July 20, 2018

"Following former Obama administration CIA Director John Brennan on Twitter, we see his animus nakedly on display."

"He is demented by hatred. Is this really the public role a former Director of the CIA is to be playing?... It is easy to forget the critical role played by Brennan in the still mysterious origin of the counterintelligence investigation that culminated in the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel," writes Scott Johnson at Power Line. He includes a long excerpt from Kim Strassel, including:
Mr. Brennan has taken credit for launching the Trump investigation... [B]y his own testimony, he as an Obama-Clinton partisan was pushing information to the FBI and pressuring it to act.

More notable, Mr. Brennan then took the lead on shaping the narrative that Russia was interfering in the election specifically to help Mr. Trump—which quickly evolved into the Trump-collusion narrative. Team Clinton was eager to make the claim, especially in light of the Democratic National Committee server hack...

The CIA director couldn’t himself go public with his Clinton spin—he lacked the support of the intelligence community and had to be careful not to be seen interfering in U.S. politics. So what to do? He called Harry Reid.... [who then] wrote a letter to Mr. Comey, which of course immediately became public. “The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid, going on to float Team Clinton’s Russians-are-helping-Trump theory. Mr. Reid publicly divulged at least one of the allegations contained in the infamous Steele dossier, insisting that the FBI use “every resource available to investigate this matter.”

The Reid letter marked the first official blast of the Brennan-Clinton collusion narrative into the open....


Anonymous said...

It's scary that Strocz Brennan et al have their hands on the levers of power.

Darrell said...

Hang Harry Reid this weekend.
Make a giant sign with a "1" on it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How did such a hideous collection of misanthropes, partisan activists and literal commies rise to such positions of power within the "scandal free" Obama admin, I wonder.

Nonapod said...

Reading stuff like this really depresses me. There was a time that I foolishly believed that our intelligence apparatus wouldn't be capable of such things. I mean, yeah, I knew these agencies were far from being beyond reproach. The CIA has certainly done some bad stuff in the past, but those bad things were targeted at foreign governments. And the stories about all the questionable things J. Edgar Hoover's FBI did were ancient history. I believed that generally the people who ran our intelligence community wouldn't stoop to such levels of corruption and would rise above base politics. I believed that they would never interfere in the US electoral process in such nakedly ambitious ways. I believed that they would never target US citizens and presidential candidate.

Yeah, I was a naive idiot.

Browndog said...

We need to talk more about Mueller continuing the practice of granting immunity to the criminal Clinton crime syndicate in exchange for "testimony".

Everyone associated with the Clinton server cover-up was granted immunity by Comey. Now Mueller has granted immunity to six Clintonites, including Tony Podesta, in exchange for testimony against Manafort who is currently in a gulag for the crime of helping Trump win the election.

Wince said...

Brennan has curated the Trump collusion narrative as a clandestine operation.

mccullough said...

Brennan, like Comey and Sideshow Bob, served both W and Obama. They did such a great job that Trump is president. The Best and the Brightest.

stevew said...

Lots of collusion and clandestine activity designed to influence and disrupt the 2016 election, just none of it by Trump with the Russians.


William said...

Unless steps are taken to try and punish these people —if warranted —I greatly fear for the future of our Republic.

cubanbob said...

Brennan's theatrics would appear to indicate that he is running a yuuuge deflection operation to avoid looking into the crimes of Barack Obama and possibly George W Bush. Question for the lawyers who comment here, can Trump rescind immunity granted by Mueller?

Gk1 said...

At what point will Trump just declassify this bullshit and be done with it? I have given up hope Huber or Sessions will ever get to the bottom of this naked abuse of the CIA of domestic politics. I don't buy that they are methodically working on anything of value other than maybe penalizing Strzok for using the postage meter on private letters and Comey for incorrectly filling out a 3 year old expense report. Basta! Drop the big one Donald and let the chips fall where they may.

Professional lady said...

The best defense is a good offense. Brennan et al instantly went on the offensive when Trump unexpectedly won to cover their own and Hillary's corruption. I think the Obama administration was probably the most corrupt in the history of our country - and I don't just mean money. Whether Obama actively led, I don't know but he was complicit because he certainly at the very least knowingly let it all happen.

Darrell said...

At what point will Trump just declassify this bullshit and be done with it?

They'll push for impeachment if he declassifies them. They claim they will give away the methods and operatives--the linchpins of their spycraft. TREASON!!!!11!!!

