Shouting Thomas said...


Part of the answer has been provided above.

Putin has restored the Tsarist alliance with the Orthodox Church. So, Russia is most definitely not down with the gay activist, feminist agenda.

That's what's outraging the left. They could live with Stalinism and the GULAGS, but not this.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier. I must be dense. Then again, I haven't heard anyone else make this point. It's that Rosenstein made his announcement of the pointless indictments of Russians who will never face American justice when he did for the sole purpose of making things difficult for Trump's attempt at diplomacy with Putin.

For God's sake, impeach Rosenstein. Or just fire him.

Chuck said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"HuffPo's 'proof' of collusion today is that Putin and Trump met in private for 2 hours."

I've got the feeling that private negotiations are normal protocol.

Straight questions:

~ When in modern history has a U.S. president ever met with a Soviet/Russian head of state in complete privacy for that length of time? Under these summit-like circumstances?

~ Why would it be so important to Trump, to meet in private? I presume that Trump was the one party most eager to make it a completely private meeting for the first part. If it was not Trump's insistence, but rather was Putin's insistence, then why would Trump agree to it?

traditionalguy said...

All CIA controlled media is suddenly sputtering mad and demanding impeachment of our President for not publicly agreeing with the 3 ( not 17) US intelligence Agencies that positively guessed Russians hacked the 1996 election but have conveniently lost all the evidence.

These are the same 3 Agencies who recruited the British Intelligence set up the wire tapping FISA charade on every Trump Campaign person and actually sent in 2 or 3 human spies to Trump's campaign suggesting collusion with Russia. The Agencies at that time were Obama loyal fifth columnist traitors posing as CIA, NSA and FBI officers.

Ask Admiral Rogers what he told Trump the week after his election. He spilled the beans big time. And that started the build up to 45,000 sealed Federal Criminal Indictments which are ticking down to the day of arrest of the criminal conspirators.

Shouting Thomas said...

"Summit-like" is your answer. It isn't a summit, and it's only your belief that it should be treated as such.

I worked with a hell of a lot of attorneys who always held their preliminary negotiating sessions in private.

SOP. You're making something out of nothing.

MayBee said...

That's what's outraging the left. They could live with Stalinism and the GULAGS, but not this.

Ha! I think that's true. But also...

1) I think for most non-office holding, non-talking head democrats, it's any port in a storm. Russia had been blamed for "meddling" in our election and so they are happy to believe Trump colluded with Russia to become president. Bush wasn't legitimate either. No Republican can ever be a legitimate president.

2) My conspiracy theorist brain tells me the someone in the intelligence community has a vested interest in the middle east being a mess. They don't want a solution to Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. They don't want any changes in Iran. So they want to keep Trump from being able to operate without a cloud of suspicion around him.

Chuck said...

Humperdink said...
Loved Trump turning the tables and asking where are Hillary's 30K emails? Where is the DNC server?

I am picturing Trump doing that sort of question-dodge when he is asked questions by Robert Mueller.

readering said...

All's for the best in this best of all possible Trump Worlds.

narciso said...

No Reagan Nixon and Ford, never did such a thing, don't be such a tool Chuck.

MayBee said...

~ Why would it be so important to Trump, to meet in private?

You have to explain to me why it is bad for the President of the United States to meet in private with another world leader.

1- We already know someone is happy to go to the press about his non-private conversations (including a "private" phone call with the Australian PM and a "private" meeting with Comey about the dossier)

2- I have never (before Trump) heard anybody complain about a US President speaking privately with another world leader. Or, a few months ago, there was the complaint about him meeting privately with his own FBI director. It's an attempt to make it look like Trump has no right to exercise the power of his office.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's John Brennan's interview with Brian Williams about the summit meeting

WILLIAMS: “We just read what you said on Twitter. Your reaction to what you’ve just seen?”

BRENNAN: “Well, Brian, I thought that there was nothing Donald Trump could say that would shock me, but I was wrong. I was just totally shocked at the performance of Donald Trump in Helsinki at a press conference with Vladimir Putin. I just found that it was outrageous. And even when the press — and thank goodness the press asked the right questions — even when the press gave him an opportunity to hold Russia accountable for anything, he chose to talk about Hillary Clinton, about his election, about servers. He criticized American citizens, Secretary Clinton and others as opposed to really taking advantage of a world stage, with all the world’s eyes upon them, to point out how unacceptable Russia’s behavior and interference in our election and the elections of other democratic countries around the globe is. But he just shirked those responsibilities. I cannot understand how the national security team can continue to abide by this and how Pompeo and Bolton and Kelly can continue in their jobs. This, I think, rises to the point of good American patriots resigning in objection to that performance by Donald Trump. I’m at a loss of words to describe just how outrageous his words, his statements, his behavior has been. And one can only conclude that he fears Vladimir Putin. And that one-on-one discussion, who knows what was discussed there. And how Mr. Putin now is the master puppeteer of Donald Trump, the person who is in our Oval Office. Outrageous.”

WILLIAMS: “I just saw a picture of Huntsman and Pompeo while the President was speaking, looking a bit stricken. But to your point about patriots, to your point about resignations, what do you think the practical impact, just say by the end of business today, tomorrow, will be?”

