July 9, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez derangement syndrome.

Some people seem to be losing their mind over a politically beautiful face. Linked by Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit, here's Thomas Lifson at American Thinker:
Someone with deep knowledge of what expensive make-up can do to remake a human visage into something very different from the au naturel version went to work on her. In tandem with her transformation from nerd to a female Che Guevara, she morphed from capitalist to membership in a party that wants to “abolish profit.”

Ever since an iconic photograph of Che Guevara was enough to cover-up and glamorize a murderous thug who made a point of watching his opponents executed by firing squad, the puppet masters of the radical left have understood the value of a dramatic and glamorous picture in brainwashing young skulls full of mush.

I don’t know who got ahold of young Ms. Ocasio Cortez and paid for the makeover, but it was someone who understands the manipulation of the “masses” (as they describe their targeted dupes) very well.
The 2 photos do indeed create a very different impression, but you're comparing a 28-year-old face to a 22-year old face. Other than that, the difference is lipstick — who cares if it's "expensive" or not? — and pulling the hair back into a bun instead of letting it hang loose. And one picture is a frame taken from low-quality video while the other is a professionally lit still photograph (probably photoshopped for use on a campaign poster).

There is one other thing: eyebrows. Eyebrows have been a big deal these last few years, and the magazines aimed at all classes of women have stressed makeup tips for eyebrows. Here's Cosmopolitan from a couple months ago: "11 Easy Ways to Get Your Best Brows Ever/Because the simplest trick can make the biggest difference." In keeping with the current style, Ocasio-Cortez has accentuated her eyebrows.

Ocasio-Cortez is a naturally great looking woman. Her current look doesn't prove that "someone with deep knowledge" has done a "transformation" and that "someone who understands the manipulation of the 'masses'" is backing her and has "got ahold of" her.

But nice job of showing how scared of her you are.


Michael Fitzgerald said...

Sure thing. Obama's wife was the Most Beautiful First Lady Ever too. Lipstick on pigs.

MD Greene said...

Celebrities aren't people with particular talents or expertise anymore. They are brands.

Sebastian said...

"Ocasio-Cortez is a naturally great looking woman"

Depends on what the meaning of "naturally" is.

How she actually looks doesn't matter. How she looks to 1. progs and 2. soap opera women is all that actually matters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You need the fresh young pretty face to sell the old failed ideology.

Her look isn't that ground-breaking.

Temujin said...

Completely agree with you, Ann. The conservative press are all over her, and that 'scree' noise you hear is the sound of a political side of the aisle giving way too much credence and power to someone who has not done a thing yet. There are unexpected winners in elections every 2 years, every 4 years, every 6 years. Rarely do you hear from them again, other than as a talking head on either MSNBC or FOX. She is a mixed up 28 year old, just elected to Congress, who has not spent 1 day serving.

You might as well fear a barista at your corner Starbucks. The left is painting her as the next Evita, the right is painting her as the next Che. She's just a failed entrepreneur, stalking a new line of work. She's found that spouting the joys and benefits of Socialism to pay off for her better than actually working and producing something (Bernie Sanders has made millions doing this). But, she's hardly the first to do this, and most of them just end up in the streets with a sign held above their heads.

Let's let her actually say or do something before we work up a lather.

rehajm said...

Fear of She Guevara and her abolish profit platform is totally justified. We should all be scared.

Jaq said...

“American Thinker”

I just don’t get why everybody is so enamored of that site.

tcrosse said...

She is a mixed up 28 year old, just elected to Congress

Not yet.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Ocasio-Cortez is a naturally great looking woman.

Not enough information to go on. I'll wait for the bold, courageous, beautifying, radiant and captivating images. Maybe they'll be on the next campaign poster.

rehajm said...

Expensive lipstick manufacturers are profit seekers.

Anonymous said...


Fool me once (Obama) shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

madAsHell said...

She has them I'm-full-of-stupid eyes.

Wince said...

Lifson would have written a stronger piece if he simply related AOC's cosmetic makeover to her apocryphal growing up Bronx tale.

MadisonMan said...

It's hard to criticize someone when they haven't done something substantive (Is that itself a criticism?) -- so I guess you have to rely on the standard fall-back for a woman: her looks.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've seen first hand what people like her can do to New York City.

I lived through the crack epidemic. My wife couldn't walk down a busy street in Manhattan without fear of assault.

The chaos and violence was deliberately engineered by Dinkins, Lindsay and Sharpton, her ideological compatriots. Giving control over the streets to black gangs was their vehicle for inducing the madness. She's telling us she plans to do the same thing.

So, be very afraid of this woman.

And, yes, Hoyt is right. Cortez is being sold as young and sexy and revolutionary, which is supposed to make the chaos and violence acceptable.

Women are especially taken in by this crap because they love fashion and drama.

Jess said...

The face of the evil called Socialism, whether pretty, or not, always hides the willingness to murder millions under the guise of political correctness.

Hunter said...

@Kristian Holvoet

You can't get fooled again.

Jaq said...

And by “apocryphal,” which refers to repeating stuff you didn’t know was false, you mean utter bull shit. She’s the Vanilla Ice of the Democratic Party.

I hope the Democrats go this way, go all Spinal Tap, turn it up to eleven, make their appeal more selective.

gilbar said...

The campaign poster certainly looks (to me) like a soviet poster,
she's a beautiful peasant, hair tied up and Ready For Work!
The business video looks (to me) like a business video

Different clothes, different posture, different expression and head tilt
Oh yeah, she's wearing Beso (True Red) lipstick; but there's a Lot more going on than that.

Chuck said...

I don't get all of the excitement with this candidate. She's going to win a Congressional seat that will always be Democratic, no matter what. A yellow dog, running as a Democrat, would beat any Republican in that NY district. She's a Latina of some sort, and the district is 49% Hispanic.

Yes, she knocked off a member of the Democratic House leadership. Sort of an Eric Kantor/Richard Lugar type of defeat. But of course Kantor lost his primary to Dave Brat, who might not last too much longer in Congress, and Lugar lost his primary to Richard Mourdock, who lost in the general.

I don't get the fascination with Ocasio-Cortez.

Fernandinande said...

I've been laughing at the fake-news headlines about this intersectional ground-shaking giant killing king maker from the future:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is The New Democratic Kingmaker

Political giant killers like Ocasio-Cortez

Women like Ocasio-Cortez are proof the future is Latina

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the intersectional remix of Latino roots

Ocasio-Cortez's Political Earthquake

...and last but not least...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez updates bio after residency questions

Bay Area Guy said...

AOC is good looking, but I would focus more on policy proposals than her looks. All socialists should be asked how socialism is working out in Venezuela.

n.n said...

The fear is that she is a diversity vote, and that this is South American politics (presumably intolerable by emigrants) with a Democrat tail.