Darrell said...

Hence they redacted the cost of that FBI conference table. Shit like that will give enemies all our secrets.

exhelodrvr1 said...

As long as we don't have see Hillary's naked animus. Don't think I could handle that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Brennan is a corrupt Clinton Crony. + a Communist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid.

"The evidence that Romney doesn't ever pay his taxes continues to mount." wrote Harry Reid (D-liar)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Meanwhile, Mueller has been exposed in trying to give immunity to Tony Podesta for his crimes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The final screams of a dying Clinton Corruption Machine.

Grasping for that money grubbing power... so desperate.

Hagar said...

It is not just the animus, but that these people have no better judgment but to say the things they are saying now - and their judgment probably was not any better then.

Jaq said...

This is why I pay no attention to the various Russian hacking claims when the servers in question were never examined.

Leland said...

I realize that some people want to have a bit more conclusive evidence. However, as I read Scott Johnson's article last night; I kept thinking "Welcome to the Party, pal!" Some of us figured this out months ago.

tcrosse said...

Harry Ried should be careful where he points his accusations. He could put somebody's eye out.

Gk1 said...

Darrell, they are pushing for impeachment anyway. As that great secretary of state once said 'At what point what difference does it make?" It will put these and other intelligence pricks on notice that they better not fuck with elections or all holy shit is going to get set loose. This will be the only thing that will get these institutions fixed. Just getting a few patsys will not satisfy half the country at this point. And to be honest I want to damage as much intelligence methodology as possible at this point since they have shown they simply can't be trusted with it.

William said...

Just as a matter of tradecraft shouldn't Brennan be more oblique and discreet in his criticism. When Trump claims that the honchos of the intelligence services are biased against him, such statements as Brennan has been making are supportive of Trump's claims of bias. Brennan doesn't deny his animus against Trump, but rather brags about it. This is fine when he's in the company of the other loathsome scumbags on MSNBC, but it works against him when he tries to convince fair minded people like myself of Trump's stupidity and super villain machinations.

h said...

One thing I wonder about: the Trump/Russia story appears (to me) to have been more or less completely ineffective in moving the electoral needle in Clinton's direction. Partly, it seems like nobody really wanted to take responsibility for setting the story in motion. Brennan sends it to Harry Reid. Reid sends it to Comey. Comey and Lynch send it to the FISA court. Meanwhile the clock is ticking. (And on a separate track, Comey apparently begins to worry that his actions will look to baldly political so he drops the other shoe (Weiner laptop) on the Hillary email investigation.) So what I remember from the election period is the peeing whores story -- which was just too silly to be taken seriously. But I don't remember any clear assertion like this: "Russia is trying to tip the election to Trump; if you value the sanctity of our electoral system you must vote against Trump." I'm not sure what lessons to take from this experience for a person involved in a Presidential election campaign and who would like to figure out the best way (when and how) to release and publicize negative information about an opponent.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I believed that they would never target US citizens...."

They did in the '70's, hence the Church Commission. The FBI was evil then because it targeted the Left.

But now they're targeting people the Left hates, so it's all good now.

Critter said...

As Congressional investigations move closer to bringing Brennan's naked political role in starting the Trump Russia investigation to light, Brennan's hysterics grow wilder and louder.

He's not just worried about politics, but about the location of his retirement days.

Achilles said...

The word Treason applies.

This conspiracy goes all of the way to the top.

Obama, Brennan, Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Strzok, McCabe, Ohr, Ohr, Steele, Fusion GPS, Cloudstrike, the 7 or so “agents” the FBI hired to spy on the Trump campaign...

Jail is too good for these people.

And then there is Arwan. That invlolves half the sitting democrat caucus.

August 28th is the day of peak rage.

Be ready.

Jaq said...

How about backing up your negative information with hard evidence? That's one way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who needs hard evidence when you have the ARM to the democrat party - The Media- lacing all "news" content with Trump and Russia colluded innuendo.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

When you see a supposedly non-partisan officials like Brennan being so nakedly partisan after leaving office, you have to assume they were just as partisan when they were on the job.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Today in the WaPo, there is a Eugene Robinson article called "God Bless the Deep State."

“The deep state stands between us and the abyss.”

But hold on? Weren't liberals like Chuck and Inga telling us 5 minutes ago that the very notion of a Deep State was ridiculous and only goofs like Alex Jones and silly deplorables believed such a thing?

Time to update your leftist talking points, Chuck.

