"Let Bill be regressive and transgressive with women he was attracted to, and he would be progressive for all women. You want enlightened policies for women and a record number of women in exalted posts? Then you must endure — and cover up.... His wife and other prominent feminists backed Bill back then, and he and Hillary always had henchmen who were willing to smear Bill’s girlfriends and victims as trailer trash, cash-for-trash, nutty and slutty... So it came as a surprise to him when he had no more skirts to hide behind when Craig Melvin asked on the 'Today' show whether his actions in the ’90s would fly in the #MeToo era. Bill went to his usual go-to: his excellent record on appointing women.... Bill Clinton tried his usual trick of scapegoating, as he and his co-author, James Patterson, evoked J.F.K. and L.B.J. to Melvin. That was an unpleasant echo of Clinton aides calling around to reporters during the 1998 spiral to say that J.F.K. had fooled around with young women at the White House. But by 1998, feminism had been flowering for 30 years. And J.F.K. was no role model in that regard.... And Bill Clinton has learned that his threadbare routine of maudlin self-pity and casting blame on everyone but himself doesn’t work anymore."
From "Bill’s Belated #MeToo Moment" by Maureen Dowd (NYT).
"And Bill Clinton has learned that his threadbare routine of maudlin self-pity and casting blame on everyone but himself doesn’t work anymore."
Oh, it still works alright. Everywhere Bill and Hillary go they get standing ovations from the lefties.
It's just now in publications lefties have to pretend that is not true.
Lefties deny lots of obvious things and clear contradictions in order to get through the day.
Except it does work. Clinton will continue to be an honored guest of liberal groups and of fawning TV hosts?
Sing it with me, sisters!
Sometimes its hard to be a woman
Givin all your love to just one man
You'll have bad times and he'll have good times
Doing things that you don't understand
But if you love him you'll forgive him
Even though he's hard to understand
And if you love him
Oh be proud of him
Cause after all he's just a man
Stand by your man
Give him two arms to cling to
And something warm to come to
When nights are cold and lonely
Stand by your man
And show the world you love him
Keep giving all the love you can
Stand by your man
> maudlin self-pity and casting blame on everyone but himself
Ever notice how both members of a couple come to resemble each other over the years?
And just remember, ladies, when your man gets a hummer from someone else, it isn't sex.
Dowd has her faults, but she was one of the few on the left that criticized Bill Clinton during his presidency.
Co-authors book with best-selling James Patterson?
Given a ‘do-over’ softball interview by Colbert (of “cock holster” fame)?
Gets prime spot at Town & Country’s Philanthropy Summit?
Yeah, life must really suck when your lefty pals turn on you.
I think many on the right are entering a similar Faustian bargain with Trump.
Took her this long to figure this out?
Head stuck in sand syndrome..................
Dowd quite obviously switches "liberal agenda" with "hiring women."
George W. Bush also had an excellent record for appointing women to positions of importance. There were no prominent feminists throwing their cloaks upon the mire for him.
I notice you skipped Dowd's column last week about Obama being too good and too smart for us. I guess you preferred her to keep some credibility.
I think many on the right are entering a similar Faustian bargain with Trump.
I think you are falling for the Left's bullshit barrage--24/7/365 of made-up anti-Trump rhetoric.
I call bucksnort.
That’s the thing. The henchmen. We had a president who had henchmen. Then we had another one. What’s with the henchmen commies?
What did Dowd say back then?
No, now it’s safe to say.
I notice you skipped Dowd's column last week about Obama being too good and too smart for us. I guess you preferred her to keep some credibility.
We were never worthy of him, that’s why he is so disappointed with us. And we are too small to contain his greatness.
I'm quite sure that Dowd does her bait and switch quite knowingly. She is mean enough to pass out pasties to the naked.
Oh, remember Rebecca Traister and her attack on Dowd just a few days ago? Ms. Traister had the luck to be too young to be a prominent feminist when Bill was hiring women. If you never defended Bill when Dowd was mercilessly exposing him, you can now attack Dowd for hurting Hillary.
