July 9, 2018

"Everything about Harry Potter sounds like a name for your vagina."

Goblet of Fire, The Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid, The Half-Blood Prince...

Says Michelle Wolf, momentarily digressing within a comic rant called "Salute to Abortions":

The digressions appear at the midpoint of that video. Shaking off the digressions, getting back on track, she says, "Now, men, I'm sorry. I'm sure this brings up a lot of feelings and thoughts and points you want to make and I just want you to know: That's all very irrelevant..."

I found that via "Michelle Wolf Gets Patriotic For a Red, White, and Blue Salute to Abortion" at Slate, which ends:
By the time Wolf brings out a marching band and strews the audience with glitter while exhorting them to have abortions if they want them, you may be wondering why more late-night talk show hosts don’t produce segments defending abortion as a positive good. To learn more about this topic, check out the YouTube comments on this video!


MayBee said...

Why does abortion have to be made into a *good* thing? I'm pro-choice, but that is ghoulish. It's possible for abortion to be both very sad and legal.

MayBee said...

also: further evidence that women are becoming exhausting

David Begley said...

If we ignore this woman, will she go away?

Biotrekker said...

Since abortions are great, Michelle Wolf will understand that I wish she had been aborted.

Henry said...

Where's Peter Singer when you need him?

Birkel said...

Things that are irrelevant have no need of the word very.

Now, I know she was speaking and that's different than writing but without relevance means zero relevance.

See, also:
very pregnant
give 110% effort

MayBee said...

And finally! A liberal comic hosting a show!

Christopher said...

"Hey everybody look at me, I'm being controversial again."

But seriously this type of thing is just boring anymore.

rhhardin said...

The shop around the corner

romcom titles as names for your vagina

traditionalguy said...

Killing off inconvenient people is what they are doing. The cover story is that this is what empowers women. Actually raising a good loving family is what empowers women. And that cannot be changed by propaganda.

rehajm said...

Why does abortion have to be made into a *good* thing? I'm pro-choice, but that is ghoulish.

It was creepy when she talked about removing the 'stigma'.

rhhardin said...

Rhetorically it's combatting hyped cuteness with clump of cells medical procedure.

They'll meet in the middle but won't be settled until people can vote on it in some venue. Then it's a legitimate law.

rehajm said...

They don't want a conservative oriented justice because it screws up a lot of the stuff they like to do to control people. The irony.

MayBee said...

The cover story is that this is what empowers women. Actually raising a good loving family is what empowers women.

Although for women who really don't want children, using birth control would be empowering, too. You are holding yourself to the same standard you hold men to. It's cheaper and less invasive. It's the difference between keeping your house tidy, and having to call in the junk haulers to clean up your hoarding. Needing someone else to clean up your mistake isn't empowering.

Roughcoat said...

Oh. Abortion again.

PJ said...

Why shouldn't abortion be celebrated like all the other sacraments? Well, yes, there's that element of extreme unction, but that's not the relevant part.

Ralph L said...

Needing someone else to clean up your mistake isn't empowering.

So keep your distance from waterfalls large and small.

Jaq said...

Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. . - Justice Ginsburg in the New York Times


I read a statistic somewhere, but can’t back it up, so I will only offer it as hearsay, that more black children were aborted than born in NYC. But remember that Trump is the racist.

TheDopeFromHope said...

No doubt that abortion is a "positive good" because liberals shouldn't have children. And thank God they generally don't want to. Children are stinky, smelly, whiny, expensive, and don't forget the huge carbon footprint that children have. We need to encourage liberals to kill all their children.

And just the other day, I was traipsing through the emanations of the penumbra (or was it through the penumbra of the emanations?), and what do you think i found? A constitutional prohibition on liberals having children! So let's get some laws passed and up that positive good that abortion provides.

jaydub said...

There is no click bait in the world that could get me to watch Michelle Wolfe do anything, except maybe as a participant in a donkey show. There's no donkey in this one is there?

Michael K said...

The "Roe Effect" will finally kill off the political left.

Shouting Thomas said...

I can never figure out whether feminist women are trying to convince me that misogyny is perfectly justified or an abomination.

My generation of women has wallowed in their own assholery.

Bay Area Guy said...

Memo to Men - don't have sex with Michelle Wolf or any women who likes Michelle Wolf. They are crazy Leftwing ladies, who will wreck your life if you intermingle yours with theirs.

Temujin said...

I don't know how this will all end, but I do know that this book should be read before you beclown yourself ala Michelle Wolfe.

Some low IQ people seem to make such light of the taking of life. Whichever side you're on, if you don't have the humanity in you to understand what is being discussed, and relegate it simply to a political cause or women's issue, I don't have an ounce of time for you.