The new hotness brought to us by the Ministry of Truth is: The Deep State is our Savior!

Love Big Brother!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The death of the Mueller, Comey, Stroizk, Clinton, Brennan Reid crime machine dies slowly.

stevew said...

"... they are pushing for impeachment anyway."

Correct, and the louder and more often they say it the less people - real people - hear it and believe it appropriate. Rank speculation on my part, but I suspect Trump knows this and has calculated that he is better off now and in the long run by letting Brennan et al howl at the moon. The facts are coming out. It is more than a little ironic that much of these damning (to the Dems and Deep State) facts are being uncovered in the Mueller investigation.


MacMacConnell said...

It's been rumored that FBI lawyer Lisa page testified that China hacked Hillary's server not Russia. That would throw Brennen, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and StorzBoy under the bus. The Chinese got the 30,000+ emails.

If true and since the DNC wasn't even being run out of the DNC, it was run out of Hillary's campaign according to Donna Brazil. So wouldn't it be true that the Chinese hacked the election?

In related news, WAPO the " democracy dies in darkness" journal that repeatedly said the "Deep State" was a conspiracy of the fevered extreme right now calls on the "Deep State" to save the nation from Trump.

walter said...

"it works against him when he tries to convince fair minded people"
Big assumption there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Actual Russian collusion and Communist connections with Russia through the decades?

Why - none other than the devout communist himself: Bernie Sanders.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie Honeymooned in the USSR.

Isn't his treason, according to the new rules of the Deep STate?

Martin said...

I see lots of questionable judgments by lots of people, esp. in hindsight, but one person stands above them all as consciously interfering in an election and, if not treason as defined in the Constitution, arguably seditious and certainly contrary to an oath to defend the Comstitution--and that is John Brennan.

Clapper, Lynch and Comey are right behind.

Trump is on the list at least for questionable judgment, but way lower down the list.

Darkisland said...

Supose Brennan, Strzok et al are Iranian agenys?

Would a lot oc thos stiff make sense then?

John Henry

Sebastian said...

First, Brennan wanted to Get Trump to Get Trump and elect Hill.

Then, he wanted to Get Trump to Get Trump and get off scot free.

FIDO said...

I have said before and I will say again: when Trump puts a new person in his Cabinet, he just sight unseen gives them blanket immunity from any wrongdoing. For anything. Mueller is trying to make it impossible to work for Trump and soliciting testilying on the stand by his associates. Much harder to do with no prior 'crimes' to use as leverage.

FIDO said...

What happens if Trump removes Mueller's power to pardon? Why should he have it?

And why are pardons only going to people associated with Clinton?

But a better question is WHAT CRIMES are being pardoned? Think the public might like to know that?

Drago said...

Exiled: "But hold on? Weren't liberals like Chuck and Inga telling us 5 minutes ago that the very notion of a Deep State was ridiculous and only goofs like Alex Jones and silly deplorables believed such
a thing?"


But in LLR Chucks and Ingas and the other lefties defense, history began anew this morning.

Big Mike said...

It's been rumored that FBI lawyer Lisa page testified that China hacked Hillary's server not Russia. That would throw Brennen, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and StorzBoy under the bus. The Chinese got the 30,000+ emails.

Oh bloody Hell. @Mac, @everybody else, EVERYONE, and I mean every intelligence service, allied nation or adversarial, hacked that server. The IP address was trivial to acquire and the security patches were not kept up to date. Out of sight of the public there is a hard-fought never-ending battle between hackers who are motivated by vanity, by ideology, by money, and/or by love of their country (not ours) to break into systems, and the cyber security experts who try to block them. Hackers have the edge because the defenders are mostly reactive, but towards the end of my career I had the privilege of seeing a small part of the Defense Department’s cyber efforts, and “impressed” doesn’t begin to cover it. For all of that, there’s a reason why China’s newest jet transport is practically rivet for rivet identical to our C-17.

Hillary Clinton is just an extreme example of the Obama administration’s cavalier attitude towards security. If Barack Obama had the slightest grasp of technical issues and any level of leadership he’d have ordered her to use her dot-gov account for official business instead of the wink-wink that went on.

YoungHegelian said...

Okay, I'm jumping in for a minute while I'm visiting my 90 yr old Mammy in 'Bammy to say a couple of things:

1) Nicely put, Big Mike. Agree completely.