Freeman Hunt said...

Doesn't look much different in these pictures. It is, however, disturbing when people vote for a socialist.

Jaq said...

Actually, I wish they would go back to Mondale, Dukakis, even Bill Clinton, but Hillary put a serious stink on that side of the party.

chickelit said...

@Althouse: There’s really no reason for you to defend her intrinsic goods looks, Althouse. After all, you never gave Sarah Pailin that benefit. But maybe you didn’t think Palin was good looking.

becauseIdbefired said...

But nice job of showing how scared of her you are.

Anyone that can say, with a straight face, that free, voluntary exchanges between people is evil (such as buying an iPhone), but forced support for my favorite programs (such as "free" college for pointless degrees) is good and still make sense to people is scary.

I think the guy is right. No one that good looking could be the Voldemort who wants to bend us to her will, to force us to to become modern day serfs doing her will.

Though, there would be some kind of cosmic justice if the country sold itself into serfdom, not because of the undeniable logic of ugly feminists, but because of the childish thoughts of a feel-good beauty queen.

chickelit said...

In other words, you need you defend Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez’s beautiful ideas.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

They styled her exactly like Eva Peron. Compare the iconic Evita Duarte photo to OC’s campaign pose and they are identical from the bun to the head tilt to the angle of her leftward gaze. Not coincidental. Not subtle.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Disagree, Althouse. The days of standing around like a fart in a trance while Democrats build personality cults are gone. Attack early and attack often. O-C will be relegated to an article in a tattered, coffee-stained, copy of People, buried beneath the more recent issues of House Beautiful in the dentist’s waiting room. You’re talking civility bullshit rules.

gilbar said...

When a sitting Republican loses a primary: it foretells Disaster for the Right
When a sitting Democrat loses a primary: it foretells Disaster for the Right

When Trump wins a Primary: it foretells Disaster for the Right
When Trump wins the Presidency: it foretells Disaster for the Right
When Trump pushes through the rightwing agenda: it foretells Disaster for the Right
When Trump nominates rightwing judges: it foretells Disaster for the the Right

and Finally: When Trump is reelected: it foretells Disaster for the Right

Jaq said...

I don’t get the fascination with Ocasio-Cortez.

It’s about pinning her face to the head of the Democrat Party, and if they were smart, they would resist this, but they can’t. That’s what is so funny about it. It’s like a fork in chess, they are forked.

Sebastian said...

"But nice job of showing how scared of her you are."

This may apply to Lifson, but for the rest of us conservatives, she's just as likely be a boon, at least in the short run.

At least for the moment, Tom Perez saying that a NYC socialist represents the future of the Dems will scare more than a few people in sticking by the GOP.

Of course, Dems are trying to import enough new voters to flip the whole country, but they aren't there yet. And considering current fed and state spending and debt, when they get there, they may find they've already run out of other people's money.

Francisco D said...

If I recall correctly, lipstick is a petroleum product. Ergo ...

The socialist is already in the pocket of Big Oil!

Meet the new Commie, same as the old Commie.

It's nothing to get excited about one way or the other.

Henry said...

One of the more enlightening articles I read about fashion resentment profiled Danica Patrick's entry into Nascar. Patrick's combination of decent ability and very good looks attracted tremendous endorsement dollars. This in turn translated into a top-end car and support team. Nascar lifers were dismissive and resentful.

The article focused on an aspect of this contretemps that doesn't get much attention. Almost all the top male drivers get image work done. Some get dental work as their careers advance. Others get new hair. Those that seek money in endorsements or move into broadcasting are prepped and coached as a matter of course.

Complaining that Ocasio-Cortez cultivates an image is like complaining that Joey Chestnut eats hot dogs.

mezzrow said...

Some say that Obama wanted to be our Peron. Give this woman a blonde rinse and what do you see? Yes Althouse, this prospect frightens me.

What is it with Argentina? (he's crazy, ignore the rant)

What Lifson's doing is like picking up an unfamiliar food and saying "this tastes just like chicken."

Henry said...

They styled her exactly like Eva Peron.

Everyone loves Madonna.

Jaq said...

It’s where somebody is leading the party


Henry said...

Some say that Obama wanted to be our Peron.

Some say? You don't say. LOL.

David Docetad said...

"But nice job of showing how scared of her you are."

If you are not afraid of socialists and what they do when they get power, you don't know what socialism is.

LilyBart said...

I actually think she's attractive - its her ideas that are so ugly. Collectivism, whatever name you want to attach to it, has killed 100s of millions of people and impoverished many, many more.

Virginia Postrel wrote a book on the power of glamour - the persuasive power of glamour. She believes the opposite of glamour is horror. This woman represents horror to me - the horror of death and poverty. The horror of every failed socialist country in the Americas.

gspencer said...

Sacred of her? Hardly. She'll be a freshman/freshman, one of 435, in the minority party, representing a D district in lower NYS the voters of which have no idea of how limited, constitutional government should work. Neither does she. The percentage of those voters who have a passing familiarity with the Constitution will be well under 1%. Whether she herself has ever read the document is doubtful, though soon enough she'll go through the Article VI motions of pledging that she will obey the document.

She's slightly older than the minimum age to be a Member of Congress. Meaning we have a lifelong career hack in the making. She will, from now on to her mortal end, suck off the public teat, will probably add family and friends to her political office, and the corruption will worsen.

Hunter said...

Every time someone prominently advocates socialism, conservatives tend to jump straight to the "you would murder a gazillion people" hysterics.

I'm not saying that is unfounded, but it's not going to convince anyone that socialism is a bad idea. No one who supports socialism, or who finds it appealing, believes that it will require murdering anybody. They generally think socialism just means the nice things European governments do for their citizens.

Never mind those countries are actually free-market capitalist (in some instances more so than the US), that they're able to spend gobs of money on social programs because the reviled United States is handling their national defense, or that even with that free ride they are on a fiscal knife-edge trying to provide all the goodies their populations expect.

Even then, people must be made to understand socialism is NOT merely high taxes and a welfare state, but a complete reorganization of the economy into a model that does not function. Venezuela's problem, for most Venezuelans, is not so much that the government is mass-murdering them but the fact that their economy cannot produce food and other basic needs.

That is the argument needed to disillusion people from promises of socialist utopia. Over the past two decades we have watched Venezuela go down the road to serfdom to the cheers and praise of American leftists. It is undeniable what socialism has done to Venezuelans and undeniable that the exact same plan is what the American far left would impose on this country, history be damned.

Ken B said...

I agree with Chuck. Hype du jour.

rhhardin said...

The photos need more tits.

Gahrie said...

5% of registered voters people. This was a fluke...a case of a man who took his voters for granted and a woman who didn't in a very low turn out election.

Michael K said...

I don't think she is very attractive, not like Sarah Palin who is still hated by the left.