BRENNAN: “I don’t know. That’s why I said in my tweet Republican patriots all over the country, including in the Congress, where are you? When are you going to speak out and roundly condemn what Donald Trump is doing? And all of those good Americans who voted for Mr. Trump believing that he was going to protect this country, I think you have now his demonstrated unwillingness, maybe inability, to protect this country’s interests. I think this is a time for all Americans to rally and to say, ‘Mr. Trump, you are not doing what is necessary in order to keep this country strong and safe.’ And Mr. Putin must be now, with his team, just rejoicing in what has happened in Helsinki.”

Notice how Brennan avoids describing what precisely Trump said or did that was so outrageous?

Drago said...

readering: "All's for the best in this best of all possible Trump Worlds."

readering has a sadz that cash wasn't airlifted in on pallets for Putin.

Sorry readering. Better luck next time.

Drago said...

narciso: "No Reagan Nixon and Ford, never did such a thing, don't be such a tool Chuck."

Go easy on LLR Chuck today. It can't be easy being Dick Durbin's and the lefts cuckholster when so many things are going right for the US thanks to Trump policies.

I think LLR Chuck is holding up well with his advancing lefty/dem narratives/talking points, all things considered.

Drago said...

We'll never know if Trump would have been willing to hand over the Crimea and Ukraine to Putin because LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama already did that.

Likewise, we'll never know if Trump would have denied missile systems to Poland to appease Putin because LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama already did that too.

I could go on...

MacMacConnell said...

"President Donald Trump’s comments during a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday were “treasonous,” former CIA Director John Brennan asserted.

“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,'” Brennan, a vocal Trump critic, wrote on Twitter.

“It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”"

How does a piece of garbage like Brennan get to be head of the CIA? What is he trying to hide?

Michael K said...

For God's sake, impeach Rosenstein. Or just fire him.

There is a movement to do so based on perjury.

Lisa Page told congress today that no-one from the DOJ ever contacted her. That means Rod Rosenstein was lying:

Mark Meadows agrees.

We'll see if there is enough support (also known as guts) in the House.

Michael K said...

chuck and Brennan both seem upset.

Is there a connection ?

I dunno.

Drago said...

"How does a piece of garbage like Brennan get to be head of the CIA?"

LLR Chuck's leftist operational allies need an anti-american running the CIA to advance their policies designed to reduce American power and influence.

"What is he trying to hide?"

That he played a central role, heading up an interagency task force, designed to undermine the campaign of an opposition candidate and then, when that failed, undermining a President-Elect and then a President.

He has much to hide.

Drago said...

Michael K: "chuck and Brennan both seem upset. Is there a connection ?"

Once again, "accidentally", LLR Chuck is perfectly aligned with the lunatic left talking points and narratives of the day.


Quite by coincidence.

Who could have seen that coming?

traditionalguy said...

Private Meeting? Or perhaps Trump had Putin arrange a private reunion for him with the two not soon to be forgotten and really skilled professional Escorts. He just needed to get away from Melania and Pence for 2 hours.

Original Mike said...

”How does a piece of garbage like Brennan get to be head of the CIA?”

Did Russia really attempt to meddle in the election? “Everybody” says yes, but the source of that claim is John Brennan’s CIA. I grow more and more skeptical over time.

mockturtle said...

Brennan's entire career has been treasonous, IMO. The CIA under Brennan never had the interests of the US at heart but only the global machinations that constitute international politics today.

narciso said...

I told him, not to be that much of a tool, I admit he is one,

wholelottasplainin said...

The press claims to be pissed that Trump didn't go after Putin hammer and sickle over Russian interference in our election.

Reminds me of a 1980's psychology book, "Games People Play".

One of those games is, "Let's You and Him Fight".

MacMacConnell said...

I'll give the US intelligence community credit for finally getting Osama, but in my life time they they have missed or politically lied about very massive shifts in history. Considering all they've gotten wrong why would the President believe them now especially how they weaponized intelligence against him.

Robert Cook said...

”How does a piece of garbage like Brennan get to be head of the CIA?”

They only look for pieces of garbage to head the CIA. The agency itself should be abolished. (Don't panic! We have plenty of other spy agencies keeping tabs on us!)

langford peel said...

I listened to the press conference. One of the moronic main stream media asked Putin if Russia "had anything" on the President or his family. His family!

Putin laughed in their face.

The press has beclowned itself beyond belief. When they could have asked substantive questions about the Crimea, the Ukraine, Syria, China and North Korea they went the bullshit Mueller witch hunt route. The substantive questions were from the Russian journalists.

I did note the Putin agreed to have his agents questioned if we allow his police to question the CIA agents who interfere in Russia on a daily basis. Sort of puts this bullshit in perspective don't you think.

Bay Area Guy said...


2009: Hillary presents her Russian counterpart with the famous "reset" button.

"I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is: 'We want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.' ...

I have no problem with this. Yes, there was some trivia discussion about using the wrong translation for "reset" but I don't are about that. On substance, Obama, Biden, and Hillary are doing a good thing.

2012: President Obama told then-Russian President Dmitri A. Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate missile defense after the November 2012 election.

I have no problem with this either.

So, when did Putin become the bogeyman, or according to crazy John Brennan, the puppet-master of Trump?

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Consider that we are watching the good news that the USA and Russia are not going to Nuclear War being massively shouted down by ALL the silly media stooges as if Pearl Harbor happened again. Why the desperation of new found Patriotic Fervor?

Because by taking the suddenly discovered Great Russian War off the table, Trump removes the defense of the corrupt pols on their upcoming Treason prosecutions pleading, "But We Thought Trump Was Putin's agent, so we had to mutiny and remove Trump."