Dowd is too old to fall for that somersault. ... by 1998, feminism had been flowering for 30 years. And you, Ms. Traister, had not.
It still works because Broaddrick in never mentioned.
And Bill Clinton has learned that his threadbare routine of maudlin self-pity and casting blame on everyone but himself doesn’t work anymore."
How hasn't it worked? How have feminists or the #metoo movement punished Clinton for his behavior, his smearing of women or his lies? The only punishment Clinton has ever received came at the hands of Paula Jones and the republican Party.
This is adorable, is the left still trying to get their virginity back? It doesn't work that way sweeties. You hopped up and down during 1998 and onward telling us all it was all about sex and nothing more. Your argument won the day and this is what we have become. No one believes you are sincere or are having second thoughts now that you have your knives out for trump. You lost. Deal with it.
I have always found the Clintons and the people who helped them to be repulsive. Bill and Hillary are two grifters who used each other to get rich and climb to the top. Bill wanted to marry some beauty queen and he was still bopping her when Hillary moved to Arkansas. She would have been a fine wife if he stayed in Little Rock but he needed Hillary as he had Presidential ambitions. Hillary brought with her the Ivy League feminist branch of the party and that was very important. The beauty queen would not do in that role.
At the beginning of the corrupt and loveless bargain was that Bill could continue fucking outside of marriage as long as it stayed off the public radar. That worked great for a long time and the press complied. As a further part of the charade, Hillary had to have a child. But Bill is famously sterile so Webb Hubbell provided the sperm; giving new meaning to the term law partnership. Webb was awarded a slot on the Arkansas Supreme Court for that tough duty.
Bill obviously doesn’t love Hillary and the sex-love connection clearly was not there so Hillary sought out Vince Foster. Allegedly. Vince, of course, committed suicide.
In the White House Bill continued his Arkansas ways with Monica and at least with that Mondale woman. There were surely others. Hillary had problems with that on some level as she screamed at him once, “I need to be fucked more than twice a year.”
So Bill gets impeached and Kendall sticks him with a $16 million dollar legal bill. How to pay it off? Speaking engagements and a big advance from CBS (Simon and Schuster) won’t be enough. Together with Bruce Lindsay the scheme is hatched. The Clinton Foundation is created and those that donate to it will be granted favors when the Clintons get back into the White House. Hillary wins the Senate seat, but then loses to Obama. That’s actually a great thing as Hillary can then travel the world at taxpayer expense and shake down foreigners at a prodigious rate. Big Money.
Then the stupid Hillary made a mistake that was completely avoidable. She had to have a private server to run her bribery scheme but they didn’t spend enough money encrypting it and keeping it secret. Idiot Obama used the private email so he’s implicated. The word gets out and Big Trouble looms.
Obama orders Lynch and Comey to do a point shaving FBI investigation so that Hillary can win. Lawyer David Kendall destroys government records of the 33,000 emails because all sorts of damning info are in them. The emails are under subpoena but the law has never stopped the Clintons. But I suspect Kendall has his own insurance copy of the destroyed emails to make sure his $10m fee got paid.
Hillary goes on to lose the election to the vulgarian Trump, in part, because she is so lazy, sick and stupid. In order to keep people out of jail, the Russia ruse is given to the Press. Comey does his part and Rosenstein appoints Mueller as Special Counsel.
I suspect this whole web of corruption and deceit is going to come crashing down on the Clintons. That’s my hope and if we had an AG it might even happen. I do expect a new Special Counsel appointed this Summer.
Some might say greed and the lust for power is at the heart of this sad but true tale. But I submit the lack of love and sexual fidelity between Bill and Hillary is the real reason.
I'm still waiting for someone in the media to ask any of the Clintons if they are concerned about Bill being arrested and tried for rape.
And as Tim says, no mention of Juanita or any of his other victims.
Give me a break! Who cares about Bill anymore. He's not in office and neither is his wife. What I care about, what we should all care about, is all those who are STILL in positions of power and influence who helped cover for Bill up until 5 minutes ago! Where's THEIR #METOO moment?