She does look ethnic, which is what the Democrats are about these days.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez updates bio after residency questions

The campaign bio revisions are amusing. Like Obama's birth certificate, no one will care.

Michael K said...

This was a fluke...a case of a man who took his voters for granted and a woman who didn't in a very low turn out election.

I wondered briefly if he would run as an independent in the general but I think he will be well paid to stay away.

Jaq said...

It’s battlefield prep by the Republicans for the mid-terms.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

" politically beautiful face"

Are you fucking out of your mind? The last time I saw teeth like that, they had a bit in them and were pulling a carriage in Central Park.

Nobody is afraid of this stupid communist cunt, and the more her ugly mug is in the news spouting her economically ignorant lefty nonsense the better. Just because she is not as physically hideous as a Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other geriatric democrat Thots doesn't mean she is even close to attractive.

Anonymous said...

If you are not afraid of socialists and what they do when they get power, you don't know what socialism is.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In Venezuella, you can escape socialism with your beauty. Maybe.

In America, you find socialism. It comes in a cute package with a unique shade of red lipstick.

Henry said...

@Hunter -- Thanks for the sanity. Even among socialists and anti-socialists there's a lot of muddle between what you might call big S socialism -- the nationalization of the means of production -- and small s socialism -- the vaguely Bismarckian program of welfare programs and government regulations.

I would guess that most young people attracted to socialism see it in a kind of nordic glow of social services and a strong regulatory state, mixed with environmentalism and human rights activism. It's a smorgasbord of issues and causes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

G Spencer @ 9:11


Unknown said...

Flavor of the month.

She's likely as much the representative of the future of the D party as Roy Moore is representative of the future of the R party. [If she is, God help the D's. If he is, God help the R's]

Both brought to prominence by an out-of-the-ordinary election/result. Both highlighted by the press for their own agenda. Both destined to fade from sight.

Scared of her? Nah. She's a solid vote for the D's in a seat that was destined for the same no matter the winner.

n.n said...

There is socialism in principle which is nominally egalitarian. There is socialism in practice that is a means to pursue consolidation of capital and control (e.g. single-whatever or monopolies) and its attendant progressions ("slope").

rightguy said...

Radical chis redux

n.n said...

Roy Moore ...God help the R's

Why? Who doesn't abort you may leave you damaged goods. To their credit, the journolists effectively lynched him.

walter said...

"The 2 photos do indeed create a very different impression, but you're comparing a 28-year-old face to a 22-year old face. Other than that, the difference is lipstick — who cares if it's "expensive" or not? — and pulling the hair back into a bun instead of letting it hang loose"

Weird. The biggest difference is glasses in the "nerd" photo. But yes..it looks pretty petty to focus on/insult aesthetic style choices between those (young) years. Trey Gowdy changes hairstyles with every calendar page ;)
Given her youth and relative inexperience, I'm surprised more isn't made of her internship with Teddy Kennedy. I hope he didn't ask her to make a "sandwich".
IIRC, I think part of her supposed biography is losing her Dad and working multiple jobs to support the family, stave off family home foreclosure. In her mind, it seems that is her underpinning for a plethora of "free" stuff. The right should focus on the unintended consequences she clearly hasn't thought through, not her looks.

wholelottasplainin said...

A female Light-Bringer. Yawn.

Seeing Red said...

Che has been supplanted.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ocasio-Cortez is still alive? I thought she had died while in high school. Her biography said “She ended up attending public school in Yorktown...."



Freder Frederson said...

Never mind those countries are actually free-market capitalist (in some instances more so than the US), that they're able to spend gobs of money on social programs because the reviled United States is handling their national defense, or that even with that free ride they are on a fiscal knife-edge trying to provide all the goodies their populations expect.

This is simplistic bullshit. Yes, the U.S. spends a higher proportion of its GDP on defense than European countries, but that doesn't account for all the difference. Western Europeans are taxed at a higher rate than Americans. Income taxes tend to be higher and actually reflect the published rates (for someone paid a salary there are almost no deductions). VAT is assessed at 15-20% throughout Western Europe. Gasoline taxes mean that gas averages about $6 to $8 a gallon.

As for your last point, most of the EU countries carry lower levels of debt than the U.S. (it was a requirement for being in the Euro, there was however quite a bit of creative accounting).

Jaq said...

Yes, the U.S. spends a higher proportion of its GDP on defense than European countries,

Great! What’s keepin gthem from ponying up?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Everyone loves Madonna.

In my opinion Patti Lupone did much better in the role!

Jaq said...

Roy Moore ...God help the R’s

Bob Menendez - D New Jersey. Patron of procurers of underage girls. - allegedly, at least according to the girls, who, still under the control of their procurers, recanted.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She's not as pretty as I thought. She's just fairly young. That won't last.

David Docetad said...

"There is socialism in principle which is nominally egalitarian"

Socialism in principle is immoral. Socialism in practice is evil.

wwww said...

She's one person from Queens, and she's not elected yet. All this Sturm und Drang is not about her.

Many people think that if Bernie ran against Trump he had a good chance of winning.

Not Bernie himself, as he's too old. As are many of the politicians in office. There's a generational turn over in process that's in the early stages. Millennials are beginning to age into their "voting" years.

Next 10-20 years will see them become the force in politics as baby boomers age out. 15 years from now, Congress will look a lot younger.

What if a "new" Bernie gains popularity in 10 years and runs for the Presidency?

I bet that's why there's so many articles about 1 person who is not yet elected.

Bay Area Guy said...

I would not sleep with AOC, because I don't want to condone socialism.

Known Unknown said...

"I would guess that most young people attracted to socialism see it in a kind of nordic glow of social services and a strong regulatory state"

Even the Nordics have been dialing back their regulatory state over the past 20-30 years.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I, for one, am just TERRIFIED of the Dems putting someone like Ocasio-Cortez as the face of their party. Please don't throw me into that briar patch!

Now...it's true that lots of Dems thought making Trump the Republican nominee was a winning move and that I have repeatedly underestimated the desire of the nice centrist people in this nation to embrace Leftist bullshit, so probably some humility is in order, but at present I can say that I'd like nothing more than for the Dems to fully embrace the far-Left socialist wing of their party and make politicians of that stripe their standard bearers.

Gahrie said...

Western Europeans are taxed at a higher rate than Americans. Income taxes tend to be higher and actually reflect the published rates (for someone paid a salary there are almost no deductions). VAT is assessed at 15-20% throughout Western Europe. Gasoline taxes mean that gas averages about $6 to $8 a gallon.

You say that like it's a good thing.

PM said...

Now she looks like Gal Gadot and, sister, that's a good look.

Michael K said...

Blogger President-Mom-Jeans said...
" politically beautiful face"

Are you fucking out of your mind? The last time I saw teeth like that, they had a bit in them and were pulling a carriage in Central Park.