2) Why should any of us give a shit about what happened to the DNC? The DNC is a private organization. It is not an arm of the federal government, & is not under its rules. Thus, anything on its systems has no relation to national security by definition. If there was any top-secret info on the DNC's systems then it is the staff of the DNC, not the hackers who belong in prison. There wasn't any secure data, just stuff embarrassing to Democrats, and that's a problem for the Democrats, not the nation. It's the responsibility of every corporation to secure its assets, not the nation's.

I mean it's like Sony or Equifax getting hacked -- it's messy & it's criminal but it's not a matter of national security.

Matt Sablan said...

Hey, you know what's also great? Podesta got immunity to tell on Manafort. Even though they did the same thing; Podesta refused to cooperate and Manafort DID cooperate.

Why the hell should anyone cooperate with the FBI after this?

Matt Sablan said...

Isn't it funny that all "investigations" seem to just always slant one way?

That's why I don't trust Brennan.

walter said...

So..around when did Brennan come around to denouncing Communism?

Bruce Hayden said...

"As Congressional investigations move closer to bringing Brennan's naked political role in starting the Trump Russia investigation to light, Brennan's hysterics grow wilder and louder. "

As I have said before, I strongly expect that we are going to find that the CIA (under Brennan) created the evidence used by the FBI to open the FBI's Trump/Russian Collusion counterintelligence investigation (that ultimately became the FISA warrants on Carter Page) out of thin air. The pass off seems to have been that trip to London by Peter Strzok that summer. While Misfyp, Downer, and Halper all had ties to Fusion GPS, they also had CIA ties, and the way it was run, with one agent (Misfyp) planting the misinformation with the target, and another agent (Downer) trying to reel him in, shouts CIA operation. Note, they don't legally operate in this country, and this operation was completely foreign. Obviously foreign, where they don't have to operate under the same pesky Constitutional (and statutory) rules that the FBI does here. In particular, I think that they bridged the gap that the FBI needed to bridge with sufficient facts to bureaucratically open that counterintelligence operation. Just like the FBI couldn't use the FISA Title VII information that they had obtained to get a FISA Title II warrant, so had to launder it through Steele, the FBI can't manufacture their own probable cause out of thin air to open investigations, but can use it if another agency kindly provides it -,esp if, as here, the CIA hides where it is ultimately coming from (the CIA) by routing the disclosure through the State Dept (again, there appears to be a lag between when the FBI actually knew about the information, and when they plausibly were officially made aware of it (which is why, I think, that Strzok's bosses, Priestap and McCabe, were fighting so hard to see who got to debrief him first after that London trip)).

Matt Sablan said...

But, ultimately, all of that misinformation/disinformation really was coming from the Clinton campaign, wasn't it?

Jupiter said...

Mac McConnell said...
"It's been rumored that FBI lawyer Lisa page testified that China hacked Hillary's server not Russia. That would throw Brennen, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and StorzBoy under the bus. The Chinese got the 30,000+ emails."

They also got the applications of everyone who applied for a US security clearance any time in the last 40 years when they hacked the Office of Personnel Management. The reality is that the US intelligence establishment is a laughingstock. The US government does not have any secrets, except from its own citizens.

Matt Sablan said...

"It's been rumored that FBI lawyer Lisa page testified that China hacked Hillary's server not Russia."

-- Eh... I kind of think the answer is "both" to Hillary's server; remember. That and the DNC server are two different things.

traditionalguy said...

The Summer of Panic is coming down to decsion time on which colluding Cabal Criminals get to make a deal and which ones are banished to a Cuban Resort for life.

Achilles said...

Darkisland said...

Supose Brennan, Strzok et al are Iranian agenys?

Would a lot oc thos stiff make sense then?

John Henry

If Obama was an Iranian spy/agent, what would he have done differently?

If Hillary Clinton was a Russian spy what would she have done differently?

To be fair I don't think Hillary actually cared about what the Russians wanted. They gave her money and it was just a transaction to her. She took billions from other countries too.

chuck said...

Brennan was known to be, um, "odd" before he was made director. One wonders exactly why he was made director despite that.

Bob Loblaw said...

This is why we get caught unawares by world events. Our primary foreign intelligence organization is trying to play kingmaker in US domestic politics.

Jim at said...

He is demented by hatred.

There's a lot of that going around. It will not end well.

Yancey Ward said...

That Brennan was in charge of the CIA and Comey was in charge of the FBI tells you pretty much all you need to know about the biases of the people working in the top 5 layers of those agencies. Do you really think either one of them allowed anyone who didn't have the same biases rise up the management ladder? It will take Trump two terms to clear these people out.