MayBee said...

To see how much of a tool of the left the media is, look at the coverage leading up to this summit. It was *historic*. Trump meeting alone with Putin!!!! Everybody knows this just isn't done!
Just exactly the same way they pretended Trump talking to Comey alone just wasn't done. It was against all convention.

Then they reported about Obama meeting alone with Comey and didn't even mention their previous assertions it was a thing everybody knows the President doesn't do.

I don't love Trump, and I disagree strongly with the way he handles himself. But I will say again, a lot of it is in response to the media constantly acting like he has no right to use his powers as President. They could at least admit that's what they are doing, and if they care so very much about America, they could even stop doing it.

Amadeus 48 said...

The arc of history bends towards chaos.

langford peel said...

I agree with Robert Cook. The CIA and the FBI need to be abolished and replaced with new agencies staffed by patriots and not the Deep State. Normal patriotic Americans who have never been in Washington.

Their so called expertise is a big bunch of bullshit. They are never right about anything. They failed to predict the fall of the Soviet Union. They failed to predict the rise of Islamic fundamentalism when they aided in deposing the Shah. They failed in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. In Vietnam. Cambodia. Iraq. Iran. Libya. Syria. The list of their failures is unending and their successes non-existent.

The CIA is like that friend of yours you know who always bets on a loser. We would be better off getting the advice of the CIA and doing the exact opposite. That was what Reagan did. That is what the God Emperor is doing.

That is why he is going to end up on Mount Rushmore.

Chuck said...

narciso said...
No Reagan Nixon and Ford, never did such a thing, don't be such a tool Chuck.

They met with Soviet leaders, ALONE? No aides, no ministers, no advisors? That is my question. Don't be such a tool.

langford peel said...

There is a guy on Mount Rushmore who showed you how the press should be handled.

I wish that the God Emperor would follow his example.

The press is the enemy of the America people and our danger to our nation.

Big Mike said...

@langford peel, and let's not forget what the CIA did predict -- that it was a slam dunk that Saddam Hussein was actively developing weapons of mass destruction and had vast stockpiles of them.

langford peel said...

The CIA is the Chuck of intelligence agencies.

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

When in modern history has a U.S. president ever met with a Soviet/Russian head of state in complete privacy for that length of time? Under these summit-like circumstances?

Don't stop there:

- In Helsinki
- In July
- On a Monday
- During a World Cup Year
- After the World Cup was held in Russia

If you go long enough you can always get the rubes to start thinking: OH MY GOD!!!!!

langford peel said...

That comment is so nice you had to make it twice.

MayBee said...

Brennan's CIA missed the rise of ISIS and Al Qaeda in Africa. They apparently - if you believe him- let Putin run roughshod all over the 2016 election. But yeah, he should definitely be quoted seriously when he says Trump is treasonous.

Big Mike said...

Notice how Brennan avoids describing what precisely Trump said or did that was so outrageous?

Why yes, now that you mention it. I have also noted that when you ask Chuck or Inga or the rest of the trolls what Trump has lied about, other than a bit of hyperbole or puffery, and they cannot answer.

Strange, that.

langford peel said...

I wish that the President had pegged that soccer ball right at Jim Acosta's face.

I bet they are going to say the President should be impeached for taking bribes from Putin. I can hear Aunt Esther Waters wailing like a retard about it already! It is going to be the main topic of CNN and MSNBC.

The President violated the Emoluments clause by accepting a soccer ball and must be impeached!

Kevin said...

How long until the LLR talking points start including speculation the meeting was for the sole purpose of swapping out the RealDonaldTrump for the Russian version that's just been waiting to take over?

How long until Chuck begins noting slightly different speech patterns in our President which can be traced to Russian areas of Brooklyn and Queens?

Kevin said...

Let's be clear: The American Left doesn't give a crap about Russia or Putin.

The American Left is going nuts over Russia and Putin in the hope Republicans can be convinced to drop their support of Trump just enough to enable his impeachment or defeat.

The target isn't MSNBC viewers, it's Chuck, McCain, and Lindsay Graham.

langford peel said...

The President needs to continue to mend fences with Russia that the Democrats and the media are trying to destroy.

He mentioned that we have 90% of the nuclear weapons in the world and that we had to get along and talk to avoid a nuclear holocaust. The press ignores that. The Democrat/Socialist left ignores that. They want to pretend that the fake narrative of the Deep State and the Hillary campaign is more important than lowering tensions with the people who can blow up the world.

They are just fucking morons. Dangerous, traitorous morons.

Original Mike said...

”The target isn't MSNBC viewers, it's Chuck, McCain, and Lindsay Graham.”

Chuck’s not an MSNBC viewer? I thought he had a crush on Rachel Maddow.

Darrell said...

Brennan and Clapper have earned three shoots in the brain pan each. Neither should ever have held their positions.

Kevin said...

My favorite of the week so far is the same people who kept yelling "Black Lives Matter", calling police officers "KILLERS!", and drafting bills to shut down ICE, are now so incensed that DJT would dare say anything unkind about the FBI.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Earlier today on the Elon Musk thread I mentioned I thought that was the outrage du jour. I think we now have so many outrages per day the correct phrase should be "outrage du moment".

Darrell said...

What stinks worse a possum that has been dead for a couple of weeks and has liquefied or the FBI?