Fortunately, I had put down my coffee cup.

Thanks for a moment of humor.

We had a microbiology professor in medical school who, it was said, could eat an apple through a tennis racket.

Same idea.

Anonymous said...

"I would guess that most young people attracted to socialism see it in a kind of nordic glow of social services and a strong regulatory state"

The problem. THE problem. THE problem. THE problem with that is it is incompatible with open borders. Free stuff for anyone who shows up? Madness. It takes a common culture of civic duty to support free stuff for those in need; where the need it recognized by both the giver and the receiver, and the responsibilities of both the giver and receiver are agreed to.

You can have open borders or liberal social welfare. You can't have both.

stevew said...

Officially not concerned. The sitting congressman ran a dreadful campaign for a primary he largely ignored. He's an older, white, Irish incumbent who is largely seen as a seat warmer. The local electorate was so excited for this primary they managed to get just 13% of the registered voters to turn out (sarc). She'll win in a landslide, Dems outnumber Repubs 2:1 or more in the district.


William said...

Perhaps in the first video she cultivated a nerd look. She's asking for investor money and wants to look like a serious person........She's definitely good looking. My study of sociology and political science leads me to believe that good looks are an advantage in life. The only exception is good looks in a Republican. Good looks in their case is an outward sign of vapidity, superficiality, and blandness. Watch how they characterize Barrett's good looks if she gets nominated.......Mike had an interesting observation about her resemblance to Eva Peron. Perhaps it's a case of parallel development. Women who wish to the the savior of humanity prefer to wear their hair in a tight bun.

Michael K said...

Gasoline taxes mean that gas averages about $6 to $8 a gallon.

You say that like it's a good thing.

Senior Economist Freder knows it's a good thing which is why he supported Hillary/Bernie/Jill Green who wanted to shut down fossil fuel production so Russia could make billions selling to our allies.

That darn Trump has unleashed the fossil fuel industry and Russia is suffering the consequences.

Henry said...

Most women occasionally wear their hair in a bun.
Eva Peron once wore her hair in a bun.
Most women are Eva Peron.

readering said...

Who says blonds have more fun?

After brunette PM prevails on brexit strategy the blond UK Foreign Minister resigns in advance of unpopular visit from the blond US Pres.

Michael K said...

readering has her/his finger on the pulse of Britain.

Trump is unpopular with the statists of both countries.

Sort of like you.

Seeing Red said...

This is simplistic bullshit.

And it’s true. Money is fungible. They funneled their money into social programs because they didn’t have to pay for defense.

3-4 generations of US taxpayers did so now we get an English Navy which is small and this via Insty:

The German magazine Spiegel recently revealed that most of the Luftwaffe’s—the modern German air force’s—128 Eurofighter Typhoons are not flightworthy.

In fact, only about ten of the aircraft are ready for operations, Spiegel said. This raises doubts about Germany’s ability to meet its NATO defense commitments....

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

Now it is true the Germans got themselves into a kerfluffle back in the 30s which necessitated constraining their armed forces but this is embarrassing.

We have a pilot shortage. Maybe we can make a trade....

Bob Boyd said...

I'd really have to compare then and now vulva shots to make a call here.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if anyone has pointed it out above, but the total vote in the primary was about 28,000, with about 16,000 to the woman. The total population of the 14th NY House district is almost 700,000. As of April 1, 2018 there were 222,363 enrolled voters of all types in the district. Ocasio received 7% of the possible votes. Not enough to sustain national hysteria. I think she's much more real as a nerd. I am not sure she can sustain the Eva Peron facade.

cubanbob said...

She is actually a blessing for the Republicans. It was never a district the Republicans were going to win. However now that she is the new IT girl for the Democrats and who happens to be a Socialist it helps the Republicans remind the voters every Democrat supports Socialism. So when the Democrats portray every Republican as Trump the voter has a simple choice to make: Communist or Trump? Trump wins.

As for her makeup, why yes it does help her appearance. There is a reason woman use makeup. If it didn't work then a lot of people would become unemployed.

MikeD said...

The only people "afraid" of her are the few remaining not insane members of the Democrat Party.

Dr. Graphene said...

Totally agree with you, Ann. She's objectively a pretty face - so what?

When did we become so terrified of ideas? Sure, her ideas are terrible, but that makes her less threatening, not more threatening. As another commenter observed, "Socialism in principle is immoral. Socialism in practice is evil." That's not opinion, it's fact.

Jaq said...

Democrats are going to save the working stiffs from high gas prices by taxing the price up to six to eight bucks a gallon.

They want both definitions of socialism out there, keep it kind of fuzzy, so as to get the most votes, and they can have the knife fight in some back room over who gets the goodies, and we all know who wins the knife fights.

Bob Boyd said...

She's young and pretty.
Old and not so pretty didn't work, so....

Heartless Aztec said...

The Althouse Dictum: The best looking candidate wins.

Sebastian said...

Socialism with a human face didn't work.

Socialism with a female face won't work any better.


n.n said...

sitting congressman ran a dreadful campaign for a primary he largely ignored

Clinton revisited.

AMDG said...

In a just world advocates of Socialism would be as disdained as those who advocate Nazism.

buwaya said...

She's quite pretty either way.
The makeover just added some severity and elegance. I don't think makeup had that much to do with it - its the hair and photography. Mussolini could look like a schlub after all, and did, until he had to do grandeur.

walter said...

Blogger Henry said...
I would guess that most young people attracted to socialism see it in a kind of nordic glow of social services and a strong regulatory state, mixed with environmentalism and human rights activism. It's a smorgasbord of issues and causes.
Time to repost this:


"The question isn't if Bernie is right, the question is, what is actually
going on and is there any way to make this once great country great
True and True.
And despite Bernie's sometimes dubious list of America's ills, as the article suggests, his focus on slicing up the pie will not fix them. If folks think the economy is under a wet blanket with the current executive, wait till the Candyman works his magic:
"What Sanders doesn’t want to explain is the costs involved in democratic Socialism. On Monday, Reuters columnist Daniel Indiviglio analyzed Sanders’ proposals and foresaw an $8 trillion deficit in its first decade. Expanding Medicare would cost $9.6 trillion alone, with another Obama-style infrastructure stimulus for supposedly shovel-ready jobs adding another trillion dollars. His tax hikes would only bring in $4 trillion, leaving a massive hole in the US budget. “If Sanders wants to realize his socialist dream, he’ll need much higher taxes to achieve it,” Indiviglio concludes.Free access to public universities and colleges will add $750 billion to federal spending – and that may not take into account the inflationary incentives that increasing subsidies will produce at these schools. Meckler only finds revenues of $6.5 trillion even by Sanders’ own reckoning of the effectiveness of his soak-the-rich tax hikes, leaving more than $1 trillion a year in additional deficit spending above the heightened levels of the Obama era."