Don't tell me standards were different then, Senator Gillibrand! You campaigned with the Big He during your last election. You used him to raise money. You excused his behavior! You were an enabler.
Don't tell me discussing Bill's sexcapades isn't 'helpful', Senator Schumer! You ran cover for him when he was in office. You've been running cover for him ever since. You excused his behavior! You were an enabler.
The list of powerful Democrats who covered for Bill Clinton and who are still in office is a very long one. Don't come lecturing the rest of us until the people on that list are made to account!
"The desire among his supporters for a liberal agenda was held hostage to Bill Clinton’s libertine appetites."
Bill is vulnerable now because he and Hill lost power.
But progs still prefer power over principle.
They voted for Menendez in NJ.
As long Slow Joe is a viable candidate, he gets a pass.
As long as Dems need blacks, all--well, nearly all--corrupt black politicians get a pass.
The "desire for a liberal agenda" always prevails among people willing to get down on their knees for their favored politico/a. Women may not want to put out for a job anymore, but plenty are willing hos when it comes to politics.
Since #WeKnowTheyDon'tCare, we deplorables accept Trump, reluctantly but nonetheless gleefully.
It's not just WJC that it's too late for. It's too late for everyone who voted for him, lionized him, or supported his chief enabler. Get back to me in a generation, Democrats. We'll talk, though I suspect you'll be broken into a dozen pieces by then.
I still firmly believe if they had forced Bubba out of office, we wouldn’t be here today.
Gore might have been president.
Remember removing Trump from office is overturning the election and we can’t have that.
It’s this crap 25 years later that shows politics over all.
You lowered the bar.
I will give Dowd credit. She's never been a full-on Clintonista.
Did I miss the part where MoDo comes to terms with Bill Clinton's alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick and the main stream media's studious avoidance of the charges?
Ah Mo Do--living proof of the adage too soon old, too late smart.
@David Begley -- If there was some way to conspire your way to the idea that Chelsea was born of Bill Clinton and another woman, you'd have a more believable story. There's no question which one she takes after.
Frankly, she takes after them both. It's kind of dead obvious.
The bias of historians is toward Democrats. The first two or three editions of their history books have positive things to say about Dem Presidents, even if it takes some judicious editing. Schlesinger wrote a two volume history on the age of Jackson and didn't once mention the trail of tears. FDR had the Jefferson Monument erected on the Washington Mall to provide a counterbalance to the Lincoln Memorial. Remember when Jefferson was considered the founder of the Democratic Party? There used to be these Jefferson-Jackson Dinners where they celebrated their heritage. Wilson was himself a historian of some reputation. He is still remembered fondly by some Democrats for his work in bringing about that great boon to all mankind, the graduated income tax, but other parts of his legacy have not fared so well. Dems have pretty much disassociated themselves from him..........I wonder if Bill Clinton ever looks at the fallen state of his predecessors and bites his lip. No legacy for you Bill. Also, as we become used to applying our present moral codes to past Presidents, how long can JFK survive. He's a bit of an exception, because, like Elvis, most women define consider sexual harassment by him as flirtatious behavior. Maybe JFK is safe for another generation or two.
1. Bill has repeatedly said he was sterile due to the mumps.
2. Compare Webb’s lips to that of Chelsea's as an adult.
I didn't think there was any coming back for LBJ after the Caro biography , but lately he's been getting some favorable mentions. Inflation, burning cities, and Vietnam were transient events. The true measure of his greatness was the passing of civil rights bill and the Medicare act.
Its nice to know it only took 20 years and Hillary's defeat in 2016, for Liberals to discover that Clinton was a sexual harasser.
Would any of this be written if Hillary had won, and Billy Bob was back in the White house getting Lewinsky's?
When JFK's young intern - that he pressured to give blow-jobs to the White House Staff - wrote her book the reaction of the Liberal MSM was one of outrage.
Not at JFK, but at the intern - now old - for blabbing. Walters - at the View - was particularly upset. Why bring this up now, she demanded?