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Chuck’s not an MSNBC viewer? I thought he had a crush on Rachel Maddow"

LLR Chuck watched one interview between Maddow and Coulter where Maddow simply kept her mouth shut more than usual.

That was all it took for LLR Chuck to call Maddow "Brilliant".

As you can see, the threshold LLR Chuck has for lefties to be praised is so low its almost non-existent.

Reasonable people should feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions.

MayBee said...

The American Left is going nuts over Russia and Putin in the hope Republicans can be convinced to drop their support of Trump just enough to enable his impeachment or defeat.


exhelodrvr1 said...

Did they interfere, or did they TRY to interfere? From the recent reports, it is the latter. There is a big difference (or should be, at least) in how you approach those two issues.

Chuck said...

You lying rat bastards.

Drago keeps claiming that I believe that Obama was "magnificent." He's never once quoted me in that regard.

And it is really hilarious that here on Althouse's blog, where she has indicated one or more past votes for Obama, and where I have stated that I never once voted for or supported Obama, and that I did -- out of Republican Party loyalty -- voted for Trump, I am accused by the Althouse Trumpkins of being a secret Obama supporter.

I called one -- and only one -- Rachel Maddow interview "brilliant" because it was; and for that one interview, Maddow won herself an Emmy for 2016. The best lilve news interview of the year. I haven't had a kind word for Maddow since.

And Drago -- you ignorant fuck -- the subject of the interview was Kellyanne Conway, not Ann Coulter.

narayanan said...

Mac McConnell said... I'll give the US intelligence community credit for finally getting Osama

I would have simply doxxed Osama bin Laden and Pakistan ... to crack the nut and see where the chips fall.

Trump may have tweet doxxed him. -- do I hear -- revealing secrets - impeach

My name goes here. said...


Then Mr. Gorbachev and Mr. Reagan met privately in the Oval Office, each accompanied only by two note-takers and an interpreter. They were joined later by senior aides. Mr. Fitzwater, the White House spokesman, said they discussed human rights and arms control and reviewed the agenda, setting up two working groups.

Jim at said...

Presenting Putin with a bright, shiny, new - and misspelled - Reset Button would've been the ultimate trolling of the deranged left.

I wish he would've done it.

Shouting Thomas said...

I really don't have anything against this wild, no holds barred criticism of the president.

It should have been going on during the Obama administration, but the press deliberately suppressed it because they supported him and they slandered anybody who did engage in criticism as a racist.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "and where I have stated that I never once voted for or supported Obama, and that I did -- out of Republican Party loyalty ..."

There is no actual evidence that actually happened.

Just as there is no actual evidence the DNC servers were hacked...other than the assertions by dem partisans.

Nor will there ever be....of either....

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "And Drago -- you ignorant fuck -- the subject of the interview was Kellyanne Conway, not Ann Coulter"


That makes ALOT Of difference!

Too funny.

Well played racist commenter Chuck, well played.

Original Mike said...

”Then Mr. Gorbachev and Mr. Reagan met privately in the Oval Office, each accompanied only by two note-takers and an interpreter.”

Interpreters! Interesting. Were Trump and Putin really alone?

Cuz it’s kind of hard for Putin to give Trump his new marching orders, as Chuck implies, if they weren’t really alone alone.

Maybe he handed him a piece of paper with his orders on it.

Jim at said...

So, NOW, after the fact, with all this big history behind us, the Left is getting all bent out of shape about Russia? .... What am I missing? - BAG

You're not missing anything.

The hard left has been, is now and always will be a fifth-column in America. The enemy within.

And the time will come when they will be dealt with.

Drago said...

I wonder if Putin and his government have returned all the bodies of Russian mercenaries from Syria to Russia that Trump had whacked with our military.

You know, because that was clearly what Putin wanted......not.

LLR Chuck and his dem allies hardest hit.

As always.

Michael K said...

Blogger Chuck said...
You lying rat bastards.

chuck, do you have the phone number for the charm school you attended ?

I want to send them a present.

Drago said...

Michael K: "chuck, do you have the phone number for the charm school you attended ?"

Do note that LLR Chuck continues to use language to describe conservatives and republicans that he would never dream of using against even the most unhinged and lunatic of lefties.

Feel free to draw obvious conclusions.

Original Mike said...

I don’t think I’ve ever been called a lying rat bastard before.

I kinda like it.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "I don’t think I’ve ever been called a lying rat bastard before"

Apparently its simply a common turn of phrase LLR Chuck uses against any non-leftist/dem that he encounters.

Remember, the key to avoid being called such names by LLR Chuck is to be as wild-eyed a leftist as you can possibly be.

Quoting MSNBC/CNN/NYT etc will also hold you in good stead in LLR Chuck's eyes.

Original Mike said...

It’s the “rat” part that makes it poetry.

exhelodrvr1 said...

You might want to turn on the air conditioning.

Original Mike said...

So, serious question. Were they really alone alone?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Althouse commenters, such Patriots. Benedict Arnold would be proud.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck beclowns himself yet again. Google is a good friend to make, Chuckles

Pretty much every president has a private meeting with a foreign adversary's leader just to get to know them at a personal level. To not do so is both rude and a sign of weakness. I can even guess your fucking reaction if the story had been that Trump refused a private meeting with Putin- you would have been on this thread mocking Trump for being a chicken. Prove me wrong, Chuck.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Who is more likely to be telling the truth about Trump and collusion - Putin, or a Democrat?