Michael said...

Brenan is covering his tracks. He is a Russian mole.

Bruce Hayden said...

Let me add a bit more about what appears to have been going on during late spring through the election in 2016, esp with the FBI. The FBI is a bureaucracy (as is the CIA, etc). A big, very old, bureaucracy. Which means that there are rules and procedures for everything, and, given their role, in particular, in opening up investigations. There are apparently three levels of interest in subjects or matters there. The lowest level is fairly easy, some FBI agent just informally looks into something. But no resources are really assigned there, no warrants, etc. he can make some phone calls, or ask some questions, but not much more. The next step is a preliminary investigation. Get some evidence, fill out the paperwork, and he can maybe get an official PI opened up, where he has some investigative tools at his disposal. Then, if sufficiently more evidence is discovered, he can fill out additional paperwork, and a full investigation can be opened. There, agents have all of the agency's investigatory tools potentially available (after, of course, filling out the proper paperwork). This structure was, apparently maintained when the FBI officially began to conduct counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations. One difference though is that instead of getting Wiretap Act warrants through US District Court judges, as is done in full criminal investigations, national security investigations also can utilize FISA Title II wiretap warrants, as well as do Title VII database searching. Normally, FBI employees use the tools available at one level to put together the evidence (and paperwork) to move to the next level.

I mentioned above that the FBI couldn't go to the FISC with a Title II FISA application, with information they had acquired via Title VII database searches. And the reason for that is that they wouldn't have the paperwork for the Title VII searches. It does appear that the searches of the FISA databases had been done, but not legitimately. They didn't have the paperwork, because they didn't have the predicates. Instead someone had utilized the databases to do opposition research, and that appears to have been contractors, who had no legal right or authority to have been doing such. Very possibly DNC contractors Fusion GPS and/or Crowdstrike. So, it appears that Steele was brought in to launder the evidence from the illegal 702 searches into a form that could be used internally by the FBI bureaucracy. While FISA 702 data (without proper search justification paperwork) wouldn't work, Russian spies would work just fine. But the FBI had a proble even there, since Fusion GPS was a DNC contractor. How did they get the information from Fusion? They couldn't really tell the truth, that it was coming through the wife of ADAG Bruce Ohr, who had gone to work as Fusion's Russian expert right at the same time that they hired Steele. This is where, I think, Harry Reid and John McCain fit in, to give them a plausible route. Strzok somehow had to officially meet Glen Simpson, the owner of Fusion.

Dude1394 said...

Yes they are calling for impeachment. But the problem is trump can not trust the republicans to have even a little backbone. We have just seen it with this Helsinki crap. The problem with declassifying everything isn’t just the Democrat media party, they have already shot their gun, it’s the cowardly republicans.

PhilD said...

"But in LLR Chucks and Ingas and the other lefties defense, history began anew this morning."

and if you don't like one version of history, they always have plenty of others.

Bruce Hayden said...

But getting back to paperwork, the Steele Dossier couldn't be used to open the counterintelligence investigation, or even the preliminary one. Rather, it was used after the full investigation was underway to get the FISA Title II wiretap warrants. To get to opening a Preliminary Investigation, they needed evidence from outside the FBI that they could use in their Preliminary Investigation form. And it had too look legitimate. This is where, I think, the CIA came in. They could, and very likely did, manufacture the evidence, out of thin air, as they often do. But because everyone knows that is what they do, for an operation this sensitive, they needed it to look like it was coming from somewhere else, and that is how the State Dept may have become involved. After all, Downer was Australia's ambassador to the UK, and so logically would routinely be talking to his US counterparts. Except that Congress is having a problem nailing down exactly how the information from Downer (and his friend Misfyp) got to the FBI. The State Dept (a bureaucracy over twice as old as the FBI) claims to have no paperwork showing that they gave the evidence to the FBI. MY guess is that they got sloppy rushing to get everything done in time. Hopefully, we will see what really happened there.