Looking at the Liberal MSM For "Morals" is a waste of time. They will only support "the right thing" when it coincides with their "narrative"
I equally fed up with Clintons and with shrews blabbing nonsense about feminism.
And Bill Clinton has learned that his threadbare routine of maudlin self-pity and casting blame on everyone but himself doesn’t work anymore.
No, he has learned nothing. And, frankly, many of us saw through Clinton’s schtick back in the 1990’s, but there are plenty of Dumbocrats who don’t see through the quivering chin and lip biting routine today.
Don't be surprised if Craig Melvin comes down with a fatal case of Arkancide.
When Trump and/or Bannon brought Juanita, Paula and Kathleen Willy to that debate with Hillary, I thought, my God, this crazy fucker (Trump) actually is fighting to win the race.
Not a huge Bill Clinton fan here but I must say this, boy howdy was he an a-hole. Still is, in point of fact. Hillary too. They were the true vulgarians who achieved the White House.
2 handy political rules of thumb re the #Metoo movement:
1. During the Bill Clinton presidency, did you trash Monca Lewinsky, ignore Juanita Broaddrick or defend Bill Clinton? If Yes, ignore the person.
2. For any loudmouth Hollywood type, did you know or work with Harvey Weinstein, and, if so, did you remain silent on his various depredations? !if yes, ignore.
This covers 90-95% of the Dem Party and its supporters.
And, thank you, once again for nominating Hillary Clinton, so we could rehash all these issues!
I believe in equal treatment. They defended Bill Clinton as long as they needed him. When we no longer need Donald Trump, we too will throw him under the bus.
In the meantime, spare me.
Like Humphrey Bogart in “Casablanca,” Bill should have been doing the thinking for both of them.
This is feminism?
It's frankly bizarre, of all the women that Bill Clinton assaulted, that it's Monica Lewinsky that has the victim status.
This focus on Monica Lewinsky suggests that it's not rape that feminism is objecting to, or assault, or non-consensual sexual coercion.
Nor is it adultery, since they are both guilty of that.
In this case, the "me too" movement is objecting to a powerful man having sex with a woman. And she did not just consent, but she actively seduced him. She wanted the relationship. And now, retroactively, we are being taught that he was the bad man. He is singled out for blame.
It seems to me the modus operandi of the modern left is that they have no desire for objective standards, for laws that apply to all people. Rather, the left picks out favorites and wants to give them special favors. And it picks out the out-of-favor and wants to hurt them, regardless of what they have done. Hence this is not a sincere and honest appraisal of conduct that is bad.
Rather, Bill Clinton is out-of-favor now. And so they attack him, without regard to what he has done or not done.
@David Begley:
1. Believing Bill Clinton by piecemeal has compromised enough people.
2. Ears.
3. It's immaterial.
Why don’t you just a DNA test done on the three of them?
Sounds like someone's trying to unload her Presidential kneepads.on Craigslist, claiming they're like new, never used.
It still works because Broaddrick in never mentioned.
a big hearty bold
MoDo has always had the Clintons number, mostly. This isn't something new from her. The rest of the press are catching up is all.
Remember that if Hillary had won, Harvey Weinstein would have been besties with the first couple, and Ronan Farrow's story would have been spiked more than just the one time. Good chance it would never have been finished.
NOW president Patricia Ireland issued a statement that called Broaddrick’s account “compelling” and asked Clinton’s defenders to refrain from smearing the accuser, but Ireland was one of very few high-profile liberals to show her any respect. Clinton aides like James Carville and Betsey Wright, and even as feminist icons like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan, had already gone on the offensive against other women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment. . - NYMag
I think Mr. Begley nailed this with regards to the Faustian marriage.
Bill Clinton is out-of-favor now. And so they attack him
Bill has been deemed unworthy, or perhaps inconvenient, and is no longer viable. They would abort/euthanize him if they could. Classifying him as deplorable is the next best thing, and, furthermore, there is no martyr to induce drag on their monotonic divergence.
Dowd is mad at men.