This is an official government of Norway page:
"Petroleum activities have contributed significantly to economic growth in Norway, and to the financing of the Norwegian welfare state. Through over 40 years of operations, the industry has created values in excess of NOK 12 000 billion in current terms. In 2012, the petroleum sector accounted for 23 percent of value creation in the country. This is more than twice the value creation of the manufacturing industry and around 15 times the total value creation of the primary industries."
And that's not getting into the folly and fraud of whatever he would do to engorge the CAGW complex...cheerleader he is of that.

grackle said...

So, be very afraid of this woman.

She has two issues that I believe will be winners in the future. The student loan fiasco and socialized healthcare.

For better or worse I think Americans have decided that healthcare is a right. That attitude all but ensures that the USA will have a government-provided and government-guaranteed healthcare system.

The student loan situation is another point in her favor. The student loans will never be paid off. They’ll be forgiven and covered by the government. This means that higher education for all intents and purposes will be free. If I buy a car but I don’t have to pay for it … the car is free.

I do not favor government healthcare and I am not in favor of forgiving student loans but my political antennae are picking up these changes in attitude.

Howard said...

Blogger Crazy Jane said...

Celebrities aren't people with particular talents or expertise anymore. They are brands.

... and Trump is leading the way

walter said...

(AOC was a Berner)

But..it seems like yesterday that the new approach was to run Dems stealthily as moderates...

Rory said...

Does anyone know how she has ended up living in the apartment she grew up in?

Anonymous said...

She has two issues that I believe will be winners in the future. The student loan fiasco

Because debt is sexist. (proven by disparate impact, right?)

dreams said...

The ignorant Dems are the ones who should be scared, time will tell but recent history doesn't bode well for the lunatic Dems.

Douglas B. Levene said...

OC is a beautiful woman and smart to boot - an Intel science competition prize winner, which is no small feat. That she doesn't understand a thing about economics is apparently in the liberal world a feature not a bug. She's a threat to be taken seriously.

dreams said...

Some people see a pretty face, I see an ugly Democrat.

n.n said...

OC... That she doesn't understand a thing about economics

Oh, but she does. Economics that favor her class and mollify the masses. That is socialism in practice is a means for the elite to establish monopolies and redistribute at their pleasure.

Unknown said...

"Roy Moore ...God help the R’s

Bob Menendez - D New Jersey. Patron of procurers of underage girls. - allegedly, at least according to the girls, who, still under the control of their procurers, recanted."

Oh I certainly agree there are many politicians that I'd cringe at being the future direction of a major party.

But she is the topic of the day. And Roy Moore is from Alabama where I reside.

Believe me, Moore lost due to his own failings as much or more than any demonizing by the national press.

n.n said...

Moore lost due to his own failings

I don't want to revisit the issue. If this is the case, then the outcome may have been equitably judged. However, from outside, it was difficult to discern over the high noise level.

Robert Cook said...

"I've seen first hand what people like her can do to New York City."

"I lived through the crack epidemic. My wife couldn't walk down a busy street in Manhattan without fear of assault."

How "busy?" What street, what borough? What time of day or night? I lived here during the crack epidemic; the streets were not full of mayhem anywhere and anytime. There were particular parts of the city that were dangerous to greater or lesser degree, and other parts that were not at all dangerous. I worked nights throughout that whole era, and was out on the subways going from Manhattan to Queens and back and I never had any trouble and very few instances where I even felt the slightest sense of danger.

"The chaos and violence was deliberately engineered by Dinkins, Lindsay and Sharpton, her ideological compatriots. Giving control over the streets to black gangs was their vehicle for inducing the madness. She's telling us she plans to do the same thing."

What lunacy. John Lindsay was mayor well before crack even existed, many years before Dinkins was mayor. Dinkins was mayor for one term, and crime rates started dropping during his tenure. Sharpton? Hahaha!

Robert Cook said...

The hysterical over-reaction to and fear of this young, untried woman who hasn't even won office indicates an inchoate awareness among the assholes-that-be of a growing population of Americans who are getting it that the system is rigged for the rich and powerful and against the rest of the population. Their fear and anger is simply a confirmation that the ruling class is a criminal class terrified they will one day be called to account. They're not afraid of Ocasio-Cortez, who, even if elected, will not be able to do anything by herself; they're afraid that she is a harbinger of many more like her deposing them from their positions of power and privilege.

Jaq said...

You will be one of the first against the wall, Robert.

Gahrie said...

that the system is rigged for the rich and powerful and against the rest of the population.

And socialism/communism isn't? Then why do all the leaders of socialist/communist countries get rich while their people starve?

Remind me again how much Hugo Chavez's daughter is worth?

Robert Cook said...

"'Yes, the U.S. spends a higher proportion of its GDP on defense than European countries....'

"Great! What’s keeping them from ponying up?"

Their disinclination to grotesquely overspend on "defense" simply to pad the pockets and fill the bank accounts of war profiteers.

The question is: why do Americans so stupidly and gullibly keep pouring riches into our war department, impoverishing ourselves to enrich the weapons makers and war contractors and the other affiliated scumbags of war?

Jim at said...

Um, she ain't all that. A seven, at best.

Tank said...

Chuck hit on the core issue regarding this woman. She is a Latina who beat an old, white man in a district that had demographically changed to 49% Hispanic. This is indeed something to be concerned about. As more and more South and Central Americans become citizens and vote, they will vote as South and Central Americans do, i.e. for socialism or the like. If you like having an old fashioned America, as postulated by our founders, this is bad, bad news. So yes, something to be concerned about.

Robert Cook said...

"You will be one of the first against the wall, Robert."

When? By whom? I am not one who thinks this young woman's win in a primary portends a transformation of our government. It will remain as it is: a plutocracy.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It's not fear. People on the right are just a bit rattled at hearing someone who's being celebrated as a mainstream candidate come out and say their aim is to make this a Socialist country. Before all we got was a lot of denial and foot-shuffling from Democrats when they got caught with their pants down over that issue. I'd say that the left is way more afraid of the right that the right is of the left.

And Bernie Sanders doesn't count. We all know he's just your crazy old uncle.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Correction to my above comment. "Based on how up-front their being, I'd say that the left is way more afraid of the right that the right is of the left."

Hunter said...

and @Robert Cook while I'm at it.

Yes, the European countries fund their welfare states with high taxation on an individual level. Now what do you imagine the reaction would be if lower- and middle-class families saw their taxes doubled or tripled to provide those benefits?

Europeans do not fund their welfare by heavily taxing the rich, they do it by heavily taxing everyone. That is the lie of "free" healthcare. If you are paying an extra $600/mo in taxes then it's not free. It's just an expensive product you're forced to buy. You could as easily spend that $600/mo buying a plan on the free market today, if you were willing to budget for it (as you would be forced to do anyway if the government took it out in taxes). But supporters of "free" healthcare for all never imagine they would be forced to live on smaller paychecks. They think someone else will pay for it.