Leland said...

I think this has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with keeping PP funded by taxpayers, so it can launder money to Democrats. Especially since the Janus ruling cut off the union spigot. Democrats are running out of money.

Jaq said...

I can never figure out whether feminist women are trying to convince me that misogyny is perfectly justified or an abomination.


Jaq said...

Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth

Isn’t that the purview of the elected representatives of the people? Naah! No wonder Democrats are having a shit fit, they think we are anointing a philosopher king.

Saint Croix said...

Why does abortion have to be made into a *good* thing?

otherwise you are one of the baddies

walter said...

"I'm just a vulgar mouthy bitch who tells jokes about f**ked up shit"

dbp said...

I think there are a lot of liberals and some conservatives who are of the, "Safe, legal and rare" school of thought. This is closely related to the idea of abortion being morally problematic, but not as bad as the moral problems of prohibition.

I can't help but think that if the likes of Michelle Wolf get their way and cheer-lead abortion as a positive good, that this will cause a polarization and not in a good way for their side. If given a choice between which society you would like to live in: Abortion is illegal, abortion is celebrated. I think most of us don't want this choice, but if forced, will choose the non-depraved option.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

From "safe, legal, and rare" to "let's celebrate our ability to have one any time we want for whatever reason we want."

It's almost like abortion supporters were being disingenuous the whole time, huh? But no, it can't be that--women as a group are too honest and nice centrist people like Prof. Althouse wouldn't tolerate arguments made in such blatant bad faith.

It's funny: I bet nice centrist people like Professor Althouse would find it utterly disgusting and ugly if some national figure celebrated the ability of Americans to enjoy their human right to self defense by expressing their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms (in some high profile defensive shooting scenario, say) and there'd be much weeping and gnashing of teeth over the poor victim, etc. But the (unenumerated) right to an abortion is celebrated and held up as sacred and the nice centrist people join their Leftist pals in cheering.

But I guess we have to just shrug and say "it's different for women" or something. Because of equality, I guess.

Moloch smiles!

Sebastian said...

"you may be wondering why more late-night talk show hosts don’t produce segments defending abortion as a positive good"

I think they should, with pictures of the actual procedure at various stages of pregnancy and of women thinking hard, hard, about the morality of the procedure.

Clyde said...

Too bad that her mother didn't have one.

Sebastian said...

@dbp: "I think most of us don't want this choice, but if forced, will choose the non-depraved option."

Well, lucky you, you don't have the choice. Cuz "the Constitution" made it for you! Says right there in Article, wait, Amendment, wait,lemme look --. Anyway, it's in the Constitution. Cuz women need to think about morality. They are persons, you know. And therefore, it's in the Constitution. As I said. So: no choice about choice. No need for you to think about the morality of the celebration of abortion. Only women, aborting women.

Jaq said...

hat this will cause a polarization and not in a good way for their side.

Yes, it takes an effort of will to not be driven emotionally to the anti abortion side by their rhetoric.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

MayBee said...Why does abortion have to be made into a *good* thing? I'm pro-choice, but that is ghoulish. It's possible for abortion to be both very sad and legal.

No; unacceptable. If it's a sad thing then that implies there is something to be sad about and that leads to the conclusion that there was something morally...problematic about what happened (the abortion). Since abortion must be seen as simply a matter of removing a clump of cells and equivalent to having one's tonsils removed there can be no moral component to the procedure or the choice to have it, at all. Therefore sadness is not an acceptable default society-wide reaction to abortion. Any individual woman is free to feel any way she wants (just as it's acceptable for any person to feel bad/sad about having to have their tonsils removed) but if we allow even for a moment that sadness or even any tiny amount of shame is to be expected as a consequence of choosing to have a non-medically necessary abortion then the game is up.

Open cheerleading is thus completely expected as a tactic! Most women probably feel some amount of sadness, so it's VITAL that the Left define that feeling as being based only on a false consciousness caused by misogynist patriarchal oppression and/or Puritanical Christianist social poison.

"See gals, the only reason you think elective abortions are a bad thing is because you delicate lady brains have been warped by gross controlling men--once you free yourself from their oppressive "morality" you'll join me here dancing for dead babies and cheering the choice to kill your fetuses at will and be HAPPY about it!"

Sadness isn't an acceptable response. It'll be tolerated in an individual but not as a society-wide feeling or response; to do so would cede too much ground and acknowledge that which must be ignored.

Curious George said...