Drago said...

Remember, in Inga's world it is considered "patriotic" to call the majority of active and retired military members "traitors" and "racists" for voting for Trump.

Not to worry Inga. LLR Chuck will always have your back.....that is, when he isn't offering up racist comments regarding Ben Carson.

"patriotic" racist comments about Ben Carson, naturally.

Original Mike said...

Inga, how could the intelligence community determine that the Russians hacked the democrat’s server(s) without examining the server(s)?

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck's head has been in the oven since November 9th, 2016- he just made the mistake of not shutting off the pilot first.

narayanan said...

Inga said... Althouse commenters, such Patriots. Benedict Arnold would be proud.


Benedict Arnold went to military school.
Trump went to military school.

Yancey Ward said...

And, yes, they meet alone out of ear-shot of everyone else

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Pretty much every president has a private meeting with a foreign adversary's leader just to get to know them at a personal level."


You are not supposed to hit the LLR's/Lefties/dems with actual facts until you've allowed them to go on and on and on at length.

You know, it's more fun.

As with that latest dem moron from Georgia who accused the Trump EPA of instituting new and terrible horrible no good very bad rules for dealing with FOIA requests....only to find out obama started it 5 years earlier in 2013!!

Hilarity always ensues.

BarrySanders20 said...

"Did they interfere, or did they TRY to interfere?"

Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

But there were Facebook memes! If you set the bar low enough you can reach the interference conclusion.

Drago said...

OM: "Inga, how could the intelligence community determine that the Russians hacked the democrat’s server(s) without examining the server(s)?"

Hey, we have the dems word for it!!


Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, you're just a completely evil, no good scoundrel, and apparently rather proud of it.

Try following Robert Cook's example and at least pretend to be motivated by noble ideals.

John Pickering said...

Ann's readers are all in with Putin's puppet, how unfortunate it must be to see that Fox is having some problems:

Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney: "It was not a very forceful presentation from President Trump with Putin standing right next to him."

Fox's Neil Cavuto: "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt to maybe jet lag and time differences, but holy moly."

Guys, for the news, stick to Powerline, which at the moment isn't covering the Trump Putin meeting at all. Don't get anywhere near the Daily Mail today, it's filled with lies.

BarrySanders20 said...

"Did they interfere, or did they TRY to interfere?"

Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

But there were Facebook memes! If you set the bar low enough you can reach the interference conclusion.

Original Mike said...

Does Putin speak English?

Yancey Ward said...

If they don't speak a common language, you have an interpreter/s, not staff.

Yancey Ward said...

Putin speaks English fairly well, but he will often use an interpreter anyway- his German is better.

Original Mike said...

John Pickering, how could the intelligence community determine that the Russians hacked the democrat’s server(s) without examining the server(s)?

Drago said...

JP: "Ann's readers are all in with Putin's puppet..."

Note to self: "Putin's puppet" has been whacking Russians in Syria and is strengthening NATO and is selling weapons to Ukraine.

What odd behavior for a "puppet". Why, it's almost as if Trump isn't Putin's puppet at all.....


Nice try Johnny boy. Perhaps you should try to coordinate your lefty lies more effectively with your allies LLR Chuck and Inga offline first, before launching them helter skelter into an open forum where they are easily exposed.

You're welcome.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Does Putin speak English?"

He speaks English better than obama and Hillary can spell "reset" in Russian on plastic buttons.

Perhaps it would have been more effective to print "reset" in Austrian.....

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Remember, in Inga's world it is considered "patriotic" to call the majority of active and retired military members "traitors" and "racists" for voting for Trump.

Not to worry Inga. LLR Chuck will always have your back.....that is, when he isn't offering up racist comments regarding Ben Carson.

"patriotic" racist comments about Ben Carson, naturally.

I never made ANY racist comment about Ben Carson. I sarcastically queried whether Ben Carson was the "Secretary of Black People" for Trump, in order to satirize Trump.

It was Donald Trump -- not me -- who said that we "won't see another black president for generations," and it was Donald Trump who said, "And isn’t it funny, I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else."

And it was Donald Trump -- not me -- who said of Dr. Carson, "We're not talking about a great [doctor]. He was an OK doctor..."

I say to all of you, that I have seen Dr. Carson as a young top-tier superstar surgeon testify for the defense in a medical malpractice case in a courtroom in Detroit and he was brilliant; awesome; "MAGNIFICENT."

Original Mike said...

”Hey, we have the dems word for it!!”

That really is the case, isn’t it? Amazing.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I never made ANY racist comment about Ben Carson. I sarcastically queried whether Ben Carson was the "Secretary of Black People" for Trump, in order to satirize Trump"


Worst walkback of an obviously racist comment.


But Carson is a republican, so he had it coming, didn't he Chuck?

Keep digging racist boy. I'm sure there are also additional rumors against children you will uncover as well. A win-win for you!

MacMacConnell said...

The Russians attacked the RNC servers, but were rebuffed. They were supposedly successful hacking the Party of Science servers. For which the Russians should be rewarded for exposing the DNC's corruption of the primary process. Now if the Paks will return the Debbie's server we can start the prosecutions.

Drago said...

The only walkback excuse for his obviously racist comment that LLR Chuck hasn't yet used is "Johnson and the damn war"!!

Drago said...

Mac McConnell: "The Russians attacked the RNC servers, but were rebuffed."