Robert Cook said...

"It's not fear. People on the right are just a bit rattled at hearing someone who's being celebrated as a mainstream candidate come out and say their aim is to make this a Socialist country. Before all we got was a lot of denial and foot-shuffling from Democrats when they got caught with their pants down over that issue. I'd say that the left is way more afraid of the right that the right is of the left."

The Democratic establishment is just as rattled. One person making claims of making this country a socialist country is no reason to be rattled, or even to lose sleep. Even if she wins, she'll be effectively nullified. The fear is, as I said, that she represents a much larger cohort of Americans who will demand that "business as usual" stops. They're so panicked they don't realize how easily such passions are nullified: just hire a stooge a la Obama who will promise to give them their "hope" and "change." They'll vote the stooge into office, he or she will continue to nurture the oligarchy, while mouthing sweet nothings to his or her base, and the majority, always obtuse and unaware, will think we're in good hands! (Just like Trump's base.)

buwaya said...

A “7” is quite good, for politics.
If she were singing or modeling clothes or, say, cosmetics, no.

Sebastian said...

As I said above, AOC could help conservatives and the GOP.

Here's a tweet from her, passed on by Steve Hayward, can't vouch for authenticity, but looks real:

"Socialism didn't fail Venezuela, democracy did."

The future of the Dem party, as Tom Perez stressed.

Could be fun.

Yancey Ward said...

I think some on the right view her as another rising Obama, but I don't think that is remotely true. Obama was carefully marketed as a moderate from the very start, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is an explicit socialist to the left of Bernie Sanders- that means, to me, that she has no national political future. Unless Crowley, the man she beat last month, runs as an independent this Fall, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is sure to win in November, but that will be the peak of her elective career- I don't think she could even win a statewide race in NY. Whether she can move up in NY state politics will be confirmed or denied by the primary results between Governor Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon. I am laying down the marker right now that Cuomo crushes Nixon by 25% plus in the primary.

Yancey Ward said...

I find the nerdy look more attractive, but that is probably just me. She is a very attractive woman, though the picture of her circulating with the crazy eyes does her no favors.

Sebastian said...


"Yes, the European countries fund their welfare states with high taxation on an individual level. Now what do you imagine the reaction would be if lower- and middle-class families saw their taxes doubled or tripled to provide those benefits? Europeans do not fund their welfare by heavily taxing the rich, they do it by heavily taxing everyone."

Exactly. European leftists are mostly honest. Solidarity means everyone pays, a lot, though at different levels, benefit in return for contributions. US progs are mostly dishonest. Solidarity means promising "free" stuff and grabbing Other People's Money, something for nothing.

I know a few honest progs. They indeed do want to raise taxes on everyone, a lot--including high VAT etc. When that becomes the mantra of the Dem party, as opposed to the wailing and gnashing about the mean GOP punishing the poor, I'll start taking them seriously, but not a moment sooner.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ocasio-Cortez is a naturally great looking woman.

Meh. Prettier before. This harshes her look. Makes her seem more ethnic and socialisty. Like she changed her Tinder pic to attract PRs instead of white boys.

Her current look doesn't prove that "someone with deep knowledge" has done a "transformation" and that "someone who understands the manipulation of the 'masses'" is backing her and has "got ahold of" her.

Prove? Perhaps it only indicates or suggests. But, if you face reality, obviously that's what happened (if described floridly), and I wonder that you feel the need to push back.

But nice job of showing how scared of her you are.

You know, you're pretty obvious. Not a good look. (Now screech!)

Bad Lieutenant said...

Their disinclination to grotesquely overspend on "defense" simply to pad the pockets and fill the bank accounts of war profiteers.

So Bob, they won't mind if we quit doing it (grotesquely overspending, etc) for them, right? Because they face no actual threats and they know it?

hstad said...

Blogger Temujin said...7/9/18 8:36am
"Completely agree with you, Ann. The conservative press are all over her, and that 'scree' noise you hear is the sound of a political side of the aisle giving way too much credence and power to someone who has not done a thing yet."

My friend AA's article reminds me of when Obama was running for the Presidency. Did you also opine that "...the political side of the aisle giving way to much credence and power to someone who has not done a thing yet..?"

Rabel said...

It's a good thing that the socialist left has found a photogenic, young politician who has the unadulterated support of the mainstream media.

If she keeps her nose clean and her teeth bright and shiny she will pull the Democrat party farther to the left and away from the American center and away from the American voter.

You go, girl.

Clyde said...

Robert Cook said...
"You will be one of the first against the wall, Robert."

When? By whom? I am not one who thinks this young woman's win in a primary portends a transformation of our government. It will remain as it is: a plutocracy.

And "Democratic Socialist" or not, she will become one of the plutocrats. You can take that to the bank.

Robert Cook said...

"So Bob, they won't mind if we quit doing it (grotesquely overspending, etc) for them, right? Because they face no actual threats and they know it?"

Why would they mind if we reduced our military spending? It has nothing to do with them. We're not paying for their defense, though you may assert we are. We're not even paying for our defense. When did we last fight a war of self-defense? One could say WWII. Some don't even think that was a necessary war of self-defense. There's certainly been no war more recent than WWII that we've been involved or started that was necessary or was for self-defense of our country.


Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...


There was this.

hstad said...

grackle said...
"...I do not favor government healthcare..." 7/9/18, 11:29 AM - I agree with your sentiment. However, please define "...government healthcare..." If you mean "single payer" I agree with you 100%. If you mean "Universal Healthcare" I disagree with your premise. For example, the economic structure of healthcare in other places just isn't what all too many people think it is. There's a large part of the American political class insisting that this is just obvious.

There are indeed national health care systems out there--but they tend not to be single payer. And there are single payer systems out there, or close enough at least--but they tend not to be national. Which is something that we really ought to be thinking about, no?

For example, there are the three Nordic systems which are not national systems at all, although they are all single payer. It is the municipality which collects the money, the tax, to pay for health care. And it's the municipality which then spends that money too. I maintain that this is rather why those Nordic social democracies work too. That money is raised locally and spent locally and that is why people are happy enough that they've got to pay so much in tax. That money is going to be rather better spent than if it travels off possibly 3,000 miles into some faceless bureaucracy.

Finally, Universal government guided health care--for those systems are not single payer. Holland, Germany and Switzerland all have mandatory insurance systems from private sector insurance companies. Germany has some 130 of them for example.

The British single payer system is very fair, very equitable, but performs horribly on "mortality amenable to health care" which is otherwise known as curing people of what ails them. That's not a recommendation.