She talks and looks like she had a stroke.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When smart people say "The Future Is Female" this is what they mean, by the way. Yay for the future!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left want to encourage ripping out the fetus, but they won't even talk about optional sterilizations.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Normal people are going to see this disgusting nonsense and come away with two thoughts. One, voting for Trump and Republican candidates is absolutely necessary and we will crawl over broken glass to do so. Two, these morally degenerate lefty cunts should be nailed to crosses.

Sydney said...

The comments on the YouTube video are generally positive, so why don’t more late night comedians do this sort of thing? Or did I get to it after the pro abortion activists left their marks?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Actually raising a good loving family is what empowers women. And that cannot be changed by propaganda.”

Ah, but it has to be seen to be truly understood. And fewer and fewer people are getting a chance to see it. But it is a beautiful thing to watch a matriarch receive back everything that she gave.

robother said...

Michelle Wolf is the best advertisement for abortion. Like many Progs, she really seems to view life, even her own, as a huge imposition.

n.n said...

Celebrate selective-child and recycled-child with Planned Parenthood. Celebrate summary judgment, torture, and capital punishment of the wholly innocent. This journey began in Aztec territory but has since progressed to something catastrophically divergent.

n.n said...

Pro-Choice is two choices too late.

Jaq said...

I don’t know who that woman is. saluting, but it does make me want to play “Hide the All-American Hot Dog” with her. So I won’t watch the video and probably spoil the effect.

n.n said...

removing the 'stigma'

Elective abortion has already been normalized in the political, social, and religious (nominally moral) culture. However, normalized in this instance is a minority consensus forced on a majority who are either "good Americans" or bewildered.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Why are skanks like Michelle Wolf so concerned about abortion anyway? The only time she's been penetrated was with the business end of a strap-on.

Hey Skipper said...

Obviously, it is high time women started celebrating their miscarriages.

Seeing Red said...

She should get her tubes tied on YouTube.

As I say, it’s a shame your mother didn’t practice what you preach.

Seeing Red said...

Abortion is patriotic: the ChiComs thought so, too, especially if it was a girl.

Unknown said...

Safe, legal and celebrated.

I'm pro-choice because I realize I can not put myself in the shoes of a woman facing that decision under dire circumstances.

I shuddered when I first read of couples that intentionally get pregnant then test the sex of the child to determine whether to bring it to term. Rare I trust.

I likewise shudder at this "Hooray!" treatment.

I do not think this is the great rallying call the left believes it will be.

Big Mike said...

Hell, we can do better than that! Instead of making abortion merely legal, let’s make it mandatory for unmarried mothers (with an exception for widows whose husbands died after the baby was conceived). Think of all the money we would save on AFDC alone.

Known Unknown said...

Has Michelle Wolf had an abortion?

I don't think it's quite like getting an oil change.

At least not emotionally.

buwaya said...

Michelle Wolf is 33 and has no children.
She has little time left.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Wolfe, like most leftists, is bound and determined to garner a Darwin Award. I'm rooting for her!

eric said...


And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

Ralph L said...

I'm in favor of the post-natal abortion. Say, up to age 26.
"Be good or I'll skin you alive."
Puts the corpse in corporal punishment.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Celebrate the wicked solution.

the ChiComs thought so, too

Progressives and liberals believe that shared responsibility indemnifies them of their advocacy for selective-child. A layer of privacy, celebrity endorsement, journolistic bullhorns, and diverse distractions aid and abet their sincere belief, until the twilight fringe is illuminated and the remains of their "one-child" are exposed to public scrutiny. Even the Aztecs had their day and progress qualified.

Jaq said...

This is why I cancelled Netflix, BTW, her show was the proverbial “last straw.”

rehajm said...

The quidditch coach, Rolanda Hooch, is a bit obvious.

n.n said...

Cuz "the Constitution" made it for you! Says right there in Article, wait, Amendment, wait

The Twilight Amendment. The same Amendment that presumably established [color] diversity, involuntary exploitation and redistributive change, and denied women's franchise.

rehajm said...

28 Things From "Harry Potter" That Could Easily Be A Nickname For My Vagina

What do we do to women comics when they steal someone else's bit? The guys used to get the shit kicked out of them...

Ray - SoCal said...

Michelle Wolf is boring. She's so desperate to be a shock jock, but it's hard to shock anyone with where our culture is. She just comes across as crass.

Reminds me of the latest rant of Meghan's half sister.

I"m starting to feeling embarrassed for both of them, just attention junkies.