There are only thousands of attempted hacks of every entity in the US daily by literally hundreds of hackers and nations and groups.

That the dems were so pathetic that they fell for a spearfishing ploy (I guess the Nigerian banking ploy was not available that day) is their own fault.

And it has nothing to do with the clear "inside job" someone pulled downloading directly from the server massive amounts of data which then found its way into the public sphere which was not the result of an outside hack.

Jim at said...

It's always humorous when proud members of the fifth column call other people traitors.

MacMacConnell said...

That's why I state "supposedly" hacked.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck lies again:

It was Donald Trump -- not me -- who said that we "won't see another black president for generations," and it was Donald Trump who said, "And isn’t it funny, I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else."

No, Chuck- you aren't quoting Trump with this paragraph- you are quoting someone who claimed Trump said that. This is why no one respects you- you get basic logic wrong- either intentionally, or more likely because you are a moron.

Yancey Ward said...

Additionally, you left part of the first quote off, too- which changes what the part you did get correct means. You are pathetic, Chuck.

Drago said...

Jim at: "It's always humorous when proud members of the fifth column call other people traitors."

In Brennan's case, he's essentially Peter Graves in "Stalag 17".

Drago said...

YW: "No, Chuck- you aren't quoting Trump with this paragraph- you are quoting someone who claimed Trump said that."

LLR Chuck's sole purpose here is to smear Trump, per his own admission.

Providing false quotes is simply another day in LLR Chuck's sad existence.

I'm Full of Soup said...

DEMS and kook far left libruls claim RUSSIA IS EVIL yet Hillary & Bill Clinton took millions from them for canned speeches and Hillary sold them our uranium. WTF did Trump do except to refuse to parrot the company line aka what biased liars like Peter Strzok claim?

MacMacConnell said...

Chuck Schumer just demanded the President demand Putin send the fifteen GRU officers to America to stand trial. Thank God the President isn't the clown Schumer is, imagine the quid pro quo involved in that deal?
On second thought Schumer could be on to something, the President could send Putin Brennen, Clapper and an assortment of never Trumper operatives.

Drago said...

What the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) want is for Trump to state flat out, and falsely, that the only reason he won is because of the Russians.

That would then be weaponized on every newscast and ad for eternity.

Trump will never give that to them, no matter how many times LLR Chuck's CNN "heroes" demand that statement.

Molly said...


John Brennan voted for Gus Hall, the perennial Communist Party candidate (well, perennial till he died); John Brennan's family supported the IRA in the IRA's worst phase; John Brennan is a big fan of NOT referring to Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism.

Plus he's one of the most disturbed-looking people I've seen (except Peter Strzok). So all in all, don't want to hear John Brennan tell me Trump's a traitor.

Don't like the Intel Community running around trying to coup the President, you know?

And where IS the DNC server? And how DID Imran Awan get such a sweet deal with the Feds? And why did Donna Brazile include Seth Rich as one of the people to whom she dedicated her book?

Trump could give a three-hour press conference asking questions and drive these people right over the cliff.

Wish he would.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

How much effort, do you think, the US intelligence agencies put into hacking the Russian government, companies, and citizens? It is all but 100% certain that it happens hundreds of times a day. Indeed, if Mueller really has the evidence he claims to have in Friday's indictments (an open question to me, still), it has to have come from hacking the Russian agents' computers, no?

MadisonMan said...

I read all the breathless reporting on this Press Conference, and I find myself asking: Under what circumstances would the Press laud Trump in a Press Conference with Putin?

My conclusion is that, similar to the de-Nuclearization story (ongoing) with NoKorea, there are no such circumstances, so why should anything that, say, the WaPost of CNN say about this be believed?

Drago said...

Here's more brand new lefty excuses for obama offered up just today!

The Hill ✔
@thehill · 1h
Author: Obama didn't do more to publicly condemn Russia because he didn't want to look political

http://hill.cm/EUEgA2b pic.twitter.com/yROQpl0fON

Gee, ok. In that case its all cool and Trump is, like, being totally unprecedented in not criticizing Putin at length, in public, over everything!!


Original Mike said...

Has a media person, any media person, ever asked a democrat official WHY they would not turn over their server to the FBI?

steve uhr said...

I don't know if I can handle any more winning ... By Russia, NK, and our other allies.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "I don't know if I can handle any more winning ... By Russia, NK, and our other allies"

And those winnings are comprised of...........


Nice try Stevie.

I suggest you forward your concerns to Angela Merkel who has just finalized a deal to give Putin 70% control over all German energy sources.

Another big "win" for lefties everywhere!


Bruce Hayden said...

“Pretty much every president has a private meeting with a foreign adversary's leader just to get to know them at a personal level. To not do so is both rude and a sign of weakness. I can even guess your fucking reaction if the story had been that Trump refused a private meeting with Putin- you would have been on this thread mocking Trump for being a chicken.”