In conclusion, my assumption would be that both single payer and national is just too inefficient. There's neither local pride nor profit lust keeping the system efficient. But the Nordic model works quite well when it comes to efficiencies and should be better understood.

Michael K said...

my assumption would be that both single payer and national is just too inefficient. There's neither local pride nor profit lust keeping the system efficient. But the Nordic model works quite well when it comes to efficiencies and should be better understood.

It is designed for a small, homogeneous population. The French system is much better for a country our size.

I have explained this in detail in a series of blog posts here.

Some of those posts are a bit dated but the basic facts are still true.

Michael K said...

And "Democratic Socialist" or not, she will become one of the plutocrats. You can take that to the bank.

She has been already. That's why she has had to change her online biography.

n.n said...

the Nordic model works quite well

I'm not familiar with their model, but the French model, which is a hybrid, comes highly recommended. The problem in America seems to come down to cost. We have effectively a single-payer system (i.e. regulated industry), which compensates for compensatory incongruities through inflated costs, similar to what has occurred in real estate, education, etc.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Robert, you give one a headache. If your obtusity is deliberate, I congratulate you, and beg for mercy. If not...

"Why would they mind if we reduced our military spending? It has nothing to do with them. We're not paying for their defense, though you may assert we are."

Is that what explains the high-pitched sounds when PDJT asks Europe to pay their fair share, or intimates that he can't ask the US to defend countries that won't defend themselves adequately, or that NATO has structural issues?

I won't be so childish as to say, "We're paying for their defense, though you may assert we aren't." The fact is that Europe not only believes that we are, but demands it.

ManleyPointer said...

She is carrying the ideological torch for Bernie, Kucinich & Nader. I would prefer those ideas continue to be championed by that weird, old hermit who steals kids' frisbees.

Obama had a thin resume, too.

cubanbob said...

The Democrats have a bright future by advocating for $8 a gallon gas, open borders, expanded welfare,our version of the NHS ( Medicaid for all) higher taxes and the inevitable 25% VAT tax on everything to help pay for it all ( if that is even possible). Cook, am I missing something?

bagoh20 said...

Hell yea I'm scared of her. Just like I fear a blind driver on the road with me. Her attractiveness is just like the blind driver having a faster car. Che's attractiveness has done a great deal of damage over the years, by convincing young minds that totalitarianism and mass murder where cool. Do modern socialists have access to books or the internet?

Being a politician and advocating for socialism today is like being a doctor advocating smoking. There may have been a time before we had the evidence when it could have been excusable, but that ignorance today is not. These same people will tell you that Trump and his supporters are stupid. You can't be stupider than thinking that the most destructive ideology in history is worth another try.

gadfly said...

"Ali Girl," as she is called on Reddit, is truly not a socialist. According to New York Post's Page Six:

During the celebration of Cinco de Mayo back in 2017, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was working as a bartender in Lower Manhattan.

One of her co-workers is now accusing the self-proclaimed socialist of stealing tips from the rest of the wait staff.

The unnamed waitress explained that Ocasio-Cortez tended bar at Flats Fix, a funky Mexican joint featuring tacos and tequila. When it came time to divide up the tips, Ocasio-Cortez didn’t want to spread the wealth around.

At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100 . . .

It would seem to me that a real socialist would simply divide the total number of servers into $560. Karl Marx rolled over in his grave.

wholelottasplainin said...

Robert Cook inhaled deeply of oracular funes, and intoned:

"The hysterical over-reaction to and fear of this young, untried woman who hasn't even won office indicates an inchoate awareness among the assholes-that-be of a growing population of Americans who are getting it that the system is rigged for the rich and powerful and against the rest of the population. Their fear and anger is simply a confirmation that the ruling class is a criminal class terrified they will one day be called to account."


OK, I'll bite. If what you say is true, why are rich and powerful ON THE LEFT pushing her so hard?

And just who is so "fearful" of a radical leftist selected to run in a primary with only 7% of the potential vote, in an overwhelmingly leftist district, in a socialist dystopia to boot?

And what about the 47% of the voting population who are "free riders" under our tax system, paying no income tax at all? Just what more do they want---but to milk even more money from the rich and powerful?

hstad said...

AA, I actually think these comments from Townhall today are better;

"...Ocasio-Cortez is an idiot, like all adolescent socialists, so she qualified to be the Great Pinko Hope for a party in decline. Here’s how bad she is – she apparently went to college, got a degree in economics, and still ended up a socialist. If she went to med school, she would have probably left a chain smoker."

DanTheMan said...

re: WWII
>>Some don't even think that was a necessary war of self-defense.

Some people think the earth is flat.

An equally reasonable proposition.

john burger said...

If you think about it, the Ocasio-Cortez love affair is driven by the same force that drove the love for Sanders, as was the support for Trump on the Republican side. They reflect the rejection of the Establishment party apparatchiks* on either side of the aisle. The Republicans voted for Trump despite of, or in spite of, his huge flaws. If the Democrats had a real primary, Sanders likely would have won, defeating a terribly flawed Establishment candidate - I am not sure how you get more Establishment than Hillary Clinton. Thus, Ocasio-Cortez fits nicely in that rejection of the Democrat Establishment mold. Let's see what happens in the general election. Will the love affair be enough to carry the day? Time will tell.


*I realize that apparatchik refers to communist party supporters, but I like the broader sense that refers to blind devotion to the party.

john burger said...

Oh, and just out of curiosity, why is it that these new political idols are always looking left, in the grand tradition of Che?


Robert Cook said...

"OK, I'll bite. If what you say is true, why are rich and powerful ON THE LEFT pushing her so hard?"

Who might they be? We don't have anyone among our ruling elites who are really "left." Maybe some self-identified social liberals, but that's of no account.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“It would seem to me that a real socialist would simply divide the total number of servers into $560. Karl Marx rolled over in his grave.”

I don’t think you understand how real socialism works. In real socialism those in power take all the wealth for themselves.

Bilwick said...

I personally would like it if Ms. Ocasio-Cortez spent less time looking photogenic and just a tad more time learning about economics. I recommend ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON by Henry Hazlitt.

Bilwick said...

Addendum to my post above: She actually studied economics in college? Amazing. And yet she probably is hoping to push legislation repealing the Law of Supply and Demand.

This quote on hstad's post above says it all: "'Here’s how bad she is – she apparently went to college, got a degree in economics, and still ended up a socialist. If she went to med school, she would have probably left a chain smoker.'"

Paddy O said...

"...she apparently went to college, got a degree in economics, and still ended up a socialist. If she went to med school, she would have probably left a chain smoker."

Being a socialist makes a lot of sense actually. What better way to become wealthy and gain power than being a socialist politician? One also has to be able to manage all the land and stock deals that come with the bribes, kickbacks, and speaking fees. Chelsea had to marry into that kind of financial management expertise.

Robert Cook said...