The other place where bureaucracy comes in is with the paperwork that the higher ups had to sign. In particular, there were eight critical signatures on the 4 FISA warrants, with the DoJ DAG and FBI Dir or DD signing each one. Sure, we know that Yates and McCabe were very likely somehow involved, but what about Rosenstein and Gray? And the answer is that what they get before they sign is a large package of underlying documentation. They aren't in a politician to individually validate each item in the package (with 35k employees in the FBI and many more in the DoJ) so all that they can really do is look at the paperwork, make sure that it is all there, and make sure that it is all looks plausible. And, rising to the level that Strzok and McCade were requires that they were good at paperwork. They knew exactly how to make the packages given their bosses for review look legitimate. That is where all that work coordinating with the CIA to develop the predicates for the Preliminary investigation, how to legitimately seem to have become appraised of such, how they supposedly found out about the contents of the Steele Dossier, etc. it all, directoy, or indirectly, went into the packages of documentation supporting the 4 FISA warrants. They all had to look legitimate, first because that is how bureaucrats work, secondly, they couldn't be sure that the people originally involved would continue to be, and that their successors had to be persuaded that the underlying information was legitimate, and third, because they very likely knew that their asses were on the line if they got caught, and the easiest way to catch them is through their paperwork - which, BTW, is why I believe that the FBI has tried so desperately to keep Congressional oversight committees from seeing the underlying paperwork, so desperately that committee chairs have routinely threatened to hold them in contempt of Congress, and even got the WH involved (to little avail). The paperwork is likely to show where all the dead bodies are buried.

tcrosse said...

Bravo Bruce Hayden.
Your 2:41 post is like one of those scenes where Poirot gets everybody in the drawing room to explain whodunit.

Leland said...

Bruce, your story has an implication that there was a Title VII search that came up with something worth hiding their improper efforts to get it. I don't know if you intended the implication, but I'm not sure that's a required part of the story. I think this is more basic. They used FISA wiretaps to build real opposition research (a digital Watergate break into the Trump campaign), and concocted a fake story of the Steele Dossier to get it. They never intended for the Dossier to become public knowledge. It needed to only placate the FISA judge, who might have only wanted enough evidence to not look completely complicit with the collaborators.

Democrats said from the beginning that FISA warrants could be abused this way. They likely assumed, and maybe rightly, that Republicans abused them this way all the time. That could be why so many won't back Trump even when successfully pushing conservative campaign promises. Regardless, I think this is simple abuse of the system. After all, these same people are part of the IRS abuse.

Hagar said...

They perjured themselves to get a FISA warrants for James Rosen's phone records and then Eric Holder went on TV and bragged about it without anyone remarking on it, so so much for the "integrity" of that process.

Vance said...

Amazing how Chuck, Inga, and the rest aren't on this thread. CNN directors admitting they made up evidence against Trump sort of harshes their mellow.

Oso Negro said...

@ walter - Good question - how in blazing fuck did a former Communist get to be head of the CIA? You can't even get citizenship as a former Communist.

narciso said...

interesting question, in a related note, wouldn't an actual indictment of the gru officials, included dob, passport #s, actual home address,

Alex said...

There is a collective demented hatred amongst the left in this country that one can see a parallel with 1950s 'commie' hysteria.

Michael K said...

Alex weighs in with loony tune nonsense. Hi there, Alex.

They used FISA wiretaps to build real opposition research (a digital Watergate break into the Trump campaign), and concocted a fake story of the Steele Dossier to get it.

I've been reluctant to get into this with my FBI agent daughter but, at one time., she was the FBI lawyer that wrote the FISC warrants.

The next time we visit, I'm going to ask her about the FISA stuff as it is becoming pretty evident that the abuse was really there and the surveillance by "contractors" was at the base of it. That's what Rogers stopped in 2016.

Michael K said...

Sorry, Alex. I misread your comment as "against" the left and not "among" the left.

narciso said...

Except that was warranted, the communist conspiracy was real.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump is letting it stew, it brings out the flavor.

Seriously, the longer this goes on, the more comes out. A lot of the bias is hidden, and what happened is not obvious. And the longer this debacle goes on, the more Mueller, anti Trumpers, and the MSM seem more and more biased.

It's actually helping Trump, by making him look sane, and his opponents incredibly biased.

And with all this Hysteria about Russia, etc. Trump is getting a lot of other things done. And it may help the GOP in the mid-terms.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Honestly I been doin' me alil' bit o the vaslightin': these pukes

They thought they were within 1.5 standard of my devioations. they lied to themselves to conclude that given my evidence States State d.

oh and Pantera Mettled in Moscow in ,1991: Domination most Metal Meddling..

Guildofcannonballs said...

ot =400,001/ or$ 399,999 buf ext lg $400,000 and 10% is what Needs to be paid

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