I think that is a significant point. My reading of Putin is that he is someone who respects strength, and distains and exploits weakness. Something that has long appealed to the Russian people. He pushes until someone pushes back just as hard. His people expect it. I am reminded of the picture of him shirtless riding a bear. The Russian people loved it. Obama could never go Mano a Mano with Putin, so Putin essentially pushed the US around for eight years. So, the US under Trump calls up the Russians on what used to be the Red Phone to make sure that those troops in Syria weren’t Russian military. They were then cautioned to keep their planes on the ground if they wanted to keep them. And did. Several mechanized brigades of Russian mercenaries were then obliterated. Which said to Putin and the Russians that the time for pushing around the Americans was now over for a bit. Could Obama, or even Crooked Hillary have comfortably gone one on one with Putin? No way with Obama, and unlikely with Clinton. Trump had no problems doing it, and I think that the world is a safer place as a result. When Trump draws a red line, Putin knows that he will most likely enforce it, and most likely won’t push it. Obviously, as we all saw with Obama, that wasn’t the case back then.

wildswan said...

Brennan is hysterical because Brennan thinks Trump would just believe anything Putin said as if Trump were some CNN type. "Look, Don, here's his party card, dues paid till November 8, 2016, also Hillary. After that we changed our strategy but they won't accept that. With this you can handle the nekulturnies. Look, a real Soviet government stamp showing it's real. These cards are practically antiques. Enjoy. Meanwhile, why not lift sanctions and send me a pallet of cash?" "Oh, thanks Vlad, gee, just what I need. Sanctions, yeah, I'll get right on that; the pallet of cash, hmmm, not so sure, that's been done, they're on the watch in forgodsake Wyoming for that. But say, why not send me a pallet of cash?" "Don, forgod'ssake Don, damn capitalist." "Two pallets, Vlad, and I'm not lifting sanctions." "What?" "Three pallets." F--- capitalist." "Just a joke, Vlad, just a joke." Pause. "Four pallets, get Angela to throw in."

Original Mike said...

Blogger steve uhr said...”I don't know if I can handle any more winning ... By Russia, NK, and our other allies.”

Could you list those wins?

Fair question, no?

Drago said...

Bruce Hayden: "They were then cautioned to keep their planes on the ground if they wanted to keep them. And did. Several mechanized brigades of Russian mercenaries were then obliterated."


"rocket scientist" Steve Uhr can't handle that kind of information. You see, he is watching that "other movie", the one where obambi was the tough one.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Brennen has lost his mind over Trump. What a sad display.

MacMacConnell said...

Obama didn't publicly comment on the Russian cyber attack on our elections because he didn't want to look political all while campaigning for Hillary, WTF!

When the US cyber security officer was ready to counter Russia's election attacks Sue Rice ordered him to stand down, WTF2!

Hillary lost the election because Russia. Similar to how a video caused Benghazi.

Drago said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Brennen has lost his mind over Trump."

Brennan is fearful that his abuse of the CIA and intelligence agencies of other nations will be fully exposed and his culpability laid bare.

Trump and his staff fully understand that this is a fight to the political death. There are no rules and no referee's. Only one side can win and the win must be "complete".

The left and their LLR allies cannot afford to stop. They must, by necessity, go even more insane to stave off or completely obfuscate their actions.

MacMacConnell said...

Original Mike said...
"Has a media person, any media person, ever asked a democrat official WHY they would not turn over their server to the FBI?"

DNC head Perez was asked this recently in an interview, he ignored the question.

Drago said...

Nice catch by Mollie Hemingway (whom LLR Chuck no doubt despises):

Obama on Putin meddling in our election: "He denies it. So the idea that somehow public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn't read the thought process in Russia very well.

Number of lefty/LLR complaints about obama statement? ZERO

n.n said...

Russian military. They were then cautioned to keep their planes on the ground if they wanted to keep them. And did. Several mechanized brigades of Russian mercenaries were then obliterated.

That seems to have been the case. The assault was measured. It was likely to have been unjustified by the evidence publicly presented, but it forced to the front the role of undocumented fighters progressing the conflict.

Birches said...

I just saw that I should be outraged by the press conference. I think I am just bored.

Drago said...

Mac McConnell: "DNC head Perez was asked this recently in an interview, he ignored the question."

Some dem/lefty or LLR will no doubt nominate Perez for a Purple Heart for that "courageous" non-answer....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sorry Drago - I don't share you optimism that Trump and Sessions are going to do jack squat about the deep state.

bagoh20 said...

"lying rat bastards"

My parents were married.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump winked (did he? -the still does not make it clear. An, btw - so what if he did?) and I suppose this is what Brennen means by high crimes and misdemeanors.

Original Mike said...

Here’s (another) sincere question for steve uhr. I believe you were a federal prosecutor. What would you do if a case of alleged computer hacking were brought to you in which law enforcement had not been allowed to examine the actual server? Would you proceed to prosecution?

Original Mike said...

”My parents were married.”

So you think.

Original Mike said...

Thanks, Mac.

Bob Loblaw said...

The anti Putin diatribes are evidence of how much Putin knows about the Clintons cash sell outs and the CIA shadow government that have ruled the USA for 30 years. Putin flips and they will all hang.

This. The idea Putin would prefer Trump rather than a person over whom he had so much leverage isn't credible.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that "the 1980's called"/ Obama will have more "flexibility" with Russia after he wins' mic-check is memory holed.

Obama wanted to normalize relations with Russia and so did Hillary. Hillary and Bill pocked MILLIONS from Russian while she headed the State Dept.

Now Russia is the big bad hive-mind scapegoat. What a fraud.

rcocean said...

I must say the three stooges: Comey, Brennen, and Clapper have shown they NEVER should have been appointed to head our intelligence agencies.

These men are an embarrassment. Especially Brennan. Imagine Richard Helms or Allen Dulles going on a TV chat show and calling the current President a "traitor" - every week!