"And just who is so 'fearful' of a radical leftist selected to run in a primary with only 7% of the potential vote, in an overwhelmingly leftist district, in a socialist dystopia to boot?"

Those who are over-reacting so hysterically to Ocasio-Cortez, who has only won a primary, and still has to win against her opponent in the general.

What leftist district, and what socialist dystopia?

Amadeus 48 said...

Hmmm...14,000 votes (that is how many Ocasio-Cortez got) for a hispanic candidate in a majority-hispanic district in a mid-summer primary are doing an awful lot of lot of work. I am not too worried, but maybe the GOP should be.

Let's all sing The Red Flag (to the tune of Oh Tannenbaum):

The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyred dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its every fold.
So raise the scarlet standard high,
Beneath its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.

The US news media are so screwed up they couldn't get red states and blue states right. All over the world (except in US news), red is the color of the Left. More Fake News.

Howard said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

"So Bob, they won't mind if we quit doing it (grotesquely overspending, etc) for them, right? Because they face no actual threats and they know it?"

Why would they mind if we reduced our military spending? It has nothing to do with them. We're not paying for their defense, though you may assert we are. We're not even paying for our defense. When did we last fight a war of self-defense? One could say WWII. Some don't even think that was a necessary war of self-defense. There's certainly been no war more recent than WWII that we've been involved or started that was necessary or was for self-defense of our country.

In theory, the US protects western Europe, Israel and the Arabian oil fields from Russian hegemony and much of south and east Asia from Chinese hegemony. Our protectorate is designed to be the first line of defense on the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards, respectively. Our Canadian protectorate buffers the arctic flank. Mexico is our soft underbelly.

Mostly, this military policing of the high seas, the air, the land and space is used to keep the free flow of goods and services such that the US and US-based GlobalMegaCorps maintains economic hegemony over the entire planet.

It seems to be working so far as you point out no big genocidal wars since 1945.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"OK, I'll bite. If what you say is true, why are rich and powerful ON THE LEFT pushing her so hard?"

Who might they be? We don't have anyone among our ruling elites who are really "left." Maybe some self-identified social liberals, but that's of no account.

Cookie spits out another fact. They pretend to be left, like Anna Wintour, for example. Or Michael Moore, because they make money off it.

How did Bernie get all his houses ?

Oh Yea said...

Seeing Red said...
"...In fact, only about ten of the aircraft are ready for operations, Spiegel said. This raises doubts about Germany’s ability to meet its NATO defense commitments...."

If there is any possibility that Germany can meet it's meet its NATO defense commitments with only 10 operational Eurofighter Typhoons, they haven't committed to much.

wholelottasplainin said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"OK, I'll bite. If what you say is true, why are rich and powerful ON THE LEFT pushing her so hard?"

Who might they be? We don't have anyone among our ruling elites who are really "left." Maybe some self-identified social liberals, but that's of no account.


Once again, Cookies just makes shit up. For starters, he ignores Bill DeBlasio. Or Rahm Emanuel.

He ignores the entire California state government, which elects progs like Kamala Harris and Jerry Brown.

He ignores the news media, which collectively starched their shorts when Obama was elected, and to this day are still pushing big government, amnesty for illegals, and open borders.

He ignores all the left-run cities sinking into economic and social mire, and those like Boston who promote sanctuary cities and now want to give non-citizens the vote.

He ignores the entire educational establishment, which is filled with full bull-goose looney progressives with their whacky ideas about gender fluidity and intersectionality, as well as hatred of America..

But....nahhh...they're not leftists, and if they are, they're not elites, and if they *are* elite leftists they're not ruling class.

Have another hit on the bong, Cookie.

Robert Cook said...

"Have another hit on the bong, Cookie."

I've never been a smoker (or toker) of marijuana.

MayBee said...

I remember when this was going on with Sarah Palin

Jeremy said...

Considering they've killed tens of millions, you bet I am scared of Socialist politicians.

Douglas B. Levene said...

@RobertCook- From your comments I take it you agree with President Trump that there’s no need for NATO and the US should stop defending Europe against Russia. Do I have that right?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Jay Elink @6:22.... "Bull goose loony progressives". Yes, a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest reference- the novel, that is, not the movie. Good work, Jay.

zefal said...

Disagree, Althouse. The days of standing around like a fart in a trance while Democrats build personality cults are gone. Attack early and attack often. O-C will be relegated to an article in a tattered, coffee-stained, copy of People, buried beneath the more recent issues of House Beautiful in the dentist’s waiting room. You’re talking civility bullshit rules.

Funny that Ann got swooped up in the glamor of the personality of cult of obama and now is dismissive of someone warning of the attempt to create the same magic with this lady. The black joker’s wild card has been played, now the left wants to use the latino joker’s wild card. Look for her to give the keynote speech at the democrat convention to groom her just like they did for obama.

lenin, hitler, and stalin started out with less of a chance to become a force than this person has. Taking this potential threat serious before she gets traction is prudent. Too bad some people never learn. Ironic when some of those people are teachers.

zefal said...

P.S. Remember all those people dismissive of Trump’s chances? Anyone remember how that turned out? LOL,

Gahrie said...

@RobertCook- From your comments I take it you agree with President Trump that there’s no need for NATO and the US should stop defending Europe against Russia. Do I have that right?

@Douglas: You must be new around here. Comrade Marvin was on the other side in that little confrontation.

readering said...

Lenin, Hitler, Stalin!

Achilles said...

"But nice job of showing how scared of her you are."

That's stupid and juvenile. Everyone has bad days and says stupid things.

First it makes total sense to tie the socialist albatross around the democrat party.

Second she is all but openly calling for mass murder. I wouldn't even call her rhetoric veiled.

Achilles said...

She is just another little rich girl.

But necessary. She needs to put leftism/socialism front and center. The democrats need to purge this demon from their ranks or they will never be a serious national party.

Socialism needs to be defeated and driven out. If the democrat party had decent people in it socialists would be driven out and treated like white nationalists are on the right.

Socialists are just as evil as the KKK or the Nation of Islam and have killed orders of magnitude more people.

Bad Lieutenant said...

readering said...
Lenin, Hitler, Stalin!

7/10/18, 12:12 AM

1940 Democrats: "Martin, Barton and Fish!"

2012 Democrats: "Ryan, Cantor and Mitch!"

2018 Democrats: "Sanders, Nielsen and [some other Bitch]!"

Saul Alinsky’s 13th and final rule for radicals is “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

Achilles, President Trump's LKS on AOC would indeed be, "Poor Little Rich Girl." Either she had lied to get into a tiny upstate public school district, a common fraud here alas, or maybe she wasn't just Jenny from the block. She stole tips from her colleagues. Now she's being made up like Che-ette (She Guevara?) and being sold as the Great Brown Hope for Democratkind.

Leave her alone, Althouse? Why?

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