Would any of this be written if Hillary had won, and Billy Bob was back in the White house getting Lewinsky's?
This was the first prime reason I could not vote for Hillary.
Shouldn't that be "Maureen's missed '#me too' moment"?
If you go back and look at Maureen's columns from 1998, the ones she would prefer be highlighted 20 years down the line are those between late January and Labor Day, when she attacked Bill Clinton for his actions. But once you got past Labor Day -- and the release of the Starr Report -- Dowd's wrath wasn't aimed at Clinton, it was aimed at Ken Starr and Republicans in the House who used the report as grounds for Clinton's impeachment.
Those columns don't stand up as well today, since she was willing to chastise Clinton, right up to the point that he might pay a political price for his actions. Then she was as on-board as anyone else with Bill fighting to keep his job, even though, in hindsight, the Democrats might have been better off with Al Gore as president in 1999, since Clinton's actions and the successful effort to minimize actions like that being a disqualifying fault in a president is why Donald Trump is in the White House today (and were it not for those "Protect the King" columns over the final four months of 1998, Maureen never wins the Pulitzer Prize the following April.)
That's a pretty good article for old Maureen — even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut, as they say. But the title is incorrect. It should be Dowd's Belated #MeToo Moment.
But what can one expect from an editorial page staff that shows scant evidence of basic literacy, never mind insightfulness?
Maureen has been red pilled. But then, she never did give the Clinton Crime Family a free pass on Bill's lust like the others in MSM did.
Blogger traditionalguy said...
Maureen has been red pilled. But then, she never did give the Clinton Crime Family a free pass on Bill's lust like the others in MSM did.
That's not the way that I remeber it, tread guy. I remember Dowd saying that Clinton should pay no price for his behavior -- whatever lip service (har!) she paid to moralism.
Dowd was among the feminists who "lost their way performing as human shields, letting Clinton Inc. demonize the willing and unwilling women in Bill’s life and treat them as collateral damage, human sacrifices to the sisters’ dream of a feminist president and first lady"
A few other things Dowd left out in her column:
-First among the "henchmen who were willing to smear Bill’s girlfriends and victims as trailer trash, cash-for-trash, nutty and slutty" was Sydney Blumenthal, who have had a high post in Hillary Clinton White House.
-"the high-ranking women in his inner circle — Hillary, Madeleine Albright and Donna Shalala" that Dowd praises were tools to Bill Clinton as much as Monica Lewinsky was. They weren't feminists any more the senior wives in a sheikh's harem.
-"The desire among his supporters for a liberal agenda was held hostage to Bill Clinton’s libertine appetites." His habits were those of a sexual predator, not a libertine.
And what is this Lefty male president worship? "The power differential between a 22-year-old intern and a 49-year-old boss makes any sexual interaction wrong. And if you throw in the fact that he was president — the country’s parent and someone serving in loco parentis for the youngest White House staffers — it’s an inexcusable abuse of power."
Who in the Hell thinks of the president as some kind of national father? Third graders? It is not true that any sexual interaction between a 49 year old boss and a 22 year old employee is wrong. Riskier, yes, but not a wrong. They are both adults, for God's sake. should sex between employees and bosses be made illegal? This is prudery. A twenty-two year old is not a child. In any other context, suggesting that a 22 year old woman was too young to handle sex responsibly would bring a condemnation from Dowd.
Exactly. Anybody who looks at some political hack as their “parent” has some world class daddy issues.
Gloria Steinem is an embarrassment and a fraud.
Exactly. Bill's rape and sex assault accusers are never mentioned because Monica wanted it. "Modern journalism is about smothering the truth because it might reflect badly on democrats."
Maureen Dowd wants you to believe the Bill Clinton story is about Bill Clinton rather than about Democrats / political feminists / sundry opportunists.
Tribe uber alles.
Bill's philandering and Hillary's covering for it was responsible for his progressive excesses in his first two years. He was a centrist at heart and wanted to rebuild the Democratic coalition. His libido just kept getting in the way. The most gifted politician since Roosevelt had a terrible Achilles heel.
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