I don't understand why Abortion is such a HUGE issue for the Left. It's not all of a sudden going to be outlawed. Worst case (which 99% sure won't happen, Supreme Court will dodge this issue for a while), it will go back to a state level. Andrew McCarthy at NRO has a good article that explained why Casey was more important. Thinking about it, seems to be all about getting the vote out. And Trump is choosing not to fight this battle head on.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

The abortion discussion has not been about abortion for years now. Being pro-life or pro-choice is a cultural, tribal marker for as many as half the people in both camps. Michelle Wolf is making a statement "My type of woman is the best type of woman. My tribe is the best tribe, and we should rule." That she dismisses out of hand that men have anything to say about the issue is an admission that she is not interested in reasoned discourse. She just wants her tribe to win.

I am generally pro-life, but I hear people on my side making unwarranted assumptions about their opponents. Some of them are also tribal. I don't see resolution coming easily, because too many people have made the issue a shorthand for the type of person they are. I think this is more true of women than of men, but of course it is a hard thing to measure, and my impression may be colored by working in an environment of 90% liberals.

Howard said...

Christopher Hitchens was right. Women are not funny

Jupiter said...

I get the impression that what Ms. Wolf would like to be a lesbian, but lesbians don't get pregnant, so they can't have abortions. That's a deal-breaker for her. Maybe she could have abortions by artificial insemination.

FIDO said...

She may want her tribe to win, but when only half of her gender supports her and she just wrote off the male half, that is some...interesting math she has.

n.n said...

Harry Potter had a wand... to tame the cat in the hat.

A more apt analogy is Potter confronted the wicked witches... and their solutions.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"What do we do to women comics when they steal someone else's bit?"

And after stealing Roseanne's voice and persona. Oh well, Roseanne can't use them anymore.

damikesc said...

I was assured she was funny.

I am awaiting proof of this.

tcrosse said...

Does Harry Potter have a Reeking, Bottomless Pit of Despair ?

n.n said...

Bottomless Pit of Despair

Wolf may have fertility envy and hopes to share her fortune with women and girls everywhere, and NBC provides the platform to disseminate her message.

hstad said...

I've seen this information piece in virtually all MSM outlets, Right or Left. Essentially, she has successfully baited the MSM and added another 15 minutes to her paid gig. Had the Right done the opposite the usual suspects would be up in arms.

n.n said...

Wave the magical wand and a woman is impregnated. Swipe the enchanted scalpel and *poof* the baby disappears. Say the mythical incantation and Stork makes its delivery. It is the greatest show on Earth.

William said...

There's no way that abortion will ever be made illegal in NY or California. She has nothing to worry about. What remains a problem, however, is post partum depression for those unhappy women who carried their children to term. What compounds the problem of ppd is the blunt fact that many of these poor women are stuck raising babies who are colicky or not particularly cute. The laws against infanticide or--the better term--post partum abortion should be relaxed. Women should be given the option of removing these unpleasant cell clusters for up to three years after the delivery date. I recognize there's a slippery slope here, but children really don't develop independent identities until after the age of seven. This is comfortably on the safe side of that age.

William said...

Speaking of slippery slopes, Michelle should do a riff about all the Chinese women whose non existence makes them a formidable presence in the abortion debate. I'm sure if they existed they would definitely be in favor of abortion.

William said...

Harry Potter was, after all, written by a woman. I always thought there was something about those Hogwart hats that seemed a bit minty. As a general rule though women are more enamored of their womb as the power organ as opposed to the vulva.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Conservatives fear abortion because they relate to the idea of having nothing of value to contribute to the world apart from just existing and consuming resources.

RI Red said...

Safe, legal, rare ... and sad. I think I could live with that.

Gretchen said...

What is lost, is that I believe most pro-life people are not interested in controlling women's bodies, they wish women would do a better job of that themselves, they are concerned because they believe a baby is being killed. I am not sure abortion should be illegal, as it is so complicated, but I do believe women looking into abortion should be advised of the development of the fetus, and the procedure should be performed by a doctor or PA in a facility that has proper equipment in case something goes wrong.
Pro-choice has moved from safe and rare to this horror show glorifying abortion.

I am pro-death penalty, but don't think it is to be celebrated because what has caused the state to take someone's life was a calculated act of violence. I don't think it should be flippantly applied, and that is the difference. This makes me sick.

Big Mike said...

... and the procedure should be performed by a doctor or PA in a facility that has proper equipment in case something goes wrong.

@Gretchen, yes! How many more Kermit Gosnells are out there, implicitly protected by Ritmo and Inga and the rest of the left wing loonies?

Bad Lieutenant said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Conservatives fear abortion because they're so stupid that they can't tell the difference between being drawn and quartered at 8 months, or being drawn and quartered at 10 months, after conception.

Bad Lieutenant said...


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