Darrell said...

Democrats can't stand a world where Russia isn't as far Left as they are. They long for the good old days of the Soviet Union.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - I'd like to hear from Putin all about Hillary and Bill, and the millions paid to them in speeches, quid quo pro and uranium deals.

n.n said...

Obama on Putin meddling in our election: "He denies it. So the idea that somehow public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn't read the thought process in Russia very well.”

Obama is correct. The value of shaming is proportional to real or perceived responsibility. If the Russian government did not meddle, then their concern is for stability in a nuclear state. If knowing the consequences, and they still made their choice, then they are unlikely to be troubled by shaming. At least not until their deathbed, where the mind wanders and wonders.

Bruce Hayden said...

“John Pickering, how could the intelligence community determine that the Russians hacked the democrat’s server(s) without examining the server(s)?”

Which just restates the obvious - the DNC server was most likely not hacked - it was an inside job. That is what Julian Assange, who created Wikileaks, which is where the DNC emails were posted, says. It is what the timestamps on the emails say. Hand picked analysts from 3 of 17 of our intelligence agencies relyied completely on DNC contractor Crowdstrike to come to the politically expedient contrary conclusion, without ever actually coming within several miles of the server itself. Let me reiterate that - the only evidence anyone has seen supporting the DNC server having been hacked came from a DNC contractor, at a time when the DNC was being run as a de facto arm of the Crooked Hillary campaign (since the DNC was otherwise, as usual, broke, without the cash being supplied them by Clinton).

Now we do know that John Podesta’s email account was hacked thanks to him utilizing the #1 worst possible password (“password”) and falling for a crude phishing attack. And there is an extremely high likelihood that Crooked Hillary’s private email server was very likely hacked by most of the top intelligence agencies around the world, including, probably, several of ours.

Drago said...

"I must say the three stooges: Comey, Brennen, and Clapper have shown they NEVER should have been appointed to head our intelligence agencies."

And it just so happens that the special process used to deliver that "authoritative" (lol) assessment of Russia's intentions and actions in the 2016 election just happened to have been led by those 3 and their agencies...and no others.

Adm Rogers refused to go along with their assessment precisely because the process used to create it was so irregular.

Hmmmmm, irregular processes used to create tools/outcomes that are detrimental to Trump and that no one else can vouch for....

How very, very convenient for these paragons of "integrity" and "virtue".

bagoh20 said...

I have no idea what Trump accomplished with Putin, but judging by who the critics are, what they are saying, and the history of such, it must have been a success.

walter said...

Chuck said...I am picturing Trump doing that sort of question-dodge when he is asked questions by Robert Mueller.
Easy now...someone could be watching.

Darrell said...

Today is a good day for Brennan and Clapper to eat their service revolvers in at a rest stop off the interstate.

AZ Bob said...

No "Reset" buttons, tender promises of increased flexibility, pallets of cash nor loads of Uranium yet in view.

Well said Drago. I would add "the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back."

Darrell said...

I'd like to see the video of Hillary negotiating her $150 million payoff from the Russians. You know they have that. I'd ask Russia to release it, but Mueller would probably send a SWAT team. Mueller and Comey should go to that interstate rest stop, too.

Matt Sablan said...

So, I actually thought Trump's 'no comment' on Putin was a bad move.

I thought the same about when Obama did the same. So, hey, at least I'm consistent.

rcocean said...

McCain has weighed in. Not even impending death, will stop Johnny McCain from grandstanding...

"Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake."

"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant. Not only did President Trump fail to speak the truth about an adversary; but speaking for America to the world.., ”

Stalin and Mao would beg to differ. Good God, we dodged a bullet when this old warmonger and hot-head lost in 2008!

readering said...

Always good to be reminded why I LOVE OBAMA.

rcocean said...

Its fun to talk about the Trump-Putin press conference. But its just a dog and pony show. All the real work is done behind closed doors.

And we don't know what was said.

But that didn't stop McCain from knowing it was a DISASTER!!!

Drago said...

Matthew Sablan: "So, I actually thought Trump's 'no comment' on Putin was a bad move"

The questions being asked were setup questions designed to be used by LLR Chuck's lefty MSM allies to undermine Trumps election win.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Trump should never, and I predict, will never, give them that soundbite that they so desperately crave.

Jon said...

So, the US under Trump calls up the Russians on what used to be the Red Phone to make sure that those troops in Syria weren’t Russian military. They were then cautioned to keep their planes on the ground if they wanted to keep them. And did. Several mechanized brigades of Russian mercenaries were then obliterated. Which said to Putin and the Russians that the time for pushing around the Americans was now over for a bit. Could Obama, or even Crooked Hillary have comfortably gone one on one with Putin? No way with Obama, and unlikely with Clinton. Trump had no problems doing it, and I think that the world is a safer place as a result. When Trump draws a red line, Putin knows that he will most likely enforce it, and most likely won’t push it. Obviously, as we all saw with Obama, that wasn’t the case back then.

That's complete fiction. Der Spiegel had a detailed report on this. Some pro-government Arab paramilitaries were advancing towards an oilfield near one of the (completely illegal) US bases in Syria. After local US commanders checked with the Russian military on the de-confliction line (no call from Trump on the Red Phone), to make sure there were no Russian troops in the area, the US attacked both the Arab force and the nearby base they had come from. About 20 Russian mercs from Wagner Group were at the base and were killed.

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